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GB Assignment

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1)What are the measures to consider while site development and layout

making for green building?

Site Development and Layout:
After the site has been selected on the basis of a thorough analysis and

assessment, ideal diagrammatic concepts are laid out on the topographic

survey with the objective of organizing all proposed built elements to achieve

an efficient and effective site and development fit. The main goal of the

concepts should be to minimize resource consumption during construction and

after human occupation. It should be noted that during reclamation of disturbed

sites, initial expenditures may be higher than normal and should be balanced by

ongoing landscape management strategies. Design the site plan by minimizing

road length, building footprint, and the actual ground area required for intended

improvements thus the planning decreases the length of utility connections.

Consult local codes regarding separation requirements for water, sewer,

electrical, and gas lines.

2)Explain the role of stormwater treatment in Green Building Footprint.

A) Stormwater treatment is an important aspect of green building design and

can have a significant impact on the building's environmental footprint. When

it rains, stormwater runoff can pick up pollutants from paved surfaces and carry

them into nearby waterways, causing pollution and erosion. By treating

stormwater on-site, green buildings can help reduce this pollution and promote

sustainable water management. One way to treat stormwater is through the use

of green infrastructure, which includes features such as rain gardens,

bioswales, and permeable pavements. These features help to capture and filter

stormwater, allowing it to slowly infiltrate into the ground rather than running

off into nearby waterways. This can help to recharge groundwater supplies and

reduce the risk of flooding.Another way to treat stormwater is through the use

of engineered treatment systems, such as constructed wetlands or retention

ponds. These systems can help to remove pollutantsfrom stormwater before it

is discharged into the environment.

3.)What are the measures available to control erosion?

A)Erosion is the process of wind or water deteriorating the land. Wind can blow

dirt and sand around, shaping the landscape; water can dislodge rocks and other

material, carrying them to a new location. Heavy rainstorms can also create rills

or gullies in the earth's surface. Additionally, water can change its state and erode

an area.

Crop Rotation
Crop rotation is growing a new type of crop in a field each year to help fight soil
To mulch is to place either natural or human-made material on soil. Mulching
helps kill weeds, trap water, and protect soil from wind and water erosion. Natural
mulch may be leaves, straw, or wood chips (to list a few) while human-made
mulch could be a plastic sheet (the use of such mulch is called plasticulture)
Reforestation means to replant trees in an area where they have been cut down.
Not only does growing new trees help fight erosion, but trees also provide us
with fresh air.
There are two types of seeding (temporary and permanent) and a seeding
method (hydroseeding) that help control erosion. The purpose of these two
types of seeding is to grow plants that will help protect the soil from erosion.
Seeding is much like mulch, which can be used in conjunction with seeding.
Temporary Seeding: This is seeding that is used during quick construction jobs
or until permanent seeding is able to be planted. The time of year may prevent
permanent seeding.
Permanent Seeding: This is seeding that occurs after construction and is done
in order to provide the land with lasting protection against erosion.
Hydroseeding: Hydroseeding is a method of seeding and can be used for either
temporary or permanent seeding. It is employed when the land is difficult to
access (a steep slope, for example). With hydroseeding, seeds are sprayed onto
the ground either through the use of a truck or helicopter.
Terracing is much like contour plowing (see below) as it helps prevent soil
erosion by having multiple (soil) barriers, or in this case "stairs," perpendicular
on a slope. This construction slows down water, preventing the formation of
small streams and the displacement of rocks and minerals.

4)Briefly explain water efficient fixtures in green building?

A) Different water fixtures in a green building are
1) Water Harvesting System

Water harvesting means collecting runoff from the soil’s surface, paved
surfaces, and other sources and storing it for future use such as irrigation.
Harvested water can include stormwater and irrigation runoff, water from
cooling towers and heating, ventilating, and air-conditioning (HVAC) systems,
and water from swales and other drainage structures directed into collection
areas. After collection in a storage tank or pond, harvested runoff must be
pressurized in order to be used in an irrigation system.

2) Landscaping

. Landscape designs that emphasize native trees, vines, shrubs, and perennials
also help maintain the biological diversity of a region and preserve the character
of regional landscapes. Restore the native landscape if disturbance is necessary,
restore native plantings by reintroducing the same species. In areas with low
rainfall or seasonal droughts, up to 60 percent of total seasonal water usage can
be attributed to irrigation. Typical urban landscapes consist of non-native or
unadopted plant species, lawns, and a few trees. Native plants have become
adapted to natural conditions of an area such as seasonal drought, pest
problems, and native soils.

3) Gray and Black water Systems

It is possible to recycle black water at a domestic scale, but this is not common
due to the expense involved, despite the fact that many remote domestic
properties already have septic tanks to deal with sewerage locally. Generally, the
process is only adopted on larger sites, or for multi-home developments.

Treatment is generally by a process of settlement, bacterial break down,

filtration, aeration, and chemical treatment. This can include the use of reed
beds. For more information see The Green Age, Recycling Domestic Sewage.

5) A New G+10 boy’s hostel is constructing in the campus. Suggest

the complete design criteria to make it Silver green building?
A) Design criteria to make the G+10 boy's hostel a Silver-rated green building:

Site Selection and Planning: Choose a site that minimizes the impact on the
environment, such as a brownfield site or a location with access to public
transportation. Plan the building layout to maximize natural daylight and
airflow and reduce the heat island effect by incorporating green spaces.

Energy Efficiency: Design the building to be energy-efficient by using high-

performance building envelopes, such as double-glazed windows, proper
insulation, and efficient HVAC systems.

Water Efficiency: Install low-flow fixtures, such as low-flow faucets, showers,

and toilets, to reduce water consumption. Use rainwater harvesting systems to
collect and reuse rainwater for landscaping and other non-potable uses.

Material Selection: Choose sustainable materials with low embodied energy,

such as recycled content, locally sourced materials, and materials with low
volatile organic compounds (VOCs).
Indoor Environmental Quality (IEQ): Design the building to promote good
indoor air quality by using low VOC paints, adhesives, and sealants. Provide
proper ventilation and natural daylighting in common areas and bedrooms.

Waste Management: Implement a comprehensive waste management plan

during construction and operation phases to reduce waste generation, promote
recycling, and minimize waste sent to landfills. Incorporate recycling and
composting facilities within the building.

Renewable Energy: Incorporate renewable energy systems, such as solar

panels or wind turbines, to generate clean energy on-site and reduce reliance on
fossil fuels.

Green Roof: Consider incorporating green roofs or rooftop gardens to improve

stormwater management, reduce heat island effect, and provide additional green
spaces for building occupants.

6) Explain the importance of Renewable Energy in the present

A) Renewable energy is energy derived from natural resources that replenish
themselves in less than a human lifetime without depleting the planet’s
resources. These resources – such as sunlight, wind, rain, tides, waves, biomass,
and thermal energy stored in the earth’s crust – have the benefit of being
available in one form or another nearly everywhere. They are virtually

Generating renewable energy creates far lower emissions than burning fossil
fuels. Transitioning from fossil fuels, which currently account for the lion’s
share of emissions, to renewable energy is key to addressing the climate crisis.

Few common sources of renewable energy:

 Solar Energy.
 Wind Energy.
 Geothermal Energy.
 Hydropower.
 Ocean Energy.
 Bioenergy.
Renewable energy is becoming increasingly important in the present scenario
due to several reasons:

Climate Change: The world is facing the threat of climate change due to the
excessive use of fossil fuels. Renewable energy sources such as solar, wind, and
hydropower are environmentally friendly and do not contribute to greenhouse
gas emissions. Therefore, they can help mitigate the effects of climate change.

Energy Security: The finite nature of fossil fuels has made energy security a
significant concern. The availability of renewable energy sources such as solar
and wind power can reduce dependence on foreign oil and ensure a more secure
energy future.

Economic Benefits: Renewable energy sources have the potential to create jobs
and stimulate economic growth. They also provide an opportunity for countries
to become energy self-sufficient and reduce their reliance on expensive
imported fuels.

Technological Advancements: The development of new technologies for

renewable energy generation, storage, and distribution is driving down the costs
of renewable energy. This has made renewable energy more accessible to people
and businesses, further driving the transition to renewable energy.

Health Benefits: The use of fossil fuels for energy generation leads to air and
water pollution, which has a significant impact on public health. Renewable
energy sources, on the other hand, have minimal environmental impact and do
not contribute to pollution-related health problems.

7) Write About the Ventilation Control

It is defined as using passive strategies to supply outdoor air to a building's
interior for ventilation and cooling without using mechanical systems. Natural
ventilation has become a key component of green building today and is required
in order to be certified by LEED and the Living Building Challenge (LBC).

There are also design elements that have to be incorporated into a building to
allow for the free air access. For example, upper clerestory windows were
installed in the Brock Environmental Center in order to provide free air access to
the workspaces below.
The primary purpose of natural ventilation is to allow the outside ambient weather
to provide low humidity, moderate temperature wind currents as an alternate
cooling source for the building and provide air circulation throughout. By using
this method, building owners are able to save on energy costs by turning off the
HVAC system when the temperatures are right. Natural ventilation can replace
all or part of a mechanical system—reducing construction, energy and operating
costs for the owner.

8.Explain the Importance of Alternative Transportation in India.

 Transportation is a basic infrastructure, and its development is an indicator
of the country's development.
 Transportation ensures extending of trade and network.
 The improvement and reforms in the transport sector enhance the
dynamicity of freight and passengers in a region.
 With efficient roads and means of transport in place, industries and markets
also develop.
 Economic growth gets a boost.
 It increases job opportunities and decreases regional imbalances.
 Good transportation facilities in rural areas enhance the quality of life of
people as they can easily access health and medical facilities.
 Lastly, it offers a lot of tourism and business opportunities to the

9.Explain the importance of Maximize Open Space in a building.

 With the ever-growing population and infrastructure in the urban cities, it

has become imperative for developers to provide ample open spaces in
their residential projects.
 An open space can be used for various recreational purposes like a jogger’s
park, park for kids and gardens.
 A carefully crafted open space not only increases the aesthetic appeal of
the project but also has numerous benefits to the residents’ mental and
physical health.
 An open space used for various recreational purposes encourages the
residents to perform various physical activities like jogging, morning walks
and yoga that contribute to their well-being.
 It provides a healthy amount of ventilation to the residents, which helps
them remain fresh. Kids can also use the open space for various outdoor
activities, which keep them fit and have a positive impact on their growth.
 An open space can be an efficient way for its residents to relax and unwind.
Residential projects with a well-used open space have a higher resale value
as compared to the residential apartments with no open spaces.
10)List out the locational advantages of a Green Building?
A)Green buildings can offer several locational advantages, including:
1) Access to public transportation: Green buildings located near public
transportation options such as buses, trains, and subways can reduce the need
for car transportation, which can decrease greenhouse gas emissions.
2) Proximity to amenities: Buildings located near amenities such as grocery
stores, restaurants, and entertainment venues can reduce the need for driving
and promote a more walkable and bikeable community.
3) Availability of renewable energy sources: Buildings located in areas with
access to renewable energy sources such as solar or wind power can take
advantage of these sources to reduce energy costs and decrease reliance on
fossil fuels.
4) Proximity to green spaces: Green buildings located near parks or other
green spaces can provide occupants with access to nature, which can improve
health and well-being and promote sustainability
5) Climate considerations: Green buildings located in areas with moderate
climates can use passive design strategies to reduce energy consumption,
while buildings in areas with harsh climates can use active strategies to
improve energy efficiency and indoor comfort.
11) List out and explain the usage of natural resource materials used while
constructing green building?
Green buildings are designed to reduce the environmental impact of the
construction and operation of buildings. One way to achieve this is by using
natural resource materials that are sustainable, renewable, and have a lower
carbon footprint compared to conventional building materials. Some of the
natural resource materials commonly used in green building construction
1) Wood: Wood is a renewable resource that can be sustainably harvested and
is used extensively in green building construction. Wood products such as
engineered wood, cross-laminated timber, and laminated veneer lumber are
durable, strong, and energy-efficient.
2) Bamboo: Bamboo is another renewable resource that is fast-growing,
abundant, and has a high strength-to-weight ratio. It can be used for flooring,
wall paneling, and structural elements in green building construction.
3) Straw: Straw is an agricultural waste product that can be used as a building
material in the form of straw bales. These bales are a natural insulator and can
be used for walls and roofs.
4) Cork: Cork is a renewable resource that can be harvested from the bark of
cork oak trees. It is used for flooring, wall tiles, and insulation due to its
thermal and acoustic insulation properties.
5) Rammed Earth: Rammed earth is a construction technique that uses soil
mixed with a small amount of cement to create durable and energy-efficient
walls. This technique has been used for centuries and is gaining popularity in
green building construction.
6) Natural stone: Natural stone such as granite, marble, and sandstone is a
durable and long-lasting material that is often used in green building
construction for flooring, wall cladding, and landscaping.

12)What is the role of Concrete, masonry and metal in green building

Concrete, masonry, and metal are commonly used building materials in
construction, and their role in green building is essential. Here are some ways
in which these materials can contribute to sustainable construction practices:
1) Concrete:
Concrete is a widely used building material, especially in the construction of
foundations, walls, and floors. However, its production has a significant
environmental impact due to the energy consumption and greenhouse gas
emissions associated with cement manufacturing.
In green building construction, the use of concrete can be made more
sustainable by incorporating recycled materials such as fly ash or slag into the
mix, using low-carbon cements, and reducing the overall amount of concrete
used in a building. Additionally, concrete can be designed to have high thermal
mass, which can help regulate temperature and reduce heating and cooling
2) Masonry:
Masonry refers to the use of bricks, stones, or concrete blocks in construction.
Masonry is a durable and long-lasting building material that can be used to
create energy-efficient walls that help regulate temperature and reduce heating
and cooling needs.
In green building construction, the use of masonry can be made more
sustainable by incorporating recycled materials, using locally sourced
materials to reduce transportation emissions, and using techniques such as
lime mortaring instead of cement mortaring, which has a lower carbon
3) Metal:Metal is a versatile and durable building material that can be used in
a variety of ways, such as framing, roofing, and cladding. The production of
metal can be energy-intensive and result in greenhouse gas emissions.




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