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Ifoa Examination Handbook April 2023

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Examination Handbook

April 2023

February 2023
Table of Contents
Introduction ...................................................................................................................................... 3
Minimum Technical Requirements .................................................................................................. 4
Examination process........................................................................................................................ 5
Completing your exam script ........................................................................................................... 6
Mathematical formulae and symbols ............................................................................................... 8
Preparing to sit your exam ............................................................................................................. 12
Emergency situations..................................................................................................................... 14
Appendix 1– Accessing the exam platform.................................................................................... 16
Appendix 2 – Equipment check instructions .................................................................................. 20
Appendix 3 - On the day of the exam ............................................................................................ 27
Appendix 4 - IFoA exam checklist ................................................................................................. 37

The IFoA Examinations Handbook provides you with important information to help you prepare for and
to sit IFoA exams.
The handbook covers the software and hardware you need on the device you will be using to sit IFoA
exams, what you need to do before you sit your exam and what happens on the day of your exam.
This document also provides information about the relevant IFoA regulations, policies, and procedures
and signposts relevant web links where you can find out more information.

It is the responsibility of all candidates to read and become familiar with the content of the
Examinations Handbook ahead of your exams.

This Handbook sits alongside:

The IFoA Qualification Handbook

Assessment Regulations
Mitigating Circumstances
Refund policy
Membership Complaint policy

Please make sure you familiarise yourself with these before you sit an IFoA exam.

Exam Emergency Contact Information

On the day of your exam, if you experience technical issues which mean you are not able to
download the exam paper and/or upload your examination script, then please contact us by calling:
+ 44 (0)1865 268 873, or emailing

Please note: The contents of this handbook may be subject to change. Any changes will be identified
with a timestamp and communicated by email (with the subject: Important update), your joining
instructions and our Student and Associate newsletter.

Minimum Technical Requirements
Below you can see the minimum technical requirements for the examination platform to function to the
expected standards.

Microsoft Package:
The recommended minimum acceptable version is Microsoft Office 2013.
Minimum screen resolution:
1024 x 768
Internet connection:
We recommend a wired connection of 2mbps or greater.
Time and Date:
Your computer or device date and time must be set to the correct local time and zone for the country
where you are sitting your exam. Please do not adjust the time on your device to UK time.
Adobe Reader:
You will need an application capable of opening PDF documents. If you do not have a suitable
application on your device, you can download the latest version of Adobe Reader by following this
Web Browser:
You should use the latest version to ensure the best performance and behaviour.
Internet Explorer is not supported. Your web browser will need to have JavaScript enabled.

Windows: Microsoft Edge, Google Chrome, Firefox, Opera

macOS: Safari, Google Chrome, Firefox, Opera

Microsoft Surface Tablet: Microsoft Edge, Google Chrome, Firefox, Opera

iPad (9+): Safari, Google Chrome

iPhone: Not compatible

Android Tablets: Google Chrome

Android Phones: Not compatible

File Sizes:
For all online exams, the maximum file size for examination scripts should be no more than 100MB. If
your file sizes exceed 100MB, your examination script may not upload and may not be considered for
ZIP File extractor:
Your computer or device must have the ability to extract files from a compressed ZIP folder.

Examination process

Clear cache on the Download and On screen

Two weeks before device you intend open your exam confirmation
your exam to use and log into paper and begin receipt and email
the platform your exam received

Joining instructions Select 'Upload

Make sure you use
available and The day of your check' to submit
a desktop version
welcome email exam your exam answer
of Word / Excel
sent script

Verify your platform Check the date

Regularly save Preview the file
login details & and start and end
your exam work before submitting
mobile number times of your exam

Complete platform Read all essential Save and close

download & upload documents your exam work no Upload your exam
checks for each available on the later than the end answer script
exam paper exam platform time of the exam

Completing your Examination Script
1. We recommend Microsoft 2013 as the minimum requirement package for sitting online
exams, as previous versions are no longer supported by Microsoft Office.
2. You must answer all exam papers using either Microsoft Word or Excel. Details of the specific
exam formats are below You must upload your examination script in the correct format, as
alternative format types cannot be marked.

Exam Exam
Exam Exam
Script Exam Script Exam
Exam Materials Exam Materials
Upload Length Upload Length
Format Format
Format Format
3 hr 20
CS1A PDF Word SP1 PDF Word 3 hr 20 min
CS1B Word 1 hr 50 min SP2 PDF Word 3 hr 20 min
R Data

CS2A PDF Word 3 hr 20 min SP4 PDF Word 3 hr 20 min

CS2B Word 1 hr 50 min SP5 PDF Word 3 hr 20 min
R Data

CM1A PDF Word 3 hr 20 min SP6 PDF Word 3 hr 20 min

CM1B Excel 1 hr 50 min SP7 PDF Word 3 hr 20 min

CM2A PDF Word 3 hr 20 min SP8 PDF Word 3 hr 20 min

CM2B Excel 1 hr 50 min SP9 PDF Word 3 hr 20 min
& Excel

CB1 PDF Word 3 hr 20 min SA1 PDF Word 3 hr 20 min

CB2 PDF Word 3 hr 20 min SA2 PDF Word 3 hr 20 min

PDF Word 3 hr 20 min SA3 PDF Word 3 hr 20 min
Paper 1 & 2
CP2 PDF Word
3 hr 20 min SA4 PDF Word 3 hr 20 min
Paper 1 & 2 & Excel &Excel

CP3 PDF Word 3 hr 5 min SA7 PDF Word 3 hr 20 min

3. The exam platform will only accept the following file formats:

Document Software Package Suffix

Word Microsoft Office .docx

Excel Microsoft Office .xlsx

4. You will be provided with templates for the completion of the CM paper B examinations.
5. For any other examinations you will need to create the document, in the format specified above,
at the start of the exam time. Please do not create the file before your exam starts.
6. You will not be able to upload your examination script in other formats. R files, ODT, RTF or
PDF documents will not be accepted
7. We also recommended that you allow a spacing of 2.0 between lines, so our markers can then
easily mark what you have typed.
8. For all examinations you can use Excel to help you with calculations. You must then make sure
your calculations appear in full in your Word (.docx) answer script. This means that the markers
can see how you arrived at your answer. Without this you may miss out on marks.

9. Candidates should be aware of the following if they wish to use Excel or similar software:
• Data within Excel (or similar) should be copied and pasted directly into MS Word.
• Screen shots or image capture will be accepted for marking but you will need to make sure
the full working outs are visible to be marked.
• Data copied from Excel (or similar) is not ‘linked’ to the source file.
• Do not copy/insert an Excel (or similar) ‘sheet’ into word. Any formulae and /or numerical
workings should be copied and pasted directly from Excel into your answer sheet.
10. You must ensure the content of your examination script is visible to mark. You should remove
any formatting that has the potential to hide text, such as track changes, hidden text properties or
font colours that will make your script illegible. Please ensure you preview your examination
script before you submit it, as we cannot consider any Assessment Appeals based on exam
questions or parts of questions that cannot be marked.
11. Ensure that your examination script is not saved in read only mode, as this will prevent you from
uploading it to the examination platform.
12. Your examination script must not be password protected. If your examination script is password
protected it cannot be marked.
13. Your answer script must not contain links. If your script contains links our marking platform will
not accept it and it cannot be marked.
14. You should not leave any messages for the markers in your answer script. Markers have been
instructed not to take these comments into consideration.

Use of standard functions in Microsoft Office and R

15. You can use any standard function available in Excel, Word and R (excluding the use of

Macros), as set out in the IFoA Assessment Regulations. You cannot use functions only
available in versions of Microsoft Office released after 2013. This is so that candidates using
the 2013 version of Microsoft Office are not placed at a disadvantage. Information about this
can be found here:
15.1. Microsoft Excel
15.2. Microsoft Word
16. You cannot use mathematical mark-up language in your examination script (i.e., MathML, Open
Math and OMDoc) as it can corrupt your script and so it cannot be marked.
17. The Goal Seek function can be used for the completion of the exams.
18. You are not permitted to use of RMarkdown and knitR during your exam.
19. You cannot use any dictation functionality within Microsoft Word or alternative software.
You must type all your answers, unless the IFoA have approved specific access
arrangements. For the avoidance of doubt, ‘typed’ is defined as keyboard entry. Candidates
with this requirement need to apply for Access Arrangements.

20. You cannot handwrite or use freehand drawing tools or other hardware, such as drawing tablets,
or any device that converts handwritten text into typed text automatically for example Apple pencil
or Surface Pen, unless the IFoA have approved specific access arrangements.

21. You are allowed to use help pages in Microsoft Word and Microsoft Excel.
22. You are allowed to use multiple screens for the completion of your exam.

Use of authorised calculators

23. There are no restrictions on which calculators you can be used in our exams.

Mathematical formulae and symbols

24. Below you will find suggested keystrokes in Word to use in place of the mathematical formulae
and symbols.
This list is not exhaustive, and we will accept other sensible notation.
The list has been grouped into four key areas as follows:
• General mathematical notation
• Statistical notation
• Compound interest functions
• Life table functions

We recommend that you read this list in conjunction with past papers and Examiner reports provided
for the relevant subject.

The notation in the table below is likely to be of most use in subjects CM1, CM2, CS1, CS2, SP6 and
SP9. All candidates are advised to familiarise themselves with the notation as part of their examination

Candidates are permitted to copy and paste the IFoA Standard Keyboard Notation into your exam
script should that assist you in answering your exam paper.

Notation or Meaning Standard Keyboard Symbol / Notation that

may be used

General mathematical notation

Multiplication, × *

Division, ÷ /

Approximately equal, ≈ ~=
OR; approx. =
OR; c. =

Inequalities e.g. a ≥ b and c ≤ d a >= b and c <= d

Proportionality, a ∝ b a is proportional to b

Square root √… sqrt(…)

Superscripted letters, 𝑎 𝑥 a^x

Subscripted letters, e.g. 𝑋𝑖𝑗 X_ij

OR; Xij

𝑥 exp(x)
Exponential, 𝑒
OR; e^x

Accented symbols, e.g. 𝑏̂ , 𝑋̅ b^hat, X^bar

OR; bhat, Xbar
Use the typed word for the letter e.g. mu, sigma,
Greek letters, e.g. 𝜇, 𝜎, 𝛼, 𝛽, 𝜃, 𝜑, 𝜆, 𝜂, 𝜌, 𝛿
alpha, beta, theta, phi, lambda, eta, rho, delta.
Match case of Greek letter, for example phi
for φ and PHI for Φ.
OR; an Arabic alternative where available e.g. a
instead of alpha, b instead of beta, d for delta or
D for DELTA.

Symbols, e.g. infinity symbol, ∞ Infinity

OR; Inf

Derivatives, e.g. 𝑓 ′ (𝑥), 𝑓′′(𝑥), f/s f’(x), f’’(x), df/ds (stating partial, if necessary)
OR; df/dx, d^2f/dx^2

Integral, e.g.

Notation or Meaning Standard Keyboard Symbol / Notation that
may be used
b INT(a,b):f'(t) dt

 f '(t )dt
OR; Integral over a to b (f’(t))
OR; int(a,b)[ f’(t)]
Solved Integral, e.g.

= [𝑓(𝑡)]𝑏𝑎 = [f(t)]:(a,b)

Summation, e.g.
b sigma(a,b): mu(t)

μ t =a
sum(a,b): mu(t)
Sum over a to b (mu(t))
OR; Sum(a,b)[mu(t)]

Product, e.g.
𝑏 Product (a,b):f(x)
∏ 𝑓(𝑥) OR; product over a to b(f(x))

Statistical notation

Expected values e.g. 𝐸(… ) E(…)

Conditional expectation, e.g. 𝐸(𝑋|𝑌) E(X given Y)

Variance, 𝑉(… ) V(…)

Covariance, Cov(…) Cov(…)

2 chi-squared_m
Distributions, e.g. 𝜒𝑚
OR; chi-squared with m degrees of freedom

𝑛 n choose r
Binomial Coefficient, e.g. ( )
OR; choose (n, r)

Compound interest functions

i( p)

d ( p) d(p)

 delta

Notation or Meaning Standard Keyboard Symbol / Notation that
may be used

n v^n



an( p )

Life table functions

ly Ly/Lx


dx dx/Ly

k px kpx

m| qx m|qx

p xy px:y

ax:n adue:x:<n>

a x( p ) a(p):x

ax:y adue:x:y

ax:y:n adue:x:y:<n>

( p)
ax:y: n

Notation or Meaning Standard Keyboard Symbol / Notation that
may be used

ax|y adue:x|y

m| ax m|adue:x

A EA:x:<n>

A EAbar:x:<n>

A1 TA:x:<n>

A 1
 x :n

( IA) 1 I(TA):x:<n>

Preparing to sit your exam

This section sets out the essential steps you need to take to:

✓ ensure that you can receive essential communications,

✓ have the appropriate hardware and software to successfully complete an IFoA exam (see
Technical Requirements at the beginning of this Handbook),
✓ ensure that you have carried out the necessary checks to allow you to sit the exam on the
exam day and the checks you must perform before sitting,
✓ ensure that you have completed your equipment checks for all exam papers, particularly if
your exam has two papers.
✓ ensure you download the pre-exam materials needed for the examination.

Make sure your email address and mobile phone number are correct
We use the preferred contact email address and phone number that are listed on your record. It is your
responsibility to check that your contact details are correct and kept up to date during exam time, from
booking your exam up to exam results’ release. If you fail to do so, this could mean that you miss out
on important communications. These communications may direct you to complete an essential task,
like exam platform testing, so if you miss these communications, you could find that that you are
unable to sit to your exam on the day.

What do you need to do?
You can check and update your details by logging in to your online account on the IFoA’s website. If
you are not a member of the IFoA, but are sitting our exams, these requirements also apply to you.

Two weeks before the exam

Two weeks before the exam session starts, joining instructions will become available for you to
download from the member’s area of the IFoA’s website, under the Review exam booking page. This
information will include how to create and verify your details in the exam platform and how to complete
the examination.
If you are sitting an examination through another association, you will receive joining instructions by
Please make sure that you add the following IFoA email addresses to your ‘safe senders’ address book
to avoid the email being sent to your Junk or Spam folder:

Important: Remember to check that no IFoA emails have gone into your junk folder

25. We use a Two-Factor Authentication process to allow you to access our online exam platform.
This requires you to be able to receive an SMS text message. It is important that you keep your
mobile phone number up to date or you may miss out on communications and therefore are
unable to sit your exam. This process is set out in detail in ‘accessing the online exam platform’
and ‘verifying your details’ (security process) in Appendix 1 of this handbook.
Make sure you meet IFoA online examination hardware and software requirements
26. You are responsible for ensuring you have a working computer ahead of your online
27. You are also responsible for checking you have the correct software/package downloaded
before the exam.
28. You are responsible for checking that your computer (or device) date and time is set to the
correct time and zone for the country where you are sitting your exam. Do not change your
computer to UK time.
29. In order to access the examination on your exam day, you will need to complete equipment
checks for every exam you are sitting. For those examinations with two papers, you will
need to complete an equipment check for each paper.
Make sure you have the date and time of the exam recorded
30. IFoA examinations are run in UK time only. Please ensure you know the exam date and time.
If you are sitting the exam in a different time zone, it is essential you have the correct local time
to sit your exam. Additional time will not be given if you download the exam paper late due to a
confusion with time zones.
Cache History
31. We recommend that you clear your browser cache/history before accessing the exam platform
every time you access it. You may need administrator rights to do this if you are sitting you are
using a work computer.

Pre-Exam Materials
32. If you are sitting any of the exams listed below, you may need to download pre-exam
materials from the exam platform to be able to complete the exam. The list below shows what
subject may have pre-exam materials and when these will be available to you in the
examination platform the day you get access to it.

Subject Paper Available

2 weeks before the start of the


2 weeks before the start of the


3 working days before the

CP3 n/a
exam takes place

For CS examinations, pre-exam materials will not be always necessary. Please check the Guide to
CS1 and CS2 examinations and follow all the instructions given before the day of the examination to
avoid any issues.

The IFoA does not provide technical support for the use or ‘R’.

Emergency situations
We want to make sure you have the support you need if you experience any issues
during your exam, so we have set out what you should do:
Fire alarms and other distracting events
33. You are responsible for checking the building where you are sitting your exam, to
ensure there are no scheduled fire alarms or other planned events that may affect
your exam sitting.
34. If a fire alarm is scheduled to take place during your exam, and you are unable to relocate to
another building, you can apply for mitigating circumstances. You will be required to explain how
this affected your performance and you will be required to provide evidence, as set out in the IFoA
mitigating circumstances policy.
35. Your safety is our priority. If a fire alarm occurs during your exam, you should leave the
building if required. While evacuated from the building, you must not communicate with
anyone about your exam.
36. Once you return to your exam, you must complete the paper to the best of your ability. We
cannot add additional time. You can apply for mitigating circumstances. Please refer to the
policy on the website.
IFoA platform issues
37. If our system fails during your examination, we will do our best to immediately put alternative
arrangements in place. If this proves impossible, our only remaining option will be to cancel that
exam. In the unlikely event that we must cancel an exam, we will contact you directly to advise
you of the next steps.

System Issues (Internet / Electric connectivity)
38. If you have system issues during your exam, you must continue to complete your exam to the
best of your ability. System issues could relate to internet connection or electricity failing.
39. If you experience systems issues, you must keep a log of the issues and the times when you
have been affected. You will need to take screenshots as evidence for errors or issues which
have occurred if you want the issues to be considered under our mitigating circumstances
Individual upload issues
40. If you experience issues uploading your exam document(s) during the 30-minute upload
period, you MUST call us on (+44 (0)1865 268 873) before you attempt to send us your
examination script.
41. We cannot accept any answer script sent by email or other method unless we have given pre-
authorisation over the phone.
42. We will give you guidance and further instructions during the call. If during the call, we grant
you authorisation, you will then be allowed to email in your answer script quoting a unique
43. We cannot accept any answer scripts which are emailed to us unless we have given you
authorisation and you quote your unique code in your email. We cannot mark any emailed
examination scripts that we have not authorised.
44. You must keep a log of the issues and the time you have been affected; you will also need to
take screenshots as evidence.

We understand that exams can be a stressful time and we want to make things as easy as
possible for you. We hope that this handbook provides you with all the information you need for
your upcoming exam sitting. Please ensure you familiarise yourself with our Assessment
Regulations alongside the information provided here, to make sure your exam experience goes
as smoothly as possible on your exam day.
We wish you all the best of luck with your exams.

Appendix 1– Accessing the
examination platform
Two weeks before the start of the exam session:
• You will receive an email to your preferred email address from advising you to create and verify your details on our
exam platform.
• Your joining instructions will be available to view in your member’s area of the IFoA website
by navigating to My Exams: Review exam bookings. If you are sitting an IFoA examination
through another association, you will receive joining instructions by email. This information
will include how to create and verify your details on the exam platform and how to complete
the essential exam platform equipment checks.
If you do not receive this email, then please contact us at no later
than seven working days before the exam is due to begin. If you contact us less than seven working
days before your exam you may not have enough time to complete the relevant checks and you may
be unable to sit the exam.

The email you will receive will look like this:

45. Once you have received this email, you must select the hyperlink ‘Set up my account’ to
access the online exam platform. You will then be able to create a password and save those

46. Once you have saved your password, you must then confirm your mobile phone number by
selecting your area location, then adding your telephone number and selecting Send
Verification Code. If the mobile telephone number we hold for you is incorrect, please enter in
the correct mobile number. If you need to update your mobile number more than once, you will
need to contact us at to help you with this.

47. Once you have selected ‘Send verification code’; you should receive a text message with an
activation code. The text message can take a couple of minutes to come through.

48. Once you have received your activation code, this will be valid for 15 minutes. You must enter
this code into the online exam platform to verify your details.

49. Once your details have been verified, your account will be active. You will see a confirmation on

Once you have completed your account set up, you will be able to log into the online exam
platform through the following web page: We recommend
you bookmark this link.

You will need to enter your ARN (Actuarial Reference Area) and the password you have created to
access the exam platform.

Appendix 2 – Equipment check
Equipment checks
To make sure you can access your exam paper and do not experience exam platform issues on the
day of your exam, you will need to complete essential equipment checks before your exam.

50. Once you have activated your account and are able to access our online exam platform, you
must complete the equipment checks on the computer you plan to use for the exam.
51. You will need to complete these equipment checks for every exam you are
taking, which includes both papers of a dual paper exam, to ensure your equipment
works for each exam you are taking.
52. If you do not carry out these equipment checks before your exam day, you will
not be able to access your exam paper and therefore you will not be able to
complete the exam.
53. A red banner will show at the top of the examination area if you have not completed
your equipment check.

*The blue equipment check button will also have a tick and ‘required’ message on it – this indicates
that you are yet to complete your equipment check download and upload tasks for that exam paper.

54. If you sit your examination in your office, you are advised to check with your IT department
ahead of your exam for any pending system updates, restrictions for using the exam platform
or any firewalls which may cause problems while using the exam platform.
55. One logged into the exam platform, you will be taken to the Welcome Page. To begin an
equipment check, select View Exam.

56. You will be presented with an information page, which includes IFoA Assessment Regulations.
You will need to tick at the bottom of the screen to confirm you have read and understood the
Assessment Regulations.

57. You will then be taken to the examination page. Here you will be presented with several
important documents, including the exam instructions, which you will need to read and become
familiar with before your exam day.
58. Across from the exam instructions, you will find a blue equipment check button on the right.

59. Within the equipment check section, there is a download area and an upload area. You must
complete the checks in both the upload and download areas for the equipment check to
be fully tested. There is no limit to how many times you can test your equipment.

Download Area
60. To test the download area, select the blue ‘download check’ button.

61. Once selected, the downloaded document should appear at the bottom of the web page in the
download banner. Select ‘open’ to ensure you can view the downloaded document.

Upload Area
62. To test the upload area, select the browse button to find the file you would like to upload to the
exam platform. Upload a document in the same format as your exam script, as specified in the
exam file format section of this handbook.

63. Find your examination script and then click on the upload button. If you are submitting multiple
examination scripts (only needed for the CP2 examination) you MUST do this at the same
time. You cannot add further files once you have completed this step. To select two documents,
click on the first file you wish to upload, then press the Ctrl button on your keyboard and then click
on the second file. Both files should now be highlighted, which will allow you to upload both at the
same time.

Please note that the optional preview function may not be compatible with certain browsers,
workplace networks or devices. If you are uploading a particularly large file (such as an Excel
file), the preview function may take longer to generate or not load all tabs in the exact
format/layout you are expecting. This is an automated conversion tool, which may not exactly
replicate the layout as per your saved examination script. On your exam day, whilst fully
operational, this feature may run slower than usual, as all candidates will be attempting to use
this feature at similar times. If the function does not work for you, you can still check the title of
the file you are attempting to upload to ensure you are selecting the correct file.

64. You can preview the file(s) you have uploaded before submitting them. If you have selected the
wrong file, click remove and the file will be removed. You can then browse and select the correct

Example preview:

65. If you are happy that the file(s) you selected is correct and you would like to upload it, select
upload check, which will upload the file.

66. Once the file is uploaded, a confirmation popup box will appear.

67. If at this stage you find that the exam platform does not work, then please contact us +44 (0)1865
268 873 or at
68. It is your responsibility to check your equipment and test our online exam platform for
all papers of your exam before your exam sitting date. If you fail to do this, you will not
be able to access your exam paper on your exam days.
69. Once you have successfully completed your equipment checks, the blue button will state that
you have completed the checks for that exam with a tick and the word ‘completed’. If the
button does not state this, then you may have missed a step in the checks.
Changing your personal details (on the online exam platform)
70. If you need to change your details, select ‘change my details’ at the top right corner of the
exam platform.

71. If you forget your password go to the login screen at ,enter
your ARN and click next.
72. Click forgotten password? Enter your ARN again then click reset password.
73. You will receive an email with a reset password link allowing you to set a new password.

Please note you will need to complete the verification code steps every time you access the online
exam platform.
If you have difficulties with verification codes, please contact as
soon as possible.

Appendix 3 - On the day of your
We know exams can be a stressful time, so to support you on your exam day we have set out
important information about your exam start time, allowing sufficient time for completing any security
measures and downloading your exam paper and any other exam materials.
We also guide you step by step through completing your exam on our online exam platform, including
accessing the online exam platform, agreeing to Assessment Regulations, equipment checks,
downloading your exam paper and uploading your examination script document.
This section also covers how to save your work.

During the exam:

74. You are strictly prohibited from collaborating or working with other exam candidates during
your exam.
75. You must not share any of the exam materials with any other candidate, even if your exam
cohort finishes before another exam cohort.
76. You must not share your examination script with any other candidate.

Exam start times:

77. You are responsible for accessing the online exam platform at the correct time and date, to
successfully download your exam materials. Your exam paper will not be available any earlier. If
you log into the online exam platform late, you will not be given any additional time to complete
your exam.
78. You are responsible for logging onto the online exam platform at your allocated time as set out in
your joining instructions.

Accessing the examination platform

79. We recommend that you clear your browser cache and history before you access the exams
platform. This will increase the speed of downloading the exam paper and uploading your
examination script. If you are sitting your exam on a work computer, you may need administrator
rights to clear your cache/browser history.
80. If you are using a company device to complete the exam, please check with your IT department
to confirm you will not have any issues with the company firewall.
81. If you have already activated your account during the current exam session, you do not need
to set up your account again.
You should access the exams platform with the URL:, we
recommend you bookmark this link.

81.1. Enter your ARN

81.2. Once you have entered your ARN, you will be then asked to add the password which
you created in Appendix 1 of this Handbook.

81.3. If you have forgotten your password, select the forgotten password hyperlink and enter
your ARN.

81.4. You will then receive an email, sent to the email account which we have on file for

Once you have entered your ARN and password on the exam
platform, you will need to enter a verification code, which will
be sent to the mobile telephone number which you set up in
appendix 1 of this Handbook.

If, after 60 seconds, you do not receive a code, an option

appears allowing you to request the code by email.

Once the code has been entered and your details have
been verified, you will then have access to the exam

82. If you are unable to log into the exam platform on the exam day and have tried every
possible option including clearing your cache/history, please contact us by calling
44 (0)1865 268 873 or emailing

Downloading your exam paper

83. Once logged in the welcome page will load and display the exams you’ve booked onto.
Select the correct exam to load the next page. On the screen the exam paper section will
show details of the date and time it will become available. When the area is unavailable,
the section will be greyed out. When available, the box will appear blue. If your exam has
exam material, this will also show on the screen.

83.1. To view your exam paper area, select the exam paper button. This will load the area where
you can download your exam paper. The exam paper area is also where you upload
your examination script.
83.2. Once you have accessed the exam paper area, select the download paper button to
download your exam paper.

83.3. Once you have selected download paper, the exam paper should appear at the bottom
of the screen. Select open to ensure you can view the downloaded document.

Saving your work

84. It is your responsibility to ensure that you regularly save your exam work in a specific
and easily found location in your computer. If you do not save your work, we will not
consider this as a mitigating circumstance.
85. Your examination script file names should include at least your ARN and the subject you are
attempting. Please do not change the format of the naming convention after the end of the
examination time, as this will modify the last time the document was modified.

86. Any information that could help markers to identify you must not be included in the
content, headers or footers of your examination script itself (i.e., name, ARN, email
address, etc.).
You are not allowed to use any collaborative platforms or groupware to save your examination script
during or after your exams takes place (i.e., SharePoint, Google Docs, One Drive, Office 365 online).
Please ensure that you are using the desktop version of Microsoft Word or Excel, as exam scripts
uploaded from an online account may not be uploaded correctly to the exam platform. We cannot
consider any assessment appeals based on an incomplete examination script from an online account
such as Office 365 online or similar

Uploading your examination script

87. Once you have finished your exam you can upload your completed examination script. If you
finish your exam early, then you can upload your examination script straight away.
88. You must save and close your examination script document before the end time of the
exam. Do not reopen the file, as this will amend the last modified time stamp. Remember to
save your examination script to a specific location on your desktop, and not in an online app (such
as OneDrive).

89. Once you have saved, upload your examination script document(s) in the upload area of the
exam platform.
90. You access the upload area by selecting the exam paper button from the instructions page. We
recommend keeping the upload area open on screen throughout your exam.
91. You will have 30 minutes to upload your examination script after the end of your exam time. It is
important that you begin your examination script upload as soon as your exam time ends, as we
cannot accept any scripts that have either not been uploaded or are partially uploaded.
92. During the 30 minutes allocated for uploading your exam documents, you are not permitted to
continue working on your examination script. This includes reviewing and formatting your
examination script. You are responsible for the proper submission of all your exam materials
within the 30 minutes upload period and we will not accept materials uploaded after this time. We
cannot be held liable if an error occurs when you upload your exam materials onto the exam
93. We will check the timestamp on your examination script materials for confirmation if required.
This includes the time and date the submitted materials were created and when they were last
modified. Examination scripts which are found to be created and/or modified outside the exam
time will not be marked.
94. To upload your examination script, select the browse button within the upload section to find the
file you would like to upload. When the exam platform upload area is unavailable, the section will
be greyed out. When available, the box will appear blue. The maximum file size for your
examination script is 100MB. If your file size is greater than 100MB, your examination script
cannot be marked.

95. Browse and select the examination script(s) you wish to submit and then click on the upload
button below. If submitting multiple examination script files (only needed for subject CP2), you
MUST do this at the same time. You cannot add further files once you have completed this step.
To select two documents, click on the first file you wish to upload, then press the Ctrl button on
your keyboard and then click on the second file.
96. You can preview the examination script(s) you have uploaded before you submit them. If you
have selected the wrong file, click on remove and the file will be removed. You can then browse
and select the correct file(s). Please note that the optional preview function may not be compatible
with certain browsers, workplace networks or devices. If you are uploading a particularly large file
(such as an Excel file), the preview function may take longer to generate or not load all tabs in the
exact format/layout you are expecting. This is an automated conversion tool, which may not
exactly replicate the layout as per your saved file. On your exam day, whilst fully operational, this
feature may run slower than usual, as all candidates will be attempting to use this feature at similar
times. If the function does not work for you, you can still check the title of the file you are
attempting to upload to ensure you are selecting the correct examination script.

Please note that the size of the document may vary when this is uploaded to the exam platform so
you cannot use this to verify you have uploaded the right document.
Please also note that when previewing Excel files that have multiple tabs/sheets within the file, these
may appear as separate pages in the preview. Please check all your intended work appears on the
It may take up to 60 seconds for the preview to appear. This will depend on factors like the size of the
document uploaded and your internet connection.
97. If you are happy with the file(s) and you would like to upload it, select upload check

98. Once you examination script(s) has uploaded, a confirmation pop up box will appear.
99. You cannot make changes to your examination script once you have uploaded your examination
script and it has been accepted by the exam platform. We cannot accept alternative or additional
documents sent to us by email.
100. Once your examination script(s) has successfully uploaded, the exam platform will show an
onscreen confirmation receipt detailing: the exam, your candidate details, upload details and the
file name. In addition to the confirmation receipt on screen, an email with your upload details will
be sent to the email address which you have entered on the exam platform.

If you have issues uploading your answer script, please refer to emergency situations section of this

Appendix 4 -IFoA Exam checklist
Two weeks before your exam

☐ Make sure your contact details are up to date in your members area (including your mobile
phone number)
☐ Read the Assessment regulations, Examination Handbook and any other guides needed
for the completion of your examination

☐ Joining instructions available and welcome email sent – ensure you read them carefully.

☐ Ensure the time in your computer is set at your local time

☐ Complete platform download and upload checks for each exam paper in the computer you
will used to complete your examination

☐ Check the date and start and end times of your exam

Day before your exam

☐ Set up your exam space / area

☐ Prepare your exam notes to be easily accessed

☐ Re-Check the start and end times of your exam

☐ Do a final upload/download check

Day of your exam

☐ Get set up 20-30 minutes before your exam starts

☐ Clear cache on the device you intend to use and log into the platform

☐ Don’t open a new word or excel file until your exam starts
Save your examination script in an area of your computer that is easy to find for the upload

☐ Download and open your exam paper and begin your exam
Make sure you use a desktop version of Word / Excel, not GoogleDocs or Microsoft 365
☐ online

☐ Regularly save your exam work

Once your exam finishes

☐ At the end of the exam time, save and close your examination script

☐ Do not review, amend, edit or change any part of your script after the exam has finished

☐ Upload your exam answer script

☐ Preview the file before submitting

☐ Upload your examination script once you are sure you have uploaded the right file

☐ On screen confirmation receipt and email received

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