Micromachines 12 00991 v2
Micromachines 12 00991 v2
Micromachines 12 00991 v2
Recent Advances in Reactive Ion Etching and Applications of
High-Aspect-Ratio Microfabrication
Michael Huff
Founder and Director of the MEMS and Nanotechnology Exchange, Corporation for National Research
Initiatives, Reston, VA 20191, USA; mhuff@mems-exchange.org
Abstract: This paper reviews the recent advances in reaction-ion etching (RIE) for application
in high-aspect-ratio microfabrication. High-aspect-ratio etching of materials used in micro- and
nanofabrication has become a very important enabling technology particularly for bulk microma-
chining applications, but increasingly also for mainstream integrated circuit technology such as
three-dimensional multi-functional systems integration. The characteristics of traditional RIE allow
for high levels of anisotropy compared to competing technologies, which is important in microsys-
tems device fabrication for a number of reasons, primarily because it allows the resultant device
dimensions to be more accurately and precisely controlled. This directly leads to a reduction in
development costs as well as improved production yields. Nevertheless, traditional RIE was limited
to moderate etch depths (e.g., a few microns). More recent developments in newer RIE methods
and equipment have enabled considerably deeper etches and higher aspect ratios compared to tradi-
tional RIE methods and have revolutionized bulk micromachining technologies. The most widely
known of these technologies is called the inductively-coupled plasma (ICP) deep reactive ion etching
(DRIE) and this has become a mainstay for development and production of silicon-based micro-
and nano-machined devices. This paper will review deep high-aspect-ratio reactive ion etching
Citation: Huff, M. Recent Advances technologies for silicon, fused silica (quartz), glass, silicon carbide, compound semiconductors and
in Reactive Ion Etching and piezoelectric materials.
Applications of High-Aspect-Ratio
Microfabrication. Micromachines 2021, Keywords: reactive ion etching; high-aspect ratio etching; inductively-coupled plasma etching;
12, 991. https://doi.org/ micromachining; MEMS; NEMS
followed by the substrate being etched in the exposed regions [4]. Since bulk micromachin-
ing fabricates microsystems devices directly from the material of the substrate, it affords
specific benefits to microsystems devices since the substrate is composed of a high-quality
single-crystal material (e.g., single-crystal silicon). This is in comparison to implementing
microsystems devices from deposited thin-film materials layers using methods such as
chemical vapor deposition (CVD) or physical vapor deposition (PVD) methods that re-
sult in material layers that are amorphous or polycrystalline and typically have inferior
and process-dependent material properties (e.g., residual stresses and stress gradients).
The superior mechanical and electrical material properties of single-crystal silicon sub-
strate materials enable excellent device performance with known and predictable material
properties [5]. This is extremely important for implementing many micromachined devices.
Bulk micromachining etching processes preferably have several attributes, includ-
ing [4,6]: a high level of anisotropy; nearly vertical etch sidewalls that are as smooth as
possible; excellent uniformity across the substrate and from substrate to substrate; the
ability to implement high-aspect-ratio features; the ability to etch deep into the substrate
material including etching completely through entire substrate thickness; good selectivity
with conventional masking material layers such as photoresist, silicon dioxide, and silicon
nitride; low cost; repeatable and reproducible performance; and low environmental impact.
Etching technologies for bulk micromachining have radically evolved over several
decades that they have been practiced. Various methods have been demonstrated using
a variety of chemical, physical, and combined chemical and physical processes. Purely
chemical techniques involve a chemical reaction between a reactive species (usually in the
form of either a liquid solution or gas) and the substrate material [7–10]. Purely physical
etching techniques usually involve removal of substrate material using momentum transfer
of energetic chemically inert particles [1,2]. The most notable example of this type of
etch process is ion milling. The combination of chemical and physical techniques unites
chemically reactive species with momentum transfer and thereby exhibits both selectivity
and anisotropic behavior. RIE etching falls into that later category and therefore these types
of etch processes tend to provide the best characteristics for obtaining the many of the
desirable etching attributes for advanced microfabrication etching [1–3,11,12].
Figure 1. Spectrum of dry etching processes and their relationship to the process pressure [13].
experience multiple collisions before striking the substrate. Due to these collisions, the
etching species impinge the substrate over a range of angles thereby making this form of
dry etching more isotropic in nature. Consequently, plasma etching is mostly driven by the
chemical reactions of the plasma species with the exposed material to be etched and not as
a result of the physical effects. Like wet etching, plasma etching is not very directional, but
tends to be material selective. Figure 2 illustrates a traditional plasma etcher configuration.
Figure 2. Illustration of a plasma etching system. The substrate is positioned on the bottom electrode that is electrically
grounded and the top electrode is connected to a RF generator [13]. Inlet process gas lines are not shown.
result, RIE is more material specific than ion milling, while at the same time provides good
anisotropy of the etched features.
Figure 3. Illustration of the six steps involved in plasma etching [14]. Step 1: process gases are broken
into chemically reactive species in plasma; Step 2: diffusion of reactive species to substrate surface;
Step 3: absorption of reactive species onto material layer; Step 4: reaction between reactive species
and material layer; Step 5: desorption of reaction by-products; Step 6: diffusion of by-products.
The equipment of a RIE etcher involves process chamber connected to a vacuum pump
to achieve the proper operating pressures (see Figure 4). Process gases flow into the etch
chamber in controlled levels using in-line mass-flow controllers (not shown in Figure 4).
RIE etchers are typically single wafer etch tools since this provides for better uniformity.
Most etchers in production use load-lock chambers to increase wafer throughputs. The
substrate to be etched is placed on a chuck that also acts as an electrode. This electrode is
electrically connected to an RF generator operating at a frequency of 13.56 MHz and up
to a few hundred Watts of power. The chamber walls and top electrode are electrically
grounded. The electromagnetic field applied to the process gases into the etch chamber
result in the electrons being stripped from the gas molecules thereby initiating the plasma.
Micromachines 2021, 12, 991 5 of 24
Figure 4. Illustration of a reactive ion etch (RIE) etching system [13]. Inlet process gas lines are not shown.
The electrical grounding of the chamber walls and top electrode that have relatively
large areas and applying the electromagnetic field to the bottom electrode that has a much
smaller area results in increased ion energies that impact onto the substrate [2,3,13]. As the
electromagnetic field oscillates, electrons in the plasma impact both the chamber walls and
substrate. The plasma ions on the other hand, are much more massive and therefore are
not able to travel distances equivalent to that of the electrons. Electrons that impact the
chamber walls are absorbed since these surfaces are electrically grounded. The electrons
striking the substrate result in a large negative charge to be created since this surface is
DC isolated. Simultaneously, the plasma sheath builds up a positive charge due to the
higher concentration of positive ions compared to free electrons. As a result, a large voltage
potential develops on the substrate electrode relative to the top electrode and chamber
walls. The potential difference between the substrate electrode and the plasma sheath is
usually a few hundred volts and results in the ions in the plasma to be attracted to and
impact the substrate with high kinetic energies thereby imparting significant mechanical
energy into the substrate surface.
RIE etching processes use gases that contain halogens, which are group VII elements,
including, fluorine, chlorine, bromine, iodine, due to the fact that these elements are highly
electronegative and reactive. When these halogens react with the material being etched,
they form chemical compounds known as halides. The volatility of the resulting halide is
an important parameter and for an etching process it is desirable that the halides have a
high vapor pressure. Specifically, the different process gases that are employed in RIE of
different material types include fluorine-based gases such as SF6 and CF4 for the etching of
silicon and silicon carbide; fluorine-based gases such as C3 F8 and C2 F6 for the etching of
silicon dioxide and silicon nitrides; chlorine-based gases such as BCl3 and CCl4 /Cl2 /BCl3
for the etching of aluminum, other metals, and compound semiconductors; oxygen-based
gases such as O2 and CO2 for the etching of organics such as photoresist; other chemistries
for other material types such as silicides and refractory metals.
Micromachines 2021, 12, 991 6 of 24
The advantages of RIE etching include good depth uniformity; good mask selectivity; less
chemical waste handling issues (compared to wet etching); relatively clean process; can provide
high fidelity and dimensional control of the etched features; and amenable to automation for
cassette-to-cassette high-wafer-throughput production. Because of these desirable attributes
and others, RIE is widely used etch technology in IC manufacturing [2,3,13].
be reduced by more that 50% and the non-uniformity can be increased from 2% to 35% [16].
Therefore, as a general rule, it is prudent to keep the percentage of substrate area exposed
for etching to below 10%.
Etch lag refers to an etch rate that is lower in smaller sized features than in larger
ones. If the etched patterns have a large range of feature sizes across the wafer or die, the
larger features will faster than the smaller ones. In order to complete the etch, the larger
features will be over etched before the smaller features are completely cleared resulting in
a non-uniformity. The over etch in the larger features can also result some lateral etching of
the features and undercutting of the masking layer resulting in loss of dimensional control.
The amount of etch lag in any situation is complicated and depends on the dimensions
of the smallest features as well as the differences in the sizes of the features as well as the
amount of area exposed to the etchant. A solution for etch lag is to make all of the etched
features have the same smallest dimension across the substrate. It has also been shown
that etch lag can be reduced by adjusting certain processing parameters [17].
A parameter sometimes used in describing the etch lag in RIE etching is called the
aspect ratio dependent etching (ARDE). This refers to the fact that the etch rate depends
on the aspect ratio of the features being etched. As the aspect ratio increases, wherein the
ratio of the depth to the width of the feature increases, it becomes increasingly difficult
for the reactants to diffuse to the bottom of the feature as well as reaction by-products to
diffuse out into the gas stream to be pumped out of the chamber. The impact is to slow the
etch rate.
Micro-trenching is an increased etch rate near the bottom of the sidewalls of the etched
features resulting in essentially a groove around the perimeter of the features that is slightly
deeper than the floor of the feature [18]. This is believed to be caused by scattering of the
ions of the etch process from the sidewalls of the features.
When RIE etching has a dielectric material etch stop, such as an etch that is conducted
though the device layer of a silicon-on-insulator (SOI) wafer, the silicon sidewalls at the
floor of the features (and the interface with the buried oxide layer of the SOI wafer) may
exhibit a lateral etch larger than the lateral etch along the upper portions of the sidewall [19].
This is termed “notching” and is believed to be due to the charging of the dielectric layer
caused by the impinging charged species that results in an electrical field that can steer the
trajectories of the plasma ions as they near the feature floor.
Figure 5. Illustration of an inductively-coupled plasma (ICP) reactive ion etch system configuration. In this system, there
are two RF generators, one to create and sustain the plasma and the second to bias the reactants to the substrate [20].
7. Cyrogenic DRIE
Cryogenic deep, high-aspect-ratio plasma etching uses fluorine radicals created from
sulfur hexafluoride gas (SF6 ) in the plasma discharge as the etching species [25–28]. Passiva-
tion is achieved by injection of oxygen gas (O2 ) into the process chamber that forms oxygen
Micromachines 2021, 12, 991 9 of 24
radicals that react to oxidize the exposed silicon surfaces forming a thin-film layer of silicon
oxide that protects the surfaces from attack by the fluorine radicals. Additionally, another
process gas such as trifluoromethane (CHF3 ) may be added to allow the useable process
window to be enlarged. Importantly, cryogenic etching is performed at temperatures of
approximately 173 degrees-K by using liquid nitrogen to cool the substrate electrode. This
lowers the amount of oxygen required to a few percent of the total gas flow in order to
obtain passivation and anisotropic etching while also maintaining an acceptable etch rate
and mask selectivity. The low process temperature significantly reduces the erosion of the
passivation on the sidewalls that receive little to no ion bombardment. The bottoms of the
features are bombarded with the full energy of the ions and this selectively removes the
passivation at those locations thereby enabling the etch to proceed deeper into the substrate.
The use of photoresist masking layers is difficult with cryogenic etching since the resist is
a polymer and can crack with the low temperatures. However, some resists with special
treatments may still be useable. Silicon dioxide hard masks are more commonly used.
Typical etching rates for cryogenic etching are approximately 4 to 5 um per minute and the
mask selectivity is approximately 100 to 1 for a silicon dioxide masking layer [27,28].
The main disadvantage of cryogenic etching is the low process temperature. Since
the substrate is at such a low temperature, it attracts particulates and contaminates in the
process chamber that can lodge onto the surface thereby creating micro-masking effects
exhibited in the form of etching grass [15].
Cryogenic dry etching does have an advantage over cyclical DRIE since there is no
scalloping of the sidewalls of the etched features (as explained below) and the sidewalls
can be optically smooth. Therefore, cryogenic etching is primarily used for optical and
photonic applications where sidewalls smoothness is often very important.
8. BoschTM DRIE
The cryogenic DRIE process for silicon etching uses continuous passivation, that
is really only practical at very low temperatures. While this process allows deep and
high-aspect-ratio etches to be performed in silicon, the process is prone to micro-masking
effects [15]. This is due to the balancing of the formation of silicon oxides as passivation
layers that require significant ion energies to remove and the need to remove these passiva-
tion layers at the trench floors of the features being etched. In addition to being prone to
micro-masking, the higher ion energies also reduce mask selectivity.
Another DRIE process, called the BoschTM process, separates the passivation and etch-
ing into two different cycles. This enables the process gases for each cycle to be controlled
independently [23]. Moreover, the passivation is performed using polytetrafluoroethylene
(PTFE), or TeflonTM , that is not as hard as the silicon oxide passivation of cryogenic etching
and therefore requires less ion energy to remove from the surfaces during the etch cycle.
Figure 6 illustrates how the BoschTM deep reactive ion etching process is per-
formed [13,15,23]. The etch is a cyclical dry plasma etch process that alternates between
a high-density plasma to etch the silicon in one part of the cycle and then deposit an
etch resistant polymer layer on the sidewalls in the other part of the cycle. The etching
of the silicon is performed using a SF6 chemistry, whereas the deposition of an etch
resistant passivation polymer layer on the sidewalls uses a C4 F8 chemistry [23].
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Figure 6. An illustration of the mechanism of the BoschTM process for the DRIE etching of silicon [13].
(a) SF6 is used to create the fluorine-based reactive species to etch the silicon. (b) the etch tool turns
off the SF6 process gas and switches on the C4F8 process gas. (c) the process gas C4F8 is switched off,
the etching process gas SF6 is turned back on. (d) the SF6 is turned off and the polymerization gas
C4F8 is turned back on to again.
As shown in Figure 6a, in the first part of the first cycle process gas, SF6 is used
to create the fluorine-based reactive species to etch the silicon. As discussed above, SF6
is a commonly used process gas for reactive ion etching of silicon. A mask of some SF6
resistant material, such as photoresist or silicon dioxide, has been patterned on the substrate
surface to expose selected areas of the silicon substrate surface for etching. The etching
into the exposed silicon is for a relatively short period of time (e.g., 1 s) and therefore
precedes a limited depth into the silicon substrate surface. Then, as shown in Figure 6b,
the etch tool turns off the SF6 process gas and switches on the C4 F8 process gas resulting
in the deposition of a relatively uniform coating of passivation polymer over the entire
substrate surface. When the C4 F8 process gas is turned off, that completes one full etch
and passivation cycle.
After the process gas C4 F8 is switched off, the etching process gas SF6 is turned back
on as shown in Figure 6c. This results in the removal of the polymer layer that is directly
exposed to the silicon etchant gas reactive species and plasma ions at the bottom surfaces of
the etch trench. However, the polymer on the sidewalls is able to remain a longer period of
time due to the fact that it is not being directly bombarded by the ions. The result is that the
fluorine reactive species are able to etch some depth into the exposed silicon trench once
the polymer passivation on the trench bottoms has been removed. The polymer passivation
of the sidewalls prevents the sidewalls from being attacked and therefore prevents laterally
etching of the silicon trench sidewalls from occurring. Then, as shown in Figure 6d, the SF6
is turned off and the polymerization gas C4 F8 is turned back on to again resulting in the
deposition of a thin polymer layer over the silicon substrate. This alternating cycling of the
process gases continues repeatedly until the desired etch depth into the silicon substrate
is obtained.
Mass flow controllers and automated valve mechanisms in the process tool are used
to precisely control the cycle the etch chemistries flow rates during the etch cycles. The
anisotropy of the etch deeply into silicon is based on the cyclical nature of this process and
the fact that the polymer at the bottom of the etch pit is removed faster than the polymer
from the sidewalls. The sidewalls of features made with DRIE etching are not perfectly (or
Micromachines 2021, 12, 991 11 of 24
optically) smooth and if the sidewall is magnified under SEM inspection, a characteristic
scalloping pattern is seen in the sidewalls [13,15]. This is in contrast to the cryogenic DRIE
process. However, the BoschTM DRIE process is far less susceptible to micro-masking
effects [15]. The vast majority of DRIE silicon etch systems today employ the BoschTM
process and there has been a number of reviews for the use of this type of DRIE in the
literature [29–34].
DRIE silicon etch tools, whether cryogenic or the BoschTM process, are single wafer
systems and consequently the etching rate is an important consideration. The etching rates
on most of the early DRIE systems ranged from approximately 1 to 5 microns per minute.
This etching rate made it difficult for DRIE to be used in production since the cost was
considered too high for deep etches.
With subsequent generations of DRIE systems using the BoschTM process, the etching
rate of silicon has been significantly improved with recent generations of the Bosch process
etch systems reaching 20 to 25 microns or higher per minute. Recent versions of DRIE
systems also have improved the gas switching characteristics by reducing the cycle times.
This has resulted in a reduction in the scalloping effects on the trench sidewalls [13,35].
Photoresist and silicon dioxide are commonly used masking layer for DRIE etching
using the BoschTM process. The typical selectivity of the etching silicon relative to the
masking material layers composed of either photoresist or silicon oxide are approximately
75 to 1 and 150 to 1, respectively. For a through wafer etch, a relatively thick photoresist
mask layer will be required. With process optimization to the features being etched, the
aspect ratio of the etch can be as high as 50 to 1 [36,37], but in practice tends to be 15 to 1.
The process recipe for DRIE may need adjustment depending on the amount of
exposed silicon due to loading effects in the system, with larger exposed areas etching as
a much faster rate compared to smaller exposed areas (i.e., etch lag). Consequently, the
etch should be characterized and optimized for the exact mask feature and depth to obtain
good results [38–43]. It is advisable that microsystems device designs implemented using
DRIE keep the width of the etched features at the same dimension across the entire wafer
if possible.
Figure 7 is the cross section SEM of a deep, high-aspect-ratio silicon trench fabricated
using the BoschTM process DRIE technology on a relatively new high etch rate tool. This
etch was performed using a commercially available PlasmaTherm Versaline Deep Silicon
Etch (DSE) etch system. This tool has etch rates as high as 20 microns/min, virtually no
scalloping in the sidewalls, and minimal lateral etch (i.e., undercut). These characteristics
are important to accurately controlling the dimensions of the etched features [13].
The achieved dimensional variations in DRIE depend on the etch depth, tool, recipes,
mask design, loading effects, and other factors. The principal dimensional variations of
interest are the uniformity of the etch depths across the substrates, and the lateral undercut
of the etch mask. The across wafer uniformity of DRIE using the Bosch process has been
reported to be approximately ±1% if the etched features have the same size on the masking
layer [44].
The lateral etch rate depends on the aspect ratio and the depth of the etched features.
As noted above, an aspect ratio of 15 to 1 is a typical value. Therefore, if a DRIE etch is
performed that is L microns in depth, and assuming an aspect ratio of 15 to 1, this would
mean that the lateral etch was equal to L/15 or 0.067 L. This lateral etch would be on
both sides of an etched feature and therefore would be multiplied by 2 to give 0.134 L. As
seen from this example, the lateral etch can be substantial [13]. It should be noted that the
masking layer for the DRIE etch can be biased by the lateral etch amount to result in etched
feature dimensions more closely aligned with the desired dimensions.
Micromachines 2021, 12, 991 12 of 24
Figure 7. SEM of the cross section of a silicon wafer demonstrating high-aspect-ratio and deep
trenches that can be fabricated using DRIE technology. This etch was performed using a PlasmaTherm
Versaline DSE system [13].
can enable the etch to exhibit nearly lag free behavior over a range of aspect ratios [41]. A
reduction in the notching effect can be achieved by pulsing the electrode that the substrate
sites on to discharge the dielectric layer [42,43]. Techniques to reduce the scalloping on the
sidewalls of the features using DRIE have also been recently reported [46].
DRIE etching has developed to the point where the etch rates are sufficient for pro-
duction [35]. DRIE is now commonly used for bulk micromachining of single-crystal
silicon for a wide range of applications—inertia sensors [47–51], pressure sensors [52–54],
microphones [55], resonators [56], microfluidics [57–59], and others [60,61].
Figure 8. Scanning electron microscope (SEM) image of a cross section of fused silica sample after performing etch [20].
A few additional points with regard to this etch process follow. First, although this
etch process is prone to micro-masking effects that can be reduced using the cleaning cycles
mentioned above, it has been found that the amount of micro-masking can be greatly
reduced by limiting the amount of the substrate surface covered by the nickel hard mask
to under 10% [84]. While this would appear to represent a large majority of the substrate
being etched and therefore would be expected to cause loading effects, loading was not
observed with this process. Additionally, little to no lag was seen as well. Second, the entire
etch chamber should be thoroughly cleaned after each wafer etch. This includes scrubbing
down the chamber walls using a mechanical abrasive. This is needed to remove a very
thin layer of a polymer-nickel compound that builds up on the chamber walls and can fall
off onto the substrate during etching. If these guidelines are followed then the number of
micro-masking defects can be significantly reduced or eliminated.
The uniformity of this etch process was reported to be 2.41% in the lateral features
across the substrate. The uniformity on the etch depths was 1.51% for an average etch
depth of 132 microns [20,77].
substrates was demonstrated. A SEM image of the cross section of an etched SiC substrate
is shown in Figure 9.
Figure 9. Scanning electron microscope (SEM) images of array of vias and posts after performing
plasma etch using ULVAC NLD-6000. A 50 um via array (top left), a 25 um post array (top right), a
25 um via array (bottom left), and a 25 um post array (bottom right) are shown [97].
As can be seen, the recipe provides an etch that is deep and high in aspect ratio.
The depth of the etched features was nearly 160 microns, with an average etch rate of
approximately 1 micron/minute. Measurement of the sidewall angles indicated that they
were 90 deg +/− 2.5 deg or nearly vertical. Further, the mask etch selectivity was measured
to be approximately 130:1 using hard masks composed of 1 µm thick thin-film layers of
copper (Cu) deposited using evaporation that was subsequently patterned using ion-beam
milling [100]. The aspect ratio of the etched features was measured to be 12 to 1. No etch
defects, such as pillars, were exhibited in the etched samples. The recipe for performing
deep etches into silicon carbide is given below and the details of the experiments to develop
this process can be found in the literature [97–99].
RF Bias Power: 100 Watts,
Substrate temperature: 12 ◦ C,
O2 gas flow: 10 sccm,
Chamber pressure: 5 mTorr,
SF6 gas flow: 100 sccm,
RF antenna power: 2000 Watts,
Top magnet current: 6.1 Amps,
Center magnet current: 10.2 Amps,
Bottom magnet current: 6.1 Amps,
Heat shield temperature: 150 ◦ C, and
He cooling pressure: 5 Pascals.
have volatile reaction by-products such as gallium and indium. Second, these materials
are unusually prone to surface damage effects from etching that can significantly degrade
the device performance. Third, many compound semiconductors are used for photonic
applications where smooth etched surfaces are required.
High-aspect-ratio trench etches were reported in gallium arsenide (GaAs) using an
ICP RIE etcher and Cl2 process gas [112]. To avoid roughness on the sidewalls as well as
the formation of etch grass on the bottom of the trenches, the etch must be performed at
very low pressures, typically approximately 0.2 Pa. The plasma source power was reported
as 150 W, with a DC bias of 500 V in order to provide sufficient ion bombardment energy
for equirate etching behavior. The aspect ratios of the etches was better than 5 to 1. The
addition of Ar gas to the plasma improved the smoothness of the trench sidewalls [113].
Photoresist or oxide can be used as a masking layer. Metals can be used, but the grain
structure of the metal can propagate into the GaAs features.
For GaAs/AlGaAs heterogeneous material layers it is sometimes desired that there
be little to no etch selectivity between the two materials while in other situations high
selectivity is preferable. It has been shown that using SiCl4 and SF4 process chemistry
gases can provide a high selectivity of GaAs with respect to the AlGaAs [114].
More recently, researchers reported the ability to etch nano-waveguides in GaAs and
GaAs/AlGaAs heterogeneous material layers using a chlorine process etch gas in an ICP
reactor with aspect ratios of over 30 as shown in Figure 10 [115]. A hard mask of a thin
layer of PECVD silicon dioxide and chrome was used that was patterned using e-beam
lithography and etched using a chorine plasma etch. Cl2 was used in combination with
BCl3 and argon as the process gases. Cl2 is a known anisotropic etchant for GaAs and
the addition of BCl3 aids with the etching of AlGaAs. The addition of argon gas helps in
increasing the etch rate and provides for greater anisotropy. It was also found that adding
N2 gas to the process helps in achieving higher aspect ratios. Chemical analysis (using
EDX) indicated that the sidewall passivation was mainly composed of silicon oxide. There
was little etch selectivity between GaAs and AlGaAs material types.
Figure 10. A GaAs nanowaveguide structure after passivation layer has been removed with an aspect
ratio of >32, with a N2 flux of 11.8% ([115], used with permission from the Copyright Center and the
contact author).
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13. Summary
This paper has reviewed the important developments in reactive ion etching to enable
the implementation of deep and high-aspect-ratio features into various types of important
semiconductor material substrates including single-crystal silicon; fused silica, glass and
quartz; single-crystal silicon carbide (SiC); single-crystal gallium arsenide (GaAs); hetero-
geneous single-crystal gallium arsenide (GaAs) and aluminum gallium arsenide (AlGaAs);
indium phosphide (InP); and piezoelectric lead zirconate titanate (PZT). Many of these
technologies are critical for bulk micromachining applications as well as advanced forms
of integrated circuits and 3-D integration. The processes for deep high-aspect-ratio reactive
ion etching are dependent on a number of other technological developments including
mechanisms for passivation of the sidewalls of the features during the etch or in one-half of
the etch cycle; complex process gas chemical recipes that involve a number of constituents;
and inductively coupled plasma etching systems that have high-density plasmas operating
at low pressures. Many of these technological developments have taken several years in
continuous development before they became available. Nevertheless, it is expected that
significant future developments in further developing these technologies will continue
since there is a considerable amount of active work in expanding the knowledge and
understanding of plasma etching processes.
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