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AMLA (RA 9160, as amended by RA 9194, 10365 & 11521)

1 Chairman: BSP Governor
2 Members: Insurance Commission
SEC Chairperson

To protect & preserve the integrity & confidentiality of bank accounts

To insure that PH shall not be used as a money laundering site for the proceeds of
unlawful acts

1 regulated by the BSP

2 regulated by the SEC
3 regulated by the Insurance Commission
4 Securities Dealers
COVERED 5 Mutual Funds
PERSON 6 Jewelry (in excess of 1M)
7 Foreign Exchange
8 Casinos
9 Company service providers to 3rd parties including CPAs & Lawyers
10 Person providing services including CPAs & Lawyers
11 Real Estate Developers & Brokers
12 Offshore Gaming Operators & their Service Providers
*EXCLUDED: Lawyers& CPAs acting as independent legal professionals

1 Customer Identification
2 Record keeping customer ident. & trans. docs must be kept for 5 years from date of transactions
3 Safe Harbor
4 Reportorial Requirements > 500K cash
> 1M jewelry
> 5M casino cash transaction
> 7.5M RED/B cash transaction
w/n 5 working days
not exceeding 15 days
No legal/economic justification
Unidentified client
NOT commensurate w/ fin. Capacity of client
SUSPICIOUS Structured to avoid being subjected to reporting
Observed to deviate from the profile of client
Related to an unlawful activity or ML offense
w/n the next working
day from the occurrence Similar, analogous to any of the foregoing

MONEY LAUNDERING Placement > Layering > Integration

Making proceeds of unlawful activity to have appeared
as originated from lawful sources.
 Transacts said property or proceeds
 Converts/transfers/uses said proceeds
 Conceals/disguises its true nature, source, location
 Attempts or conspires to commit ML
 Assist in ML
 Performs or fails to perform any acts as a result of w/c facilatates offense
 failure to REPORT MALICIOUS transactions by bank officers/covered persons

 Kidnapping  Smuggling Regional Trial Court -Private individuals
 Drug-related  Hijacking Sandiganbayan -Public officers & those in
 Graft & Corruption  Terrorism conspiracy w/ them
 Plunder  Child porn PROSECUTION
 Robbery  Prostitution >Independent
 Jueteng Piracy  Illegal Recruitment >Separate & distinct Elements
 Qualified theft  Estafa >Knowledge (direct or circumstantial)
-issued by CA upon probable cause W/ court order:
effective immediately for w/ probable cause
a period of 20 days
Effectivity: Without court order:
-shall not exceed 6 months  kidnapping
Petition:  Drug-related
-w/n 24 hours from filing  Hijacking, arson/murder, & felonies
 Terrorism, conspiracy, & financing terrorism

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