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Factors that Correlate Between Dividend Signaling and Dividend Acceleration

Through Digital Investment Among Online Investors in Iligan City


College of Business Administration
St. Peter's College
Iligan City 9200, Philippines

College of Business Administration
St. Peter's College
Iligan City 9200, Philippines


College of Business Administration
St. Peter's College
Iligan City 9200, Philippines


College of Business Administration
St. Peter's College
Iligan City 9200, Philippines

Keywords: Dividend, Digital Investment, Online Investor

Digital investments are becoming mainstream, but they must be secured to avoid sudden loss. This study
measures the correlation between dividend signaling and acceleration through digital investments among
online jobbers in Iligan City. It has become a full-fledged investment tool, creating a new, booming
market with unknown potential. Thanks to the Internet, many businesses are interconnected worldwide,
which sparked the industrial revolution centered on globalization. Several solutions have been developed
to provide fast and low-cost payments globally in the Philippines, but third parties manage these
payments. Cryptocurrency has drawn the attention of online jobbers during the lockdown, but many
people need to learn what they can do for financial services or start investing. This research employed a
descriptive correlational research design to describe the profile of respondents in terms of age, gender,
salary, Investment capital, and length of the Investment. It was a correlation to determine the relationship
between demographic profiles and dividend signaling in dividend acceleration. Only those online
Investors who were available and signified their interest in participating in the study were included as the
sources of the respondents. The research environment of this study covered online Investors in Iligan city.
This study examines how investing in digital Investment has become a full-fledged investment tool,
enabling rapid and low-cost payments worldwide. It is recognized in the market for dividend signaling
and acceleration, but many people hesitate to start investing. Some of the biggest financial companies still
need to build and launch digital investment solutions, creating a new, booming market with unknown

Background financial companies have failed to build and

Digital investments are now taking their launch their digital investment solutions. This
place in the mainstream as it goes beyond what study measures the correlation between dividend
can be imagined. Such easy access to investing signaling and acceleration through digital
gives a quicker and hassle-free escape than the investments among online jobbers in Iligan City.
traditional investment option. Still, a digital Investing and using digital Investment, which
investment needs to be secured to avoid sudden investors have recently been able to use. It has
investment loss, especially since nowadays, become a full-fledged investment tool, thus,
many people have recognized it yet are hesitant, creating a completely new, booming market with
for it is known in the market for this dividend unknown potential.
signaling and dividend acceleration through
digital Investment. Thanks to the Internet, many Methods
businesses are interconnected worldwide, which This research employed a descriptive
sparked the industrial revolution centered on correlational research design. This design also
globalization. Every country's economy is tried to describe the profile of the respondents in
critical to achieving success on the global stage. terms of their age, gender, salary, Investment
As a result, the importance of a currency should capital, and length of the Investment.
not be underestimated. Several solutions have Furthermore, respondents evaluate their
been developed to provide fast and low-cost dividend signaling. It was a correlation because
payments globally in the Philippines. it tried to determine the significant relationship
Nonetheless, third parties manage these between the demographic profiles and dividend
payments. Since the digital investment platform signaling in dividend acceleration. The research
has expanded into the Philippines, it has drawn environment of this study covered the online
much attention. Particularly in Iligan city, the Investors in Iligan city; however, only those
cryptocurrency had drawn the attention of online online Investors who were available and who
jobbers during the lockdown, when office work signified their interest in participating in the
was being suspended. Many people have already study were included as the sources of the
heard about digital investment platforms; they respondents. The research environment of this
do not know what they can do for financial study covered the online Investors in Iligan city;
services or start investing. Some of the biggest however, only those online Investors who were
available and who signified their interest in benefits to the potential partner, which should
participating in the study were included as the increase the buyer's monetary benefits while
sources of the respondents: attitudes, increasing the economic costs of collaborating
knowledge, perceptions, values, and behavioral with another firm as stated by (Padgett et al.,
changes of variables. A Likert scale comprises 2020). P2: What is the assessment of online
four or more questions that assess a single investors on dividend signaling in terms of
attitude or trait when combined with response Retained Earnings, Increasing the Company's
scores. The data will be tabulated and Dividend Payout, and Investment Prices? based
interpreted to acquire the essential information on the formulated scaling. The result implies
needed for the study. The following statistical that the respondents agree on dividend signaling,
techniques will be used to answer the different such as retained earnings (m = 3.11), increasing
problems presented: Frequency Count and the company's dividend payout (m = 3.14), and
Percentage. These will be used to describe the investment prices (m = 3.22). As for the
socio-demographic profile of the respondents as respondents, cryptocurrencies are extremely
stated in the Statement of the Problem. 3. volatile investments, and they prefer holding
Weighted Mean. The weighted mean is stocks when the market goes down. Also, they
computed by averaging all the outputs after believe that blockchain technology may benefit
multiplying the weight or probability attached to various businesses, including supply chain, as
an inevitable outcome or event by its well as online voting and crowdfunding.
corresponding quantitative result. Pearson Moreover, they are positive that platforms are
Correlation. This statistical tool will measure the accessible via the internet, and there is a quick
relationship between the four variables. Such as procedure for verification for security access.As
the significance of digital Investment to the per Ball et al. (2020). Given rational
demographic profile of the respondents. expectations for future digital investment needs,
Cronbach alpha. This statistical tool assesses the the firm determines the optimal capital structure.
reliability and the internal consistency of a set Firms understand that if they receive a
scale on correlates between Dividend Signaling productivity shock (which affects both earnings
and Dividend Acceleration through Digital and digital investment opportunities), increased
Investments among Online investors. earnings can partially fund the shock to digital
investment opportunities. P3: Assessment of
Results and Discussion online investors on dividend acceleration:
P1: What is the assessment of online Results revealed that the respondents' responses
investors on digital Investment in terms of were interpreted as "agree" and "strongly agree"
Flexibility and Partner Potential? Results based on the formulated scaling. Hence, the
revealed that online investors strongly agree that result implies that the respondents strongly agree
digital investments are flexible (m = 3.26) and on dividend acceleration, such as interest (m =
have partner potential (m = 3.32). This indicates 3.32) and capital expenditures (3.35). Further,
that respondents think digital Investment's respondents agree on dividend acceleration, such
flexibility will enable more investment protocol as profit and economic condition (m = 3.16). As
opportunities and possibilities to develop digital for the respondents, there is an increase in
investment skills. Further, influencers greatly societal significance in high levels of awareness
help reach the target audience to promote the and ownership. Also, respondents believe that
products and services of digital investments. digital Investment may be a decent investment if
Digital investments are real options held by an they know it is a high-risk bet. According to Liu
online investor. If the relationship is adaptable et al. (2020), risk management has become
and trusting, there is a greater likelihood of popular among investors since the financial
digital investments that can be shaped to meet crisis, and the Value-at-Risk approach has
new environmental demands. In addition to gained widespread acceptance. Investing digital
partner potential, given the importance of digital Investment in the stock market entails enormous
Investment, the evidence is clear that rewards and risks—online retailers increasingly
investments in product quality provide economic provide their customers with interest-bearing
accounts. Customers may consider tradeoffs to result, the significance of a currency should not
save money offered by the online retailer. P4: be overlooked. Several solutions have been
Relationship between the Dividend Signaling created to enable rapid, and low-cost payments
and Digital Investment? Pearson Product worldwide since having such ready access to
Moment Correlation was utilized to determine investing provides a quicker getaway and less
the relationship between the variables. Results bother than traditional investment options. Still,
revealed that the p-value is less than the 0.05 a digital investment must be secured to avoid
level of significance. Thus the null hypothesis is sudden loss, especially now that many people
rejected. Hence, there is a significant have recognized it. However, they are hesitant
relationship between dividend signaling and because it is recognized in the market for this
digital Investment. This suggests that dividend dividend signaling and dividend acceleration
signaling greatly impacts digital Investment. through digital Investment. Many people have
According to McMahon M. (2022), dividend already heard about digital investment
signaling is an economic theory that holds that platforms; they do not know what they can do
dividend announcements reveal information for financial services or start investing. Some of
about future earnings in digital Investment and if the biggest financial companies have failed to
a company indicates that dividends will be build and launch their digital investment
increased. Managers are incentivized to reveal solutions. In conclusion, this study shows how
this private information to the investing public if investing in digital Investment has recently been
they believe its current market value is less than used to... It has become a full-fledged
its intrinsic value. P5: Relationship between investment tool, thus, creating a completely
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