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Suggestionof Empirical Equationsfor Damping Ratioof Plastican

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Missouri University of Science and Technology

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International Conferences on Recent Advances in 2001 - Fourth International Conference on Recent
Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering and Soil Advances in Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering
Dynamics and Soil Dynamics

Mar 26th - Mar 31st

Suggestion of Empirical Equations for Damping

Ratio of Plastic and Non-Plastic Soils Based on the
Previous Studies
Dugkeun Park
National Institute for Disaster Prevention, Seoul, Korea

Harry E. Stewart
Cornell University, Ithaca, NY

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Park, Dugkeun and Stewart, Harry E., "Suggestion of Empirical Equations for Damping Ratio of Plastic and Non-Plastic Soils Based on
the Previous Studies" (2001). International Conferences on Recent Advances in Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering and Soil Dynamics.

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Suggestion of Empirical Equations for Damping Ratio of Plastic
and Nonplastic Soils based on the Previous Studies

Dugkeun Park Harry E. Stewart

National Institute for Disaster Prevention Cornell University
Mapo-Gu, Seoul-Korea- 12 17 19 Ithaca, New York-USA-14853


Several empirical correlations between damping ratio with various factors are available and many researchers have developed
empirical correlations between damping ratio and normalized shear modulus. Regardless of the appearance of the equations, the
estimation of the damping ratio from the normalized shear modulus at any given shear strain amplitude is possible. In this paper,
thirty-two sets of normalized shear modulus versus damping ratio from ten references are used to find a new empirical equation for
damping ratio of sandy soils. For clayey soils, more than forty sets of normalized shear modulus versus damping ratio from nine
references are used. After compiling and analyzing these previous studies and data, equations of sandy and clayey soils for the

correlation are determined with coefficient of determination (r*) = 0.918 and 0.844, respectively.

D(%)=(50-600c).y(%)0.3 (2)

Several empirical correlations between damping ratio (D) with where Oc is effective confining pressure in psi. They
various factors are available. Hardin (1965) proposed an modified Equation 2 further to include the effects of soil
empirical equation for damping ratio of clean dry sands for gradation and number of cycles as:
shear strain amplitudes (v) in the order of lo-4% to 10-z%. D(%)=((50-60Crc)/38)(73F-53)
For confining pressures (00 ) between 500 psf and 3,000 psf (3)
x (1 .Ol - 0.0461ogN). y (%)“.3
and frequencies less than 600 Hz, the damping ratio (D) were
where N is number of loading cycles, and F is soil gradation
recommendedto be calculated as:
and sphericity factor, which is functions of soil sphericity and
D = 4.5 y”.2 ,o-o.5 coefficient of curvature. Typically, the value of F varies from
1.0 to 2.0 (Saxena and Reddy, 1989).
Sherif et al. (1977) establishedanother empirical equation for
Edil and Luh (1978) observed a significant effect of the
damping ratio based on cyclic torsional shear tests on dry
number of cycles on damping ratio for Ottawa sandand other
Ottawa sandat secondloading cycle as:

Paper No. 1.21 1

dry sands, and developed the correlation as:
D/DO =1.131-0.0453logN (4)

DO = 0.88 + 6592 y. e”.5 - 0.28 y”,33

x (Co/98.07)3 - 73.55 y .,o”.5

where Do is the damping ratio determined at number of cycles

(N) equal to 1000, Do and D are in percentage, e is void ratio,
and 00 is expressed in kPa. Expressions for Do in terms of

relative density instead of using void ratio were also

Adopting the observations of Hardin (1965) and Sherif et al.
(1977), Saxena and Reddy (1989) expressed the damping ratio Fig. 1. Relationship between normalized shear modulus and
amplification of Monterey No.0 sand as: damping ratio based on shear strain for saturated
clays (data from Seed and Idriss, I9 70).
D (%) = 9.22 y”.33 (Q/pa)-‘.38 (6)

where Pa is the atmospheric pressure. The unit of a0 and effect of PI on G/G,, and D separately. However, PI effect
Pa should be the same, and shear strain amplitude (y) is does not have to be included in the formulation for damping
expressed in percentage. ratio when the equation is based on the normalized shear
modulus. This statement is justifiable, since the trend and
shape of damping change with PI are systematically similar to
METHODOLOGY those of modulus reduction change with PI. Figure 2
illustrates the relationship between damping ratio (D) and
As can be observed above, shear strain is the key parameter modulus ratio (G/Grnax), which was a function of inversely
for most empirical equations. After compiling available data proportional at various PI.
for saturated clays from twelve references, Seed and Idriss Many researchers have developed empirical correlations
(1970) suggested typical shear reduction curve and damping between damping ratio and normalized shear modulus.
ratio with shear strain. These relationships may be displayed Hardin and Dmevich (1972) derived a simple relationship
more clearly in 3-D diagram as shown in Fig. 1. It shows between modulus and damping ratio as:
that both properties (G/G,, and D) depend on shear strain,
D = D max Cl- (G/G max )) (7)
and it may be possible to demonstrate a relationship between Tatsuoka et al. (1978) also investigated the relationship
these two properties. Indeed, empirical equations for between shear modulus and damping ratio. They found
damping ratio using G/G,,, seem to be most convenient and
decreasing trend of damping ratio with increasing shear
widely used, since both modulus ratio and damping ratio modulus ratio (G/G,,,) qualitatively. Damping ratio could
depend, in general, on the same parameters. For example, it be expressed as a function of the normalized shear modulus
was found that plasticity index (PI) has significant effects on ratio (G/Grnax) as:
both normalized shear modulus and damping ratio. It was D=f (G/Grnax) (8)
demonstrated that it was not an easy task to formulate the

Paper No. 1.2 1 2

1.0 25 proposed another equation as:
0.6 20

0.6 15 D(%)=A.exp -a wGnl,x lb (11)

0.4 10

0.2 5 where A, a, and b are the regression parameters.

0.0 0 Borden et al. (1996) proposed another equation as:
24 g

D(%)=20.4((G/Gmax)-1)2 +3.1 (14

Regardless of the appearance of the equations, the estimation

of the damping ratio from the normalized shear modulus at
any given shear strain amplitude is possible.

0.6 15


0.01 0.1 1 0.01 0.1 1

Shear Strain (%) In this study, thirty-two sets of normalized shear modulus
Fig. 2. Systematic change of damping ratio (0) with versus damping ratio from ten references are used to find a
normalized shear modulus (G/GmaJ for various new empirical equation for damping ratio of sandy soils. For
plastici& indices (modifiedfrom Vucetic and Dobry, clayey soils, forty-eight sets of normalized shear modulus

1991). versus and damping ratio from nine references are used.
Table 1 and 2 summarize the references used for sandy and

Using the idea of Equation 8, several different forms of clayey soils, respectively.

equations were proposed. Uchida et al. (1980) proposed the Figure 3 shows the damping ratio (D) change with normalized

relationship between damping ratio and shear modulus ratio shear modulus. It shows a clear relationship between D and

as: G/Gmax for sandy soils. An equation for the correlation is

D =(l-(G/Gmax))‘(a + b(G/Gtnax)) (9) determined as:

where the values of a and b are determined from curve fitting

for a given soil. By analyzing test data from previous D(%) = 32.85 !Os4(&j2 -*s3($)+1] (13)

research on sands, Khouri (1984), and Ishibashi and Zhang

(1993) proposed an equation of the damping ratio (D) as: with coefficient of determination (r2) = 0.918. Several other
functions such as linear, sigmoidal, modified hyperbolic,
D=O.333[0.~86[-&.~47(&)+1] (10) power, and rational were tried to find best fitting curve.
Most of the functions yield the r2 more than 0.90 and
In Equation 10, a maximum damping ratio (Dmax) was quadratic polynomial function results in the best correlation.

defined as D,, = 33.3%, which corresponds to very high As can be noticed in Equation 13, Dmax would be about

shear strain levels where the G/G,, ratio is nearly equal to 32.8% when GiGmax is zero and Dmin is calculated as about

zero. Dmax = 33.3% is a representative value from many 0.3% when GiGmax is one.

previous researchers (Hardin and Dmevich, 1972; Sherif et al., Similarly, the damping ratio of clayey soils versus normalized

1977; Tatsuoka et al., 1978) for sands. Zhang (1994) shear modulus is plotted in Fig. 4, and can be represented by

Paper No. 1.2 1 3

Table 1 Summary of references used for sandy soils.
Reference Sand Type Index

Kokusho (1980) Toyoura sand a 30

Kokusho and Esashi ( 198 1) Toyoura sand b

';; 25
Alarcon-Guzman (1986) Ottawa sand C a-

Ni (1987) washed mortar sand d

Saxena and Reddy (1989) Monterey No.0 sand e, f*
Yasuda and Matsumoto (1993) Toyoura sand
Hardin et al. (1994) Ottawa sand
‘E l5
0" 10
Kanatani et al. (1994) Toyoura sand i
Macari and Ko ( 1994) non-plastic marine silt 5
Yamashita and Toki (1994) Ishikari sand k
* e for d, = 25% and f for d, = 60% 1. . . I . . . 1 . . . I. I. I . ..I
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
Normalized Shear Modulus (GIGmax)
Table 2 Summary of references used for clayey soils.
Fig. 3. Damping ratio versus normalized shear modulus for
Reference Clay Type Index
sandy soils.
Stokoe et al. (1980) offshore clayey silt a
Kokusho et al. (1982) Teganuma and b

Hommoku clay
Puri (1984) loessial silty clay c, d, e * see Table 2
for index
Saada (1985) various clays f, g * 0 a
0 b
Tawfiq (1986) Edger plastic kaolin h 0 c. d. and

Diaz-Rodriguez (1992) Mexico City clay i

Pitilakis et al. (1992) Greek silty clay j
Zavoral and Campanella UBC clay k
Guha (1995) San Francisco Old Bay 1
* c for reconstituted, d for S = lOO%, e for S = 74-78%,
f for various anisotropic, and g for isotropic

an empirical equation as:

0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
Normalized Shear Modulus (G/G,,,)

Fig. 4. Damping ratio versus normalized shear modulus for

with coefficient of determination (r2) = 0.844. clayey soils.

Several other functions were also tried to find best fitting
curve. Most of the functions yield r2 less than 0.84, which As can be observed in Equation 14, Dm, would be about
indicates more scattered data compared to sandy soils. The 17.8% when G/Gn-,ax is zero and Dmin is about 3.1% when
quadratic polynomial function provides reasonable correlation. G/G,ax is one. The damping ratio of clayey soils is found to

Paper No. 1.2 1 4

be smaller than that of sandy soils in most cases. However, Dyn., Pasadena, CA, ASCE, Vol. I, pp. 394-409.
Dmin and the damping amplification until G/Gmax reaches
about 0.75 are found to be slightly larger than those of sandy Guha, S. [1995]. Dynamic Characteristics of Old Bay Clay
soils from the result of regression analyses. Deposits in the East San Francisco Bay Area, Ph.D.
Dissertation, Purdue Univ., West Lafayette, IN, 260~.

CONCLUSIONS Hardin, B.O. [ 19651. The Nature of Damping in Sands, J. Soil

Mech. and Found. Div., ASCE, Vol. 91, No. SMl, pp. 63-97.
Regardless of the appearance of the equations proposed by
previous researches, the estimation of the damping ratio from Hardin, B.O. and V.P. Dmevich. [1972]. Shear Modulus and
the normalized shear modulus at any given shear strain Damping in Soils: Design Equations and Curves, J. Soil Mech.
amplitude was possible. Since both modulus reduction curve and Found. Div., ASCE, Vol. 98, No. SM7, pp. 667-692.
and damping ratio depend on the same parameters generally
and the damping amplification is inversely proportional to the Hardin, K.O., V.P. Dmevich, J. Wang and C.E. Sams. [ 19941.
modulus reduction curve, two empirical equations for Resonant Column Testing at Pressures up to 3.5 MPa (500 psi),
damping ratio using G/G,, were proposed for sandy and Dyn. Geotech. Testing II, ASTM STP 1213, pp. 222-233.
clayey soils based on the previous studies.
It can be concluded that these equations can be used to Ishibashi, I. and X. Zhang. [1993]. Unified Dynamic Shear
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Kanatani, M., K. Nishi and Y. Tanaka. [1994]. Dynamic

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