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Turning omics data into therapeutic insights

Amanda Kedaigle and Ernest Fraenkel

Omics technologies have made it easier and cheaper to sequencing and mass spectrometry. There are custom-
evaluate thousands of biological molecules at once. These ized assays for each layer of molecular activity, from
advances have led to novel therapies approved for use in the genomes to metabolomes. A scientist can choose to
clinic, elucidated the mechanisms behind disease-associated measure genomics (e.g. whole genome or whole exome
mutations, led to increased accuracy in disease subtyping and sequencing), transcriptomics (e.g. RNA-seq), epige-
personalized medicine, and revealed novel uses and treatment nomics (e.g. bisulfide sequencing, ChIP-seq for histone
regimes for existing drugs through drug repurposing and modifications, ATAC-Seq for open chromatin), the three-
pharmacology studies. In this review, we summarize some of dimensional arrangement of the genome (e.g. Hi-C or
these milestones and discuss the potential of integrative ChIA-PET), proteomics or phosphoproteomics, and
analyses that combine multiple data types for further advances. metabolomics (most commonly by mass spectrometry).
Each layer’s assay comes with its own technical require-
Address ments and caveats, but each can give rich, detailed
Computational & Systems Biology Program and the Department of information about the choreography of molecules in a
Biological Engineering, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, sample.
77 Massachusetts Avenue, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA

Corresponding author: Fraenkel, Ernest ( Increasingly, researchers are recognizing the value of
skillful integration of multiple layers of omics data,
termed multi-omic studies. Modeling and discovering
Current Opinion in Pharmacology 2018, 42:95–101 the interplay between different omic layers can lead to
This review comes from a themed issue on New technologies important functional and clinical discoveries [1,2]. A
Edited by Antoine Bril, Oliver Nosjean and Patrick Genissel recent example of multi-omic studies successfully leading
to translational impact comes from the study of IDH
mutations in cancer. A 2008 genomics study found com-
mon mutations in the IDH1 gene in glioblastoma that were associated with increased survival [3], and subse-
1471-4892/ã 2018 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. quent studies found this mutation in other cancers as well
[4]. However, it wasn’t until combined genomic and
epigenomic studies that the full implications of this
mutation were discovered. The mutation in IDH1 and
a similar mutation in the IDH2 gene produce altered
forms of the encoded enzymes with a gain of function that
Introduction leads to metabolic, epigenetic, and transcriptomic
The “omics revolution” that has been sweeping biologi- changes that block differentiation of cancerous cells
cal research since the advent of genomic sequencing has [5,6]. Last year, less than 10 years after the studies that
generated an incredible amount of data, and given birth to identified the mutations, a drug that targets mutated
technologies that make it ever easier and cheaper to IDH2 was approved for the treatment of acute myeloid
measure biological molecules en masse. The task of trans- leukemia [7,8], and new drugs targeting these enzymes
lating those data into actionable therapeutic knowledge, are being developed for other indications.
however, remains an area of active research. We briefly
review omics data and technologies, discuss the types of What types of clinical insights can omics data
questions translational researchers might ask using omics provide?
datasets, and highlight important translational advances There are several distinct types of questions one could
and accomplishments from the last few years (Figure 1). ask with omics data that would be useful for translational
research. Here, we split them into five categories and give
The vast promise of omics technologies recent examples of each.
“Omics” assays are those that attempt to interrogate an
entire layer of molecular activity in a cell or sample. The Disease-altered molecules, therapeutic targets, and
omics revolution was set off by genomic arrays, which biomarkers
contained hundreds of probes for selected variants in A straightforward result of omics studies is a list of
predetermined regions of the genome. Now, omics tech- molecules that are altered in a disease, or correlated with
nologies have expanded to include more unrestricted disease severity. While omics approaches are sometimes
approaches, such as assays based on next-generation derided as ‘hypothesis free science,’ in reality these lists Current Opinion in Pharmacology 2018, 42:95–101

96 New technologies

Figure 1

Disease Subtypes
Targets & Biomarkers Personalized Medicine

Genomics Epigenomics Transcriptomics Proteomics Metabolomics

Drug Repurposing Mechanism & Interactions

Current Opinion in Pharmacology

Omics data measure entire layers of molecular activity. A few of the technologies are shown in the center. Integrating and analyzing these data
can serve several important purposes for translational research.

of molecules are the necessary step of observation from Most GWAS findings, however, tend to be common
which hypotheses can be generated systematically. The genomic variants with very small effects on the probabil-
lists of molecules point to pathways that could contain ity of disease. A recent model proposed by Boyle et. al.
new therapeutic targets, biomarkers, or lead to functional suggests that variants in almost any gene expressed in
insights into the disease. disease-relevant cells may contribute to disease, and that
these small effects add up to account for most of the
Prioritizing these often very long lists of altered mole- heritability of diseases [13]. This hypothesis, which they
cules is critical. It may seem natural to focus on molecules call the omnigenic model, could be true because of the
that are supported by interesting functions known in the highly interconnected nature of genes and other mole-
literature. However, such an approach ends up reinforcing cules in the cell; expression changes of nearly any set of
prior beliefs at the expense of novel discovery. Alterna- genes can work through these interactions to affect
tive approaches include focusing on the network or path- important disease pathways. Their findings emphasize
ways that are enriched in the observed molecules [9]. the need for detailed integrative models to uncover
functional insights in cases where the mechanisms of
disease-driving variants or pathways are not obvious.
Functional insights
Omics data can also help researchers come to a better
understanding of the mechanism of disease. In the case of Disease classification and prediction
genome-wide association studies (GWAS), for example, Omics data can lead to further subdivision beyond a
mechanistic insights are often vital once genomic variants binary classification of healthy vs. diseased that can prove
have been statistically associated with a disease. For to be hugely beneficial in the clinic. Such approaches can
example, GWAS have found strong association of muta- lead to better treatment for patients based on the actual
tions in the region of the gene FTO with obesity [10,11]. A biology of their specific disease, by placing patients
recent study used further omics data to show that a causal within subtypes or along a spectrum of their disease.
variant in this region leads to derepression of important Pirhaji et al. recently showed that even relatively crude
bioenergetic genes [12]. This work represents an excit- ordinal classification of disease severity can be used
ing move towards understanding the mechanism behind effectively to find disease-related pathways [14]. Finding
heritable obesity. the best methods for subtyping [15] and for improving

Current Opinion in Pharmacology 2018, 42:95–101

Turning omics data into therapeutic insights Kedaigle and Fraenkel 97

results by integrating different kinds of molecular data Connectivity Map (CMAP) provides a public repository
[16] are extremely active areas of research. of such gene expression data for this purpose [25,26]. In
one such study, researchers found such a transcriptomic
The subtyping of breast cancer has been especially well- connection between small cell lung cancer and tricyclic
studied [17]. Classical subtypes rely on gene expression of antidepressants [27,28]. Identifying connections
specific markers, and those subtypes are associated with between approved or investigational drugs and new dis-
different treatments and prognoses. A recent study by eases could have tremendous impact. However, there are
Vazquez et. al. directly showed the advantage of adding significant commercial barriers to repurposing, which may
multi-omics information into models predicting the pro- determine whether or not this approach is ever broadly
gression of breast cancer [18]. adopted.

Personalized medicine Finally, omics data can help us to further understand

Although related to subtyping and disease classification, existing or developing drugs by providing insights into
the exciting potential of omics studies to contribute to pharmacology [29], or to track pharmacodynamics in real
personalized and precision medicine deserves special time [30]. In this way, data like these can help researchers
attention. The increasing availability of omics technolo- develop better drugs and treatment regimes for patients.
gies in the clinic could lead to decisions and treatments
being tailored to an individual patient [19,20].
Public databases and comparative studies
In 2012, a model for this approach was put forward in the One of the great advantages of omics data is that they can
form of an ‘integrative Personal Omics Profile (iPOP)’, remain easily accessible for further analysis long after the
where researchers performed multiple omics analysis on initial study is finished. Many of the examples above
the blood of a healthy individual over several months [21]. reanalyzed data that were made public as part of large
One of the important results of this study was the high collaborative efforts. These projects invested the neces-
level of variability in molecular activity such as mRNA sary resources to make sure that the experiments were
and miRNA expression for the same person over time. well-documented through extensive metadata, thus
Further studies in a large number and of diverse subjects ensuring that future users would be able to interpret
would be needed to determine the level of ‘background’ them [26,31–37].
variability expected in healthy and diseased individuals
before monitoring like this could be widely implemented. Putting omics data in public databases allows for many
sets of eyes on the same dataset, maximizing the useful
Personalized medicine is also a promising application for findings that might be wrung from the data. It also
analysis of the gut microbiome. Sequencing genomic allows for meta-analyses where interesting data can be
material from intestinal bacteria leads to estimations of directly compared between studies. These comparative
which species colonize the gut and their abundance. The studies require careful work and expertise to contend
microbiome in the gut of each person is distinct, and has with batch effects and variable data collection methods,
important implications for their health [22]. The vast but they can be powerful ways to determine if findings
potential that microbiomes could contribute to personal- are consistent across a field [38]. Of course, they can
ized medicine is reviewed in [23]. also highlight reproducibility problems across omics
studies [39].
Drug repurposing and pharmacology
Along with identifying new therapeutic targets and dis- Another exciting avenue involves comparing data across
ease phenotypes — which could lead to novel drugs — different models of the same disease. Studies like these
omics studies promise to help identify new uses for can be used to validate new model systems, find path-
existing drugs. Such repurposing of approved drugs could ways common across several models of disease, or iden-
save years and tens or hundreds of millions of dollars into tify pathways that are only altered in one model system,
research. Omics studies have the potential to discover which may not translate to humans. For example, com-
new purposes for drugs in an unbiased manner, without parison of the transcriptome [40] and epigenome [41]
prior hypotheses about which drugs and diseases might go between mouse models and human tissue in Alzheimer’s
together [24]. disease showed several disease-related pathways are
conserved between the two, such as immune response
One popular approach to unbiased drug repurposing alterations, while pathways such as glial-neuron interac-
involves comparing transcriptomic profiles of cell lines tions may only be altered in human disease. These
treated with a library of approved drugs to the transcrip- studies can help us understand the strengths and weak-
tomic profile from disease samples. In particular, the goal nesses of preclinical models, and, in particular, whether
is to find drugs that raise the expression of genes that have findings in these models are likely to translate to
lowered expression in the disease, and vice versa. The humans. Current Opinion in Pharmacology 2018, 42:95–101

98 New technologies

Tools for integrative multi-omics studies However, dramatic advances in measurement technology
One simple, but powerful tool for multi-omics studies is alone will not suffice. It will be essential to develop better
correlation analysis. Identifying a correlation between methods for distinguishing correlated events from causal
distinct types molecules can be an effective way to behavior. Current computational methods for causal
generate new hypotheses — as in the finding of a muta- modeling do not scale to the omics level, as they require
tion that correlates with a specific epigenetic state [5]. As vast quantities of data from large numbers of samples
multi-omic studies get more complicated, however, more [56,57]. Some types of data are more amenable to causal
sophisticated tools that integrate multi-omic studies are modeling, especially interventional experiments. In these
increasingly important. There are several distinct types of experiments one systematically inactivates (or activates)
methods proposed for mathematical integration of omics each molecule of interest and monitors the effect on all
data [42]. other molecules. Obviously, it would be prohibitively
expensive to carry out interventional experiments on a
One promising type of methods used to integrate omics genome/proteome-wide scale. There are also critical prac-
layers is based on networks and pathways [43]. Databases tical considerations of choosing an experimental model in
of known biological pathways and gene ontologies are which to conduct such experiments, which cannot be
important resources for the community, and can be used conducted on biopsy or post-mortem samples.
to map omics hits to known functions [44–49]. However,
such approaches are inherently limited by the incomplete The future for causal modeling almost certainly lies at the
knowledge of molecular pathways. interface of computation and experiment. Computational
methods, including some of the solutions we have
A new class of tools is emerging that do not rely on described here, such as network optimization techniques,
previously known functional pathways, and instead infer can shrink the scale of the problem. Once a focused list of
networks and connections among the data. Tools like genes/proteins have been identified, interventional
these may use different types of networks as their under- experiments can be conducted on tens or hundreds of
lying model [50]. They can focus on how networks may molecules rather than tens of thousands. But these
differ between states, such as disease and control [51]. experiments will necessarily be conducted in a model
Tools like Omics Integrator [52,53] and PIUMet [54] of the disease that can never fully capture the full com-
are recent examples of methodological advances that plexity of the problem. Model organisms, immortalized
meet these challenges. In both cases, the underlying cell lines, induced pluripotent stem cell (iPSC)-based
networks and input datatype(s) are flexible in order to approaches, and even 3D models of specific organs are
suit diverse experimental situations, methods to deter- being utilized to great advantage, but all involve tradeoffs
mine the robustness and specificity of the network results [58]. The challenge will be to develop computational
are included, and user interfaces have been built so that methods that translate findings across these models [59],
computational biology expertise is not needed in order to and perhaps can ultimately discover from the data what
run the tools. aspects of the model are relevant to the human disease.

Conclusions and challenges

A vision for the future Despite its many promises and applications, research that
It is likely the most important contributions of multi-omic leverages omics data faces important open challenges.
methods still lie in the future. At least two important Among them is the task of accurate quantification and
advances are needed before these approaches routinely inter-lab reproducibility of high-throughput assays. Care-
contribute to the discovery of disease mechanisms. First, ful experimental design and transparent releases of data,
most omic studies, especially in the clinic, are currently meta-data, and computer code used for analysis should
carried out on bulk tissue. However, most disease pro- improve reproducibility [60]. Some fields, such as gene
cesses represent a complex interplay of different cell expression analysis, have very well-established and fre-
types and tissues. Recent advances in single-cell/nucleus quently used databases for sharing results. However, the
omics assays have demonstrated the extremely diverse situation is much less developed for other areas, such as
patterns of molecular activity present in healthy tissue, metabolomics. Attention should also be paid to extrane-
tumors, and other samples [55]. These assays so far have ous sources of variability that may have been ignored
primarily measured gene expression in single cells, but previously, such as the handling of tissue prior to data
recently tools are emerging to perform genomic, epige- procurement [61].
nomic, and small proteomic screens as well [55].
Advances in these types of omic data collection, coupled As the mechanisms for accurately comparing datasets
with temporal and spatial information, may someday advance, the next big challenge will be to carry out such
provide the necessary data to understand the contribu- studies on clinical samples. Such studies need extra care
tions of the complex, dynamic interactions of cell types to to ensure that patient privacy is respected. Yet the success
disease. of The Cancer Genome Atlas, among others, proves that

Current Opinion in Pharmacology 2018, 42:95–101

Turning omics data into therapeutic insights Kedaigle and Fraenkel 99

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