MET Reading Mock 2
MET Reading Mock 2
MET Reading Mock 2
You will have 65 minutes to complete the entire section. Try to answer all questions. You may answer the
questions in any order you wish.
Each question has only one correct answer. Choose the best answer to the question from the choices
printed in the test booklet, and mark your answer on side 2 of the separate answer sheet. You should
mark A, B, C, or D. Do not make any stray marks on your answer sheet. If you change your mind about an
answer, erase your first mark completely. If you are not sure about an answer, you may guess.
51. Next month, you _______ in this department. 56. It is required that students’ grades _______ in digital
A. will start working format, rather than on paper.
B. started working A. be submitted
C. have started work B. are submitting
D. had started to work C. submitting
D. submit
52. _______ chemistry that we must study today, but
also physics. 57. _______ the market analysts nor the public know if
A. Not only is stocks will recover next year.
B. Only it is A. Nor
C. It is not only B. None
D. It only is C. Neither
D. Either
53. Artists _______ will show their work at the
festival next week. 58. Lisa put _______ pressure on herself to succeed in
A. of all kinds her classes.
B. from all kinds A. tremendous amount
C. all the kinds B. tremendous amount of
D. kind of all C. a tremendous amount of
D. a tremendous amount
54. The natural history museum _______ most popular
attraction in the area. 59. As _______ in this report, our company’s future
A. it remains looks strong.
B. is remaining a A. pointed it out
C. remained in the B. pointed out
D. has remained the C. it pointed to
D. to be pointed
55. Ms. Simpson was _______ in the neighborhood
improvement project. 60. When Rebecca first moved to Atlanta, she knew
A. involved as much almost no one there _______ than Susan.
B. as much involving A. more
C. very much involved B. other
D. very much involving C. rather
D. else
61. To see who had finished the reading, the teacher 66. Roger said he _______ to the party at Sally’s place
asked for _______. this coming Saturday.
A. a hand to show A. has been going
B. a show of hands B. goes
C. their hands showed C. was going
D. showing their hands D. had gone
62. There is an entire engineering field dedicated to 67. The other day, I heard an interesting _______
workplace _______. on the radio.
A. efficient A. piece of news
B. efficiently B. piece of new
C. efficiency C. news
D. efficacious D. new
63. Jeff couldn’t decide whether _______ to go out 68. Help yourself _______ of the soup in the kitchen.
with friends. A. from a little
A. to stay home or B. for a bit
B. to stay home either C. out much
C. staying home unless D. to some
D. staying home and
65. My brother _______ extra income from his new 70. _______ raining, we would have visited the zoo.
part-time job. A. It had not been
A. brings on B. It has not been
B. brings into C. Having not been
C. is bringing in D. Had it not been
D. is bringing by
This passage is about a new type of health care service. 71. Why does the passage begin with a question?
A. to show how little is known about telemedicine
What if the next time you need to visit the doctor, you
B. to suggest the possibility of telemedicine
could just turn on your computer instead of driving to the
C. to question the effectiveness of telemedicine
doctor’s office for your appointment? Right before your
D. to criticize the current research on telemedicine
appointment, you go online to complete a questionnaire
about your medical needs, and then, when you are ready,
you speak to a medical professional by phone or video 72. According to the passage, why could pharmacy
chat. The doctor writes up a plan for your treatment and delivery service be important?
sends it to you by email. A prescription for medication, if A. It lets people stay at home when sick.
needed, goes directly to the pharmacy of your choice. If B. It is helpful for people who are very ill.
your pharmacy provides a home delivery service, you may C. Pharmacy employees can check on patients.
never need to leave your own home during your illness. D. Patients can get their medications faster.
This idea of telemedicine has been gaining popularity
in the United States over the last several years as it offers 73. In the third sentence of paragraph 2, which word is
benefits to both consumers and health care providers. closest in meaning to ready?
For people who live in isolated, rural areas, a trip to the
A. completed
nearest doctor may take hours, so telemedicine is not only
B. quick
convenient, but perhaps the only reasonably available
C. willing
medical care in their community. Even for those who
have ready access to medical services, the availability of D. prepared
online consultations may lead patients to seek medical
help earlier and more frequently, instead of waiting and 74. What claim does the author make to support the
eventually needing emergency care, which is much more belief that telemedicine can reduce costs?
expensive to both patients and insurance companies. A. Doctors do not need to pay for office space.
Of course, there are limits to virtual medicine. Many B. Fewer lab tests will be conducted.
diagnoses require lab tests or X-rays that cannot be done C. Patients will need less emergency care.
remotely. More than that, many doctors feel that face- D. There are no transportation expenses.
to-face communication with their patients is essential.
During online consultations, doctors might easily miss
75. In the third sentence of paragraph 3, what does the
subtle signals that would help them better understand their
word that refer to?
patients’ problems. Even so, virtual medicine is likely to
become more prevalent in the medical care of tomorrow, as A. the importance of face-to-face communication
with patients
patients continue to look for easy access and convenience,
B. the inability to perform certain tests remotely
and insurers identify ways to reduce their expenses.
C. the limits of virtual medicine
D. the fact that some doctors dislike telemedicine
This passage is about changes in language. 76. According to the passage, why was Darwin’s theory
of linguistic evolution unproven?
It is commonly accepted that languages change over
A. He did not consider Indo-European languages.
time, with new words added and older terms dropped from
B. He never published his finding.
common use. Charles Darwin, more famously associated
C. His theory did not account for how
with biological evolution, claimed that languages were also
verbs evolved.
evolving over time, but this was only a speculative account
D. His theory was not based on
of linguistic evolution. Modern research now suggests that experimental evidence.
Darwin’s assertion was right and that words used most
commonly in everyday language evolve at the slowest rate,
while rarer words are more likely to change. 77. How did researchers in the United Kingdom study
linguistic evolution?
Researchers in the United Kingdom investigated the
evolution of language by studying cognates, words that A. by identifying the most important words in Indo-
European languages
sound similar in different languages and express the same
B. by determining how long it has taken Indo-
meaning, to identify how much variation now exists in
European languages to evolve
Indo-European languages after 6,000 to 10,000 years of
C. by comparing cognates found in Indo-
evolution. They discovered that frequently used words are
European languages
more likely to have cognates, while less common words
D. by examining how different European languages
are more likely to be unrelated in different languages. The
define cognates
findings allowed a “mutation rate” to be calculated, based
on frequency of use, which showed that the most common
vocabulary exhibited almost no variation in 10,000 years. 78. What did the “mutation rate” allow researchers
Vocabulary used less often was replaced in as few to understand?
as 750 years. A. that rarely used words took 10,000
years to change
A second study, in the United States, examined the
roots of English from over 1,200 years ago to compile a list B. whether or not a word was related to other words
of 177 irregular old English verbs. Researchers discovered C. how much variation occurred in words of
certain frequencies
that of the original irregular verbs only 98 remain irregular
today, suggesting that verbs tend to become “regularized” D. if a word was evolving quickly enough
over time. The rarest verbs in the list were the most likely to
have been regularized. A statistical analysis of these verbs 79. Which irregular verbs are most likely to become
indicated that if one was used 100 times less frequently regularized?
than another, it would evolve 10 times faster than the more A. those that are the least irregular
commonly used verb. Both studies support the notion that B. those that are most commonly used
languages evolve much like natural species do. C. those that have cognates in other languages
D. those that are used infrequently
Refer to page 20 when answering the questions below.
The following questions refer to section A. The following questions refer to section C.
81. What can participants do after the festival? 87. In the second paragraph, why does the author
A. watch a special screening of foreign films mention imagination?
B. attend sessions with professionals in the field A. to state something that can be positively affected
C. lead a panel discussion by films
D. try out for a part in a movie B. to describe something that parents try to
C. to refer to something that is harmed by watching
82. In the first sentence of the final paragraph, what does movies
Reserve mean? D. to illustrate how teachers must plan lessons
A. remember using films
B. sell
C. trade
88. According to the author, what is one reason older
D. secure children can connect to film?
A. They are used to its presence in their lives.
The following questions refer to section B. B. They spend a lot of time playing video games.
83. What is the main purpose of section B? C. They often need to watch movies for homework.
A. to explain the work of a film critic D. They prefer movies to books.
B. to describe life in Italy
C. to tell about a movie director 89. In the second sentence of paragraph 4, what does
D. to promote Italian movies they refer to?
A. teachers
84. In the first question, what does influential mean? B. media
A. being popular around the world C. students
B. having the power to cause change D. films
C. creating the most movies
D. being the best writer The following question refers to two or more sections.
90. Who is most likely to lead a workshop after the
85. How did Fellini begin his career? Midvillage Film Festival?
A. as a movie script writer A. Hannah Peters
B. as a travel writer in Africa B. Gary Davis
C. as a film critic C. Sophie Allen
D. as a journalist D. Federico Fellini
The United Kingdom’s Queen Victoria reigned from 1837 One of his early novels, Oliver Twist, was based on his
until 1901. Characterized by a rapidly growing middle experiences as a child, supporting himself and figuring
class, this crucial period saw dramatic changes to out life on his own. The book was published chapter
British society. by chapter, and readers eagerly looked forward to the
next monthly installment. Dickens’s success continued
Through lectures, discussions, and readings, learn about with David Copperfield, A Tale of Two Cities, and Great
the Victorian era by exploring three time periods: Expectations.
Early (1830–1848) Charles Dickens’s large body of work went beyond the
Britain’s first railroad opened, allowing the middle novel to include autobiography, travel books, and plays.
class to travel, resulting in the development of a tourist In 1851, he even took part in a theater production that
infrastructure. was performed before Queen Victoria.
Refer to page 22 when answering the questions below.
The following question refers to section A. The following questions refer to section C.
91. In the third sentence of the paragraph, what does 96. According to the passage, what did Dickens do for
architecture mean? much of his youth?
A. building design A. He studied at school.
B. garden layout B. He worked to earn money.
C. traditional homes C. He wrote novels and plays.
D. old-fashioned hotels D. He traveled across Great Britain.
The following questions refer to section B. 97. How did the young Dickens feel about the adults
92. What is the main purpose of section B? in his life?
93. According to the passage, what important event took 98. In the last sentence of paragraph 4, why does the
place during the early Victorian era? author mention David Copperfield?
94. Why does the author mention private homes in the 99. What was Dickens’s relationship to Queen Victoria?
middle Victorian period? A. He wrote a book for her.
A. to describe housing prices of the Victorian era B. He worked for her.
B. to tell about a new British industry C. He never met her.
C. to report on changes in family structure D. He acted in a play for her.
D. to give an example of how British society
changed The following question refers to two or more sections.
100. How are Dickens’s novels typical of
95. In the second sentence of the last paragraph, what Victorian literature?
does literacy mean? A. They have children as the main characters.
A. reading ability B. They often used architecture for their
B. publications subject matter.
C. education C. They were published in sections over time.
D. culture D. They tried to help those who lived in poverty.