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Modules Test Cases

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TestName Description

M_1 - Associated Table scripts have correct Check that Associated Table scripts have
Schema Name and table/view names correct Schema Name and view names

M_2 -Raw tables / views are associated with the Verify that raw tables / views are
corresponding summary tables/views. associated with the corresponding
summary tables/views .

M_3 - Table Period script has correct Schema Check that Table Period script has correct
Name and View/Table names Schema Name and View/Table names
M_4 - Table Period script has correct PERIOD_ID Verify that Table Period script has correct
for Raw , Hourly , Daily , weekly , monthly views. PERIOD_ID for Raw , Hourly , Daily ,
weekly , monthly views.

M_5 - Table Period script has update scripts for Verify that Table Period script has update
all the views/tables and their respective queries for all the views/tables and their
summary views/tables. respective summary views/tables.

M_6 - Associated Table Script is executed in the Verify that Associated Table Script is
database without giving any error message. executed in the database without giving
any error message.

M_7 - (Auto) Folder strucutre of all the Modules Verify that the folder strucutre of all the
is correct and complete. Modules is correct and complete.

M_8 - (Auto) Folder strucutre of all the Module Verify that the folder strucutre of all the
Combinations is correct and complete. Module Combinations is correct and
M_9 - (Auto) Modules are properly imported in Verify that the modules are properly
the Optima Front End. imported in the Optima Front End without
giving any errors.

M_10 - (Auto) All Modules are enabled. Verify that all the Modules are enabled

M_11 - (Auto) Correct CFG table is used in the Verify that correct CFG table is used in the
Module Hierarchy. Module Hierarchy.
M_12 - (Auto) Hierarchy of Modules is correct. Verify that the hierarchy of the loaded
modules is correct in the database.

M_13 - (Auto) Lowest element details in Module Verify that lowest element details in
Maker are correct. Module Maker are correct.
M_14 - (Auto) All the KPIs mentioned in the Check whether all the KPIs mentioned in
ReportKPIs sheet of the KPI template, for a the ReportKPIs sheet of the KPI template,
particular Report Class, Report/Module Name for a particular Report Class,
are present in the Module sql query. Report/Module Name are present in the
Module sql query

M_15 - (Auto) In the Module sql query, raw table Check that in the Module sql query, raw
or raw standard view is used as table. table or raw standard view is used as table.
M_16 - (Auto) Filters are applied for all levels of Check that filters are applied for all levels
the network elements of the network elements

M_17 - (Auto) Modules run properly and the KPI Verify that the modules run properly and
values are properly loaded in the Optima Front the KPI values are properly loaded in the
End with no error. Optima Front End with no error.
M_18 - (Auto) Description of the KPI in the Verify that description of the KPI in the
Module sql query matches the description given Module sql query matches the description
in the ReportKPIs sheet of the KPI template and given in the ReportKPIs sheet of the KPI
is the name of the KPI without underscore ("_") template and is the name of the KPI
without underscore ("_")

M_19 - For KPIs calculating rates, the name of Verify that for KPIs calculating rates, the
the KPI in the New Module Combination window name of the KPI in the New Module
ends with %. Combination window ends with %.
M_20 - (Auto) Data for all the Rate and Verify data for all the Rate and Percentage
Percentage KPI’s in the Modules lies between 0 KPI’s in the Modules lies between 0 and
and 100 only. 100 only. That there are no negative values
for Rate and Percentage KPIs.

M_21 - (Auto) Module Combinations are Check if the Module Combinations are
properly imported in the Optima Front End with properly imported in the Optima Front End
no error. with no error.
M_22 - (Auto) Module Combinations run Verify that the Module Combinations run
properly and the KPI values are properly loaded properly and the KPI values are properly
in the Optima Front End with no error. loaded in the Optima Front End with no

M_23 All elements as defined in the GROUPBY Verify that all elements as defined in the
column in the StdReports&Modules sheet of the GROUPBY column in the
KPI template should be aliased in 'module SQL StdReports&Modules sheet of the KPI
query' and in ‘Element Tree SQL’ in module template should be aliased in 'module SQL
maker. query' and in ‘Element Tree SQL’ in module
Action Description

1. Open the Associated Table Scripts in any Text Editor

2. Verify that Schema name is correct( The schema name should be as defind in the
"Value" column of the "InputParams of the KPI template.

3. Verify that correct base table name or views are used in the sql commands.
The format should be <schema name>.<base table name or view name>
The schema name should be same as defined in the "Value" column of the
"InputParams" Sheet of the KPI template.
The view name is as defined in the "BASE VIEW NAME" of the "STDLAYER" sheet of
the KPI template, suffixed by _RW,_HR,_DY,_WK,_MO
For e.g.-

CISCO_GGSN is the Schema name and STD_GGSNSTATS is the view name and
suffixed by _RW, _HR ,_DY ,_WK,_MO is the summary abbreviation for Raw,
Hourly, Daily,Weekly and Monthly respectively.

1. Open the Associated Script in any Text Editor and verify that association scripts
are present for all the views or base table names as present in the Standard Layer

The associated Table scripts have all the views( as defind in the Standard Layer

RW tables / views should be associated with all the Summary views.

( i.e. _HR,_DY,_WK,_MO)

1. Verify that Schema name is correct( The schema name should be as defind in the
"Value" column of the "InputParams of the KPI template.

2. Verify that correct base table name or views are used in the sql commands.
The format should be <schema name>.<base table name or view name>
The schema name should be same as defined in the "Value" column of the
"InputParams" Sheet of the KPI template.
The view name is as defined in the "BASE VIEW NAME" of the "STDLAYER" sheet of
the KPI template, suffixed by _RW,_HR,_DY,_WK,_MO
For e.g.-

CISCO_GGSN is the Schema name and STD_GGSNSTATS is the view name and
suffixed by _RW, _HR ,_DY ,_WK,_MO is the summary abbreviation for Raw,
Hourly, Daily,Weekly and Monthly respectively.
The PERIOD_ID should have values as follows:-

1. PERIOD_ID=1 for RW ( Raw ).

2. PERIOD_ID=3 for HR ( Hourly ).
3. PERIOD_ID=4 for DY( Daily ).
4. PERIOD_ID=5 for WK(Weekly).
5. PERIOD_ID=8 for MO ( Monthly).

In case Granularity of files is 60 mins , then PERIOD_ID=14 for RW ( Raw).

Open the Table Period script in any text editor and verify that Table Period script
has update queries for all the views/tables and their respective summary
views/tables (as per the standard layer sheet of KPI template) and their respective
summary views/ tables.

1. Login to the respective database schema using SQL Developer.

2. Run the Associated Table Script in the database.

Note: An error message may be generated in case the Table is already associated.
In such a case, the earlier associatin has to be removed.

1. Go to the build location for Modules.

2. Verify that the folder structure of the Modules is as follows:

Modules - Schema Name - Module Class.

3. The Module Class folder will contain the modules as <module name>.mod files.

4. Ensure that the structure of Module Class - Module Name is as per the
information in the StdReports&Modules sheet of KPI template under the columns -

1. Go to the build location for Module Combinations.

2. Verify that the folder structure of the Modules Combinations is as follows:

Modules Combinations - Schema Name - Module Class.

3. The Module Class folder will contain the module combinations as <module
combinations name>.combo files.

4. Ensure that the structure of Module Class - Module Combinations Name is as per
the information in the StdReports&Modules sheet of KPI template under the
columns - MODULE and MODULE NAME.
1. Go to Start-> All programs->Aircom International-> Aircom Optima V6.2-> Aircom

2. Open the Module Explorer by clicking on Inspector -> Modules.

3. Right click on All Folders and click on Import Modules option.

4. Browse to the path from where the modules are to be imported and click Ok. It is
to be noted that the folder called Modules has to be selected and not the folder
with the schema name which is inside the Module folder.

5. Verify a pop up appears with “Modules imported successfully”.

6. When the modules are imported, no error IS reported in the window at the
bottom - "AIRCOM OPTIMA message log".

1. Go to Start-> All programs->Aircom International-> Aircom Optima V6.2-> Aircom


2. Open the Module Explorer by clicking on Inspector -> Modules.

3. Select the respective Schema Name from the list on the left and expand it by
clicking the + sign.

4. Select each Module Class and verify the modules contained in it as depicted in
the right side window have a tick mark in the box for Enabled.

1. Go to Start-> All programs->Aircom International-> Aircom Optima V6.2-> Aircom


2. Open the Module Explorer by clicking on Inspector -> Modules.

3. In the respective interface folder name , click on a module class.

4. In the Right Hand Side window , the modules will be displayed (for that
particular module class).

5. Double - Click on the first module to open the Module Maker.

6. Click on the Edit Query Icon ( the one with the Pencil symbol) to open the Data
Explorer window.

7. Click on the SQL tab, and verify that the CFG table name used in the query should
be same as the CFG table name giving in the StdReports&Modules of the KPI
template for that particular Module.

8. Repeat the above steps for all the Modules.

1. Go to Start-> All programs->Aircom International-> Aircom Optima V6.2-> Aircom

2. Open the Module Explorer by clicking on Inspector -> Modules.

3. In the respective interface folder name , click on a module class.

4. In the Right Hand Side window , the modules will be displayed (for that
particular module class).

5. Double - Click on the first module to open the Module Maker.

6. Click on the Edit Query Icon ( the one with the Pencil symbol) to open the Data
Explorer window.

7. Click on the SQL tab, and verify that the SELECT query has NETWORK and other
elements as defined in the GROUPBY column in the StdReports&Modules sheet of
the KPI template.

1. The GROUP BY in the sql query will be applied for the columns as listed in the
GROUPBY columns of the StdReports&Modules sheet of the KPI template.

2. ORDER BY should be same as the GROUP BY in the sql query.

1. Go to Start-> All programs->Aircom International-> Aircom Optima V6.2-> Aircom


2. Open the Module Explorer by clicking on Inspector -> Modules.

3. Select the respective Schema Name from the list on the left and expand it by
clicking the + sign.

4. Select a module class. Now select a module name on the right side window.
Double click to open it in the Module Maker.

3. For the lowest level element depicted in the Module maker, values should be as
Graph Type: Line Graph
XAxis Field: DATETIME (BUSYHOUR in case of BH module)
Plot Data: Plot data for each element
1. Go to Start-> All programs->Aircom International-> Aircom Optima V6.2-> Aircom

2. Open the Module Explorer by clicking on Inspector -> Modules.

3. Click on the folder created with the interface name.

4. On clicking a particular folder, corresponding module name appears on the right

hand side.

5. Open the Module Maker by double clicking the module name.

6. Open the Data explorer by double clicking the lowest network element.

7. Verify that all the KPIs mentioned in the ReportKPIs sheet of the KPI template,
for a particular Report Class AND Report/Module Name are present in the Module
sql query.

1. Go to Start-> All programs->Aircom International-> Aircom Optima V6.2-> Aircom


2. Open the Module Explorer by clicking on Inspector -> Modules.

3. Click on the folder created with the interface name.

4. On clicking a particular folder, corresponding module name appears on the right

hand side.

5. Open the Module Maker by double clicking the module name.

6. Open the Data explorer by double clicking on lowest Network Element.

7. Check that in the Module sql query, raw table or raw standard view is used as
table from which data is selected.
The format for this would be <Schema Name>.<Raw Rable or Raw Standard View>.
There should be _RW (and _DYBH in case of BH Modules) only.
_DY, _MO, etc. should not be present.
1. Go to Start-> All programs->Aircom International-> Aircom Optima V6.2-> Aircom

2. Open the Module Explorer by clicking on Inspector -> Modules.

3. Click on the folder created with the interface name.

4. On clicking a particular folder, corresponding module name appears on the right

hand side.

5. Open the Module Maker by double clicking the module name.

6. Open the Data explorer by double clicking on lowest Network Element.

7. Click on the Filters and check that all the newtwork elements have "Use in Filter"
option checked.

1. Go to Start-> All programs->Aircom International-> Aircom Optima V6.2-> Aircom


2. Open the Module Explorer by clicking on Inspector -> Modules.

3. Click on the folder created with the interface name.

4. On clicking a particular folder and by selecting any Module group, corresponding

module name appears on the right hand side.

5. Open the Module Maker by double clicking the module name.

6. Open the Data explorer by double clicking on lowest Network Element.

7. Modify the SQL query by inserting two hyphens -- in front of the line which starts
with "WHERE %DATE ..."

8. Run the Module by clicking the Preview SQL button - Green Triangle.

9. The Module runs without errors. This should be repeated for all the Modules.
1. Go to Start-> All programs->Aircom International-> Aircom Optima V6.2-> Aircom

2. Open the Module Explorer by clicking on Inspector -> Modules.

3. Click on the folder created with the interface name.

4. On clicking a particular folder, corresponding module name appears on the right

hand side.

5. Open the Module Maker by double clicking the module name. 6. Open the Data
explorer by double clicking on lowest Network Element.

6. Click on SQL Tab.

7. Check for each KPI, the description matches the one given in the ReportKPIS
sheet of the KPI template and and is the name of the KPI without underscore ("_").

1. Go to Start-> All programs->Aircom International-> Aircom Optima V6.2-> Aircom


2. Open the Module Explorer by clicking on Inspector -> Modules.

3. Click on the folder created with the interface name.

4. On clicking a particular folder, corresponding module name appears on the right

hand side.

5. Right Click on Module name and click on Run.

6. A New Module Combination window appears.

7. Set the start from date in the date range section as per the date of the raw files
you've received.
8. Expand the module name and select the Network elements by putting tick marks
in the check box. Click on Run Icon (Green Triangle).

9. A table with KPI values/data appears in the right side window.

10. Hover the mouse pointer over the column names, whereby the name of the
column is displayed as a tool tip. Verify that, the name of the all the KPIs,
calculating rate, end with %.
1. Go to Start-> All programs->Aircom International-> Aircom Optima V6.2-> Aircom

2. Open the Module Explorer by clicking on Inspector -> Modules.

3. Click on the folder created with the interface name.

4. On clicking a particular folder, corresponding module name appears on the right

hand side.

5. Right Click on Module name. A popup appears .Click on Run.

6. A new module combination window appears.

7. Set the start from date in the date range section as per the date of the raw files
you've received.
8. Expand the module name and select the Network elements by putting tick marks
in the check box. Click on Run Icon.

9. A table with KPI values appear in the window.

10. Verify the data of the KPIs calculating Rate and Percentage lie between 0 to
100. There are no negative values for them.

1. Go to Start-> All programs->Aircom International-> Aircom Optima V6.2-> Aircom


2. Open the Module Combination Explorer by clicking on Inspector -> Module


3. Right click on All Folders and click on Import Module Combination.

4. Browse to the path of the modules combinations to be imported and click Ok.

6. Verify that a pop up appears stating “Module Combination imported

1. Go to Start-> All programs->Aircom International-> Aircom Optima V6.2-> Aircom

2. Open the Module Explorer by clicking on Inspector -> Modules.

3. Click on the folder created with the interface name.

4. On clicking a particular folder, corresponding module name appears on the right

hand side.

5. Right Click on Module name and click on Run.

6. A New Module Combination window appears.

7. Set the start from date in the date range section as per the date of the raw files
you've received.
8. Expand the module name and select the Network elements by putting tick marks
in the check box. Click on Run Icon (Green Triangle).

9. The Module Combination runs without errors. Multiple tables (for each module)
with KPI values should appear in the window.

10. Repeat this for all the Module Combinations.

1. Go to Start-> All programs->Aircom International-> Aircom Optima V6.2-> Aircom


2. Open the Module Explorer by clicking on Inspector -> Modules.

3. In the respective interface folder name , click on a module class.

4. In the Right Hand Side window , the modules will be displayed (for that
particular module class).

5. Double - Click on the module to open the Module Maker.

6. Click on the ‘click for sql’.

7. Click on the edit, in module SQL query elements(only GPI & PI's, except
‘DATETIME’)as defined in the GROUPBY column in the StdReports&Modules sheet
of the KPI template must be aliased if it's value/data is numeric.
8. Same Aliasing should be used in Element Tree SQL in module maker.
Result Description Bug Priority

Associated Table scripts have correct Schema

Name and table/view names

Note: Table names are used, when views are

not being created.

Raw tables / views are associated with the
corresponding summary tables/views.

Table Period script has correct Schema Name
and View/Table names

Table Period script has correct PERIOD_ID for
Raw , Hourly , Daily , weekly , monthly views.

Table Period script should have update scripts
for all the views/tables and their respective
summary views/tables.

Associated Table Script is executed in the
database without giving any error message.

Folder strucutre of all the Modules is correct
and complete.

Folder strucutre of all the Modules is correct
and complete.

Modules are properly imported in the Optima
Front End without giving any errors.

All Modules are enabled.

Correct CFG table is used in the Module

Hierarchy of Modules is correct.

Lowest element details in Module Maker are

Check whether all the KPI mentioned in the
ReportKPIs sheet for a particular Report
Class ,Report/Module Name should be present
in the Module sql query

In the Module sql query, raw table or raw
standard view is used as table.

Filters are applied for all levels of the network

The modules run successfully with the proper
KPI values loaded in the modules.

Description of the KPI in the Module sql query
matches the description given in the
ReportKPIs sheet of the KPI template and is the
name of the KPI without underscore ("_")

For KPIs calculating rates, the name of the KPI
in the New Module Combination window ends
with %.

Data for all the Rate and Percentage KPI’s in
the Modules lies between 0 and 100 only.

There are no negative values for Rate and

Percentage KPIs.

Module Combinations are properly imported in
the Optima Front End with no error.

No error is reported in the log message.

The modules run successfully with the proper
KPI values loaded in the modules.

All elements as defined in the GROUPBY
column in the StdReports&Modules sheet of
the KPI template are aliased in 'module SQL
query' and in ‘Element Tree SQL’

M_1 Associated Table scripts have correct Schema Name and table/view names
M_2 Raw tables / views are associated with the corresponding summary tables/views
M_3 Table Period script has correct Schema Name and View/Table names
M_4 Table Period script has correct PERIOD_ID for Raw , Hourly , Daily , weekly , monthly views
M_5 Table Period script has update scripts for all the views/tables
M_6 Associated Table Script is execution in DB without error
M_7 Folder strucutre of all the Modules
M_8 Folder strucutre of all the Module Combinations
M_9 Modules Importing
M_10 All Modules are enabled
M_11 Correct CFG table is used in the Module Hierarchy
M_12 Hierarchy of Modules is correct
M_13 Lowest element details in Module Maker are correct
M_14 All the KPIs mentioned in the ReportKPIs sheet for Report/Module Name are present in the Module query
M_15 In the Module sql query, raw table or raw standard view is used as table
M_16 Filters are applied for all levels of the network elements
M_17 Modules run properly and the KPI values are properly loaded in the Optima Front End with no error
M_18 Description of the KPI in the Module sql query matches with ReportKPIs sheet & without underscore ("_")
M_19 For KPIs calculating rates, the name of the KPI in the New Module Combination window ends with %
M_20 Data for all the Rate and Percentage KPI’s in the Modules lies between 0 and 100 only
M_21 Module Combinations are properly imported in the Optima Front End with no error
M_22 Module Combinations run properly and the KPI values are properly loaded in the Optima Front End with no error
M_23 All elements as defined in the GROUPBY column in the StdReports&Modules sheet of the KPI template should be a
in the Module query

with no error
out underscore ("_")
ow ends with %

ma Front End with no error

the KPI template should be aliased in 'module SQL query' and in ‘Element Tree SQL’ in module maker

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