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Published by : International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT) ISSN: 2278-0181

Vol. 6 Issue 04, April-2017

Influence of Surkhi on Various Properties of

Concrete Bricks

Jan wakeel Ahmad Wani1 Ravi Kumar2

1 2
Student, Lecturer,
Department of Structural engineering, SDDIET, Department of Structural engineering, SDDIET,
Kurukshetra University, Haryana, India. Kurukshetra University, Haryana, India.

Abstract—This paper investigates the influence of surkhi on materials are not only economical but also have better
properties of concrete bricks. In this topic surkhi which is properties as compared to conventional bricks
considered as a waste material is used as a replacement of fine Concrete bricks are strong, durable and attractive than
aggregates. The various tests pertaining to bricks are clay bricks. Concrete brick has more benefits than its
conducted on bricks in which fine aggregate is replaced by
striking visual qualities. They are more fire resistant,
surkhi. The results are then studied at various replacements
of fine aggregate by surkhi. Due to the fact that surkhi is a reduce noise and have better thermal properties. Concrete
waste material which has pozzolanic properties can be used to bricks are manufactured using cement, fine aggregate and
produce concrete bricks of better quality. Due to the coarse aggregate and mixing them in proper proportions.
properties of surkhi there is a gradual increase in compressive Surkhi is used as a substitute for fine aggregates in mortar.
strength in earlier stages and gradual decrease of compressive Surkhi has almost the same function as that of sand but
strength is obtained in later stages, this may be attributed to it imparts strength and better hydraulic properties to the
high bleeding and shrinkage properties of surkhi. Not only the concrete. Surkhi is an artificial pozzolanic material made
compressive strength of the bricks but also the other by powdering bricks or burnt clay balls. Pozzolanic
properties like efflorescence, soundness, hardness, structure
materials are those materials which in themselves possess
and other properties of bricks are effected considerably. In
general these properties get better and the quality of bricks is little or no cementitious value but they attain cementitious
increased. Also the fine aggregate used in this experimental value when they come in contact with water because they
method is stone dust but not sand, because stone dust has chemically react with calcium hydroxide liberated on
some better properties than sand such as it is finer than sand. hydration. Surkhi is used for making waterproof cement
Since surkhi is a pozzolanic waste material, it not only makes mortars and concrete. They also make the concrete more
the brick economical but also increases the compressive resistant to alkalis and salt solutions. The addition of surkhi
strength of the brick to a considerable extent. is accompanied by slight reduction in initial strength as it
attains its full strength after a long period of time.
Keyword—Concrete bricks; Surkhi; Compressive Strength; Higher shrinkage than ordinary concrete is another
Water Absorption; Efflorescence and Soundness. property of surkhi concrete. Surkhi is not standardized
product and its properties vary widely. Surkhi is also used
I. INTRODUCTION for reduction of temperature rise during hydration in the
mass of concrete and it is also used to reduce cracking in
The use of economic and environmental friendly concrete. Concrete which is made by adding surkhi is more
materials has been a big achievement in the construction plastic, bleeds less and segregates less as compared to
industry. The use of waste products in the construction ordinary concrete.
industry is also of great concern. Many waste materials Taking into consideration the above properties of
have been used in the construction industry and better surkhi, in this paper the strength and other properties of
results have been obtained than conventional methods. bricks made by replacing fine aggregate by surkhi will be
Many waste materials such as sawdust, Fly ash, rice husk, determined.
surkhi are used in manufacturing concrete. Keeping in
mind the above points the attention has been focused on II. EXPERIMENTAL MATERIALS
low cost and environmental friendly building materials.
Bricks are the most important type of building materials A. Surkhi
used all over the world. Conventional bricks are masonry Surkhi is an artificial pozzolanic material made by
units made of inorganic, non-metallic materials which are powdering bricks or burnt clay balls. Surkhi is used for
sundried or burnt. Burnt bricks have better properties than making waterproof cement mortars and concrete. They also
sundried bricks. But with the advancements in the make the concrete more resistant to alkalis and salt
construction industry bricks composed of other materials solutions. The addition of surkhi is accompanied by slight
have been also manufactured such as concrete bricks, Fly reduction in strength as it attains its full strength after a
ash bricks etc. these bricks which are composed of other long period of time. Higher shrinkage than ordinary
concrete is another property of surkhi concrete. Surkhi is

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Published by : International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT) ISSN: 2278-0181
Vol. 6 Issue 04, April-2017

not standardized product and its properties vary widely.

Surkhi is also used for reduction of temperature rise during
hydration in the mass of concrete and it is also used to
reduce cracking in concrete. Concrete which is made by
adding surkhi is more plastic, bleeds less and segregates
less as compared to ordinary concrete. We have used
surkhi as a substitute for sand in our experimental work.
We used locally available surkhi.

Fig. 2. Stone dust


Property Stone dust Method
Specific gravity 2.50-2.67 IS 2386 (Part III) 1963
Bulk relative density 16900- IS 2386 (Part III) 1963
(kg/m ) 1850
Absorption (%) 1.26-1.49 IS 2386 (Part III) 1963
Moisture content (%) 7 IS 2386 (Part III) 1963
Fine particles less 13-17 IS 2386 (Part I) 1963
than 0.075mm (%)
Fig. 1. Surkhi Sieve analysis Zone II IS 383 – 1970

B. Stone dust C. Cement

Stone dust may be defines as the pulverized form of Cement in general is a binding material used to bind
stones. Stone dust is a by-product of stone crushing various materials together. Ordinary Portland Cement (43
operations. It is generally used to fill the voids between Grade) with 28 percent normal consistency Conforming to
gravel and paving stones. But it also imparts certain good
IS: 8112-1989 was used.
properties to the concrete such as it increases the strength,
decreases permeability, increases durability and increases
the water absorption of concrete. These properties of stone D. Aggregate
dust provide enough significance to stone dust to be used Since aggregate is an important constituent of concrete
as a replacement for fine aggregate. The stone dust because it gives body to concrete, reduces shrinkage and
obtained from local crushers was used to carry out the effects economy. We have used crushed stone aggregates
experiments. which are produced by mining and then breaking down the
rock to desired size. Crushed stone aggregate available
from local source has been used. The size of coarse
aggregate is between 4.75mm and 10mm.The specific
gravity of the aggregate is 2.68.

E. Water
Water is an important ingredient of concrete as it
actively participates in the chemical reaction with cement.
Since it helps to form the strength giving cement gel, the
quantity and quality of water is required to be looked into
very carefully. Generally if water is fit for drinking it is fit
for making concrete. This does not appear to be a true
statement for all conditions. Some waters containing a
small amount of sugar are fit for drinking but not for
mixing concrete and conversely water suitable for making
concrete may not necessarily be fit for drinking. The pH of
the water used for making concrete should be in the range
of 6 and 8. Hence the water used for making concrete
should be free from any impurities which may impart
undesired properties to the concrete.

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Published by : International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT) ISSN: 2278-0181
Vol. 6 Issue 04, April-2017

The content of water affects the workability of TABLE II. PERCENTAGE WISE COMPOSITION OF VARIOUS
concrete. Water content in a given volume of concrete will
have a significant influence on the workability. The higher Specimen Cement (%) Stone dust Surkhi (%) Gravel (%)
number (%)
the water content per cubic meter of concrete, the higher
will be the fluidity of concrete which is one of the 1 20 55 0 25
important factors affecting workability. It should be noted 2 20 50 5 25
that from the desired point of view, increase of water 3 20 45 10 25
content is the last resource to be taken for improving 4 20 40 15 25
workability even in the case of uncontrolled concrete. More 5 20 35 20 25
water can be added, provided a corresponding higher 6 20 30 25 25
quantity of cement is also added to keep the water/cement 7 20 25 30 25
ratio constant, so that the strength remains the same.


Moulds for manufacturing of bricks were made of
wood with the standard modular dimensions of common
building brick that are 190mm x 90mm x 90mm. The
bricks were cast using standard methods as given in the
Indian Standard codes. The required quantities of cement,
coarse aggregates, stone dust and surkhi are calculated
according to the mix proportions. The proportioning of the
various materials was done by using weight batching
because it is more accurate. The required quantity of water
is then added to the mixture and is mixed thoroughly. The Fig. 4. Brick samples
mixture is then casted into the moulds and compacted.
Then the mold is removed and the specimens are allowed A. Water absorption test
to sun drying for two days. The specimens are also wet This test is used to determine the amount of water
cured for a period of 3 days, 7days and 28 days. Curing is absorbed by the brick. When immersed in water for a
very important for these bricks, because if the bricks are period of 24 hours it should not, in any case, exceed 20%
not cured properly they will not attain full strength. of weight of dry brick. This test is carried out for all the
samples of bricks. The bricks which are to be tested should
be oven dried at a temperature of 115 degree centigrade
until the brick attains constant weight, cool the brick to
room temperature and record the weight as (W 1). Now the
dried brick is immersed in clean water for 24 hours at a
temperature of 27+ 20 degree Celsius. The brick is then
removed and wiped out of any traces of water and weighed
immediately and the weight is recorded as (W2).
Lesser the water absorbed by a brick, better is the quality
of brick. Good quality bricks don’t absorb more than 20%
of water.

Water absorption in percentage by weight = (W2-W1/W2)

x 100
Fig. 3. Moulds for manufacturing bricks
In the present paper, the bricks manufactured by Specimen W1 W2 (W2-W1/W2) x
replacing fine aggregate with surkhi are subjected to number 100
various tests to find their suitability as a structural material. 1 3.645 3.747 2.722
The bricks were cast and then tested according to the 2 3.493 3.621 3.534
Indian Standard codes. The various tests which are to be 3 3.497 3.638 3.875
conducted on bricks are compressive strength test, water 4 3.383 3.594 5.870
absorption test, hardness test, soundness test, shape and 5 3.569 3.818 6.521
size test and structural test. The composition of these 6 3.450 3.789 8.946
bricks is given in the table below: 7 3.427 3.815 10.170

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Published by : International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT) ISSN: 2278-0181
Vol. 6 Issue 04, April-2017

7 7.2

6 5.8
4 4.3
3 2.9 3.3
1 1.5

Fig. 5. Brick samples in water for water absorption test

B. Efflorescence test Fig. 6. Variation of efflorescence

In this type of test, the bricks are placed vertically in
water with one end immersed. The bricks are immersed up C. Hardness test
to 2.5 cm and the whole arrangement is kept in a warm To determine whether a brick is hard or not the
well ventilated room at a temperature of about 30 degree hardness test is used. The hardness of a brick can be
Celsius until all the water evaporates. When the water in judged by making an impression on the surface of a brick
the apparatus evaporates place a similar quantity of water by a hard substance. The harness of the brick is an
again in the dish and allow it to evaporate. The important property which determines the durability of a
examination of the brick is carried and the percentage of structure. The hardness is then determined by making a
white spots to the surface area of the brick is calculated. If scratch and the extent of hardness is determined by
deposition of salts is present it is reported as effloresced. If assessing the scratches made on the bricks.
no difference is noted, it is reported as not effloresced. If little or no scratch is found then the brick is said to be a
The presence of alkalies in bricks is harmful and they good quality brick and if excessive scratches are found then
form a gray or white layer on brick surface by absorbing it a bad quality brick.
If the whitish layer is not visible on surface it proofs
that absence of alkalis in brick. If the whitish layer visible
about 10% of brick surface then the presence of alkalis is in
acceptable range. If that is about 50% of surface then it is
moderate. If the alkalies presence is over 50% then the
brick is severely affected by alkalies.
The efflorescence in each type of brick was less than
10 percent which is within the permissible range.


Specimen number Efflorescence
1 Mild (1.5)
2 Mild (2.9)
3 Mild (3.3)
4 Mild (3.7)
5 Mild (4.3)
6 Mild (5.8)
7 Mild (7.2) Fig. 7. Comparison of scratches on bricks

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Published by : International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT) ISSN: 2278-0181
Vol. 6 Issue 04, April-2017

TABLE V. HARDNESS OF BRICKS E. Shape and size test

This test is used to closely inspect a brick. The brick
Specimen number Measurement of hardness
should be truly rectangular, should have sharp edges and
1 No impression after should be of standard size. This test is done by stacking 20
scratching bricks lengthwise, all blisters and projections should be
2 No impression after
scratching removed from the bricks, now measure the total length and
3 No impression after repeat the measurement three times and takes the mean.
scratching Then find the length of one brick by dividing the mean by
4 No impression after twenty. Similarly find the height and breadth of the bricks
by arranging them breadthwise and height wise. We also
5 No impression after
scratching observed the edges and color of the bricks and the results
6 Mild impression after are given below in the table.
7 Mild impression after

D. Soundness test
In this type of test two bricks are stroked against each
other if they produce a clear ringing sound and are not
broken then the bricks are called as sound bricks. If they do
not produce ringing sound and are broken after striking
against each other, then the bricks are called as unsound

Fig. 9. Determination of shape and size


Specimen number Size(based on above test) Shape

in centimeter
Length Breadth Height
1 9 9 19 cuboidal
Fig. 8. Striking bricks for soundness test with
2 9 9 18.9 cuboidal
Specimen number Soundness
1 Ringing sound is produced and edges
brick is not broken 3 9 8.9 18.8 cuboidal
2 Ringing sound is produced and with
brick is not broken perfect
3 Ringing sound is produced and
4 9 8.9 18.8 cuboidal
brick is not broken
4 Ringing sound is produced and perfect
brick is not broken edges
5 Ringing sound is produced and 5 9 8.8 19 cuboidal
brick is not broken with
6 Ringing sound is produced and edges
brick is not broken
6 9 8.7 19 cuboidal
7 Ringing sound is not produced with blunt
and brick is not broken edged
7 9 8.6 18.7 cuboidal
with blunt

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Published by : International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT) ISSN: 2278-0181
Vol. 6 Issue 04, April-2017

F. Structural test
This is a test which is done to determine the internal
structure of a brick. In this test, the brick is crushed and the
internal structure is analyzed. In this study, all the bricks
were crushed and then analyzed. Upon analysis it was
found that all the bricks were homogenous, no lumps were
formed and voids were seen. This is among one of the
parameters to determine the compressive strength of the




Fig. 10. Showing internal structure

G. Compressive strength test (c)

This is the main test conducted to determine the
suitability of brick as a building material. This test is
conducted with the help of a compression testing machine.
In this test the bricks are first preconditioned, the specimen
is then placed with flat surfaces horizontal between two
3mm thick ply sheets and carefully centered between the
two plates of the compression testing machine. The load is
then applied uniformly at a rate of 14 N/mm square per
minute till failure occurs. The compressive strength is then
obtained from the maximum load at failure and average
area of the bed faces of the specimen, which is given as
Compressive strength in N/mm square is equal to
maximum load at failure divided by the average area of the
bed faces of specimen in millimeter square. The
compressive strength of the specimens it determined at 7
days, 14 days and 28 days after the construction of the (d)
specimens. Fig. 11. Compressive strength test

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Published by : International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT) ISSN: 2278-0181
Vol. 6 Issue 04, April-2017

The bricks were placed in the compression testing machine 30

and the load was gradually applied at a constant rate. 25
Before placing in the compression testing machine the 20
bricks were tested for shape and size, the bricks were cured 10

IN N/mm2
properly. Also the bricks were cleared with a clean piece of 5
cloth to remove the unwanted materials adhering to the 0
surface of the bricks. The bricks were properly centered on
the compression testing machine. After applying the load
on the bricks the crack pattern was studied and the 3days
application of load was stopped when the cracks started to
develop on the bricks. The load at the end was noted and
the compressive strength of the bricks was computed from 28days
the recorded load and the area of the specimens.
Fig. 13. Graph showing the variation of 28 day strength of bricks in which

Specimen 3 days 7 days 28 days From the above graph it is concluded that the
number compressive compressive compressive compressive strength of the brick specimens in which
strength in strength in strength in
N/mm square N/mm square N/mm square surkhi is used as a replacement of fine aggregate goes on
1 9.260 16.828 25.89 increasing up to specimen 5 in which 57 percent of stone
2 6.230 9.302 15.85 dust is replaced by surkhi and it recedes beyond that and is
3 6.987 10.105 16.47 minimum at specimen 7 where 120 percent replacement of
4 8.908 15.094 24.76 stone dust with surkhi is done. This increase and decrease
5 9.990 18.044 27.76 in the strength of the bricks can be attributed to the
6 7.988 13.338 22.82 properties of surkhi such as pozzolanic property, resistance
7 5.362 9.125 14.68
to alkalis, less bleeding and many others.

Economy is one of the most important parameters

25 during construction. Conventional concrete brick costs us

20 more than this brick, as in this brick surkhi is used as an
ingredient which is a waste material. By replacing surkhi

powder as an ingredient for making brick, the cost of the

10 brick was reduced to some extent without affecting its
elastic properties. Therefore the bricks in which surkhi is
5 used as a replacement of fine aggregate are more beneficial
0 not only in terms of strength but also in terms of economy
than conventional concrete bricks.
3 days
7 days From the above studies and test results it is found that
MIX PROPORTION the brick in which surkhi was used as fine aggregate had
28 days
less water absorption value as compared to conventional
bricks. Also the bricks were found to be sufficiently hard as
Fig. 12. Variations of 3 days, 7days and 28 day strength of specimens the scratches made with fingernails left no impression on
the bricks. The efflorescence on the bricks was found to be
The strength of specimen 1 is greater than most of the mild as in each case it was well less than 10. The bricks
specimens because in specimen 1 the percentage of surkhi except the specimen number 7 satisfied the soundness test
used as a fine aggregate is zero. Therefore it acts as a as all the bricks except specimen 7 produced ringing
reference for the other specimens because it is just like a sounds. The structure of the bricks on breaking was found
conventional concrete brick. The conventional concrete to be homogenous, no holes or lumps were observed. The
brick has average 28 day strength of 3.5 newton per compressive strength of all the bricks was greater than
millimeter square while as class A bricks have strength of class AA brick. The compressive strength of bricks in
10.5 N/mm2 and class AA bricks have strength of about 14 which surkhi is replacing fine aggregate shows almost a
newton per millimeter square. Hence from our test results parabolic variation as the compressive strength increases
almost all our specimens have strength more than class AA from specimen 2 to specimen 5 and decreases from
bricks. Also the 3 day and 7 day strength of the bricks is thereafter. Thus by incorporating surkhi as a replacement
less than usual results; it is because of the influence of of fine aggregate bricks with better properties were
surkhi which attains its strength at later age. produced. Bricks with higher compressive strength, better

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Published by : International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT) ISSN: 2278-0181
Vol. 6 Issue 04, April-2017

hardness and better water absorption values, less [3] Ashish Kumar Parashar and Rinku Parashar (2012),
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