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Supplier Name :

Supplier Registered Address:

Dear Sirs,

Warranty of compliance with terms of the Supplier Code of Conduct

In conducting commercial activities on behalf of their customers, Li & Fung (Trading) Ltd and all of its affiliates and subsidiaries
(together, “Li & Fung”) rely on the responsible sourcing from Suppliers around the world. Li & Fung works with its global supply
chain to cultivate safe working conditions, to foster dignity and respect for workers and to promote responsible environment

The enclosed Supplier Code of Conduct and accompanying Standards detail the principles and practices that Li & Fung expects
its Suppliers and their approved factories, manufacturing facilities, suppliers and other business partners (each a Subcontractor’)
to uphold. The Supplier Code of Conduct, which is based on universally accepted fundamental principles and local laws,
represents Li & Fung’s commitment to source goods only from Suppliers who value and incorporate these provisions into their

In this regard Li & Fung requires all of its Suppliers to warrant to Li & Fung that they and their Subcontractors shall operate in
full compliance at all times with the Supplier Code of Conduct as a condition of entering into any purchase order, contract or
other agreement with Li & Fung. Accordingly, by signing this letter, Supplier agrees and warrants that:

1. Supplier and the Subcontractor have each received, read and understood this letter and the attached Supplier
Code of Conduct:

2. Supplier and the Subcontractor shall abide by the terms of the Supplier Code of Conduct at all times in respect of
the production, manufacture and/or supply of any and all products to Li & Fung:

3. should the Supplier or the Subcontractor be unable to comply with the Code of Conduct, the Supplier shall
immediately notify Li & Fung and that corrective action plan shall ne promptly adopted and Implemented in
order to actively progress towards compliance: and

4. should the Supplier or the Subcontractor fail to fully implement a corrective action plan, Li & Fung shall be
entitled to terminate its relationship with Supplier without liability.

Yours faithfully,

Supplier Director Signature:

Supplier Director Name:

Supplier Director Position:

For and behalf of

Supplier Name:

Subcontractor Name:
SUPPLIER Code of Conduct

Li & Fung (Trading) Ltd’s activities on behalf of its customers rely on sourcing from Suppliers around the world.
We work with our global supply chain to cultivate safe working conditions, to foster dignity and respect for workers and
to promote responsible environmental practices.

Our Code of Conduct and accompanying Standards detail the principles and practices that we expect our Suppliers
to uphold. The Code, which is based on universally accepted fundamental principles and local laws, represents our
commitment to source goods from Suppliers who value and incorporate these provisions into their operations.

Labor Practices Ethical Conduct

Voluntary labor Suppliers must operate with high ethical standards and
All work should be voluntary and not performed under should not be involved in any corruption, extortion, bribery,
threat of penalty or coercion. Forced labor, including fraud, false declarations, counterfeiting or insider trading.
bonded, trafficked, indentured or prison labor, is prohibited.
Safe Places to Work
Working age
Suppliers should promote and maintain a safe, hygienic
Employees should not be younger than the minimum
and healthy working environment and residential facilities,
employment age of the relevant country, or the maximum
where provided. Adequate measures, systems, protections
age of compulsory education, whichever is higher. Not
and training must be implemented to prevent harm to
under any circumstance should workers be younger than
employees’ health, safety and well being.
15 years of age.

Fair and equal treatment Environmental Protection

All employees must be treated with respect and dignity. Suppliers should actively work to improve the
In other words, the workplace should be free of emotional, environmental performance of their operations.
verbal and physical abuse. This includes measures to mitigate adverse environmental
impacts, and to improve material and resource efficiency,
Moreover, employees must not be subjected to
reduce waste and prevent pollution.
discrimination in hiring, compensation or discipline, on the
basis of gender, age, religion, marital status, race, sexual
Responsibility, Transparency and
orientation, disability, disease, nationality, pregnancy, or
trade union and/or political affiliation.
Suppliers must be transparent in their policies, processes,
Wages, benefits and terms of employment and standards which govern their operations and which
Employee compensation – including wages, overtime are related to their compliance with the Code. As such,
pay, benefits and paid leave – must meet or exceed legal Suppliers should educate their employees and managers
minimum and/or industry standards and/or collective on their rights and responsibilities related to upholding
bargaining agreements, whichever is higher. Wages for the Code.
traineeships and apprenticeships should also meet at
least the legal minimum. Disciplinary deductions from As a condition of doing business with LF, Suppliers agree
compensation are not allowed. to give LF, our customers or third-party representatives
unhindered access, with or without notice, to their facilities
Working hours
and records related to compliance with the Code.
Working hours should not exceed 60 hours per week.
All overtime must be voluntary, mutually agreed, and
Should a Supplier be unable to comply with the Code,
compensated at a premium rate. Employees should be
a corrective action plan should be put in place and
given at least 1 rest day in any 7-day period.
the Supplier must actively progress towards compliance.
Freedom of association and recognition Otherwise, LF reserves the right to terminate our
of the right to collective bargaining relationship.
Suppliers must respect the right of employees to freedom of
association and collective bargaining as permitted by law.

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