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Developing Risk Breakdown Structure

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International Journal of Project Management 29 (2011) 537 – 546

Developing risk breakdown structure for information technology

Vered Holzmann⁎, Israel Spiegler
School of Business Administration, Faculty of Management, Tel Aviv University, Ramat Aviv, Tel-Aviv, 69978, Israel

Received 20 January 2010; received in revised form 3 May 2010; accepted 11 May 2010


Any risk management method begins with a preliminary phase of risk identification intended to detect and classify potential risk items. This
paper presents a methodological process for developing a Risk Breakdown Structure (RBS) constructed by analyzing records from previous
projects and past organizational occurrences. An implementation of the method is presented for an Information Technology (IT) organization. The
RBS visually portrays the hierarchical structure of the overall organizational risk pattern, thus facilitating the detection of risk areas that require
special attention from management. The results of an analysis of this IT organization reveals a risk pattern that focuses on customer involvement
and communication issues on the one hand and product description and production requirements on the other hand. The method of analysis
described here utilizes various types of information already existing in an organization and thus should enable managers to structure an appropriate
RBS for their projects.
© 2010 Elsevier Ltd. and IPMA. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Risk management; Risk breakdown structure; Lessons learned; Project management; Content analysis; Clustering

1. Introduction one is related to the manner in which organizations operate, and

the other is related to the source from which organizational
Every organization aims to attain competitive advantage to knowledge can be extracted.
position itself in the frontier of the business arena. Especially The first premise is that the majority of organizations attempt
today, when the business battlefield is usually global, very to further their interests through the continuous implementation
dynamic and subject to countless changes, any opportunity to be of a portfolio of projects. Although every project is a different
better prepared for the future will assist organizations that aim to campaign, organizations are constantly moving toward achiev-
attain an advantageous position. However, to be ready for ing their vision by managing a portfolio of projects. Because all
upcoming events, an organization must create an effective risk (or at least most) of an organization's past projects were
management plan, which starts with accurate and appropriate performed within environments similar to the present environ-
risk identification. ment, and because they were usually managed and at least
The current paper presents a methodological risk identifica- partially carried out by the same teams, it is worthwhile to
tion process, demonstrates the implementation of this process in embrace a broad approach that takes into account not only the
an IT (Information Technology) organization, and reports the individual project but also the greater organizational project
results of the process in a clear and understandable manner portfolio (Turner and Muller, 2003; Callahan and Brooks, 2004;
using a visualized RBS (Risk Breakdown Structure). The study Shenhar and Dvir, 2007; Dikmen et al., 2008).
was developed from the integration of two basic assumptions; The second supposition is that almost every modern
organization possesses an archive that contains a vast amount
⁎ Corresponding author. Tel.: +972 646 705 5505, +972 544 274568. of information that can be transposed into valuable management
E-mail address: (V. Holzmann). knowledge. Modern communication technologies enable
0263-7863/$ - see front matter © 2010 Elsevier Ltd. and IPMA. All rights reserved.
538 V. Holzmann, I. Spiegler / International Journal of Project Management 29 (2011) 537–546

people and organizations to create, distribute, receive and store Institute (PMI, 2008), describes the knowledge area of project
large quantities of data. There are a number of tools and risk management as the processes that address risk management
techniques that an organization might use to transform its data planning, identification, analysis, response, and monitoring and
into information and further into knowledge. Because an control. Project risk management processes are targeted to
organization presumably already has this information, no increase the probability and impact of events that are expected
additional efforts are required for its production (Spiegler, to positively affect the project as well as to decrease the
2003; Lipshitz et al., 2002). probability and impact of events that are expected to negatively
The aim of this study is to construct a valuable and effective affect the project or the achievement of its objectives.
RBS that depicts the actual and relevant risk items in an The Software Engineering Institute (SEI) developed a risk
arrangement that can be communicated to all project stake- management methodology called Software Risk Evaluation
holders. Therefore, we initiated a process of risk identification (SRE) that is specifically targeted toward projects in the
by referring to lessons-learned documents that were generated software industry. The SRE paradigm is composed of six
during the implementation of an array of projects in the elements. There are five circumferential modules and one
organization. These lessons-learned documents record descrip- central element. The first module, “identify”, explicitly presents
tion, analysis, and inferences from past experiences in order to potential project risks before they become problems. The
transform the insights for future operations. Each one of the second module, “analyze”, involves the conversion of risk data
documents was thoroughly examined, analyzed and assigned a into information required for decision-making. The third
set of risk codes. The accumulated data were then clustered into module, “plan”, represents the procedure for translating risk
a hierarchical representation of risk factors and events. The information into the decisions and actions that the organization
analysis process is generic in nature and can be applied in any should take at present and in the future. The next module,
organization, though the results of the process are unique for “track”, involves monitoring indicators of project risks and the
each particular organization. actions taken to mitigate risks as planned. The fifth module,
The first part of the paper is a review of the concepts of risk “control”, deals with the correction of deviations from risk plans
management and risk identification. It continues by explaining and responds to triggering events. The central element,
what an RBS is and how it was applied in other studies. The “communication”, entails information-sharing throughout the
second part of the paper describes the implementation of project among the appropriate organizational levels and entities;
developing an RBS from lessons-learned documents in an IT this is the key to effective risk management (Williams et al.,
organization. The methodological process integrates qualitative 1999; Higuera and Haimes, 1996).
and quantitative analysis methods. First, content analysis was Another risk management method for software projects was
conducted to identify potential risk items from records that were introduced by Boehm (1991). This method is based on two
stored in the organization archive. Then, cluster analysis was primary steps, namely, risk assessment and risk control. Each
implemented to group risk items and to detect important risk step was divided into three subsidiary steps. Risk assessment
areas. The final part of the paper discusses the attributes of the involves risk identification, risk analysis, and risk prioritization.
revealed risk patterns and presents some concluding remarks. Risk control involves risk management planning, risk resolu-
tion, and risk monitoring. For each one of the six steps, Boehm
2. Background suggested a list of tools and techniques that could and should be
used by managers to facilitate and improve the risk management
The success of an organization in the modern age in process. The identification tools include checklists, decision-
establishing a position of leadership on the business battlefield driver analysis, assumption analysis, and decomposition.
is largely influenced by its ability to predict future states of Additional models and methods have been introduced by a
affairs and effectively establish a winning strategy to confront variety of risk management researchers. For example, Chapman
ever-changing circumstances. Though a recent meta-analysis of and Ward (2004) presented a very detailed model for risk
the relationship between risk management and IT project management that is composed of nine phases. The nine steps
success did not yield conclusive results (De Bakker et al., 2010), that compose the risk management process are as follows:
there is a general consensus that effective planning and define, focus, identify, structure, ownership, estimate, evaluate,
implementation of a risk management methodology positively plan, and manage. Bandyopadhyay et al. (1999) investigated
affects the success rate of any project or process, as has been information technology projects. They identified four levels for
described by many studies that have investigated various this type of project, including process, application, organiza-
industries (e.g., Raz et al., 2002; Cook, 2005; Nalewaik, 2005; tion, and inter-organization. Corresponding to these four levels
Das and Teng, 1999). were suggested four major components of risk management,
A literature review of project risk management methodolo- namely, identification, analysis, reducing measures, and
gies reveals several models that represent the course of action monitoring. Fairley (1994) discussed risk management proce-
required to manage risk during a project's lifecycle. Each of the dures in software projects due to the failure to deliver the
various approaches to risk management is composed of several required systems within a budget and on schedule. He described
phases. a seven-step risk management process for this type of project
The Guide to Project Management Body Of Knowledge that can be used to increase the probability of project success.
(PMBOK® Guide), published by the Project Management These steps include identifying risk factors, assessing risk
V. Holzmann, I. Spiegler / International Journal of Project Management 29 (2011) 537–546 539

probabilities and effects, developing strategies to mitigate An advanced version of this concept is presented by the
identified risks, monitoring risk factors, invoking a contingency Universal Risk Project approach developed by the Risk
plan, managing a crisis, and recovering from a crisis. Management Specific Interest Group of the Project Manage-
Surveying an array of risk management models and methods ment Institute (PMI Risk SIG) and the Risk Management
indicates that there are several core elements that are required Working Group of the International Council on Systems
with any method of project risk management. These elements Engineering (INCOSE RMWG). This method is designed as a
include the identification of potential risks, the evaluation of guidance tool for managers to develop a list of “universal risk
probability and impact, and planning response procedures to areas” that can be applied to any type of project or operation in
handle these risks if they come into play. The current paper any industry. Although this hierarchical list is not complete or
presents a generic method of identifying risk in project-oriented comprehensive, it provides an overall review of potential risks
organizations. The method is based on the analysis of lessons- that are categorized into three major areas: (1) the management
learned documents generated during previous projects. The risk area, which includes risks that can be controlled by the
output of this identification process is an overall hierarchical organization and which are related to various aspects of project
representation of project and organizational potential risks. management, system management, and organizational manage-
ment; (2) the external risk area, which represents risks that
originate from factors that are beyond the control of the
3. Risk breakdown structure
organization, such as actions taken by exterior stakeholders, or
climate, demography and market occurrences; and (3) the
There is a variety of tools that can be used to communicate
technology risk area, which refers to risks that are inherent to
identified risks to project stakeholders. These tools include the
the technology and processes used in the project, product,
risk list, risk matrix, risk map and RBS (PMI, 2008; Raz and
system, or analysis (Hall and Hulett, 2002).
Michael, 2001; Macgill and Siu, 2005; Chapman, 2001).
An additional RBS scheme was presented by Tchankova
The RBS is a hierarchical structure that represents the overall
(2002). With this method, the risk sources are displayed in a
project and organizational risk factors and events organized by
hierarchical tree that represents the various environmental areas
group and category. The current paper focuses on the use of
in which the risks originated. These include physical, social,
RBS in representing identified risks due to its advantages. The
political, operational, economic, legal, and cognitive environ-
main advantage of an RBS derives from the ability to display a
ments. Each of the areas is further divided into sub-areas as
comprehensive hierarchical scheme that can be reduced or
specifically required for the purposes of the project or the
broadened, in depth or in breadth, to meet varying needs. The
items in the RBS are exhaustive and mutually exclusive so that
A different approach to the representation of all project risks
each one of the identified risks can be assigned only to a single
is based on project lifecycle. Cohen and Palmer (2004)
item and cannot be allocated to more than one item. In addition,
suggested classifying any potential risk into one of four stages
the RBS provides a visual illustration of overall risk exposure,
in a typical project lifecycle: the feasibility stage, which is the
thus enabling the detection of specific risk items, and facilitates
initial stage of a project; the planning and design stage, in which
locating risk areas in which the organization is exposed to
the basic parameters for executing the project are established;
severe damage, thus requiring special attention by the
the construction stage, which is targeted to actually execute the
organization management (Hillson, 2002; Hillson, 2003).
work; and the startup and turnover stage, which finalizes the
There are various approaches to the classification of
project. Das and Teng (1999) presented a similar approach
identified risks into an RBS. Several approaches propose a
within a strategic alliance process that consists of partner
generic concept of risk categorization so that they can be
selection, structuring, operation, and performance evaluation.
employed for projects in any business arena. Other approaches
are industry-oriented and offer a predefined list of categories
3.2. Industry-oriented RBS
related to the core business of specific type of projects.
Specific formats for RBSs represent a predefined hierarchi-
3.1. Generic RBS cal tree composed of branches and leaves, which are developed
based on the core activities related to the type of project that
A fundamental approach based on the classification of risk they were structured for. The construction and engineering
sources into external and internal factors for developing RBS industry benefits from an array of structured RBSs. Tummala
suggests that external risks are those that originate from areas and Burchett (1999) described an RBS for a transmission
beyond the range of organization control, while internal risks construction project that consists of six categories: financial and
are those that an organization's management can directly economic, political and environmental elements, design, site
control and influence (Kiser and Cantrell, 2006). Further construction, physical elements, and “acts of God”. A similar
segmentation might suggest that external risks are related to structure was presented by Dey (2002) for large-scale
economic, physical, political, and technological features. construction projects. The identified risk factors include
Internal risks include local risks related to an individual work technical risk, financial risk, economical and political risk,
package or category, and global risks that cannot be associated organizational risk, statutory clearance risk, and “acts of God”.
with any particular work package (Tah and Carr, 2001). Miller and Lessard (2001) suggested three major risk categories
540 V. Holzmann, I. Spiegler / International Journal of Project Management 29 (2011) 537–546

for large engineering projects: market-related risk, completion The data for this study were based on lessons-learned
risk, and institutional risk. Each of these categories was further documents that provide records of previous occurrences and
divided into sub-categories. their analysis. The IT organization granted access to all 40
In the software and information technology industry, a well- lessons-learned documents that were generated during 2007. As
known RBS is available for the classification and categorization a prerequisite for analysis, each document had to be complete
of risk in these projects. Taxonomy-Based Risk Identification and fulfill the following three conditions: (1) it described in
describes the processes by which the risk items in each specific detail a specific event that occurred either during a project or
project are identified and categorized into three classes: product during an organizational operation process; (2) it provided all
engineering, development environment, and program con- the relevant information regarding the circumstances of the
straints. Each of these classes is further broken down into event, the stakeholders involved, the unfolding of events, and
elements, which are characterized by attributes. Product the effects on the process or the deliverables; and (3) it
engineering refers to requirements, design, code and unit contained an analysis of the situation described as carried out by
tests, integration tests, and engineering specialties. The the professionals in the organization.
development environment class includes the elements of the
development process, the development system, the management 5. Content analysis
process, management methods and the work environment. The
third class, program constraints, deals with resources, contracts, The first phase of the study consisted of a thorough content
and program interfaces. The identification and classification analysis. Content analysis is a research technique that enables one
process is supported by a questionnaire developed by the SEI to make inferences based on a text while considering the context
called the TBQ-Taxonomy-Based Questionnaire (Carr et al., in which the text was written and read. The method of content
1993; Williams et al., 1999). analysis includes basically two separate, though usually integrat-
In this study, we present a process for structuring an RBS ed, approaches, namely, qualitative content analysis and
that is built based on a generic project management method- quantitative content analysis (Krippendorff, 2004; Franzosi,
ology, though it is adjusted to an organization based on its 2004; Neuendorf, 2002). In this study, we utilized both techniques
projects' history. Instead of using a predefined and structured in an integrated manner, so that the implementation of one method
hierarchical risk tree and assigning potential risk items to supported the findings of the other. The qualitative analysis
delineated categories, classes or elements, we develop the RBS provided the conceptual framework, while the quantitative
for an organization based on analyzing its previous projects and analysis provided measurable terms for the framework.
the related lessons learned. We suggest constructing the RBS
bottom-up, i.e., collating risk items into risk areas, rather than 5.1. Qualitative content analysis
the traditional approach of constructing an RBS top-down, i.e.,
assigning risk items to predefined risk areas. The current Qualitative content analysis demands meticulously reading
method for constructing an RBS is based on gathering concrete, each document, understanding and interpreting the text in its
real, and actual experiences rather than hypothetical scenarios relevant context, and finally coding and classifying each of the
or potential predicted occurrences. text units. In the current study, the text units for analysis were the
various collected lessons-learned documents. The coding process
was conducted using a codebook that contained 200 codes, and
4. Method was derived from the current body of knowledge in project
management (PMI, 2008; Kerzner, 2006; Barkley and Saylor,
The method of producing an appropriate RBS started with 2001; Clealand and Ireland, 2002; Knutson, 2001) and adjusted
the collection of a series of project and organizational lessons- utilizing additional data from the body of knowledge in business
learned documents that describe and analyze past experiences. process flow (Anupindi et al., 2005; Jeston and Nelis, 2006). In
Then, two consecutive analysis steps were executed. The first order to further validate the research codebook and confirm that it
phase of analysis, which involved qualitative and quantitative contains references to all potential risk items, two additional
content analysis of lessons-learned documents, was aimed to content examinations were carried out. The first was a
assign a set of related risk codes for each document. This step classification of the research codebook items into the five project
yielded an organizational risk dataset. The second phase of process groups: initiating, planning, executing, monitoring and
analysis, which was based on clustering analysis, generated the controlling, and closing; and the second was a classification of the
organizational RBS that depicted the hierarchical structure of same research codebook items into the nine areas of knowledge:
risk in this organization. integration, scope, time, cost, quality, human resource, commu-
We implemented the methodological analysis for an nications, risk, and procurement (PMI, 2008). These processes
information technology (IT) company. The company is a top represent the final stage of a systematic collating procedure that
Israeli IT service provider that specializes in end-to-end included the substitution of synonyms followed by replacement of
solutions in all market sectors and employs over 2500 experts. words and phrases with a common concept, thus producing an
Its services include outsourcing, software development, ERP array of distinct meanings representing the units.
system applications, payroll and human resource solutions, The coding process involved three independent professionals
technical support and a help-desk. who were employed as coders after a short-term training seminar.
V. Holzmann, I. Spiegler / International Journal of Project Management 29 (2011) 537–546 541

Each one of the coders had read each one of the lessons-learned
documents and assigned the appropriate set of codes. The results
of their coding were compared for code assignment consistency.
Inconsistencies due to coder error or insufficient code definitions
were detected and corrected iteratively.

5.2. Quantitative content analysis

Quantitative content analysis summarizes the inferences and

insights derived from the preliminary phase to facilitate the
discovery of properties, attributes and patterns that are
embedded in the analyzed text units. The quantitative analysis
results present numerical examinations of the interpreted text Fig. 1. Process group frequency chart.
units and the related categorized codes. The coding process for
the lessons-learned documents from the IT organization resulted
related to risk at the IT company; it was responsible for more
in the assignment of 117 codes out of the 200 codes in the
than half (153 assignments, representing 51%) of the items
research codebook. The other 83 codes were identified as
assigned. A detailed examination of the codes assigned in each
unrelated to the occurrences described in these text units.
one of the process groups identified the subjects of work
Hence, the following quantitative analyses are based on a total
planning and communications planning as the most problematic
of 117 risk codes and their occurrences in the 40 documents.
in the organization. The second most frequent process was
monitoring and controlling, which had 88 code assignments,
5.2.1. Word count
representing 30%. The initiating and executing process groups
The IT organization lessons-learned documents included 40
were each responsible for about 10% of the code assignments to
documents with 36,463 words. However, the list actually
risk codes in this organization. The fifth process group, closing,
contained 4740 distinct terms and concepts. The average lessons-
was not associated with a single code. This can be explained by
learned document had 911 words. The most frequent concepts
the well implemented process of project closing in the
included the following terms: “system” (510 occurrences, 1.40%),
organization or by the timing of conducting the lessons-learned
“customer” (411 occurrences, 1.13%), “accident” (294 occur-
process, which is prior to the final closing of a project.
rences, 0.81%), “procedure” (196 occurrences, 0.54%), and a list of
professionals including managers, engineers and programmers.
5.2.4. Project management knowledge area frequency
A complementary analysis based on code frequency but from
5.2.2. Code frequency
the project management knowledge areas perspective was
The code frequency analysis provided the occurrence rate for
conducted. Each code in the research codebook was ascribed to
concepts, represented by the research codes, in the lessons-
one of the nine project management knowledge areas: integration,
learned text units. The minimum number of codes assigned for
scope, time, cost, quality, human resources, communications,
one document was 9, and the maximum number of codes
risk, and procurement, as presented by the PMBOK® Guide
assigned for one document was 31, with an average of 15.7
(PMI, 2008). The results of the project management knowledge
codes per document.
area frequency analysis as derived from the content analysis of the
The five most frequent items, listed in descending order,
lessons-learned documents appear in Table 1.
which constitute about 15% of the total code assignments, were
The Code Assignments column represents the number of
as follows: (1) define work package responsibilities, (2) define
times that an item from the research codebook was assigned to a
information transfer responsibilities, (3) define work instruc-
tions and constraints, (4) define information transfer require-
Table 1
ments, and (5) distribute information to team members. Code frequency by knowledge area.
Knowledge area Code Documents Codes assigned
5.2.3. Process group frequency assignments assigned
Analysis of the codes assigned to the IT service provider's
No. (%) No. (%) No. (%)
lessons-learned documents, as related to the five project process
groups, yielded the following results. The chart displays the Integration 103 34.45 38 95.00 44 37.61
Scope 83 27.76 34 85.00 32 27.35
number of codes related to each process group and relative
Time 2 0.67 1 2.50 2 1.71
percentages (Fig. 1). Cost 1 0.33 1 2.50 1 0.85
Although only 117 codes were assigned, 299 code assign- Quality 16 5.35 10 25.00 5 4.27
ments were employed in this study because several items of the Human resource 13 4.35 17 42.50 7 5.98
117 codes were assigned to more than one document. Thus, the Communications 39 13.04 29 72.50 12 10.26
Risk management 32 10.70 15 37.50 10 8.55
total number of code assignments exceeds the total number of
Procurement 10 3.34 12 30.00 4 3.42
documents and the total number of research codes. The results
clearly identified the planning process group as the main factor Total 299 100.00 40 117 100.00
542 V. Holzmann, I. Spiegler / International Journal of Project Management 29 (2011) 537–546

document. Thus, this number exceeds the total number of the part of all the stakeholders involved, the development of a
documents and the total number of research codes. The clear visual representation of the potential risk factors and
Documents Assigned column represents the number of docu- events as well as the possible impact can be a key contribution.
ments that were assigned to a specific knowledge area. The We explored and compared the results of several clustering
percentages for the Documents Assigned were calculated techniques for a single solution of nine clusters: the single
relative to the total number of documents (40 documents) to linkage (i.e., nearest neighbor) method, the complete linkage
demonstrate the frequency of each knowledge area. The Codes (i.e., furthest neighbor) method, the average linkage (i.e.,
Assigned column represents the number of codes in each between groups) method, Ward's method, and the binary-
knowledge area that were assigned to lessons-learned docu- positive method. Ward's method, which uses the Dice distance
ments. The percentages for the Codes Assigned were calculated similarity measure and is also known as the Czekanowski or
relative to the total number of codes assigned (117 codes). Sorensen measure, was found to be the most appropriate
The pattern of risk that is revealed by the code frequency technique for the purpose of the current study since it provided a
analysis by knowledge areas is characterized by massive impact reasonable representation of the organizational risk tree, as
within the area of integration and additional significant influence concluded from discussions with professionals in the organiza-
within the area of scope. Integration received 103 code assign- tion. In Ward's method, calculations are based on the centroid
ments out of 299 total code assignments, which represented of each cluster and the square of the likelihood measure of each
34.45%. Items related to integration were assigned to 38 out of 40 case in the cluster to its centroid. Different cases are joined into
lessons-learned documents in the company. At the same time, the one cluster based on minimal variance within a cluster (Jain
integration area was assigned to 44 different items. This suggests et al., 1999; Aldenderfer and Blashfield, 1984; www.statsoft.
that integration is a widespread topic that is manifested not only in com). The method of investigating the variety forms of
most of the previous occurrences in the organization but also in similarity available for the clustering stage, and the final
varying items. Scope management manifested in a similar form definition of the actual nature of the similarity chosen, required
because it was assigned to most of the lessons-learned documents a firm substantiation. In this study, we limited the assignment of
and with a variety of different codes. Communications and risk codes to a single code of any type to a text unit, and we defined
management were also identified as influential issues, though less the similarity as the occurrence of a pair of two coded concepts
intensely, and the remaining knowledge areas presented a in a certain document. The density of a couple of risk items was
relatively flat structure of risk. defined by the repetitive appearance of the couple in the total
array of lessons-learned documents. Thus, the rule for grouping
6. Clustering risk items was based on the level of the repetitive appearance of
these items in the text units. The reasoning for this decision is
The second phase of analysis in the current study used the imbedded in the notion that a single type of element carries
results of the content analysis for clustering. Cluster analysis rarely the sole responsibility for risk occurrences. Hence, it
was defined by Jain et al. (1999) as “the organization of a stands to reason that a pair of occurrences might obtain a much
collection of patterns (usually represented as a vector of better ability to reveal the correct picture. It also enabled us to
measurements, or a point in a multidimensional space) into represent more intense risk areas by multiple risk items, while
clusters based on similarity” (p.265). less intense risk areas were left to be represented by less risk
Clustering is an advanced statistical method targeted to items. We analyzed these joint occurrences, identified them and
represent data, based on measures of proximity between submitted them as data for the clustering stage.
elements, expressed by maximum distances between groups The visualized representation of the cluster analysis results is
and minimal distances within each group. Joining or tree displayed in the following dendrogram chart. It depicts the RBS
clustering algorithms, which were used in this study, are of the IT organization as derived from the content analysis of its
designed to join objects into sequentially larger groups based on lessons-learned documents. The higher levels of the clustering
some measure of similarity or distance. The distances represent results are clearly identified in Fig. 2.
a set of rules that function as criteria for grouping or separating The RBS hierarchical representation suggested an interesting
objects, and they can be composed of one or more sets of rules classification of diversified risk items. The highest level of the
or conditions (Lorr, 1983; Gelbard et al., 2007). hierarchical tree first differentiates between issues of product
In this study, we encountered two major motivations for description and work required to produce the product on one hand
using cluster analysis. The first reason is that clustering has and customer involvement and communications on the other hand.
predictive power, which is of immense importance for Further investigation into the branches that composed these
structuring future possible occurrences. Risk management two major areas revealed the following. The left side of the
deals with anticipating possible future occurrences based on dendrogram includes seven branches related to defining and
past experiences. Therefore, the application of cluster analysis planning the product and work. The first branch refers to issues of
techniques appears to be the most appropriate. The second infrastructure and management support; the second branch
reason is that hierarchical trees can be used as useful visualized focuses on quality control procedures and analyses; the next
communication tools, so that information regarding organiza- branch refers to the identification of constraints; the following
tional risk can be communicated effectively. Because an branch involves change management and risk management; the
effective risk management process requires understanding on fifth branch concentrates on specific resource planning items; the
V. Holzmann, I. Spiegler / International Journal of Project Management 29 (2011) 537–546 543

Fig. 2. Dendrogram representation of risk breakdown structure.

544 V. Holzmann, I. Spiegler / International Journal of Project Management 29 (2011) 537–546

next one relates to accurate definitions of the work required during Martin and Rice (2007) studied enterprise risks at Dell, HP,
the planning phase; and the following branch concerns topics of and IBM, three large computer companies. They analyzed
product specifications. The right side of the dendrogram is documents using a text analysis software tool called Leximan-
composed of two branches related to customer involvement and cer. The major identified risk issues for the three computer
communications. One of the branches represents the topic of companies were related to international economics, customer
human resource management and the other one signifies issues of demand uncertainties, product and service transitions, manage-
information exchange among project stakeholders. ment control of financial aspects, and relationships with
The hierarchical risk tree that was constructed by the cluster suppliers. Another study by Drake and Byrd (2006) investigated
analysis provides an overall representation of potential risks. By risk factors in IT project portfolios. They found that there are
locating risk branches that are loaded with various risk items, a five risk factors: strategic alignment risk, organizational and
project manager can detect the most severe risk area and prepare management risk, culture and climate risk, project relationship
an effective mitigation plan that deals with the expected risks. risk, and financial risk. Though this study examined potential
Cluster analysis of the data analyzed and categorized during risks from a broader, organizational point of view, it identified
the content analysis phase provided an organizational RBS. potential sources of threats that are grounded in behavior and
This hierarchical structure represents project and organizational management rather than in technology.
potential risks that are pertinent to this specific organization. In summary, the analysis pointed out the human factor as the
The classification of patterns from the content analyzed lessons- major risk driver. This domain is very wide, and it might give
learned documents provided the IT company management with rise to several distinct risks, such as risks related to the exchange
a useful outline for the preparation of a risk mitigation plan. of information, defining subordination and responsibilities,
following instructions, and communicating customers
7. Discussion The method to develop an RBS from existing lessons-
learned documents was found to be reliable and able to produce
The results of the analyses of the lessons-learned documents an accurate representation of potential risks. This type of
collected from the IT company revealed an extensive array of method, though implemented differently, was confirmed by
risk factors starting from infrastructure and management Kutsch and Hall (2010), in a study that stressed the importance
support, continuing with the planning of required work, of an in-depth comprehension and an appropriate valuation of
constraints, human resources and communications, and ending the historical data as a tool to infer risk management plan in IT
with change management and quality control. The major projects. The method we presented was perceived by managers
influence of the identified risks was nevertheless related to the in the IT organization as quite an efficient tool. They preferred
planning phase of communications, which manifested itself in a to base their risk analysis process on actual data that was
later phase as problems with human resource performance. collected during their previous experiences and stored in the
Interviews with top managers in the IT company, including organization's archive. By doing so, the organization created a
the QA manager and the risk management manager, as well as continuous learning process and enriched its global knowledge.
open discussion forum with project managers in the organiza- Once there is an established RBS, the risk identification
tions confirmed these results. The managers agreed that the stage is actually completed, and the project manager can move
major risk areas in their project were related to human resource to the next stage of developing strategies to mitigate the
work planning and control and to information exchange among identified risks. Based on the output of the analysis presented in
the various stakeholders. The managers also expressed their this paper, the project manager has the required information to
satisfaction from the process of developing an RBS from make decisions regarding the project risk response planning.
available data rather than scanning infinite scenarios and The information that was analyzed during the content analysis
possibilities. can be further used by the management to produce a response
The pattern of risk that was manifested in the current IT plan that first detects the most influential risks to be mitigated
organization was compatible with the results described in other and to prioritize them, and then to develop a detailed plan that
studies. For example, Han and Huang (2006) studied 115 identifies the right stakeholder to be responsible for mitigating
software projects and reported on the probability and impact of each risk, the appropriate strategy to handle the risk, and related
six major risk dimensions. These dimensions were users, risk items.
requirements, complexity, planning and control, the team, and
the organizational environment. Out of these dimensions, three 8. Conclusions
were identified as primary factors that contributed to low
performance, namely, the team, requirements, and planning and The concept that risk management is knowledge manage-
control. Another study by Reich (2007) in which 15 project ment has been previously presented by Neef (2005). This idea is
managers were interviewed, focused on knowledge-based risks implemented in this paper through the construction of an RBS
in IT projects. These risks included failure to learn from past through the conversion of information that already exists in
projects, the competence of the project team, problems related organizational documents into a valuable knowledge that can be
to the transfer of knowledge, the lack of a knowledge map, and used by management to produce an effective risk management
volatility in governance. plan. It integrates risk management and knowledge
V. Holzmann, I. Spiegler / International Journal of Project Management 29 (2011) 537–546 545

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