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Unit 5 - Objects and Classes

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Object Oriented

Object and
▪ Basics of Object and Class in C++
▪ Private and Public Members
▪ Static data and Function Members
▪ Constructors and their types
▪ Destructors I like C++ so much

I like
Operator Overloading
Type Conversion
Rupesh sir

Unit-5 Objects and Classes 2

Object and Class in C++
What is an Object?

Pen Board Laptop

I like C++ so much
I like Rupesh sir

Bench Projector Bike

Physical objects…
Unit-5 Objects and Classes 4
What is an Object? (Cont…)

I like C++ so much

like Rupesh sir
Bank Account

Logical objects…

Unit-5 Objects and Classes 5

Attributes and Methods of an Object

Bank Account

Object: Person Object: Car Object: Account

I like C++ so much
Attributes Attributes Attributes
Name I like Rupesh
Company sir AccountNo
Age Color HolderName
Weight Fuel type AccountType
Methods Methods Methods
Eat Start Deposit
Sleep Drive Withdraw
Walk Stop Transfer
Unit-5 Objects and Classes 6

A Class is a blueprint of an object

I like C++ so much
I like Rupesh sir
A Class describes the object

Unit-5 Objects and Classes 7

Class car

I like C++ so much

Class: Car
I like Rupesh sir

Unit-5 Objects and Classes 8

Class: Car

Properties (Describe)
Company Methods (Functions)
Model Start
Color Drive
Mfg. Year Park
Price On_break
Fuel Type On_lock
Mileage On_turn
Gear Type
Power Steering
Anti-Lock braking system
Objects of Class Car

Honda City Hyundai i20 Sumo Grand

I like C++ so much
I like Rupesh sir
Mercedes E class Swift Dzire

Unit-5 Objects and Classes 10

Class in C++
▪ A class is a blueprint or template that describes the object.
▪ A class specifies the attributes and methods of objects.

class car
{ I like C++ so much
// data members and member functions
}car1; I like Rupesh sir
▪ In above example class name is car, and car1 is object of that

Unit-5 Objects and Classes 11

Specifying Class

How to declare / write class ?

I like C++ so much

How to create an object
I like Rupesh sirof class)?

How to access class members ?

Unit-5 Objects and Classes 12

How to declare / write class ?

class car
I like C++ so much
int price;
I like Rupesh sirPrice
float mileage;
public: Mileage
void start(); Methods
void drive(); Start
}; Drive

Unit-5 Objects and Classes 13

How to create an object ?
className objectVariableName;

class car I like C++ so much Object
private: I like Rupeshintsirmain()
int price;
float mileage;
public: car c1;
void start(); c1.start();
void drive(); }
Unit-5 Objects and Classes 14
Object in C++
▪ An object is an instance of a class
▪ An object is a variable of type class

Class Object
class car I like C++ so much
{ int main()
private: I like Rupesh{ sir
int price; car c1;
float mileage; c1.start();
void start(); }
void drive();
Unit-5 Objects and Classes 15
Program: class, object
▪ Write a C++ program to create class Test having data members
mark and spi.
▪ Create member functions SetData() and DisplayData()to
demonstrate class and objects.
I like C++ so much
I like Rupesh sir

Unit-5 Objects and Classes 16

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
Program: class, object
class Test
{ int main()
private: {
int mark; Test o1;
float spi; o1.SetData();
public: o1.DisplayData();
void SetData() return 0;
{ }
mark = 270; ▪ Calling
Creates statements
an object ao1 and
spi = 6.5; return
type to
Control calling
Test tofunction
of SetData()
void DisplayData()
cout << "Mark= "<<mark<<endl;
cout << "spi= "<<spi;
} ;
class Test int main()
{ {
private: Test o1,o2;
int mark; o1.SetData();
float spi; o1.DisplayData();
public: o2.SetData();
void SetData() o2.DisplayData();
{ return 0;
cin>>mark; }
} mark = 50
void DisplayData() o1
cout << "Mark= "<<mark; spi = 7.5
cout << "spi= "<<spi;
} mark = 70
} ;
spi = 6.83
Program: class, object
▪ Write a C++ program to create class Car having data members
Company and Top_Speed.
▪ Create member functions SetData() and DisplayData()
and create two objects of class Car.
I like C++ so much
I like Rupesh sir

Unit-5 Objects and Classes 19

class Car
{ Program: class, object
private: int main()
char company[20]; {
int top_speed; Car o1;
public: o1.SetData();
void SetData(){ o1.DisplayData();
cout<<"Enter Company:"; return 0;
cin>>company; }
cout<<"Enter top speed:";
void DisplayData()
cout << "\nCompany:"<<company;
cout << "\tTop Speed:"<<top_speed;
} ;
Program: class, object
▪ Write a C++ program to create class Employee having data
members Emp_Name, Salary, Age.
▪ Create member functions SetData() and DisplayData().
▪ Create two objects of class Employee
I like C++ so much
I like Rupesh sir

Unit-5 Objects and Classes 21

class Employee
Program: class, object
char name[10];
int salary, age; int main()
public: Employee o1;
void SetData() o1.SetData();
{ o1.DisplayData();
cin>>name>>salary>>age; return 0;
} }
void DisplayData()
cout << “Name= "<<name<<endl;
cout << “salary= "<<salary<<endl;
cout << “age= "<<age;
} ;
Private and Public Members

Private Public
Private Members
▪ ByPrivate
defaultmembers of the class
all the members of can
Class accessed within the class and from
are private
member functions of the class.
▪ A private member variable or
class car
function cannot be accessed, or even
{ Private:
long int price;
I like C++ so muchviewed from outside the class.

float mileage;
void setdata()
I like Rupesh sir
This feature in OOP is known as Data
{ hiding / Encapsulation
price = 700000;
mileage = 18.5;

Unit-5 Objects and Classes 24

Private Members
▪ Private members of the class can be accessed within the class and
from member functions of the class.
▪ They cannot be accessed outside the class or from other
programs, not even from inherited class.
I like C++ so much
▪ If you try to access private data from outside of the class, compiler
throws error.
This feature in likeis known
Rupesh sir / Encapsulation.
as Data hiding
▪ If any other access modifier is not specified then member default
acts as Private member.

Unit-5 Objects and Classes 25

Public Members
Class The public
Public members
members of a classfrom
are accessible can
class car beanywhere
accessed outside the class but
{ the objectwithin
nameaand dot operator '.'
long int price;
float mileage; I like C++ so much
public: Object
char model[10];I like Rupesh sir
int main()
void setdata()
price = 700000; car c1;
mileage=18.53; c1.model = "petrol";
} c1.setdata();
}; }
Unit-5 Objects and Classes 26
Public Members
▪ The public keyword makes data and functions public.
▪ Public members of the class are accessible by any program from
▪ Class members that allow manipulating or accessing the class data
are made public. I like C++ so much
I like Rupesh sir

Unit-5 Objects and Classes 27

Data Hiding in Classes
No entry to Private Area
Private area Data
I like C++ so much
Entry allowed to I like Rupesh sir
Public Area

Public area Data


Unit-5 Objects and Classes 28

Example Class in C++
class Test By Default the members of a
{ private is a Keyword
class are private.
int data1; Private data and functions
float data2; can be written here
I like C++ so much
void function1()
public is a
Keyword }
I like Rupesh sir
data1 = 2;

float function2() Public data and functions

{ can be written here
data2 = 3.5;
return data2;
Unit-5 Objects and Classes 29
Function Definition Outside Class
Function definition outside the class
Return-type class-name :: function-name(arguments)
Function body;
▪ The membership label class-name::
I like C++ so much
tells the compiler that the function
belongs to class

Example: I like Rupesh sir

void Test :: SetData(int i,int j)
mark = i;
spi = j;

Unit-5 Objects and Classes 31

Function Definition outside class
class car
float mileage;
float updatemileage();
void car :: setdata()
void setdata() ;
I like C++ so much
mileage = 18.5;
mileage = 18.5;
} I like Rupesh sir
int main()
float car :: updatemileage() car c1;
{ c1.setdata();
return mileage+2; c1.updatemileage();

Unit-5 Objects and Classes 32

class Test Program: function outside
{ class
private: int main()
int mark; {
float spi; Test o1;
public: o1.SetData(70,6.5);
void SetData(int,float); o1.DisplayData();
void DisplayData(); return 0;
void Test :: SetData(int i,float j){
mark = i;
spi = j; ▪ The membership label Test::
} tells the compiler that the
void Test :: DisplayData() SetData() and
{ DisplayData() belongs to
cout << "Mark= "<<mark; Test class
cout << "\nspi= "<<spi;
Member Functions with
Program: Function with argument
▪ Define class Time with members hour, minute and second.
Also define function to setTime() to initialize the members,
print() to display time. Demonstrate class Time for two

I like C++ so much

I like Rupesh sir

Unit-5 Objects and Classes 35

Program: Function with argument
using namespace std;
class Time
private :
I like C++ so much
int hour, minute, second;
public :
I like Rupesh sir
void setTime(int h, int m, int s);
void print();

Unit-5 Objects and Classes 36

Program: Function with argument
void Time::setTime(int h, int m, int s)
} I like C++ so much
void Time::print()
{ I like Rupesh sir

Unit-5 Objects and Classes 37

Program: Function with argument
int main()
int h,m,s;
Time t1;
cout<<"Enter hours="; cin>>h;
I like C++ so much
cout<<"Enter minutes="; cin>>m;
cout<<"Enter seconds="; cin>>s;
I like Rupesh sir
return 0;

Unit-5 Objects and Classes 38

Program: Function with argument
▪ Define class Rectangle with members width and height.
Also define function to set_values() to initialize the
members, area() to calculate area. Demonstrate class
Rectangle for two objects.

I like C++ so much

I like Rupesh sir

Unit-5 Objects and Classes 39

class Rectangle
{ Program: Function
int width, height; with argument
void set_values (int,int);
int area(){
return width*height;
void Rectangle::set_values (int x, int y){
width = x; height = y;
int main(){
Rectangle rect;
cout << "area: " << rect.area();
return 0;
Program: Function with argument
▪ Define class Employee with members age and salary.
1. Also define function to setdata() to initialize the members.
2. Define function displaydata() to display data.
3. Demonstrate class Employee for two objects.
int main(){ I like C++ so much
Employee yash,raj;
I like Rupesh sir

raj. displaydata();
return 0;
Unit-5 Objects and Classes 41
Program: Function with
class Employee{ argument
private :
int age; int salary;
public :
void setData(int , int);
void displaydata();
}; I like C++ so much
void Employee::setData(int x, int y){
I like Rupesh sir
void Employee::displaydata(){
Unit-5 Objects and Classes 42
Passing Objects as Function
Function with argument and returns value
#include <iostream> Value of
using namespace std; int main() Argument int fun1(int f)
{ {
..... .....
int add(int, int); b = fun1(a); .....
..... return e;
int main(){
int a=5,b=6,ans;
I like C++ so much
} Function

ans = add(a,b);
I like Rupesh sir
cout<<"Addition is="<<ans;
return 0;
int add(int x,int y)
return x+y;
Unit-5 Objects and Classes 44
Object as Function arguments
int time
a t2

I like C++ so much
void add(intI x,
like Rupesh
int y) void sir
addtime(time x, time y)
{ {
statements… statements…
} }
int main() int main()
{ {
int a=5,b=6; time t1,t2,t3;
add(a,b); t3.addtime(t1,t2);
} }
Unit-5 Objects and Classes 45
Object as Function arguments

I like C++ so much

I like Rupesh sir

Unit-5 Objects and Classes 46

class Time
Program: passing object
int hour, minute, second; as argument
public :
void getTime(){
cout<<"\nEnter hours:";cin>>hour;
cout<<"Enter Minutes:";cin>>minute;
cout<<"Enter Seconds:";cin>>second;
void printTime(){
void addTime(Time x, Time y){
hour = x.hour + y.hour;
minute = x.minute + y.minute;
second = x.second + y.second;
int main() Program: passing object
{ as argument
Time t1,t2,t3;



cout<<"\nafter adding two objects";

return 0;

Here, hour, minute and second represents data of object t3

because this function is called using code t3.addTime(t1,t2)

Function Declaration
void addTime(Time x, Time y)
hour = x.hour + y.hour;
minute = x.minute + y.minute;
second = x.second + y.second;
Program: Passing object as argument
▪ Define class Complex with members real and imaginary .
Also define function to setdata() to initialize the members,
print() to display values and addnumber() that adds two
complex objects.

I like C++ so much

▪ Demonstrate concept of passing object as argument.

I like Rupesh sir

Unit-5 Objects and Classes 50

Program: Passing object as int main()
argument {
class Complex Complex c1,c2,c3;
{ c1.readData();
private: c2.readData();
int real,imag; c3.addComplexNumbers(c1, c2);
public: c3.displaySum();
void readData() }
cout<<"Enter real and imaginary number:";
cin>>real>> imag;
void addComplexNumbers(Complex comp1, Complex comp2)
void displaySum()
cout << "Sum = " << real<< "+" << imag << "i";
Passing and Returning Objects
Passing and returning object
int time
a t2

Function result
I like C++ so much
int add(int I
int y)Rupesh sir
time addtime(time x, time y)
{ {
return return //object of class time
} }
int main() int main()
{ {
int a=5,b=6,result; time t1,t2,t3,result;
result = add(a,b); result = t3.addtime(t1,t2);
} }
Unit-5 Objects and Classes 53
Passing and returning object

I like C++ so much

I like Rupesh sir

Unit-5 Objects and Classes 54

Program: Passing and Returning an Object
▪ Define class Time with members hour, minute and second.
Also define function to getTime() to initialize the members,
printTime() to display time and addTime() to add two
time objects. Demonstrate class Time.

I like C++ so much

1. Passing object as argument
2. Returning object
I like Rupesh sir

Unit-5 Objects and Classes 55

class Time{ Program: Returning
int hour, minute, second;
public : object
void getTime(){
cout<<"\nEnter hours:";cin>>hour;
cout<<"Enter Minutes:";cin>>minute;
void printTime(){
Time addTime(Time t1, Time t2){
Time t4;
t4.hour = t1.hour + t2.hour;
t4.minute = t1.minute + t2.minute;
return t4;
Program: Returning
int main() object
Time t1,t2,t3,ans;



cout<<"\nafter adding two objects";

return 0;
Program: Returning object
▪ C++ program to add two complex numbers by Pass and Return
Object from the Function.

I like C++ so much

I like Rupesh sir

Unit-5 Objects and Classes 58

class Complex
Program: Returning object
int real,imag;
void readData()
cout<<"Enter real and imaginary number:";
cin>>real>> imag;
Complex addComplexNumbers(Complex comp1, Complex comp2)
Complex temp;
return temp;
void displaySum()
cout << "Sum = " << real<< "+" << imag << "i";
Program: Returning object
int main()
Complex c1,c2,c3,ans;
ans = c3.addComplexNumbers(c1, c2);
Nesting Member
Nesting Member functions
▪ A member function of a class can be called by an object of that
class using dot operator.
▪ A member function can be also called by another member
function of same class.
I like C++ so much
▪ This is known as nesting of member functions.
void set_values (int x, int y)
{ I like Rupesh sir
width = x;
height = y;


Unit-5 Objects and Classes 62

Program: Nesting member function
▪ Define class Rectangle with member width,height. Also
define function to setvalue(), displayvalue().
Demonstrate nested member functions.

I like C++ so much

I like Rupesh sir

Unit-5 Objects and Classes 63

Program: Nesting member function
class rectangle{
int w,h;
void setvalue(int ww,int hh)
I like C++ so much
int main(){
rectangle r1;
I like Rupesh sir
void displayvalue() return 0;
{ }
cout<<"\t height="<<h;
Unit-5 Objects and Classes 64
Array of Objects
Array of Objects
▪ Storing more than one Employee data. Let’s assume there is an
array of objects for storing employee data emp[50].

I like C++ so much

I like Rupesh sir

Unit-5 Objects and Classes 66

Program: Storing data of one employee
include<iostream> void Employee::getdata()
using namespace std; { cout<<"Enter Id : ";
Class Employee cout<<"Enter Name : ";
{ cin>>name;
int id; }
char name[30];
public: I like C++ so much
void Employee::putdata()
{ cout<<id;
void getdata();
void putdata() }
I like Rupesh sir
int main(){
Employee emp;
return 0;
Unit-5 Objects and Classes 67
Array of Objects
This program can take the data of only one Employee.

What if there is a requirement to add data of more than one

I like C++ so much
In that case, Array of Objects concept can be used.
I like Rupesh sir
An array of objects can be used if there is a need to store data of
more than one employee.

The syntax for declaring an array of objects is -

class_name array_name [size] ;

Unit-5 Objects and Classes 68

Program: Array of objects

include<iostream> void Employee::getdata()

using namespace std; { cout<<"Enter Id : ";
Class Employee
{ I like C++ so much
cout<<"Enter Name : ";
int id; }
char name[30];
I like Rupesh sir
void Employee::putdata()
{ cout<<id;
void getdata(); cout<<name;
void putdata() }

Unit-5 Objects and Classes 69

Program: Array of objects
int main()
Employee emp[30];
int n, i;
cout << "Enter Number of Employees - ";
cin >> n;
I like C++ so
// Accessing the function
for(i =I 0;
i < Rupesh
n; i++) sir

cout << "Employee Data - " << endl;

for(i = 0; i < n; i++)

Unit-5 Objects and Classes 70
Program: Array of objects

I like C++ so much

I like Rupesh sir

Unit-5 Objects and Classes 71

Advantages of Array of Objects
• The array of objects represent storing multiple objects in a single

• In an array of objects, the data can be accessed randomly by

I like C++ so much
using the index number.

I like Rupesh sir
Reduce the time and memory by storing the data in a single

Unit-5 Objects and Classes 72

Write a C++ Program using Array Of Objects to display multiple
book details using title and price as data members in the class.

I like C++ so much

I like Rupesh sir

Unit-5 Objects and Classes 73

Program: Book details

include<iostream> void books::getdata()

using namespace std; { cout<<"Title:”;
Class books cout<<"Price:”;
char title[30];
I like C++ so much

float price;
public: I like Rupesh sir
void books::putdata()
void getdata();
void putdata() cout<<"Title:"<<title<< "\n";
}; cout<<"Price:"<<price<< "\n”;

Unit-5 Objects and Classes 74

Program: Book details
int main()
books b[10];
int n, i;
cout << "Enter Number of Books - ";
cin >> n;
I like C++ so much
for(i = 0; i < n; i++)
I like
cout<<"Enter Rupesh sir
details o£ book

cout << “Book details- " << endl;

for(i = 0; i < n; i++)

Unit-5 Objects and Classes 75
Friend Function
Friend Function
▪ In C++ a Friend Function that is a "friend" of a given class is
allowed access to private and protected data in that class.
▪ A friend function is a function which is declared using friend
I like C++ so much
Class Class
class A I like Rupesh sir class B
{ {
private: private:
int numA; Friend Function int numB;
public: void add() public:
void setA(); { void setB();
friend void add(); Access friend void add();
}; numA, numB };
Unit-5 Objects and Classes 77
Friend Function
▪ Friend function can be declared either in public or private part of
the class.
▪ It is not a member of the class so it cannot be called using the
I like C++ so much
▪ Usually, it has the objects as arguments.
class ABC I like Rupesh sir
friend void xyz(argument/s); //declaration
Unit-5 Objects and Classes 78
Program: Friend Function
class numbers {
int num1, num2;
void setdata(int a, int b);
friend int add(numbers N);
}; I like C++ so much
void numbers :: setdata(int a, int b){
I like Rupesh sir
int main()
numbers N1;
int add(numbers N){
return (N.num1+N.num2);
} cout<<”Sum = ”<<add(N1);
return 0;
Unit-5 Objects and Classes 79
class Box { Program: Friend
double width;
public: Function
friend void printWidth( Box );
void setWidth( double wid );
void Box::setWidth( double wid ) {
width = wid;
void printWidth(Box b) {
cout << "Width of box : " << b.width;
int main( ) {
Box box;
printWidth( box );
return 0;
class base
{ Program: Friend
int val1,val2;
public: Function
void get(){
cout<<"Enter two values:";
friend float mean(base ob);
float mean(base ob){
return float(ob.val1+ob.val2)/2;
int main(){
base obj;
cout<<"\n Mean value is : "<<mean(obj);
Member function, friend to another class
class X { ▪ Member functions of one class can
……………………………………… be made friend function of another
int f(); class.
class Y{ ▪ The function f is a member of
……………………………………… I like C++ so much
class X and a friend of class Y.
friend int X :: f();
}; I like Rupesh sir

Unit-5 Objects and Classes 82

Friend function to another class
Class Class
class A class B
{ {
private: private:
Friend Function
int numA;
I like void
C++add()so much int numB;
void setA(); void setB();
I like {Rupesh sir
friend void add(); Access
numA, numB
friend void add();
}; } };

Unit-5 Objects and Classes 83

Program: Friend function to another class
▪ Write a program to find out sum of two private data members
numA and numB of two classes ABC and XYZ using a common
friend function. Assume that the prototype for both the classes
will be int add(ABC, XYZ);

I like C++ so much

I like Rupesh sir

Unit-5 Objects and Classes 84

class XYZ; //forward declaration Program: Friend to another class
class ABC { class XYZ {
private: private:
int numA; int numB;
public: public:
void setdata(){ void setdata(){
numA=10; numB=25;
} }
friend int add(ABC, XYZ); friend int add(ABC , XYZ);
}; };

int add(ABC objA, XYZ objB){

return (objA.numA + objB.numB);
int main(){
ABC objA; XYZ objB;
objA.setdata(); objB.setdata();
cout<<"Sum: "<< add(objA, objB);
class Square; // forward declaration Program: Friend
class Rectangle to another class
int width=5, height=6;
friend void display(Rectangle , Square );
class Square
int side=9;
friend void display(Rectangle , Square );
void display(Rectangle r, Square s)
cout<<"Rectangle:"<< r.width * r.height;
cout<<"Square:"<< s.side * s.side;
Program: Friend
int main () { to another class
Rectangle rec;
Square sq;
return 0;
Use of friend function
▪ It is possible to grant a nonmember function access to the private
members of a class by using a friend function.
▪ It can be used to overload binary operators.

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I like Rupesh sir

Unit-5 Objects and Classes 88

What is constructor ?
A constructor is a block of code which is,
similar to member function
has same name as class name
I like C++ so much
called automatically when object of class created
I like Rupesh sir
A constructor is used to initialize the objects of class as soon as the
object is created.

Unit-5 Objects and Classes 90

class car class car
{ Same {
private: name as private:
float mileage; float mileage;
public: class name public:
void setdata() car()
I like C++ so
to much {

I like Rupesh
function sir

int main() int main()

{ {
car c1;
c1,c2; car c1,c2;
on creation
of object
} }
Unit-5 Objects and Classes 91
Properties of Constructor
▪ Constructor should be declared in public class car
section because private constructor cannot private:
be invoked outside the class so they are float mileage;
useless. public:
I like C++ so much
▪ Constructors do not have return types and
they cannot return values, not even void.
I like Rupesh sir };
▪ Constructors cannot be inherited, even though a derived class can
call the base class constructor.
▪ Constructors cannot be virtual.
▪ They make implicit calls to the operators new and delete when
memory allocation is required.
Unit-5 Objects and Classes 92
Constructor (Cont…)
class Rectangle
int width,height;
I like C++ so much
I like Rupesh sir
cout<<”Constructor Called”;

int main()
Rectangle r1;
return 0;
Unit-5 Objects and Classes 93
Types of Constructors
Types of Constructors
1) Default constructor
2) Parameterized constructor
3) Copy constructor

I like C++ so much

I like Rupesh sir

Unit-5 Objects and Classes 95

1) Default Constructor
▪ Default constructor is the one which invokes by default when
object of the class is created.
▪ It is generally used to initialize the default value of the data
I like C++ so much
▪ It is also called no argument constructor.

class demo{ I like int

main() sir
int m,n; { Object d1
public: demo d1;
demo() m n
{ 10 10
Unit-5 Objects and Classes 96
Program Constructor
class Area int main(){
{ Area A1;
private: A1.Calculate();
int length, breadth; Area A2;
public: A2.Calculate();
I like C++ so much
return 0;

I like Rupesh sir
void Calculate(){
cout<<"\narea="<<length * breadth;
} A1 A2
length breadth length breadth
5 2 5 2
Unit-5 Objects and Classes 97
2) Parameterized Constructor
▪ Constructors that can take arguments are called parameterized
▪ Sometimes it is necessary to initialize the various data elements of
different objects with different values when they are created.
I like C++ so much
▪ We can achieve this objective by passing arguments to the
constructor function when the objects are created.
I like Rupesh sir

Unit-5 Objects and Classes 98

Parameterized Constructor
▪ Constructors that can take arguments are called parameterized
class demo
int m,n;
public: I like C++ so much
demo(int x,int y){ //Parameterized Constructor
n=y; I like Rupesh sir
cout<<“Constructor Called“;
int main() d1
{ m n
demo d1(5,6);
} 5 6

Unit-5 Objects and Classes 99

Program Parameterized Constructor
▪ Create a class Distance having data members feet and inch.
Create parameterized constructor to initialize members feet and

I like C++ so much

I like Rupesh sir

Unit-5 Objects and Classes 100

3) Copy Constructor
▪ A copy constructor is used to declare and initialize an object from
another object using an object as argument.
▪ For example:
demo(demo &d); //declaration
I like C++//copy
demo d2(d1); soobject
OR demo d2=d1; //copy object
I like Rupesh sir
▪ Constructor which accepts a reference to its own class as a
parameter is called copy constructor.

Unit-5 Objects and Classes 101

3) Copy Constructor
▪ A copy constructor is used to initialize an object
from another object
using an object as argument.

▪ A Parameterized constructor which accepts a reference to its own

I like C++ so much
class as a parameter is called copy constructor.
I like Rupesh sir

Unit-5 Objects and Classes 102

Copy Constructor
class demo int main()
{ {
int m, n; demo obj1(5,6);
public: demo obj2(obj1);
demo(int x,int y){ demo obj2 = obj1;
m=x; }
n=y; I like C++ so much obj1
obj1 or x
cout<<"Parameterized Constructor";
} I like Rupesh sir m n
demo(demo &d){
5 6
m = d.m;
n = d.n;
cout<<"Copy Constructor";
} m n
}; 5 6

Unit-5 Objects and Classes 103

Program: Types of Constructor
▪ Create a class Rectangle having data members length and
width. Demonstrate default, parameterized and copy
constructor to initialize members.

I like C++ so much

I like Rupesh sir

Unit-5 Objects and Classes 104

Program: Types of Constructor
class rectangle{
int length, width; This is constructor
public: overloading
rectangle(){ // Default constructor
rectangle(int x, int y){// Parameterized
length = x;
width = y;
rectangle(rectangle &r){ // Copy constructor
length = r.length;
width = r.width;
Program: Types of Constructor (Cont…)

int main()
rectangle r1; // Invokes default constructor
rectangle r2(10,20); // Invokes parameterized
rectangle r3(r2); // Invokes copy constructor
class car
Destructor {
float mileage;
• Destructor is used to destroy the objects public:
that have been created by a constructor. {
• The syntax for destructor is same as that cin>>mileage;
for the constructor,
– the class name is used for the name of ~car()
destructor, {
– with a tilde (~) sign as prefix to it. }

▪ never takes any argument nor it returns any value nor it has return
▪ is invoked automatically by the complier upon exit from the
▪ should be declared in the public section.
Program: Destructor
class rectangle int main()
{ {
int length, width; rectangle x;
public: // default
rectangle(){ //Constructor constructor is
width=0; I like C++ so much
cout<<”Constructor Called”;
} I like Rupesh sir
~rectangle() //Destructor
cout<<”Destructor Called”;

Unit-5 Objects and Classes 109

Program: Destructor
class Marks{ int main( )
public: {
int maths; Marks m1;
int science; Marks m2;
//constructor return 0;
Marks() { I like C++ so much
cout << "Inside Constructor"<<endl;

I like Rupesh sir
cout << "C++ Object created"<<endl;

~Marks() {
cout << "Inside Destructor"<<endl;
cout << "C++ Object destructed"<<endl;
Unit-5 Objects and Classes 110
Operator Overloading
Operator Overloading
int a=5, b=10,c; Operator + performs
c = a + b; addition of
integer operands a, b

I like C++ so much

time t1,t2,t3;
t3 = t1 + t2;
Operator + performs
addition of
I like Rupesh sirobjects of type time
string str1=“Hello” Operator + concatenates
string str2=“Good Day”; two strings str1,str2
string str3;
str3 = str1 + str2;
Unit-5 Objects and Classes 112
Operator overloading
▪ Function overloading allow you to use same function name for
different definition.
▪ Operator overloading extends the overloading concept to
operators, letting you assign multiple meanings to C++ operators
▪ Operator overloading giving the normal C++ operators such as +, *
I like C++ so much
and == additional meanings when they are applied with user
defined data types.
I like Rupesh sir
Operator Purpose

Some of C++ Operators * As pointer, As multiplication

are already overloaded As insertion, As bitwise shift left
& As reference, As bitwise AND

Unit-5 Objects and Classes 113

Operator Overloading
int a=5, b=10,c;
c = a + b;
Operator + performs addition of integer
operands a, b
class time
int hour, minute; I like C++ so much
I like Rupesh sir
Operator + performs addition of objects of
type time t1,t2
time t1,t2,t3;
t3 = t1 + t2;
string str1=“Hello”,str2=“Good Day”;
str1 + str2; Operator + concatenates two strings
Unit-5 Objects and Classes 114
Operator Overloading
▪ Specifying more than one definition for an operator in the same
scope, is called operator overloading.
▪ You can overload operators by creating “operator functions”.
I like C++ so much
return-type operator op-symbol(argument-list)

// statements
I like Rupesh sir
Keyword substitute the operator

void operator + (arguments);
int operator - (arguments);
class-name operator / (arguments);
float operator * (arguments);
Unit-5 Objects and Classes 115
Overloading Binary operator + int main()
class complex{ {
int real,imag; complex c1(4,6),c2(7,9);
public: complex c3;
complex(){ c3 = c1 + c2;
real=0; imag=0; c1.disp();
} c2.disp();
complex(int x,int y){ c3.disp();
real=x; imag=y; return 0;
} }
void disp(){
cout<<"\nreal value="<<real<<endl;
cout<<"imag value="<<imag<<endl;
complex operator + (complex);
complex complex::operator + (complex c){
complex tmp;
tmp.real = real + c.real; Similar to function call
tmp.imag = imag + c.imag;
return tmp;
c3=c1.operator +(c2);
Binary Operator Arguments
result = obj1.operator symbol (obj2);//function notation
result = obj1 symbol obj2; //operator notation
complex operator + (complex x)
complex tmp;
tmp.real = real + x.real;
tmp.imag = imag + x.imag;
return tmp;

result = obj1.display();
void display()
Operator Overloading
▪ Operator overloading is compile time polymorphism.
▪ You can overload most of the built-in operators available in C++.
+ - * / % ^
& | ~ ! , =
< I like C++ so much
> <= >= ++ --
<< >> == != && ||
+= I like Rupesh sir
-= /= %= ^= &=
|= *= <<= >>= [] ()
-> ->* new new [] delete delete []

Unit-5 Objects and Classes 118

Operator Overloading using
Friend Function
Invoke Friend Function in operator overloading
result = operator symbol (obj1,obj2);//function notation
result = obj1 symbol obj2; //operator notation

friend complex operator +(complex c1,complex c2)

complex tmp;
return tmp;
int main()
complex c1(4,7),c2(5,8);
complex c3;
c3 = c1 + c2;
c3 = operator +(c1,c2);
Overloading Binary operator ==
class complex{ int main()
int r,i; {
public: complex c1(5,3),c2(5,3);
complex(){ if(c1==c2)
r=i=0;} cout<<"objects are equal";
complex(int x,int y){ else
r=x; cout<<"objects are not equal";
i=y;} return 0;
void display(){ }
int operator==(complex);
int complex::operator ==(complex c){
if(r==c.r && i==c.i)
return 1;
return 0;}
Overloading Unary Operator
Overloading Unary operator − int main()
class space { {
int x,y,z; space s1(5,4,3);
public: s1.display();
space(){ -s1;
x=y=z=0;} s1.display();
space(int a, int b,int c){ return 0;
x=a; y=b; z=c; } }
void display(){
void operator-();
void space::operator-() {
Overloading Unary operator −− int main()
class space { {
int x,y,z; space s1(5,4,3);
public: s1.display();
space(){ --s1;
x=y=z=0;} s1.display();
space(int a, int b,int c){ return 0;
x=a; y=b; z=c; } }
void display(){
void operator--();
void space::operator--() {
Overloading Prefix and Postfix operator
class demo
{ int main()
int m; {
public: demo d1(5);
demo(){ m = 0;} ++d1;
demo(int x) d1++;
{ }

m = x;
I like C++ so much
void operator ++()
I like Rupesh sir
cout<<"Pre Increment="<<m;
void operator ++(int)
cout<<"Post Increment="<<m;
Unit-5 Objects and Classes 125
Invoking Operator Function
▪ Binary operator
operand1 symbol operand2
▪ Unary operator
operand symbol
symbol operand
I like C++ so much
I like Rupesh
▪ Binary operator using friend function
operator symbol (operand1,operand2)
▪ Unary operator using friend function
operator symbol (operand)

Unit-5 Objects and Classes 126

Rules for operator overloading
▪ Only existing operator can be overloaded.
▪ The overloaded operator must have at least one operand that is
user defined type.
▪ We cannot change the basic meaning and syntax of an operator.
I like C++ so much
I like Rupesh sir

Unit-5 Objects and Classes 127

Rules for operator overloading (Cont…)
▪ When using binary operators overloaded through a member
function, the left hand operand must be an object of the relevant
▪ We cannot overload following operators.
I like C++ soName
I like
. and Rupesh
.* Class siroperator
member access
:: Scope Resolution Operator
sizeof() Size Operator
?: Conditional Operator

Unit-5 Objects and Classes 128

Memory allocation of objects
▪ The member functions are created and placed in the memory
space only once at the time they are defined as part of a class
▪ No separate space is allocated for member functions when the
I like C++ so much
objects are created.
▪ Only space for member variable is allocated separately for each
I like
object because, Rupesh
the member sirwill hold different data
values for different objects.

Unit-5 Objects and Classes 129

Memory allocation of objects(Cont…)
Common for all objects
Member function 1

Member function 2

I like C++ so much

Memory created when, Functions defined

Object 1 Object 2 Object 3

I like
Member variable 1 Rupesh
Member variable 1sir Member variable 1

Member variable 2 Member variable 2 Member variable 2

Memory created when Object created

Unit-5 Objects and Classes 130

class Account Object A1
Account No 101
int Account_no,Balance;
char Account_type[10]; Account Type Current
public: Balance 3400
void setdata(int an,char at[],int bal)
Object A2
Account_no = an;
Account_type = at; Account No 102
Balance = bal; Account Type Saving
}; Balance 150

Object A3
int main(){
Account A1,A2,A3; Account No 103
A1.setdata(101,“Current“,3400); Account Type Current
A3.setdata(103,“Current“,7900); Balance 7900
return 0;
Static Data members / variables
Static Data members
A static data member is useful,
when all objects of the same class must share a common

Just write static keyword prefix to regular variable

I like C++ so much

It is initialized to zero when first object of class created
I like Rupesh sir
Only one copy is created for each object

Its life time is entire program

Unit-5 Objects and Classes 133

class demo Static Data members
static int count;
void getcount()
{ count
} 0

int demo::count;
d1 d2 d3
int main()
demo d1,d2,d3;
d1.getcount(); Static members are declared inside
d2.getcount(); the class and defined outside the
d3.getcount(); class.
return 0;
class demo
Regular Data members
int count;

void getcount()
count = 0; d1 d3
cout<<"count="<< ++count;
int main() 10 01 10
demo d1,d2,d3; count count count
return 0;
Static Data Members
▪ Data members of the class which are shared by all objects are known as
static data members.
▪ Only one copy of a static variable is maintained by the class and it is
common for all objects.
▪ Static members are declared inside the class and defined outside the
class. I like C++ so much

I like Rupesh sir
It is initialized to zero when the first object of its class is created.
you cannot initialize a static member variable inside the class
▪ It is visible only within the class but its lifetime is the entire program.
▪ Static members are generally used to maintain values common to the
entire class.

Unit-5 Objects and Classes 136

Program : Static data member
class item
int number;
static int count;// static variable declaration
I like C++ so much
void getdata(int a){
number = a;

I like Rupesh sir
void getcount(){
cout<<"\nvalue of count: "<<count;
int item :: count; // static variable definition

Unit-5 Objects and Classes 137

Program : Static data member
int main()
{ Object a Object b Object c
item a,b,c; number number number
100 200 300

I like C++ so muchcount


I like Rupesh sir 1230

a.getcount(); Output:
value of count: 1
return 0; value of count: 2
} value of count: 3

Unit-5 Objects and Classes 138

Program : Static data member
class shared { int main() {
static int a; shared x, y;
int b; x.set(1, 1);
void set(int i, int j) {a=i; b=j;} y.set(2, 2);
void show();;
} ;
int shared::a;
I like C++ so much;
return 0;
void shared::show()
{ I like Rupesh sir
cout << "This is static a: " << a;
cout << "\nThis is non-static b: " << b; cout << "\n";
▪ static
variable a redeclared
variable a declared
but, storage
using is not allocated
scope resolution operator.
▪ Storage for the variable will be allocated
Unit-5 Objects and Classes 139
Static Member Functions
Static Member Functions
▪ Static member functions can access only static members of the
▪ Static member functions can be invoked using class name, not
I like C++ so much
▪ There cannot be static and non-static version of the same
I like Rupesh sir
▪ They cannot be virtual.
▪ They cannot be declared as constant or volatile.
▪ A static member function does not have this pointer.

Unit-5 Objects and Classes 141

Program: Static Member function
class item
int number;
static int count;// static variable declaration
I like C++ so much
void getdata(int a){
number = a;

I like Rupesh sir
static void getcount(){
cout<<”value of count: “<<count;
int item :: count; // static variable definition

Unit-5 Objects and Classes 142

Type Conversion
Type Conversion
F = C * 9/5 + 32 If different data types are mixed in expression, C++
applies automatic type conversion as per certain
float int

int a;
I like C++
float b = 10.54; so much
a = 10;
▪ float is converted to integer automatically
a = b; by complier.

integer float
I like Rupesh sir
▪ basic to basic type conversion.

(Basic) (Basic)

▪ An assignment operator causes automatic type conversion.

▪ The data type to the right side of assignment operator is automatically
converted data type of the variable on the left.

Unit-5 Objects and Classes 145

Type Conversion
Time t1;
int m;
m = t1;

integer Time ▪ class type will not be converted to

(Basic) I like C++ so much
(Class) basic type OR basic type will not
be converted class type
t1 = m;
I like Rupesh sir

Time integer
(Class) (Basic)

Unit-5 Objects and Classes 146

Type Conversion
▪ C++ provides mechanism to perform automatic type conversion if
all variable are of basic type.
▪ For user defined data type programmers have to convert it by
using constructor or by using casting operator.
I like C++ so much
▪ Three type of situation arise in user defined data type conversion.
1. I tolike
Basic type Rupesh
Class type sir
(Using Constructors)
2. Class type to Basic type (Using Casting Operator Function)
3. Class type to Class type (Using Constructors & Casting
Operator Functions)

Unit-5 Objects and Classes 147

(1) Basic to class type conversion
▪ Basic to class type can be achieved using constructor.
class sample
int main()
int a; {
public: int m=10;
sample(){} I like C++ so much sample s;
s = m;
sample(int x){
a=x; I like Rupesh sir s.disp();
return 0;
void disp(){ }
cout<<"The value of a="<<a;

Unit-5 Objects and Classes 148

(2) Class to basic type conversion
▪ The Class type to Basic type conversion is done using casting operator
▪ The casting operator function should satisfy the following conditions.
1. It must be a class member.
I like C++ so much
2. It must not mention a return type.
3. It must not have any arguments.

I like Rupesh sir
operator destinationtype()

Unit-5 Objects and Classes 149

Program: Class to basic type conversion
class sample int main()
{ {
float a; sample S;
public: int y= S;//Class to Basic
sample() conversion
{ cout<<"The value of y="<<y;

I like C++ so much
return 0;

operator int() //Casting operator

I like Rupesh sir
Explicit type conversion
int x; y = int (S);
return x;
Automatic type conversion
} y = S;

Unit-5 Objects and Classes 150

Program: Class to basic type conversion
class vector{ int main()
int a[5]; {
public: vector v;
vector(){ int len;
for(int i=0;i<5;i++) len = v;
a[i] = i*2;I like C++ socout<<“Length
much of V="<<len;
return 0;
operator int(); I like Rupesh} sir
vector:: operator int() {
int sum=0;
for(int i=0;i<5;i++)
sum = sum + a[i];
return sum;}

Unit-5 Objects and Classes 151

(3) Class type to Class type
▪ It can be achieved by two ways
1. Using constructor
2. Using casting operator function

I like C++ so much

I like Rupesh sir

Unit-5 Objects and Classes 152

class alpha
Program: Class type to Class type
int commona;
public: class beta
alpha(){} {
alpha(int x) int commonb;
{ public:
commona = x; beta(){}
} beta(int x)
int getvalue() {
{ commonb = x;
return commona; }
} beta(alpha temp) //Constructor
}; {
commonb = temp.getvalue();
int main() }
{ operator alpha() //operator function
alpha obja(10); {
beta objb(obja); return alpha(commonb);
beta objb(20); }
obja = objb; };
class stock2 ;
class stock1{ Program: Type Conversion
int code , item ;
float price ;
public :
stock1 ( int a , int b , int c ) {
code = a ; item = b ; price = c ;
void disp () {
cout << " code " << code << " \n " ;
cout << " items " << item << " \n " ;
cout << " price per item Rs. " << price << " \n " ;
int getcode (){ return code; }
int getitem (){ return item ; }
int getprice (){ return price ; }
operator float () {
return ( item*price ) ;
class stock2{
int code ;
Program: Type Conversion
float val ;
public :
stock2 () {
code = 0; val = 0 ;
stock2( int x , float y ){
code = x ; val = y ;
void disp () {
cout << " code " << code << " \n " ;
cout << " total value Rs. " << val << " \n " ;
stock2( stock1 p ) {
code = p.getcode() ;
val = p.getitem() * p.getprice() ;
int main() Program: Type Conversion
stock1 i1 ( 101 , 10 ,125.0 ) ;
stock2 i2 ;
float tot_val = i1;
i2 = i1 ;
cout << " Stock Details : Stock 1 type " << " \n " ;
i1.disp ();
cout << " Stock Value " << " - " ;
cout << tot_val << " \n " ;
cout << " Stock Details : Stock 2 type " << " \n " ;
i2.disp () ;
return 0 ;
Thank You

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