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NYT May 05, 2023?

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—— Che ¢ nN cw York E Cimes: VOL. CLNXI.... No 59,779 NEW YORK, FRIDAY, MAY 5, 2025, $1.00 a are INSIDER WITNESS ‘oth Stuns City IN CASE OF TRUMP And Divides It AND SECRET FILES Callsion of Safety and ‘Mental Health Issues (|S, INQUIRY ESCALATES EMA GETESANONS Former Employee Is Said to Discuss Handling of Documents tate Falling Shares | Turkey's Ruinous Mix of Greed and Corruption | Are Convulsing Smaller Banks " Deaths in Quake Tied #2 to Building Boom With Few Cheeks In Montana, One Family Fuels An Unblinking Shift to the Right For Top Horses, SATIS. 1. Fghtine 4 Proud Boys Convicted AWoruing oe Ttaof Tech| NEL: Unde Ivetigatin sng the Clthes Only Rewane Gay pees ae, & a a FFALO REMIX) *WANDER FRANK LL04D WRIGHT'S DARWIN MARTIN HOUSE Sos ar sunser. © s.cssswre ay0rar3 WL IS QW SYN IEE dIS “WAISAWLHY OXY OVINE MIN PHL LISA -97U2um 9UEISEET Y BUD SHAY ¥ Inside The Times The New York imes lewspaper and Beyond 2% ‘Rachie cysteine mae ‘sky 020°1026 year a? Test our knw Fyfntngeargacstremes omen ‘ate chars repcrand ee {Quote ofthe Day “The Coliseum was the town square of Oakland, where people ofall types of backgrounds could gather, and there were ‘generations of fans. You have taken that heart, mind and soul ofa city and ripped itout” ‘The Story Behind the Story Why the Horse Racing Beat Goes On “TheTimessJoe Dap is just a Restagercig torn rt what crirancedbyhoreraingashis [yeaa en et predecessors were Sondecehontobienret ‘pTERENCE NONE ‘sath cai a tcl rege she inh na na epee Tee ed Lovie oprah etek Deby SEHK Wy toch afew ie ac wg at ie Sporcdeh neces ors ‘tho cnt Te Tes se ear nad al ‘toedeceroqancntstinsinieom, Yiewonngnt meets tinge saints ttesweety-Teneced ct A esa i satan ac atten Toe esr otmer teen tees Heracles ae {Charan aneph Dara rapes ire NEMS iT men, {teedrieceaney tence arte” fata ing nag Red Sah ‘Shcesacopestortcnscsr” npr tenes sae rede ances ny hae wt ower ‘Sevanebone te nh Te anemeed thy wees Mc bngedocumdtscnsr atom bynusraseg wre teens coves tneDetyater austere” eigen Asiaea Sage Keickyen ees TS apt apenty inte mane ye 2 ‘ers aoe ae, star ae Hover ackdotyoritwetinterss —fntaneaut nieaieemtat ‘Sout sport onan yon ba ates cesactenatek mons Neb esha hts cca ‘eo encetoageraoning, ——eurvelenenand mete were — Eien snes Wepuraettane Sater mteminngan ens theta becuse vo many ple honed hey hemtraced we ‘a sreperter towered he Der eensen "sar merino fsa cae ecu Theye beret ee, gst {aiken marge ‘ate gan rr te wma | Iayoet mae, yen may Fray ease acer rs won. "icepete an tomy soar wo Isp ahr tthe oct vi ‘Riteadline From History D imincetettorienmttecmahictemmovnossinne - RESTAURANTS’ MESSAGE: de tae ie dhs tang ea NO CELL PHONES Sear Sewar fod dda maar Caren pear ‘romihe nrge ome serve Usa Tnckand Fess e308 Ne rk were el pe bane pone sonst The Tes D inmotion toa sep kien ice tet fountain tos edo cag "hee Mone ome arth men ‘Sorberracente toc at he US Captor an 658, Toe Inne acing tenga estan cas te cer Dgatment ene out ee ‘ecg ata mana Een Maton Park Hess alerting ‘uty ier Chote Horses Mano Death, Mei Earner tenet pone nie eer enh Bee Toes Fran Neo New Yr hb er a, et 2- Cabin AoW wre se ‘emer psn choked ater teas or oat ‘esos eee hat se eepon ale mde het cl exams ce Wedd) Dis pete ames mina rea erched a sae de Not eee arora 7 Pence, weer “Wen pne es oc Insite the Dis Rie Supra Hodngs orice Feguysore ard tpt dry sweeten or Yes ies eae ay Nang se Geert Bee Cress he ‘Giana eastig ge aay a ste castes "Whe ws ‘oe sivna ishenadtion pc mat sb ete Facts of interest For her stories. MONICA RICH KOSANN Ee New fork ies bel The joys. The tribulations. The twists. LUstenwherveryou gt your podcasts, ‘ties. ms a ei ‘The Mini Crossword From Our Archives to Your Walls ss FRIDAY MAYS. 023 International EheNew ork Gimes Little Choice But to Make the Exhausting Journey to Egypt Sudanese Refugees Tired of Living in Fear Escape the Violence a8 THHENEW YORK TIMES INTERNATIONAL FRIDAY NAYS, 29 A Ruinous Mix of Greed and Comupbons in dkext Building Boom "THENEW YORI TIMES INTERNATIONAL FRIDAY, MAYS, 2029 ® Belgrade Is Consumed With Grief for 9 Dead Ina School Shooting IrconTierHeMT enn stg ei EPpiicrentematis jutmrmrticos egeiaaraiy Serer jcc Tete pee ct Nek eee Sitemveaoritsan [Alfie tt Doon oder sx ciknndsteuhervhoweninhed See wee came Soe iyo art eben a ec, Exinge bone ” A government starts a sweeping revision of existing gun licenses. Tuyo as ou wrk nang te ‘nat sug ease the Belgrde resents "But surefire Gn Serbs epics as ey atin. ras vy ental a ome tates der bolts acre Ake Vibe he Setinn pest Sad ten elerig the eaengh ae dee ete sae tse SMES! Seeetnde, which nce Sr wou nay when hey Were “MY EYES AREN'T WHAT THEY USED TO BE” “love tread mle nenspaper and book th ferent vive to deaep my . i y thinking ard perspec but when Beare a sence 708) eyes and tue, The fist light source designed for lamps a ee dierent ‘This advanced LED technology wil deliver upto 10 mes more ee a ere cee light than the single bulb you are now using fave bought sever fe oar snd tba rede Remarable- foronly 32 watts! they hae poised exe, eect conforabllunnaon: geod is patented LED bulb array may appear tobe “upside color tne a atacve ond bled wel thor deco. down"= but the 4 bub spread of lights actually down and They totaly resolved our sues with reading and enjoying Betaplotie fut, perfect for task light. curbs. rarsfomatonl™ sabelents ck Bach, New Yr LY ded Satan : The Keep It Simple Lamp Night has combined cls amp design with a eveotionary ight source. The athe combination dlvrs exponential os _more light or reading or any other task. KIS™ Lamp and LampLight A. Underlighting is overrated light source eee Lamplight inyurl, swr Ss Chad LE bls do ot prodice tae Seeing is Believing the same amount of tsk ight 95 ordinary bulbs. Just as we've PS EATEN) 1S Sr The patented KIS lamp and Lamplght projects wi iierecl oo a 10378698 masse amount of luninavon on you reading material seeded OUR HAS ‘naazaae Rest iodos onl components se unanealy FAILED US.” “ ‘guaranteed for 3 years YOU NEED: Take advantage of ou 30 dy risk fe val and se what + Aguantty and ualty you've been msn, aflight geared to ace beter contest nds with coupon - meant sit <> Ps colder eyes. cone pre rae Floor Lamps $425 Now Only $375 ——— Table Lamps $375-Now ONLY $325 Only 32 WATTS ‘meee OFFER EXPIRES MAY 31, 2023 a ; Use coupon code TF29 ‘ompare to any amp FREI i atary price “écotnpotie REE SHIPPING SPECIAL OFFER See baila - 5 : inddes KS amp, (6 bulbs, Visit us online at lampshade and LED Dimmer. = or call 1-888-211-6305 Easy assem Lamp column ‘simply screws into the base. @ MYLIGHT LC 16776 est Park Cece Ds | Chagin Falls, Ohio 44023, "TENE YORK TIMES INTERNATIONAL FRIDAY MAYS. 023 Kremlin Blasts Were Real. The Rest Is Hazy. syueune seman a ha tobe ma om the dean, nt ces th SSseminaen oreonin a cr, . _A memoria forthe sunken Russian mia ersor Mosk ‘beat fe oar ununearbcome septal rs edo cng Mew Cra tp covvaliectanhaoe OE Ulncnesetmodied expesive nding vd sncethe swodeessnres Romany frotcksen fccngenendinplforth ing tae coon prcdaionananofiaavese bign i of ft i Eotmement Onterecne Sher Kyran ese In The Hague, Zelensky Renews Call to Prosecute Russia for Its War Crimes von ro al a ate oe ‘tetova ar a Pree Volodymyr Zeer of Utrsine on Thoraey South Africa Allows Russian Cargo Plane Under U.S. Sanctions to Land at Base plane ange by pL GWTEL cer f Ks mop vite US saci. 2 meget Ae rein Cr Serene irs" ceed t's ucune wah team polka tr ver bares © Seamer "orig: eects sh Tercemtauge SESE SEES Theplane had been = nt =a rakes known to ship arms Peeieerees core ses for Russia's military. S Epes Spam ce chien Seat Ae me & Sekine ¢ Untied ee he “re es “hephaett med by avacen err aneamea! "THENEW YORI TIMES INTERNATIONAL FRIDAY, MAYS, 2029 " 49 Canada’s Public Servants Strike Ends Without Remote Work Deal The New Afork Gimes Open the app. Open the world. ‘The New York Times app. Download now. = National The New York Cimes suds -2) Peace t, Love &m ‘ P22, yee een aey eee ae oe Los Angeles Can't Forget P-22, the Celebrity Mountain Lion Angelenos Looking SS te For Ways to Keep His Memory Alive ymcon “THE NEW YORKTINES NATIONAL, FRIDAY BAY 5.2028 Att 4 Proud Boys Convicted of Seditious Conspiracy in Pivotal Jan. 6 ae Ex-Student Arrested in California es Aresident in Davis reported seeing aman Spacing in a park. NEON DREAM BRAZILIAN PARAIBA EARRINGS Covered gemstones. letric hue. Clas desig Four Parts tomlin ling imprenive 72] ase dade ‘ith rea ellance ad intensity fcr nthe case rp caring Cloning wth mins eo hu, ths need ewes rete ncompunle Berlin mos pproximaty 500 carts of sparing white diamond accent and sunburst tmpasz the Fra gnstone sigatare Winx be lor an“ fom wth spend Pag e178 INS aw FINE ART ANTIQUES «JEWELS Sin 112 Saupe ne wor st at atid. ced ywranpecedse 55 ase esta Belden sb ee aw “THE NEWYORK TINES NATIONAL FRIDAY MAY 2025 In Montana One Family Is Fueling an Unblinking Shift to the Met tae at ier the Hone Monta le, before he oe os State Roomate ay Friend of Thomas Defends a a to Disclose a Donor’s Tuition Payments Moumiesince | ptnccwciatattty Longa Tetvrhasicike Loseetnitniaeatey Sm tom tect is teat a et sasincroN — Ate Tem ek ra SEES cel ee eons § — toe cluding Me Pie es ea vin nove ms cent oa {ernest rcs turned More revelations raise ‘a ‘eSipeta sft questions overa Beprteatobengaeiscten Sernaessgepang eeeenie Baunteres Spseesepamgra tue "tem tse then entngene sep Susur ie Tans ene he Seagrntnieetenmges: Sn ot we ple potest TE NEW YORK TIMES NATIONAL FRIDAY BAY 5.2022 Ans Falling Shares Convulse Cluster ws ‘Smaller Banks Regional lenders have‘ been in the eross hairs of short sellers. Rese ere eed et een rid ere) ‘Chango in Regional Bank Stock Prices Since January oe Ps aoe ber ae Ross S+SIMONS Fine ewotry | Fabius Prices ORDERTODAY! = wnt | Torecsivethis special price and te shinping use ffer code: MAJESTY2 5 romeat erat 1.800.556.7376 or vi 0 #972507 aw : “THE NEW YORK TIMES NATIONAL FRIDAY MAY 5.2022 Trump Case Reveals Challenges of. Prosecuting a President InDeposition, seigsstsaneat sentra get cin cee atone ane Trump Says aeeaeee se SuSust cece Ss * Givciclnea! “ject, Vulgar Tape : Was ‘True’ ieoieconce © Soon a coeatie aoe re wc tt : ‘eee Even tsk toting sensed Sas setting a trial date becomes fraught. cinched Sars me ‘nase este = toe to move the ex eoeceres Saemcre Soon a eeeas Sart Canes Sees 2 re cmt PTENTSS reeceaer Atonepoint he jwige, fun M. tre ant Me Temps gers Presets wa oppor “el thats what — i yoo tok omer Bru weer? eae soot care ows etd a aera ot pray conte od re ieee nna tr on Tray el Insider Witness Emerges in Inquiry Over Trump’s Handling of Records '!3"'2 *S'insst eo gti fgeatng heer - z he Biseece me nay cet pid eee: aah fat pesca faced oa See ra the Sorc on ioey er sce ae == Semmes i at tat he had ak see (sh Fh ete san ecm sree ec Tihuomgeetteee fhe surmen esi anlasoe Sue el men cette ar Se eee “THE NEWYORK TIMES NATIONAL, FRIDAY BAY 5.2028 ® AS Senators Make Push to Extend Quick Expulsion of Migrants Congressman nnn To Spend Big In Senate Bid In Maryland a mall David Trone is poised As “THE NEW YORK TIMES NATIONAL FRIDAY BAY 5.2022 No Arrest i in Subway Chokehold Death, and Many Ask Why Nichols Died , Of Injuries To His Head, Autopsy Says Death after Memphis police beating is declared a homicide. “THE NEW YORKTINES NATIONAL, FRIDAY MAY 5.2028 x ar Sued for Helping a Friend Obtain An Abortion, 2 Women Sue Back Accusing a man in ‘Texas of invading his former wife's privacy. In Test of Supermajority, North Carolina Legislature Passes 12-Week Abortion Ban je lg] A bit could affect ‘iia access to a procedure sil throughout the South. Biden to Name New Top Military Officer Embattled St. Louis Prosecutor to Resign After Criticism and Effort to Remove Her yarn sam as “THE NEW YORK TIMES NATIONAL FRIDAY MAY 5.2022 Sheeran Hit aie 't Copy Gaye's ‘Let's Get It On, Jury Finds Hochul n, Acknowledges Not Vetting Avictorious star cites Casting a cloud over the ‘common building her promises to clean blocks’ of pop music. up Albany. New Jersey’s First Lady Made Trooper Pump Milk in Filth, Suit Says sy rmacey OLY aa 5 fied 2 ee Corrections “THE NEWYORK TIMES NATIONAL FRIDAY. MAY 5.2022 a be bein Hott For Top Racehorses, the Real Money Is in Retirement azo Dorothy Bohm, 98, Who Tried to ‘Show the Good’ in Life, Is Dead f ‘She said a photograph " fulfilled her ‘deep 3 need to stop things from disappearing. John Underwood, 88, Sportswriter Who Collaborated With the Greats “THENEW YORITIMES OBITUARIES FrUDAY MAY, 2022 ® a Wolfgang Schivelbusch, 81, Scholar Who Feasted on Brainteasers, Dies nore eo Sever me Sao Sane ime 2 og Smee Eisen ESeceigens | ‘ke A polymathic cultural historian who covere¢ si. unusual subjects in about a dozen books. he ar ae ser ao = ase “ac, eS i Se aera eens See Oe oe he Gaman eet ACNE SON Ey cts cn eter Gi min changed any eK Kix Kn. Sprang of te Sey af thee Contre Scheer) "Eng tae ‘ey Scat) he pa Rar Ay pe Ys ne wa ar {suas sfc ete 0 hay ike Re Sin irri bona my, bomen ‘imap hw muy, ty tite bs etl mop 8 tonometer oer THanice Merwe, pho: Seas asiereaks gat Thy stm hg reace cag fda canbecae ach Hoar Spee Stet an ph nasa Panes ere Pe ier tere ny mete eee te elect tern oe en elias “hE, be sp Cnt Srinn guiotetood Sane ew pricy Sea tn ae pitts aint the com break dakachr brent Cross tothe Coole fag apd Spas” ng Sets found Hi” se Cire Stoned Stan enMre westepesieeroiiikh he Highs tga tne "Te Seth he woe ane, ot eth Pamela Timmins, 85, Press Secretary to slacausting Kennedy in White House Yi gee e Ma Tionmins far rietn I961 at a Write House reception with Ir Kennedy herein acnmgai he fit yon = ome fms | cn anes fen ast Stitt ie Burch a wt; Helping a first lady FEeSimeels elas’ navigate times both SSiateitoicencay MSS ™ dazzling and tragic. foiysnsniioaenih Set,in ee ie ht cao) tg 3 ewe, wn wate, ve Bale vn paint goes RO, opus, Ben Som ieee Evite gulele ecto Mel say cmt ne en Sock oee ancy was wearing oF 00 Tigers npeticrnn ene, ged, ME AORND WS oy sssination . "caliente inocu tre wn ie scuubione beau ge eu aaa ees Sung tac ante” fay Lane ase Sens Shc Tack: esr en “al flowery eceomeaimard Somes ge Dake ama record Fare = ere Beate ‘este Beate eX ine Opinion EheNew ork Times Making Someone Uncomfortable Can Now Get You Killed Let Science Be Science Research ought to : be independent, not ideological. For King, for Country, and for Spectacle anna Rose Woods ave Bcngan Pl Soiree a= ‘rl femesry soar stage sexe ‘ta oven ean end thee = SE enya geen els ae omen itis ben of sexier eigius and ptt er earemar as Ese eves ‘Stone ches ope a See enee ener oeuteear ares ‘ete Rea ttre ae Ee ‘Sovesane afar Bra Rasy: Eanes ioe tes Spasaeoeess ‘tae eres scones hunger gh Se cat ‘tn eset eh setioont sah payer mem: hg ‘ene ngar wittemaee San Fe nytt patty tig the at te mn a ie ‘Taba Terao, mei apparee se thar perenne ene tte ete Rasp a: etic sgh momen ete ocean ak ‘nyt cna He Tytheithcatay tamar act The coronation telegraphs to the world aversion of what Britain wants to be. Seas eect aad Sees eee ene Eeasnatiemense Epeacres Zoecawaane Doing Whatever It Takes on Debt Shea pm at uth nto wince dt Stevan lu st meena ee ‘ieee Br Agena ea gine bce iy vet trimmings beatin sent mre sey pe ‘ge pen at i Chr een {Begone rm man tat ‘ie area ben spe ea pr See ee ‘ei sb ete ee te ‘Peeing ans oe ge aciereeteltaon te “Se tain ‘aco ‘eset gees Rebs tte thctsuing premsum bondsr ining ph (ce wads typ ‘tu nage cess bl Seat wer reparbie ie to in seo {Phcpestos ptt tcl eee ‘ote secon awa ero Ingroated yt own pear es ‘ee pending wate oe {epee ees fo ming pte getty and Biden can avoid a crisis without giving into Republican extortion. ome wong erate ine eee are Sebaneaacee ans Soe Se reshma moe panes ea Sues eas eon aiet ta Ramer onees fa etsy reat oe SD eememeiat ee eae aereecavca ene Soereaeat Seer peetonaacow werent seein tote ty si ed iteght este Tn ame mart oer oR ang a wr Sursagerenes shigtinaeenenans os tn ea be mm ee pe gureselae Sceeatemeca ad [Evian he mere SEES Se se eee iva ihre en paca more eee Hester eae eee ompetareebt pce amonhtie Seer guisaeeseeeracs Should We Worry About Nuclear Waste? evan ty onto best 2, aaa aca Eamonn Sore Awsome Sagat ee ieee Epes SSaeee, ‘wa Tac tor cat ‘event ats ope Seat iec Sce ene Teeurectese nee stew ctu poerament shee hee i eget pe ‘en te wore ‘ana nar Was Raped. [Didn't Seream. Tan ro eae eat Ak nap ce . i seca whee Exist ney ew fatwa accu ‘Slant Era compen ea ‘einen Pattee hy Serta ‘Sian ibs wl Sesame “homie ae seiline te eee SSeetiaty dese ‘era a So ‘ner neonmental stead ef ung to wish ll he bedi Sion Scan ‘Sts ages theca ‘Becta a heey meme renode ic omc seeatietg Sa o atin pats ere ttn Rec soem pac and gnc damage tates ‘Coo Aone rose pecan ye ‘oe pene Proton. sin “Eu of aces Som nt ‘softest bin ‘Semmulybeexpetnethe ‘rms Unsafe PVC Pipes Se nes ns cone pty piston iene oe ‘xrmett tp pine et hate nu atc ‘Ss tr wise per re at sr ee Some ee “he reat as td ‘anpress denen orn ‘tani non rset aie Spat heed Teumetomorebent nuit ands pth fiat demone een Ps. Foran ae a " “THENEW YORKTIMES, FRIDAY, MAY 5.2002 Jury Acquits Gillum, o a Onetime DeSantis Rival of Lying to the B BI. "ARARLSSR” et select setae Sie aaah ret a =k Schsicne See ieucs pipe e hae tay eAieeRae aeons Beltane, Genie s Eee ancine Gee ee ee stam em tt pr Fa eG tamales "Tha ve gute eady ed weer temee ig Se Sta g Rae sine tay Ne Gahim and san. Andrew Gl the former mavorofTallahowee and candvate | Soveragenss0 asone cones atta orate ated thst Else, tg ere nd ine oe the KMS. = san aoe wap comersatin a wk : ‘et iC and She ggg wy Mei ane stk eater esol wnat emerson afr Min, Me its on ee rt tion SHONCayTat Sete ar 2M Stony ater the lee fens ane Ste Sis ena Me Gaul Ms, eed campaig te gore Oe etn ami Ben ote The FAL. ben nesting ‘Site ‘ater an aan SL. etanie Sts end an UES aL eget anaes” Tabane iy Hal nls semen’ cance EL Mey etna et Sceindted ac ne rhe Wenciacamcceete inane dre br cusminercaneoaas Scadng were weet "trea Shana {bey drat and ned pltcal yim mnutharroecemne Frise cata ove a real sane deeopers uring wn inaive anne’ ee Marae eels tne, it when hes he Mare ot fine Rag pnenocithewtl ie Te which tse wo The nec yee Me Clim yen! Hata Tees gonlman sid ot hoo the dat had prem Tue oft n't Desh dict Sosa cucinon.rcamnamy andes. Swan ‘hares were droppmst elre pura snow sonata {ings they wee toseethe Boal "The commen charge and 7“ Siehca toupdersted why ieaibewtatn Raey itera ie ows Hanna "weit onae D_wetecie tr ‘co aM al, abt sapien penal so pseu hc Seni oaon becomes Stuns He ened fmt) sip inne doves nd ote Me Cabin td or Ge Sw lke ted ol ene Weather Report ny “Metropolitan Forecast = maroon ee oie. 7 et == = gl Metropottan Almanac oe HEL WL & Hh Fa | 2 i HG = eee The New ork Times White House Pushes Tech . To Put Limits God Save the King, On ALI. Risks And the Economy, While You’e at It Powell’s Bet On Inflation: Defy History Hotels, restaurants, shops and tourism companies are hoping King Charles’ coronation celebrations will bolster consumer confidence enough to last more than just one weekend. The Digost Goldman Under Seating In Bank Collapse Inquiry US trie are iting fe ‘tht bear ee sls Siete te Paramount Global Seok Sale of Simon & Schuster ‘et Reena Hees oe cams oa mares Spotify Sell Deliver ‘Rod Cate Work Force Stony the summer com ‘ear Shot pert Sera te a he guciene met Sort ao satin sais scotncplin Son ater Wat See pecans i eats pot ihe aoe Be en "hn sont ait 0.7% $2,055.70 Wall Street Is Still Worried About Banks ‘tsa te id toon 09 eco ant i oe Seeese eset “nial "The S&P 500 Index Jobless Claims colvateeisiencnas Sec beet a tisha enentrteip tos et mate ‘Teemu bat sen ‘etme ema ke ey pss ccs What Happened in Stock Markets Yesterday FACTSET e eke Fp “THENEW YORKTIMES BUSINESS FRIDAY, MAYS. 2023 * Bs ‘compawirs Shell’s Profit at $9.6 Billion Despite a Drop in Oil Prices Se ane Si get ern Erp al 12072, buy sented an wie, el at on Tey ip ore fiat cng pt Sencar at tee ah ama Quarterly earnings bolstered by savvy energy trading. ‘an pnts “Vane vite, Saar peri hao cocina te Toa ment sd mu soventeretg Sb sinc fost nery 2 Beer Giant to Refocus Marketing After Stir Over eanetemer a sysuEswenL he Ser gt beer Bu Eyer ae oc etait rs : ees aoser aie Ses ih stan fhe rem Nate! Pal ei emesis Notice of Offer to Purchase for Cash All Outstanding Shares of Common Stock SATSUMA, PHARMACEUTICALS, INC. S91 per share, ae in cas, ps ne non-transferable contract contingent vale ight repre te igh to ecco or me pm th, oningcnt pn hacen of rane pace tals ers the ero arch dtl ay 5208, SNBL23 MERGER SUB, INC., ‘A Wholly-Owned Subsidiary of SHIN NIPPON BIOMEDICAL LABORATORIES, LTD. ap oy mn tah Caray ane SST ean DF. King & Co,, Ine, Bt . “THENEW YORKTINES BUSINESS FRIDAY. MAY EcowOMY | INTERNATIONAL Powell Is Betting He Can Defy History and Avoid a Recession Pie ceetineeag Raters cen pe) oes Ie rent ng ane et cmntctaateetnge ei cee a ae * Pecueee o : as ae ain ei ‘reheat io ‘ent tops ats ost ceneos: Balancing two goals, stable inflation and E Scand highemployment.——intoksinh Rites 3 od a “Emp te anwar bearer “ae amt Fase eae ewe Sn ety wasares tate eh ee Central Bank Raises Rates Again, and Signals It Might Not Be Done ny Ese NetsoN seo et ine Supers Sees oe fein, Cv Lag ee ‘iestone henson bas eben i mene ct ‘Sha soon i war pre fen sven comecsine os nr anteres aes RSs wi eben ee han of ae ‘Sac pr ee British Banking Giant Fights to Stay in One a as aes Shareholder Pushes for Global Revamp a Sires Ks doo ae oy reera Hem Hae ny thet a Tlie tiene, “Bato Pig Ana ccs oe is tuming in as in £0 spin fF its business Gike he ehalg ac'ias Gebeetarnesamrace Hong Kong, Seeder cae ‘COMMERCIAL yp Hse mans REAL ESTATE. trl Bah tae edn Wl BUSINESS ‘ear revenue Safng te pandene ‘ang tect exceatve ot Pe rc soccer mtr HSCs page Ean ce atarae etc ar ==) ‘TECHNOLOGY | EARNINGS Sac ak ang et a Som Aaa, aA A ac, og White House Pushes Tech to mies I. 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SP ‘Europe certainly isn siting around, nor is China’ cae sticc ‘Satya Nata: Opals saga aa ons eee sy" Karme_ ty stg macfoec eich sat rss Slew ‘iy Sha ive fo sibel PUBLICATION NOTIGE TO CREDITORS DEPOSITORS OF FDIC See Se cua see ers ecards Sa be 3 i ian ae ees etter cer aremectat tere ed Sire asa eet ee seiteemmeceemntecaeerae care eee Gnnaionin Seep ee receriepymy eres oee soar Seren te mr spear tate cnt urn ee SS yen a er ome eeeratsaiserse ihren areas See eee scmrie rane peepee ts | Siete tr yesan oman ee Pw PUBLICATION NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND Apple Slowdown Eases, But Sluggish Demand Weighs Down Results Dy RELLEN anoWNING eereee sn a a ie ch chimes Shur Peng wats pet oe eons noe "fe ne ii om AL deep, fer stenoses oe cy oma ed ——— areas eae Ae Kings Lsindnecasogthe mph oor ce He act meres one de She aye awe FDIC iter ana [DEPOSITORS OF SILICON VALLEY BRIDGE BANK, N.A, ‘SANTA a SS naar pray 2085 rt 91 ae es camer BC Bo i eR cocoa Rone acter od mobinotedatinbien terete eton canto sei ‘ Scheie Saaremaa 6 i "THE NEW YORK TIMES BUSINESS FRIDAY NAY.2003 See er hata uke THENEW YORK TIMES BUSINESS FIDE MAY 5 2025 a Eo God Save the King. The Economy Could Use Your Attention as Well. nd Cats) on a Plane: Pets Get First-Class Treatment Rupa May's 2023 Bo Sports The New HJork imes BASEBALL Oakland Faces A ‘Devastating’ Future Without Pro Sports a0 " “THENEW YORKTIMES SPORTS FRIDAY 2023 BASEBALL Behind Verlander, Mets Don’t Lose Badly The Rays Are Better Than Everyone. In Every Way. Arun differential not seen since the Pirates of Honus Wagner. ee ce ka ee THENEW YORK TIMES SPORTS FRIDAY. NA 5 2023 X Bu HORSE RACING | KENTUCKY DERBY Lord Miles Is Scratched After Two of His Trainer’s Other Horses Die soe pRare Another Derby entry, Wild on Fee, was euthanized last week after injuring hs leg. MARSHAL/ SHERIFF SALES Tuo states allege ‘an * extremely hostile’ "work environment. Biz « TENEW "Mes SPORTS Fen Was It Cheating? Chess Federation Says We Must Wait. Coach Fired — After Bets Are Flagged WHAT To WATCH See How They Run! No Matter the Surface, § It’s All About Speed. WockEY soccer ‘TRACK & FIELD WeekendArts TheNew York Fimes Delightful Tunes Lighten a Grim Tale ‘This weekend Ihave... A New Voice With a Family Resemblance , im ENS SPECTACULAR BROADWAY DEBUT” riya moe Ara Teun ea ‘KPOP’ Composer Feels Encouraged After Years Onscreen, Energized by Audiences as Will Every Night, THAENEW YORK TIMES, FUDAY AY 5.200 cs TESSE GREEN | THEATER REVE A) CLUE OF THE DAY TEAM NAMES need ia Watch JEOPARDY! exes British Political Landscape Attracts a Transplant Idea Something About the Blues Just Pulls Him In Movies (WESLEY MORRIS | FILMI REVIEW Selling Snowballs, and Other Artistic Pursuits id Hamm cs " “TENEW YORK TIMES, FRIDAY MAY 2003 Domestic Unease Put in Perspective ET gear owe aed ah i. snes 7 cd Viewing the Pinochet dictatorship through the eyes of : ie ‘8 woman who never intended to play an active role. rae soupy Chit inrtaesustence te ety Gt takes he sha Bearing Witness to Suffering as the War in Ukraine Goes On Bernand-Henri Léwy’s a ft wee Sen ean) Te documentary offers glimpses if in-a battered county Me ry art be neo fen ema pet Facine FIM REVIEWS ge fe ‘oe Seven’ Agim enintomiogse Swear ‘nti ot ay pro King Charles, the Boy ‘Who Walked Alone n Getting the Intergalactic Band Back Together Riceboy Sleeps Poa Dey iS ec) ge In the Age of ALL, Counteracting Nostalgias Allure ees » Panne Eee ane ea pee Ure tL et eee ae CC oleae Lon Bie ey arly} 522 West 21st Street, New York HIST ie { Galleries “TE NEW YORK TIMES, FUDAY MAY 5.2088 ® or A Poet Hero of the Past Whose Time Is Now ‘The ‘Archive of Desire’ fest engages with the writings of Constantine P. Cvaly. Two Not Touch Crossword | tattedty wittshortz Brain Tickler [BGT nor tage commana wot KenKen | MAY 6 — JULY 29, 2023 PREVIEW: SATURDAY, MAY 6, 5:30 - 7:30PM X YARES ART 745 FIFTH AVENUE, NEW YORK, NY 10151 WWW.YARESART.COM | (212) 256-0969

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