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A Review on Transposons and its Utilization as Genetic Tool

Article  in  International Journal of Current Microbiology and Applied Sciences · February 2020

DOI: 10.20546/ijcmas.2020.902.214

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3 authors:

Sadia Perween Deepak Kumar

Indian Agricultural Research Institute Defence Institute of High Altitude Research


Anand Kumar
Bihar Agriculture University


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Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci (2020) 9(2): 1874-1884

International Journal of Current Microbiology and Applied Sciences

ISSN: 2319-7706 Volume 9 Number 2 (2020)
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Review Article

A Review on Transposons and its Utilization as Genetic Tool

Sadia Perween, Deepak Kumar* and Anand Kumar

Department of Plant Breeding and Genetics, Bihar Agricultural University, Sabour

(Bhagalpur), India

*Corresponding author


Transposable elements, found in almost all organisms, are short sequences of DNA that
have the ability to move from one location to the other locations in the genome.
Transposons make up 10% of eukaryotic genomes. They provide a means for genomic
change and variation, particularly in response to stress (McClintock’s stress
hypothesis).There is no known example of transposon playing a normal role in
Keywords development. They are called as selfish DNA and can be used as genetic markers, as
mutagens for transposon tagging and isolation of gene, as transformation vectors and as
cloning vehicle. Transposons are potent forces of genetic change and have a significant
aspect in the evolution of many genomes. DNA transposons can be used as genetic tools to
transposon tagging introduce a piece of foreign DNA into any genome. They have been utilized for
transgenesis and insertional mutagenesis in diverse organisms, as these elements are not
Article Info generally dependent on host factors to facilitate their mobility. Thus, DNA transposons are
powerful tools to analyze the regulatory genome, study the development of embryo,
Accepted: identify genes and pathways involved in disease or pathogenesis of pathogens, and helps in
15 January 2020 gene therapy. Transposons are used for gene cloning since insertion of a transposon into a
Available Online: gene upsets its function which develops a visible mutant phenotype. When the DNA
10 February 2020
sequence of the transposon is known, it is possible to clone the disrupted gene by
employing the transposable element as a tag to locate the segment of DNA possessing the
element. Transposon tagging involves initiating transposition, screening for mutations
caused by transposon insertion, discovering the element responsible for the developed
mutation, and cloning the tagged gene.

Introduction typically in large numbers viz., they make up

approximately 50% of the human genome and
Transposable elements (jumping genes, up to 90% of the maize genome (SanMiguel,
insertion sequences or mobile DNA elements) 1996).
are short sequences of DNA that can move
from one location to the other in the genome, Types of transposons
often making duplicate copies of them in the
process. They are found in almost all There are the transposable elements that need
organisms (both prokaryotes and eukaryotes), reverse transcription (i.e., the transcription of

Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci (2020) 9(2): 1874-1884

RNA into DNA) to transpose, called Conservative and replicative transposition

retrotransposons or class 1 TEs, whereas,
some elements do not have such requirement In conservative transposition, the sequence is
for transposition and are known as DNA excised from its original position and
transposons or class 2 TEs. reinserted elsewhere without increasing its
copy number, whereas, in replicative
DNA transposons transposition transposons creates a copy of
itself and the copy is inserted at a new
The complete or "autonomous" class 2 TEs position.
encodes the protein transposase, required for
insertion and excision. A few of these TEs Bacterial transposons
also encode other proteins. Its mobility is
always on its own (insertion or excision), Most transposons in bacteria transpose as
from the genome by means of "cut and paste" DNA. On the other hand, in eukaryotes they
mechanism. are mostly retrotransposons. Short direct
repeats are created at the site of insertion
Retro transposons flanking the mobile element.

Class 2 elements, known as retrotransposons, 1. IS Element: it constitutes inverted

move by the action of RNA intermediaries. repeat at each end of insertion
i.e. they do not encode transposase; rather, sequence and between the inverted
they produce RNA transcript followed by repeats is a protein coding region
action of reverse transcriptase enzymes to encoding enzymes required for
reverse transcribe the RNA sequences back transposition. Short direct repeats are
into DNA, which is to be inserted into the adjacent to both ends of the inserted
target site. element.
2. Composite transposons: they are
Autonomous and nonautonomous larger than IS elements containing
transposons protein coding region along with those
required for transposition and usually
The class 1 and class 2 TEs can be either carry genes for antibiotic resistance.
autonomous or non autonomous. Autonomous 3. Non composite transposons: they
TEs have their own mobility, while non terminate with IS element but contain
autonomous elements require the presence of terminal inverted repeats.
other TEs to move from one place to another
in genome. The reason behind it is that non Transposable elements in eukaryotes
autonomous elements lack the gene for the
transposase or reverse transcriptase that is Transposons constitute 10% of eukaryotic
required for their transposition, so they need genomes being similar in structure to bacterial
these proteins from another element in order IS elements with retroransposons being much
to move along the genome. more profuse.

For example Ac elements are autonomous and Element 1 - Yeast ty elements:

can move on their own, whereas, Ds elements
are non autonomous and require the presence The yeast has approximately 35 copies of a
of Ac in order to transpose. transposable element called as Ty in its
haploid genome.
Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci (2020) 9(2): 1874-1884

Element 2 - Drosophila transposons: mutations are stable only if Ds are present;

whereas unstable in the presence of an Ac
Drosophila transposons consists of retrovirus element.
like elements i.e. retro transposons and are
5000 to 15,000 nucleotide pair long. Ds is immobile in the absence of Ac and
remains as a stable insertion in the
Element 3 - Controlling elements in maize: chromosome. In the presence of an Ac
Mcclintock’s experiments: the ds element: element, it gets activated, causing it to
transpose to a new site or to break the
In the 1950s, Barbara McClintock studying chromosome in which it is located.
corn kernels found that, rather than being
purple or white; they had spots of purple Biological significance of transposons
pigment on normally white kernels. The
genetic and cytological studies concluded that Transposons are a means for genomic change
the spotted phenotype was not the result of and variation, especially in response to stress
any conventional kind of mutation but due to (McClintock’s stress hypothesis). There is no
a controlling element, which is now known as known example of an element playing a
a transposon. normal role in development, hence called as
selfish DNA.
The spotted kernelis the result of wild type C
and c (colorless) gene. The presence of C Application of transposons
gene makes the kernel purple, c (colorless)
mutations block purple pigment production, Transposons as genetic markers (Izsvak and
so the kernel is colorless. During kernel Ivics, 2004)- as it changes the pattern of
development, mutation reverts, due to which restriction fragment analysis
there is a spot of purple pigment. The genetic Transposons as mutagens and transposon
nature of the reversion is approved by the fact tagging (Whitham et al., 1994 Dinesh et
that descendants of the cell which had the al., 1995) for isolation of gene
reversion also can give rise to pigmentation. Transposons as transformation vectors
The sooner in development the reversion Transposons as cloning vehicle
occurs, the larger is the purple spot.
McClintock determined that the original c Transposons are powerful forces of genetic
(colorless) mutation is the resultant of a change and have a significant role in the
mobile controlling element, a genetic factor evolution of many genomes. As genetic tools,
known as Ds (Dissociation), which gets DNA transposons can be utilized to insert a
inserted into the C gene. The action of piece of foreign DNA into a genome. They
Dsrelies on the presence of an unlinked gene, have been aided for transgenesis and
Ac (Activator). insertional mutagenesis inorganisms, as these
elements are not generally dependent on host
Ac is needed for transposition of Ds into the factors for their mobility. Thus, DNA
gene. It can also move the Ds out of the C transposons are useful devises for analyzing
gene, giving rise to the wild type revertant, the regulatory genome, study embryonic
i.e., a purple spot. Ac is the autonomous development, identifying genes and pathways
element, and therefore, mutations caused by related to disease or pathogenesis of
Ac are unstable. In contrast, Ds is the non- pathogens, and contributing to gene therapy.
autonomous element of the family. The Ds

Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci (2020) 9(2): 1874-1884

Transposon tagging created by merging the two types of elements,

the transposase source can be segregated. As
Transposons are used for gene cloning as a result, the new insertions are stabilized and
insertion of a transposon into a gene disarms thus any mutant phenotypes generated gets
its function, producing an observable mutant stabilized. Transposase can be reintroduced
phenotype. When the DNA sequence of the later for remobilizing the element to reverse
transposon is known, it is likely to clone the the mutant phenotype or to produce new
disrupted gene by using the transposable alleles of the tagged gene.
element as a tag to identify the segment of
DNA containing the element. Transposon Obtaining the Sequence of the transposon
tagging includes inducing transposition, tag
screening for mutations caused by insertion,
recognizing the element responsible for Transposon as a molecular tag for gene
mutation, and finally cloning the tagged gene. cloning needs to have a known DNA
Transposons from one organism sometimes sequence. Many transposons have been well
also transpose in heterologous systems. defined and characterized. New transposons
Therefore it is possible to use transposon- can be identified by mobilizing transposition
tagging method to clone genes in different followed by identifying transposon insertions
organisms, inclusive of those where there are into known genes (generally by recognizing
few other methods available for gene unstable alleles of the gene). The mutant
isolation. allele is sequenced to determine the sequence
of the inserted transposon.
Characteristics of transposons relevant to
tagging Integration site preference

Class I transposons are used for tagging in The efficiency of transposon tagging at any
mammals and yeast, whereas; class II gene is decided by a number of factors. For a
transposons are most frequently used in transposon to be perfect for tagging purpose,
tagging schemes for bacteria and plants. there would be no preference for the
integration site in the host genome, but many
Regulation of Transposition transposons show some type of site
preference. The examples of preferences
It is essential to have a few methods for include C. elegans Tc1 element having a TA
controlling the frequency of transposition. dinucleotide target site(Rozenzweig et al.,
There are families of transposable elements 1983a and Liao et al., 1983) and Drosophila P
containing non autonomous controlling element preferentially inserting at the 5′-ends
elements that cannot produce transposase but of transcription units(Kidwell, 1994).
are mobile in the company of the transposase
produced by an "autonomous" family Transposition to linked sites
member. Similarly, two-element system is
mostly employed in transposon-tagging A characteristic of many transposons is their
techniques where a stable transposase source ability to transpose to linked sites making it
(e.g., a transposon immobile due to deletion useful for some types of screens, but in the
of one of its direct repeats) is employed to process makes random transposon
move nonautonomous elements. This system mutagenesis more strenuous. In some cases,
has the edge as once new insertions have been methods have been studied to identify

Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci (2020) 9(2): 1874-1884

transposition to unlinked sites. An Transposon and transposase engineering

Arabidopsis Ds element harboring a positive
selectable marker was linked to IAAH (a Transposons are designed to transport
marker that can be selected against). The Ds selectable markers for carrying part of a
element was mobilized, by selecting for the plasmid that can be selected for in E. coli,
Ds marker and selecting against IAAH, lines facilitating clone development of flanking
were discovered in which the transposon had DNA by plasmid rescue technique. A marker
jumped to a position unlinked to IAAH. linked to the transposase source allows
removal of the transposase in future by
Endogenous versus heterologous segregation from the tagged gene.
Transposon tagging strategies: obtaining
Another feature in transposon-tagging insertions into genes
experiments is to use either endogenous
unmarked transposons, which are plentiful in Random mutagenesis
some backgrounds, or to construct
transposons specifically for transposon In random mutagenesis, transposons are
tagging and to allow movement of a single mobilized to produce a library of entities with
transposon or a few transposons per genome. diverse transposon insertions followed by
screening for mutant phenotypes of interest
The greater the number of mobile transposons from the developed library. In a two-element
and the higher the transposition frequency, the system, transposons are moved by positioning
greater is the chance of tagging any particular stable transposase into the background of the
gene. A large number of background non autonomous transposons. Dominant
transposons create difficulty in the linkage detectable mutations are spotted in the M1
studies necessary for identifying the particular generation, and recessive detectable mutations
transposon inserted into the gene of interest. are seen segregating in the M2 progeny.
High rates of transposition result in unstable Individuals having a transposed element are
mutations, creating difficulty in linking a termed "transposants".
transposon with a mutant phenotype.
Directed mutagenesis
The application of only one or a few
transposons per genome facilitates identifying Directed tagging schemes are of two types. In
the transposon inserted into the gene of both cases, the target gene has been identified
interest and thus accelerates cloning of the by its mutant phenotype.In the first type of
gene. More individuals must be screened in directed mutagenesis technique, insertion into
order to get insertions into the gene of the gene of interest is selected for by crossing
interest. an individual homozygous for the earlier
identified recessive mutation with a wild-type
Heterologous two-element, transposon- individual having an autonomous transposon
tagging system can be used to ensure the (alternatively, an individual carrying both a
mobilization of only a few elements in the stable transposase source and the mutation of
genome in the presence of the transposase, interest is crossed with a wild-type individual
allowing removal of the transposase by containing a non autonomous transposon).
segregation to prevent further transposition. The next generation, the M1, is screened for
all the individuals showing the mutant

Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci (2020) 9(2): 1874-1884

phenotype. These individuals contain the effectively used to identify various gene
original mutation as well as a new transposon- expression patterns in different organisms,
induced allele of the same gene. like Arabidopsis and Drosophila.

The second type of directed mutagenesis Similarity exists between gene traps and
experiment is used in schemes where the enhancer traps but the transposon used here
transposon moves preferentially to linked lacks promoter and has reporter whose
sites on the chromosome. A mapped TE that expression requires the transposon to be
is linked to the gene of interest is mobilized. inserted downstream of the promoter of the
Insertions into the specified gene are expressed gene. RNA splicing-acceptor
identified in the M1, or the linked transposon sequences are introduced upstream of the
is allowed to mobilize in a wild-type coding region of the reporter gene to permit
background, followed by screening of M2 for fusion of the reporter gene to the tagged gene
mutations. if the transposon inserts into an intron.

In either case, a biased preference for Cloning genes identified by a gene-trap

transposition to linked sites leads to increase transposon is often easier than cloning
in the frequency of mutations induced in the enhancer-trapped genes, because reporter
specific gene, relative to a random tagging gene expression needs gene traps to be
procedure. inserted downstream of the promoter.
Enhancers can be inserted at a distance from
Enhancer and gene traps gene being regulated by it. Chromosome
walking, from the site of transposon insertion
Enhancer traps are transposons developed for is sometimes needed to clone the endogenous
identifying genes on the basis of their enhancer-regulated gene.
expression behavior. The transposon has a
reporter gene, controlled by a weak or Cloning tagged genes: from insertion to
minimal promoter. When transposon is sequence
inserted near an enhancer, it causes the
reporter gene to be expressed in a A marker in the form of transposon linked
waygoverned by that enhancer. This increases with the mutation is required to be identified
the possibility to identify genes having tissue- to proceed with the cloning. This is done by
specific or other regulated patterns. Enhancer- Southern blotting DNA from progeny
trap screens identify genes not usually obtained from the putatively tagged mutant.
observed in regular tagging screens, such as The probe used here is transposon specific
those genes, having no visible phenotype that identifies homozygous mutant progeny
when disrupted. They can also be aided in and is absent in wild-type progeny that do not
suggesting new roles for genes. For example, segregate for the mutant phenotype.
nearby insertion of an enhancer trap could
exhibit interesting adult expression patterns in Sometimes many transposons segregate in the
a gene that, when disrupted becomes lethal in background, so finding a transposon linked to
an embryo. Enhancer-trap lines yield useful the mutant phenotype is difficult. Either a
tissue, cell-type, and developmentally specific large number of progeny needs to be
markers that can be analyzed in diverse examined or strain transposons to segregate
mutant backgrounds under different background transposons. Once a linked
conditions. Enhancer-trap screens are transposon is identified, there are a number of

Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci (2020) 9(2): 1874-1884

different ways to clone the gene in which a Confirmation

transposon has inserted. Three commonly
used methods are described here. After cloning of the DNA with host region
flanking, it should be used to probe Southern
Plasmid rescue blots of DNA extracted from homozygous
mutant and wild-type plants to look for a band
The main requirement for the use of this difference, indicating transposon insertion
method is that the transposon used for tagging into the complementary sequences in the
should contain a part of a selectable plasmid mutant.
(e.g., pBR322) at one end of the transposon,
plasmid rescue is used to isolate a fragment of This is done to prove that the cloned DNA
flanking host DNA. Genomic DNA from the actually represents the host DNA flanking the
tagged individual is digested with a restriction transposon and is not an artifact of cloning.
enzyme that releases the selectable plasmid Then the cloned flanking sequences are
from the transposon but does not cut within sequenced directly or used as probes to obtain
the plasmid itself. This creates a linear piece full-length sequences for further analysis.
of DNA containing the plasmid sequence and Chromosome walking is needed to identify
a small fragment of flanking host DNA. The the gene of interest, in case, the insertion of
products of the digestion are re-ligated at a transposon is not into coding sequence of the
higher dilution to ensure intramolecular disrupted gene itself. (or in the case of an
ligation products. The ligation products are enhancer trap, if the transposon is not in a
transformed into E. coli, and then the cloned gene).
flanking DNA is isolated.
Transforming the cloned gene back into the
Inverse polymerase chain reaction (IPCR) mutant and then rescuing the mutant
phenotype is the most convincing way to
IPCR is another method for isolating host prove that a mutant phenotype results from
sequences flanking a transposon insertion. transposon disruption of the cloned gene. It is
PCR using two transposon-specific also possible to isolate and analyze different
oligonucleotide primers, each reading alleles of the gene from independently
outward from the ends of the transposon derived mutants. If all of the mutant alleles
sequence into the flanking DNA, are used to harbor mutations in the cloned gene, it is good
amplify the flanking host DNA. Then the evidence that the correct gene has been
amplified product is cloned. identified.

Library screening Phenotypic revertants that show a loss of the

transposon from the cloned sequence, when
A third option is to make a library using they are examined by sequencing or Southern
genomic DNA from the tagged mutant that blotting techniques, also confirm the identity
has been digested with an enzyme that does of the tagged gene. In the case of enhancer-
not cut within the inserted transposon. The trapped genes, where there is no mutant
recombinant vector containing the transposon phenotype associated with the insertion,
also contains some flanking host DNA. A expression analysis of the cloned gene should
transposon-specific probe is used to screen closely mimic that of the enhancer-trap
the library and identify clones containing the reporter gene.
transposon and the flanking DNA.

Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci (2020) 9(2): 1874-1884

Transposon tagging strategies: from gene to remobilize the transposon and select for
to mutant excision phenomenon that fully disrupt the
Site-selected mutagenesis
It is concluded that the transposon tagging
Gene of known sequence is being inserted techniques are valuable and important for
with transposon and causes its mutation several reasons. They are aided to identify
leading to its null expression, which helps in and clone various genes having distinguished
identifying the function of the gene. phenotypes, and enhancer-trap and gene-trap
Homology study and expression pattern systems are used for screening genes based on
analysis are often used for the same purpose. their expression patterns.

To obtain a site-selected mutation in a gene of Assessing a tagged allele of a gene is more

interest, a large population of transposants is often a shortcut to cloning when compared to
generated and divided into pools. Two types traditional methods, such as chromosome
of primers are needed for the PCR reaction; walking. Now, creation of site-selected
primers specific to the gene of interest and tagging screens helps identifying transposon
transposon-specific primers, one reading insertions into genes of known sequence.
"out" from each end of the transposon into the These insertions result in null alleles or are
host DNA flanking the insertion. PCR is used to produce null alleles of genes for
performed using one gene-specific primer, which no earlier mutation is known. Null
one transposon-specific primer, and DNA alleles are extremely useful to know the
obtained from a pool of transposants. functional roles of the gene sequence under
study. They are utilized in genetic studies, for
If an individual has an insertion in or near the example, in analyzing double-mutant
gene of interest, the gene-specific primer and interactions.
the transposon-specific primer are positioned
so that a PCR product is amplified. Nested Transposon-induced alleles are required to
primers are often used to ensure specificity of produce an allelic series by remobilization of
the amplified band. Then pools of the transposon and selection for reinsertion
transposants from which a product is elsewhere in the gene or coding sequence.
amplified are subdivided and rescreened until Multiple alleles of a gene can give insights
a single individual harboring the insert is into its function.
Somatic excision occurrences are used to
Maintenance of viable siblings of the original study the role of a gene in different tissues at
transposants is needed for further studies as different situations during development. For
the original individuals are often dead by the all the different reasons, transposon tagging is
time tagged individuals are identified. In the and will retain to be a useful tool for gene
case of plants, this is simple because seeds cloning and gene analysis.
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How to cite this article:

Sadia Perween, Deepak Kumar and Anand Kumar. 2020. A Review on Transposons and its
Utilization as Genetic Tool. Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci. 9(02): 1874-1884.


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