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USO0951 1811 B2

(12) United States Patent (10) Patent No.: US 9,511,811 B2

Andreev (45) Date of Patent: Dec. 6, 2016
(54) TWO-WHEELED GYROSCOPE-STABILIZED (58) Field of Classification Search
VEHICLE AND METHODS FOR CPC ......... B62K 3/007; B60G 21/05; B62D 37/06;
(71) Applicant: Sergey Nikolaevich Andreev, (Continued)
Saint-Petersburg (RU)
(56) References Cited
(72) Inventor: Sergey Nikolaevich Andreev, U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS
Saint-Petersburg (RU)
3,399,742 A * 9, 1968 Malick ...................... B60T 1.06
(*) Notice: Subject to any disclaimer, the term of this 180/21
patent is extended or adjusted under 35 7,370.713 B1 5/2008 Kamen
U.S.C. 154(b) by 0 days. (Continued)
(21) Appl. No.: 14/405,510 FOREIGN PATENT DOCUMENTS
(22) PCT Filed: May 19, 2014 JP WO 2013O88500 A1 * 6, 2013 ............. B62K 3/OO7
RU 2333862 C1 9, 2008
(86). PCT No.: PCT/RU2014/OOO361 (Continued)
S 371 (c)(1), Primary Examiner — Jacob Knutson
(2) Date: Dec. 4, 2014 (74) Attorney, Agent, or Firm — Hayes Soloway P.C.
(87) PCT Pub. No.: WO2015/009198
PCT Pub. Date: Jan. 22, 2015
A two-wheel gyroscope-stabilized vehicle includes a stabi
(65) Prior Publication Data lizing gyroscope, having a gyroscope frame and a gyroscope
US 2016/OO31515 A1 Feb. 4, 2016 rotor rotatably mounted in the frame. The gyroscope frame
is free to rotate relative to the vehicle body. The vehicle
(30) Foreign Application Priority Data further comprises a support structure that connects the
vehicle body and the vehicle wheels, wherein the supporting
Jul. 16, 2013 (GB) ................................... 1312717.0 structure is adapted to move the wheels independently in
Jul. 29, 2013 (EA) .................................. 2013OO914 relation to each other and to move the wheels in relation to
the body independently thereof. The support structure helps
(51) Int. Cl. to keep the vehicle stable when riding on rough terrain.
B62K 3/00 (2006.01) Balancing of the vehicle is provided by maintaining a right
B60G 2L/05 (2006.01) angle between the axis of rotation of the gyroscope rotor and
(Continued) direction of the vehicle movement by means of the control
(52) U.S. Cl. system through changing the difference of rotation Velocities
CPC ........... B62K 3/007 (2013.01); B60G 17/0165 of the wheels. Steering of the vehicle is provided by means
(2013.01); B60G 21/05 (2013.01); B62D of applying the roll control force to the body.
37/06 (2013.01); B62D 61/00 (2013.01); B62D
61/02 (2013.01) 31 Claims, 19 Drawing Sheets
US 9,511,811 B2
Page 2

(51) Int. C. 2009 OO64805 A1 3, 2009 Naumov et al.

B62D 37/06 (2006.01) 2009/O107240 A1* 4/2009 Senba ...................... A61G 5.04
B62D 6L/00 (2006.01) T3,514.36
B60G 7/065 (2006.01) 2010, OO23220 A1* 1, 2010 Nakashima .......... GOSD 1.0272
B62D 61/02 (2006.01) TO1/42
2010/O121538 A1* 5, 2010 Ishii ..................... B62D 51,005
(58) Field of Classification Search TO1/48
USPC ... 701/36, 41, 49; 180/6.2, 6.24, 6.28, 6.44, 2010/0219011 A1* 9, 2010 Shimoyama ........... B62D 37,04
180/7.1, 221, 218, 316, 400, 410, 444; 180,218
280/208, 280/266, 282 2010, O29284.0 A1* 11/2010 Ruan ........................ B25J5/OO7
See application file for complete search history. 7OO 259
2012,021.5355 A1* 8, 2012 Bewley .................... B25J 5,005
(56) References Cited 7OO/258
2013, O147146 A1 6, 2013 Dunlap et al.
U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS 2013/0228.385 A1 9, 2013 Chen
2014,037.9198 A1 12/2014 Amino et al.
7,640,086 B2 * 12/2009 Nakashima .............. B62K 3.00
7,647.999 B2 * 1/2010 Geiser .............. B60G 17FO1908
180,210 WO 941.4653 A1 T 1994
7,717,200 B2 5/2010 Kakinuma et al. WO WO2013O885OO A1 6, 2013
8,725,355 B2 * 5/2014 Quick .................... B62K3,007
180/22 * cited by examiner
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FIG. 2
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FIG. 6
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FIG. 7
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Afgle sensor
of the

SeSO i. Right wheel 8:

drive X& wheel
Rotatio computer
sensor of the
frate M.

Rotation :
velocity Load &
sensor of the displace
!eft wheel ret 8
drive 8

Sensor of the
right wheel


F.G. 20
US 9,511,811 B2
1. 2
TWO-WHEELED GYROSCOPE-STABILIZED Further, specification of Russian Patent No. 2333862
VEHICLE AND METHODS FOR discloses a vehicle for carrying a load. The vehicle com
CONTROLLING THEREOF prises a body, a platform and wheels Supporting the plat
form. The vehicle further comprises moving mass and
CROSS-REFERENCE TO RELATED gyroscopes mounted on the body so as to stabilize the
APPLICATIONS vehicle. The gyroscopes are mounted on the platform so that
the axes of rotation of the gyroscope rotors are vertical.
This application is a continuation-in-part of International Stabilization of the vehicle is additionally provided by a
application PCT/RU2014/000361 filed on May 19, 2014 flywheel mounted on the platform. Therefore, stabilization
which claims priority benefits to Eurasian patent application 10 of the vehicle is provided by number of devices that com
EA 201300.914 filed on Jul. 29, 2013 and Great Britain plicate the construction of the vehicle.
patent application No GB 1312717.0 filed on Jul. 16, 2014. Thus, there is a need for a two-wheel vehicle with coaxial
Each of these applications is incorporated herein by refer wheels that has simple construction, may be stabilized and
ence for all purposes. steered in a simple manner and has small overall dimen
15 S1O.S.
1. Field of the Invention
The present invention relates to a vehicle designed for The goal of the present invention is to provide a two
transporting of people or goods, and particularly relates to a wheel vehicle, which is free of the above mentioned disad
two-wheel gyroscope-stabilized vehicle and methods for vantages and particularly has small lateral dimensions, so
balancing and steering of Such vehicle. that it can be used in tight spaces, indoor, and is laterally
2. Description of the Related Art stable at the same time.
Different single axle two wheeled vehicles are often used These goals can be met by a two-wheel gyroscope
by pedestrians to facilitate their transportation. However, 25 stabilized vehicle claimed herein. The vehicle comprises a
these vehicles have various disadvantages. Such as large body, two wheels, a Supporting structure that connects the
dimensions, insufficient lateral stability, while for steering body and the wheels, two wheel motors each connected to
Such vehicles a user is often required to use both hands and the corresponding wheel, a gyroscope, comprising a gyro
develop some degree of skill in order to be able to maintain Scope rotor and a gyroscope frame, wherein the rotatable
balance. 30 gyroscope frame is mounted on the body. The vehicle further
There are different human activities associated with a lot comprises at least one angle sensor mounted on the body so
of walking (e.g. waiter, seller, buyer, museum staff, office as to detect the gyroscope frame rotation relative to the body.
employee, airport staff warehouse staff, etc.) where a com The vehicle is characterized in that the supporting structure
pact and Sustainable vehicle allowing a user to steer hands is adapted to move the wheels independently in relation to
free would benefit such a person greatly and free him up to 35 each other and in relation to the body, and the control system
do more things. In addition there is a large group of people is further adapted to apply a torque to the gyroscope frame.
with limited motor function, whose life can be made easier The vehicle according to the invention has small lateral
with a device that could help them move around easily. size, thus the vehicle may be used in a restricted spaces. The
Finally, Such a device can be used as a chassis for various vehicle is stable in lateral direction due to gyroscope torque
types of automated devices such as robots where such a 40 and prolonged Stabilization is achieved by rotating the
device needs to be able to move around in Small spaces. vehicle body to follow the rotation of the gyroscope frame.
Known in the art are various two-wheel vehicles for Stability of the vehicle is also provided by moving the
moving people or goods, and their corresponding control wheels in relation to each other and in relation to the body,
methods. thus the wheels may be kept in contact with the ground and
Specification of U.S. Pat. No. 7,717.200 discloses a 45 the vehicle may rotate around its axis of rotation despite of
vehicle comprising a body and two wheels. The vehicle unevenness of the ground. Further, due to independent
further comprises step Supports to hold up legs of the rider, movement of the wheels relative to the body no unwanted
a steering handle and a Suspension which connects the (side leaning) moment is applied to the body and no
wheels to the body and which is placed under said step unwanted rotation of the body may occur.
Supports. The Suspension comprises parallel link mechanism 50 Further, claimed herein is a two-wheel gyroscope-Stabi
with elastic members disposed between the parallel links so lized vehicle for carrying a rider with step supports for the
as to generate a spring force applied to the body maintaining rider's legs. The vehicle has small lateral size, thus the
said step plate parallel with said body. To stabilize the vehicle may be placed between the rider's legs. The vehicle
vehicle the rider uses a steering handle mounted on the body is stable in lateral direction and may be steered in a simple
of the vehicle which is able to lean to a side by moving the 55 way by inclining the center of mass of the rider while the
handle laterally. Stabilization of the vehicle is additionally hands remain free during the steering. The step supports may
provided by a wide wheelbase. Steering and balancing of be equipped with additional control means for fast change to
said vehicle require special skills and the rider is unable to the vehicle movement direction. To make the vehicle more
use it hands free. convenient for the rider the vehicle may be equipped with a
Further, specification of U.S. Pat. No. 7,370.713 discloses 60 seat to accommodate the rider and a handle to provide
a coaxial two-wheel vehicle. Lateral stabilization of the additional support for the rider.
vehicle is provided by a wide wheelbase, and steering is Further, claimed herein is a two-wheel gyroscope-Stabi
provided by rotation of a steering handle mounted on a base lized vehicle for carrying a load. The vehicle comprises a
of the vehicle. The vehicle has large overall dimensions, platform for carrying the load and may be used as a chassis
requires constant interaction of the users hands with the 65 of a robot. The vehicle has small lateral size, thus it may be
handle during riding and also do not allow hands free used for transportation of goods or loads in a restricted
operation. space. Due to high stability the vehicle provides transpor
US 9,511,811 B2
3 4
tation in a safe manner. The platform for carrying the load FIG. 11 is a schematic illustration of the control system of
may also include means for attaching the load to the vehicle. the disclosed vehicle:
Lateral stability of the vehicle is achieved by implemen FIG. 12 is a schematic illustration of force and torque
tation of a method for controlling the vehicle according to action in implementation of the directional control method
the invention. The method comprises the steps of measuring 5 disclosed in the present invention, by tilting the vehicle
the angle of rotation of the gyroscope frame relative to the body;
body on application of a disturbing force, and changing the FIG. 13 is a front and side view of the vehicle for carrying
difference of rotation velocities of the wheels in order to a rider according to one embodiment;
adapt to the angle of rotation. Thus, the vehicle may be FIG. 14 shows the fixed connection of step supports of the
laterally stabilized during the application of a disturbing 10 vehicle shown in FIG. 13 to wheel axles;
force without use of additional means. The gyroscope frame FIG. 15 is a front and side view of the vehicle for carrying
rotation relative to the body is constantly measured by the a rider according to another embodiment;
angle sensor, thus a signal may be timely sent to the control FIG.16 shows the movable connection of step supports of
system and the velocities of the wheels may be timely the vehicle shown in FIG. 15 to the body thereof;
changed to rotate the vehicle body following the rotation of 15 FIG. 17 is a front and side view of the vehicle for carrying
the gyroscope frame and thus maintain stabilizing action of a rider according to another embodiment;
the gyroscope. FIG. 18 is a front and side view of the vehicle for carrying
Directional controlling of the vehicle according to the a load according to another embodiment;
invention may be provided by the control method claimed FIG. 19 is a rear view of the vehicle shown in FIG. 18
herein. The method comprising the steps of applying the roll without the platform for carrying a load;
control force to the body, measuring the angle of rotation of FIG. 20 is a schematic illustration of the control system
the gyroscope frame relative to the body, and changing the for controlling the vehicle for carrying a load shown in FIG.
difference of rotation velocities of the wheels according to 19.
the angle of rotation so as to control the direction of the
The method may be used to provide simple and effective EMBODIMENTS
way to steer the vehicle.
Particularly, measuring the angle of rotation of the gyro Prior to describing the structure of the preferred embodi
Scope frame is provided by measuring the angle of deflection ments, certain geometric terms will be set forth in order to
of the gyroscope frame and the axis of rotation of the 30 ease the understanding of structural features of the disclosed
gyroscope rotor connected with the frame from position in invention; said terms will be referenced hereinafter.
which the axis of rotation of the gyroscope rotor is perpen In the figures, identical structural elements of the vehicle
dicular to the second vertical plane, and the roll control force are denoted with identical reference numbers.
is applied to the body by means of for example movement FIG. 1 shows the arrangement of working planes, points
of the control load (in case of a vehicle carrying a load) or 35 and angles of the vehicle according to the present invention
by means of inclining the center of mass of the rider (in case in a position of the vehicle during uniform rectilinear
of the vehicle for carrying a rider). movement thereof. Axes of rotation AB and CD of the
vehicle wheels are located in the first vertical (transverse or
BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS side) plane (y-Z), with the second vertical (longitudinal)
40 plane (X-Z) passing in a perpendicular direction thereto
Following is the detailed description of preferred embodi through the center G of mass. The third plane perpendicular
ments of the present invention with reference to accompa to said vertical planes is the horizontal Support plane (X-y),
nying drawings, wherein: along which the vehicle travels. Circles W. W., are simpli
FIG. 1 shows the arrangement of working planes, points, fied illustrations of wheels, and points R and L are contact
axles and angles of the vehicle according to the present 45 points of the left and right wheel, respectively, with the
invention; horizontal support plane (x-y). Axis () is the vehicle yaw
FIG. 2 is a front and side view of the vehicle according to axis, axis (), is the vehicle roll axis, axis coe is the vehicle
one embodiment of the present invention; pitch axis, and angles up, Y and 0 are the yaw angle, the roll
FIG. 3 is a rear and side view of the vehicle shown in FIG. angle, and the pitch angle, respectively. Angle Y, is the tilting
2, in which the left wheel is not shown for clarity reasons: 50 angle of the right wheel axle in the first vertical plane (y-Z),
FIG. 4 is a partial view illustrating the support structure and angle Y, is the tilting angle of the left wheel axle in said
according to one of the embodiments thereof in the position, plane. For clarity, said wheel axles are shown significantly
in which the vehicle moves rectilinearly and uniformly; tilted from the position parallel to the horizontal support
FIG. 5 is a partial view illustrating the position of the plane (x-y). Terms “right' and “left are determined with
support structure shown in FIG. 4, when the vehicle runs 55 respect to the direction of vehicle movement, coinciding
over an obstacle; with the direction of roll axis (), of the vehicle. The axis of
FIG. 6 is a schematic illustration of the support structure rotation of the gyroscope frame is denoted EF, and said
operation when the vehicle runs over an obstacle: rotation can take place in the second vertical plane (X-Z) at
FIG. 7 is a front and side view of the vehicle according to angle 0, around the pitching axis coe, wherein said angle is
another embodiment of the present invention; 60 within the range of between -30 to +30 degrees, and the
FIG. 8 is a rear and side view of the vehicle shown in FIG. initial position of the rotation angle of axis EF is at the point
7, in which the left wheel is not shown for clarity reasons: in which said axis coincides with the straight line formed at
FIG. 9 is an illustration of the support structure operation the intersection of said longitudinal (X-Z) and transverse
when the vehicle runs over an obstacle; (y-Z) planes. Center G of mass of the vehicle is located at the
FIG. 10 is a schematic illustration of force and torque 65 height H from the intersection point O of the axes co, co, M
action in implementation of the method for controlling (), wherein the vehicle body is schematically shown as line
disclosed in the present invention; segment GO and arranged vertically. The distance between
US 9,511,811 B2
5 6
the support points of the wheels (wheelbase) is denoted as b. The vehicle further comprises a control system 28
V, V, and V, are, respectively, the linear travel speed of the received in the control system body, said body comprising
center G of mass, the linear travel speed of the right wheel, an on-board system computer, angular velocity gyroscopic
and the linear travel speed of the left wheel. sensors of pitching and roll rotation of body 1, and a
FIGS. 2-3 show the vehicle according to one embodiment transmitter, e.g. a wireless transmitter for receiving drive
of the present invention. control signals and for transmitting a remote data signal to
The vehicle comprises a body 1 of the vehicle shown an external user. The control system comprises an on-board
schematically in the figures as a frame structure with Support computer with a microcontroller having Sufficient process
structure connected thereto. The body 1 comprises a left pin ing power and required peripheral devices (e.g. STM32F3
2 and a right pin 3. A left lever 4 of the support structure and 10 series microprocessors), said computer is received in the
a right lever 5 of the support structure are rotatably mounted control system body and adapted to receive data from said
on pins 2, 3. Said rotatability is provided due to the fact that gyroscopic sensors and sensors 25, 26, to process said data,
and to transfer corresponding control signals to amplifiers of
levers 4, 5 are mounted on pins 2, 3 in rolling-contact drives 10, 11, which transform control signals received from
bearings. The displacement of levers 4, 5 during rotation 15 system 13 into current of said drives and change the rota
around pins 2, 3 in the vertical plane is limited by stops (not tional velocity of wheels 8, 9.
shown). The opposite ends of levers 4, 5 comprise wheel A battery 30 and/or an electric energy generator (not
axles 6, 7 with a left wheel 8 and a right wheel 9 of the shown) is used as a self-contained power Supply for vehicle
vehicle rotatably mounted thereon (axle 7 is arranged sym drives as well as for the control system.
metrically with respect to axle 6 and is shown in FIG. 5). FIGS. 4-5 show a partial view illustrating the attachment
Wheels comprise rims and pneumatic tires or tires made of of rocker 23 to the body 1 and changing of position of said
an elastic material. Left drive 10 and right drive 11 for rocker 23 when the vehicle runs over an obstacle.
rotating the wheels 8, 9 of the vehicle are also mounted on The rocker 23 is mounted on the axle 24 of the rocker by
said axles. Each drive 10, 11 comprises a motor, a reduction means of a bearing, thus providing rotation thereof with
unit and a power amplifier. 25 respect to said axle 24. Ball ends 31, 32 of the rocker 23 are
The vehicle further comprises a rate gyroscope compris received in figured slots 34, 35 in the left lever 4 and the
ing a massive rotor 12 and a frame 13 with rotor 12 rotatably right lever 5 of the support structure equidistant from the
mounted therein. Frame 13 is connected to the body 1 with center of rocker 23, forming ball joints. Thus the weight of
bearing Supports 14 and 15, said Supports comprising bear the vehicle is distributed evenly between wheels 8, 9.
ings mounted in the body 1. Thus, rotation of frame 13 with 30 FIG. 6 is a schematic illustration of the support structure
respect to body 1 is allowed. The rotation angle of frame 13 operation when the vehicle moves over a rough Surface.
is limited by gyroscope frame stops 16 and 17. Rotor 12 is During movement over a rough surface, levers 4, 5 rotate
mounted in the frame 13 in bearings, and is driven at high around pins 2, 3 at equal angles in opposite directions, while
velocity by a separate gyroscope rotor drive 18. The axis 19 rocker 23 also rotates, and ball ends 31, 32 slide over the
of rotation of the gyroscope rotor is arranged horizontally 35 surfaces of figured slots 34, 35, thus the weight of the
substantially parallel to axes of the wheels 8, 9 and substan vehicle is transferred to wheels 8, 9. When the vehicle runs
tially perpendicular to the direction of movement. The over an obstacle with one wheel 8 or 9, body 1 is displaced
direction of rotor rotation coincides with the direction of vertically at a distance equal to half of the obstacle height,
wheel rotation. and the Support structure does not transfer a disturbing
The vehicle further comprises a torque drive 20 mounted 40 torque to body 1 along the roll axis, and wheel axes remain
on the body 1 and adapted to apply a torque to the frame 13. Substantially in one vertical plane.
Torque drive 20 can be, for example, electrical torque drive FIGS. 7-8 show the vehicle according to another preferred
comprising an electromotor with a reduction unit and a embodiment, said vehicle comprising a different Support
power amplifier, which transforms a control signal into structure. According to this embodiment, the Support struc
electromotor current. Torque is transferred from the torque 45 ture comprises two pivots 40 and 41 connected to the body
drive 20 through a segment gear 21 to frame 13 which 1. A left swiveling link 42 and a right swiveling link 43 are
rotates in bearing Supports 14 and 15 around a vertical axis. rotatably mounted on pivots 40, 41 and adapted to rotate
A load bearing rocker 23 is mounted on the body 1. Said around said pivots. Barrels 45, 46 are fixedly mounted on
rocker 23 is mounted on the body 1 rotatably with respect to swiveling links 42, 43. Cylindrical supports 47, 48 are
axle 24 of the rocker and comprises a left end and a right end 50 mounted in the barrels 45, 46 and adapted to be displaced in
formed by ball ends. longitudinal direction with respect thereto. A drive crutch
An angle sensor 25 of the gyroscope frame is mounted on 49, 50 comprising an opening for receiving a drive 10, 11 is
the frame 13 and detects the angle of rotation of the attached to the lower end of each support 47, 48. Ball ends
gyroscope frame with respect to body 1 in bearing Supports 52.53 are placed at the upper end of each support 47, 48 and
14 and 15 around the vertical axis. The initial position of 55 comprise openings, with axles 55, 56 of supports 47, 48
sensor 25 corresponds to the position of rotor 12, in which mounted into said openings on bearings. Drives 10, 11 are
the angle between the axis of rotation of the rotor and the fixed in the openings of drive crutches 49, 50 on axles 6, 7.
axis of roll is 90 degrees. The angle of difference between The Support structure further comprises an equal-arm load
said axes varies between Zero and an angle corresponding to bearing rocker 57 rotatably mounted on body 1 by means of
the position of frame 13 when it is rotated up to the stops 16, 60 axle 58 of the rocker and adapted to rotate around said axle.
17, wherein the sensor 25 is adapted to send a signal In some cases, the axle 58 can be formed by two cylindrical
proportional to said angle of difference. members mounted coaxially in the body 1. Rocker 57 has
An angular Velocity gyroscopic sensor 26 is also mounted openings at the ends thereof, and axles 55, 56 of supports 47.
on the gyroscope frame 13. Said sensor measures angular 48 are rotatably mounted therein.
Velocity of precession of the gyroscope rotor 12 and is 65 The vehicle shown in FIG. 7-8 further comprises a rate
adapted to send a signal proportional to the Velocity of gyroscope, wherein the rotor comprises an axis of rotation
precession of the rotor 12. arranged horizontally and perpendicular to the direction of
US 9,511,811 B2
7 8
movement, and a rotor drive, wherein said rotor and said control method. FIG. 10 is a top view of a chart of forces and
drive are received in the body 60 functioning as a gyroscope torques affecting the vehicle when said method is used.
frame. In order to control the vehicle movement to maintain the
FIG. 9 is an illustration of the support structure operation stabilizing action of the gyroscope (to provide the possibility
when the vehicle runs over an obstacle. The support struc of free rotor precession), body 1 is rotated together with
ture is operated as follows. On a smooth Surface, the weight wheels W1 and Wr around a vertical axis with instantaneous
of the vehicle with a load placed on body 1 is transferred to velocity (), following the gyroscope rotor 12 which pre
the Surface via axle 58 to rocker 57. Rocker 57 transfers the cesses under the effect of roll disturbing torque My (torque
weight of the vehicle through axles 55, 56 of the supports to axis shown) with velocity () of rotor precession, thus
ball ends 52, 53, supports 47, 48, drive clutches 49, 50, 10
maintaining a 90-degree angle between axis y, of rotor
drives 10, 11, wheel axles 6, 7 and wheels 8, 9 equally. rotation and roll axis X.
Furthermore, rocker 57 transfers the weight through axles Such rotation is performed using the control system 28
55, 56 of the supports and keeps supports 47, 48 from comprising an angle sensor 25 that measures the gyroscope
rotating around a vertical axis, thus axes of rotation of the frame 13 rotation with respect to body 1. The mean position
wheels are kept in one plane. Longitudinal and transverse 15
position of the wheels is fixed by barrels 45, 46, supports 47. of sensor 25 with respect to body 1 is adjusted in such
48 and swiveling links 42, 43. manner that Zero signal at the output thereof corresponds to
When right wheel 9 encounters an obstacle, right wheel 9 such position of frame 13, in which axis y, of the gyroscope
and support 47 are elevated with respect to body 1 and are rotor is parallel to the first vertical plane (y-Z) and perpen
displaced progressively upwards in the barrel 45, whereby dicular to the roll axis x. Therefore, angle sensor 25 pro
rocker 57 is rotated around the axle 58 of the rocker. When duces a signal proportional to the angle , of deviation of
the rocker 57 rotates, the axis 56 of the support is displaced axis y, of the rotor from a position, in which axis y, of the
sideways. Said displacement causes the Swiveling link 43 to rotor is perpendicular to axis My of the disturbing torque.
rotate at a small angle in transverse plane around pivot 41. FIG. 11 shows the operation of control system 28 when
Along with the swiveling link 43, support 47, drive crutch 50 25 using said method. When a signal proportional to the value
and right wheel 9 are also rotated at a small angle in of angle p, of deviation is obtained from angle sensor 25, the
transverse plane. Left wheel 8 is thereby lowered with control system 28 produces two control signals inputted into
respect to the body and displaced progressively downwards the power amplifiers of drives 10, 11, which change the
in the barrel 46. As described above, the rotation of rocker difference in rotational velocities of wheels 8, 9 in such
57 leads to the rotation of swiveling link 42, support 48, 30 manner that the rotational Velocity of one wheel is increased,
drive crutch 49 and wheel 8 around pivot 40 at a small angle and the rotational velocity of the other wheel is decreased by
which is substantially equal to the angle of rotation of the the same value (or the wheels are rotated in an opposite
other swiveling link. Body 1 is thereby elevated at a distance direction, if the longitudinal velocity of the vehicle is Zero).
equal to half of the obstacle height. Thus disturbing torque Such difference in rotational velocities leads to a difference
is not transmitted from the obstacle to the body and the 35 in velocities V1 and Vr of wheel movement and to rotation
gyroscope rotor, and axes of rotation of the wheels remain of body 1 and wheel axles around a vertical axis. The value
in one vertical plane. of angular velocity cow of rotation of body 1 is thus
At low movement velocities roll stabilization of the proportional to the difference in velocities V1 and Vr of
vehicle comprising a Support structure which applies no roll wheel movement and to the wheelbase b. Control of said
torque to the vehicle body, is performed using gyroscopic 40 velocity is performed according to PID control principle in
torque exclusively. When a disturbing roll torque acts upon order to maintain the difference between angular velocity (op
the vehicle, and consequently, upon the gyroscope rotor 12 of rotor 12 precession and angular Velocity coup of rotation of
fixed in the gyroscope frame 13 on the body 1, rotor 12 body 1, as well as the value of the angle p, of deviation at
precesses freely and the frame 13 rotates therewith around Zero value. Therefore, the operation of control system 28
the axis of the frame. The gyroscopic torque is exactly equal 45 results in that the rotor axis 27 deviates from the required
to the disturbing torque, and no rotation around the roll axis position by a small value determined by dynamic transi
occurs. The body 1 of the vehicle remains in initial position. tional processes in the control system, and Subsequently, the
If the disturbing influence is sufficiently continuous, the continuous gyroscopic stabilization of the vehicle is
gyroscope frame 13 turns up to the stops 16, 17 of the frame achieved.
that inhibit free precession of rotor 12. In this case, the body 50 The disturbing torque can be internal and external. The
1 of the vehicle will generally perform a complex movement difference between the two types is that the direction of
caused by gyroscopic torques, rotating around the roll axis movement of the external torque does not change upon
and the directional axis simultaneously. The ratio of rotation rotation of the vehicle, while the direction of movement of
velocities will be determined mostly by the ratio of inertia the internal torque rotates along with the vehicle body. For
torques and friction forces along the corresponding axes. 55 example, the external torque can be formed by the force of
Thus, a non-zero tilting velocity of body 1 for the roll angle wind blowing in transverse direction. When affected by said
is formed, and consequently, due to the fact that passive roll torque, the body will rotate in such way that the transverse
stabilization is substantially absent, the vehicle can fall over effect of the disturbing force will decrease, and the longi
even when affected by a low torque. Therefore, the vehicle tudinal effect will increase until the body rotates by 90
with a gyroscope and a Support structure which applies no 60 degrees, and the transverse effect reaches zero. The external
roll torque to the vehicle body possesses only short-term disturbing effect will be compensated by the control system
stability without taking special measures. In order to provide 28 according to pitching angle by tilting body 1 and forming
constant stability by the gyroscope, it is necessary to provide a force equal in strength and opposite in direction to the
the possibility of free precession of the gyroscope rotor over external force.
the whole duration of disturbing torque action. 65 When affected by the internal torque, the vehicle rotates
In the present invention, the continuous stabilizing action at a constant angular speed proportional to the torque and
of the gyroscope is achieved by using a specific vehicle current velocity.
US 9,511,811 B2
9 10
The roll torque caused by the control system leads to -continued
rotation of body 1 and associated wheels 8, 9 around a c
vertical axis. The direction of movement of the vehicle is 9 - P - K - (1 m x 11 kV K.
perpendicular to the line connecting contact points between
wheels and the surface. The vehicle velocity vector is rotated 5
where K is gyroscope rotor angular momentum.
along with the rotation of wheels. Therefore, it is possible to The radius value R of vehicle movement trajectory is
control the direction of vehicle movement by forming a inversely proportional to the value of control torque Mc:
predetermined roll control torque.
In order to control the direction of movement of the
vehicle, the control torque is used, said torque formed due to 10
transverse force produced by shifting the center of mass in
transverse direction. When shifting mass m, in transverse
direction by a distance 1 from the longitudinal plane, the
vehicle is affected by roll control torque Mc: However, due to transient control deviation and transi
15 tional processes in the control system, the rotational Velocity
where g is gravitational acceleration.
() of the body 1 is generally not equal to precession velocity
(). By measuring the precession velocity co, of rotor 12
Due to the fact that support structure does not apply a roll using an angular velocity gyroscopic sensor 26 mounted on
torque to the body, the control torque is transferred through the gyroscope frame 13, the on-board computer of the
the gyroscope frame 13 to the gyroscope rotor 12 and causes control system 28 calculates the value of total acting roll
it to precess around a vertical axis, thus rotating the gyro torque using the above equations, and uses said data to
scope frame. Body 1 and wheels 8, 9 rotate along with the improve its operation. Said signal can also be used for
gyroscope frame 13 by means of control system 28, and the setting the vehicle to initial position prior to operation.
direction of vehicle movement changes. At Zero movement The shift in the center of mass used for obtaining control
velocity, the vehicle rotates in place, and at velocity other 25 effect can be provided in various ways. The control torque
than Zero, the vehicle moves along a certain radius. During can be formed by displacing specific load in transverse plane
movement along radius R with velocity V, the vehicle is of the vehicle. Heavy parts of the vehicle, e.g. the battery,
affected by centrifugal force F applied in transverse plane can be used to form said load.
to the center of mass: In a personal vehicle with a rider on board, the transverse
30 control effect is achieved by shifting body of the rider
transversally relative to the vehicle, which allows for direc
tional control without any additional means.
The control moment can be obtained by tilting the body
1 of the vehicle around the roll axis. This possibility is
where m is the total mass of the vehicle. 35 provided by means of support structure which allows free
Said force creates centrifugal torque Mcf: rotation of the body around the roll axis, and by means of the
torque drive 20 adapted to apply rotational torque to gyro
Scope rotor 12 around the axis of gyroscope frame 13.
If the direction of rotation S2 of gyroscope rotor 12 Tilting control of body 1 includes two sequential steps. In
coincides with the direction of rotation of wheels 8, 9 around 40 the first step, the body 1 is tilted, and the control torque is
axles thereof, the centrifugal torque Mcf and the control formed. In the second step, the vehicle is moved along a set
torque Mc are of opposite sign, and the total torque Mg trajectory with a constant tilting angle of body 1. It is
acting upon the gyroscope rotor 12 will be smaller than the contemplated that the duration of the second step exceeds
control torque: the duration of the first step.
45 FIG. 12 shows a chart of forces and torques affecting the
vehicle with body 1 tilted in transverse plane (roll) at an
If such direction of rotation of rotor 12 is selected, the angle Y. This position of the vehicle body 1 corresponds to
control system 28 (by means of negative feedback) does not the second step. FIG. 12 shows a rear view. The longitudinal
allow the vehicle to take sharp turns at high velocities. The velocity vector V is directed perpendicular to the plane of
direction of vehicle movement velocity with such relation of 50 the drawing in a direction away from the observer, and said
rotational directions of rotor 12 and wheels 8, 9 is the vector passes point O located centrally between wheels 8, 9.
primary direction, which is defined as forward movement. roll axis also passes through said point.
Movement in the opposite direction, or rearward move The value of control torque Mc depends on tilting angle
ment, is possible only at low velocities, wherein the torque value Y, the height of center of mass H and the body weight
of centrifugal force is low compared to the control torque. At 55 P:
high velocities, the rearward movement can lead to stability
loss due to positive feedback thus formed.
Knowing the longitudinal velocity V, the value of estab
lished vehicle rotation velocity () can be determined, said
Velocity coinciding with the Velocity of gyroscope rotor 60 The rotational velocity of body 1 around a vertical axis
precession co, under the effect of control torque Mc: provided by the control system in an established mode is:

Mg = Mc - Mcf
(oft x K = Mic - m x VX (oft X H
US 9,511,811 B2
11 12
When moving at velocity V, the vehicle is also affected by force for a short time. Such additional force can be provided
the centrifugal force Fcf. The value thereof is determined by by increasing the rotational velocity of body 1 for the
the movement velocity V and the rotational velocity of the duration of roll effect. The roll torque is applied for a short
body coup: time in a pulsed manner. The duration of rotation is propor
Fcf-mx Vxco tional to the kinetic torque of gyroscope rotor 12 and to the
required rotation angle, and is inversely proportional to the
Said force creates torque around the roll axis: value of rotational torque applied by torque drive 20. Said
duration must be so short that the movement parameters of
the vehicle do not change significantly over Such time
Mcf-mxHxYxcoxcos Y 10
period. In order to provide short duration of rotation, the
The difference between the control torque McMc and the torque drive 20 must be adapted to generate high torque over
centrifugal torque McfMcf is balanced by the gyroscopic a short time period. Tilting angle is determined by integrat
torque Mg,Mg of the freely precessing gyroscope rotor 12: ing the signal received from the roll angular velocity gyro
15 scopic sensor, which is a part of control system 28. Total roll
The rotor 12 precession velocity under the effect of total acting torque is determined by measuring precession Veloc
torque is: ity of rotor 12 around a vertical axis using a precession
angular velocity gyroscopic sensor 26 mounted on the
gyroscope frame 13. The process of forming a control torque
where K is rotor angular momentum. ends after the body turns to a set angle or after a set
Consequently, it can be stated that: rotational velocity of the vehicle is reached.
The control system 28 further comprises an angular
Velocity gyroscopic sensor of pitching rotation of body 1
cop=mxgxHxsin Y/(Kxcos Y+mx VxHxcos Y) (not shown). During the pitching tilting of body 1, a signal
25 from said gyroscopic sensor is transmitted to the control
At low angle Y, the following is true: system 28, the on-board computer thereof sends a control
sin Ysy signal to the power amplifiers of drives 10, 11 of the wheels
8, 9 to change velocity thereof in order to restore vertical
cosys1 position of the vehicle body. The pitching control of the
Consequently, it can be stated that: 30 vehicle is performed using a method widely utilized for
vehicles of this type.
op=mxgxHxY (K+mxHx V) Various external forces affect the vehicle during move
The above equation shows that directional rotational ment. The force of resistance to longitudinal movement is
velocity of the vehicle is proportional to the roll angle and overcome by tilting body 1 of the vehicle and by shifting the
decreases when the longitudinal velocity increases. 35 center of mass of the vehicle forward on a condition that the
Thus the vehicle moves in an established mode around a horizontal projection of the weight force compensates the
circle with radius R around an axis of rotation QJ: force of longitudinal resistance. The equilibrium is main
tained in this case by accelerated motion of the wheels
forward and backward near the equilibrium point. Longitu
40 dinal acceleration or braking of the vehicle is also achieved
by changing the tilting angle of the vehicle axis in longitu
The above equation shows that the radius of the circle is dinal direction (the pitching angle) and thus by forming a
inversely proportional to roll angle and increases when horizontal component of weight force, wherein the absolute
velocity of the vehicle increases. value thereof can exceed the resistance force if acceleration
It must be noted that due to lack of rotational torque effect, 45 is needed, and can be lower than said force if braking is
the force of gravity and the centrifugal force are distributed needed. The required control torques are generated by drives
equally between both wheels regardless of tilting angle of 10, 11 according to signals from the control system 28.
the body. Control system 28 receives a signal from the pitching
In order to rotate body 1 to another position and thus to angular Velocity gyroscopic sensor and generates a control
change the movement trajectory of the vehicle, the vehicle 50 effect based on said signal. It must be noted that in order to
must be rotated around the roll axis. Said rotation is generate control torque and Stabilizing torque, the vehicle
achieved by applying a rotational torque Mm to gyroscope body must be able to rotate around the pitching axis. The
frame 13 around a vertical axis using the torque drive 20. mechanical gyroscope provided in the vehicle can, in some
When said torque is applied, the gyroscope rotor 12 is conditions, create an undesired Stabilizing torque at the
precessed around the roll axis at Velocity coy, thus rotating 55 pitching angle and can inhibit controlled rotation, which can
the body 1 of the vehicle. Such rotation is possible when hinder the pitching control channel and prevent it from
torque Mm generated by torque drive 20 exceeds the total working properly. In order to remove Such inhibition, the
roll torque Mg. In order to produce Such torque for the control system 28 analyzes the current value of deviation in
duration of control effect, it is necessary to provide an gyroscope rotor axis and makes a decision to fix the frame
abutment against the Surface for applying forces generating 60 using torque drive 20 of the gyroscope frame 13 for the
rotational torque, and to eliminate the possibility of addi duration of required rotation of the vehicle.
tional rotation of body 1 around a vertical axis. For that To improve vehicle control, control switches (selectors)
purpose, the control system 28 stabilizes the current rota are used. Velocity or acceleration selectors (analogous to an
tional velocity of wheels 8, 9 for the duration of the effect, accelerator pedal) are used for Velocity control, and turn
preventing the wheels from changing rotational Velocity 65 selectors are used for controlling the movement direction.
under the effect of applied vertical torque. The total torque Such switches can be formed by e.g. a 2D joystick or by 2D
can also be reduced by applying an additional centrifugal step plates; the structure thereof is described below.
US 9,511,811 B2
13 14
FIG. 13 shows a vehicle according to another embodi eliminate random effect of an elevated support 77, 78, the
ment. Said vehicle is used for carrying a rider and comprises control system only considers the signal coming from the
a seat 64 on which the rider controlling the vehicle can sit. Support 77, 78 located in a Support position (pressed against
Seat 64 is mounted on an adjustable upright 65 adjustably the rear bracket 74 by the foot). Therefore, the rider controls
connected to body 1 and adapted to adjust the height of seat movement velocity with one foot and controls movement
64. Furthermore, a left step plate 66 and a right step plate 67 direction with the other foot.
are mounted on the sides of body 1 for supporting feet of the In this embodiment, Supports adapted to be displaced in
rider. In this embodiment, plates 66, 67 are fixedly mounted two directions by rider's feet are used for controlling veloc
on axles 6, 7. FIG. 14 shows a partial view illustrating how ity and direction of the vehicle. In this case, the movement
plates 66, 67 are mounted on axles 6, 7. Plates 66, 67 can 10 direction can be set by means of Vertical (rotational) Support
also be fixedly mounted on the body 1. The vehicle for movement, and the velocity of the vehicle can be set by
carrying a rider comprises protective fenders 68, 69 pre means of horizontal (linear) shift of said Supports. Signal
venting rider's legs from contact with wheels 8, 9, wherein from sensors 75, 76, 82, 83 is sent to control system 28.
said fenders 68, 69 are fixedly mounted on wheel axles 6, 7 System 28 generates control signals for controlling the left
in this embodiment. Plates 66, 67 and fenders 68, 69 are 15 drive 10, the right drive 11 and the torque drive 20, causing
moved along with wheels 8, 9 during movement over rough the vehicle to move in the direction set by the rider.
terrain and during tilting of the vehicle at the roll angle. The FIG. 17 shows an embodiment of the vehicle, in which
vehicle for carrying a rider shown in FIG. 13 also comprises body 1 comprises a handle 86 adapted to be used as a support
a rate gyroscope, in which the rotor and the rotor drive are for rider's hands. In this embodiment, the control device is
received in a sealed housing 60. A high vacuum is main formed by a 2D joystick 87 mounted in said handle 86. The
tained in the housing in order to reduce loss during high movement of joystick forward and backward using rider's
velocity rotor rotation. The housing 60 also acts as the hand adjusts the longitudinal movement velocity of the
gyroscope frame. The housing 60 is mounted in bearing vehicle, while a horizontal tilting of the joystick provides
Supports 14, 15. A segment gear 21 is mounted in interaction movement direction control. In this embodiment, plates 66,
with housing 60, said segment gear transferring the rota 25 67 and protective fenders 68, 69 are attached to the body 1
tional torque from the torque drive 20 to housing 60, and of the vehicle, wherein front parts of the plates 66, 67 are
thus, to the gyroscope rotor. An angular velocity gyroscopic connected fixedly to pins 2.3, and the rear parts are abutted
sensor 26 of rotor precession is also mounted on the housing against the bracket 74 fixated to the body 1. During move
60. An angle sensor 25 of the gyroscope frame (i.e. housing ment, the rider can sit in the seat with his feet placed on
60) rotation with respect to body 1 is mounted on the body 30 plates 66, 67, while holding handle 86 with his hand. The
1. Such vehicle is controlled by shifting the weight of the control of the vehicle in this case is performed by both
rider in transverse and longitudinal plane. shifting the rider's weight and using the control means.
FIG. 15 shows another embodiment of the vehicle for FIG. 18 shows a vehicle according to another embodi
carrying a rider, in which plates 66, 67 are movably mounted ment. Said vehicle is used for carrying a load and comprises
on the body 1, namely on the pins 2, 3 of the body 1, and 35 a platform for carrying a load; said platform is mounted on
adapted to be rotated with respect thereto. FIG. 16 shows a the body 1 and can be provided with various means for
partial view illustrating how plates 66, 67 are mounted on fixation the load (not shown).
pins 2, 3. Similarly, plates 66, 67 can be mounted on axles FIG. 19 shows the vehicle shown in FIG. 18 without the
6, 7 of the wheels. platform for carrying a load. The control torque for control
The angle of rotation of plates 66, 67 is limited by stops 40 ling the movement of Such vehicle is applied by displacing
72, 73 of the plates in the upper position, and by a rear a special load in transverse direction with respect to the
bracket 74 in the lower position. Elevation of plates 66, 67 center of mass of the vehicle. As shown in FIG. 19, the
to the upper position is performed via springs (not shown). vehicle comprises a load 88 movably mounted on a bracket
When the rider's feet are placed on plates 66, 67, said plates 89 and adapted to be displaced in transverse direction. The
are lowered by the weight of the leg, rotating around the pin 45 displacement of load 88 is achieved by means of actuating
2 or 3 until they abut against the rear bracket 74. The leg screw 90 rotatably mounted in the bracket 89 in bearings.
weight is distributed between the rear bracket 74 and the pin The rotation of actuating screw 90 is performed in required
2 or 3. The plate elevation angle with respect to body 1 is direction by means of an actuating screw drive 91 which
measured by angle sensors 75, 76 fixed on the pins 2,3. Said receives control signals from control system 28. In this
angle is approximately equal to the leg elevation value. The 50 embodiment, drive 91 is mounted directly on the control
signal is sent from sensors 75, 76 to the control system 28, load 88 and is displaced along with the load. In this case, the
and is used to generate a directional control signal. Supports total mass includes the mass of control load 88 and the mass
77,78 are movably mounted on plates 66, 67 and adapted for of drive 91. When the load 88 having mass m is displaced
linear displacement. Supports 77, 78 are maintained in a from the mean position by a distance dY1, the vehicle body
mean position by springs (not shown). The displacement of 55 1 is affected by control torque Mc:
supports 77, 78 with respect to plates 66, 67 is limited by
stops 79,80. The displacement value of supports 77,78 with
respect to plates 66, 67 is measured by linear displacement Under the effect of said torque, the gyroscope rotor is
sensors 82, 83 mounted on plates 66, 67. When supports 77. precessed at a velocity (pp:
78 are shifted with respect to plates 66, 67 by rider's feet, 60
sensors 82, 83 generate control signals for controlling move
ment velocity of the vehicle. Said control signals are sent to Control system 28 rotates vehicle body 1 following the
the control system 28. rotation of gyroscope rotor, thus changing vehicle move
Movement velocity of the vehicle changes according to ment direction during progressive motion thereof, or turns
the position of rider's legs. When one foot is elevated, the 65 the vehicle when it is stationary. In alternative configura
contact thereof with the support 77, 78 can be lost and tions, in order to decrease vehicle mass, the displaced
support 77, 78 can be in an arbitrary position. In order to carrying loads can be formed by heavy parts of the vehicle,
US 9,511,811 B2
15 16
e.g. the battery or the gyroscope, or the weight application nected to the body, wherein the load bearing rocker also
point of the whole vehicle can be displaced by displacing the connects to the levers so as to move the levers in relation to
axle 58 of the rocker 57 with respect to body 1 in transverse each other.
direction. 6. The vehicle according to claim 1, wherein the body has
Control system 28 for controlling the vehicle described 5 two pivots and said Support structure comprises two swiv
therein is shown in FIG. 20. System 28 comprises an eling links rotatably mounted on said pivots, two barrels
on-board computer that sends control signals to drives 10, 11 fixedly mounted on said Swiveling links, two cylindrical
of the wheels, drive 20 or drive 91 based on input data from Supports, which are movably mounted in said barrels,
the vehicle sensor system. wherein the wheels are rotatably connected to the cylindrical
It must be noted that control system 28 is a system with 10 Supports, and the Support structure further comprises a load
variable structure. The selection of structure of system 28 is bearing rocker which is rotatably connected to the body,
performed by the on-board computer and depends on the wherein ends of the load bearing rocker are movably con
interrelation of input parameters: the directional control nected with the cylindrical Supports.
signal value, the longitudinal velocity value and the total 15 7. A method of controlling the vehicle according to claim
transverse torque value, as well as on the current control 1, comprising the steps of measuring an angle of rotation of
stage or period. At each stage, the control system analyzes the gyroscope frame relative to the body on application of a
input data received from sensors and selects the appropriate disturbing force, and changing a difference of the rotational
control structure providing the required result. Velocities of the wheels according to the angle of rotation.
2O 8. The method according to claim 7, wherein measuring
I claim: the angle of rotation of the gyroscope frame is provided by
1. A two-wheel gyroscope-stabilized vehicle, comprising: measuring an angle of deflection of the gyroscope frame
a body; from position in which the axis of rotation of the gyroscope
a left wheel and a right wheel; rotor is perpendicular to the second vertical plane, and the
a Supporting structure that connects the body and the 25 difference of rotational velocities of the wheels is varied to
wheels so that the body is supported by the wheels; compensate the angle of deflection.
two wheel drives, each of the wheel drives connected with 9. The method of directional control of the vehicle as in
a corresponding wheel of the left wheel and the right claim 1, comprising the steps of applying a roll control force
wheel to drive the corresponding wheel; to the body; measuring an angle of rotation of the gyroscope
a gyroscope, comprising a gyroscope rotor and a gyro- 30 frame relative to the body; and changing a difference of the
Scope frame, wherein the gyroscope frame is rotatably rotational velocities of the wheels according to the angle of
mounted on the body; rotation.
at least one angle sensor mounted on the body so as to 10. The method according to claim 9, wherein measuring
detect the gyroscope frame rotation relative to the the angle of rotation of the gyroscope frame is provided by
body; 35 measuring the angle of deflection of the gyroscope frame
a control system adapted to receive a signal transmitted by from position in which the axis of rotation of the gyroscope
the at least one angle sensor and control rotational rotor is perpendicular to the second vertical plane, and
Velocities of the wheels according to the signal; directional control of the vehicle is provided by changing the
wherein the Supporting structure is adapted to move the difference of the rotational velocities of the wheels to
wheels in relation to each other and to move the wheels 40 compensate the angle of deflection.
in relation to the body independently thereof; 11. The method according to claim 9, wherein the roll
the control system is further adapted to apply a torque to control force is applied to the body by means of control load
the gyroscope frame; and wherein axes of rotation of moVement.
the wheels lie in a first vertical plane and the gyroscope 12. The method according to claim 9, wherein the roll
frame is mounted on the body so that an axis of rotation 45 control force is applied to the body by tilting the body by
of the frame lies in a second vertical plane which is means of a torque drive and the gyroscope.
perpendicular to said first vertical plane, wherein the 13. The method according to claim 9, wherein the roll
gyroscope rotor is rotatably mounted in the gyroscope control force is applied to the body by shifting a weight of
frame so that an axis of rotation of the rotor is perpen a rider.
dicular to said axis of rotation of the frame. 50 14. A two-wheel gyroscope-stabilized vehicle for carrying
2. The vehicle according to claim 1, wherein the gyro a rider, comprising:
Scope frame is mounted on the body so that the axis of a body;
rotation of the frame extends at an angle less than 30 degrees a left wheel and a right wheel;
relative to said first vertical plane. a Supporting structure that connects the body and the
3. The vehicle according to claim 1, wherein the control 55 wheels so that the body is supported by the wheels;
system comprises a torque drive to apply said torque to the two wheel drives, each of the wheel drives connected with
gyroscope frame, wherein the torque drive is mounted on the a corresponding wheel of the left wheel and the right
body so as to rotate the gyroscope frame around the axis of wheel, to drive the corresponding wheel;
rotation of the frame. a gyroscope, comprising a gyroscope rotor and a gyro
4. The vehicle according to claim 1, wherein the gyro- 60 Scope frame, wherein the gyroscope frame is rotatably
scopic frame has at least one angular Velocity gyroscopic mounted on the body;
sensor mounted thereon. at least one angle sensor mounted on the body so as to
5. The vehicle according to claim 1, wherein the body has detect the gyroscope frame rotation relative to the
two pins and said Supporting structure comprises two levers body;
rotatably mounted on said pins, the wheels are rotatably 65 a control system is adapted to receive a signal transmitted
mounted on said levers, and the Supporting structure further by the at least one angle sensor to control rotational
comprises a load bearing rocker which is rotatably con Velocities of the wheels according to the signal;
US 9,511,811 B2
17 18
wherein the vehicle further comprises a pair of step plates directional control of the vehicle is provided by changing the
to support legs of the rider, difference of rotation velocities of the wheels to compensate
the Supporting structure is adapted to move the wheels in the angle of deflection.
relation to each other and to move the wheels in relation 22. The method according to claim 20, wherein the roll
to the body independently thereof; 5 control force is applied to the body by means of control load
the control system is further adapted to apply a torque to 23. The method according to claim 20, wherein the roll
the gyroscope frame, and control force is applied to the body by tilting the body by
wherein axes of rotation of the wheels lie in a first vertical means of a torque drive and the gyroscope.
plane and the gyroscope frame is mounted on the body 10 24. The method according to claim 20, wherein the roll
So that an axis of rotation of the frame lies in a second control force is applied to the body by shifting the weight of
vertical plane which is perpendicular to said first ver the rider.
tical plane, wherein the gyroscope rotor is rotatably 25. The vehicle according to claim 14, wherein the control
mounted in the gyroscope frame so that an axis of System comprises a torque drive to apply said torque to the
rotation of the rotor is perpendicular to said axis of 15
gyroscope frame, wherein the torque drive is mounted on the
rotation of the frame. body so as to rotate the gyroscope frame around the axis of
rotation of the frame.
15. The vehicle according to claim 14, wherein the body 26. The vehicle according to claim 14, wherein the body
has a rider seat.
16. The vehicle according to claim 14, wherein the wheels has two pins and said supporting structure comprises two
are rotatably mounted on wheel axles connected with the levers rotatably mounted on said pins, the wheels are rotat
Support structure, wherein the vehicle further comprises a ably mounted on said levers, and the supporting structure
pair of step supports to support the legs of the rider, and further comprises a load bearing rocker which is rotatably
wherein the step supports are fixedly mounted on the axles. connected to the body, wherein the load bearing rocker also
connects to the levers so as to move the levers in relation to
17. The vehicle according to claim 14, wherein the vehicle each other.
further comprises a pair of step supports to support the legs 25
of the rider, wherein said step supports are rotatably 27. The vehicle according to claim 14, wherein the body
mounted on the body and comprise the step plates movably has two pivots and said support structure comprises two
mounted on said step supports, and wherein the control Swiveling links rotatably mounted on said pivots, two bar
System comprises angle sensor of the step supports and rels fixedly mounted on said Swiveling links, two cylindrical
linear displacement sensors of the step plates and is adapted 30
Supports, which are movably mounted in said barrels,
to control rotational velocities of the wheels according to wherein the wheels are rotatably connected to the cylindrical
signals of the sensors. Supports, and the Support structure further comprises a load
18. The vehicle according to claim 14, wherein the wheels bearing rocker which is rotatably connected to the body,
are rotatably mounted on wheel axles connected with the wherein ends of the load bearing rocker are movably con
Support structure, the vehicle further comprises a pair of step 35
nected with the cylindrical supports.
Supports to support the legs of the rider, and said step 28. The vehicle according to claim 14, wherein the
supports are rotatably mounted on the wheel axles and gyroscope frame is mounted on the body so that the axis of
comprise the step plates movably mounted on said step rotation of the frame extends at an angle less than 30 degrees
Supports, and wherein the control system comprises angle relative to said first vertical plane.
sensor of the step supports and linear displacement sensors 40
29. The vehicle according to claim 14, wherein the
of the step plates and is adapted to control rotational gyroscopic frame has at least one angular velocity gyro
Velocities of the wheels according to signals of the sensors. scopic sensor mounted thereon.
19. The vehicle according to claim 14, wherein the body 30. The method of controlling the vehicle as in claim 14,
comprises a handle mounted thereon. comprising the steps of measuring the angle of rotation of
20. A method of directional control of the vehicle accord 45
the gyroscope frame relative to the body on application of a
ing to claim 14, comprising the steps of applying roll control disturbing force, and changing a difference of rotation
force to the body; measuring the angle of rotation of the Velocities of the wheels according to the angle of rotation.
gyroscope frame relative to the body; and changing a 31. The method according to claim 30, wherein measuring
difference of rotation velocities of the wheels according to the angle of rotation of the gyroscope frame is provided by
the angle of rotation. 50
measuring the angle of deflection of the gyroscope frame
21. The method according to claim 20, wherein measuring from position in which the axis of rotation of the gyroscope
the angle of rotation of the gyroscope frame is provided by rotor is perpendicular to the second vertical plane, and the
measuring an angle of deflection of the gyroscope frame difference of rotation velocities of the wheels is varied to
from position in which the axis of rotation of the gyroscope compensate the angle of deflection.
rotor is perpendicular to the second vertical plane, and

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