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Grading Period: 1st Quarter
Week: 1 - 3

Grade Level: Grade 6 Time: Duration: 3 weeks

Content Standard: The learners should demonstrate an understanding of verbal and nonverbal
elements of communication -
Identify real or make-believe, fact or non-fact images and statements
Performance Standard: The learners should be able to apply knowledge of nonverbal skills to show
respect when communicating with others
Identify real or make-believe, fact or non-fact images and statements
Learning Competency: Identify real or make-believe, fact or non-fact images and statements
Code: (EN6VC – IIIa – 6.2)
Learning Objective (KSA)

K Identify real or make-believe, fact or non-fact images and statements

S Differentiate real from make believe, fact from non-fact images and statements

A Value the importance of knowing the truth/fact/reality before jumping into a


Skills targeted: Listening, Identifying, Composing, Analyzing

II. CONTENT Identify real or make-believe, fact or non-fact images and statements
A. References Curriculum Guide/MELC
B. Other Learning Resources: Joy in ENGLISH 6
Other References: LRMDS- Activity Sheets, Google/Internet

B. Materials: Projector, prepared slide decks, laptop, pictures, activity sheets, cartolina
Reviewing Previous Lesson Preliminaries:
(The activities in this section PRAYER
will evoke or draw out prior GREETINGS
concepts or prior experiences
from the students) * Spelling Drill:

Writing the Spelling of the given word with the use of the pupils’ ISB
(Improvised Slate Board).

II. Review:

Review the pupils about what a sentence is.

Review them about the parts of a sentence.

*Pop It!
A balloon with sentences in it will be popped. Some of these sentences are as

The Madrigal family lives in an enchanted house.

COVID-19 is a deadly illness.
The volcano erupted last year.
Establishing a purpose for the The pupils will be shown an image of a volcano.
lesson The pupils will be asked about the picture.
(The activities in this section What is shown in the picture?
will stimulate their thinking
and help them access and
connect prior knowledge as a
jumpstart to the present
( Across Science with DRRE/

What is the famous volcano that we have here in Negros?

Just like our bodies, this volcano has parts too.
Can you name some of its parts?

When enough magma builds up in the magma chamber, it forces its way up to
the surface. What do you think will happen?
What are other calamities that we have experienced?

Other Kinds of Calamities:

1. Flood
2. Earthquake
3. Landslide/Soil Erosion
4. Drought
5. Pollution

DRRE Integration:

What should we do in order to be safe from this natural/man-made


*Safety Tips that we should follow in order to prevent

injuries during calamities:

1. Stay informed.
2. Have a plan for evacuation.
3. Keep emergency kits and food on hand.
4. Avoid unnecessary risks.
5. Go to the safest area in your home.

*Safety Tips that indigenous people do in order to prevent

injuries during calamities:

Keen sense of observation and precaution.

Knowledge of forest trails and survival in the wild.
Clever selection of village site.
Internalize early warning signs and disaster preparedness plans for
evacuation, escape routines and getting emergency shelter.
Learn important survival knowledge and skills like swimming, climbing
and first aid.

Aside from these calamities we are also experiencing other problems.

What is the crisis that the whole world is facing right now?
What caused this COVID-19?
Show a video about the parts of a volcano to better understand the
Is coronavirus really existing in real life?
Do you know of a person who gets sick with COVID-19?
What should we do to avoid being infected with corona virus?
Standard Health Protocols:

Don’t touch your MEN.

These are the things that we should remember in order to avoid the
danger of calamities and in order to avoid the spread of the pandemic
named COVID-19.
(The pupil’s will be told to close their eyes.)
Close your eyes and imagine if all these calamities, pandemic and all these
problems that we are facing would disappear in just one snap of our
fingers. You suddenly wake up one morning with magic in your hands and
you have the power to change the world into whatever you want it to be.
Now open your eyes, do you think we can do what I told you a while ago
with just a snap of our fingers. Do you believe in magic?
Where do we usually see magic? Give me examples of movies with magic.
Who usually has magic?
If only we have magic and fairy friends then we will be able to ask them
to help us with our present problems.

Presenting examples/instances
of the new lesson Now, let us all listen to a story about a princess who battled a seven-headed
dragon to save the lives of others. Please take note of the underlined phrases or
sentences. (The story will be presented through DRTA).

Unlocking of Difficult Words:

(The pupils will arrange the jumbled letters being described.)

Legend -lendge
Priestess -tesspreist
Swarmed - s d w r e m a
Frantic -tfanric
Appeased - p a p e a s e d

Motive Question:

What did the princess do to save the lives of others?

If you were the princess, would you do the same?

The Legend of Mt. Kanlaon

There once lived on the island of Negros a princess named Anina who
lived a very sheltered life. One day, Anina overheard her father talking to the
kingdom’s chief priestess. The priestess was frantic about a report that they
could not find a single maiden who was pure.
Later, Anina asked her father what it was all about, and the king finally
broke down. “There had long been a seven-headed dragon threatening the
kingdom, and the monster could only be pleased if a pure maiden was
sacrificed to it.”
In fear, all the women in the kingdom had cut themselves to disqualify
them from the sacrifice. Parents cut their own baby girls so as to spare the
infants. But the king and the queen couldn’t bring themselves to mark their
daughter’s beauty, and so Anina was the only remaining unscarred female in
the kingdom.
Anina did not weep. Instead, she willingly offered herself for the sacrifice.
Unexpectedly, on the day she was to be brought to the mountain where the
dragon lived, a man calling himself Khan Laon appeared. (Khan in his language
meant a noble lord.) He said he came from a kingdom far away in order to slay
the dragon and spare Anina’s life.
No one believed the dragon could be killed, but Khan Laon insisted that
his ability to talk to animals would help him. He asked the help of the ants, the
bees and the eagles. The ants swarmed over the dragon’s body and crept under
its scales to bite its soft, unprotected flesh, while the bees stung the fourteen
eyes of the dragon till it was blind. The largest eagle carried Khan Laon to the
mountain where he was able to easily chop off the seven heads of the
squirming beast.
In gratitude, the king gave Khan Laon his daughter Anina to be his bride,
and the people named the mountain after the noble lord, Khan Laon (later
named Kanlaon/Canlaon).
And that is how, according to the story, Mount Kanlaon got its name, and
it became a volcano because of the spirit of the dead dragon.
Exploring the new Concepts Answering of the Motive Question:
(Integrating concepts about
COVID-19) What did the princess do to save the lives of others?
If you were the princess, would you do the same?

Comprehension Check-Up:

What did Anina hear over the conversation of her father and the chief priestess?
Who was threatening the kingdom? In our present situation, what is threatening
the world?
How can the monster be appeased?How can this pandemic be avoided?

What was the princess willing to do in order to save the people in the kingdom?
Nowadays, who do we consider our heroes especially during this pandemic?
How did Kanlaon get its name?How did COVID-19 get its name?
Discussing of the new
concepts. In this section,
students will be involved in an Let us try to go back to the underlined words found in the story that we have
analysis of their exploration. read.
Their understanding is
clarified and modified because
of reflective activities)/
Analysis of the gathered data
and results and be able to Column A Column B
answer the Guide questions
leading to the focus concept or *island of Negros *a seven-headed dragon
topic for the day. threatening the kingdom

* Anina did not weep *ability to talk to animals

* the bees stung *easily chop off the seven heads

of the writhing beast

*the mountain’s name * it became a volcano because

is Kanlaon/Canlaon of the spirit of the dead dragon

Notice these underlined lines from the selection that we have read, let us
examine these phrases whether this happens in reality or not.

The words under column A which are happening in reality, are factual and
are considered true, while the lines under column B don’t exist in reality. They
are non-factual or considered not true.

We also have these images based on the story that we have read.

So based on the lines and the images that I’ve shown you, what do you think
are we emphasizing or discussing in today’s lesson?

There are different images that you can see around you. These images
show specific events. Some of these images are true while others are untrue.
There are images which are real or factual. There are also images which are
make-believe/fantasy or non-factual.
Real images are images that present events, happenings or phenomena
that are happening or may happen in the real world or in the real-life
situations. These images present real people, places, times and events.
These images present realistic pieces of evidence.

On the other hand, make-believe images are images that present events,
happenings or phenomena that are unlikely to happen or are impossible to
happen in the real world or in the real-life situations. These are not based on
real events and do not present true pieces of evidence. These images are
fantasy or products of human imaginations.
Legends, myths and epics are examples of these images.
Fact is defined as something that is known or proved to be true. Factual
images are based on scientific studies which presented real pieces of
evidence. These are accepted universally and are believed to be of
existence. Non-factual images are untrue. This means that these images are
not based on scientific proofs. These images present events, things or ideas
which are inaccurate. Therefore, these images are not accepted universally.
You have to bear in mind that it is necessary to identify first the nature of
any image or event before accepting it or believing in it. Nowadays,
spreading fake news is rampantly done. Learn to distinguish the real or
factual ones from those which are make-believe or non-factual.

Developing Mastery (Leads to

formative assessment #3) *PICTURE ANALYSIS:
The pupils will be given more images showing real or make-believe, fact or
non-factual images for them to undestand the lesson better.The pupils will
identIfy the pictures as to reality or make-believe by raising their plackards
based on the answer that they have chosen. Places and things from the
indigenous groups will also be integrated.



Analyze the following statements and identify whether it states a fact or a

non-fact, by saying OLAH (2x) for a fact and ACHUCHU (2x) if it is a non-

Some calamities are results of man-made activities.

COVID 19, affects only those people who are above 60 years old.
Eating fruits and vegetables is one of the many ways of keeping our immune
system strong.
Wearing of face shields and face masks is not needed especially if you’re not
Everything we see and read in social media, like the ones found in Facebook, is

Finding Practical Applications Group Activity:

Group 1(Act it out)- Actors/Actresses

Choose a scene from the selection about “The Legend of Mt. Kanlaon”
which you think is under fantasy or make-believe. Act it out and make a scene.

Group 2 (Draw me closer)-Artists

Draw or illustrate an image describing our present situation (pandemic). Be
ready to explain/describe your drawing in front of the class.

Group 3 (Sing your hearts out)-Singers

Make a song about our topic for today. Your song must emphasize reality
or make-believe and fact or non-fact definitions.

Rubrics for Groupings:

10 Points – The group members worked very well together and they

expressed clearly and concisely their part of the presentation.

8 Points – The group did not work very well together and they tried their
best to express clearly concisely their part of the presentation.

6 Points – There was little no cooperation in the group and it is evident

that the members are not prepared.

Making Generalizations and Remember:

Abstractions about the lesson

Factual images are based on scientific studies which presented
real pieces of evidence. These are accepted universally and are
believed to be of existence.

Non-factual images are untrue. This

means that these images are not based on scientific proofs
or reality.

We should not directly believe on images that we see especially in social

media. Know first the nature of any image or event before accepting it or
believing in it.

Nowadays, fake news is almost everywhere. Learn to distinguish the real

or factual ones from those which are make-believe or non-factual. Think
before you click or repost/post something.

I. Evaluating Learning: Identify the following images as to reality or make-believe. Write R if it is

real and M for make-believe:

_____ 1. _____ 2.

_____ 3. _____ 4.

Analyze the following statements and differentiate fact from non-fact

statements. Write FACT if the statement is true and NON-FACT if

5. Volcanoes erupt when molten rock called magma rises to the surface.
6. During full moon, enchanted creatures like fairies would visit us.
7. When you meet a black cat on your way going somewhere, you will
likely meet an accident. Ans.____________________
J. Additional Assignment:
Cut out at least two (2) real/factual images and two (2)
make-believe/non-factual images from unused magazines or newspapers.
Paste these on a piece of short bond paper. Label your work.

A. No. of pupils who earned 80% in the evaluation:______
B. No. Of pupils who require additional activities for remediation: ______

C. Did the remedial lessons work? No. of Learners who have caught up
with the lesson. ______

D. No. Of learners who continue to require remediation. _______

E. Which of my teaching strategies worked well? Why did these work?


F. What difficulties did I encounter which my principal or supervisor can help

me solve?__________________________________________.

G. What innovation of localized materials did I used/discover which I wish to

share with other teachers? __________________________________

Prepared by:
Checked by: _________________
T-III Date : _________________

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