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AATCC Journal of Research

DOI: 10.14504/ajr.3.3.2

Garment Ventilation Strategies for Improving Heat

Loss in Structural Firefighter Clothing Ensembles
By Meredith McQuerry, Emiel DenHartog, and Roger Barker, North Carolina State University

The purpose of this research was to evaluate clothing ventilation designs for their ability to reduce heat stress incurred during
firefighting activities. Ventilation applications were implemented on structural turnout suits, including both active and
passive systems, to determine the benefit of ventilation towards heat loss. A total of five different designs were evaluated on
a sweating manikin for thermal and evaporative resistance. From these measurements, a predicted total heat loss (THL) was
calculated for each design and compared back to a control suit with no ventilation. A significant improvement in heat loss
was measured, specifically, with the maximum open ventilation design. Overall, ventilation designs in structural firefighter
turnout gear showed a statistically significant increase in heat loss improvement for the wearer.

Key Terms
Comfort, Firefighter, Heat Stress, Turnout Gear, Ventilation

Introduction ventilation designs have performed to implement those most

effective in structural firefighter turnout gear.
Firefighters face multiple thermal hazards, including heat
and flame, and high air temperature exposure, as well as Structural Firefighter Turnout Ensemble
high heat stress within the clothing system due to its protec- Turnout gear consists of three components: a durable,
tive properties. Structural firefighter turnout suits consist protective outer shell which serves as the first line of
of multiple fabric layers for protection against puncture, defense against external threats; a thin, inner layer known
chemicals, heat and flame, and steam.1,2 The thickness of as the moisture barrier which prevents water and liquids
these multiple layers hinders heat loss as sweat evapora- from penetrating through; and a thermal liner on the
tion is reduced due to humidity and lack of air movement inside, closest to the base layers that a firefighter might
within the clothing microclimate.3,4 To prevent fatigue, heat wear underneath the turnout suit. The thermal liner and
exhaustion, and heat stress and stroke, a balance must be moisture barrier layers provide the majority of thermal
struck between the necessary level of thermal protection and protection in the three layer composite.11
required heat loss.
Heat Transfer
To alleviate the buildup of heat within a structural turnout
Heat is transferred through clothing by convection and
clothing system, ventilation may be used. Ventilation may be
evaporation. Convection relies on air exchange between
defined as the flow of air over the skin, after passing through
the clothing microclimate and the outer environment for
fabric layers and/or garment openings, increasing the
heat loss.12 Two types of convection may occur: natural and
potential for convective and evaporative heat loss to occur.
Garment openings can be implemented into firefighter forced. Natural convection occurs through fabric layers, due
turnout suits in a variety of ways to increase air flow. Previ- to existing temperature gradients, without the addition of
ous research, including Reischl and Stransky’s studies on the any movement or wind. Forced convection occurs when air
ventilation of structural firefighter turnout suits, suggests moves into the clothing due to wind or body movement and
some ventilation designs are more beneficial than others.1,5 will accelerate heat loss to a much greater extent than natural
For example, adding vertical ventilation spacers in the side convection alone.6 Pumping is a type of forced convection
seams of the trousers5 and coat,2 incorporating “pit zips” in caused by body movement.13–17 Pumping can be simulated in
the underarm regions,6 and incorporating an opening in the testing by making a manikin “walk,” although these motions
moisture barrier layer7 may benefit firefighter suit ventila- are often not very close to human movement. Both types of
tion. Designs of ventilation openings in fire fighter clothing convection should be evaluated for their individual impact
systems can be modeled after designs found in other forms on heat loss. Within forced convection, wind and body
of protective clothing including military, sports, and outdoor movement should be isolated separately to determine which
apparel.2,3,6,8–10 It is vital to understand how and why previous contributes most to forced convection.

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Sweat evaporation is extremely effective for heat loss12 and is Sample

related to the heat strain of the body. It often occurs quickly Garments evaluated for ventilation were all made from the
when firefighters are performing heavy physical activity, same outer shell (para- and meta-aramid blend), moisture
especially under warm conditions.12–18 For this type of body barrier (PTFE laminate), and thermal liner materials (ara-
cooling to be effective, sweat must evaporate from the skin. mid batting quilted to aramid facecloth). All six garments
Therefore, ventilation should be implemented to enhance were made according to the same basic pattern. Fig. 1 shows
sweat evaporation. six suits with differing ventilation designs that were tested
including: 1) a standard control turnout suit, 2) a passive
Clothing Ventilation
open vent suit, 3) a passive rivet vent suit, 4) a passive mois-
The design and placement of ventilation features within the
ture barrier vent suit, 5) an active zipper vent suit, and 6) an
turnout suit has an impact on the amount of heat loss which
active vertical vent suit.
can be achieved.1,3,5 There are two different types of clothing
ventilation: active and passive. An active vent, for structural The passive open ventilation design sacrificed the most
turnout gear, is open during normal working operations, thermal protection as it allowed heat, flame, liquids, and air
where protection from heat and flame is not necessary, and particulates to enter the clothing system. The suit was vented
closed during firefighting activities where direct exposure to through all three layers, exposing the wearer’s base layers to
flame may be a threat. Zipper closures that can be opened or the external environment. These vents were placed around the
closed based upon the need of the wearer are an example of mid-torso, upper arm, and mid-thigh regions of the suit. The
active vents. Passive ventilation is the second type of venting passive rivet vents, placed in the underarm and groin regions,
that may be used. Passive vents are always in place, they are were tested under walking conditions only, as they were a
not “opened” or “closed,” and they can be located in any one minimalist approach to venting. Twelve rivets were placed
of the three base composite layers. An example of passive in each underarm region and six were placed in the groin
ventilation is a vented moisture barrier.7 region, venting through all three layers of the composite.
Previous structural turnout ventilation research findings
show less heat buildup occurred when zippered openings
were placed in the seams of trousers and when garment
openings were widened.1,5 The addition of mesh fabrics in
sports apparel t-shirts was found to have a beneficial impact
on releasing body heat, especially when placed in the side
seams.2 Vents similar to those placed in the underarms of
outdoor running jackets may also benefit firefighters during
non-firefighting activities, which they perform up to 99% of
the time.6,19 Based on recommendations of previous ventila-
tion research in clothing, five separate ventilation turnout
suit designs were created and fabricated into separate stan-
dard garments. The purpose of this research was to evaluate
the contribution of ventilation to overall heat loss within the
firefighter turnout clothing system. The heat loss capability
of various ventilation strategies was studied.

Five different suits, each with their own ventilation design,
were tested for thermal resistance, evaporative resistance, and
predicted total heat loss (THL) using a sweating manikin.
A standard control turnout suit, with no added ventila-
tion design features, was used as a baseline measurement. A
thermal sweating manikin was fully dressed in a structural
firefighter ensemble including trousers, coat, hood, gloves,
boots, self-contained breathing apparatus (SCBA), and SCBA Fig. 1. Illustration of ventilation designs in structural firefighter turnout
mask. A standard issue cotton t-shirt, athletic shorts, and suits including the control suit, three passive vent designs, and two active
socks were worn underneath the ensemble as base layers. vent designs.

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AATCC Journal of Research

Compared to the other four ventilation designs, the rivet Natural convection (standing, with still air), pumping
vents were smaller in surface area (1-cm wide per rivet), (walking, with still air), and forced convection (standing,
allowing for the least amount of ventilation to potentially with wind) were evaluated for each vented suit in both dry
occur. The passive moisture barrier vent was placed in the (convective heat loss) and wet (evaporative heat loss) tests.
middle layer of the coat composite only. This ventilation A dynamic condition (walking, with wind) was added to
design created a horizontal opening in the torso of the coat’s determine the maximum amount of ventilation achieved
moisture barrier layer for air to flow through more freely. by the garment openings when both air and body move-
ment occurred. The passive rivet vent suit was a minimalist
Two active ventilation designs were also fabricated. The approach towards ventilation, with little area of the garment
active zipper vents were placed in the underarm and groin actually opened for ventilation to the outer environment.
region of the trousers. To insert the zipper, a 15-cm cut was Therefore, this turnout suit design was evaluated under the
made through all three layers exposing the wearer’s base lay- two walking conditions only (walking, with still air and walk-
ers in these areas. One opening was made in each underarm ing, with wind) to determine if any ventilation effect occurred.
and on each side of the inner pant seam in the groin area. A For each suit, six replications (three dry manikin tests and
second ventilation design, the active vertical vents, was fab- three wet manikin tests) were performed and an average THL
ricated in a similar manner, but placed in different regions was calculated, for each of the four test conditions.
of the suit. Long, vertical openings were cut in the vertical
side seams of the coat, from the bottom of the middle torso Sweating Manikin THL
trim to the top of the lower hem trim. The same was done Evaluating THL on the manikin level allowed the entire
to the trousers—openings were cut starting underneath the ensemble to be assessed, including pockets, accessories,
waistline to below the pockets, on the side seams. boots, gloves, hood, and helmet. This method took into
account the amount of body surface area covered by differ-
Vents were placed in both the coat and trousers of the turnout ent materials and various numbers of layers, the fit of the
suit in all designs except for the passive moisture barrier vent, garment, and the increased surface area for heat loss.21,22
which was placed only in the moisture barrier layer of the The THL method was originally developed for use with a
turnout coat. Vents were placed through all three layers of the sweating, guarded hot plate on the fabric level only, with
turnout composite, except for the passive moisture barrier calculations assuming measurements were made under
vent. These six suits were tested on a sweating manikin for identical, non-isothermal conditions (25 °C/65% relative
both thermal and evaporative resistance. Calculations were humidity (RH)). For manikin testing however, per ASTM
performed to determine the predicted THL of each suit. F1291-10 Standard Test Method for Measuring the Thermal
Insulation of Clothing Using a Heated Manikin, and ASTM
Procedures F2370-10 Standard Test Method for Measuring the Evapo-
Evaluation of each ventilated turnout suit was completed rative Resistance of Clothing Using a Sweating Manikin
using a sweating thermal manikin. The 34-zone model standards, dissimilar testing environments are required.
included separately-controlled heated sections with built-in
pores for sweating, and a fluid pre-heater inside the mani- Manikin test measurements were calculated in a 23 °C/50%
RH environment for thermal resistance and a 35 °C/40% RH
kin to ensure the “sweat” coming through the pores was
environment for evaporative resistance.21 Because manikin
maintained at the proper temperature.20 The manikin was
THL calculations are based upon measurements taken in
connected to a computer software program, which moni-
two different environments, the resulting heat loss values are
tored the heaters, fluid temperature, manikin temperature,
predictive rather than actual measurements.21 It is assumed
and flow set points for each zone section. The standard
in the manikin THL calculation that condensation and
control and ventilated turnout suits were evaluated under
absorption had a negligible effect on heat transfer and the
the following four conditions shown in Table I. thermal and evaporative resistance of the tested fabric were
independent of the ambient temperature and humidity.21
With these assumptions in mind, the predicted THL (Qt) for
Table I. a 25 °C and 65% RH environment were calculated based on
Sweating Manikin Testing Conditions the thermal and evaporative resistance (Rt and Ret) measure-
Condition Air Speed Movement ments from the sweating manikin according to Eq. 1.21
Standing, with Still Air 0.4 m/s Standing
Walking, with Still Air 0.4 m/s Walking
Standing, with Wind 2 m/s Standing Eq. 1
Walking, with Wind 2 m/s Walking

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Qt(predicted,T,RH) is the predicted manikin THL for the speci- vent, active zipper vent, and active vertical vent suits, showed
fied environmental conditions (W/m2), T is the specified statistically significant improvements in heat loss while two of
temperature condition (°C), RH is the specified relative the passive systems did not. A graphical illustration of all six
humidity (%), Ts is the specified temperature at the mani- suits, under all four conditions, is shown in Fig. 2. Error bars
kin surface (°C), Ta is the specified temperature of the local represent standard deviation of the data and the statistical
environment (°C), Ps is the calculated water vapor pressure difference between suits under each condition. There were no
at the surface of the manikin (kPa), Pa is the calculated results for the passive rivet vent suit under standing condi-
water vapor pressure in the specified local environment tions because it was a minimalist approach to venting and
(kPa), Itot is the total thermal resistance of the clothing evaluated under walking conditions only.
ensemble and surface air layer (°C·m2/W), and Itot,e is the
total evaporative resistance of the test ensemble and surface To further understand the differences in heat loss between
air layer (kPa·m2/W).21,23 the ventilated designs and the control suit, heat loss mea-
surements were related to the surface area of the ventilation
Statistics openings. Table II provides specific heat loss data for each
To determine the statistical significance of the measured
vented suit under the dynamic test condition (walking, with
differences in predicted manikin THL, compared to the
wind), as well as the calculated surface area for the vent
baseline control, two-sample t-tests, assuming equal vari-
openings in each suit. The percent increase in THL between
ances, were performed. All data was tested for normalcy and
each suit under the static condition (standing, no wind) and
normal distributions were confirmed through a probability
the dynamic condition were included as well.
plot and the Anderson-Darling test statistic. A one-way
ANOVA, single factor, was conducted with each data set (for
each condition) to determine if significant differences were Table II.
present. If differences were identified between the results, Surface Area of Vents and Percent Increase in THL
t-tests were carried out. All sets of data in this study showed Ventilated Suit Surface Area Predicted % Increase
significant differences, therefore, t-tests were conducted of Vents Manikin Heat from Static
Loss (W/m2) to Dynamic
comparing each ventilated suit to the control, and all other
Control — 123.5 —
suits, for each of the four test conditions. A p-value less than
Passive Open Vents 2501.7 cm2 175.5 117.2%
0.05 indicated a significant difference in THL between the
Passive Moisture Barrier Vent 332 cm2 116.4 85.8%
control suit and the ventilated suit.
Passive Rivet Vents 23.6 cm 2
118.9 3.2%*

Results Active Zipper Vents 161.3 cm2 131.3 110.4%

Active Vertical Vents 354 cm2 143.9 120.7%
The predicted manikin THL results of each suit, in a 25 °C,
*The passive rivet vents were tested only in the walking no wind and walking with
65% RH environment, were compared to the standard turnout wind conditions, therefore, the percent increase in THL was determined using only
control. Three of the five suits, including the passive open these two conditions.

Fig. 2. Overall predicted manikin THL results of all ventilated suits under the four test conditions, compared to the baseline control.

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AATCC Journal of Research

The passive open vent design had the highest THL and the Active Vertical Ventilation
largest ventilated surface area of the five suits, leading to a Vertical ventilation resulted in a statistically significant (p
117.2% increase in heat loss when both wind and motion < 0.05) improvement in heat loss, compared to the control,
were added to the test condition. The passive rivet vents had under the walking conditions only. Regardless of whether
the lowest ventilated surface area and a THL value less than wind was present, results showed a significant increase in heat
the control suit. Both the passive moisture barrier vent and loss under both walking conditions. The pumping, due to
the active vertical vents had similar ventilated surface areas walking condition, was found to be the biggest contributor of
between 330 and 360 cm2, however, the design and place- heat loss for the vertical vents. Under the walking, with still air
ment of the vents within the turnout suit influenced the heat condition, the addition of pumping, compared to the control,
loss performance more than the surface area. created a 19% increase in THL. Under the walking, with wind
condition, a 17% increase in THL was observed.
Passive Open Ventilation
This suit showed statistically significant (p < 0.05) greater
heat loss, compared to the control, under all four test
Discussion and Conclusion
conditions. The improvement in heat loss, compared to the Results showed that three of the five ventilation designs
control, was greatest under the standing, with wind condi- tested were effective for improving heat loss in current struc-
tion, where a 77% increase in heat loss was measured. A 42% tural firefighter turnout suits when compared to the control
increase in THL was determined under the walking, with garment. Of the three passive vent designs tested, only
wind condition. For this specific ventilation design, forced one demonstrated a statistically significant improvement
convection through wind was the greatest contributor to in manikin THL. The passive open vent gave the greatest
increased heat loss. improvement in heat loss of all suit designs tested, under all
four test conditions.
Passive Moisture Barrier Ventilation
This suit was found to have the lowest increase in heat loss, The passive moisture barrier vent and passive rivet vent
compared to the control garment, of the five designs tested. suits were not successful in increasing heat loss above what
Under the walking, with wind condition, the passive mois- was already provided in current turnout designs without
ture barrier vent had a decrease in THL of 5.75%, compared ventilation. The lack of improvement with these designs
to the control under the same conditions. Under the natural was most likely due to their placement and size. The pas-
convection condition, there was only a 0.95% decrease in sive rivet vents were only 1-cm wide, with a surface area
THL, compared to the control, while there was a greater of 23.6 cm2 for a total of 30 rivets placed in the underarms
than 10% decrease (p < 0.05) in THL under the wind and and groin regions of the suit. The small surface area of the
pumping isolation conditions. rivet vents, compared to the other designs (354 cm2 for
the active vertical vents and 2501 cm2 for the passive open
Passive Rivet Ventilation vents) contributed to the limited effect on heat loss. The
The passive rivet vent had a 11.6% (115 W/m2) increase and active zipper vents were placed in the same areas (under-
a 3.7% decrease (119 W/m2) in THL, under the walking, arms and groin) of the garment as the passive rivet vents,
with still air and walking, with wind conditions, respectively, however, the surface area of these zipper vents was 161.3
compared to the control. The increase in THL under the cm2, compared to just 23.6 cm2 for the rivet vents. This
pumping isolation condition was statistically significant (p < increase in ventilated surface area in the same isolated seg-
0.05). While the THL under the walking, with wind condi- ments resulted in a significant improvement in heat loss for
tion was slightly less than the control, it was not a significant the overall garment.
decrease. From these initial results, it was concluded that
rivet ventilation in structural turnout garments was not suf- The passive moisture barrier vent was placed in the middle
ficient for increasing THL or reducing heat stress. of the three layer composite, around the torso only. This
passive vent consisted of a 2.5-cm wide gap, around the
Active Zipper Ventilation torso circumference of the coat (133 cm), resulting in a
The active zipper vent suit resulted in a statistically sig- ventilated surface area of ~332 cm2. The surface area was
nificant (p < 0.05) improvement in THL, compared to similar to that of the active vertical vents (354 cm2), but
the control, under both walking conditions. The greatest did not produce a significant increase in heat loss, due to
increase in heat loss, compared to the control, was under the the placement of the moisture barrier vent. While air flow
walking, with still air condition. Pumping effects under this may have increased through the moisture barrier vent, by
condition contributed to a 21% increase in heat loss. There sandwiching it between the thermal liner and outer shell,
was a 6.3% increase in heat loss under the walking, with air was not able to escape to the external environment.
wind condition compared to the control. Ventilation of only a single layer minimized the potential

13 | Vol. 3, No. 3 May/June 2016

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AATCC Journal of Research

impact of the passive moisture barrier vent design. Instead, 10. Ueda, H.; Inoue, Y.; Matsudaira, Y.; Araki, T.; Havenith, G. Int. J.
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prototypes for further evaluation on the human wear level.
Future research should include the evaluation of venting Author
multiple versus single layer systems, ventilation placement Meredith McQuerry is a Ph.D. candidate and graduate
within the garment, testing in scenarios simulating other research assistant in the Textile Protection and Comfort
conditions beyond a structural fire ensemble, and measures Center (TPACC) at North Carolina State University. She has
of physiological responses when worn by humans. research experience in fabric durability, wear life, and clothing
comfort physiology as applied to protective clothing systems.
Meredith McQuerry, College of Textiles, Textile Protec-
This work was supported by the Department of Homeland
tion and Comfort Center (TPACC), Campus Box 8301,
Security, Federal Emergency Management Agency, Fiscal
Raleigh, NC 27695-8301, USA; phone +1.859.613.2474;
Year 2012, Assistance to Firefighters Grant program, fire
prevention and safety [grant number EMW-2012-FP-01185].

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