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1. AKHMAD RIF’ALDY (P27838120009)
2. DENNY DWI FEBRIAN (P27838120015)
3. IKMAL MULYAMIN (P27838120026)
4. NUR SHIKIN (P27838120039)


Vegetarianism is a famous decision for some people and families. Nevertheless,

guardians can ponder whether children can safely follow vegan by eating fewer
carbohydrates and still getting every basic supplement. All dietitians and clinicians agree
that a vegetarian lover's diet that is thoroughly regulated can be the right way to eat.

However, special consideration must be taken when serving vegetarian meals to

children and adolescents, especially if they do not include dairy products and eggs. In
addition, regardless of the dietary pattern you eat, you must understand that the healthy
needs of children change as they develop.

a) Types of Vegetarian Lovers Diet

Before your child or family switches to a vegetarian diet, reveal that all
vegetarian are not the same. Important vegetarian classes include:
• The first is lacto-ovo vegetarian, which is not eating meat, poultry or fish, but
eating eggs and dairy products (like most vegetarians).
• Then the second is lacto-vegetarian, which is not eating meat, poultry, fish or eggs,
but eating dairy products.
• And the third is ovo-vegetarian, which is not eating meat, poultry, fish or dairy
products, but eating eggs.
• Then the fourth is vegetarians who only eat plant-based foods.
In addition, many others are semi-vegetarians who have ditched red meat, but
may have ingested poultry or fish.

b) Vegetarianism Decisions
Children or families may follow a vegan diet for many reasons. Younger
vegetarian lovers are usually important to families who eat vegan dinners for
welfare, social, or a different reason. More established children may choose to
become vegetarian lovers out of concern for their own creatures, the earth, or well-
being. Most of the time, you have nothing to fear if your child chooses to be
vegetarian. Check what it means and how to do it, ensuring your child receives a
healthy and nutritious diet.
c) Food for All Ages
Your PCP or registered dietitian can help you manage and screen a healthy
vegan diet. Guardians should provide their child with a variety of foods that have
enough calories and supplements to encourage them to develop regularly.

A very regular vegan diet can meet children's nutritional needs and has several
medical benefits. For example, a diet rich in leafy foods high in fiber and low in fat, factors
known to improve cardiovascular health by lowering blood cholesterol and maintaining a
solid body weight. However, children and adolescents on a vegetarian-loving diet may have
to take care that they are getting satisfying amounts of certain nutrients and minerals.

Here are the supplements vegetarian lovers and some of their best food sources should get:
• Nutrient B12: fortified dairy products, eggs, and nutritional items, for example,
wheat, bread, and soy and rice drinks, and healthy yeast
• nutrient D: milk, oranges fortified with D nutrients, and other nutrients fortified
with D.
• calcium: dairy products, dark green vegetables, broccoli, dried beans, and foods
that contain calcium, including citrus drinks, soy and rice, and whole grains.
• protein: dairy products, eggs, tofu and other soy products, dried beans, and nuts
Iron: eggs, dried beans, dry organic products, whole grains, green leafy greens, and
iron-fortified wheat and bread
Zinc: raw grains, nuts, fortified oats, dried beans, and pumpkin seeds

Depending on the type of vegetarian lover's diet chosen, children may miss some of
these important supplements if the diet is not followed by guardians. The looser the veggie-
loving diet, the easier it will be for your child to get enough of the basic supplements. Every
now and then, strengthened nutrition or enhancements can help with dieting problems.


Vegetarianism is a popular choice for many individuals and families. But parents
may wonder if kids can safely follow a vegetarian diet and still get all necessary nutrients.
Most dietary and medical experts agree that a well-planned vegetarian diet can actually be
a very healthy way to eat.

But special care must be taken when serving kids and teens a vegetarian diet,
especially if it doesn't include dairy and egg products. And as with any diet, you'll need to
understand that the nutritional needs of kids change as they grow.

a) Types of Vegetarian Diets

Before your child or family switches to a vegetarian diet, it's important to note
that all vegetarian diets are not alike. Major vegetarian categories include:
 lacto-ovo vegetarian: eats no meat, poultry, or fish, but does eat eggs and dairy
products (what most of us mean when we say "vegetarian")
 lacto-vegetarian: eats no meat, poultry, fish, or eggs, but does eat dairy products
 ovo-vegetarian: eats no meat, poultry, fish, or dairy products, but does eat eggs
 vegan: eats only plant-derived foods
And many other people are semi-vegetarians who have eliminated red meat, but
may eat poultry or fish.

b) The Choice of Vegetarianism

Kids or families may follow a vegetarian diet for a variety of reasons. Younger
vegetarians are usually part of a family that eats vegetarian meals for health,
cultural, or other reasons. Older kids may decide to become vegetarians because of
concern for animals, the environment, or their own health. In most cases, you
shouldn't be alarmed if your child chooses vegetarianism. Discuss what it means and
how to implement it, ensuring your child makes healthy and nutritious food choices.

c) Nutrition for All Ages

Your doctor or a registered dietitian can help you plan and monitor a healthy
vegetarian diet. Parents should give their kids a variety of foods that provide enough
calories and nutrients to enable them to grow normally.

c) Nutrisi untuk Semua Usia

Dokter atau ahli diet terdaftar Anda dapat membantu Anda merencanakan dan memantau pola makan vegetarian
yang sehat. Para orang tua harus memberi anak mereka berbagai makanan yang memberikan kalori dan nutrisi
yang cukup untuk memungkinkan mereka tumbuh secara normal.

Dengan bantuan dokter atau ahli diet pribadi akan memudahkan dalam menjaga pola makan vegetarian.
Dan para orang tua juga harus memperhatikan makan anak agar mereka tumbuh sehat dan mendapat
cukup nutrisi.
A well-planned vegetarian diet can meet kids' nutritional needs and has some health
benefits. For example, a diet rich in fruits and veggies will be high in fiber and low in fat,
factors known to improve cardiovascular health by reducing blood cholesterol and
maintaining a healthy weight. However, kids and teens on a vegetarian diet may need to be
careful that they get an adequate amount of certain vitamins and minerals.

Here are nutrients that vegetarians should get and some of their best food sources:
 vitamin B12: dairy products, eggs, and vitamin-fortified products, such as cereals,
breads, and soy and rice drinks, and nutritional yeast
 vitamin D: milk, vitamin D-fortified orange juice, and other vitamin D-fortified
 calcium: dairy products, dark green leafy vegetables, broccoli, dried beans, and
calcium-fortified products, including orange juice, soy and rice drinks, and cereals
 protein: dairy products, eggs, tofu and other soy products, dried beans, and nuts
 iron: eggs, dried beans, dried fruits, whole grains, leafy green vegetables, and iron-
fortified cereals and bread
 zinc: wheat germ, nuts, fortified cereal, dried beans, and pumpkin seeds

Depending on the type of vegetarian diet chosen, kids may miss out on some of these
important nutrients if the diet isn't monitored by the parents. The less restrictive the
vegetarian diet, the easier it will be for your child to get enough of the necessary nutrients.
In some cases, fortified foods or supplements can help meet nutritional needs.

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