Topic 8 Special Relativity
Topic 8 Special Relativity
Topic 8 Special Relativity
On completion of this unit the student should be able to investigate motion and related energy transformations experimentally, analyse motion using
Newton’s laws of motion in one and two dimensions, and explain the motion of objects moving at very large speeds using Einstein’s theory of special
To achieve this outcome the student will draw on key knowledge outlined in Area of Study 3 and the related key science skills on pages 11 and 12 of the
study design.
o the speed of light has a constant value for all observers regardless of their motion or the motion of the source
• compare Einstein’s theory of special relativity with the principles of classical physics
• describe proper time as the time interval between two events in a reference frame where the two events occur at the same point in space
• describe proper length as the length that is measured in the frame of reference in which objects are at rest
• model mathematically time dilation and length contraction at speeds approaching c using the equations: and where
• explain why muons can reach Earth even though their half-lives would suggest that they should decay in the outer atmosphere.
o kinetic energy at low speeds: ; elastic and inelastic collisions with reference to conservation of kinetic energy
o strain potential energy: area under force-distance graph including ideal springs obeying Hooke’s Law:
o gravitational potential energy: or from area under a force-distance graph and area under a field distance graph multiplied by
• interpret Einstein’s prediction by showing that the total ‘mass-energy’ of an object is given by: where and where
kinetic energy can be calculated by:
• describe how matter is converted to energy by nuclear fusion in the Sun, which leads to its mass decreasing and the emission of electromagnetic
8.1 Overview
8.1.2 What you will learn • describe Einstein’s two postulates Digital doc: Key science skills —
for his theory of special relativity VCE Physics Units1– 4 (doc-32112)
that: Digital doc: Key terms glossary
• the laws of physics are the same in (doc-32295)
all inertial (non-accelerated) frames
of reference STUDYON:
• the speed of light has a constant
value for all observers regardless of studyON: Revision and practice
their motion or the motion of the exam question booklet (sonr-0057).
• compare Einstein’s theory of special
relativity with the principles of
classical physics
• describe proper time as the time
interval between two events in a
reference frame where the two
events occur at the same point in
• describe proper length as the
length that is measured in the frame
of reference in which objects are at
• model mathematically time
dilation and length contraction
at speeds approaching c using
the equations: and
• explain why muons can reach Earth
even though their half-lives would
suggest that they should decay in the
outer atmosphere.
• interpret Einstein’s prediction by
showing that the total ‘mass-energy’
of an object is given by:
and where kinetic energy
can be calculated by:
8.2.2 Frames of reference • describe Einstein’s two postulates Video eLesson: Michelson–Morley
for his theory of special relativity, experiment (eles-2561)
8.2.3 Comparing Einstein's theories which state that
to earlier principles o the laws of physics are the
same in all inertial (non-
8.2.4 Einstein’s two postulates of accelerated) frames of
special relativity reference
o the speed of light has a
AS A MATTER OF FACT constant value for all
observers regardless of their
and where
and where
8.7 Review