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江苏信瑞一芯科技有限公司 助力民族创“芯” 联系:18662203630

通过 ETX 将桌面应用搬上云端 ........................................................................................... 2
背景介绍 .......................................................................................................................... 2
使用 SaaS 模型来创造机会,简化评估和增加销售 ........................................................ 4
 通过提供更容易的评估来创造更多销售机会...................................................... 4
 通过定期付款模式产生可持续的收入 ................................................................. 4
 提供更好的支持、维护、升级和安全性 ............................................................. 4
 发掘许可证和维保以外的新收入来源 ................................................................. 5
 成为流行桌面应用程序的托管服务提供商.......................................................... 5
通过 ETX 将你的应用迁到云端 ........................................................................................ 5
 专为托管环境而设计 ............................................................................................ 6
 品牌重塑支持 ....................................................................................................... 6
 高性能,易于远程用户访问 ................................................................................ 7
 按组跟踪使用情况................................................................................................ 7
 跨平台访问 ........................................................................................................... 8

江苏信瑞一芯科技有限公司 助力民族创“芯” 联系:18662203630

Moving desktop apps to the cloud with OpenText™

Exceed™ TurboX
通过 OpenText™ Exceed™ TurboX 将桌面应用搬上云端

The software-as-a-service model provides a number of appealing benefits for software vendors
and buyers. How can software vendors and value-added resellers who create or sell desktop
applications provide hosted applications in a SaaS model without redeveloping their applications
for the web?
软件开发商和代理商怎样在不需要重新开发 web 应用程序的基础上,以 saas 模型提供托管

This white paper explains how you can move desktop applications to a hosted model and why
you would want to do so. The paper discusses the advantages of Exceed TurboX (ETX) as a
solution for remote access to these hosted applications.
了 Exceed TurboX(ETX)作为远程访问这些托管应用程序的解决方案的优点。

Background 背景介绍
From the perspective of a software vendor or reseller, numerous benefits favor software as a
service (SaaS) over the traditional model of desktop application deployment. These benefits
1. Creating more sales opportunities by providing easier evaluations

2. Generating sustainable revenue through recurring payments


3. Providing better support, maintenance, upgrades, and security


4. Finding new revenue sources beyond licenses and support


Software vendors know that to remain competitive they need to offer their products the way
customers want to consume them. For many customers, from individuals to large enterprises,
SaaS is the preferred model for purchasing or licensing software today.
软件供应商知道,要保持竞争力,他们需要以客户希望使用的方式提供产品。 对于从个人
到大型企业的许多客户而言,SaaS 是当今购买软件的首选模型。

江苏信瑞一芯科技有限公司 助力民族创“芯” 联系:18662203630

Unfortunately, many enterprise applications were designed to be installed on desktop computers

and were created prior to the rapid growth of web-based SaaS apps. Redeveloping these
applications for the web is a costly endeavor, and some applications are too complex to be
re-developed in this way or require dedicated graphics hardware. As a result, many vendors do
not offer hosted solutions, preferring to stick with a simple, on-premises model.
不幸的是,许多企业应用程序被设计为安装在桌面计算机上,并且是在基于 Web 的 SaaS 应
用程序快速增长之前创建的。为 Web 重新开发这些应用程序是一项昂贵的工作,并且某些

As customer demand for SaaS grows, what options do traditional desktop software vendors have
to meet this need? As a software vendor, you could redevelop your applications from scratch
using modern web technologies, but that is a long and costly process. An alternative approach is
to virtualize your applications within an environment that customers can access remotely. This
approach allows you to sell applications over the web as services, providing the benefits of SaaS
with little to no R&D investment.
客户对 SaaS 的需求日益增长,传统的桌面软件供应商可以有哪些方式来满足这些需求呢?
作为软件供应商,您可以使用现代 Web 技术从头开始重新开发应用程序,但这将是一个漫
法使您可以将 Web 应用程序作为服务销售,从而在几乎没有研发投资的情况下提供 SaaS 的

Exceed TurboX (ETX) is a remote access and management solution that provides an extremely
efficient environment for delivering applications and desktops to remote users. ETX offers secure,
high performance display of applications and desktops over the internet, while providing
management and tracking capabilities to support a multi-tenant, usage-based billing model for
your customers.
Exceed TurboX(ETX)是一种远程访问和管理解决方案,为将应用程序和桌面交付给远程用
户提供了极为高效的环境。ETX 通过 Internet 提供安全,高性能的应用程序和远程桌面,同

This paper is written primarily for the following groups:

• Software vendors (OEMs) who want to sell their desktop applications in a hosted model (or
private cloud).
• Value-added resellers (VARs) who want to become a “cloud” vendor of popular desktop
software applications.

江苏信瑞一芯科技有限公司 助力民族创“芯” 联系:18662203630

Using the SaaS model to drive opportunities, evaluations, and


使用 SaaS 模型来创造机会,简化评估和增加销售

The SaaS model provides a number of advantages to software vendors and VARs:
SaaS 模型为软件供应商和代理商提供了许多优势:
 Create more sales opportunities by providing easier evaluations.
The SaaS model simplifies the set-up process for customers, eliminates installation and
configuration roadblocks, and puts your application in the hands of potential buyers sooner.
Providing your applications in a hosted environment allows you to showcase your software more
easily and channel buyers to your online environment, creating a stronger sales pipeline.
SaaS 模型简化了为客户安装及配置的过程,消除了安装和配置障碍,并将您的应用程序更

 Generate sustainable revenue through recurring payments.

The appeal of subscription-based pricing has led many buyers to reduce or even eliminate
investment in traditional software applications. Shifting to a SaaS model allows software vendors
to continue serving these customers while providing predictable revenue for the vendor. This
model, mixed with on-premises sales, can increase consistency in the pipeline and reduce risk to
the business.
基于订阅的定价模式让许多购买者减少甚至取消了对传统软件应用程序的投资。转变为 SaaS

 Provide better support, maintenance, upgrades, and security.

The traditional approach to software distribution creates headaches for support personnel, who
often need to track and support numerous versions of the same application. This problem is
virtually eliminated in a SaaS model, which allows you to maintain a single version of the
software application on a single server in the data center. You can update products continuously,
push out the upgrades, and ensure all users are on the latest version. This approach also makes it
much easier to meet service-level agreements (SLAs) by reducing or eliminating support calls
related to old versions, version migration, software installation, and environment-specific
本。在 SaaS 模型中实际上消除了此问题,该模型使您可以在数据中心的单个服务器上维护

江苏信瑞一芯科技有限公司 助力民族创“芯” 联系:18662203630

 Find new revenue sources beyond licenses and support.

Selling using a hosted model offers the potential for additional revenue sources, including:
managed hosting (infrastructure); managed services for software installation, configuration,
upgrades, and migration; white labeling and custom web portal development; web-based
software training and certification; and security audits and certification.
安装、配置、升级和迁移的托管服务;贴牌和自定义 Web 门户开发;基于网络的软件培训

 Become a hosting provider for popular desktop applications.

While many applications are moving to the cloud, a lot of popular desktop app vendors do not
yet offer hosted solutions, which opens a large market opportunity for VARs. As a reseller who
addresses a customer base that might not otherwise purchase, you can seek stronger margins
from the original software developer (or OEM) by addressing the SaaS market segment on their
behalf. At the same time, you can add value by providing frontline support, software installation
and maintenance, painless upgrades, infrastructure hosting, high uptime, and guarantees on data
security. In certain niche markets, this model can make you an attractive partner for OEMs.
SaaS 细分市场,从而从软件开发商(或 OEM)那里获得更大的利润。同时,您可以通过提
全保证来增加价值。在某些细分市场中,这种模式可以使您成为 OEM 有竞争力的合作伙伴。

Moving your desktop apps to the cloud with Exceed TurboX

通过 Exceed TurboX 将你的应用迁到云端

Exceed TurboX represents more than 20 years of history creating solutions for remote access.
Over this time, OpenText has developed a strong reputation for its technical expertise in UNIX®
detailed knowledge of customer environments, and a responsive R&D department. ETX is a
product of dedicated focus on addressing a key customer require- ment: providing remote users
with fast, secure, efficient access to applications running in the data center.
Exceed TurboX 汇集了 20 多年远程访问解决方案的开发实施经验。在这段时间里,OpenText
以其在 UNIX®客户环境详细知识方面的技术专长以及响应迅速的研发部门而赢得了极高的
声誉。ETX 专注于满足客户的关键需求:为远程用户提供对数据中心中运行的应用程序的快

江苏信瑞一芯科技有限公司 助力民族创“芯” 联系:18662203630

ETX is designed for high-end 2D and 3D graphical applications where fast, local-like performance
is required. Companies in industries such as EDA, oil and gas, finance, and manufacturing rely on
ETX to provide high-speed, high-quality remote access to applica- tions and desktops hosted in
central data centers.
ETX 专为需要快速、类似本地性能的高端 2D 和 3D 图形应用程序而设计。EDA、石油、天然
气、金融和制造等行业的公司都依靠 ETX 提供对中央数据中心中托管的应用程序和桌面的高

 Designed for hosted environments

ETX Server is the brain of the solution and runs on Apache® Tomcat web server. The server
functions as concierge, gatekeeper, and traffic controller. Users log in to the web- based
dashboard to view their own custom list of UNIX and Microsoft® Windows® desktops and
published applications. From the dashboard, users launch sessions, which can be a single
application or a UNIX, Linux, or Windows desktop. Users can share these remote sessions with
other ETX users, and even pass control of the mouse and keyboard to other users for
collaborative design. Administrators log in to ETX Server to monitor and manage every aspect of
the solution, from user enrollment, to monitoring server infra- structure, to publishing
applications and desktops to users and groups.
ETX Server 是该解决方案的核心,可在 Apache®Tomcat Web 服务器上运行。ETX Server 相当
于礼宾,看门人和交管员。用户登录到基于 Web 的仪表板以查看他们自己的 UNIX 和
用程序,也可以是 UNIX,Linux 或 Windows 桌面。用户可以与其他 ETX 用户共享这些远程会
话, 甚至可以将鼠标和键盘的控制权传递给其他用户以进行协作设计。管理员登录 ETX Server

ETX uses a series of ETX Connection Nodes to provide session management and display
compression. These nodes can be installed on their own dedicated hardware or directly on the
application or desktop hosts. Remote sessions are distributed to connection nodes by ETX Server,
providing load balancing and failover. The server can also push software updates to all nodes and
clients without manual intervention or the need to stop running sessions, providing a highly
available environment.
ETX 使用一系列 ETX 连接节点(Nodes)来提供会话管理和显示压缩传输。这些节点可以安装在
专用的硬件上,也可以直接安装在应用程序或桌面主机上。远程会话由 ETX Server 分发到连
接节点,从而提供负载平衡和故障转移。ETX Server 还可以将软件更新推送到所有节点和客

 Rebranding support
The ETX Server web interface can be customized to show your corporate brand, through a
process known as white labeling. This gives software vendors and resellers the ability to offer a
web portal that looks and feels like it was developed in-house.
可以通过称为白标/贴牌的过程自定义 ETX Server Web 界面以显示您的公司品牌。这使软件

江苏信瑞一芯科技有限公司 助力民族创“芯” 联系:18662203630

White labeling includes the ability to customize the log-in screen, user interface, and corporate
logos. You can also create a new set of profile icons to match your corporate brand or show the
same icons that users would see when launching applications from their desktop.
贴牌包括自定义登录界面,用户界面和公司商标。 您还可以创建一组新的图标以匹配您的

 High performance and easy access for remote users

When applications are published online via the ETX web portal, end users can launch them with a
single click. The lightweight client takes seconds to install and automatically downloads client
updates during session launch so you never have to worry about installing updates. A Java client
is also provided for true zero-footprint access.
通过 ETX Web 门户在线发布应用程序,最终用户只需单击即可启动它们。轻量级客户端仅
提供 Java 客户端,以实现真正的零占用空间访问。

ETX delivers “local-like” performance, especially important for graphic-intensive applications

accessed over the internet or a WAN. ETX also offers users the convenience of suspending an
application on one device and resuming it on another–for example, to switch between office and
home. Built-in screen sharing enables remote collaboration for distributed teams.
ETX 提供“类似本地”的性能,这对于通过 Internet 或 WAN 访问的图形密集型应用程序尤
其重要。ETX 还为用户提供了在一台设备上挂起会话然后在另一台设备上恢复会话的功能。

 Usage tracking by group

ETX tracks the number of concurrent users accessing applications through the web, so hosting
providers can bill customers based on usage. IT service providers can assign expenses to the
departments that use its services. Software vendors and resellers who offer services to multiple
tenants can track usage by tenant and bill them on a monthly basis according to how many
sessions they run.
ETX 跟踪通过 Web 访问应用程序的并发用户数,因此托管服务提供商可以根据使用情况向
客户收费。IT 服务提供商可以将费用分配给使用其服务的部门。向多个租户提供服务的软件

江苏信瑞一芯科技有限公司 助力民族创“芯” 联系:18662203630

OpenText Exceed TurboX provides usage monitoring in the admin dashboard

OpenText Exceed TurboX(ETX)在管理仪表盘中提供使用情况监视功能

 Cross-platform access
Applications published with ETX can run on any supported client, meaning that applications
written for a particular platform can run “natively,” without concern for compatibility or
customization for that particular client environment. For example, you can deploy Microsoft®
Outlook® for Windows to your Mac® and Linux users, without needing to install and maintain
different versions of the software.
用 ETX 发布的应用程序可以在任何受支持的客户端上运行,这意味着为特定平台编写的应用
将 Microsoft®Outlook®for Windows 部署到 Mac®和 Linux 用户,而无需安装和维护不同版本的

Supported application hosts for ETX include Windows®, as well as any UNIX/Linux platform based
on the X Window system (Linux, Solaris, AIX, and HP-UX).
ETX 支持的应用程序主机包括 Windows®以及任何基于 X Window 系统的 UNIX / Linux 平台
(Linux,Solaris,AIX 和 HP-UX)

Supported client platforms include Windows, Mac OS, Linux, and iPad®. Both the Java and native
clients are accessible from Windows, Mac, and Linux PCs. An iPad client is available in the Apple®
App Store®.
受支持的客户端平台包括 Windows,Mac OS,Linux 和 iPad®。 可以从 Windows,Mac 和 Linux
PC 上访问 Java 和本机客户端。 iPad 客户端可在 Apple®AppStore®中获得。

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