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Law and Medicine Assignment Research

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Law and Medicine Assignment Research


 Presently, four methods of genome editing exist: Zinc Finger Nucleases (ZFN),
Transcription Activator-Like Effector Nucleases (TALEN), Clustered Regularly-
Interspersed Short Palindromic Repeats (CRISPR), and Multiplex Automated
Genomic Engineering (MAGE).
 . Parents are influenced by what society thinks is best or worst, and society is, in turn,
affected by the parental reinforcement of what traits they value most and select for.
 The development of genome editing technology inevitably comes with a variety of
pressures applied by society. Thus, parents absorb this additional pressure to generate
the perfect child
 If the resources are available to do so, and other parents are utilizing the technology to
create a perfect human, what disadvantages exist for a non-designer individual?
Additionally, disadvantages can be realized in any life stage: as a baby, when
competing for attention in daycare and subliminal human tendencies result in
increased care for the more attractive designer baby; as a child, in an educational
setting; and finally, as an adult in the workplace. Under this pressure, an ethical
dilemma develops in that a parent’s decision to utilize the technology may become
less of a reflection on their ethical beliefs, and more on the coercion induced by
societal pressure.
 genetic engineering involves the deliberate manipulation of genetic material. Such
modifications, achieved in a multitude of ways -- base pair alteration, deletion of
DNA regions, or insertion of gene copies, even DNA from foreign organism -- allow
for the acquisition of desired characteristics, manifested in the form of a phenotype
Brief history of the crucial discoveries will prove beneficial in providing additional
context for the advancements at hand
 Dating back to the prehistoric era, artificial selection and breeding serve as the origin
of genetic engineering for both plant and animal species. The nineteenth century’s
documentation of artificial selection and breeding, novel observations of genetic
inheritance, the nucleus as the storage unit of genetic material, and the successful
creation of an animal using in-vitro fertilization (IVF) allowed for a multitude of
findings of the twentieth century. (“History of Genetic Engineering”, n.d.) The years
between the 1940s and 1960s proved essential in learning about the molecular basis of
DNA, its role in genetics, and the link between mutations in genetic material and
disease (BW). In particular, the 1950s were essential for attaining such knowledge
regarding the nature of DNA (pres., source?), namely its double helix structure (1953)
and semiconservative nature of replication (1958). Plasmids were discovered in 1952,
enabling the cellular transfer of genetic information, as well as replication of DNA
sequences (wiki). In addition to the proposal of DNA’s double helix structure, 1953
also yielded the first human artificial insemination. (History of Genetic Engineering)
 With the molecular basis of DNA known, the 1960s saw the “unraveling of the
genetic code,” as well as the genome manipulation with enzymes. The use of
particular enzymes, known as DNA ligases, to anneal DNA fragments was
successfully performed in 1967. Interestingly, the technique to reassemble fragmented
DNA preceded the discovery of DNA splicing
 technology. These splicing enzymes, capable of cutting DNA, were discovered one
year later in 1968 and became known as endonucleases. (History of Genetic
Engineering) Also in the 1960s, focused research on Sickle cell anemia, a condition
resulting in deficient oxygen levels due to malformation of oxygen-transporting red
blood cells, determined that the disease is caused by a single point mutation. (“Sickle
cell anemia”, 2018) A point mutation is characterized by the addition, deletion, or
alteration of a single nucleotide base -- A, C, G, and T(DNA)/U(RNA) -- within a
strand of genetic material. (“Point mutation”, 2017) The specific order of bases
determines the subsequent transcription of the mRNA strand, whose sequence codes
for the particular amino acids that join together to construct specific proteins. A
mutation in the foundational genetic material can, thus, result in the production of
incorrect proteins. In the case of Sickle cell anemia, a base substitution mutation
causes the production of the amino acid, valine, where glutamic acid typically resides.
Two copies of this mutation results in sickle- shaped red blood cells, which cannot
carry oxygen with the typical efficiency. (Point Mutation)
 Restriction enzymes were discovered in 1970 by a team of researchers led by
microbiologist, Hamilton Smith, which enabled researchers to cut DNA at specific
sequences and separate them, and thus, isolate genes from the genome (wiki).
Researchers soon determined that the combined use of restriction enzymes and DNA
ligases enabled a ‘cut-and-paste’ function in DNA sequences. The product of this
manipulation, which was fittingly named recombinant DNA, would prove to be a
quintessential piece in the future of genetic engineering. By 1973, experimentation
with recombinant DNA cloning took place. (History of Genetic Engineering) In
addition to the genomic experimentations taking place, the 1970s witnessed a novel
sort of advancement, one with particular relevance to the ‘designer baby’
phenomenon. In 1976, DNA was utilized to produce the first prenatal genetic
diagnosis. Frederick Sanger and Walter
 Gilbert’s 1977 discovery of DNA’s sequence of bases was arguably the most notable
of the decade, as it increased the amount of genetic information available to
researchers. Named after one of its pioneers, the DNA sequencing method became
known as Sanger Sequencing. The end of the decade also yielded a significant number
of genetic engineering advancements; namely, the 1978 birth of the first IVF test tube
baby and the use of genetic engineering to create a method for insulin production.
(History of Genetic Engineering)
 The achievements of the 1980s can be characterized primarily as applications of the
techniques discovered throughout the preceding decades: 1980s first mouse to be
genetically- modified, 1984s birth of a human developed from a frozen embryo, the
cloning of sheep embryonic cells in 1986, and the 1987 birth and development of
transgenic mice containing human genes. The exception to this characterization
certainly stands alone from the decade’s other milestones. In 1983, Kary Mullis
discovered a process called polymerase chain reaction (PCR). PCR is a technique
used to amplify a small DNA segment into many copies of the specific segment, and
is also beneficial for identifying and isolating genetic material. Arguably the greatest
achievement of the end of the twentieth century was the complete mapping of the
human genome, a feat named the Human Genome Project. Human application of gene
therapy, a heart transplantation from a genetically modified pig possessing human
genes to a baboon, and Dolly the sheep as the “first cloned animal.” (History of
Genetic Engineering) Though the twenty-first century may be in its early stages, the
first human babies to be genetically modified were born in 2001 and the 2004
development of the first human clone in South Korea confirm the rapid progression of
genetic engineering application.
 It may come as a surprise that the knowledge allowing for the delineation above can
largely be attributed to some of the planet’s most primitive organisms, bacteria and
 Many of the early studies that provided the foundation for contemporary progress
were bacterial in origin. A fundamental experiment performed under the direction of
Frederick Griffith in 1928 demonstrated the ability of particular bacteria to
incorporate and express segments of DNA that were not their own. Morton Mandel
and Akiko Higa’s 1970 experiment confirmed this ability with the bacteria
Escherichia coli (E. coli). After treating the bacteria with a calcium chloride (CaCl2)
solution, a successful uptake of bacteriophage λ ensued, a phenomenon they called
“artificial competence” (wiki). Stanley Cohen demonstrated these findings, once
again, in 1972 in his use of the CaCl2 treatment to produce the same phenomenon with
plasmid DNA. The 1980s saw the introduction of electroporation, a technique used to
pass a variety of molecules, including DNA, through the cell membrane, with the
application of an electrical field. This introduction of “new coding DNA” enabled the
alteration of bacteria, and increased efficiency and bacterial range, through a
technique which came to be known as transformation. Following the 1907 and early
1970s discoveries of the bacterium responsible for plant tumors and a DNA plasmid
as the tumor inducing agent, respectively, researchers witnessed a crucial ability of
bacteria (wiki,24). When the tumor-causing plasmid genes were replaced by new
genes, the plants infected with the bacterium were found to have transformed
genomes containing selected portions of bacterial DNA (wiki,25). While genetic
engineering would not be in its current stage without each discovery mentioned, the
previous discussion omits the recognition of bacteria and archaea for one additional
contribution, CRISPR.
 The Mechanism of CRISPR

 If this technology has the potential to create a human being with the unintended
effects, innumerable ethical implications begin to arise. There is already extensive
disagreement as to whether we should possess the qualification to create any life in
this manner. This prospect adds an additional layer of complication when this life may
be deprived of a multitude of rights at the hands of fallible humans toying with
science. Creating an individual with deficits that make them less fit for survival from
the start, without any regard for their consent, seems utterly irresponsible and
 There have been several proposals of how to fix this off-target modification issue with
CRISPR. A mutant form of the normal Cas9 enzyme, Cas9 D10A “nickase”, is not
able to fully cleave through the double-stranded DNA, rather it just creates a “nick”
by only cutting one strand of the DNA. If two sgRNA molecules bind to opposite
strands of the target DNA, two mutant enzymes each create a ‘nick’ in the respective
strand they are brought to, creating a
 ‘staggered-cut DSB’. This cut is able to be fixed by NHEJ or HR. This technique has
been demonstrated to greatly reduce the frequency of the off-target modification
dilemma often seen with CRISPR (“Genome-CRISPTM”).
 However, this technology still does not completely rid the change of off-target indel
formation from occurring, and there are several other hindrances with the use of
double nickases. Primarily, their use is hindered by the fundamental constraints of
design in that the guide gRNAs must be on opposite strands, in opposite orientation,
and display optimal activity when spaced from 3-20 nucleotides apart. Additionally,
these nickases tend to produce lower cleavage activity than the typical Cas9-gRNA.
(“Genome-CRISPTM”) However, Mitalipov and his colleagues are sure that, because
we are aware of these common errors in CRISPR, they can be avoided. (Connor)
 To reiterate the most staggering notation for emphasis: “In 2015, the number of
articles related to CRISPR (1185) almost tripled compared with the combined growth
rate in publication output for the other three methods (397)” (SciVal). CRISPR’s
current frequency of use, with increasing frequency anticipated, epitomizes why it
iscertainly the most qualified for this discussion, in a variety of categories.
 While it may not affirm the scientific basis of why CRISPR was selected for analysis,
it is worthy to note that its name is even becoming the coined term for the broad field
of genome editing. If an individual says the brand name, Kleenex, it would be clear
that they are simply referring to a tissue of any brand. In the same way, it has become
a common occurrence to simply say ‘CRISPR’ to refer to genetic engineering as a
whole, and if you mention ‘CRISPR,’ most would understand to what you are
referring. The mention of ZFNs or TALENs, however, may not. This observation
provides further confirmation of the increasing commonality of CRISPR technology,
a trend that is certainly going to continue as more research is completed and
itseffectiveness is perfected.
 CRISPR presents the greatest overall advantage in that: 1) its more recent discovery
improves upon particular issues demonstrated by earlier techniques, 2) it is better
understood and more researched than the most recent technique, and, finally, 3) its
cultural presence and recognition enhances the influential nature and reach of
literature discussing its implications. Ultimately, CRISPR technique lies in the ‘sweet
spot’ of being the most current of the well-understood techniques, and its
effectiveness in various applications continues to rapidly improve
 An additional example worthy of analysis is known as the ‘Beethoven mouse model’
(Olena, 2017). The inner ear contains hair cells that detect the sound waves from
auditory stimuli, whose function the gene Tmc1 is responsible. A dominant mutation
in this gene thus results in progressive hearing impairment due to the death of these
hair cells, typically beginning in childhood. The appropriately-named model
demonstrated that, in the mouse version of the Tmc1 gene, a point mutation in the
same location as on the human gene resulted in the commencement of hearing loss at
three weeks, and complete hearing loss by eight weeks. The impairment is an
autosomal-dominant trait, so newborn mice with one mutant ‘Beethoven allele’ and
one wild-type, or normal, allele were the subjects of this test. The CRISPR technology
was injected into the inner ear of one ear, leaving the other as a control for
comparison. After eight weeks, the ears that did not receive treatment displayed
“rapid hair cell death,” while those that were treated possessed “healthy hair cells”
 The CRISPR-Cas9 technique also is proving to hold promise for a variety of diseases
of the nervous system, based on a study performed on mice with Amyotrophic Lateral
Sclerosis (ALS)
Also known as Lou Gehrig’s disease, ALS is a condition for which there is presently no
effective long-term treatment, and is the result of a variety of mutations, one of which is a
dominant mutation in the SOD1 gene. This gene “encodes superoxide dismutase 1”, which
typically “protects cells against toxic free radicals” (Zimmer, 2017). Muscle deterioration,
eventual paralysis, and death are often caused by this mutation that results in the “premature
death of motor neurons in the brainstem and spinal cord.” (Zimmer) In an attempt to not only
mitigate the SOD1 mutation but also the neuronal damage it causes, Schaffer and his research
team delivered two crucial molecular elements into an ALS mouse model - “a gene encoding
a Cas9 protein designed to excise the SOD1 gene,” and a virus that is able to serve as a vector
into the spinal cord’s “nuclei of affected motor neurons.” (Zimmer) The mice that received
this treatment had a “thirty-seven percent delay in disease onset, a twenty-five percent
increase in survival, and lived about one month longer than the untreated animals.” (Zimmer)
Though this may not seem to be an improvement significant enough for excitement quite yet,
even the small improvements are indications that the research is tracking toward success.
Further, the purpose of including studies of this sort is not to argue that these changes are
going to impact tomorrow; rather, that steps, though they may be small, were taken and that,
with time and continued research, these steps will reach the finish-line of that eventual day in
our future, where this technology is a reality. Though this technology has not been exploited
nearly as extensively with the human genome, we must not overlook what has been achieved
thus far. The successful application of CRISPR has already been able to successfully wipe
out infections like HIV and Hepatitis B from the genomes in human cells (Stierwalt (n.d.)).
Just within the past year, the rapid advancement of knowledge and technology has enabled
the progression from genetically engineering human cells to human embryos (Stierwalt). In
August 2017, a ground-breaking study was published regarding a team of Oregon Health and
Science University researchers who successfully implemented CRISPR-Cas9 editing in
human “preimplantation embryos” (Ma, et al., 2017). A critical technique was developed,
allowing them to target and correct the heterozygous MYBPC3 mutation associated with
hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM), a condition that causes cardiac muscle thickening and
potential heart failure. HCM is the condition most commonly known for causing the sudden
death of young, seemingly fit athletes. Using sperm from carriers and eggs from non-carriers,
application of CRISPR-Cas9 occurred male gametes as they were injected into eggs. Double-
strand breaks (DSBs) were created “at the mutant paternal allele” and, in the creation of the
embryos, “were predominantly repaired using the homologous wild-type maternal gene
instead of a synthetic DNA template.” (Ma, et al) Of the fifty-four human embryos, Hong Ma
and her team successfully edited thirty-six of them, a feat that had only previously been
completed on “immature embryos that were not capable of surviving until birth.” (Stierwalt)
While this study, like the others, contributes to the prospect of eliminating disease- inducing
mutation, it deserves additional consideration for a particularly novel achievement; one that,
arguably, has even greater implications for the future trajectory of genetic engineering. Not
only did they demonstrate the ability to correct mutations, but also that this process can
simultaneously occur with the creation of a human preimplantation embryo. This team was
also able to successfully recognize and avoid many of the common obstacles associated with
CRISPR, which are often the demise of fellow CRISPR researchers. The successful creation
of genetically-engineered embryos was due to the simultaneous “addition of the CRISPR-
Cas9 to the egg at the same time as the sperm rather than hours later as had been done in
previous studies” (Stierwalt). They were able to avoid mosaicism and off-target mutations,
common issues that will be discussed further in the pages to follow, through regulation of
what stage in the cell cycle it was in when CRISPR-Cas9 created the DSB (Ma, et al).
Finally, to avoid the chance that the CRISPR-Cas9 system would remain present and cause
edits after the desired changes were complete, they astutely implemented a transient version
of CRISPR (Stierwalt).
While these articles, and the many others that exist, share the obvious commonality of
CRISPR-Cas9 application, there is also another significant trend that can be easily
overlooked in the midst of all of the excitement regarding what the future holds for this
technology. Each article contains at least one line that addresses the current imperfection of,
or the hesitation to truly accept, the techniques being discussed. Ian McConnell, a University
of Cambridge veterinary science professor, exhibits this equivocality, calling the TB
resistance technique “‘thorough and novel,’” balanced by his skepticism of disease-resistant
offspring, calling the in vivo evidence “‘indirect’” (“Tuberculosis-resistant cows...”). He goes
on to note that, while it is beneficial, the insertion of a transgene is not the single factor
contributing to disease resistance. The coauthor of the ALS mice study, David Schaffer, was
also not coy about sharing the truth that the treatment performed still did not make the ALS
mice “‘normal’” and is ‘“not yet a cure’”. Eric Topol, a Scripps Research Institute geneticist,
also comments on the study that the treatment used is unfortunately only relevant to a small
sector of individuals with ALS - twenty percent of inherited forms, and two percent of all
cases. Yet he was just as equivocal as McConnell, following his humble shortcomings with a
declaration of his optimism that “‘the results were nonetheless encouraging with many
positive neurological signs and delayed onset’” (Zimmer). modified adeno-associated virus,
or AAV, that not only targets motor neurons, but other cells that appear to harm them.”
(Olena) He believes that the ability to rid the neurons, astrocytes, and supporting glia of
SOD1 will be critical in ALS patients for longer lives. He follows his admittance, mentioned
above, with a statement that perfectly epitomizes the ultimate lesson from this discussion.
Focusing less on the fact that his study, and others, are not cures for these diseases, he shares
that they are “‘a really strong proof of concept.’” (Olena) While the techniques may have
some refinement to go through, the technology is here and laying the foundation for the
eventual perfection of these techniques.

 In the Child’s Best Interests

 Julian Savulescu, an Australian philosopher and bioethicist, takes this stance a step
further. He argues that “we have a moral obligation or moral reason to enhance
ourselves and our children.” (Savulescu, n.d.) In his 2001 publication entitled,
“Procreative Beneficence: Why We Should Select the Best Children,” Savulescu
coins this term in his title. ‘Procreative beneficence’, he defines, is the principle that
“couples (or single reproducers) should select the child, of the possible children they
could have, who is expected to have the best life, or at least as good a life as the
others, based on the relevant, available information” (Savulescu, 2001).
 Further, “if we have an obligation to treat and prevent disease, we have an obligation
to try to manipulate these characteristics to give an individual the best opportunity of
the best life” (Savulescu). Most would agree that we have an obligation to treat and
prevent disease in an individual on this planet, and would consider it cruelty if we did
not. In the opinion of Savulescu, why would we not take care of the remote possibility
before it is an issue?
 I must propose a set of philosophical arguments that may affect the level of moral
conviction to consider the genetic engineering of their children. One argument exists
that this concept of a child having a right to an “open future” is meaningless and does
not truly exist because we are a product of our environment from the moment we are
born into a family. Simply by their sole existence, parents inadvertently exert
countless influences on their children. Thus, one parental choice argument may be as
follows: if our environment defines us, even if we choose to trait-select, our parents
and environment make us who we are anyway. What would the point of genetic
engineering be if so many factors can change who we are? A parent under this
impression would likely have less conviction to go through the effort and pay the cost
to have designer babies, if they are simply going to be changed by the world.
Savulescu presents the alternate argument in his statement, “you will never turn a
chihuahua into a doberman through grooming, training, and affection” (Savulescu). In
essence, he discounts the level of environmental influence exerted by the factors
discussed in the alternate viewpoint is simply never going to cause a drastic change
over one’s genetic phenotype. A parent who is taken by Savulescu’s point of view,
not surprisingly, would see the value in trait selection under the notion that genetics
will always overpower environmental influences
 In his composition, The Case Against Perfection, Michael Sandel addresses an
additional viewpoint of this ‘open future’ argument. He presents the position that
selection of genetic makeup of a child in advance, in essence, denies this child a right
to an open future. He continues that, in reality, “any form of bioengineering that
allows parents to select or reject genetic characteristics” presents the same notion of
automatically determining these factors for the child before he or she even enters the
world. For example, any enhancement made to make a child more musically-inclined,
or more athletic, for example, would inherently skew the child’s direction of interests
to be these choices; thus, Sandel argues, “designer children would never be fully
free.” (Sandel, 2004)
 What is the ‘best’ life?
 While I would agree that no parent would ever wish a debilitating condition upon
their child, or their family, I believe further discussion is necessary to determine
whether a life without these traits is ‘the best life.’ A study published by Pediatrics
found that, of the 332 families who returned the questionnaires, ninety-seven percent
of families with severely-disabled children reported their child as ‘happy’ and that, as
parents, their lives as parents were enriched because of their disabled child. (Janvier,
 I do not feel that I can fully agree that creating a designer baby with selected traits
that would yield Savulescu’s opinion of a “happy” person, like the lack of disease,
outweighs the survey parents’ opinion of a “happy” person with joy, despite a disease.
Disabled children, as I believe the study’s results demonstrate, are often described as
achieving higher levels of attributes such as courage, genuineness, and joy than an
individual who is considered happy and healthy by society’s standards. Ultimately,
based on a reflection of the questions posed above, it is the parent’s choice of what
they believe will give their child a more fulfilled life.

 The Degree of Ethical Concern

 The subjectivity of this distinction, and the innumerable factors on which this decision
could be based, is the reason I am able to compose the lengthy prose at hand. What
exactly is a ‘benign’ trait? Or a ‘deleterious’ trait? One that yields a clinical
condition? Or simply any factor that could hinder an individual in some way? Of
course, there is no unanimous answer for society. The immense ramifications that
society, nonetheless, imparts on the parental decision, however, is far from
unanimous, as reflected in the following pages.

 (A) (B)

To better understand this ‘degree of ethical concern,’ it may be beneficial to visualize the
‘levels’ of traits and characteristics for which genome editing could be used. At the risk of
making false assumptions, once again, for the sake of argument, I have constructed Figure 7
above, based on significant research of popular perspectives. The blue set of triangles
represent the degree of ethical concern associated with the modification of particular traits or
characteristics, based on the hypothesized degree of disagreement its modification is likely to
elicit. Several alternate perspectives, which alter the ranking of these traits, will be discussed
below. Triangle (A) depicts traits or characteristics that could hypothetically be subject to
genetic engineering, ordered by research-inspired perceptions of society’s levels of
disagreement regarding modification. Triangle (B) represents the research-inspired
perceptions of the degree of ethical concern regarding modification. When
traits/characteristics are organized in this way, an intriguing pattern arises. The widest point
of (A), representing the trait/characteristic most universally-accepted for editing, corresponds
with the smallest point on (B), representing the least degree of concern for using genome
editing technology for its modification. As (A) descends, becoming increasingly narrow, the
traits/characteristics occupying each consecutive level are less likely to be agreed upon and,
thus, yield a greater amount of ethical concern in (B). It would follow that, as you go down
(A) and increase the amount of ethical objection that each trait/characteristic is likely to elicit,
increased justification is required to explain its position. Based on the prescribed logic,
engineering for disease-causing agents occupies the level with widest degree of acceptance,
and aligns with the least degree of ethical objection. The level below disease in (A) would be
a trait/characteristic that may not, at least presently, be considered a clinical disease, but,
nonetheless, has significant implications for one’s health. Obesity, for example, would fit in
this level of traits/characteristics. It follows logically that obesity would receive slightly more
ethical resistance than diseases because the latter is more universally- accepted to be a trait
defined by genetics, and subject to little-to-no change based on lifestyle. Obesity, though
there is increasing evidence that it is rooted in genetics, there is, nonetheless, an increased
amount of personal choice and responsibility associated with such a characteristic. Thus,
fewer would likely feel inclined to prioritize the elimination of this trait by genetic
engineering, compared to a disease that cannot be prevented. Descending through (A), we can
even begin to differentiate between sectors of a particular trait/characteristics. Cosmetic
enhancements through genetic engineering, for example, can be divided into ‘medically-
motivated’ cosmetics and ‘superficial’ cosmetics. Medically-motivated cosmetics occupy the
next level below obesity, as these are traits/characteristics that can impact health, yet are still
cosmetic. For example, genome editing to prevent Cleft Palate that causes difficulty eating or
drinking, but does not impact health as severely as the traits/characteristics above, and could
potentially be a desired fix for simply cosmetic reasons, would be medically-motivated
cosmetics. An additional trait/characteristic that is appropriate for this category is athletic
ability. While athletic ability may enhance your fitness and health, an individual does not
absolutely need to be athletic to get exercise, as anyone is able to walk. However, not
everyone might agree with this and some may feel that selecting for athletic ability is more,
or less, worthy than another trait/characteristic, potentially depending on personal values,
which explains its intermediate position in (A). Personality traits occupy the next level of (A),
in which selection of these traits has no impact on overall health. However, overall well-
being could be influenced by your demeanor and, thus, how people respond to your presence.
An individual with a friendly personality is likely to elicit a better response from others,
which could make one feel more in harmony with others, or help get the better job based on
interview skills. Though these traits do not have health implications like diseases, they likely
earn less ethical debate than superficial cosmetic traits because they have potentially
legitimate impacts versus those based completely on subjectivity. Yet even the terms good
and bad to describe personality are very much subject to interpretation and challenging to
agree upon. They may even be subject to cultural interpretations. This controversial nature
explains why personality traits occupy a level close to the bottom of (A). However, the
likelihood of a consensus on what is a good versus bad personality trait is greater than that
for superficial cosmetic traits, earning these traits the base of (A). Superficial cosmetics
occupies the smallest region of (A), denoting the largest causation of ethical debate for its
modification. These traits also have no influence on overall health. However, overall well-
being could, once again, be influenced based solely on personal preference and is, thus, the
most controversial, corresponding to the broad base of (B). When genetic selection occurs
based on preferences, or current standards of ‘what is the best’ according to societal values,
the solid grounds for the decision dissipates. Selection of traits such as height, musculature,
eye color, or skin complexion is likely influenced by what society and the culture think are
best, which can change very quickly, like any other fad. However, height poses an interesting
conflict in that being short is not a disease, but some parents may choose to select against it
because being tall is correlated with greater success in our society, as discussed in further
detail below. Further, one could argue that determination of success in a career is not
superficial, and has far greater implications for who you become as an individual than the
other traits in this level. Thus, as expected at the base of (B), the confusion is great for
determining traits that genuinely impact an individual’s success, versus those based on
personal opinion. If society permits selection of traits that have no impact on the health and
are subject to humans attempting to define perfection for ultimately no legitimate reasons,
this is the foundation of what ethicists call a slippery slope. The slippery slope argument is
very powerful in such situations where fine lines are being drawn between what is and is not
permitted. As seen in Figure 8, if we have morally- permissible Moral Action (A) and
unethical Moral Action (B), the slippery slope argument states that if A.1 happens, and then
A.2, we will inevitably be brought to do (B). Are (A) and (B) equivalent? If (B) is wrong,
then so is (A). Thus, if justification for (A) could be used to justify (B), then this is a slippery
The amount of overlap and potential justification to switch traits/characteristics among levels
is what makes genetic engineering a slippery slope. Under the notion that, if you permit the
selection for a trait/characteristic at the top, you may begin to convince yourself that
traits/characteristics from the level below are members of the level you feel is morally
permissible. Gradually, you begin to accept even the most controversial, least health-
influencing traits/characteristics. For example, an individual may begin with the opinion that
genome editing should strictly be used to eliminate disease. Now you and your spouse are
sitting in the genetic counselor’s office planning for your first child. You skim the checklist
in front of you - Diseases, Non-Disease Conditions, Medically-Motivated Cosmetics,
Personalities, and Superficial Cosmetics - shaking your head in disapproval as you read the
last category. You cross off all diseases as you had planned to do, but now you realize you
have already eliminated the chance for your child to have any genetic disease...why leave in
the possibility of him or her becoming obese if you could just as easily give a completely
clean slate? So now, if your child will be disease-free, his or her biggest burden that you
could impact in that moment is that (s)he will not have to endure the embarrassment you did
as an unathletic child in gym class. But now if (s)he is athletic, (s)he’s going to want to join a
sports team and you, as a normal parent who wants the best for their child, want him or her to
be well-liked by teammates. So you start to pick out personality traits, but as you are
checking the boxes, you notice your clubbed thumb and remember how often you were
teased for it. You think to yourself, ‘I would be a terrible parent if I gave my child a feature I
know (s)he would be teased for...’ Before you know it, you are checking boxes in the section
at which you had previously shaken your head. It is the unfortunate reality that, as you
descend in (A), justification for the next level becomes increasingly easier, because even
larger ethical objections seem more justifiable when you have justified all levels leading up to
it. While it may seem inappropriate to include ‘personality’ before its genetic basis has been
fully determined, its inclusion was intentional in this hypothetical construction. With the
combination of decreasing ethical stringency, and increasing sophistication and success of
research, I am confident that we will eventually be capable of changing personality and, by
this time, many more will gradually grow to find it permissible, by the slippery slope
argument. As the impossible become the possible, it becomes increasingly easy to slip down
the slope. Thus, if society is fearful enough of what genome editing has potential to become,
the ultimate solution may be to avoid its commencement. If we ask a more narrowly defined
question about the ethics of genome editing, the blue triangle figure is most fitting. Should
we encourage the application of genome editing, or restrict, prohibit, or even ban it, with
respect to the entries listed in the figure for any disease or trait in any person? Here, the
ethical debate would be very minimal or non-existent for the prevention and cure of diseases,
and massive for 'superficial cosmetic genetics.' If we pose a broader question, however, the
debate becomes more complicated, especially with respect to curing and preventing diseases.
Who would have access to such editing technologies, and under what specific circumstances?
Would all parents have equal access to such powerful genetic methods for ensuring disease-
free children, and perhaps children with the 'best' traits? Ultimately, while the blue triangle
figure answers the simple and direct question about the ethics of genome editing, it cannot
answer the more complicated question of access by privileged groups within any society.

 What is the Motivation?

After a discussion of potential traits subject to modification, it follows that the consequent
task should be a deeper analysis of an individual’s motivation for the selection of particular
traits. In the United States, tall stature and extroversion, among others, are widely regarded as
superior to their respective alternatives. The consultation of numerous resource’s examples
has revealed two primary foundations of reasoning: culture and evolution. Research has
demonstrated that the brain inadvertently associates stature with fitness level and, potentially
not as apparent, social status (“Height discrimination”, 2018). Independent of cognitive
awareness, the brain “associates physical size with leadership potential, power, strength and
intelligence,” a phenomenon seen in infants as early as 10 months of age, and one that is
more evident in men than women. From an evolutionary perspective, taller stature indicates a
well-fed individual who is, presumably, of high social status to be able to provide resources.
Height has additionally become thought of as an indication of two additional attributes,
“general health and physical strength, the latter of which can be useful in asserting
dominance.” (Height discrimination) Stated frankly by author of the US bestseller Quiet: The
Power of Introverts in a World That Can’t Stop Talking, Susan Cain, “‘society has a cultural
bias towards extroverts.’” (Tucker, 2012) Supplementing the stereotypes she breaks with
corrected perceptions, she defines introversion and extroversion as “‘how you respond to
stimulation,’” rather than false tags like ‘antisocial’ and ‘shy’. In an 2012 interview
conducted by The Guardian’s Ian Tucker, Cain shares her opinions on how society came to
value extroverted traits over introverted ones. “‘Our cultural DNA,’” she states, as “‘Western
society is based on Greco-Roman ideals of the person that can speak well, a rhetorical
ideal’”. Though she argues our Western society has always been one that “‘favors action over
contemplation,’” the preference for extroversion really took hold in society’s transition from
the 20th century agricultural society to the business-oriented 21st century. The societal
mindset also shifted to believe that, in order “to stand out and succeed in a company, with
people that you had never met before,” one must be “‘very magnetic, very charismatic in a
job interview’” (Tucker). It was at this time, too, that cinema’s popularity increased,
glamorizing the “magnetic and charismatic” movie stars and providing a ‘role-model’ for
introverts; thus, she argues, “‘this [mindset] became very deeply ingrained’” (Tucker). In a
conversation regarding how work and school environments are geared to the ways extroverts
prefer to work, she describes society’s current “‘value system’ as the ‘New Groupthink,’” a
recipe for creativity that is focused on communication and ‘chance encounters’ with others,
yet “leave[s] very little place for deep thought and for focus,’ both ‘crucial ingredient[s] for
creativity’” (Tucker). Cain also speaks to the evolutionary nature of this societal flaw. She
explains the theory that younger individuals experience a greater need to be extroverted in
order to find “mates,” a pressure that diminishes with age. Thus, “‘we get more introverted
with time’” due to this deprioritization for evolutionary drive. (Tucker) Analysis of both trait
varieties from a cultural and evolutionary perspective reveals the seemingly simple theme
that individuals desire what is perceived as ‘better.’ What is not obvious, however, evidenced
by the intriguing pattern of society’s reinforced preferences, is that ‘better’ might not always
be better. If individuals truly desire what is ‘better,’ there may be reason to believe that
parents might not always want to choose tall stature and extroversion when designing their
child. As an 5’2” individual, I feel particularly intrigued by the proposition that there could
arguably be more advantages associated with shorter stature. I propose one such advantage to
be that shorter individuals could potentially experience decreased economic pressure. While
the prospect may initially seem trivial, even slightly comical, shorter individuals, on average,
weigh less, resulting in the less rapid deterioration of furniture and, thus, decreased frequency
of replacement. David Mizne’s article, published by 15Five, highlights several characteristics
of introverts that differentiate them from their extroverted peers. Introverts possess a thicker
prefrontal cortex for increased thoughtfulness and planning, and this tendency to thoroughly
process ideas can make them the better public speakers, a concept completely foreign to our
society (“Who Performs Better At Work, Introverts Or Extroverts?”, 2017). With these
characteristics in mind, Mizne presents an intriguing analysis of which type, introverts or
extroverts, make the better leader, and the better employee. In a society where the outgoing,
strong communicator is seen as the most valued member of the team, it is no surprise that a
University of North Carolina study found that “96% of managers and executives display
extroverted characteristics” (“Who Performs Better”). However, a 2016 publication by
University of Chicago, Harvard University, and Stanford University researchers categorized
over four-thousand CEOs by personality traits, demonstrating that the better leaders were the
introverted chief executives. Ultimately, “‘introverted CEOs outperformed companies ran by
extroverts,’” which co-author Steven Kaplan argues is because floundering companies tend to
“‘seek out a big personality,’” who ultimately “‘gets blamed when they can’t turn the ship
around.’” (“Who Performs Better”) Mizne’s subsequent determination of the better employee
addresses a significant issue to bear in mind. There are particular jobs that are better
completed by introverts, and others that are more suited for extroverts, and both are equally
important. As with almost any pair of opposites, there are both advantages and disadvantages
associated with each side. In groups that work well together, extroverts are “energizing
force[s];” yet, in situations of disagreement, aggressiveness can actually escalate the conflict.
(“Who Performs Better”) Introverts, too, possess strengths and weaknesses in that they are
more likely to have the thoughtful ideas based in thorough reflection, yet do not thrive, as
extroverts do, in social settings. In her interview, Cain mentions an additional benefit of
introverts, namely that “‘when creativity is the highest priority people should be encouraged
to work alone.’” (Tucker) Why do these traits remain less desired if they, too, have
advantages...even ones that solve or outweigh certain issues posed by the societally-deemed
‘better’ traits? Though, by this juncture, we have certainly witnessed enough large
implications to assume the answer to be the parental reinforcement of these particular values
in society, this does not truly answer the ‘why.’ The answer to this question, I believe, is
ultimately because we are a species driven by the forces of evolution. This evolutionary
mechanism is really only intended to keep an organism alive until it is able to reproduce. It is
after this point that what has value and what does not is determined by culture. Height, for
example, was, evolutionarily, very important for the survival of early humans. Yet, despite
the disappearance of this need, and the transition of height as more cultural, we evidently
possess this evolutionary perspective of height. As a result, these traits are subject more to
intrinsic opinions than rational thought. Our perceptions, right or wrong, are so deeply
intrinsic that we need strong introverted individuals, like Susan Cain, to explicitly state that
extroversion is not necessarily better for us to truly start to believe it, counteracting this
innate mechanism. This notion is frightening enough for individuals, much less for parents
who are responsible for selecting ‘better’ traits for their children with skewed perceptions of
what is ‘better.’

 Traits with no health advantage

 Ultimately, it seems that each ‘degree of ethical concern’ scenario above operates
under one of two opposing ethical schools of thought on the matter. Those that agree
the least on the influence of ‘superficial’ traits resonate with the first school of
thought, resistant to the idea of ‘superficial’ trait selection. They might ask, Is using
this technology for the selection of ‘superficial’ traits that have no impact on the
medical well-being trending on the path to eugenics? Those who operate on the
opposite end of the ethical thought spectrum resonate more with the universal
evolutionarily-driven agreement on the influence of these ‘superficial’ traits. This
group, instead, would ask, Is there anything wrong with interfering, if that is what
science and technology have always allowed us to do and we have been doing this for
so long already? With a mindset very trusting of nature and evolution’s, ability to
maintain the balance between humanity and technology, this society sees no issues
with selection of ‘superficial’ traits. Regardless of an active or inadvertent recognition
of his or her preferred school of thought, it is this parental choice to select for
‘superficial’ traits that reinforces society’s view.
 Parental Motives, Expectations, and Disappointments.
 Suddenly the exhilaration of surprise becomes disappointment, intentional or not,
based on the expectations perfected by nine months of mental fine-tuning.
 We must also view this dilemma from the perspective of the designer child. Children
observe and internalize every interaction and occurrence, particularly of their parents.
If a child perceives parental disappointment based on his or her failure to align
precisely with the preconceived image, one can only imagine what effects this will
have on not only the child, but on society as a whole. It may also be the case that a
child develops this realization independently, wondering why his or her parents felt
that they would not love him or her as a non-designer baby in the same way and, thus,
resorted to technology for his or her creation. A generation of children who feel
unappreciated will develop self-esteem issues that translate into a tendency toward a
variety of negative behaviors. While the traits are thought to make these individuals
more apt, beneath the perfect surface, it may be the resulting issues that cannot be
fixed with genome editing that prove to be disqualifying.
 In attempts to nullify the concern regarding a designer baby’s feelings of failure to
conform to the preconceived image, one may argue that a girl born to a family of all
girls hoping for a boy, or vice versa, could result in these same feelings. While I think
this could potentially be true to a very small extent, I do not think the extent to which
it occurs in this contemporary situation is even slightly comparable to a designer
baby. I believe the random, fifty-fifty chance of having either gender, which the
parents did not intentionally selected for, creates significantly less parental feelings of
expectation. It also creates significantly less feelings of unwantedness for the child in
comparison to a designer child, who is aware that his or her parents intentionally
desired to select of specific traits and did not receive them.


 Introduction

 Is it Ethically Acceptable,
Legally Permissible and
Halachic to use Preimplantation
Genetic Diagnosis (PGD) to
Select Desirable

 Introduction
Given the recent birth, in the UK, of the first embryo to be genetically screened and selected to
ensure freedom from a breast cancer gene, there may be renewed concern that this technology could
be used to create designer children who possess desirable characteristics. It is therefore prudent to
consider both the secular and Jewish ethics and legality of designer children. PGD can and is used to
test for several conditions before implantation by removing one to two cells from a six to ten cell
embryo, created by in vitro fertilisation (IVF). Only embryos free of conditions’ genes are implanted.
The phrase ‘designer babies’ conjures up blue- eyed, blonde hair children, not too dissimilar to Nazi
aims for the Aryan race. However, all the currently legal PGD uses (under English law outlined in the
Human Fertilisation and Embryology Act (HFEA) 1990) such as serious disability and disease
elimination and saviour siblings result in designer children – children with parentally selected
characteristics. Why should selecting children with desired characteristics such as a particular sex or
greater intelligence, for example, be any different from selection of those with an absence of
undesirable characteristics?

 Selecting embryo sex to eliminate sex- linked disorders does

notseem ethically contentious
 Sex Selection Ethics
 Concerns about selecting the sex of one’s child for birth order or cultural preference, or
economic usefulness include unbalanced population consequences. Imagine that legal
intervention could insist that for every female born, a male must be chosen. If still
uncomfortable, something other than population imbalance must be causing this: fear of
allowing sex favouritism manifestation in reproductive behaviour, rather than unconditional
acceptance and love, wealth masculinisation and male-dominated societies resulting in
discrimination. In some societies where sex discrimination is rampant, concern for the child
could justify sex selection. However, allowing this will simply fuel existing bias which must
be overcome through social change rather than PGD, using the resources that would have
been spent on
 the technology. For some, abortion would be a viable alternative to PGD if they found
prenatally that their child was the ‘undesirable’ sex. This can and has been remedied in
countries at risk, by not disclosing embryo sex to pregnant women.

 Judaism and Sex Selection

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