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Unified Test 2020

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Foon Yew High School, Johor Bahru

1st Semester Unified Test 2020

Senior One English Language

Name: _______________________ ( ) Date: 28 th February 2020

Class: ________________ ( ) Student No: ______________ Time: 7.30a.m. – 8.15a.m.

Part A: Comprehension 30%

I was ten when my father died. My father’s lingering sickness and his eventual death at forty was so traumatic
that the pain never really left me. I had always hero-worshipped my father and thought him the greatest. In my small
world perhaps he was.
We all lived on the fringes of poverty in our village. Among the villagers, we were the only ones who had a
little extra and that was because my father was a good businessman. He would sell at a profit, groceries and goods
purchased on credit from Tang, the Chinese shopkeeper at the main market. The villagers did not always have money
but they sold anything of value that they got from the forest to my father and then used the money to buy his groceries.
So, father managed to make some money to buy things for us.
One day, my father met with a bad accident when he fell from the motorboat and hurt his right knee. The
injured knee never healed. My father was unable to walk on his own and had to use a staff. He was limping badly and
my friends used to tease me cruelly by calling him a cripple. That hurt me a lot. In 1964 he was persuaded to have his
knee amputated as it was causing him a lot of pain. My father was a proud man and could never accept the fact that
he was disabled. To make matters worse, it was discovered that father had cancer of the vital organs. He never
recovered. When he died, my world crumbled. After all I was ten.
I was devastated by my father’s death. I felt that I had lost everything, my dreams, my security and my future.
I knew that if I could choose a father, I would choose only him as he was the best father one could have. He had
been caring and always kind. He wanted the best for his children. He had been a good businessman and had chosen
to work hard so that his children could have better lives. He was a loving father who adored his children and made
every child feel special. We were never neglected. No one ever had the feeling that he or she was not loved or
appreciated. He was totally protective of all of us so that we had felt secure and comfortable just knowing he was
there. He taught us responsibility and hard work. I saw him help those in need and realized that we all have to help
each other. He had been a good husband to his wife and had worked side by side with her when he was well. He
would do household chores so that my mother did not have to suffer doing the harder work. I learned that family
members shared the burden with a cheerful face.
My father did not make long speeches to us about anything. However, in everything he did, he has taught me
all the lessons I need to know to be a responsible person. Father, I thank you for having been such a good person
and I will strive to walk in your footsteps.

PART I: Read the passage carefully and answer the questions in COMPLETE sentences. (4 marks each)
1. Who was the writer’s hero?
2. From paragraph 2, which phrase tells you that the writer’s family was not rich?
3. From paragraph 3, what happened to the writer’s father and what hurt the writer a lot?
4. From paragraph 4, why did the writer say that his father’s death devastated him?
5. In your opinion, what does the writer need to do in order to “walk in his father’s footsteps”?

PART II: Find the WORDS OR PHRASES from the passage with the meanings given. (2 marks each)
6. ____________________ (Paragraph 1) – admired (someone) excessively
7. ____________________ (Paragraph 2) – with an arrangement to pay later
8. ____________________ (Paragraph 3) – cut off a part of a body
9. ____________________ (Paragraph 4) – very shocked and upset
10. ____________________ (Paragraph 5) – to try very hard to do something or to make something happen

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Part B: Vocabulary 20%
Fill in the blanks with the BEST answers. (2 marks each) (Group A: Q3-Q12; Group B: Any 10)
admittedly arises demanding diminish
have a word insecure lead to pester
reckon regardless siblings spurred on

1. I've got three ________________, a brother and two sisters.

2. Could I ________________ with you when you've got a spare minute?
3. Lack of exercise can ________________ feelings of depression and exhaustion
4. The technique is painful, ________________, but it benefits the patient greatly.
5. She used to ________________ her father until she got exactly what she wanted.
6. As people approach old age, their energies may ________________.
7. The birds also attack crops when the opportunity ________________.
8. My dad's really________________. He wants me home by 10pm every night!
9. I felt ________________ with many of the rebels roaming the streets in Hong Kong.
10. The club welcomes all new members ________________ of age.
11. I ________________ I screwed the chemistry exam up totally.
12. The threat of unemployment has _________ students ____________ to work harder at their studies.

Part C: Error Identification 10%

In each of the sentences below, four parts are underlined and marked A, B, C and D. One of these parts contains an error. Decide
whether it is at A, B, C or D. (1 mark each)

1. When he heard what had happened, he was quite amusing.

(A) (B) (C) (D)
2. I hope you will kind consider my application for a job in your company.
(A) (B) (C) (D)
3. Turn left by the crossroads when you reach it.
(A) (B) (C) (D)
4. I don’t know weather he is coming to the party tonight.
(A) (B) (C) (D)
5. The dog wagged it’s tail when it saw me approaching.
(A) (B) (C) (D)
6. Although he jumped aside, but the stone hit him.
(A) (B) (C) (D)
7. He jumped down after shouted a warning to those standing below.
(A) (B) (C) (D)
8. The robber gave the victim with a hard blow.
(A) (B) (C) (D)
9. Can you borrow me your book for a few days?
(A) (B) (C) (D)
10. I saw the blind man crossed the busy road without any help.
(A) (B) (C) (D)

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Part D: Language Use- Phrasal verbs, Idioms and Proverbs. 10%
Select the best answer for each sentence and fill in the blanks given. (2 marks each)
hang out spur on tell on
get on my nerves keep an eye on the apple does not fall far from the tree

1. Did you hear that Dr. Klein's daughter, Molly, is majoring in Biology? I guess ________________.
2. The noise from the apartment upstairs was beginning to ________________.
3. Please don’t ________________ me – my parents will kill me if they find out!
4. Will you ________________ things here until I get back?
5. I used to ________________with them when I was at college.

Part E: Word Formation 10%

Use the word given in the bracket and fill in each blank with the correct word form. (2 marks each)

1. The teacher had given a _________________ (demonstrate) before the students carried out their experiments.
2. My wife has her own personal _________________ (prefer) in determining the kind of car she wants to buy.
3. WikiLeaks published thousands of _________________ (class) U.S. documents to the public in 2010.
4. She might look more _________________ (attract) with a little make-up.
5. The average _________________ (attend) has dropped noticeably in NBA games since
the ticket price increase.

Part F: Literature 10%

Answer the following questions based on the poem “A Living Photograph”. (2 marks each)

1. To whom does the poem relate to?

2. How old was the persona when the photo was taken?
3. What happened to the grandmother’s physical appearance as she aged?
4. What does “her soup forgot to boil.” tell you about the grandmother?
5. Why do you think photographs are important in our lives?

Part G: Verb forms 10%

Fill in the blank with the correct form of the verb in the bracket. (1 mark each)

1. Jay wasn’t there when I called. He ________________ (already/leave).

2. Kevin arrived while we ________________ (have) lunch.
3. Jason ________________ (wait) there for a long time by the time his friends reached.
4. Jack ________________ (always/get) on my nerves.
5. How long ________________ (you/know) Sam?
6. All the assignments _______________ (collect) by the time the teacher came in the class.
7. My little sister ________________ (use to/ annoy) me a lot when we were growing up.
8. ________ the contract _____________ (sign) by the manager tomorrow?
9. She ________________ (watch) television since 8 o’clock this morning.
10. She ________________ (bear) in Chicago, but she didn’t grow up there.

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