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SIMFS - WP1 - Context Assessment For Mixed Farming Systems

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Context assessment for mixed farming systems

in Malawi

Vimbayi G.P. Chimonyo1, Tafadzwa Mabhaudhi2, Francis Muthoni3

and Geoffrey Chavula4

Author affiliation 1
International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center,
International Water Management Institute, 3 International
Institute of Tropical Agriculture and 4Malawi University of
Business and Applied Sciences
Published by International Institute of Tropical Agriculture

May, 2023
The Sustainable Intensification of Mixed Farming Systems Initiative aims to provide
equitable, transformative pathways for improved livelihoods of actors in mixed
farming systems through sustainable intensification within target agroecologies and
socio-economic settings.

Through action research and development partnerships, the Initiative will improve
smallholder farmers' resilience to weather-induced shocks, provide a more stable
income and significant benefits in welfare, and enhance social justice and inclusion
for 13 million people by 2030.

Activities will be implemented in six focus countries globally representing diverse

mixed farming systems as follows: Ghana (cereal–root crop mixed), Ethiopia
(highland mixed), Malawi: (maize mixed), Bangladesh (rice mixed), Nepal (highland
mixed), and Lao People's Democratic Republic (upland intensive mixed/ highland
extensive mixed).

© 2023

This publication is licensed for use under the Creative Commons

Attribution 4.0 International Licence -

Unless otherwise noted, you are free to share (copy and redistribute the material in
any medium or format), adapt (remix, transform, and build upon the material) for
any purpose, even commercially, under the following conditions:

ATTRIBUTION. The work must be attributed, but not in any way that suggests
endorsement by the publisher or the author(s).
Executive summary ................................................................................................................... 1
Background ................................................................................................................................. 3
Sustainable Intensification Assessment Framework (SIAF) .......................................................... 4
Objective of the study .............................................................................................................. 6
Methodology ............................................................................................................................... 7
Context assessment framework ......................................................................................................................... 7
Preliminary findings .................................................................................................................11
Context overview ............................................................................................................................................................ 11
Environment context ................................................................................................................................................. 12
Production context ...................................................................................................................................................... 21
Economic context ........................................................................................................................................................ 35
Social context ..................................................................................................................................................................39
Human condition context .................................................................................................................................... 40
Farming systems ......................................................................................................................................................... 42
Conclusion and recommendations .................................................................................... 50
References ................................................................................................................................. 53
Abbreviations and acronyms
ADMARC Agriculture Development and Marketing Corporation
AEDO Agricultural Development Extension Officer
AIP Affordable Inputs Programme
CA Conservation Agriculture
EAD Environmental Affiars Department
EARS East African Rift Valley System
ENSO El Nino and Southern OScillation
EPAs Extension Planning Areas
FAO Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
GDP Dross Domestic Product
GoM Government of Malawi
IOD Indian Ocean Dipole
ITCZ Inter Tropical Convergence Zone
JFM January-February-March
NBSAP National Biodiversity Strategies and Action Plans
OND October-November-December
SADC Southern African Development Community
SDGs Sustainable Development Goals
SI Sustainable Intensification
SIAF Sustainable Intensification Assessment Framework
SI-MFS Sustainable Intensification of Mixed Farming Systems Initiative
SMEs Small and Medium Enterprises
UNDP United Nations Development Programme
VNRMCs Village Natural Resources Committees
ZAB Zaire Air Boundary

Executive summary
In Malawi, the Sustainable Intensification of Mixed Farming Systems Initiative seeks
to sustainably intensify crop-tree-livestock farming systems and develop reliable
indicators to assess the systems to monitor the transition. But before strengthening
these systems, the Initiative needed to understand and appreciate the current
context of agriculture in terms of resource endowment, management, and
agricultural intensity in the targeted districts and associated Extension Planning
Areas (EPAs), namely: Balaka District, in EPAs of Phalula and Rivirivi, Dedza District,
in EPAs of Lobi and Golomoti; Kasungu District, in EPAs of Lisasadzi and Chulu; and
Champhira EPA in Mzimba District.

The purpose of the document was four fold: first, to provide a narrative description of
key resources to characterize the food and farming systems in each of the selected
EPAs; second, to use the SI Framework Assessment as a guide in identifying the
intensity of agriculture within each EPA; third, to assess past and existing
interventions on SI and associated indicators measured in each EPA; and four, to
recommend mechanisms that would allow for sustainable intensification.

Agriculture accounts for over one-quarter of Malawi's gross domestic product (GDP).
The sector provides direct and indirect employment, economic growth, export
earnings, poverty reduction, food security, and nutrition in the targeted districts.
Maize is the major food crop, but tobacco and soybean are dominant cash crops.
Additional cash crops are sugar, tea, and cotton. Other legumes include common
beans, pigeon peas, cowpea, and groundnuts. There is a higher concentration of
livestock in the northern districts of Malawi and a low concentration in the south.
Across the districts, the use of improved technologies such as inorganic fertilizer,
hybrid seed, and mechanization remains low and inefficient. In addition, farmers
have limited access to land and extension services. Besides Kasungu, which borders
a national wildlife reserve, most districts have experienced significant land
degradation, with high deforestation and soil erosion rates. Also, there are weak
synergies across different farm components with very little integration of
agroforestry within the farming landscapes.

The government acknowledges that agricultural intensification is needed to grow

the economy and increase food security. Extension services have mainstreamed
several technologies within the scope of sustainable intensification. This includes but
is not limited to crop rotation, intercropping maize with multipurpose legumes,
inorganic fertilizer, pest and diseases management and various water harvesting
and soil conservation techniques. However, poor resources, including funding
distribution, low levels of mechanization and literacy, etc., have impacted the
sustainability of these interventions.

The key recommendations include conducting sensitization and awareness

campaigns and enhancing knowledge dissemination to smallholder farmers about
the importance and benefits of adopting SI technologies, particularly crop-tree-

livestock mixed farming systems. Train extension and farmers on farm system
designing to enhance synergies across the different farm components.

The desire for agriculture to produce more food without environmental harm, and
make positive contributions to natural and social capital, has gained prominence
over the years with several publications, including those by Conway (1997), "doubly
green revolution"; NRC (1989), "alternative agriculture"; Swaminathan (2000),
"evergreen revolution"; Snapp et al. (2010), "greener revolutions"; Garrity et al. (2010),
"evergreen agriculture"; Milder et al. (2012), "agroecological intensification"; and
DEFRA (2012), "green food systems". Agriculture is critical in achieving most of the
United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) targets. Sustainable
Intensification (SI) of agriculture has found an important and special niche in
contributing to increased global food production, environmental protection, and
social capital. In a nutshell, SI is a concept that promotes the safeguarding of global
food security while simultaneously protecting the environment and maintaining a
good quality of life. This concept proposes three underlying principles: increasing
agricultural productivity, improving resource-use efficiency, and reducing harmful
inputs; and halting expansion in important biodiversity hot spots by confining food
production to existing farmland.

One tenet of sustainable Intensification (SI) is the non-expansion of agriculture into

unfarmed areas and "producing more output from the same area of land while
reducing the negative environmental impacts", as expressed by Pretty et al. (2011).
This concern for non-expansion is explained by the need to prioritize the protection
of biodiversity and environmental resources. Land use intensification can be
achieved through increased inputs, changing to more productive crops and
converting to a more productive farming system, e.g., through irrigation (Martin et
al., 2018).

Smallholder farmers in Malawi face a constant challenge: to choose between many,

often competing, social, economic, and environmental objectives while also meeting
expectations to intensify their farming practices sustainably and produce 'more with
less'. Population growth, urbanization, water scarcity, soil degradation, climate
change, evolving food consumption patterns and price volatility are pressures
concerning these systems. In Malawi, the Sustainable Intensification of Mixed
Farming Systems Initiative seeks to sustainably intensify crop-tree-livestock farming
systems and develop reliable indicators to assess the systems to monitor the
transition. But before strengthening these systems, the initiative needs to
understand and appreciate the current context of agriculture in terms of resource
endowment, management, and agricultural intensity. For this reason, a context
assessment following the Sustainable Intensification assessment framework (SIAF)
was undertaken.

Sustainable Intensification Assessment Framework (SIAF)
The SIAF provides a set of indicators organized into five domains considered critical
for sustainability, namely productivity, economics, environment, the human
condition, and social domains (Musumba et al., 2017).

The productivity domain is critical in capturing productivity in cropping, tree, and
livestock systems. Following the SI literature, this domain focuses on land as a critical
input. Increasing productivity is the essential characteristic of intensification,
intending to increase output per unit of input for a given period (season or year). In
livestock systems, stocking rates or offtake may be used to measure intensification,
while in cropping systems, intensification focuses on yields (Mahon et al., 2017).
Across the different systems, resource management and use efficiency are also
considered. For instance, irrigation and other agricultural water management
practices, e.g., soil water conservation, rainwater harvesting, etc., are part of
intensification as they increase water availability for production and de-risk it. This
domain also captures post-harvest losses and cropping intensity (the number of
crops per year from the same piece of land). It also contains indicators that may
assess the land's production potential and variability due to biophysical aspects.
Other inputs associated with intensification (such as labour, water quality, fertilizer,
and capital) are captured in the economic domain.

This domain focuses on the natural resource base supporting agriculture (e.g., soil,
water, air), the environmental services directly affected by agricultural practices (e.g.,
habitat, soil water holding capacity, biodiversity) and the level of pollution coming
from agriculture (pesticides, eutrophication, greenhouse gases). Improved efficiency
metrics are described under the economic domain but are also critical for tightening
nutrient and energy cycles, a key principle for sustainable agriculture.

This domain focuses on issues directly related to the profitability of agricultural
activities and returns to factors of production (land, labour, and capital). In addition
to profitability, this domain includes indicators related to the productivity of inputs,
apart from the land, and includes water, nutrients, labour, and capital. Furthermore,
indicators likely to affect the probability of investment in enhancing productivity
(market participation) are included in this domain. Farmers' decisions to choose
which crop to grow or animals to keep and how to allocate resources to different
activities are affected by the commodity's marketability and livelihood strategies
chosen to improve well-being. This domain captures farmers' market orientation,
income, diversification of income sources, extent, and movement towards the high
value of their farm products and poverty, among others.

This domain focuses on the social interactions of farming communities or society,
including equitable relationships across gender, equitable relationships across social
groups, the level of collective action, and the ability to resolve conflicts related to
agriculture and natural resource management.

Human condition
This domain contains indicators related to the individual or household, including
nutrition status, food security, and capacity to learn and adapt. While some of these
concepts depend on social interactions (such as within the household or
community), they are distinct from those in the social domain that directly focus on
interpersonal relationships.

Objective of the study
The objective was to carry out a Context Assessment for four selected districts and
associated EPAs in Malawi, namely: Balaka District, in EPAs of Phalula and Rivirivi;
Dedza District, in EPAs of Lobi and Golomoti; Kasungu District, in EPAs of Lisasadzi
and Chulu; and Champhira EPA in Mzimba District.

The purpose of this document is fourfold: first, to provide a narrative description of

key resources that characterize the food and farming systems in each of the selected
EPAs; second, to use the SI Framework Assessment as a guide in identifying the
intensity of agriculture within each EPA; third, to assess past and existing
interventions on SI and associated indicators measured in each EPA; and four, to
recommend mechanisms that would allow for sustainable intensification.

The context assessment relied heavily on a desk review of published and grey
literature and stakeholder consultations (particularly key informant interviews). As
such, the consultant adopted the two-pronged approach highlighted above in
undertaking the four key activities of the assignment described in Sections 4.1 to 4.7.

Context assessment framework

This section provides a narrative description and key resources critical in
characterizing the food and farming systems in the selected districts and associated
EPAs. Below are some guiding questions and topics considered under each domain.
As stated earlier, these questions were used as a guide to understand the current

Environmental context
● What is the climate/climatic zone of the EPA and district?
● What are the major climate change impacts projected or currently
● What are the main environmental challenges (land degradation,
deforestation, weather-related risks, river systems etc.)?
● Is there information that describes the ecosystems?
● Describe any forests, nature reserves, or protected lands.
● Is there information on natural resources, land/soil, water, and biodiversity?
● A measure of the state of the natural biodiversity, the stressors, and the
change over time.
● Wildlife, natural biodiversity on land, water, and wetlands, summarized at
large scale (e.g., from the National NBSAP), and where possible, with more
detail at the field and farm scales.
● Efforts by farmers to maintain natural biodiversity, e.g., intact riparian
vegetation, forest patches, wind-break trees, hedge rows etc.
● Practices and policies adopted to maintain a high level of biodiversity.
● Existing practices enhance the quality and sequestration of soil organic
matter versus practices that accelerate the loss of soil organic matter.
● This would include an estimate of fires, grazing, of compaction.
● Evaluation of the state of the soil and changes over time, including physical,
chemical, and biological properties as affected by farming practices (if reports
or data exist).
● Soil microbial diversity, including functional diversity.
● Occurrence of alien invasive species; and
● What is the water quality in the EPA, and how do these affect household use,
livestock, and crop production?

Production context
People in different areas have different priorities and preferences regarding food,
which impacts options available in farming situations across the EPAs. In this
respect, the data required would include the following:
● Typology of producers and their practices related to agricultural inputs.
● Access to agricultural genetic material, improvements, modifications, and
local practices
● Plant/crop diversity (including genetic diversity),
● Livestock and aquatic animal breeds (including genetic diversity), and
● Information on local food crops and livestock as well as wild harvest food
preferences, including history and shifts over time and their seasonality.
● Information on local production of food, feed, and fodder commodities versus
● Type of inputs used for production and how producers acquired such inputs
(at a cost or not, in kind, in exchange for other goods and services or
generated on a farm or not).
● The trend of input use, to make a difference between input reduction and
absence of input use.
● Limitations and options available to farmers to reduce the dependence on
synthetic fertilizers and pesticides (i.e., compost, manure, ash, fish meals,
guano, biofertilizers, biopesticides, etc.).
● Farming practices that enhance and protect soil health, e.g., minimum tillage,
mulching, conservation agriculture, resting land etc.
● Farming practices that enhance and protect animal health, e.g., shelter,
vaccination, veterinary services, dip tanks.
● Water use for crop (and livestock) production in the case of irrigated
production systems and an inventory of various techniques used for irrigation.
● Inventory of water retention techniques that enhance water availability in the
crop and live production systems [for crops consider techniques that reduce
the frequency of irrigation without significant impact on ecosystem services
(e.g., zai technique, use of mulch, or use of furrows)]; and
● Synergies within the farm – what are the components, the interactions
between the components, boundaries, inputs, and outputs?

Economic context
● What are the main value chains in the EPA?
● Do farmers/food producers have access to credit or savings and loan groups?
● Do farmers have land tenure? How is land inherited?
● What assets do farmers/food producers generally have access to?
● What are the main markets in the EPA? Both in terms of geographic location
and nature of the market (basic food/agricultural inputs and
output/livestock/clothes/appliances etc.).
● What is the distribution of markets across the EPA / what is the distance to
markets across various reference points in the EPA?
● Available infrastructure for storing grain, refrigerating produce etc., on and

● What is the road network like? How is the EPA connected to major cities, and
how are villages within the EPA connected?
● Is migration important in the EPA? What is the percentage of men who
emigrate? And for women? Is there immigration? What is the push/pull
factors behind migration? Is it permanent or temporary?
● Employment opportunities within and outside agriculture.
● Diversity of clients for the on-farm products.
● Crops and livestock and aquatic animals that generate regular income within
a year, one annual income or income after a couple of years following
● Income from activities beyond the farm level, including wild products such as
● On-farm processing, such as preparation (and local sale) of local dishes; and
● Other economic diversification includes wage labour, temporary or more
permanent migration of some family members etc.

Social context
● What is the typical household structure? The family structure and size,
including single-parent households etc.
● Describe the ethnicity of the EPA and fluxes over time.
● What are common educational levels? Are they similar for women/men across
different ethnic groups?
● Describe asset ownership (Land, livestock, bicycles, radios etc).
● Who controls and manages assets, and how does gender aggregate this?
● What are the gender relations in the EPA? (see this link for guidelines on this.
● How do farmers get information and make decisions?
● At what age do men/women typically get married?
● How are communities / public life in communities organized?
● What are the power relations in society, and how do they impact agriculture?
● Local community involvement level in natural resource management.
● Disaggregation of the above information by gender and youth and land
● Within the communities, is there access to services, extension service.
● What is the availability of schools (primary and secondary).
● What is the availability of mobile phone services/money, availability of
cooperatives/farmer organizations etc.
● Can women be local leaders?
● Are social groups excluded from political decision-making (e.g., women or
ethnic groups)?
● Who exerts "real" decision-making power in the territory, and what is the basis
for such power; and
● Are there any other unique political factors at play?

Human condition context
● How are health levels, and do they impact the food chain?
● How do the national political scene and dynamics materialize at the EPA
● The diversity of diets and diet composition building on local food
● Knowledge of the nutritional facts of such food products.
● Level of dependence on food import (i.e., food produced out of the boundary
of the EPAs); and
● Information on food preferences by the local communities and changes over
time in consumption patterns.

Preliminary findings
Although the general discussion in this section is about Malawi as a country, the
focus is on the four districts in which the MFS initiative is working, namely: Balaka,
Dedza, Kasungu and Mzimba, with specific emphasis on the following seven EPAs:
Rivirivi and Phalula, in Balaka district (Southern Region); Lobi and Golomoti, in Dedza
district (Central Region); Lisasadzi and Chulu, in Kasungu district (Central Region);
and Champhira in Mzimba district (Northern Region).

Context overview
Malawi is a landlocked country in sub-Saharan Africa (Figure 1). It lies at the southern
end of the Great East African Rift Valley System (EARS) between latitudes 9° 22' and
17°03' south of the equator and longitudes 33° 40' and 35° 55' east of the Greenwich
Meridian. Tanzania borders it to the north and northeast; Mozambique to the east,
south and southwest; and Zambia to the west and northwest. The country's total
surface area is approximately 118,484 km², of which 28,000 km2 (nearly 20%) is
occupied by Lake Malawi/Nyasa/Niassa (Kululanga and Chavula, 1993). Malawi is 910
km long and varies in width from 60 to 161 km.

Figure 1. Map of Malawi (Source European Union 2021) Support evidence-based

policy decisions by European Union in Malawi in the field of sustainable agriculture
and food nutrition security RFS NO SIEA-2018-424 Report for Country
Environmental Profile.

Environment context
Climate and climate change scenarios
Malawi experiences a tropical-continental climate with two distinct seasons: a wet
season from November to April and a dry season from May to October. The dry
season is characterized by strong southeasterly trade winds (Mwera), while during
the wet season, the winds are generally northeasterly (Mpoto) and weaker. A cool,
dry winter season prevails from May to August, with mean temperatures between 17
and 27 °C. A hot, dry season lasts from September to October, with average
temperatures between 25 and 37 °C. Malawi's annual average rainfall varies from
approximately 700 mm in low-altitude areas, such as the Lower Shire Valley in the
Southern Region, to over 2000 mm in highlands and lakeshore areas (Error!
Reference source not found.)—variations in altitude and proximity to Lake Malawi.
Rainfall patterns display wide inter and intra-seasonal variability.

Three major synoptic systems bring rainfall to Malawi, namely: the Inter Tropical
Convergence Zone (ITCZ), the Zaire Air Boundary (ZAB)/Congo Airmass, and tropical
cyclones (Kululanga and Chavula, 1993). The Inter Tropical Convergence Zone is
broad in the equatorial low-pressure belt towards which the two hemispheres'
northeasterly and southeasterly trade winds converge. The ITCZ oscillates randomly
across the country during the rainy season, producing widespread rainfall. The rains
start in the southern part of the country and progress northwards. The Zaire Air
Boundary is a re-curved south Atlantic southeast trade winds system, which after
collecting moisture over the Atlantic and Congo (Zaire) rain forest, arrives in Malawi
via Zambia as a moist northwesterly wind, bringing widespread rainfall in the
country. Tropical Cyclones are intense low-pressure cells that originate in the Indian
Ocean and move from east to west and bring widespread heavy rainfall in Malawi,
mainly in the southern part of the country, depending on their position in the
Mozambique Channel. These rains usually result in flooding. Evidence suggests the
existence of temperature variability and increased intensity of floods and droughts
(EAD, 2008).

Analysis of trends in monthly rainfall across Malawi indicates that most regions have
experienced decreasing but non-significant rainfall trends since 1960 (Tadeyo et al.,
2020). Decreases are evident for annual and seasonal rainfall and from March to
December (Muthoni et al., 2019). Muthoni et al. (2019) reported a significant decrease
in December rainfall for a small extent around Mzuzu in northern Malawi, while
slight increases are evident for the highest rainfall months of January and February.
Again, this points to a tendency for the rain to fall more intensely, negatively
impacting food production and water access. Decreases in annual runoff and
increases in evaporation losses have also been found from 1979-2015 (Tadeyo et al.,
2020), indicating that decreasing rainfall has practical significance in that Malawi has
become more water-limited in recent decades. Rivirivi and Phaula EPAs receive low
rainfall (< 800 mm/annum) because they lie in the rain shadow area and are prone to
dry spells. However, the remaining EPAs generally receive reasonably high rainfall

Despite the changes in rainfall amount, significant changes in temporal distribution
and extreme events have been reported in Malawi. Haghtalab et al., 2019 reported
that at least one-third of Malawi experienced significant temporal shifts in the
rainfall season. They reported very localized but significant shifts in (a) delayed onset
ranging from 18 – 35 years; (b) a decrease in the number of dry days by about 21.6
days, (c) earlier cessation of rain seasons ranging from 21.6 days in the northeast and
36 days in the south, (d) decreased the number of extreme events by between 5 – 7
days, and (e) spatially isolated but robust trends in length of rainy seasons from 54
days shorter to 49 days longer. These changes are spatially heterogenous and not
driven by broad-scale climatic forces.

Malawi is also vulnerable to droughts caused by the El Nino and Southern Oscillation
(ENSO) phenomena and the Indian Ocean Dipole (IOD). Studies about the ENSO
warm phase episode in southern Africa indicates two drought cells affecting Malawi,
mainly the southern part of the country (Eastman et al., 1996). The first drought cell
shows a path originating from Namibia but covering Botswana, Zimbabwe, southern
Zambia, northwest Mozambique, and the southern part of Malawi. In contrast, the
second drought cell is centered near southern Mozambique and southern Zambia
and appears to expand outwards. Furthermore, it is envisaged that the intensity and
frequency of these drought episodes will increase with climate change.

Figure 2. Rainfall and temperature distribution map (Source: Water


Temperature data across Malawi indicates an increase in temperatures of 0.9°C since
1960 at an average rate of 0.21°C per decade. The increase in temperature has been
most rapid in December-February (mid-summer) and slowest during September-
November (early summer). Observations in Malawi are consistent with Sub-Saharan
Africa and global trends. Regarding temperature-related extremes, hot days and
nights have increased in all seasons. The average number of hot days has increased
by 30.5 per year since 1960, particularly in summer, and the average hot nights
increased by 41 days over the same period (World Bank, 2011).

Climate variability and change are already affecting Malawi, which has experienced
more dry spells and extreme rainfall over the last two decades (Warnatzsch and
Reay, 2019). Based on climate scenario analysis work across the country, the
following conclusions may be drawn: (a) there is a positive trend in temperature rise,
i.e., there will be an increase in temperature; (b) minimum temperatures exhibit a
faster rise in temperature with climate change than maximum temperatures
increasing evaporative loses; (c) generally, there is an insignificant decrease in rainfall
during the OND period, and an increase during JFM resulting in a shift in the
growing season; (d) future temperatures will rise by 1.3 °C to 2.6 °C; and (e) El Nino
conditions will likely increase climate extremes, resulting in the increased severity, or
magnitude/intensity, and frequency of floods, droughts, and strong winds (Mtilatila
et al., 2022; Table 1 ).

What is clear from the description of climate change scenarios for Malawi presented
above is the increased occurrence of floods, droughts, and strong winds. This has
resulted in significant crop and animal losses in a country with low coping
mechanisms to risk. Hence, the country needs to implement robust adaptation
strategies in agriculture to ensure food and nutrition security.

Physiographic zones and soils

Malawi is divided into four major physiographic zones: the high land areas, plateau
areas, rift valley escarpment and rift valley plains (Water Department/UNDP, 1986;
Error! Reference source not found.). The plateau areas occupy approximately 75%
of the land surface and range in altitude from 750 - 1300 meters. The rift valley plains
comprise the flat land along Lake Malawi's shores, ranging from 450 - 600 meters.
The plateau areas are extensively peneplain-gently undulating surfaces with broad
valleys and large level areas on the interfluves (Error! Reference source not found.).
They are ancient erosion surfaces (the African surface) of the late Cretaceous to
Miocene age, which slope away from the escarpment zones due to uplift along the
Rift Valley System. Still, the drainage systems have kept pace with these earth
movements and largely drain towards the rift valley (Water Department/UNDP,

Consequently, the valleys become more incised towards the escarpment. The
plateau areas are drained largely by dambos, i.e., broad, grass-covered swampy
valleys liable to flooding and commonly have undefined drainage channels. The
plateau areas are mostly covered by a thick mantle of saprolite derived by in-situ
weathering of the underlying strata (Figure 3). The predominant soils covering the

plateau and lakeshore areas are deep, calcimorphic alluvials and colluvial, which
tend to be sandy. Hydromorphic soil deposits in isolated depressions have a high
clay and silt fraction.

Table 1: A summary of projected temperature and rainfall changes in Malawi by

physiographic zones or areas.
Location New Century Mid-Centruy End Century
Period:2011 -2040 Period: 2041-2070 Period: 2071–2100
Lower Shire 0.03°C-0.04°C: 1.4°C-2.8°C: 2.5°C-4.2°C:
Valley temperature increase. temperature temperature
[Mzimba and increase. increase.
Balaka district]
800 mm – 1000 mm. January rainfall to Rainfall to
increase by 8% decrease by about
while summer will 15%.
be drier by 3% to
Shire Highlands 0.034°C: temperature 1.0°C: temperature 1.5°C-2.4°C:
increase (Jun-Dec). increase. temperature
1000 mm – 1200 mm. Winter rainfall to Summer rainfall to
increase by 15%, decrease by 25%.
and summer
rainfall will
decrease by 10%
Central Areas 0.7°C-0.9°C: 1.3°C: temperature Temperature
temperature increase. increase. increase.

800 mm -1100 mm: October to October to

December rainfall December rainfall
to decrease by 10% to decrease by 20%
to 22%. to 56%.
Lakeshore 0.8°C-0.9°C: 1.5°C-2.0°C: 2.5°C-3.0°C:
Areas temperature increase. temperature temperature
[Dedza District] increase. increase.
March to April rainfall Winter rainfall will There will be a
will increase by 5% to decrease by 65%. general decrease
25%. in rainfall by 60%.
Northern Areas 0.2°C-0.9°C: 1.4°C-1.9°C: 1.7°C-2.3°C:
[Kasungu temperature increase. temperature temperature
District] increase. increase.
Increase in rainfall by October to Rainfall to
3% to 8% from January December rainfall decrease by 56%.
to April. to decrease by 10%
to 36%.

The Lower Shire Valley is a wide rift valley system in the extreme southern part of
the country, lying at an altitude 35 to 105 meters above sea level, and is mostly
covered by calcimorphic alluvials, with extensive areas dominated by
hydromorphic soils and vertisols. Riviri, Phalula and Golomoti EPAs in the Dedza
and Balaka districts lie in the low-lying Lake Malawi/Shire Valley area, whereas
Lobi, Lisasadzi, Chulu and Champhira in Mzimba and Kasungu districts are
located in the plateau area.

Figure 3: Physiographic Features (Source: Water Department/UNDP, 1986) and

Soil Types (Source: AD, 2008) for Malawi.

Malawi’s dominant soil texture is well-drained loamy clay sands with adequate to
low nutrient levels (Snapp et al., 1998). Overall, sandy clay loam is found across
78% of the country, with the remaining soils; 10% sandy loam, 8.4% sandy clay, and
4% blend of clay loam soils (Li et al., 2017)Kasungu, Balaka and Dedza are
characterized by medium‐textured sandy loamy soils prone to erosion and
fertility loss (Error! Reference source not found.) Patches of clay loam soils can
be found throughout the target sites, which tend to be used for crop production.
Soil loss for Kasungu and Mzimba was projected at 30t ha-1 yr-1 in 2010 compared
to 20 t ha-1 yr-1 in 1991 (DLRC, 2009). In Balaka, soil loss has been projected at 32 t
ha-1 yr-1 compared to about 29 t ha-1 yr-1 (DLRC, 2009). Two main factors behind
Malawi's high soil loss rates: are fragile soils on steep slopes and erosive rainfall.
Engaging in agricultural activities in fragile soils or steep slopes plays a large role
in increasing the rate of soil loss. Degraded soil properties were also reported in a
2014 pedology survey that revisited many 1990 FAO sites, with the highest
depression in soil carbon being associated with intensively cultivated fields
(Mpeketula, 2016; Omuto and Vargas, 2018).

The expansion of Malawi's agricultural land at the cost of natural forest cover has
reduced vegetation cover and exposed more soil to the country's erosive rainfall.
In addition, sustainable land management policies have not been adequately
implemented to protect vegetation cover and ensure the sustainable use of non-
renewable natural resources (Omuto and Vargas, 2018). Other human activities,
such brick making, have also exacerbated these factors.

Figure 4: Map of soil texture in Malawi and for the four districts targeted by
Sustainable Intensification of Mixed Farming Systems Initiative.

Biodiversity in Malawi is important for economic, socio-cultural, and ecological
purposes. Biodiversity contributes significantly to Malawi's economy and poverty
alleviation (GoM, 2002 and 2015). For example, agro biodiversity was estimated to
contribute about 40% of the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and more than 90%
of employment and merchandise export earnings in 2010. Fisheries, forestry, and
wildlife sectors contributed 12.8% towards the GDP in 2010 (Yaron et al., 2011).
Furthermore, communities have integrated biodiversity conservation and rural
development through Community Based Natural Resources Management,
especially in National Parks and Forest Reserves, to alleviate rural poverty.
Communities practice sustainable fish and wildlife harvesting techniques,
promote eco-tourism, and carry out income-generating activities like mushroom
production and beekeeping, thereby taking away pressures on natural resources.

Aquatic ecosystem
Aquatic ecosystems cover about 20% of the total surface area of Malawi and are
habitats to a diversity of fish and other aquatic fauna and flora (GoM, 2015). Major
aquatic ecosystems in Malawi include lakes (Malawi, Malombe, Chilwa, Kazuni
and Chiuta), rivers (Songwe, South Rukuru, North Rukuru, Dwangwa, Linthipe,
Shire and Bua River), wetlands and other small water bodies (GoM, 2015). Aquatic
ecosystems are important in Malawi as they provide goods and services such as
fisheries, agriculture, livestock grazing, eco-tourism, water supply, water
purification, carbon sequestration and transport (GoM, 2015).

Fauna ecosystems
Malawi has a rich plant diversity, comprising flowering and non-flowering plants
(GoM, 2015). A great diversity of species is found in national parks, wildlife reserves,
forest reserves and protected hill slopes (GoM, 2015). The wide variation in
physiography, climate and edaphic factors has given rise to many vegetation
types in Malawi (EAD, 1994; Error! Reference source not found.). The following
are the major biotic communities in Malawi:
● Montane evergreen forest.
● Montane grassland.
● Semi-evergreen forest.
● Closed canopy woodland of wetter uplands (tall Brachystegia spp); Open
canopy woodland of plateaux (Brachystegia/Julbernadia/Isoberlinia); Open
canopy woodland of hills and scarps (Brachystegia spp); Open canopy
woodland fertile areas (Piliostigma/Acacia/Combretum).
● Mixed thicket/woodland of drier upland; Mopane woodland; Woodlands of
fertile areas (Adansonia/Cordyla/Faldebia albida); Thicket/savanna of poorer
areas (Combretun/Acacia); Woodland savanna of poorer areas (mixed
● Sand dune vegetation.
● Lakes (freshwater); Somewhat saline lakes (without outlet).
● Grasslands (seasonally wet), Grasslands (perennially wet/swamp); and
● Islands.

Globally biodiversity loss has been accelerated by human-induced changes to

ecosystems and their functions. In Malawi, biodiversity plays a crucial role in the
socio-economic success especially considering its role in forestry, fisheries, and
wildlife sectors. Unfortunately, mass deforestation and demand for timber
products have resulted in severe biodiversity losses in these ecosystems.

Figure 5: Vegetation cover of Malawi (Source: EAD, 2008).

To understand the state of Malawi's forests, one must account for energy issues in
the country. More than 96% of the 18 million people in Malawi use firewood or
charcoal for household cooking and heating. Between 2011 and 2017, Malawian's
dependent on wood fuel increased by 2.5 million due to fixed hydroelectric power
generation, limited grid coverage, and population growth. This growing demand
for household energy is driving forest cover loss in Malawi, which, in turn, is
undermining agricultural productivity and food security, water security and
hydroelectric generating capacity. These trends leave Malawi especially
vulnerable to climate shocks, such as droughts and floods, which have increased
in frequency and severity over the last 20 years. Apart from Golomoti, Rivirivi and
Phalula, which lie in the Upper Shire Valley, the rest of the EPAs are in the plateau
area. The selected EPAs experience common environmental problems besetting
the country: soil erosion, deforestation, depletion and degradation of water
resources, a threat to fish resources, biodiversity, human habitat degradation,
high population growth, air pollution, and climate change.

In Kasungu National Park, an area located in Kasungu district, the park's spatial
and temporal patterns of land cover categories for the three-time points
(Kpienbaareh et al., 2022; Error! Reference source not found.). There was a
noticeable reduction in the amount of forest cover in 1997 compared to 2008 and
2018, while at the same time, the distribution of shrubs increased over the three-
time points. Error! Reference source not found.a and b also show the
emergence of more bare lands in the northern tip of the park and the eastern
part of the map, indicating areas of intense deforestation (Kpienbaareh et al.,

Figure 6: Percentage of land cover and distribution categories in the Kasungu

National Park for 1997,2008 and 2018. The water class is not shown on the graph
because of its small area size (Source: Kpienbaareh et al., 2022).

Beyond forest cover loss depicted in Kasungu National Park, the composition and
configuration of most forest landscapes in Malawi affect wildlife in habitats. The
compositional and configurational changes of landscapes in the park suggest
that in tropical landscapes where animals are an integral part of the forest
ecology, the changes that occur could negatively affect animals and result in
extinction due to perturbations in their natural habitats and biorhythms. Overall,
mammal species have undergone a severe decline in numbers, especially in
recent years, mainly due to poaching and habitat loss. The government is,
however, taking several initiatives to increase the mammal populations in
protected areas.

The Biodiversity Finance Accelerator project ( in Malawi found
that investing in enterprises that are biodiversity-positive improves the status of
biodiversity by (a) providing biodiversity-based products that improve the
abundance of important insects (i.e. bees), indigenous species, and trees for
reforestation; (b) providing sustainable alternative resources that reduce
communities' demands for forest or other natural products; and (c) ensuring
sustainable management of aquaculture and fisheries. Strikingly, 86.2% of the
enterprises reported growth in 2021, with an average 90% increase in sales
compared to 2020 ( In addition, 92.8% of the enterprises
provided their employees with several quality job indices, including equal pay,
work benefits, and skills training. However, these enterprises remain highly
vulnerable to climate change as their supply chains and customers face impacts
that hamper business performance.

A significant amount of Malawian's biodiversity is found in production landscapes.

At the same time, the rural population heavily depends on natural resources; it is
not surprising that changes in agricultural practices in these landscapes have
negatively affected biodiversity. Managing multifunctional landscapes requires
combining context-specific land-sharing and land-sparing measures within
spatially well-connected landscape mosaics, resulting in land-sharing/-sparing
connectivity landscapes. In this light, SI within production systems can encourage

Production context
The economy of Malawi is predominantly agriculture-based. With population
growth, the arable land per person has declined from 0.35 ha per person in 1961 to
0.2 ha per person in 2016 (World Bank, 2021). Therefore, people have resorted to
farming in increasingly unsuitable areas and land systems, particularly on steep
hillsides. Crop rotation through shifting agriculture is no longer possible, resulting
in declining soil fertility and crop yields. Maize (Zea Mays) is the staple crop and a
major source of carbohydrates for over 90% of the Malawian population.
Approximately 70% of the land is under maize production yearly (Ngwira et al.,
2013; Error! Reference source not found.). Legumes are also grown long maize as
intercrops or in adjacent lands. Common beans (dry beans) (Phaseolus vulgaris)
(Error! Reference source not found.) and cowpea (Vigna unguiculata) (Error!
Reference source not found.) were mostly grown in the cooler climate of the
Dedza district (Error! Reference source not found.), and pigeon peas (Cajanus
cajan) is often found in the hotter climate of Balaka. Farmers in Kasungu also
grow soybean (Glycine max). Other important crops include tobacco (Nicotiana
tabacum), tea (Camellia sinensis), coffee (Coffea arabica), sugarcane
(Saccharum officinarum), cotton (Gossypium herbaceum) and potatoes
(Solanum tuberosum).

At a national level, Malawi produces enough maize to feed its population. Despite
this, food insecurity continues to linger. In 2018, the country produced 3.4 million
tons of maize, 3.3 million tons in 2019 and 3.8 million tons expected in 2020.
Malawi’s annual maize requirement is 3.1 million tons, indicating subsequent
levels of surplus production over the years. Similar trends have also been
observed for other crops like rice, pulses, and roots/tuber crops. However, this has
not translated into household food security; the opposite has been the case. Due

to dependence on erratic rainfall, small farm size, limited use of modern inputs,
and poor access to markets, many farmers cannot meet their subsistence
requirements. About 80% of smallholder farmers are net buyers of maize. Their
purchase of maize is hindered by high import prices, largely reflecting Malawi’s
landlocked geography and poor road network. One in three households fails to
meet its daily per capita caloric requirement

Figure 7: Suitability map for Malawi for short-duration maize (Zea mays L) under
rainfed and traditional management practices

Figure 8: Suitability map for Malawi for sorghum (Sorghum bicolor) under
rainfed and traditional management practices.

Figure 9. Suitability map for Malawi for short duration bean (Phaseolus vulgaris)
under rainfed and traditional management practices.

Figure 10: Suitability map for Malawi for cowpea (Vigna inguiculata) under
rainfed and traditional management practices.

Figure 11: Suitability map for Malawi for groundnut (Arachis hypogaea) under
rainfed and traditional management practices.

Although practiced on a small scale, livestock production entails keeping cattle,
goats, pigs, sheep, rabbits, and poultry (mainly chickens, ducks, doves, and guinea
fowls). Livestock production has more than doubled from 2006 to 2016,
registering a livestock index of 244 in 2016 (considering a baseline index of 100
over 2004-2006) (World Bank, 2021). For example, in 2006/07, the country had
884,132 cattle and 2,623,017 goats (European Union, 2021). In 2014 there were just
over 1.3 million cattle in the country and slightly over 6.3 million goats (European
Union, 2021). Error! Reference source not found. shows the cattle density in
Malawi in the four study districts of Balaka, Dedza, Kasungu, and Mzimba. Cattle
are densely populated in Mzimba, an EPA that is further north of the other EPA.
Livestock contributes greatly to sales revenue from meat, milk, hides, and
employment (dipping tanks, veterinary services, slaughterhouses, etc.). Additional
benefits to horticulture have been realized through the use of livestock manures.

Figure 12: Cattle density across Malawi and for the four districts targeted by the
Sustainable Intensification of Mixed Farming Systems Initiative.

Although there is potential for better production and productivity, the agriculture
sector operates below its capacity. Agriculture relies mainly on rain-fed crop
production, whereas production and consumption of animal products are very
low. Irrigation is also done on a small scale. As a result, the country continuously
faces food shortages at the national and household levels. The biophysical
potential (Error! Reference source not found.) is assessed by examining an area's
rainfall, slope, and soil texture. Generally, Malawi has moderate to low biophysical
potential for productivity, consistent with Burke et al. (2022) findings that showed
the spatial organization of agricultural productivity that is moderate to low across
the country. Large swaths of the terrain showed marginal to moderate
decreasing productivity and notable decreasing slopes and the area to the
southern/southwestern edge of Lake Malawi, including the Mzimba, Kasungu
and Dedza District areas (a densely cultivated region; Error! Reference source
not found.). Although not explicitly mentioned, agricultural potential is also
affected by poor soil health.

Figure 13: Map of the biophysical potential for Malawi and the four districts
targeted by the Sustainable Intensification of Mixed Farming Systems Initiative.

Mungai et al. (2020) further explained the spatial agricultural productivity trends
using distribution maps of pixel-by-pixel combinations of NDVI, rainfall,
temperature, and soil suitability, and their percentage pixels in each category
(Error! Reference source not found.). Results showed that the northern region
had more high productivity pixels as indicated by NDVI, while others are
scattered across Malawi, in high plateau areas of Dedza mountains, and the
southernmost tip of Malawi (lower Shire valley, which constitutes Balaka). Overall,
21% of agricultural lands are associated with an increasing agricultural
productivity trend. The increased productivity could be largely attributed to
higher levels of precipitation (900 mm to 1200 mm) in these high-elevation areas,
in contrast to the lower precipitation (725 mm to 800 mm) and higher
evapotranspiration in the lowlands. About 35% of agricultural lands are associated
with no changes in productivity. These areas are found primarily in the central
and southern regions. About 43% of all agricultural lands present decreasing
productivity trends. These lands are predominantly in the southern region. Less
than 1% of pixel combinations show increasing productivity trends associated
with suitable soil pixels, with either decreasing rainfall and temperature trends or
vice versa.

Factors affecting production

Major constraints and challenges to agriculture production in the four districts
are exorbitant prices of farm inputs (i.e., fertilizer, herbicides and improved seed
varieties); disease attacks and pest infestation; poor markets and transport
networks; and stock theft for livestock, such that most of the farmers are forced to
keep their goats in their houses where they also sleep, thereby avoiding to use
the recommended standard livestock shelters where animals are vulnerable to
theft. Some of the challenges the sector faces include vulnerability to weather
shocks; poor management of land, water, and soils; low adoption of agricultural
technologies; low access to finance facilities and farm inputs; low mechanization
and technical labour skills; a limited irrigation system and weak linkages to

Low soil carbon

Soil carbon provides a source of nutrients through mineralization, helps
aggregate soil particles (structure) to provide resilience to physical degradation,
increases microbial activity, increases water storage and availability to plants, and
protects soil from erosion. Soil carbon and phosphorus status in Malawi are low in
most smallholder fields, as reported in FAO data and a country-wide survey of
2000 smallholder farms conducted in the early 1990s (Snapp, 1998). Degraded soil
properties were also reported in a 2014 pedology survey that revisited many 1990
FAO sites, with the highest depression in soil carbon being associated with
intensively cultivated fields (Mpeketula, 2016; Omuto and Vargas, 2018).

Low input use efficiency

Malawi's fertilizer consumption varies substantially across the country and is
heavily subsidies by the government. According to Burke et al. (2020), most farm
families sampled in the Dedza district had access to fertilizer throughout the FISP
period. Household surveys conducted in Golomoti and nearby sites in Central
Malawi report usage of 76 to 98 kg N ha-1 on maize plots over 2015–2018 (Burke et
al., 2020). Although the amount of fertilizer mentioned is much higher than SADC,
Middle-income countries average 40 kg N ha-1. Burke et al. (2022) observed a

decline in productivity with increased fertilizer use. Several studies have shown
that response rates range from nil to 11.5 kg kg -1 (Chirwa and Dorward, 2013; Snapp
et al., 2013; Ricker-Gilbert and Jayne, 2017). Snapp et al. (2014) disaggregated their
response estimates between monocropped maize (5.3 kg kg-1) and intercropped
maize (8.8 kg kg-1). The authors demonstrated that increased fertilizer use alone is
not sufficient to achieve sustainable agricultural intensification and that fertilizers
contribute less to agricultural output than commonly believed. Furthermore, the
price of farm inputs is very high and prohibitive, which has exacerbated the
devaluation of the Malawi Kwacha, the country's currency. Also, according to
Burke et al. (2022), soil nitrogen (Error! Reference source not found.), soil carbon
(Error! Reference source not found.) and phosphorus status are low in most
smallholder fields, as reported in FAO data and a country-wide survey of 2000
smallholder farms conducted in the early 1990s (Snapp, 1998).

Vulnerability to climate shocks

Water is a critical input to the sustenance of crop and livestock production. Crop
production is mainly rainfed in nature, with about 118,843 ha under irrigation by
the end of the 2019/2020 Financial Year, according to GoM's Ministry of Finance
Annual Economic Report of 2020 (GoM, 2020a). This renders agriculture
production vulnerable to both floods and droughts. However, the agriculture
sector is very critical to Malawi's economy as it employs about 64.1 per cent of the
workforce (NSO Labour Force Survey, 2013), contributes over 80 per cent of
foreign exchange earnings and accounts for 27.1 per cent of the Gross Domestic
Product (GDP) in 2019 (GoM, 2020a). Thus, the availability of water resources in
adequate amounts and of acceptable quality is a prerequisite for the successful
performance and sustenance of the agriculture sector in Malawi.

Livestock challenges
Livestock production faces several challenges, including limited pasture due to
population pressure, inadequate production and storage technologies in feed
and breeding programmes; insufficient animal health support infrastructure and
services, such as dip tanks (GoM, 2016); and high prices of factory made-livestock
feed leading to overgrazing as observed by some stakeholders (EU, 2021). Cattle
farmers are restricted to the low-lying wetland and marginal forest areas until
field crops are harvested. When cropland becomes seasonally available, there is
very little grass for cattle to eat (NSO, 2010). Meanwhile, wetlands and forested
areas are unsuitable for grazing because hillslopes begin to erode along animal
paths, creating severe gulley erosion, further impacting soil moisture regimes and
accelerating land degradation.

Figure 14: (a) Malawi's NDVI slope coefficients, few high pixels are seen scattered, while most pixels dominate the
landscape. (b) Precipitation trend displaying the latitudinal north–south gradient), with increasing pixels shown in
green, while decreasing pixels are in orange. (c) Land surface temperature trend displaying a latitudinal north-
south) increasing pixels (orange) and decreasing (blue). (d) Spatial distribution of soil suitability data. In all the
figures above, agriculture land cover is shown, while all other land cover types are masked in white. (Source, Mungai
et al., 2020).


Mungai et al. (2020) and Burke et al. (2022) showed that in some areas, there was
increasing productivity with suboptimal climate and soils. Their results showed
evidence of pocks of intensification of agriculture across Malawi. A multi-locational
survey by Africa RISING (Research In Sustainable Intensification for the Next
Generation) indicated that farmers in many of the marginal environments are
intercropping with legumes, growing a significant number of trees for green
manure, or adopting other climate and soil-resilient strategies (Ortega et al., 2016,
Mungai et al., 2016, Burke et al., 2022), Previous studies for Malawi show that mixed
cropping systems with tree species are widespread, especially in the northern and
central regions, nitrogen-fixing trees such as Gliricidia sepium, Sesbania sesban,
Tephrosia vogeii, and Faidherbia albida that improve soil fertility are common
(Coulibaly et al., 2017). Additionally, increasing productivity close to or within forested
areas may suggest converting forest cover to agriculture. In such areas, few farmers
practice shifting cultivation—letting the soil rest in natural forest regenerations or
some cases; slash and burn practices are carried out (Mungai et al., 2020).

Of the four target areas of interest, Mzimba has the greatest potential for irrigation,
which is not yet fully exploited. If well utilized, irrigation can be a cushion during
prolonged dry spells and droughts. According to various assessment reports, Balaka
and Mzimba have a potential irrigable area of about 5,872 and 10 739 ha, respectively.
Currently, the area under irrigation is estimated at 656ha, representing only 11% of
the irrigable area. Common crops grown under irrigation include vegetables, onions,
tomatoes, and maize.

While all staff interviewed at the district level are very conversant and are fully aware
of the benefits that accrue from adopting the "crop-tree-livestock" concept in
agriculture production and convey the same message to local farmers at the EPA
level, the focus by smallholder farmers is mostly on crop production, with a narrow
focus on livestock production (particularly the keeping of cattle, goats, pig, rabbits,
chickens, ducks, guinea fowl) and little adoption of agroforestry for the restoration of
soil fertility for enhancing animal feed, provision of woodfuel for household use, and
poles for construction. Several farmers are now adopting manure-making as an
alternative to chemical fertilizers for crop production.

The use of chemical fertilizers, herbicides and improved seed varieties varies
significantly across Malawi, and for the selected EPAs, Farmers in rural areas mostly
depend on chemical fertilizer supplied by the government under the Affordable
Inputs Programme (AIP). Besides, few farmers use chemical fertilizers and herbicides
because of the exorbitant and prohibitive costs, with some farmers relying on
manure making. General principles of Conservation Agriculture (CA)/Smart
Agriculture were noted to be implemented in all the EPAs. Farmers know that CA is
critical in enhancing soil fertility and crop yield and promoting water conservation at
the field level in light of climate change, particularly in a country where rainfall
patterns have become very erratic and unpredictable.

Figure 15: Total Nitrogen across Malawi and for the four districts targeted by the
Sustainable Intensification of Mixed Farming Systems Initiative.

Figure 16: Organic Carbon across Malawi and for the four districts targeted by the
Sustainable Intensification of Mixed Farming Systems Initiative.

Economic context
With nearly 90% of the population living in rural areas, Malawi's economy is
predominately agro-based. The agriculture sector employs about 64.1% of the
workforce (NSO Labour Force Survey, 2013), contributes over 80% of foreign
exchange earnings and accounts for 27.1% of the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) in
2019 (GoM, 2020b).

Across the targeted districts and EPAs, rural communities' main activity is crop
production, supplemented with livestock keeping and agroforestry, though on a
very small scale. Most farmers do not have access to credit or savings, and very few
belong to loan groups. Additionally, many smallholder farmers have adequate land;
land tenure issues remain contentious in all the selected EPAs. Farmers mainly
depend on vendors to sell their farm produce, more so now that the Government's
Agriculture Development and Marketing Corporation (ADMARC) is not functional as
an organization tasked with buying produce from smallholder farmers. "Ganyu"
(short-term labour) contributed 18% to 37% of household income (The World Bank,

In the same way, income from household businesses is also important and can
contribute up to 11%. There is a diversification of the household sources of livelihood.
Other economic activities and sources of livelihood strategies include small and
medium enterprises (SMEs), arts and crafts, quarrying, and fishing (especially in the
lake shore regions). In some cases, people have adopted income-generating
strategies, including felling live trees to make charcoal for sale.

Data from the household survey conducted by The World Bank (2022) showed that
the probability of a household being poor could increase by 14% points after
experiencing a climate shock and that household income from agriculture often
decreases by 17 and 14% after a flood and drought, respectively (Error! Reference
source not found.).

Figure 17: Household's source of support after suffering a climate shock (Source:

Markets can play an important role for farm households, who act as sellers and
buyers of food and other agricultural commodities. Across Malawi, local markets are
relevant for sales and purchases of smaller quantities to satisfy immediate needs.
However, local markets are not always available in every village in Malawi. Error!
Reference source not found. shows the ease farmers' access to markets in the
country and the targeted districts. Dedza and Balaka have better market access
than Kasungu and Mzimba. According to Error! Reference source not found. and
Error! Reference source not found., Balaka is situated on the lake shore, Upper
Shire Valley and Dedza are in the mid-altitude plateau region, and both sites have
easy access to larger markets. Farm households use these district markets to sell
farm produce and to buy food and non-food items. Reaching district markets usually
involves walking a longer distance; hence most households do this only occasionally.
Senganimalunje et al. (2022) added that though the Dedza and probably Balaka had
access to good roads to transport goods to viable markets, high transportation costs
would be a major limiting factor.

Figure 18: Ease of Market Access across Malawi and for the four districts targeted
by the Sustainable Intensification of Mixed Farming Systems Initiative.

Figure 19: Development domains defined by topography, market access and
population for Malawi (Source: Benson et al., 2016).

The World Bank (2022) observed constraints in districts lacking market access in
establishing and growing businesses. Low levels of education and lack of training
and skills also affect the survival of businesses. Half of all new businesses are not
observed in operation in a given month during the first year, especially if the owner
doesn't have an education certificate or is a woman (The World Bank, 2022).

Social context
As stated in Section 4.2.3, Malawi's population density is the highest in the SADC
region. Currently, the figure stands at 203 people km 2 (Error! Reference source not
found.). A typical family unit in Malawi comprises a man and a woman with an
average of five children. In the Balaka district, most people are Yaos or Chewas, while
in Dedza and Kasungu districts, Chewas are the dominant tribe. In Champhira,
Tumbuka is the dominant tribe. Men control ownership of assets at the household
level, except in single-family units, although the general population of women in
Malawi stands at 51.38% [Ref]. Local communities manage natural resources in the
village through Village Natural Resources Committees (VNRMCs). In Kasungu, about
51.4% of farm families own land less than 1.0 ha, and only 2.1% have land over 3 ha.
The distribution is typical of land holding in Malawi. Most of the land in rural Malawi
is under the customary tenure system. Customary land is all land belonging to the
people and held in trust and administered by traditional leaders. For instance, it
covers 89%, 56% and 64% of the total land in Balaka, Kasungu and Mzimba under
customary holding. In Balaka, land-holding rights follow a maternal system whereby
land is transferred through inheritance from mother to daughter; the right to resolve
disputes is left in the hands of a son who is married off to other areas.

Catchment management practices include the construction of check dams,

planting trees, and many other methodologies. Local communities access extension
services through extension workers, normally based in the local communities.
Primary schools are generally within easy reach compared to secondary schools,
although this may not be the case in some instances. No particular group of people
are excluded from decision-making, although men still dominate these roles.

The main economic base of the country is agriculture, with subsistence and
smallholder farming as the main activities for the rural population. The literacy levels
of most of the rural farmers in Malawi are generally very low. Ownership of assets at
the household level lies with the husband. Farmers receive most of their information
about agriculture production from extension workers and Lead Farmers who live in
the respective EPAs. Each of the EPAs has at least a primary and a secondary school,
whether public or private. To avoid being ripped by vendors, most of the farmers in
the EPAs have formed cooperatives or associations, which they use as outlets to sell
their farm products at fair prices. Women play a key role in managing these village-
level structures and often hold leadership positions, although generally, men have
more power than women.

Within the agricultural sector, men in Malawi and across the targeted sites have
typically been prioritized over women, leading to gender inequality. In the country,
women comprise 52% of the population and 80% of the labour force. According to
the 2015/16 Malawi Demographic Health Survey, 59% of employed women and 44%
of employed men work in agriculture, the largest employment sector in Malawi
(Botha, 2022). However, large gender productivity gaps in the agriculture sector
remain wide. Ethical tea partnerships place the gender gap in agricultural
productivity (

According to Botha (2022), farm plots managed by men produce an average of 25%
higher yields than plots managed by women. Women farmers have less access to
inputs, credit, and extension than men. Women are significantly less likely to have
bank accounts than men. Male farmers are more likely to receive and use fertilizer
subsidy coupons than women.

Gender inequality is mostly underpinned by different levels of education, access to

resources (such as land) and economic dependence. Gender roles are defined within
society, intersect with other social identifiers, such as age, religion, and ethnicity, and
reflect the appropriate behavior for men and women. Gender relations stem from
the interplay between women's and men's roles in society. Roles and relations are
social constructs and thus can and do change. Given that patriarchy predominates,
women have typically held a less privileged position relative to men, and thus
attempts at gender equality typically involve concerted efforts in favor of women's
empowerment. Particularly in rural areas, gender inequality is reinforced by social
norms. Acceptance of male authority over women is taught implicitly and explicitly
through various institutions, including homes, schools, churches, and community

Human condition context

Malawi is among a few sub-Saharan African countries that achieved Millennium
Development Goal (MDG) 4 for child survival by 2015. The GoM reduced maternal
mortality by 53% between 1990 and 2013 and increased the contraceptive prevalence
rate from 7.4 in 1992 to 42% in 2010 (GoM, 2020c). With U.S. support, Malawi has
reduced the number of HIV/AIDS deaths by 73% and the number of new HIV
infections by 41% since 2003. These broad gains, however, mask important realities
and structural dynamics in Malawi's health system that must be addressed if the
advances of the past two decades are to continue. With a total fertility rate of 4.4
contributing to explosive population growth, Malawi's population will likely double
by 2050. Such growth has the potential to derail many development gains achieved
to date.

Malawi has a high unmet need for family planning services (26%), with acute needs
among young people. Close to one million people live with HIV, with approximately
34,000 new infections yearly. Despite the gains in child health, 37% of Malawian
children suffer from chronic malnutrition. Malawi is a high-burden malaria country
with an incidence rate of 332 cases annually per every 1,000 people and
approximately 4.8 million malaria episodes annually. Over a third of established
positions in the health sector are vacant, and there is a perpetual shortage of
qualified health workers in facilities across the country. Such tremendous health
challenges constrained economic resources, and marginalized women and youth
significantly burden the health system.

With a lull in Covid-19 cases, the seven targeted EPAs are not experiencing serious
health issues. As such, smallholder farmers are not hampered by health problems to
work in their gardens and raise their livestock. Similarly, the national political scene
and dynamics have little impact at the EPA level. However, there is a general outcry

by smallholder farmers throughout the country that the price of farm inputs is very
high and prohibitive, particularly the price of fertilizer. This has exacerbated the
devaluation of the Malawi Kwacha, the country's currency. Smallholder farmers are
encouraged to diversify their diet composition based on local foods. This has been
boosted by formulating the 2018 National Multi-Sector Nutrition Policy 2018-2022. It
is worth noting that the 2016 National Agriculture Policy promotes nutrition-
sensitive food and agriculture-based approaches, including the production of
diversified foods and dietary diversification. It also promotes integrated homestead
farming, production and consumption of high nutritive-value foods, more capital-
intensive forms of agriculture (cash crops, livestock, and aquaculture), market
access, and ensuring sustainable food and nutrition security for all Malawians.

Figure 20: Population Density across Malawi and for the four districts targeted by
the Sustainable Intensification of Mixed Farming Systems Initiative.

Like poverty, food insecurity is prevalent and a rural phenomenon in Malawi.
Nationally, the caloric intake of over 50 per cent of the population falls short of the
minimum daily caloric requirement of 2100 calories per day between 2004 and 2013
(World Bank, 2017). Child malnutrition is also high in Malawi. Food and Nutrition
Security is Policy Priority Area 5 in the National Agriculture Policy, focusing on five
key strategies, namely: (a) promote production and utilization of diverse nutritious
foods in line with the National Nutrition Policy and Strategic Plan; (b) foster
adequate market supply and access of diverse and nutritious foods; (c) ensure food
safety for all; (d) promote private sector investments in production, processing and
marketing of high-quality, nutritious foods, including complementary foods; (e)
coordinate investments and sub-sectoral policies and strategies that help improve
the nation's nutritional status and promote healthy diets; (f) promote bio-fortification
and fortification of major food staples; and promote food and nutrition education for
all. Since the neighboring EPAs produce similar foods, food imports do not arise,
except for commodities such as fish which are dominant in areas along Lake Malawi,
Lake Malombe, Lake Chilwa, Lake Chiuta and major rivers in the country.

Farming systems
Balaka District
The district comprises six (6) Extension Planning Areas (EPAs): Bazale, Ulongwe,
Mpilisi, Phalula, Rivirivi and Utale. Each EPA has an Agricultural Development
Extension Officer (AEDO). The district consists of 83 sections, among which 74 are
filled with AEDOs, and 9 sections are vacant, one of the major challenges that the
district is currently facing. The district extension staff mainly focuses on crop
integration with livestock and agroforestry. However, the results generally show that
crop farming comes first, followed by livestock farming and agroforestry. Since the
district lies in the rain shadow area, it frequently experiences droughts, dry spells,
and very high temperatures. But when the country receives heavy rains, the district
experiences severe flooding.

Cropping system
The main crops grown include maize, pigeon peas, cowpea, groundnuts, horticulture
crops (mainly vegetables), sorghum, tobacco, and cotton.
a) Climate Change (droughts, dry spells, floods),
b) Land tenure (not many people own land),
c) Pests’ infestation and disease outbreaks,
d) Lack of proper markets as farmers rely on vendors to sell their products,
e) The exorbitant and prohibitive cost of farm inputs (seeds, fertilizer),
f) Reluctance by many smallholder farmers to embrace and accept new and
improved variety breeds,
g) Inadequate access to extension staff by smallholder farmers for expert advice
due to mobility challenges, since most of the motorbikes that were being by
AEDOs and Assistant Veterinary Officers (AVOs) broke down a long time ago,
h) Inadequate staff, dilapidated houses, and offices for staff in the respective EPA
and Sections

i) Farmers cannot identify the markets before growing a particular crop,
j) Many farmers prefer using indigenous knowledge in crop production to the
technical knowledge provided by the AEDOs and Lead Farmers.

Livestock system
In Balaka District, livestock farming is mainly practiced on a small scale.
Domesticated animals include goats, poultry (mainly local chicken), and pigs.
a) Pest infestation and disease outbreaks,
b) Poor housing standards by farmers for their livestock,
c) Lack of reliable markets,
d) Lack of access by smallholder farmers to hybrid and improved crop and
livestock varieties,
e) Stock theft
f) Inadequate extension staff as some EPAs only have 2 AVOs.

a) Agroforestry is practiced on a limited scale because of the shortage of land in
the district,
b) Most farmers prefer crop and livestock farming for profits than practicing
c) Training is provided to farmers on the importance of agroforestry, but the
uptake of the technology has been very slow,
d) In most cases, tree regeneration is promoted as a means of encouraging the
adoption of agroforestry,
e) Inadequate seedlings are one of the contributory factors to the slow uptake of
agroforestry technology in the district.

Projects/Organizations in the district working on SI

a) Agriculture Sector-wide Approach (ASWAP),
b) Sustainable Agriculture Production Program (SAPP), funded by IFAD,
c) Adaptation Fund Project (funded by the World Food Programme) focuses on
agriculture insurance and marketing,
d) Malawi Watershed Service Improvement Project (MWASIP),
e) Promoting Sustainable Partnership for Empowered Resilience (PROSPER),
f) Climate Smart Public Works Programme

a) Poor mobility of staff,
b) Inadequate staff
c) Poor housing/offices for staff
d) Offices in the EPAs and Sections are in a dilapidated state,
e) There is a need for more funding to boost Farmer Field Schools (FFS).

Production synergies
a) People benefit from the provision of farm inputs from various projects that are
being implemented in the district by various organizations,

b) Extension staff promote manure making as an alternative to chemical
c) Extension staff promote the growth of drought-tolerant crops because Balaka
district is generally a drought-prone area,
d) Extension staff and Lead Farmers promote crop diversification,
e) Extension staff promote the implementation of land and water conservation.

Photo 1. Clockwise - Interview with AEDO of Rivirivi EPA; Rivirivi EPA Offices; Rivirivi
EPA Offices; Interview with some of Rivirivi EPA smallholder farmers.

Dedza District
The district comprises 10 Extension Planning Areas (EPAs): Lobi, Golomoti, and
Bembeke. Chafumbwa, Kabwazi, Lithipe, Kaphuka, Mayani, Mtakataka, and
Kanyama. Each EPA has an Agricultural Development Extension Officer (AEDO).
However, posts at some of the sections within the EPA are vacant, and this is one of
the major challenges that the district is facing at the moment.

The district staff focuses on crops, livestock, and agroforestry; however, crop
production is the most dominant type of farming among smallholder farmers,
seconded by livestock farming and very little agroforestry. It should be noted that
livestock farming benefits greatly from agroforestry by providing animal feed and
poles for constructing kraals and facilitating the restoration of soil fertility.

Crop system
The main crops grown in the district are maize, beans, groundnuts, and soybeans. In
Lobi, farmers also grow millet, sweet potatoes, tobacco, and cassava.
a) Climate Change (dry spells, droughts, floods).
b) Land tenure issues.
c) Pest infestation and disease outbreaks.
d) Poor markets, as farmers depend on vendors to sell their farm produce.
e) Lack of access to farm inputs (seeds, fertilizer);
f) Soil degradation.
g) Lack of access by farmers to agricultural experts, such as AEDOs, because of
mobility/transport challenges; and
h) Inadequate extension staff, dilapidated houses, and offices for staff in the
respective EPAs and Sections.
i) High cost of farm inputs.
j) Climate Change (dry spells, droughts); and
k) Land tenure/ownership issues

Livestock system
Livestock farming is done on a very small scale. Animals include cattle, goats, poultry
(mainly local chicken), pigs, and rabbits.
a) Pest infestation and disease outbreaks.
b) Limited grazing area for the animals.
c) Poor housing for animals such that farmers keep their animals in houses
where they live instead of using standards kraals.
d) Poor markets; and
e) Stock theft.

a) Agroforestry is practiced on a very small scale, but the technology helps to
provide feed for livestock, firewood for fuelwood, and the sustenance of soil
b) Common trees used in intercropping are Lukina and Msangu;
c) Training is provided to farmers by the extension staff on the importance of
adopting agroforestry practices.
d) Tree regeneration is also promoted; and
e) Seedlings for trees used in intercropping are provided to farmers by extension
staff; however, poor tree management increases the mortality rate.

Projects/Organizations working on SI
a) Agriculture SWAP (ASWAP).
b) Clinton Development Initiative (DCI), for the provision of small loans to
smallholder farmers.
c) One Acre Fund.
d) Evangelical Association of Malawi (EAM).
e) Total Land Care.

f) Relief Eagles; and
g) Agriculture Sector Wide Approach (ASWAP

a) Poor mobility/transport.
b) Inadequate extension staff.
c) Poor housing for extension staff; and
d) Dilapidated office houses and office buildings in all EPAs and Sections.

Photo 2. Clockwise - Lobi EPA Office; Interview with AEDO for Golomoti EPA: Interview with
AEDO for Golomoti EPA; Photo 13: A poster at Golomoti EPA Office

Production synergies
a) Extension staff teach smallholder farmers how to make manure.
b) Extension staff promote the growing of drought-tolerant crops
c) Promotion of crop diversification.
d) Smallholder farmers are being encouraged to adopt agroforestry to sustain
soil fertility; and
e) Farmers are also encouraged to adopt soil and water conservation practices.

Kasungu District
The district has 6 Extension Plan Areas (EPA): Chulu, Kaluluma, Kasungu Chipala,
Chamama, Lisasadzi, and Santhe.

Crop system
The main crops grown in the district are soybean, maize, ground nuts, tobacco, and
sunflower. In Lisasadzi, sweet potato and cassava are also produced.
a) Climate change
b) Pest infestation and disease outbreaks
c) The varieties grown are not in line with the weather conditions experienced in
the area.
d) Poor markets and road networks
e) High cost of farm inputs
f) In areas where crops are grown close to Kasungu National Park, wild animals
often destroy them.
g) Climate Change (dry spells and floods)
h) Lack of crop varieties
i) Inadequate extension staff

Livestock system
Cattle, goats, pigs, rabbits, and pottery are some of the domestic animals in this
a) Lack of veterinary Assistants
b) Lack of improved livestock varieties
c) Inadequate training provided to farmers by extension staff
d) Poor housing for animals

a) Tree regeneration is done on a small scale.
b) Tree seedlings are usually provided to farmers, complemented by training.

a) Food and agriculture organization (FOA)
b) Plan Malawi
c) World Vision
d) Kasungu Coordination Project.
e) Agriculture Sector Wide Approach Project (ASWAP)
f) Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO)
a) World Vision
b) Plan Malawi
c) Centre for integrated community development (CICOD)
d) Haifa Malawi
e) Evangelical Lutheran
f) Total land care

Mzimba District
The district consists of 13 Extension Planning Areas (EPA): Kazomba, Chikangawa,
Hola, Bulala, Eswazini, Mamwamula, Muchinge, Mbawa, Vibangalala, Champhira,
Luwerezi, Hemfeni, Khosolo. The district consists of 110 sections, of which 54 are not
filled. The district-level staff focus on the three research areas, i.e., crop farming,
livestock farming and agroforestry

Crop system
The main Crops grown are maize, soybean, cassava, sweet potatoes, sunflower,
cabbages, tomatoes, and onions.
a) Climate Change (dry spells, floods).
b) Pest infestation and disease outbreaks.
c) Lack of proper markets as farmers depend on vendors to sell their products.
d) Poor accessibility to farm inputs (seeds, fertilizer).
e) Poor markets.

Livestock system
Livestock Farming is practiced on a reasonably large scale. Animals include goats,
poultry (mainly local chicken), pigs, and chickens.
a) Diseases
b) Poor housing for animals
c) Lack of reliable markets
d) Lack of access to hybrid varieties.

a) Agroforestry is not practiced on a large scale in the district.
b) Training is provided to the farmer on the importance of agroforestry
c) Tree regeneration is promoted
d) Seedlings are provided to farmers

Projects/Organizations working on SI
a) Agriculture Sector Wide Approach (ASWAP)
b) Community-Based Facilitator (CBF)
c) Sustainable Land Management
d) Coordination Project
e) Kulima and Afikepo
f) Climate resilience initiative Malawi
g) Plan International
i) Total Land Care
j) Ungwelu
k) Transform
l) Synod of Livingstonia

a) Poor mobility by extension staff
b) Low staffing levels
c) Poor housing for extension staff
d) Dilapidated offices
e) Water scarcity

Production synergies
a) Promotion of manure making
b) Promotion of drought-tolerant crop varieties
c) Promotion of crop diversification
d) Provision of farmer training
e) Promotion of soil and water conservation technologies
f) Promotion of Farmer Field Schools

a) Catholic Development Commission in Malawi (Cadecom)
b) Total Land Care
c) Plan Malawi
d) Kulima Beta
e) Enhancing Agricultural Input and Output Market for Increased Resilience for
Smallholder Farmers
f) Delivered at Place (DAP)
g) Agriculture Sector Wide Approach (ASWAP)

Conclusion and recommendations
It is clear from this report that the adoption of SI is an absolute necessity for Malawi,
considering that the country's population density is the highest in the SADC region,
currently standing at 203 people per square kilometer and that the country is
grappling with nine environmental problems, namely: soil erosion, deforestation,
depletion and degradation of water resources, the threat to fish resources,
biodiversity, human habitat degradation, high population growth, air pollution, and
climate change. In light of the above, adopting SI using a mixed farming system
approach is the most likely panacea for the country's myriad social-economic
problems. Furth more, the report has provided information on the types of crops
grown in the selected EPAs and the types of livestock that smallholder farmers keep.
Commonly grown crops in the four study districts include maize, groundnuts, beans,
tobacco, cotton, cowpea, pigeon peas, sorghum, horticulture crops (vegetables,
tomatoes, onions, etc.), millet, soybeans, sweet potatoes, potatoes, cassava, rice, and
sunflower while livestock types comprise: chickens, goats, cattle, rabbits, pigs,
guineafowl, ducks, and sheep.

The report has also highlighted some of the following challenges to agriculture
production in the seven EPAs:
a) Climate Change (droughts, dry spells, floods).
b) Land tenure issues, e.g., not many people own land).
c) Pests’ infestation and disease outbreaks.
d) Lack of proper markets as farmers rely on vendors to sell their products.
e) The exorbitant and prohibitive cost of farm inputs, especially seeds,
fertilizer, and herbicides.
f) Reluctance by many smallholder farmers to embrace and accept new and
improved variety breeds.
g) Inadequate access to extension staff by smallholder farmers for expert
advice due to mobility challenges since most of the motorbikes that were
being by AEDECs, AEDOs, and Assistant Veterinary Officers (AVOs) broke
down a long time ago.
h) Inadequate staff, dilapidated houses, and offices for staff in the respective
EPAs and Sections.
i) Farmers cannot identify the markets before growing a particular crop.
j) Many farmers prefer to use indigenous knowledge systems in crop
production than the technical knowledge provided by the extension staff
(e.g., AEDOs) and Lead Farmers.
k) Lack of access by smallholder farmers to hybrid and improved crop and
livestock varieties,
l) Stock theft
m) Inadequate extension staff, as some EPAs and some sections do not have
agricultural, veterinary officers (AVOs).
n) Poor mobility of staff,
o) Inadequate staff
p) Poor housing/offices for extension staff.

q) There is a need for more funding to the extension staff to boost Farmer
Field Schools (FFS).
r) Lack of construction materials for kholas.
s) Inadequate feed,
t) Water scarcity,
u) Limited grazing area for the animals.
v) Poor housing for animals such that farmers keep their animals in houses
where they live instead of using standards kraals.
w) Poor management of trees
x) Many farmers still use local seeds for maize production.
y) The varieties grown are not in line with the weather conditions that are
experienced in the area.
z) Poor markets and road networks.
- In areas where crops are grown close to Kasungu National Park, wild
animals frequently destroy them.
- Lack of skills for tree management, and
- Inadequate seedlings.

The report has also listed several organizations/NGOs implementing various projects
in the study districts intending to boost crop and livestock production. These
a) Agriculture Sector-wide Approach (ASWAP).
b) Sustainable Agriculture Production Program (SAPP) funded by IFAD.
c) Adaptation Fund Project (funded by WFP) focuses on agriculture insurance
and marketing.
d) Malawi Watershed Service Improvement Project (MWASIP).
e) Promoting Sustainable Partnership for Empowered Resilience (PROSPER).
f) Climate Smart Public Works Programme.
a) Clinton Development Initiative (DCI), for the provision of small loans to
smallholder farmers.
h) One Acre Fund.
i) Evangelical Association of Malawi (EAM).
j) Total Land Care.
k) Relief Eagles.
l) Food and agriculture organization (FOA).
m) Plan International.
n) World Vision International.
g) Kasungu Coordination Project.
m) Community Based Facilitator (CBF)
n) Sustainable Land Management.
o) Coordination Project.
p) Kulima and Afikepo funded by FAO.
q) Climate Resilience Initiative Malawi.
s) Ungwelu;
t) Transform; and
u) Synod of Livingstonia

For the SI system employing the crop-tree-livestock mixed farming methodology to
be successfully implemented in Malawi, listed below are some of the
recommendations that CIMMYT will need to address:
a) Conduct sensitization, public awareness, and knowledge dissemination
campaigns to smallholder farmers about the importance and benefits that
accrue from adopting SI technologies, particularly to crop-tree-livestock
mixed farming systems.
b) Conduct rigorous and extensive training of smallholder farmers about SI
mixed farming system technologies involving crop-tree-livestock mixed
farming system.
c) Establish demonstration plots crop-tree-livestock mixed farming system
through Farmer Field Schools (FFS) and LEAD Farmers where smallholder
farmers could learn from.
d) Explore ways in which smallholder farmers could have easy access to small
loans for procuring farm inputs, especially fertilizer, herbicides, improved
seeds and seedlings, and livestock (chickens, goats, cattle, rabbits, etc.).
e) Explore ways in which smallholder farmers could have easy access to support
services, e.g., availability of shops within easy reach where smallholder farmers
could buy farm inputs, availability of dipping tanks for livestock disease
control, easy access to Chitopa (Livestock Diseases) Clubs; establishment of
Cooperatives as facilities where smallholder farmers could easily access small
loans, and use the facility to sell their farm produce to outside markets
thereby avoiding the middlemen (vendors) who steal from smallholder
farmers by offering them low and very poor prices; and
f) Ensure improved market access by smallholder farmers.

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