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Alibaba and 40 Thieves +

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Once upon a time in a Persian city

there lived a carpet merchant who

had two sons, one named Kasim,
the other Alibaba, after their
father's death the greedy Kasim
took over his father's business
fooling the naive Alibaba. Kasim
married a rich woman, Alibaba had
to maintain his wife and children.
He earned his bread and butter by
cutting and selling wood. One day
Alibaba was gathering wood in the
forest, suddenly he heard the
galloping of many horses. He hid
himself behind the tree as he was
afraid. There came a troop of 40
men on horseback carrying sacks
and stopped near a big boulder in
the mountain foot. They have
swords and daggers on their waist
bands. “These must be a gang of
thieves. What are they doing in the
forest?” One of the thieves who
look like their leader came in front
of the boulder. “Open Sesame”.
Alibaba couldn't believe his eyes.
“Whoa!” The boulder was an
entrance door to a dark cave. The
burglars marched inside the cave
and the door got closed behind
them. Alibaba was awestruck and
couldn't move a single bone in
terror, after sometime the door
swung open again and outcame the
thieves with empty hands. They
left their sacks inside the cave. The
thieves sat on the horse and
disappeared from the forest. “Oh
this must be their hideout for the
treasure.” Alibaba couldn't resist
entering the cave, he stood in front
of the boulder and shouted “Open
Sesame”. The door got opened like
before, Alibaba entered the cave.
There were huge piles of gold,
silver, precious utensils, diamonds,
rubies and much more which
Alibaba had never seen in his life.
“Oh” Alibaba rubbed his eyes in
disbelief but it was all there lying
on the ground . “I'll take some
coins, the thieves won't even notice
it”. Alibaba filled a bag full of
coins and reached for home. “Look
what I've got”. Alibaba emptied the
sack of gold coins in front of her,
his wife was astonished to see so
much gold. “- Have you stolen
these coins?” “- It's a long story, I
have not stolen anything. It was
already stolen.” “- I will count
these first.” “ No, we can't count so
many coins. Go to my brother's
house and bring a weighing scale.
Ali Baba's wife quickly ran to the
brother-in-law's house. “- Yeah,
give me a weighing scale for
tonight I will return it by tomorrow
morning.” “- What will you weigh
with it?” “Nothing, just some
grains. Kasim's wife was a cunning
woman, she thought that Ali Baba
couldn't have so much grain to
weigh, so she stuck walks below
the scale and gave it to AliBaba's
wife. Ali Baba's wife weighed the
gold coins and was very happy
with the quantity. “We have
become rich, we can buy whatever
we want.” “- Not so soon,
everyone will suspect us we cannot
let anyone know our secret.” Ali
Baba's wife accepted the
conditions to keep mum. But on
the second day Kasim wife
discovered their secret by seeing
the scales. She immediately
informed Kasim about his brother's
wealth. “Ali Baba has gold coins.
Where did he get those? I must
find out.” Kasim grew so envious
that he could not sleep, so he
immediately went to AliBaba's
house. “Ali how are you brother? I
came here to ask you if you need
anything, don't hesitate ever, ask
for whatever you want, your elder
brother is always here for you.”
“Oh brother I'm glad that you care
for me but I have got enough
wealth now. I don't need anything
else.” “Wealth. Tell me about it.
The innocent Ali Baba couldn't
hold the truth in his stomach and
he told Kasim everything about the
thieves and the cave. “That's great.
I will go there tomorrow, after all
your money is my responsibility, I
have to take care of it. What's the
code word to open the cave.”
“Open Sesame” “Open Sesame,
Open Sesame. I will remember
that. Open Sesame.” The next
morning Kasim left from his house
with four sturdy mules to carry the
gold. “I will be richer than the
richest”.He reached the cave and
shouted “Open Sesame” and the
door opened and shut behind him.
“Amazing, unbelievable so much
gold, so many gems, I will take
away everything from here.”
Kasim filled all the coins and gems
in sacks but as he came to the door
to return, he just stood there
thinking. “What was the word open
barley, open wheat, open the door,
open the door, somebody open it.”
In his excitement Kasim forgot the
password and got locked inside the
cave, after a while he heard the
horse stapping. The 40 thieves had
come back to the cave “Open
Sesame” as the door got open they
all found Kasim sitting on his
knees on the door. Without asking
him a single question the leader
killed him with a dagger and left
his body lying inside. Kasim's wife
went to Ali Baba to inform him
about Kasim's disappearance. “He
had gone to the cave. “I will go to
find him.” Ali Baba went to the
cave and found Kasim's body lying
there. “No, oh no.” He put him on
a mule and carried him to his
home. Kasim's made Morgiana
heard everything about the
incident. We have to hide the
reason of his death from everyone.
I will go to the doctor to get some
medicine for him so that we can
pretend that he is ill, tomorrow
morning we will announce that he
is dead. Everyone agreed to her
masterplan. A few days passed but
Kasim's wife couldn't bear the grief
and died. “Nobody left here to
serve please allow me to work in
your house. Ali Baba knew that she
was a clever girl and would be
helpful in the future so he took
Morgiana to his house. The next
day the thieves came to the cave.
“Where is the dead body? There is
someone else who knows our
secret. It's the wealth we have
gathered throughout our lives
before we lose it, we have to find
out who is our enemy. Go to the
village and find out who has died
recently.” All the thieves scattered
into the village to find out the
person. One thief came to the
doctor's house. “Hello doctor do
you know any person who died
within a few days.” “Yes, Kasim
died I gave him the medicine as his
mate described the symptoms but
he died. I'm very sorry for him.”
“That's very ill-fated. Where is his
house?” “Nobody lives in that
house but he has a brother Ali
Baba he lives down in the valley.
The thief suspected that Ali Baba
must be the one who carried the
body, so he went to his house at
night there was no one in the alley.
He made a mark on the door.
Tomorrow I will bring my gang
and kill everyone in the house. The
next morning Morgiana saw the
mark on the door, clever Morgiana
guessed that there was some
danger for the family she marked
every house in the alley with this
same mark. At midnight the
thieves came to the village but got
confused because every house had
the same mark. They went back
disappointed “I'll go and find out
tomorrow myself”. The captain
now resolved to go himself but
wiser than the others. He did not
mark the house but looked at it so
closely that he could not fail to
remember it. He called for forty
mules and forty empty barrels, he
filled one barrel with oil in the
remaining barrels he asked to hide
the other thieves. The leader then
disguised himself as an oil
merchant. He went to Ali Baba's
house. “Who do you want to
meet?” “I'm an oil merchant
traveling to Asia to sell the oil. It's
night time and I'm looking for a
shelter to spend the night”. “That's
a great distance to travel, please
come inside and take some rest.”
“Let me see your battles first” “Oh
why not? You must. A beautiful
girl like you must check for her
safety first.” Morgiana luckily
opened the barrel filled with oil.
She got assured the leader got
relief, they all came in. Morgiana
prepared a delicious dinner for the
night. She served the dinner and
saw one of the rings on the
merchant's finger, she realized it's
the similar ring Alibaba bought
with the treasure. She had her
doubts again, she slowly went out
near to the barrels and knocked on
it. “Shall we come out, master?!”
Morgiana understood the whole
trick she checked all the barrels
and found a thief hiding inside. She
took the barrels filled with oil and
heated them in a big cauldron, then
she poured a jug full of hot oil in
every barrel. That way she cleared
her way out of the thieves. At night
the leader came out to call out the
fellow thieves but when he opened
the barrel he was shocked and
scared, he was trapped in his own
trap. He escaped from there in fear.
The next day Morgiana told the
incident to Alibaba. “You have
saved my life, I can't thank you
enough girl. From now on you are
a member of this family, not just a
maid.” “Thank You Majesty!”
They all stay together as a happy
family. Alibaba was the only
person who knew the secret of the
treasure cave. “Open Sesame”


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