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Instruction Book HiLight V4W WUX 9829 4075 00 EN

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The document provides instructions for operating a portable light tower generator including assembly, operation, and maintenance.

The main parts include the tow hitch, loose parts, and light fixtures.

Safety precautions include following operating instructions, wearing proper protective equipment, and ensuring the area is clear before raising the tower.

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Instruction Manual

Instruction Manual
For Portable Light Tower Generator

HiLight V4W WUX Engine Kubota D1105

Instruction Manual
for Portable Light Tower Generator

HiLight V4W WUX

Original instructions

Printed matter N°
Warranty and Liability Limitation
Use only authorized parts.
Any damage or malfunction caused by the use of unauthorized parts is not covered by Warranty or Product
The manufacturer does not accept any liability for any damage arising from modifications, additions or
conversions made without the manufacturer's approval in writing.
Neglecting maintenance or making changes to the setup of the machine can result in major hazards, including
fire risk.
While every effort has been made to ensure that the information in this manual is correct, Atlas Copco does not
assume responsibility for possible errors.

Copyright 2017, Atlas Copco (Wuxi) Compressor Co., Ltd.

Any unauthorized use or copying of the contents or any part thereof is prohibited.
This applies in particular to trademarks, model denominations, part numbers and drawings.

Preface Table of contents 5 Maintenance .............................................. 20
Please read the following instructions carefully 5.1 Daily inspection .......................................... 20
before starting to use your light tower. 5.2 Lamp replacement....................................... 20
It is a solid, safe and reliable machine, built 1 Main parts.................................................... 7 5.2.1 Servicing the engine ............................... 20
according to the latest technology. Follow the 5.3 Replacement parts ....................................... 20
2 Safety Information ...................................... 8
instructions in this booklet and we guarantee you 5.4 Wiring diagrams.......................................... 21
years of troublefree operation. 2.1 Operating Safety............................................ 8
2.1.1 Prior to use ................................................ 8 6 Maintenance schedule............................... 22
Always keep the manual available near the machine.
2.1.2 During operation ....................................... 8 6.1 Dimension Drawing .................................... 28
In all correspondence always mention the light tower 2.2 Engine safety ................................................. 9
type and serial number, shown on the data plate. 7 D900 axle with leaf springs use and
2.2.1 Operator safety.......................................... 9 maintenance manual ................................. 30
The company reserves the right to make changes 2.2.2 Service safety .......................................... 10
without prior notice. 7.1 Axle............................................................. 30
2.2.3 Before servicing ...................................... 10
7.1.1 Safety Precautions .................................. 30
2.2.4 During servicing...................................... 10
7.1.2 Maintenance............................................ 30
3 Assembly .................................................... 11 7.2 Operation..................................................... 30
3.1 Tow hitch .................................................... 11 7.3 Wheel bolt tightening torque....................... 30
3.2 Loose parts .................................................. 11 7.4 U-bolt nut tightening torque........................ 30
3.3 Light fixture wiring ..................................... 12
8 Setting the Lc1003™ controller ............... 31
4 Operation ................................................... 13 8.1 Push button and LED functions .................. 31
4.1 Safety........................................................... 13 8.2 Module display............................................ 32
4.2 Control panels ............................................. 13 8.3 Home page .................................................. 32
4.2.1 Towing and hoisting ............................... 13 8.4 Icon overview.............................................. 32
4.2.2 Before towing.......................................... 13
4.2.3 During towing ......................................... 14
4.2.4 After towing ............................................ 14
4.2.5 Hoisting................................................... 14
4.3 Location....................................................... 14
4.3.1 Deployment............................................. 15
4.3.2 Levelling the trailer................................. 15
4.3.3 Raising the tower .................................... 15
4.3.4 Lowering the tower ................................. 17
4.3.5 Engine operation ..................................... 18
4.3.6 Lights ...................................................... 19

Main parts - HiLight V4W
"The light tower provides an undercarriage ( frame, axle and towbar ) and 4 floodlights of 1000 W each. The light tower is very useful for construction sites where neither
electricity nor lighting is available."

Safety Information

Operating Safety To improve stability, deploy the outriggers prior to

raising the light tower mast.
During operation
WARNING The light tower mast can be extended to 24.6 feet WARNING
(7.5 meters) in height. Ensure the area above the
Improper use of equipment trailer is clear of obstructions. Falling equipment could cause serious injury
could cause serious injury or or death.
death. DANGER When raising or lowering the light tower
Prior to using this product, mast, ensure the area directly behind the
carefully read, understand, and Electric shock hazard. trailer is clear of people.
observe all instructions in this Contact with overhead If the mast “hangs up” or the winch cable
manual and the engine manual. electrical power lines will develops slack while raising or lowering the
cause serious injury or death. mast, stop immediately, move away from the
Do not position light tower unit and contact Atlas Copco.
CAUTION under power lines.
Crush hazard. -Ensure the trailer is well grounded, per all
When operating or working on Ensure the light tower is in good operating condition: applicable regulations.
the light tower, keep hands and Check tires, lights, protective lamp covers, -Never raise, lower, or move the trailer while the
body parts clear of pinch electrical wiring, and the engine for obvious signs light tower is in use.
points. of wear or damage. -Do not collapse the outriggers or move the trailer
Never use any equipment that is damaged or in while the light tower mast is vertical extended.
need of repair. -When not in use, or in case of high winds, lower the
Prior to use light tower mast to the travel position (see page
To reduce the risk of personal injury, ensure the
surrounding area is in good order and free of -Light bulbs can be extremely hot. Always allow
debris. bulbs to cool at least 15 minutes before handling.
To reduce the risk of shifting, rolling, or
overturning, locate the light tower on a firm, level
surface, with enough space to deploy the trailer’s
Do not allow water to accumulate around the base
of the light tower.

Engine safety
Risk of severe burn. DANGER
Before handling lights, allow
Operator safety
Asphyxiation hazard.
lights to cool for 15 minutes. - Operate the engine outdoors
DANGER and keep away from engine
Explosion hazard. exhaust.
- Keep engine, fuel, and other - If operating in an enclosed
combustibles away from area, vent exhaust fumes to
sparks, open flame, and outdoors and maintain
burning objects. adequate ventilation.
- Do not smoke near engine. - Refill and drain fuel tank
- Stop engine before filling or only in a well ventilated
draining fuel tank. area.
- Use only diesel fuel. - Perform maintenance in a
well ventilated area.
- Re-place fuel tank cap after
- Do not use gasoline, other WARNING
fuels, or flammable
solvents to clean parts. Fire hazard.
A hot muffler can ignite
flammable materials.
Keep area around muffler free
of debris such as leaves, paper,
and cartons.

CAUTION Service safety During servicing
Risk of severe burn. ∞ Keep hands, feet, and loose clothing away from
- Do not touch the engine, Before servicing moving parts on engine and generator.
exhaust pipes, or areas near ∞ Keep the light tower and all its components clean.
the exhaust at rear of trailer.
DANGER ∞ Keep labels legible. Replace damaged or missing
- Do not remove radiator cap
High voltage. labels. (Replacement labels are available from the
when engine is hot.
Atlas Copco.)
Contents are hot and under Contact with live electrical
pressure. circuits will cause severe ∞ When hoisting or loading the trailer:
injury or death. - Ensure devices such as slings, chains, hooks,
- Turn off power before ramps, and jacks are secure and will bear the
California Proposition 65 servicing any component weight of the trailer. The trailer’s gross vehicle
on the light tower. weight rating (GVWR) is displayed on the
DANGER light tower vehicle identification tag.
- Only a qualified electrician
Health hazard. should service the light - Be aware and cautious of people’s proximity
tower electrical system. to the trailer. Always ensure the safety of
The engine exhaust from this
nearby people.
product contains chemicals
known to the State of ∞ Never perform even routine service (such as
California to cause cancer, changing oil and filters, or cleaning the engine)
birth defects, or other unless all electrical components are shut down:
reproductive harm.
- Ensure all light tower power circuits are shut
Spark arrestors - Turn the engine key to OFF and set all circuit
breakers to the OFF position.
IMPORTANT! - Disconnect cable from negative terminal on
State and local safety codes specify that, in certain battery.
locations, internal combustion engines that use ∞ If the ground under or around the trailer is damp or
hydrocarbon fuels must be used with spark assesters. wet, move the trailer to a dry location and allow it
A spark arrestors is a device constructed of to dry before servicing. Do not allow water to
nonflammable materials specifically for the purpose accumulate around the base of the light tower.
of removing and retaining carbon and other ∞ Do not service the light tower if clothing or skin is
flammable particles from the exhaust flow of an wet.
internal combustion engine.

- 10 -

Tow hitch
Assemble loose parts before use
There are 3 options for tow hitch.
- Pintle hook
Check and unload loose parts before unloading units
- 2-inch-ball from container.
- Combo hitch for a 2-inch-ball and pintle hook • A - Drawbar with towing hitch ( option )
For combo hitch option only: • B - Lifting jack
When the light tower ships from the Atlas copco, the
bar is set up to use the lunette ring for towing by a
vehicle with a pintle hook. To use a ball coupler,
follow the procedure below.
To reverse the tow hitch:
1. Remove the two large bolts that hold the tow hitch
to the draw bar.
2. Lift the hitch off the drawbar and rotate the hitch
3. Return the hitch to the draw bar, making sure to
align the bolt holes.
4. Reinstall the bolts and tighten the nuts fully.

Loose parts
During transportation, below parts would be
- Drawbar with towing hitch
- Lifting jack

- 11 -
Light fixture wiring

- 12 -

Safety a Verify the light tower mast is in the down position

(see Figure 3.2). To lower the tower, see page 17.
Before operating the light tower, read and be familiar b If necessary, attach a red flag to the top of the
with this instruction manual. mast.
Read and follow all safety instructions (see page 7). 2. Check tires, wheels, and lights:
a Check tires for wear. Replace worn tires.

CAUTION b Verify tires are fully inflated to the proper

Do not run unit with door opened. c Verify that all wheel lugs are in place and
tightened. Do not tow the trailer if a wheel lug is
Control panels Figure 3.1 Control panel for units with manual
winches d Ensure the trailer brake lights, taillights, and
directional (turn) indicators are hooked up and
The light tower control panel comprises: A - Main circuit breaker/power switch functioning properly.
• Circuit breakers for engaging power B - Lamp circuit breakers/power switches 3. Check the tow hitch and safety chains:
• An electrical receptacle for powering external C - Electrical receptacle and breaker for external a Ensure the tow hitch and coupling on the tow
equipment (Option) power vehicle are rated for weight equal to or greater
• An hour meter to track engine use D - Engine key switch and glow-plug indicator (some than the trailer’s gross vehicle weight rating
engine models only) (GVWR). The GVWR is displayed on the light
• Key switch for starting and stopping the engine
tower vehicle identification tag.
and a glow-plug indicator for the engine’s start E - Hour meter
coil b Inspect the tow hitch and coupling for wear and
damage. Replace or repair if necessary.
• For engine operating instructions. (See page 18)
Towing and hoisting c Verify the rear and side levelling jacks are in the
• Do not overload machine with socket. Turn off
up position, the outriggers are contracted, and all
some lamps if you need more power
are secured with their locking pins.
Before towing d Use the drawbar-mounted jack to raise the front of
the trailer and set the tow hitch on the tow vehicle.
Before towing, prepare the light tower as follows. Ensure the tow hitch is properly engaged and
1. Lower the light tower: locked.
e Raise, rotate, and lock the front jack in the up

- 13 -
f Verify approved safety chains are attached
properly to both the trailer and tow vehicle.
Hoisting Location
The light tower may be hoisted by means of the hoist • To achieve the best possible light coverage, locate
ring mounted on the lifting beam (see Figure 3.2). the light tower on the same level as the area to be
During towing lighted, or higher.
Prior to hoisting:
• Do not tow the trailer with any people, parts, • Ensure the mast is in the lowest position, (see • To reduce the risk of personal injury, ensure the
supplies, or additional equipment attached to it or Figure 3.2). surrounding area is in good order and free of
loaded onto it. debris.
• Return levelling jacks and outriggers to the travel
• Do not tow additional trailers or other equipment position, and ensure they are all secured in place • To reduce the risk of shifting, rolling, or
in tandem with the light tower trailer. with their locking pins. overturning, locate the light tower on a firm, level
surface, with enough space to deploy the trailer’s
• The recommended maximum speed for highway outriggers.
towing is 45 MPH (72 km/h). For offroad towing,
the recommended maxiMum speed is 10 MPH (16 • Ensure convenient access to earth ground.
km/h) or less, depending on terrain. • The light tower mast can be extended to 24.5 feet
• Adhere to all applicable DOT regulations when (7.5 meters) in height. Ensure the area above the
towing the trailer. trailer is clear of obstructions.

After towing Electric shock hazard.
Release the trailer tow hitch from the tow vehicle as Contact with overhead
follows: electrical power lines will
cause serious injury or death.
1. Locate the levelling jack on the trailer drawbar at
the front of the trailer. Do not position light tower
under power lines.
2. Pull the locking pin and rotate the jack downward.
When the jack is properly set, the locking pin
snaps into position with an audible “click.” Figure 3.2 Travel position and hoisting ring
3. Block or chock the trailer wheels.
4. Release the tow hitch from the ball coupler or
pintle on the tow vehicle.
5. Crank the jack handle until the jack foot touches
the ground and the tow hitch rises up off the tow
6. Move the tow vehicle away from the trailer.

- 14 -
Deployment the locking pin snaps into position with an audible
e Take the weather into account: do not raise or use
the tower in high winds or an electrical storm.
The tower can afford 80 km/h wind load.
7. Pull the jack locking pin and rotate the jack
Levelling the trailer downward until the locking pin engages. Do not f Ensure the area above the tower is clear of all
lower the jack foot yet. obstructions.
Prior to raising and extending the light tower mast, the 8. Repeat the previous two steps for the other
trailer must be level and the outriggers extended for DANGER
outrigger, then locate and set the jack at the rear of
increased stability the trailer. Electric shock hazard.
WARNING 9. Determine which side of the trailer is highest, and Contact with overhead
extend the jack foot on that side downward until it electrical power lines will
Falling equipment could cause serious injury rests firmly on the ground. Then level the trailer cause serious injury or death.
or death. with the remaining three jacks. Do not position light tower
• Level the trailer and extend outriggers prior 10. Use leveler for leveling the machine. under power lines.
to use.
• For safe operation, outriggers must remain
extended while the tower mast is vertical. Raising the tower
When the tower is vertical, the mast can be extended
To level the trailer: to 24.5 feet (7.5 meters). The tower can be rotated 360
1. Locate the levelling jack on the trailer drawbar at degrees left or right while the mast is extended and the
the front of the trailer. lights are lit.

2. Pull the locking pin and rotate the jack downward. To raise the tower and aim the lights, use the
When the jack is properly set, the locking pin following instructions.
snaps into position with an audible “click.” 1. Before raising the tower:
3. Block or chock the trailer wheels. a Adjust the light fixtures to point upward or
4. Release the tow hitch from the ball coupler or downward, and inward or outward.
pintle on the tow vehicle. • The lights can be positioned without tools.
5. Crank the jack handle until the jack foot touches • To aim the lights, loosen the knob on the outside
the ground and the tow hitch rises up off the tow end of each fixture, and use the integrated handles
vehicle. to move the fixture. Tighten the knob when done.
6. Locate the outrigger on either side of the trailer. b Ensure the trailer wheels are blocked or chocked.
Pull the outrigger locking pin (not the jack locking Figure 3.3 Ground stud
c Level the trailer and extend the outriggers.
pin) and pull the outrigger outward, away from the
trailer, as far as it will go. When fully extended, d Connect the trailer ground stud to earth ground
(see Figure 3.3).

- 15 -
2. To raise the tower, see Figure 3.5 and follow these
a Rotate the handle of the mast-mounted winch to
tighten the cable until the lights are at the desired
b To rotate the mast, loosen the rotation-lock knob
and use the handle on the mast to rotate the mast
either left or right.

Figure 3.5 Raising the tower

- 16 -
Lowering the tower
Before moving or storing the light tower, lower the
mast and lock it in place. To lower the tower, see
Figure 3.6 and use the following instructions.
1. Turn off the tower lights and the engine. For
increased lamp life, allow the lights to cool for 15
minutes before proceeding.
2. Rotate the mast:
a Loosen the rotation-lock knob.
b Use the handle on the mast to rotate the mast until
the mast-mounted winch is on the same side of the
mast as the trailer tow hitch.
c Tighten the rotation-lock knob.
3. Lower the tower:
• Rotate the mast-mounted winch handle to lower
the tower until the lights are down as far as
• While lowering the mast, ensure the power cord
on the mast collapses freely and does not become
pinched or tangled.

Figure 3.6 Lowering the tower

- 17 -
Engine operation • Crank the engine immediately after the indicator
light goes out.
Starting the engine 3. When the glow-plug indicator light goes out, turn
and hold the key at the START position. The engine can overheat and damage the
1. Before starting the engine:
4. Release the key as soon as the engine starts, or after start motor.
a Observe all engine safety precautions in page 8. • Do not hold the engine key at the START
10 seconds if the engine does not start.
b Check engine oil, fuel, and coolant levels. Use position longer than 10 seconds, regardless
only diesel fuel. of whether the engine starts.
c If the fuel tank was drained or run dry, it might be • After 10 seconds, return the key to the OFF
necessary to prime the fuel lines. Refer to the position and wait 15 to 30 seconds before
engine manual for instructions. attempting to start the engine.
d Ensure all circuit breakers on the light tower
control panel are in the OFF position. • If the engine does not gain sufficient oil pressure
within 30 seconds of starting, the automatic
shutdown system will engage.
• Allow the engine to warm up before engaging
CAUTION power to the lights or an external device
Figure 3.7 Key slot and glow-plug indicator on connected to the power receptacle.
Starting the engine under load will damage
the light tower. main control panel
Before starting the engine, ensure all power A - Main circuit breaker/power switch
switches (circuit breakers) are in the OFF
position. B - Lamp circuit breakers/power switches
C - Electrical receptacle and breaker for external
2. To start the engine: power (Option)
a Insert the engine key into the key slot and turn the D - Engine key switch and glow-plug indicator.
key one click clockwise.
E - Hour meter.
Depending on the engine model, the start-key slot
is located on the light tower control panel (Figure
b The glow-plug indicator will remain lit until the
engine’s start coil reaches a predetermined
• Do not start the engine while this indicator is lit.

- 18 -
Stopping the engine • After the lamps are turned off, they will not turn Degraded lamps
on again until they are cool. The lamps can take up
To stop the engine: Degraded lamps may be difficult to light, and may
to 15 minutes to cool.
1. Shut down power to lights and external devices shut off unpredictably after starting.
plugged into the power receptacle. Degraded lamps should be replaced.

CAUTION Lamps that will not turn on

Shutting down the engine before disengaging If the lamps do not light when power is applied,
power could damage the ballasts and ensure the appropriate circuit breakers are set in the
generator. ON position. If the circuit breakers are on, and the
Shut down power to all lights and the power lights are not visibly lighted within 5 minutes, follow
receptacle before shutting down the engine. these steps:
1. Switch all circuit breakers OFF. If any of the lights
were lit, allow the lights to cool for 15 minutes
2. Turn the engine key to the OFF position. before proceeding.
Automatic engine shutdown 2. Lower the mast.
The power system is equipped with an automatic 3. Ensure the lamps are cool.
shutdown feature. This system prevents damage by
shutting down the engine when oil pressure is too low CAUTION
or engine temperature is too high. Figure 3.8 Circuit breakers/power switch Risk of severe burn.
To restart the engine after an automatic shutdown has Before handling lights, allow
A - Main circuit breaker/power switch
occurred, return the engine key to the OFF position, lights to cool for 15 minutes.
then follow the procedures above for starting the B - Lamp circuit breakers/power switches
engine. C - Electrical receptacle and breaker for external
power (Option) 4. Check that all lamps are tightened securely into
Lights D - Engine key switch and glow-plug indicator.
their sockets.
5. Check for, and replace, burned out lamps.
Turning the lights on E - Hour meter.

To turn on the lights, first toggle the main circuit Turning the lights off Lamp replacement
breaker to ON (see Figure 3.8), then toggle the For increased lamp life, turn off lights and let the For lamp replacement instructions, see page 20.
individual circuit breakers for each light one at a time. lamps cool 15 minutes before lowering the tower and
• Metal halide lamps require a warm-up time of 5 to moving the trailer.
15 minutes before reaching full brightness. After the lamps are turned off, they will not turn on
again until they are cool. The lamps can take up to 15
minutes to cool.

- 19 -

Daily inspection Lamp replacement c Remove the screws securing the flange rings and
remove the flange rings.
When the light tower is in regular use, the following To replace a light bulb (lamp), refer to Figure 4.1 and d Remove the protective lamp cover with the gasket
items should be checked daily: follow the instructions below. attached.
• Check fluid levels and look for leaks. e Remove the hardware securing one side of the
• Inspect all exposed wiring for damage, worn lamp stabilizer. Once removed, swing the
stabilizer to the side and unscrew the lamp.
insulation, and cuts.
• Inspect winch cables for wear and damage. 2. To install a lamp:
Repair or replace worn and damaged components
immediately. Never use any equipment that is Lamps will last longer if they are free of
damaged or in need of repair. contaminants. To protect a new lamp from the natural
oils on the fingertips, handle the lamp with cotton
DANGER gloves or a clean, soft cloth.
a Insert the lamp into the socket and secure it with
High voltage. the lamp stabilizer.
Contact with live electrical
circuits will cause severe b Ensure the gasket is fastened properly around the
injury or death. lamp cover.
• Turn off power before c Secure the cover to the reflector with the flange
servicing any component Figure 4.1 Lamp assembly ring and screws.
on the light tower. 1. To remove a lamp:
a Turn off power to all lamps and the control panel Servicing the engine
b Shut down the engine and allow the lamps to cool For engine-related maintenance and servicing, see the
for 15 minutes. engine instruction manual.

Replacement parts
Risk of severe burn.
Before handling lights, allow For replacement parts, see the parts manual,
lights to cool for 15 minutes. document 9829 4074 00.

- 20 -
Wiring diagrams
High voltage.
Contact with live electrical
circuits will cause severe
injury or death.
• Turn off power before
servicing any component
on the light tower.
• Only a qualified electrician
should service the light
tower electrical system.

- 21 -
Maintenance schedule
Before carrying out any maintenance activity, check that the ignition switch is in position OFF and that no electrical power is present on the terminals.

Service Pak Every 200 hrs Every 1000 hrs

Service Pak HiLight V4W 3002 6087 40 3002 6087 50
For the most important sub-assemblies, Atlas Copco has developed service kits that combine all wear parts. These service kits offer you the benefits of genuine parts,
save on administration costs and are offered at reduces price, compared to the loose components. Refer to the parts list for more information on the contents of the
service kit.
Maintenance schedule (running hrs) Notes Daily Every 100 hrs Every 200 hrs Every 1000 hrs
Empty air filter vacuator valves X
Check engine oil level (if necessary top up) X
Check coolant level (4) X
Check/Fill fuel level (3) X
Check air intake vacuum indicators X
Check for leaks in engine-, air-, oil-, or fuel system X X
Check function of coolant heater (option) X
Check on abnormal noise X
Check electrical system cables for wear X
Check torque on critical bolt connections X
Check electrolyte level and terminals of battery (6) X X X
Check engine speed X X
Inspect/Adjust fan belt X X X
Replace fan belt X
Hoses and clamps - Inspect/Replace X X
Change engine oil (2), (5) X X
Replace engine oil filter (2) X X
Replace fuel pre-filter (5) X X
Replace fuel filter element (5) X X
Replace fuel filter (5) X

- 22 -
Maintenance schedule (running hrs) Notes Daily Every 100 hrs Every 200 hrs Every 1000 hrs
Check/Test glow plugs - grid heater X
Check rubber flexibles (7)
Check emergency stop X
Clean radiator (1)
Replace air filter element (1) X
Check/Replace safety cartridge X
Inspection by Atlas Copco service technician X
Inspect starter motor X
Inspect waterpump X
Inspect alternator X
Check engine protective devices X
Check valve in the fuel return line (for mechanical injection system) X
Maintenance schedule (km) Notes Daily Every 500 Km Every 2000 km
Check tyre pressure X X
Check tyres for uneven wear X
Check torque of wheel nuts X
Notes :
(4). More frequently when operating in a dusty environment.
(5). HiLight V4W 60Hz Tir4 add 5W40 oil, other type add 15W40 oil.
(6). After a days work.
(7). Change coolant every 2 years, coolant volume is 5L.
(8). Gummed or clogged filters means fuel starvation and reduced engine
(9). See section "Before starting".
(10). Replace all rubber flexibles each 6 years.

- 23 -
Figure 4.4 Comprehensive wiring schematic - 9829 3800 74

- 24 -
Figure 4.5 Generator-capacitor excitation schematic

Reference Description
1 Rotor
2 Stator
3 Excitation coils
4 Capacitor
5 Generator/terminal block
6 Control box lights

Wire Colours
B Black
Br Brown
Cl Clear
G Green
Gr Grey
L Blue
LL Light Blue
Or Orange
P Pink
Pr Purple
R Red
Sh Shield
T Tan
V Violet
W White
Y Yellow

- 25 -
Figure 4.6 Trailer wiring - 1094 2932 00

Reference Description Wire Colours

a Right stop, turn, and tail lights G Green Right stop and turn lights
b Left stop, turn, and tail lights Y Yellow Left stop and turn lights
c Side light, amber Br Brown License plate, tail, and side
d Side light, red
W White Ground
e License plate light
R Red

- 26 -
Figure 4.6 - 9829380078

- 27 -
Dimension Drawing - 9829 3900 86

6384,4 [251,355]
5939,2 [233,828]

2965,1 [116,735]
Lifting eye(Ø50)

Cooling Air Cooling Air

Inlet Outlet

406 [15,984]

Frame Drain

1887 [74,291] 990,4 [38,994]

3093 [121,772]

- 28 -
1577,5 [62,107]

Service Door
For cleaning cooler

Emergency Stop

Exhaust Air outlet

R686 [27,015]

R686 [27,006]

700 [27,559]

920 [36,220]
1349 [53,111]
342,5 [13,484] 342,5 [13,484]

- 29 -
D900 axle with leaf springs use and maintenance manual

Axle Maintenance • check the quality and quantity of grease, if

necessary, the filling or replacement of grease.
10,000 km or 3 years later: Wheel Bearing Grease: 2 # of lithium grease.
• Check the wheel bearing axial clearance and • Replace the wheel hub cover.
adjust if necessary.
• Check the quality and quantity of grease and
replace if necessary. Wheel bolt tightening torque
Thread Hexagon Tightening torque
Operation Size square Nm
Check the axle wheel bearing axial clearance:
M12X1.5 SW19 90
• Jacking trailer, check whether the wheels turn
smoothly, without hindrance. U-bolt nut tightening torque
• Axial flipping tires, whether we can feel the
obvious gap Thread Hexagon Tightening torque
Safety Precautions Size square Nm
Re-adjust the axle hub bearing axial width
• Allowed on the shaft tube welding or drilling. M12X1.5 SW18 90
• Select the matching wheel hub: wheel offset, PCD
(bolt circle), tire bolt hole diameter, with the angle • Remove the wheels and wheel covers.
must be connected with the hub and the wheel • Remove the slotted nut cotter pin.
bolts to match. Particular attention to the
recommended tightening torque Tightening wheel • Tighten shaft nut, then back to loose 1/2 turn (180
bolts (nuts). °), then tighten 1/4 turn (90 °).
• Check the wheel functioning - is free to rotate, and
the wheel can not be detected with axial clearance.
• Plug cotter pin.
Note: The bearing clearance adjustment too tight
can cause bearing damage.

- 30 -
Setting the Lc1003™ controller
Controller settings should only be 5 DOWN: Is used for navigating the
performed by a qualified technician. 1 STOP: Is used to activate Stop/Reset instrumentation, event log and
mode. When pressing the STOP configuration screens and to go to the
button, the generator will unload next parameter level.
Push button and LED (Light Output 1, 2, 3 & 4 becomes
inactive (if used)), the fuel supply de-
functions energises and the engine shuts down.
Following LEDs are used on the Lc1003™:

Pressing the STOP button will also

Following push buttons are used on the
clear any alarm conditions for which
the triggering criteria have been

2 AUTO: Is used to activate Auto

It is also used for floodlight
5 operation:
– switch on the floodlights
manually (S20: ON)
– switch on/off the floodlights 1 2 3
automatically, in REMOTE
mode (S20: REMOTE) 1 Stop LED indicates that the unit is in Stop/
1 2 3 Reset Mode.
3 START: Is used to start the unit in
Manual mode. 2 Auto LED indicates that the unit is in Auto
It is also used to switch off the Mode.
floodlights manually (S20: ON). 3 Start LED indicates that the unit is in
Manual/Start Mode.
4 UP: Is used for navigating the
instrumentation, event log and
configuration screens and to go to the
previous parameter level.

- 31 -
Module display Icon overview Display Description

Instrumentation icons Appears when the event log is

Home page being displayed
Display Description
The home page is the page displayed when no other The default home page which
page has been selected: Current time held in the unit
displays Generator voltage and the
Auto Run icon
7 The current value of the scheduler
Generator voltage and frequency run time and duration
1 5
instrumentation screen
6 ECU diagnostic trouble codes
3 Current and load instrumentation
4 screen

Engine speed instrumentation Oil Filter maintenance timers

1 Instrumentation icon screen

2 Active configuration Air Filter maintenance timers
3 FPE/Auto run Hours run instrumentation screen
4 Light output icons
5 Alarm icon Battery voltage instrumentation Fuel Filter maintenance timers
6 Mode icon screen
7 Instrumentation and Unit e.g. voltage reading
Active configuration
Oil pressure instrumentation screen
Display Description

Coolant temperature Appears when the main

instrumentation screen configuration is selected.

Appears when the alternative

Fuel sender instrumentation screen configuration is selected.

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Front panel editor (FPE) / Auto Run icons Display Description Navigation menu
To enter the navigation menu, press both the UP and
Display Description Appears when the unit is in the DOWN buttons simultaneously.
front panel editor.
Appears when a remote start input To navigate to the desired page, select the
is active corresponding icon by pressing the UP and DOWN
Appears when a USB connection is
button and press the AUTO (Accept) button to enter.
made to the controller.
Appears when a low battery run is If the AUTO button is not pressed, the display
active Appears if either the configuration automatically returns to the home page.
file or engine file becomes
Appears when a scheduled run is corrupted.
Light output icons
Mode icons
Display Description
Display Description Appears when the corresponding
light output has been configured
Appears when the engine is at rest
and is not active. Display Description
and the unit is in stop mode.
Appears when the corresponding
light output has been configured Home and generator voltage and
Appears when the engine is at rest frequency instrumentation
and the unit is in auto mode. and is active.
Appears when a timer to delay the
Appears when the engine is at rest Generator current and load
light output activating or de-
and the unit is waiting for a manual instrumentation
activating is in progress
Appears when a timer is active, for Engine instrumentation
Alarm icons
example cranking time, crank rest

etc. To indicate the alarm that is currently active on the
controller, an icon is displayed in the Alarm Icon
Appears when the engine is Module information
running, and all timers have
expired, either on or off load.
Engine DTCs (Diagnostic Trouble
The animation speed is reduced
Codes) if active
when running in idle mode.

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Display Description To view the event log:
1. Press the UP and DOWN buttons simultaneously
Event Log to display the navigation menu.
2. Once entered, cycle to the event log section (1)
and enter.
Event log
3. To view the event log, repeatedly press the UP or
The Lc1003™ module’s event log contains a list of
DOWN buttons until the LCD screen displays the
the last 15 record electrical trip or shutdown events
desired event.
and the engine hours at which they occurred.
4. Continuing to press the UP or DOWN buttons will
Once the log is full, any subsequent electrical trip or
cycle through the past alarms.
shutdown alarms over writes the oldest entry in the
log. Hence, the log always contains the most recent 5. To exit the event log, press the UP and DOWN
shutdown alarms. The module logs the alarm, along buttons simultaneously.
with the engine running hours.
Setting the Lc1003™ clock and timer
The Lc1003™ controller provides a basic scheduler
1 5
that allows the operator to set a detailed time schedule
following which the igniting of the floodlights can be
2 6
3 To set the Lc1003™ timer, follow the flow on the
next page.

1 Icon to indicate that the event log is currently

2 Number of event displayed out
3 Light output status
4 The engine hours at which the event occurred
5 Icon to indicate the electrical trip or shutdown
alarm that has been recorded
6 Current operating state of the module

- 34 -
Menu flow

Configuration Parameters – Scheduler

901 Enable Scheduler On (1),
Off (0)
902 Schedule Run On or Off On (1),
Load Off (0)
903 Schedule Period Weekly (0),
Monthly (1)
904 Scheduler (1) 0:00:00
Start Time
905 Scheduler (1) 0
Start Day (1=Monday)
906 Scheduler (1) 1,2,3,4
Start Week
907 Scheduler (1) Duration 0:00:00
908 Scheduler (2) 0:00:00
Start Time
935 Scheduler (8) Duration 0:00:00

Configuration Parameters – Clock

1001 Time of Day 0:00:00
1002 Day of Month 00
1003 Month of Year 00
1004 Year 0000

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Setting the Lc1003™ clock Setting the Lc1003™ timer 907 Scheduler duration
Set the desired time period. When this value is set,
1. Enter the weekly timer menu by pressing the 1. Enter the weekly timer menu as described above.
Event 1 is closed.
STOP and AUTO button simultaneously. 2. Select following parameters and settings to
4. To program the next event (Event 2), select and
The Operator and Service icon appear on the enable/set up the timer: program parameter 908. Continue with
display. 901 Enable scheduler: ON parameters 909, 910 and 911 to complete Event 2.
2. To toggle between both icons, press the START 902 Schedule run On or Off load: ON 5. Following this procedure up to 8 events can be
(+) and STOP (-) button. programmed, e.g. 1 event per week day.
3. To program the settings for Event 1, proceed as
3. When the Operator icon lights up, press the 6. To exit the parameter list, press the AUTO button
AUTO button. for three seconds.
903 Schedule period
The scheduler parameter list appears on the 7. To enable the weekly timer, put switch S20 to
• 0 = Weekly: Event 1 repeats every week
display. remote mode and push the AUTO button on the
• 1 = Monthly: Event 1 repeats every month
4. Scroll through the parameter list by pressing the controller.
Suggested: Weekly (0)
UP/DOWN button, till parameter 1001 (Time of
Day) is highlighted. 904 Scheduler start time period
Set the desired time period. Therefore, the
5. Press the AUTO (Accept) button to enter the
Lc1003™ clock should be set first.
905 Scheduler start day
6. Scroll through the parameter values by pressing
the START (+) and STOP (-) button. • 1 = Monday
• 2 = Tuesday
7. When the desired value is reached, press the
• ...
AUTO (Accept) button.
For one Event only one week day can be
After setting a parameter, the parameter list selected. To set several week days, more
appears again on the display. Events should be programmed.
8. Set parameters 1002, 1003 and 1004 following the 906 Scheduler start week
same procedure.
• 1 = monthly week 1
9. To exit the parameter list, press the AUTO button • 2 = monthly week 2
for three seconds. • ...
If for parameter 903 “week” schedule “0” has
been selected, parameter 906 is set by default
“monthly week 1”.

- 36 -
Setting the sensitivity regulator There are 2 blinking levels:
The photocell sensitivity regulator is used for – Level 1: slow blinking
regulating the luminosity sensitivity level of the The photocell detects there is enough light,
photocell. according to its set sensitivity level.
When the red LED (1) on the regulator is blinking, the – Level 2: fast blinking
regulator is reading the luminosity level measured by The photocell detects there is a prolonged
the photocell. luminosity change that falls below the set
sensitivity level. Remote start will be triggered
and the floodlights of the light tower will switch
on automatically (if Remote start and Auto mode
are selected, see also chapter “Operating the light
A1 A2 12 11 14 tower” on page26).
The recommended value to set the regulator is at
50 Lux.
– < 50 Lux: the floodlights switch on.
– > 50 Lux: the floodlights switch off.
The luminosity level can be adjusted to a desired
1 higher/lower level, according to the specific operating
50 conditions of the light tower.
25 75

1 100

B1 B2

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