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Reading CNG T4

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PET-B1 Reading – Part 1 CNG – T4

Questions 1-5
Look at the text in each question. What does it say? Mark the correct letter A, B or C on your
answer sheet.

A) Airport employees must use this bus.

AIRPORT B) All buses stopping here go to the airport.
C) Some buses that stop here go to the airport.

Only people looking for a job can go through this

You can only go through this door if you own the
Anyone who works for the company can go through
this door.

Mark and June will be going to the disco together on

To: Mark Saturday afternoon.
From: June
Re: Disco Saturday pm Mark should e-mail June before 5 pm if he wants to
3 B)
If you want to come, please e- go to the disco on Saturday.
mail me no later than 5.00 this
afternoon. June is worried that Mark might be late for their
date at the disco on Saturday.

A) Delivery is free if you spend at least £20.

Free delivery
4 on items worth B) Delivery costs are usually more than £20.
£20 or more

C) Delivery is not free if you spend over £20.

The product must be used before the date printed

on the pin.
Use within 6 months of date printed The product must be eaten within 6 months of
5 on bottom of tin. B)
The product should be used within 6 months of the
date on the tin.
PET-B1 Reading - Part 2 CNG – T4

The people (6-10) below are all looking for voluntary work. Below there are details of 8 charity organisations which are
looking for volunteers. Decide which organisation would be the most suitable for the following people. For questions
(numbers 6-10), mark the correct letter (A-H) on your answer sheet.

6 Frank loves children, especially very young ones. He is training to be a nursery- school teacher
during the week so he would only be able to volunteer at weekends.

7 Amy is a housewife with spare time on her hands. When she left school, she went to work in a
clothing boutique, which she loved. Now that her children are at school, she wants to do some
voluntary work during the week.
8 Lesley is a retired vet who would like to do voluntary work with animals. She often looks after her
3 grandchildren, so she would only be able to work for 1 or 2 days a week.

9 Sue has 3 small children. She´s looking for a voluntary job she can do from home in the evenings,
when her children are in bed. She´s never worked, but her friends say she´s a good listener and
always gives them helpful advice.
10 After several years of studying, Paul has finally finished his degree in veterinary medicine. Before
he finds a full-time job, he would like to take a year out to do voluntary work and travel abroad.


A) Children in Need E) Animal Shelter

We are looking for volunteers to help with a group of teenagers. Volunteers are needed to help take care of sick and injured
If you are free on weekdays and would like to take a group of animals. If you have some experience of working with
teenagers on visits to parks, museums and other places of animals and are free for a couple of days every week, call us
interest, call us now on ( 01403) 230599. now on (01403) 642135.

B) Help the Children F) Tigers in Danger

This year we are going to have our first group of toddlers. If you Our organisation needs vets to help out in India. Volunteers
enjoy being with pre-school children and don´t mind giving up will travel to nature reserves around the country. If you can
your Saturday mornings apply now. Phone (01403) 777999 for work with us for 12 months, your return air fare will be paid.
details. Phone (01403) 135531.

C) The Charity Shop G) Help Line

Do you have free time during the day? Would you like to help Can you spend a few hours in the comfort of your own home,
us by selling used clothes for various charities? If you are free answering phone calls from people with problems? Day shift
for 5-6 hours on 1 or more weekdays, give us a ring on (01403) or evening shift available. Full training and special phone line
531023. provided free. Contact us on (01403) 846246.

D) Hobson Street School H) Children´s Home

We hold a jumble sale on the first Saturday of each month. Of We need people to help prepare evening meals for 50 young
course, your old clothes and other items are welcome, but if children. Volunteers will also be asked to help us clear up
you´d like to help with the sale, please call our secretary on after the meal and supervise the children before they go to
(01403) 899991. bed. Ring Mrs Shaw on ( 01403) 957301.
PET-B1 Reading - Part 3 CNG-T4

Look at the sentences below about a popular tour in England. Reach the text below to decide if each sentence
is correct or incorrect. If it is correct, mark A. If it is incorrect, mark B.

11. Tourists have been coming to Glastonbury for over 100 years. 11
12. King Arthur’s Round Table can be seen at Glastonbury Abbey. 12
13. Joseph of Arimathea was born near Glastonbury Abbey. 13
14. Glastonbury Tor is an unusually shaped hill. 14
15. Stonehenge is not the biggest stone circle in the world. 15
16. Avebury Henge is the most famous stone circle in Britain. 16
17. “The River Severn Tsunami” exhibition shows how the British countryside is changing. 17
18. It is not clear how crop circles are formed. 18
19. You will have to pay extra for a room with a private bathroom. 19
20. The prices do not include a helicopter flight. 20

Avalon Tours
Glastonbury, the legendary Isle of Avalon, has been You can also learn about a more recent event at “The
attracting visitors from all over the world for hundreds River Severn Tsunami” exhibition. The exhibition
of years. It has long been at the centre of the legend contains documents, drawings and other exhibits from
of King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table. In 1607, when what is now thought to be a tsunami hit
1191, a cross with the words “Here lies buried the the River Severn, killing over 2,000 people and
renowned King Arthur in the Isle of Avalon” was found changing the surrounding countryside forever.
below Glastonbury Abbey.
Even more recent is the appearance of strange
Glastonbury Abbey is also well known as the patterns in fields, particularly in the Avebury area.
birthplace of Christianity in Britain. Local legend says Some people think that local people make these “crop
that Joseph of Arimathea founded the abbey, after circles”; others believe that they are made by aliens.
burying the “Chalice”, or cup used by Jesus at the Last Whatever your opinion, when you see them, you’ll
Supper, under nearby Chalice Well. have to admit that they are truly beautiful creations.

No visit to the area would be complete without Choose from one of the following tours:
visiting Glastonbury Tor, a strange, pyramid-shaped
hill where you can see the remains of an ancient
8 days, 7 nights
labyrinth. Images of the labyrinth can be seen on coins
£ 995
from ancient Crete, on columns at Pompeii and among
the Hopi Indians of Arizona.
10 days, 9 nights
But perhaps the most famous place in this area is £ 1,295
Stonehenge. Standing alone on Salisbury Plain,
All hotels used by Avalon Tours have a 4-star rating.
Stonehenge is the best known of all stone circles. The
All rooms have private bathrooms and prices are
history of Stonehenge remains a mystery, although
based on 2 people sharing.
some archaeologists think that the monuments at
Some single rooms are available for a supplement of
Stonehenge may have been an ancient calendar. Also
in this area is Avebury Henge, which although not as
Helicopter flights available at an additional cost of
well known as Stonehenge, is the largest stone circle
in the world.
PET-B1 Reading - Part 4 CNG T4

Read the text and questions below. For each question, choose the correct letter A, B, C or D.

Veronica Jones, Flying Saucer Investigator

One evening about 20 years ago, I watched a documentary about how, in the 1947, a “flying saucer” had crashed
in Roswell, New Mexico. Several people who had seen the crash were interviewed, including a nurse who said she
had examined an alien who had been injured in the crash. At first, the people of Roswell were told that a flying
saucer had crashed. Shortly afterwards they were told that it was not a flying saucer but a weather balloon. I
decided that the only way I could learn the truth about flying saucers was to investigate them myself.
I have done a lot of research and although I still haven’t discovered the truth about Roswell, I have discovered the
truth about hundreds of other UFOs. A lot of UFOs are actually army planets or weather balloons, while others turn
out to be natural phenomenal like planets or comets. By far the largest number of UFOs turn out to be so-called
“fireball” meteors: slow-moving meteors that can take up to a minute to travel across the night sky.
When I’m investigating a UFO report, I arrange to meet the person at the place where they have seen the flying
saucer. I like to interview a witness at the scene and take photographs of the area. Then I speak to my contacts at
local military basis and weather stations, and then check the witness’s detail against my information.
In about 95% of the cases I’ve dealt with, the “flying saucers” turn out to be weather balloon, aeroplanes or
natural phenomena. That still leaves 5% that, no matter what, just cannot be explained.

21. What is the writer’s main purpose in 24. When Veronica investigates a flying saucer, she
writing the text?
A to explain why she became a flying saucer A make sure that someone has taken of photo of it.
B to explain why she enjoys watching television B always tells the local weather station before she arrives.
C to describe how local weather stations use C can’t find a logical explanations about 5% of the time.
D to describe how she discovered the truth D gives the witness the names of people who can help.
about Roswell

22. Veronica says that UFOs 25. What would Veronica probably say about her job?

A are always seen near weather balloons. A It’s exciting. I travel around the world and meet lots of
fascinating scientists.
B always travel across the sky slowly. B It’s not as exciting as it sounds. I spend lots of time
interviewing people and checking information.
C usually fly near natural phenomena. C You need to be a really good photographer to do this job well.
D often turn out to be a kind of meteor. D I enjoy watching documentaries on TV so this job is perfect
for me.

23. What will Veronica do if you think you

have seen a flying saucer?
A meet you and ask you to describe what you
B take a photograph of you for her records
C ask you to take a photograph of it for her
D suggest that you contact a military base
PET-B1 Reading – Part 5 CNG – T4
Questions 26-35
Read the text below and choose the correct word for each space. For each question, mark the
correct letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet. There is an example at the beginning (0)
0. A. deny B. hope C. believe D. explain

Most people (0) believe that fat is bad. If we get too fat, our (26)………. don’t fit properly and,
more seriously, fat has been linked to all kinds of medical problems.

But fat is actually amazing. Thousands of years ago it was not always (27)………. to find food, so
(28)……….. peoples had to be able to eat plenty when food was available and store excess food to
keep them alive (29)………. there was no food. There were no canned foods, no freezers, and
(30)………. of the techniques we use to store food nowadays. Miraculously, people’s bodies turned
excess food (31)…………. fat, which was stored in their cells!

But that’s not all. Body fat also kept us warm when temperatures (32)…………. . without body fat,
we would never have (33)…………… the Ice Age.

So, the (34)……. time you find yourself or a friend speaking negatively about fat, remember: if it
wasn’t for fat; we wouldn’t (35)…………. here today!

26. A dress B clothes C outfit D costume

27. A hard B correct C difficult D easy

28. A ancient B elderly C old-fashioned D older
29. A as B until C after D when

30. A some B all C none D any

31. A from B up C into D on

32. A dropped B fall C rose D increasing

33. A existed B lived C continued D survived

34. A last B next C every D second

35. A have B be C work D stay

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