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15th - All India - ICSI Moot - 2017 - Rules

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Mock trials are usually based on cases involving emerging or unsettled areas of law.

Aim and Purpose

a. To give practical/ hands-on exposure to students of ICSI to hone their skills for appearance before the
Quasi Judicial Bodies & the Regulators as per the Laws applicable in India & more particularly in the
context of the Companies Act, 2013 .
b. To provide a real-life experience cum training in doing cutting-edge research, presenting ground
breaking arguments (oral and written) and contributing to the development of jurisprudence in the
concerned area of laws.

Subject, Venue and Date

The ICSI – 15th All India Moot Court Competition 2017 will be held in three stages- Chapter, Regional and
National Level as per schedule below.
Subject Last date of Submission Last date to organize the Venue
of Application for event
Chapter Level 8th July, 2017 15th July, 2017 To be decided by the
Competition Chapter/Region
Regional Level 17th July, 2017 29th July, 2017 To be decided by the
Competition Region
National Level 29th July, 2017 19th August, 2017
Competition (Grooming & Trial Round National Company Law
for winners of Regional Tribunal (NCLT)
Level Competitors) & Final Kolkata Bench
Round at Kolkata 5, Esplande Row (West)
Kolkata – 700 001

Competition at each level will be on a case to be decided by the organizers of that level. The case must be
based on Section 58, 59, 230, 232 and 210, 241 & 242 of Companies Act, 2013- relating to Registration of
Transfers of Shares, Mergers & Amalgamation of the Company and Oppression & Mismanagement which
are heard by the National Company Law Tribunal (NCLT). A copy of National Company Law Tribunal
Rules, 2016 is attached herewith. Students must ensure compliance with aforesaid regulations while
arguing their demonstration case.

The demo case law for Chapter Level Competition shall be decided & given by respective Chapters
as per any of the 3 topics as aforesaid.

The demo case law for Regional Level Competition shall be decided & given by respective
Chapters as per any of the 3 topics as aforesaid

The demo case law for the National Level Competition will be made available to the Winners of the
Regional Level by ICSI-EIRC on Monday, 31st July, 2017. The Regional Offices are requested to
provide the names of the Regional Level winners to ICSI-EIRC on or before 29th July, 2017.

Language & Dress code: As per National Company Law Tribunal Rules, 2016.
Team Composition: Each team shall consist of 2 Students (1 as Petitioner & 1 as Respondent).
Teams must register with the respective Chapter / the Region with enclosed Registration Form as per
dates mentioned above.

National Round:
Maximum Four teams from four regions (one winning team from each region) will be admitted in the
National Round.


The following requirements must be strictly met for each level. Non-conformities will be penalized:

a. Each team must prepare memorials (Petition, Reply, Rejoinder & Written Notes) for both sides, i.e,
(Petitioner and Respondent).
b. The briefs shall be consistent with the National Company Law Tribunal Rules, 2016.

c. Once the memorials are submitted, no revisions, supplements, or additions will be allowed.
d. 3 (three) copies each of the memorials for Petitioner & Respondent + a soft copy to be submitted to
the respective Chapter / Region in Charge before the two days of commencement of event. Both
memorials should be copied in a single CD. Late submission of memorials will not be allowed.
e. Memorials must be submitted type written as per National Company Law Tribunal Rules, 2016

Procedure for Appearance at the competition:

Petitioner’s Submission: 15 mins

Respondent Submission (Counter): 15 mins.
Petitioner Submission (Rebuttal): 15 mins;


Teams will not be allowed to observe the orals of any other team(s). Scouting is strictly prohibited.
Scouting by any of the teams will result in disqualification.

Scoring / Marking Parameters:

a. Memorials will carry 30% and oral submissions will carry 70% of evaluation.
b. If the memorials are found to be verbatim reproduction of each other, no points will be awarded for
such memorials.
c. Indicative parameters for scores on the basis of Oral Submission:
i. Knowledge of facts
ii. Logic, reasoning and clarity
iii. Persuasiveness
iv. Deference to the court
v. Proper and articulate analysis of the issues arising out of facts
vi. Understanding of the laws directly applicable to the issues
vii. Ingenuity (ability to argue by analogy from related aspects of law)

d. Indicative parameters for scores on the basis of Written Submissions (Memorials) in

conformity with National Company Law Tribunal Rules, 2016:
i. Logical progression of ideas
ii. Originality in analysis and arguments
iii. Effective use of headings to outline arguments
iv. Understanding essential legal issues presented
v. Focus on essential (not collateral) issues
vi. Clear, concise and unambiguous writing style
vii. Forceful and persuasive presentation
viii. Integration of facts into legal argument
ix. Understanding of strengths and weaknesses of case

x. Discussion of viable alternative arguments

xi. Understanding and analysis of authority
xii. Proper use of citations and citation form
xiii. Effective use of authority to support arguments
xiv. Ability to distinguish adverse cases
xv. Neatness, legibility, typos or format errors

Announcement of Results:
The results of National Level will be announced on 19th August, 2017.


a. Student counsel may introduce him / her to the Judges in the usual manner and may also state their
names. However, the team's region or office or other affiliations shall not be revealed at any time to
any of the Judges before the competition is over.
b. Further, all team members and observers shall refrain from identifying a team at any time and in any
manner, including, but not limited to, wearing any identifying items, such as badges, blazers or
identifying material, which may indicates their region or office or other affiliation.
c. Identity of a team in any form shall not be revealed anywhere in the memorial. Instead the allotted
team code numbers should be mentioned on the top right corner of the cover. Violation of this
provision shall result in penalties including disqualification. The team codes will be provided by the
Chapter / Region at the time of accepting Registration to attend the event. The decision of Judges for
each level of competition shall be final.
Accommodation and transport between the guesthouse / hotel and the competition venue for the
participating teams will be provided by the respective Chapter / Regional chapters as per ICSI Student
Competition Guidelines.

Other important issues:

a. Participants are required to maintain proper decorum during competition. The Organizer of each
level of Competition reserves the right to take appropriate action for any unethical, unprofessional
or immoral conduct.
b. Regional Offices of ICSI are requested to encourage participation of 1 team from each of their
chapters for Regional Level competition.
c. ICSI-EIRC reserves the right to vary, alter, modify or repeal any of the above rules if so required
and as it deem appropriate.
d. Decision of ICSI-EIRC will be final & binding.
For further details, please contact:
DVNS Sarma Dr. Tapas Kumar Roy CS Siddhartha Murarka
Regional Director (ER) Programme Coordinator Chairman, ICSI-EIRC
ICSI-EIRO ICSI-EIRO, Phone: 033- & Chairman, Training & Education
Phone: 033-2290 1065 / 2290 1065 / 2290 2178 / Facilities Committee of ICSI-EIRC
2290 2178 / 2283 2973 2283 2973 Phone : 033-2290 1065 / 2290 2178 /
E-Mail: E-Mail: 2283 2973 E-mail :

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