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Fast Falcon Signature Generation and Verification pqc2022

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Fast Falcon Signature Generation and Verification

Using ARMv8 NEON Instructions

Duc Tri Nguyen and Kris Gaj
George Mason University, Fairfax, VA, 22030, USA

Abstract. We present our speed records for Falcon signature generation and verifi-
cation on ARMv8-A architecture. Our implementations are benchmarked on Apple
M1 ’Firestorm’ and Raspberry Pi 4 Cortex-A72 chips. Compared with lattice-based
CRYSTALS-Dilithium, our optimized signature generation is 2× slower, but signature
verification is 3–3.9× faster than the state-of-the-art CRYSTALS-Dilithium imple-
mentation on the same platforms. Compared with stateful and stateless hash-based
digital signatures, XMSS and SPHINCS+ , our optimized Falcon implementation has
10–950× faster signature generation and 23–31× faster signature verification. Faster
signature verification may be particularly useful for the client side on constrained
devices. Our Falcon implementation outperforms the previous work in both Sign
and Verify operations. We achieve improvement in Falcon signature generation by
supporting all possible parameters N of FFT-related functions and applying our
compressed twiddle-factor table to reduce memory usage. We also demonstrate that
the recently proposed signature scheme Hawk, sharing functionality with Falcon,
offers 17% smaller signature sizes, 3.3× faster signature generation, and 1.6–1.9×
slower signature verification when implemented on the same ARMv8 processors as
Keywords: Number Theoretic Transform · Fast Fourier Transform · Falcon ·
lattice-based cryptography · Post-Quantum Cryptography · ARMv8 · NEON

1 Introduction
When large quantum computers arrive, Shor’s algorithm [Sho94] will break almost all
currently deployed public-key cryptography in polynomial time [CJL+ 16] due to its
capability to obliterate two cryptographic bastions: the integer factorization and discrete
logarithm problems. While there is no known quantum computer capable of running Shor’s
algorithm with parameters required to break current public-key standards, the process
of selecting, standardizing, and deploying new cryptographic algorithms has always been
taking years, if not decades.
In 2016, NIST announced the Post-Quantum Cryptography (PQC) standardization
process aimed at developing new public-key standards resistant to quantum computers. In
July 2022, NIST announced the choice of three digital signature algorithms [AAC+ 22]:
CRYSTALS-Dilithium [BDK+ 21], Falcon [FHK+ 20] and SPHINCS+ [BHK+ 19] for a likely
standardization within the next two years. Additionally, NIST has already standardized
two stateful signature schemes XMSS [HBG+ 18] and LMS [MCF19].
Compared to Elliptic Curve Cryptography and RSA, PQC digital signatures have
imposed additional implementation constraints, such as bigger key and signature sizes (and
thus increased bandwidth), higher memory usage, support for floating-point operations,
etc. In many common applications, such as the distribution of software updates and the
2 Fast Falcon Signature Generation and Verification Using ARMv8 NEON Instructions

use of digital certificates, a signature is generated once by the server but verified over and
over again by clients forming the network.
In this paper, we examine the PQC digital signatures’ speed on ARMv8 platforms.
ARMv8 (a.k.a. ARMv8-A) supports two instruction set architectures AArch64 (a.k.a.
arm64) and AArch32 (a.k.a. armeabi). The associated instruction sets are referred to as
A64 and A32, respectively. AArch32 and A32 are compatible with an older version of
ARM called ARMv7-A. AArch64 and A64 support operations on 64-bit operands.
NEON is an alternative name for Advanced Single Instruction Multiple Data (ASIMD)
extension, mandatory since ARMv7. NEON includes additional instructions that can
perform arithmetic operations in parallel on multiple data streams. It also provides a
developer with 32 128-bit vector registers. Each register can store two 64-bit, four 32-bit,
eight 16-bit, or sixteen 8-bit integer data elements. NEON instructions can perform the
same arithmetic operation simultaneously on the corresponding elements of two 128-bit
registers and store the results in the respective fields of a third register. Thus, an ideal
speed-up vs. traditional single-instruction single-data (SISD) ARM instructions varies
between 2 (for 64-bit operands) and 16 (for 8-bit operands).
In today’s market, there is a wide range of ARMv8 processors supporting NEON. They
are developed by manufacturers such as Apple Inc., ARM Holdings, Cavium, Fujitsu,
Nvidia, Marvell, Qualcomm, and Samsung. They power the majority of smartphones
and tablets available on the market. The ARM Cortex-A72 is a core implementing the
ARMv8-A 64-bit instruction set. It was designed by ARM Holdings’ Austin design center.
This core is used in Raspberry Pi 4 - a small single-board computer developed in the
United Kingdom by the Raspberry Pi Foundation in association with Broadcom. The
corresponding SoC is called BCM2711. This SoC contains four Cortex-A72 cores. Apple
M1 is an ARMv8-based system on a chip (SoC) designed by Apple Inc. for multiple Apple
devices, such as MacBook Air, MacBook Pro, Mac Mini, iMac, and iPad Pro. The M1 has
four high-performance ’Firestorm’ and four energy-efficient ’Icestorm’ cores supporting
an extension of ARMv8 called ARMv8.4-A. Each of them supports NEON. Starting from
version Armv8.3-A, and thus included in version Armv8.4-A, there is NEON support for
operations on complex numbers.
In this work, we developed an optimized implementation of Falcon targeting ARMv8
cores. We then reused a significant portion of our Falcon code to implement Hawk – a new
lattice-based signature scheme proposed in Sep. 2022 [DPPvW22]. Although this scheme
is not a candidate in the NIST PQC standardization process yet, it may be potentially
still submitted for consideration in response to the new NIST call, with the deadline in
June 2023.
We then benchmarked our implementation and existing implementations of Falcon,
Hawk, CRYSTALS-Dilithium, SPHINCS+, and XMSS using the ’Firestorm’ core of Apple
M1 (being a part of MacBook Air) and the Cortex-A72 core (being a part of Raspberry
Pi 4), as these platforms are widely available for benchmarking. However, we expect
that similar rankings of candidates can be achieved using other ARMv8 cores (a.k.a.
microarchitectures of ARMv8).

Contributions. In this paper, we overcome the high complexity of the Falcon implemen-
tation and present a speed record for its Signature generation and Verification on two
different ARMv8 processors.
In a signature generation, we constructed vectorized scalable FFT implementation that
can be applied to any FFT level greater than five. We compressed the twiddle factor table
in our FFT implementation, inspired by the complex conjugate root of FFT. In particular,
we reduced the size of this table from 16 Kilobytes in the reference implementation down to
4 Kilobytes in our new ref and neon implementations. The modified FFT implementation
with 4× smaller twiddle factor table is not specific to any processor. Thus, it can be used
Nguyen et al. 3

on any platform, including constrained devices with limited storage or memory.

In the Verify operation, we applied the best-known Number Theoretic Transform
(NTT) implementation techniques to speed up its operation for Falcon-specific parameters.
Additionally, we present the exhaustive search bound analysis applied to twiddle factors
per NTT level aimed at minimizing the number of Barrett reductions in Forward and
Inverse NTT.
We comprehensively compare three stateless and one stateful digital signature schemes
selected by NIST for standardization – Falcon, CRYSTALS-Dilithium, SPHINCS+ , and
XMSS – and one recently-proposed lattice-based scheme Hawk. We rank them according
to signature size, public-key size, and Sign and Verify operations’ performance using the
best implementations available to date.

2 Previous Work
The paper by Streit et al. [SDS18] was the first work about a NEON-based ARMv8 im-
plementation of the lattice-based public-key encryption scheme New Hope Simple. Other
works implement Kyber [ZZH+ 21], SIKE [JAMK+ 19], and Frodo [KJK+ 21] on ARMv8.
The most recent works on the lattice-based finalists NTRU, Saber, and CRYSTALS-Kyber
are reported by Nguyen et al. [NG21a,NG21b]. The paper improved polynomial multiplica-
tion and compared the performance of vectorized Toom-Cook and NTT implementations.
Notably, the work by Becker et al. [BHK+ 21] showed a vectorized NEON NTT implemen-
tation superior to Toom-Cook, introduced fast Barrett multiplication, and special use of
multiply-return-high-only sq[r]dmulh instructions. The SIMD implementation of Falcon
was reported by Pornin [Por19] and Kim et al. [KSS22]. On the application side, Falcon is
the only viable option in hybrid, partial, and pure PQC V2V design described in the work
of Bindel et al. [BMTR22]
In the area of low-power implementations, most previous works targeted the ARM
Cortex-M4 [KRSS19]. In particular, Botros et al. [BKS19], and Alkim et al. [AABCG20]
developed Cortex-M4 implementations of Kyber. Karmakar et al. [KBMSRV18] reported
results for Saber. Chung et al. [CHK+ 21] on Saber and NTRU, and later work by Becker et
al. [BMK+ 22] improved Saber by a large margin on Cortex-M4/M55. The latest work by
Abdulrahman et al. [AHKS22] improved Kyber and Dilithium performance on Cortex-M4.
The most comprehensive Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) work is by Becoulet et
al. [BV21]1 . FFTW and FFTS by Frigo et al. The publications [FJ12] and Blake [BWC13]
describe the SIMD FFT implementations. Impressive results have been reported for
AutoFFT on both ARM and x86 CPUs by Li et al. [LJZ+ 20]. However, we were unable to
locate the corresponding source code.

3 Background
Table 1 summarizes values of parameters n and q for various NIST security levels. n is a
parameter in the cyclotomic polynomial ϕ = (xn + 1), and q is a prime defining a ring
Zq [x]/(ϕ). The sizes of the public key and signature in bytes (B) are denoted with |pk|
and |sig|. The signature ratio |sig| ratio is the result of dividing the signature size of other
schemes by the signature size of falcon512, dilithium3, and falcon1024.

3.1 Falcon
Falcon is a lattice-based signature scheme utilizing the ’hash-and-sign’ paradigm. The
security of Falcon is based on the hardness of the Short Integer Solution problem over
4 Fast Falcon Signature Generation and Verification Using ARMv8 NEON Instructions

Table 1: Parameter sets, key sizes, and signature sizes for falcon, hawk, dilithium,
xmss, and sphincs+ in comparison with falcon512, dilithium3, falcon1024 according
to three security levels

level n q |pk| |sig| |pk + sig| |sig| ratio
falcon512 12,289 897 652 1,549 1.00
I 512
hawk512 65,537 1,006 542 1,548 0.83
dilithium2 256 8,380,417 1,312 2,420 3,732 3.71
xmss16 -sha256 - - 64 2,692 2,756 4.12
sphincs+ 128s - - 32 7,856 7,888 12.05
sphincs+ 128f - - 32 17,088 17,120 26.21
dilithium3 256 8,380,417 1,952 3,293 5,245 1.00
sphincs+ 192s III - - 48 16,224 16,272 4.93
sphincs+ 192f - - 48 35,664 35,712 10.83
falcon1024 12,289 1,793 1,261 3,054 1.00
hawk1024 65,537 2,329 1,195 3,524 0.95
dilithium5 V 256 8,380,417 2,592 4,595 7,187 3.64
sphincs+ 256s - - 64 29,792 29,856 23.62
sphincs+ 256f - - 64 49,856 49,920 39.53

NTRU lattices, and the security proofs are given in the random oracle model with tight
reduction. Falcon is difficult to implement, requiring tree data structures, extensive floating-
point operations, and random sampling from several discrete Gaussian distributions. The
upsides of Falcon are its small public keys and signatures as compared to Dilithium. As
shown in Table 1, the signature size of Falcon at the highest NIST security level is still
smaller than that of the lowest security level of Dilithium, XMSS, and SPHINCS+ . Key
generation in Falcon is expensive. However, a key can be generated once and reused later.
The signature generation (Algorithm 17 in Appendix A) of Falcon first computes
hash value c from message m and salt r. Then, it uses (f, g, F, G) from the secret key
components to compute two short values s1 , s2 such that s1 + s2 h = c mod (ϕ, q). Falcon
relies extensively on floating point computation during signature generation, used in Fast
Fourier Transform (FFT) over the ring Q[x]/(ϕ), and Gaussian and Fast Fourier Sampling
(ffSampling) for Falcon tree T.
The signature verification (Algorithm 18 in Appendix A) checks if two short values
(s1 , s2 ) are in acceptance bound ⌊β 2 ⌋ using the knowledge from public key pk, and signature
(r, s). If the condition at line 5 is satisfied, then the signature is valid; otherwise it is
rejected. As opposed to signature generation, Falcon Verify operates only over integers.
Falcon only supports NIST security levels 1 and 5. A more detailed description of the
underlying operations can be found in the Falcon specification [FHK+ 20].

3.2 Dilithium
Dilithium is a member of the Cryptographic Suite for Algebraic Lattices (CRYSTALS)
along with the key encapsulation mechanism (KEM) Kyber. The core operations of
Dilithium are the arithmetic of polynomial matrices and vectors. Unlike ’hash-and-sign’
used in Falcon, Dilithium applied Fiat-Shamir with Aborts [DFG+ , Lyu09] style signature
scheme and bases its security upon the Module Learning with Errors (M-LWE) and Module
Short Integer Solution (M-SIS) problems.
Compared with Falcon, Dilithium only operate over the integer ring Zq [x]/(ϕ) with
Nguyen et al. 5

ϕ = (xn + 1). Thus, it is easier to deploy in environments lacking floating-point units.

Dilithium supports three NIST security levels: 2, 3, and 5, and its parameters are shown
in Table 1. More details can be found in the Dilithium specification [BDK+ 21].

3.3 XMSS
XMSS [HBG+ 18] (eXtended Merkle Signature Scheme) is a stateful hash-based signature
scheme based on Winternitz One-Time Signature Plus (WOTS+) [Hül13]. XMSS requires
state tracking because the private key is updated every time a signature is generated.
Hence, the key management of XMSS is considered difficult. Consequently, XMSS should
only be used in highly controlled environments [CAD+ 20]. The advantages of XMSS over
SPHINCS+ are smaller signature sizes and better performance. XMSS is a single-tree
scheme, with a multi-tree variant XMSSM T also included in the specification. The security
of XMSS relies on the security of collision search of an underlying hashing algorithm.
Single-tree XMSS has faster signature generation and verification than the multi-tree
XMSSM T and comes with three tree heights: h = [10, 16, 20], which can produce up to
2h signatures. In this paper, we select a single-tree variant of XMSS with a reasonable
number of signatures, 216 , and choose sha256 as underlying hash functions. This variant
is denoted as xmss16 -sha256 in Table 1.

SPHINCS+ [BHK+ 19] is a stateless hash-based signature scheme that avoids the complexi-
ties of state management associated with using stateful hash-based signatures. SPHINCS+
security also relies on hash algorithms. The algorithm is considered a conservative choice,
preventing any future attacks on lattice-based signatures. SPHINCS+ provides ’simple’
and ’robust’ construction. The ’robust’ construction affects the security proof and runtime.
In addition, small (’s’) and fast parameters (’f ’) influence execution time. These parameter
set variants are over 128, 192, and 256 quantum security bits.
Based on the performance provided in the specification of SPHINCS+ , we select the
’simple’ construction, and both ’s’ and ’f ’ parameters for NIST security levels 1, 3, and 5,
as shown in Table 1. Unlike XMSS, we select shake as the underlying hash function.

3.5 Hawk
Hawk is a recent signature algorithm proposed by Ducas et al. [DPPvW22] based on the
Lattice Isomorphism Problem (LIP). Hawk avoids the complexities of the floating-point
discrete Gaussian sampling, which is a bottleneck in our optimized Falcon implementation.
Hawk chooses to sample in a simple lattice Zn [BGPS21, DvW22] with a hidden rotation.
An avx2 implementation of hawk1024 is faster than the equivalent implementation of
falcon1024 by 3.9× and 2.2×. With our optimized neon implementation of Falcon, we
decided to port our optimized Falcon code to Hawk and investigated if such performance
gaps between Hawk and Falcon still hold. In this work, we select hawk512, hawk1024 at
NIST security levels 1 and 5.

4 Number Theoretic Transform Implementation

The Number Theoretic Transform (NTT) is a transformation used as a basis for a polyno-
mial multiplication algorithm with the time complexity of O(n log n) [CT65]. In Falcon,
the NTT algorithm is used for polynomial multiplication over the ring Rq = Zq [x]/(xn + 1),
where degree n = [512, 1024] and q = 12289 = 213 + 212 + 1 with q = 1 mod 2n.
6 Fast Falcon Signature Generation and Verification Using ARMv8 NEON Instructions

Complete NTT is similar to traditional FFT (Fast Fourier Transform) but uses the
root of unity in the discrete field rather than in a set of real numbers. NTT and NTT−1
are forward and inverse operations, where N T T −1 (N T T (f )) = f for all f ∈ Rq .
N T T (A) ∗ N T T (B) denotes pointwise multiplication. Polynomial multiplication using
NTT is shown in Equation 1.

C(x) = A(x) × B(x) = N T T −1 (N T T (A) ∗ N T T (B)) (1)

4.1 Barrett multiplication

Barrett multiplication and reduction are summarized in Appendix B. In our Falcon

implementation, Barrett multiplication is used extensively when one factor is known. As
shown in Algorithm 1, b must be a known constant, and b′ is derived from b. In fact, b
and b′ in NTT are from the precomputed table ωi and ωi′ . An explanation of Barrett
multiplication is shown in Equation 4 in Appendix B.

Algorithm 1: Signed Barrett multiplication with a known constant [BHK+ 21]

Input: Any |a| < R = 2w , constant |b| < q and b′ = [(b · R/q)/2]
Output: c = barrett_mul(a, b, b′ ) = a ∗ b mod q, and |c| < 3q
2 < 2

1 t ← sqrdmulh(a, b ) ▷ hi(round((2 · a · b′ ))
2 c ← mul(a, b) ▷ lo(a · b)
3 c ← mls(c, t, q) ▷ lo(c − t · q)

4.2 Montgomery multiplication

The basic idea of Montgomery multiplication is summarized in Appendix B. Its use in our
implementation is explained below.
First, Falcon Verify computes only one polynomial multiplication (as in line 4 of
Algorithm 18). Two polynomials (s2 , h) are converted to NTT domain. Then, we per-
form pointwise multiplication between two polynomials in NTT domain. To efficiently
compute modular reduction for two unknown factors during pointwise multiplication, the
conventional way is to convert one polynomial to the Montgomery domain and perform
Montgomery multiplication. Eventually, the multiply with a constant factor n−1 is applied
at the end of Inverse NTT. We apply small tweak by embedding n−1 into Montgomery
conversion during pointwise multiplication (ai bi n−1 instead of ai bi for i ∈ [0, . . . , n − 1])
to avoid multiplications with n−1 in Inverse NTT.
The Montgomery n−1 conversion uses Barrett multiplication with a known factor
amont = barrett_mul(a, b, b′ ), with b = R · n−1 mod q. Furthermore, it is beneficial at
the instruction level to embed n−1 when n is a power of 2 in Montgomery conversion. In
particular, when (R, n) = (216 , 210 ) then b = R · n−1 = 216 · 2−10 = 26 mod q. Hence, line
2 of Algorithm 1 can be replaced by a shift left shl instruction.
Secondly, we apply Algorithm 2 for pointwise multiplication. Another variant of
Montgomery multiplication via rounding using only 4 instructions is considered, but it
only works if one factor is odd (Section 3 in Becker et al. [BHK+ 21]). Thus, Montgomery
multiplication via doubling is selected since it does not assume the parity of coefficients.
Nguyen et al. 7

Algorithm 2: Signed Montgomery multiplication via doubling [BHK+ 21]

Input: |a| < R, and |bR| < R, R = 2w and w = [16, 32]
Output: c = mont_mul(a, bR) = a ∗ (bR) ∗ (R−1 ) = a ∗ b mod q and − q ≤ c < q
1 t ← mul(b, q ) ▷ lo(b · q −1 )
2 c ← sqdmulh(a, b) ▷ hi(2 · a · b)
3 t ← mul(a, t) ▷ lo(a · t)
4 t ← sqdmulh(t, q) ▷ hi(2 · t · q)
5 c ← shsub(c, t) ▷ (c − t)/2

4.3 Minimizing the number of Barrett reductions

The Algorithm 3, derived from Equation 3 in Appendix B, consists of two multiplications
and one rounding right-shift instruction. By utilizing signed multiply-return-high-only
instruction, the total number of instructions is reduced from 6 (in general Barrett reduc-
tion [NG21a, NG21b]) to 3 (in Becker et al. [BHK+ 21]). However, this can only be applied
in the NTT centered around 0 due to the signed arithmetic of sqdmulh instruction.
In Barrett multiplication (Algorithm 1), the bound of output c is in − 3q 2 ≤ c < 2 .

Details of the proof can be found in Becker et al. [BHK 21]. Given that q = 12289, R = 216 ,
and center around 0, the maximum bound of signed arithmetic center around 0 is 2.6q ≈ 2q
instead of 5.3q ≈ Rq in unsigned arithmetic.
During Forward and Inverse NTT, we carefully control the bound of each coefficient
by applying our strict Barrett multiplication bound analysis. The naive 2.6q bound
assumption will lead to performing Barrett reduction after every NTT level in CT butter-
flies (Algorithm 4). To minimize the number of Barrett reductions, we validate the range of
c = barrett_mul(b, ω, ω ′ ) for all unknown values of |b| < R2 and ω ∈ ωi and ω ′ ∈ ωi′ table
according to each NTT level by exhaustive search. The bound output c of barrett_mul
is increasing if |b| < q and decreasing if |b| ≥ q. For example, if qb ≈ (0.5, 1.0, 2.0, 2.5) then
after Barrett multiplication, the obtained bounds are qc ≈ (0.69, 0.87, 1.25, 1.44).
As a result, we were able to minimize the number of reduction points in the Forward
and Inverse NTT from after every one NTT level to every two NTT levels. In our case,
an exhaustive search works in an acceptable time for the 16-bit space. However, it takes
much longer for the 32- and 64-bit spaces. A formal, strict bound analysis instead of an
exhaustive search approach is considered as future work.
Algorithm 3: Signed Barrett reduction [BHK+ 21] for prime q = 12289
Input: Any |a| < R = 2w , constants (q = 12289, w = 16, v = 5461, i = 11)
Output: c = barrett_mod(a, q) ≡ a mod q, and − 2q ≤ c < 2q
1 t ← sqdmulh(a, v) ▷ hi(2 · a · v)
2 t ← srshr(t, i) ▷ round(t ≫ i)
3 c ← mls(a, t, q) ▷ lo(a − t · q)

4.4 Forward and Inverse NTT Implementation

Falcon uses NTT to compute polynomial multiplication in the Verify operation. To avoid a
bit-reversal overhead, Cooley-Tukey (CT) butterflies (Algorithm 4) and Gentleman-Sande
(GS) butterflies (Algorithm 5) are used for Forward and Inverse NTT, respectively.
Instead of vectorizing the original reference Falcon NTT implementation, we rewrite
the NTT implementation to exploit cache temporal and spatial locality. Our NTT
implementation is centered around 0 to use signed arithmetic instructions instead of the
8 Fast Falcon Signature Generation and Verification Using ARMv8 NEON Instructions

unsigned arithmetic approach used by default in Falcon. This choice of implementation

significantly improved our work compared to Kim et al. [KSS22] due to special sq[r]dmulh
instructions, which only work in signed arithmetic. We recommend utilizing multiply-
return-high-only instruction for NTT implementation on any platform that supports
In Forward and Inverse NTT operations, barrett_mul is used extensively due to its
compactness, thus yielding optimal performance, eliminating dependency chains by using
only 3 instructions [BHK+ 21] rather than 9 instructions from Nguyen et al. [NG21a,
NG21b]. At instruction level, based on Becker et al. [BHK+ 21] micro-architecture pipeline
trick, we gather the addition and subtraction from multiple butterflies in a group and
arrange multiple barret_mul together. Note that this behavior also appeared in modern
compiler optimization. Since our implementation uses intrinsic instructions instead of
assembly instructions, we confirmed that the output assembly code showed similar order of
instructions as in intrinsic implementation. On the low-end Cortex-A72 ARMv8 processor,
we achieved 10% performance improvement by grouping instructions compared with
ungrouping multiply instructions. However, this improvement is negligible in the high-end
Apple M1 processor.
In terms of storage, the Barrett multiplication requires twiddle factor table ω and an
additional extra storage for precomputed table ω ′ : ωi′ = [(ωi ·R/q)/2], where ωi = ω i mod q.
We prepared the twiddle factor tables ωi and ωi′ so that every read from such tables is in
the forward direction, and each entry is loaded only once during the entire operation.
Our Forward and Inverse NTT consist of two loops with the constant-stride (cache-
friendly) load and store into memory and the permutation following steps in Nguyen et
al. [NG21a, NG21b]. As shown in Table 2, seven NTT levels are combined into the first
loop, and the remaining two (resp. three) NTT levels are in the second loop for n = 512
(resp. 1024). Each coefficient is loaded and stored once in each loop. With two loops, our
implementation can reach up to n = 2048, R = 216 or n = 1024, R = 232 with a minimal
number of load and store instructions.

Algorithm 4: CT Butterflies Algorithm 5: GS Butterflies

Input: a, b, ω, ω ′ = [(ω · R/q)/2] Input: a, b, ω, ω ′ = [(ω · R/q)/2]
Output: (a, b) = (a + ωb, a − ωb) Output: (a, b) = (a + b, (a − b)ω)

1 t ← barrett_mul(b, ω, ω ) 1 t←a−b
2 b←a−t 2 a←a+b

3 a←a+t 3 b ← barrett_mul(t, ω, ω )

5 Fast Fourier Transform Implementation

The Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) is a fast algorithm that computes a Discrete Fourier
Transform from the time domain to the frequency domain and vice versa.
X −1
Xk = xn e−i2πkn/N with k ∈ [0, N − 1] (2)

The discrete Fourier transform in Equation 2 has time complexity of O(n2 ). FFT
improves the transformation with the time complexity of O(n log n) [CT65].
The advantage of FFT over NTT for polynomial multiplication is that the root of
unity ei2π/N always exists for arbitrary N . Additionally, FFT suffers precision loss caused
by rounding in the floating-point-number computations, while polynomial multiplication
using NTT guarantees correctness due to NTT operating in the integer domain.
Nguyen et al. 9

Complex number arithmetic Let a, b = (are , aim ), (bre , bim ) then a±b = (are ±bre , aim ±
bim ) and a ∗ b = (are bre − aim bim , are bim + aim bre ). A counterclockwise rotation by 90 and
270 degree of a are (ia) = (−aim , are ) and (−ia) = (aim , −are ), respectively. Conjugate of
a complex number a = (are , aim ) is â = conjugate(a) = (are , −aim ).

5.1 Compressed twiddle factor table

In Falcon, each complex point utilizes 128 bits of storage. Reducing the required storage
amount improves cache locality and minimizes memory requirements. Both improvements
are especially important in constrained devices. When analyzing the twiddle factor table,
we realized that the real and imaginary parts of complex points are repeated multiple times
by the complex number negation, conjugation, and rotation. For example, complex roots of
x8 +1 can be derived from a single complex root a = (are , aim ) to [a, −a, −ia, ia] as the first
half of the roots, and [â, −â, −iâ, iâ] as the second half of the roots. It is notable that the
second half is the complex conjugate of the first half, where â = conjugate(a) = (are , −aim ).
As a result, we only need to store a = (are , aim ) and use the add and subtract instructions
to perform negation, conjugation, and rotation.
In summary, we fold the twiddle factor table by a factor of 2 by applying the complex
conjugate to derive the second half from the first half. Furthermore, we use addition,
subtraction, and rotation to derive the variants of complex roots within the first half, thus
saving another factor of 2, as shown in Appendix D. However, the FFT implementation in
reference implementation no longer works with our new twiddle factor table (tw). As a
result, we rewrite our FFT implementation in C to adopt our newly compressed twiddle
factor table.
In general, we can compress complex roots from n down to n4 . In particular, when
n = 512, 1024, the default twiddle factor table size is 16n bytes. With compressed twiddle
factors, we only need to store 128, 256 complex roots, √ and√ the table size becomes 4n bytes.
A special case in x4 + 1, when a = (are , aim ) = ( 2, 2), thus we exploit the fact that
are = aim to save multiply instructions by writing a separate loop at the begin and end of
Forward and Inverse FFT, respectively.
In Forward FFT, only the first half of the roots is used, while in Inverse FFT, only the
second half is used.

5.1.1 Our Iterative SIMD FFT

Many FFT implementations prefer a recursive approach for high degree N ≥ 213 [FJ12,
BWC13], as it is more memory cache-friendly than the iterative approach. First, we
decided to avoid using a vendor-specific library to maintain high portability. Secondly, we
gave preference to an iterative approach to avoid function call overheads (since Falcon’s
N ≤ 1024) and scheduling overheads for irregular butterfly patterns. Thirdly, we must
support our compressed twiddle factor since the cost of deriving complex roots is free.
Lastly, we focused on simplicity, so our code could be deployed and implemented on
constrained devices and used as a starting point for hardware accelerator development.
In our literature search, we could not find either an FFT implementation or detailed
algorithms fitting our needs. Hence, we wrote our own iterative FFT in C, then we vectorized
our C FFT implementation. We are not aware of any published FFT implementation
similar to our work.

5.2 Improved Forward FFT implementation

Similar to NTT, we use Cooley-Tukey butterflies in Algorithms 6 and 7 to exploit the
first half of the roots in Forward FFT. We rewrote the Forward FFT implementation so
each twiddle factor is always loaded once, and the program can take advantage of the
10 Fast Falcon Signature Generation and Verification Using ARMv8 NEON Instructions

Algorithm 6: CT_BF Algorithm 7: CT_BF_90

Input: a, b, ω Input: a, b, ω
Output: (a, b) = (a + ωb, a − ωb) Output: (a, b) = (a + iωb, a − iωb)
1 t←b∗ω 1 t ← b ∗ (iω)
2 b←a−t 2 b←a−t
3 a←a+t 3 a←a+t

Algorithm 8: In-place cache-friendly Forward FFT (split storage)

Input: Polynomial f ∈ Q[x]/(xN/2 + 1), twiddle factor table tw
Output: f = FFT(f )
1 ω ← tw[0][0]
2 for j = 0 to N/4 − 1 do
3 CT_BF(f [j], f [j + N/4], ω) ▷ exploit ωre = ωim
4 j ←j+1
5 level ← 1
6 for len = N/8 to 1 do
7 k←0 ▷ reset k at new level
8 for s = 0 to N/2 − 1 do
9 ω ← tw[level][k] ▷ ω is shared between two loops
10 for j = s to s + len − 1 do
11 CT_BF(f [j], f [j + len], ω)
12 j ←j+1
13 s ← s + (len ≪ 1)
14 for j = s to s + len − 1 do
15 CT_BF_90(f [j], f [j + len], ω)
16 j ←j+1
17 s ← s + (len ≪ 1)
18 k ←k+1 ▷ increase by one point
19 level ← level + 1 ▷ increase level
20 len ← len ≫ 1 ▷ half distance

Algorithm 9: mergefft for N ≥ 16

Input: Polynomial f0 , f1 ∈ Q[x]/(xN/4 + 1), twiddle factor table tw
Output: f = mergefft(f0 , f1 ) ∈ Q[x]/(xN/2 + 1)
1 k ← 0; level ← log2 (N ) − 2
2 for s = 0 to N/4 − 1 do
3 ω ← tw[level][k]
4 j←s≪1
5 (f [j], f1 [j + 1]) ← CT_BF(f0 [s], f1 [s], ω)
6 (f [j + 2], f [j + 3]) ← CT_BF_90(f0 [s + 1], f1 [s + 1], ω)
7 k ←k+1 ▷ increase by one complex point
8 s←s+2
Nguyen et al. 11

Table 2: Summary of butterfly loops for N T T and F F T in Falcon N = 512, 1024

log2 (N) Forward (CT butterfly) Inverse (GS butterfly)

9 2+7 7+2
10 3+7 7+3
5 5 5
6 1+5 5+1
7 2+5 5+2
8 1+2+5 5+2+1
9 (2 × 2) + 5 5 + (2 × 2)
10 1 + (2 × 2) + 5 5 + (2 × 2) + 1

cache spatial and temporal locality with constant access patterns when load and store
instructions are executed. All the butterflies in Algorithm 8 are computed in-place. Note
that the two for loops from line 10 to 17 can be executed in parallel, which may be of
interest when developing a hardware accelerator.
In a signature generation, at line 5 in Algorithm 17, Fast Fourier sampling (ffSampling)
builds an FFT tree by traveling from top level l = log2 (N ) to lower level l − 1, l − 2, . . . 1,
where N is a total number of real and imaginary points. Hence, FFT implementation
must support all FFT levels from log2 (N ) to 1.
Our C FFT implementation supports all levels of Forward and Inverse FFT trivially.
However, our vectorized FFT must be tailored to support all FFT levels. Instead of
vectorizing l − 1 FFT implementations, first, we determined the maximum number of
coefficients that can be computed using 32 vector registers. Then, we select l = 5 as the
baseline to compute FFT that minimizes load and store. In case l < 5, we unroll the FFT
loop completely, and save instructions overhead. When l ≥ 5, we use the base loop with
l = 5 with 32 64-bit coefficients and implement additional two FFT loops. The second
loop computes two FFT levels per iteration to save load and store instructions. The third
loop is an unrolled version of a single FFT level per iteration. In short, using three FFT
loops, we can construct arbitrary FFT level l ≥ 5 by using the base loop with 5 levels,
then a multiple of two FFT levels by the second loop. Finally, the remaining FFT levels
are handled by the third loop, as shown in Table 2.

Merge FFT As shown in Algorithm 9, f = mergefft(f0 , f1 ) = f0 (x2 ) + xf1 (x2 ) is

similar to subroutine of Forward FFT, used inside ffSampling. We rewrite the original
implementation to share the twiddle factor ω between two butterflies. Instead of computing
in-place, we write output of butterflies from (f0 , f1 ) to f . The output polynomial f is
double the size of the input polynomial as indicated by the name of this operation. When
N ≤ 8, we unroll the loop completely and exploit ωre = ωim if possible. The Algorithm 9
works for N ≥ 16.

5.3 Improved Inverse FFT implementation

The butterflies in Inverse FFT in Algorithm 10 and Algorithm 11 exploit complex conjugate
by using add and subtract instructions. A tweak at no cost in line 1 of Algorithm 11 to
avoid floating-point negation instruction fneg in line 3. Similar to Forward FFT, two
loops from line 6 to 13 in Algorithm 12 can be executed in parallel and share the same
twiddle factor ω. The last loop from line 17 to 21 multiplies N2 by all coefficients of
FFT, and exploits special case of twiddle factor ωre = ωim . We also employ three FFT
loops setting described in Table 2 to implement vectorized multi-level l of Inverse FFT to
maximize vector registers usage, hence improving execution time. Note that butterflies in
Algorithm 12 are computed in-place.
12 Fast Falcon Signature Generation and Verification Using ARMv8 NEON Instructions

Algorithm 10: GS_BF Algorithm 11: GS_BF_270

Input: a, b, ω Input: a, b, ω
Output: (a, b) = (a + b, (a − b)ω̂) Output: (a, b) = (a + b, (a − b)iω̂)
1 t←a−b 1 t←b−a ▷ avoid negation
2 a←a+b 2 a←a+b
3 b ← t ∗ conjugate(ω) 3 b ← t ∗ conjugate(−iω)

Algorithm 12: In-place cache-friendly Inverse FFT (split storage)

Input: Polynomial f ∈ Q[x]/(xN/2 + 1), twiddle factor table tw
Output: f = invFFT(f )
1 level ← log2 (N ) − 2 ▷ tw index starts at 0, and N/2 re, im points
2 for len = 1 to N/8 do
3 k←0 ▷ reset k at new level
4 for s = 0 to N/2 − 1 do
5 ω ← tw[level][k] ▷ ω is shared between two loops
6 for j = s to s + len − 1 do
7 GS_BF(f [j], f [j + len], ω)
8 j ←j+1
9 s ← s + (len ≪ 1)
10 for j = s to s + len − 1 do
11 GS_BF_270(f [j], f [j + len], ω)
12 j ←j+1
13 s ← s + (len ≪ 1)
14 k ←k+1 ▷ increase by one point
15 level ← level − 1 ▷ decrease level
16 len ← len ≪ 1 ▷ double distance
17 ω ← tw[0][0] · N
18 for j = 0 to N/4 − 1 do
19 GS_BF(f [j], f [j + N/4], ω) ▷ exploit ωre = ωim
20 f [j] ← f [j] · N2
21 j ←j+1

Algorithm 13: splitfft(f ) for N ≥ 16

Input: Polynomial f ∈ Q[x]/(xN/2 + 1), twiddle factor table tw
Output: f0 , f1 = splitfft(f ) ∈ Q[x]/(xN/4 + 1)
1 k ← 0; level ← log2 (N ) − 2
2 for s = 0 to N/4 − 1 do
3 ω ← tw[level][k]
4 j←s≪1
5 (f0 [s], f1 [s]) ← 12 · GS_BF(f [j], f [j + 1], ω)
6 (f0 [s + 1], f1 [s + 1]) ← 12 · GS_BF_270(f [j + 2], f [j + 3], ω)
7 k ←k+1 ▷ increase by one point
8 s←s+2
Nguyen et al. 13

Split FFT The Algorithm 13 computes (f0 , f1 ) = splitfft(f ), where f = f0 (x2 ) +

xf1 (x2 ), and splitfft is the inverse function of mergefft. The output polynomials f0
and f1 are half the size of the input polynomial f . Similar to mergefft, the twiddle factor
ω is shared between each butterfly unit. We unroll the loop when N ≤ 8.

5.4 Floating-point complex instructions and data storage

ARMv8.3 supports two floating-point complex instructions: fcadd and fcmla. The floating-
point complex fcadd instruction offers addition and counterclockwise rotation by 90 and
270 degrees: (a + ib) and (a − ib). The combination of fmul and fcmla instructions can
perform complex point multiplication (a∗b), (a∗ b̂) as shown in lines 1 and 3 of Algorithms 6
and 10 by applying counterclockwise rotation by 90 and 270 degree, respectively. Note
that fcmla has the same cycle count as fmla, fmls.
The floating-point complex instructions offer a convenient way to compute single pair
complex multiplications. Conversely, the fmla, fmls instructions require at least two
pairs for complex multiplication. The only difference between floating-point complex
instructions and traditional multiplication instructions is the data storage of real and
imaginary values during the multiplication.
Our first approach is to use floating-point complex fmul, fcmla, fcadd instructions,
where real and imaginary values are stored adjacent in memory (adj storage). This data
storage setting is also seen in other FFT libraries such as FFTW [FJ12], and FFTS [BWC13].
Complex multiplications using such instructions are demonstrated in Algorithms 14 and 15.
The second approach uses default data storage in Falcon: real and imaginary values are
split into two locations (split storage). The complex multiplication using fmul, fmla, and
fmls instructions is shown in Algorithm 16. Visual demonstration of Algorithms 14–16
are in Appendix C.
To find the highest performance gain, we implemented vectorized versions of the
first and second approaches mentioned above. The former approach offers better cache
locality for small l ≤ 4. However, it introduces a vector permutation overhead to compute

Algorithm 14: c = a ∗ b with fmul, fcmla

Input: a = (are , aim ), b = (bre , bim )
Output: c = a ∗ b = (are bre − aim bim , are bim + aim bre )
1 c ← fmul(b, a[0]) ▷ (bre are , bim are )
2 c ← fcmla_90(c, a, b) ▷ (bre are − aim bim , bim are + aim bre )

Algorithm 15: c = a ∗ conjugate(b) = a ∗ b̂ with fmul, fcmla

Input: a = (are , aim ), b = (bre , bim )
Output: c = a ∗ b̂ = (are bre + aim bim , aim bre − are bim )
1 c ← fmul(a, b[0]) ▷ (are bre , aim bre )
2 c ← fcmla_270(c, b, a) ▷ (are bre + bim aim , aim bre − bim are )

Algorithm 16: c = a ∗ b with fmul, fmls, fmla

Input: are , aim , bre , bim
Output: c = (cre , cim ) = (are bre − aim bim , are bim + aim bre )
1 cre ← fmul(are , bre ) ▷ are bre
2 cre ← fmls(cre , aim , bim ) ▷ cre = are bre − aim bim
3 cim ← fmul(are , bim ) ▷ are bre
4 cim ← fmla(cim , aim , bre ) ▷ cim = are bim + aim bre
14 Fast Falcon Signature Generation and Verification Using ARMv8 NEON Instructions

complex multiplication in lines 1 and 3 of Algorithms 7 and 11 of Inverse FFT using

aforementioned floating-point complex instructions. Another disadvantage of the first
approach is preventing the deployment of Falcon to devices that do not support ARMv8.3,
such as Cortex-A53/A72 on Raspberry Pi 3/4, respectively. The latter approach can run
on any ARMv8 platform. However, the second approach computes at least two complex
point multiplications instead of one, and the pure C implementation is slightly faster
compared to the original reference FFT implementation of Falcon. On the other hand,
the pure C implementation of first approach is the fastest as shown in Appendix E. We
recommend using the first approach (adj storage) for non-vectorized implementation.
Eventually, we chose the second approach as our best-vectorized implementation and
kept the reference implementation of the first approach in our code base for community
interest. For l ≤ 2, we unroll the loop, so the multiplication is done by scalar multiplication.
By rearranging vector registers appropriately using LD2, LD4, ST2, ST4 instructions,
when l ≥ 3, the latter approach is slightly faster than the first approach when benchmarked
on the high-end Apple M1 CPU.

5.5 Floating-point to integer conversion

Notably, both GCC and Clang can generate native floating-point to integer conversion
instructions during compilation such as fpr_floor, fpr_trunc using rounding toward
zero instruction fcvtzs except for fpr_rint function. As described in the 64-bit floating-
point to 64-bit signed integer fpr_rint implementation (a constant time conversion written
in C), the obtained assembly language code generated by Clang and GCC, respectively, is
not consistent and does not address constant-time concerns described in Howe et al. [HW22].
In our implementation on a aarch64 ARMv8, we use the rounding to the nearest with ties
to even instruction fcvtns to convert a 64-bit floating-point to a 64-bit signed integer 2 .
This single instruction, used to replace the whole fpr_rint implementation, costs 3 cycles
on Cortex-A72/A78.

5.6 Rounding concern in Floating-point Fused Multiply-Add

Another concern while implementing vectorized code is floating-point rounding [ANB+ 18].
In ref implementation, when using the independent multiply (fmul) and add (fadd, fsub)
instructions, the floating-point rounding occurs after multiplication, and after addition. In
neon implementation, when we use Fused Multiply-Add instruction (fmla, fmls), the
rounding is applied only after addition.
When we repeat our experiment with fpr_expm_p63 function used in Gaussian sampling
to observe the rounding of fmla and (fmul, fadd), the differences between them grow.
In our experiment, we sample random values as input to fpr_expm_p63 function on both
Apple M1 and Cortex-A72, the differences are consistent in both CPUs 3 , about 7,000
out of 100,000 output values of fpr_expm_63 function with fmla are different from (fmul,
fadd). Example of bits flipped are shown at Table 9 in Appendix F.
We have carefully tested our implementation according to the test vectors and KATs
(Known-Answer-Tests) provided by Falcon submitters. Although all tests passed, the
security of the floating-point rounding differences in ARMv8 is unknown. Therefore, by
default, our code uses the independent multiply (fmul) and add (fadd, fsub) instructions.
We chose to optionally enable fmla instructions for benchmarking purposes only and
observed negligible differences 3 → 4% between the two approaches in terms of the total
execution time for the Sign operation, as shown in Table 3.
Nguyen et al. 15

Table 3: Performance of Signature generation with Fused Multiply-Add instructions

enabled (fmla), and disabled (fmul, fadd). Results are in kc - kilocycles.

CPU neon Sign (fmul, fadd) fmla fmla/(fmul, fadd)

falcon512 1,038.14 1,000.31 0.964
falcon1024 2,132.08 2,046.53 0.960
falcon512 459.19 445.91 0.971
Apple M1
falcon1024 914.91 885.63 0.968

6 Results
ARMv8 Intrinsics are used for ease of implementation and to take advantage of the
compiler optimizers. The optimizers know how intrinsics behave and tune performance
toward the processor features such as aligning buffers, scheduling pipeline operations, and
instruction ordering 4 . In our implementation, we always keep vector register usage under
32 and examine assembly language code obtained during our development process. We
acknowledge that the compiler occasionally spills data from registers to memory and hides
load/store latency through the instructions supporting pipelining.

Falcon and Hawk The reference implementation of Hawk 5 uses fixed-point data type by
default. Since our choice of processors supports floating-point arithmetic, we convert all
fixed-point arithmetic to floating-point arithmetic and achieve a significant performance
boost in reference implementation as compared to the default setting. Notably, this choice
disables NTT implementation in Hawk Sign and Verify, while Falcon Verify explicitly
uses integer arithmetic for NTT implementation by default. Although it is possible to
vectorize NTT implementation in Hawk Verify, we consider this as future work. In both
implementations, we measure the Sign operations in the dynamic signing - the secret key
is expanded before signing, and we do not use floating-point emulation options.

Dilithium We select the state-of-the-art ARMv8 Dilithium implementation from Becker

et al. [BHK+ 21].

XMSS, SPHINCS+ To construct a comprehensive digital signature comparison, we

select the XMSS implementation 6 with the forward security by Buchmann et al. [BDH11],
which limited the way one-time signature keys are computed to enhance security. We
accelerate sha-256 by applying the OpenSSL sha2-ni instruction set extensions in our neon
implementation. For sphincs+ , we select s, f -variant and ’simple’ instantiation to compare
with lattice-based signatures. Recent work by Becker et al. [BK22] proposed multiple
settings to accelerate Keccak-f1600, combine with scalar, neon and sha3 instructions. To
make sure our hash-based signatures is up-to-date, we measure and apply the best settings
on Apple M1 to yield our best result for hash-based signature, as shown in Table 10 in
Appendix G.
The optimized implementation of SPHINCS+ 7 already included high-speed Keccak-
f1600×2 neon implementation. The choice of underlying thash functions for XMSS
and SPHINCS+ are indirect comparisons of sha2 and sha3, one can expect a similar
speed-up ratio for Sign and Verify if their underlying hash functions are replaced, as
shown in Table 11 in Appendix G. For both, the ref implementation is a pure C hash
16 Fast Falcon Signature Generation and Verification Using ARMv8 NEON Instructions

Constant-time treatment For operations that use floating-point arithmetic extensively,

we use vectorized division instruction as in the reference implementation. In Falcon Verify,
there is only integer arithmetic. Thus, the division is replaced by modular multiplication.
In both operations, secret data is not used in branch conditions or memory access patterns.

Benchmarking setup Our benchmarking setup for ARMv8 implementations included

MacBook Air with Apple M1 @ 3.2GHz and Raspberry Pi 4 with Cortex-A72 @ 1.8GHz.
For AVX2 implementations, we used a PC based on Intel 11th gen i7-1165G7 @ 2.8GHz
with Spectre and Meltdown mitigations disabled via a kernel parameter8 .
For cycle count on Cortex-A72, we used the pqax9 framework . In Apple M1, we rewrote
the work from Dougall Johnson10 to perform cycle count11 . On both platforms, we use
Clang 13 with -O3, we let the compiler to do its best to vectorize pure C implementations,
denoted as ref to fairly compare them with our neon implementations. Thus, we did
not employ -fno-tree-vectorize option. We acknowledge that compiler enable Fuse
Multiply-Add to improve performance.
We report the average cycle count of 1,000 and 10,000 executions for hash-based and
lattice-based signatures, respectively. Benchmarking is conducted using a single core and
a single thread to fairly compare results with those obtained for lattice-based signatures,
even though hash-based signatures can execute multiple hash operations in parallel.

Results for FFT and NTT are summarized in Table 4 with FMA enable. When N = 4,
we realized that our vectorized code runs slower than the C implementation due to the
FFT vectorized code being too short. Therefore, we use the same ref implementation.
Starting from N ≥ 8, our FFT vectorized code achieved speed-up from 1.2× to 2.3× and
1.4× to 2.4× compared to the ref implementation of the Forward and Inverse FFT on
Apple M1, and from 1.8× to 1.9× and 1.9× to 2.3× for both Forward and Inverse FFT on
Cortex-A72. These speed-ups are due to our unrolled vectorized implementation of FFT,
which supports multiple FFT levels and twiddle-factor sharing.
In Falcon Verify, our benchmark of Inverse NTT is without multiplication by n−1
because we already embed this multiplication during Montgomery conversion. For both FFT
and NTT, our neon implementation in both Cortex-A72 and Apple M1 achieve better speed-
up ratio than the avx2 implementation, as shown in Table 4. There is no avx2 optimized
implementation of Falcon Verify, it is the same as pure ref implementation. Overall, our
neon NTT implementation is greatly improved compared to ref implementation, which
determines the overall speed-up in Falcon Verify.
The increasing and then decreasing trend in Cortex-A72 shows the limit of the cache
on low-end devices, while high-end neon and avx2 processors show a declining trend at
N = 1024 for both Forward and Inverse FFT.

Comparison with previous work In Table 5, by comparing the cycles of ref implementa-
tions, we can see that our implementation outperforms the work by Kim et al. [KSS22]
conducted on Jetson AGX Xavier. On Jetson AGX Xavier, the implementation improved
from 1.17× to 1.69× as compared to the ref implementation in both Sign and Verify
operations at security level 5. The corresponding improvements on Cortex-A72 and Apple
M1 are from 1.51× to 2.10× and 1.49× to 2.06× as compared to the C implementation.
In a signature generation, as compared to the Kim et al. [KSS22] approach, we decided
against replacing macro functions FPC_MUL, FPC_DIV,.... Our manual work of unrolled
versions of the Forward and Inverse FFT, as well as splitfft, mergefft, mulfft,...,
8 mitigations=off
Nguyen et al. 17

Table 4: Cycle counts for the implementation of FFT (with FMA enabled) and NTT with
the size of N coefficients on Apple M1 and Cortex-A72 - neon vs. ref. On Intel i7-1165G7
- ref vs. avx2
Apple M1 Forward FFT(cycles) Inverse FFT(cycles)
N ref neon ref/neon ref neon ref/neon
8 115 91 1.26 127 88 1.44
16 167 110 1.52 178 103 1.73
32 245 147 1.67 261 144 1.81
64 408 232 1.76 424 228 1.86
128 759 404 1.88 847 401 2.11
256 1,633 789 2.07 1,810 794 2.28
512 3,640 1,577 2.31 3,930 1,609 2.44
1024 7,998 3,489 2.29 8,541 3,547 2.41

Forward NTT(cycles) Inverse NTT(cycles)

512 6,607 840 7.87 6,449 811n 7.95
1024 13,783 1,693 8.14 13,335 1, 702n 7.83

Cortex-A72 Forward FFT(cycles) Inverse FFT(cycles)

N ref neon ref/neon ref neon ref/neon
8 100 54 1.85 116 49 2.37
16 232 92 2.52 259 88 2.94
32 516 221 2.33 570 217 2.63
64 1,132 540 2.10 1,249 543 2.30
128 2,529 1,155 2.19 2,799 1,216 2.30
256 5,474 2,770 1.98 6,037 2,913 2.07
512 11,807 5,951 1.98 13,136 6,135 2.14
1024 27,366 14,060 1.95 28,151 14,705 1.91

Forward NTT(cycles) Inverse NTT(cycles)

512 22,582 3,561 6.34 22,251 3, 563n 6.25
1024 48,097 7,688 6.26 47,196 7, 872n 6.00

Intel i7-1165G7 Forward FFT(cycles) Inverse FFT(cycles)

N ref avx2 ref/avx2 ref avx2 ref/avx2
8 50 50 1.00 53 52 1.02
16 98 73 1.34 103 77 1.34
32 192 130 1.48 206 156 1.32
64 405 270 1.50 418 273 1.53
128 787 481 1.64 873 499 1.75
256 1,640 966 1.70 1,798 1,024 1.76
512 3,486 2,040 1.71 3,790 2,138 1.77
1024 7,341 4,370 1.68 7,961 4,572 1.74
no multiplication with n−1 at the end of Inverse NTT
18 Fast Falcon Signature Generation and Verification Using ARMv8 NEON Instructions

Table 5: Speed-up ratio comparison (with FMA enabled) with previous work from Kim et
al. [KSS22] on Raspberry Pi 4, Apple M1, and Jetson AGX Xavier - kc-kilocycles

Jetson AGX Xavier

ref(kc) neon(kc) ref/neon
falcon512 [KSS22] 580.7 48.0 498.6 29.0 1.16 1.65
falcon1024 [KSS22] 1,159.6 106.0 990.5 62.5 1.17 1.69
Apple M1
falcon512 (Ours) 654.0 43.5 442.0 22.7 1.48 1.92
falcon1024 (Ours) 1,310.8 89.3 882.1 42.9 1.49 2.08
Raspberry Pi 4
falcon512 (Ours) 1,490.7 126.3 1,001.9 58.8 1.49 2.15
falcon1024 (Ours) 3,084.8 274.3 2,048.9 130.4 1.51 2.10

contribute to greatly improving the performance of Falcon. We also modify the code
logic to reduce calling memcpy functions during operation and sharing twiddle factors,
which greatly reduces memory load and store overhead. In signature verification, our NTT
speed-up is 6.2× and 6.0× with respect to ref implementation for Forward and Inverse
NTT, as shown in Table 4, while Kim et al. [KSS22] only achieve less than 3× speed-up.
The significant speed-up is accomplished due to our signed-integer implementation of
NTT, with values centered around 0, while previous work used unsigned integer NTT. Our
signed integer NTT implementation utilized fast Barrett multiplication in 3 instructions
by Becker et al. [BHK+ 21], which greatly reduces the number of multiply instructions,
creating a shorter dependency chain and eliminating zip and unzip instructions.

Falcon and Dilithium In Table 6, we rank our implementations in respect to the state-
of-the-art CRYSTALS-Dilithium implementation from Becker et al. [BHK+ 21] across all
security levels. Please note that in the top rows, only dilithium2, xmss16 -sha256 have
security level 2, while the rest algorithms have security level 1. For all security levels of
Falcon and Dilithium, when executed over messages of the size of 59 bytes, for Signature
generation, Falcon is comparable with Dilithium in ref implementations. However, the
landscape drastically changes in the optimized neon implementations. Dilithium has an
execution time 2× smaller than Falcon at the lowest and highest security levels.
The speed-up ratio of Dilithium in ARMv8 is 3.3× as compared to ref implementation.
This result is due to the size of operands in the vectorized implementation. Dilithium
uses 32-bit integers and parallel hashing shake128/256. This leads to a higher speed-up
ratio as compared to 64-bit floating-point operations, serial hashing using shake256, and
serial sampling in Falcon. Additionally, the computation cost of floating-point operations
is higher than for integers. Hence, we only achieve 1.42× speed-up (with FMA disable)
compared to the ref implementation for the signature generation operation in Falcon.
Although there are no floating-point computations in Falcon Verify, our speed-up is smaller
than for Dilithium due to the serial hashing using shake256. We believe that if Falcon
adopts parallel hashing and parallel sampling algorithms, its performance could be further
In Verification across all security levels, Falcon is consistently faster than Dilithium by
3.0× to 3.9× in both ref and neon implementations.

Hawk vs. Falcon and Dilithium At security levels 1 and 5, Hawk outperforms both
Falcon and Dilithium in ref and neon implementations. The exception is the neon
Nguyen et al. 19

Table 6: Signature generation and Verification speed comparison (with FMA disable)
over three security levels, signed 59 bytes message. ref and neon results for Apple M1.

Apple-M1 NIST ref(kc) neon(kc) ref/neon

3.2 GHz level S V S V S V
falcon512 654.0 43.5 459.2 22.7 1.42 1.92
hawk512 138.6 34.6 117.7 27.1 1.18 1.27
dilithium2 741.1 199.6 224.1 69.8 3.31 2.86
16 x
xmss -sha256 26,044.3 2,879.4 4,804.2 531.0 5.42 5.42
sphincs+ 128ss 1,950,265.0 1,982.4 549,130.7 658.6 3.55 3.01
+ s
sphincs 128f 93,853.9 5,483.8 26,505.3 1,731.2 3.54 3.16
dilithium3 1,218.0 329.2 365.2 104.8 3.33 3.14
+ s
sphincs 192s III 3,367,415.5 2,753.1 950,869.9 893.2 3.54 3.08
+ s
sphincs 192f 151,245.2 8,191.5 42,815.1 2,515.8 3.53 3.25
falcon1024 1,310.8 89.3 915.0 42.9 1.43 2.08
hawk1024 279.7 73.7 236.9 58.5 1.18 1.26
b V
dilithium5 1,531.1 557.7 426.6 167.5 3.59 3.33
+ s
sphincs 256s 2,938,702.4 3,929.3 840,259.4 1,317.5 3.50 2.98
+ s
sphincs 256f 311,034.3 8,242.5 88,498.9 2,593.8 3.51 3.17
the work from Becker et al. [BHK+ 21]
our benchmark sphincs+ ’simple’ variants with 1,000 iterations using Keccak-f1600
our benchmark xmss16 -sha256 with 1,000 iterations using sha2 Crypto instruction

Table 7: Signature generation and Verification speed comparison (with FMA disabled)
over three security levels, signing a 59-byte message. Ranking over the Verification speed
ratio. ref and neon results for Cortex-A72. kc-kilocycles.

Cortex-A72 NIST ref(kc) neon(kc) ref/neon

1.8 GHz Level S V S V S V V ratio
falcon512 1,553.4 127.8 1,044.6 59.9 1.49 2.09 1.0
hawk512 I, II 400.3 127.1 315.9 94.8 1.26 1.34 1.6
dilithium2 1,353.8 449.6 649.2 272.8 2.09 1.65 4.5
dilithium3 III 2,308.6 728.9 1,089.4 447.5 2.12 1.63 -
falcon1024 3,193.0 272.1 2,137.0 125.2 1.49 2.17 1.0
hawk1024 V 822.1 300.0 655.2 236.9 1.25 1.27 1.9
dilithium5 2,903.6 1,198.7 1,437.0 764.9 2.02 1.57 6.1
the work from Becker et al. [BHK+ 21]

implementation of Falcon Verify due to two polynomial multiplications in Hawk instead of

one in Falcon. An optimized neon implementation of Hawk Verify is unlikely to be faster
than Falcon Verify even if Hawk has optimized neon NTT implementation in its signature
verification. The performance of Hawk versus Falcon and Dilithium in Sign are 3.9× and
20 Fast Falcon Signature Generation and Verification Using ARMv8 NEON Instructions

1.9× faster and in Verify are 0.8× and 2.5× faster for the neon implementation at security
level 1. Our neon implementation of Hawk achieves a similar speed-up ratio as in the case
of avx2 implementations reported in Ducas et al. [DPPvW22] (Table 1).

Lattice-based signatures vs. Hash-based signatures Notably, in Table 6, the execution

times of Falcon, Dilithium, and Hawk lattice-based signatures are shorter than for XMSS
and SPHINCS+ hash-based signatures by orders of magnitude in both ref and neon
implementations. In Verification alone, Falcon is faster than XMSS and SPHINCS+
by 23.4 to 28.8×. Similarly, the Dilithium verification is faster than for XMSS and
SPHINCS+ by 7.6 to 9.4×. The speed-up of hash-based signatures is higher than for
lattice-based signatures, and it can be even greater if parallelism is fully exploited, e.g.,
through multithreading in CPUs or GPUs. These improvements are left for future work.

Lattice-based signature in constrained devices Aside from high-end CPUs, low-end

ARMv8 CPUs are widely used in the market, from mobile devices to the Internet of Things.
In normal use cases, such devices do not generate signatures frequently, but they verify
signatures when receiving updates, connecting to a network, etc.
In Table 7, we rank the Verfication performance of Falcon, Dilithium, and Hawk.
Notably, our Hawk Verify uses floating-point arithmetic while the signature Verifications
of Falcon and Dilithium only require integer operations. We exclude hash-based signatures
from this comparison due to their low performance already shown for high-speed processors
in Table 6. Falcon Verify at security level 5 is faster than Dilithium at security levels 1 and
5 by 2.2× and 6.1×. Hawk outperforms Dilithium and is only slower than Falcon in Verify
operation by 1.6× and 1.9× in the same security level. In combination with Table 1, it
is obvious that Falcon is more efficient than Dilithium in terms of both bandwidth and

7 Conclusions
Falcon is the only PQC digital signature scheme selected by NIST for standardization using
floating-point operations. Unless significant changes are introduced to Falcon, floating-
point instructions required in Key generation and Sign operations will continue to be a key
limitation of Falcon deployment. Additionally, the complexity of serial sampling and serial
hashing significantly reduces the performance of Falcon Key and Signature generation. We
demonstrate that Hawk, outperforms Dilithium and has faster Signature generation than
Falcon. Its performance and bandwidth may be interesting to the community.
In summary, we report the new speed record for Falcon Sign and Verify operations using
NEON-based instruction on Cortex-A72 and Apple M1 ARMv8 devices. We present a
comprehensive comparison in terms of performance and bandwidth for Falcon, CRYSTALS-
Dilithium, XMSS, and SPHINCS+ on both aforementioned devices. We believe that in
some constrained protocol scenarios, where bandwidth and verification performance matter,
Falcon is the better option than Dilithium, and lattice-based signatures are a far better
choice than hash-based signatures in terms of key size and efficiency.
Lastly, we present a 7% mismatch between the Fuse Multiply-Add instructions on
ARMv8 platforms. We recommend disabling the Fuse Multiply-Add instruction to guaran-
tee implementation correctness. Further security analysis of this behavior is needed.
Nguyen et al. 21

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A Pseudocode of Falcon

Algorithm 17: Falcon Sign

Input: A message m, a secret key sk, a bound [β 2 ]
Output: sig = (r, s)
1 r ← {0, 1} c ← HashToPoint(r||m,
 uniformly  q, n)
2 t ← − 1q FFT(c) ⊙ FFT(F ), 1q FFT(c) ⊙ FFT(f ) ▷ t ∈ Q[x]/(ϕ)
3 do
4 do
5 z ← ffSamplingn (t, T )
6 s = (t − z)B̂ ▷ s ∈ Gaussian distribution: s ∼ D(c,0)+Λ(B),σ,0
7 while ||s2 || > ⌊β 2 ⌋;
8 (s1 , s2 ) ← invFFT(s) ▷ s1 + s2 h = c mod (ϕ, q)
9 s ← Compress(s2 , 8 · sbytelen − 328)
10 while (s =⊥);
11 return sig = (r, s)

Algorithm 18: Falcon Verify

Input: A message m, sig = (r, s), pk = h ∈ Zq [x]/(ϕ), a bound β 2
Output: Accept or reject
1 c ← HashToPoint(r∥m, q, n) s2 ← Decompress(s, 8· sbytelen −328)
2 if (s2 =⊥) then
3 reject
4 s1 ← c − s2 h mod (ϕ, q) ▷ |s1 | < 2q and s1 ∈ Zq [x]/(ϕ)
2  2
5 if ∥(s1 , s2 )∥ ≤ β then
6 accept ;
7 else
8 reject
Nguyen et al. 25

B Modular Multiplication

Barrett reduction is used to compute modular reduction efficiently without actually

performing costly division. For example, we want to find z ′ = z mod q:
z zR z R z·t
z′ = z − q · =z−q· =z−q· · =z−q· (3)
q qR R q R

As shown in Equation 3, we can precompute t = [R/q] as an integer approximate of Rq

since R and q are constants. If we choose R = 2w , then the division of z/R is a simple shift
right by w. We select R = 216 to fit machine natural width for a 14-bit prime q = 12289 in
Falcon, which allows using convenient instructions in ARMv8 as shown in later sections.

Barrett multiplication is inspired by Barrett reduction. In our work, we use Barrett

multiplication in Forward and Inverse NTT, since one factor of the multiplication is
always a known constant. Hence, from Barrett reduction, we derive Barrett multiplication
z ′ = (x · y) mod q:

x · t′
′ (x · y) x (y · R)
z = (x · y) − q · =z−q· · =z−q· (4)
q R q R

As shown in Equation 4, this time we precompute t′ = [(y · R)/q], since y, R and q

are also constants. Exploiting known constants in Barrett multiplication yields shorter
multiplication instructions, inspired by Becker et al. [BHK+ 21] as shown in Section 4.

Montgomery multiplication is used in point-wise multiplication in Equation 1, where

two factors of the multiplication are unknown. Similarly to Barrett reduction, Montgomery
reduction [Mon85] is another way to avoid costly division. To use Montgomery reduction,
first, we have to convert operands to the Montgomery domain by multiplying with
q < R = 2w , where w is the register width, e.g., 16 or 32. We assume that one factor
of multiplication is already in Montgomery domain. With R = 2w , the Montgomery
multiplication can be derived as follows: z ′ = (xR · y) mod q:

z ′ = hi(x · y + q · lo(q ′ · (x · y))) (5)

where hi and lo are lower and upper part of 2w bits, each is w-bit respectively.
26 Fast Falcon Signature Generation and Verification Using ARMv8 NEON Instructions

C Visualizing complex point multiplication

re im re im re im

re im re im

re re re re

im im im im

im re im re

re im re im

Figure 1: Single pair complex multiplication using fmul, fcmla. Real and imagine points
are stored adjacently.

Figure 2: Two pairs complex multiplication using fmul, fmls, fmla. Real and imagine
points are stored separately.
Nguyen et al. 27

D Visualizing compressed twiddle factor

Forward FFT
Fold by 2 Fold by 4
Inverse FFT


conjugate rotation

Figure 3: Deriving full twiddle factor table by applying complex conjugate and rotation.

E Compressed Fast Fourier Transform in C

Table 8: Comparison of reference (ref) and compressed FFT implementation written in

C. split and adj are storage settings in Figure 3 and Figure 2; -Os optimization applied.

Forward FFT Cortex-A72 (cycles) Apple M1 (cycles)

N ref split adj ref split adj
4 28 19 17 82 78 79
8 70 56 55 99 103 102
16 162 142 137 153 147 146
32 369 346 335 216 214 213
64 849 825 804 368 365 359
128 2,022 1,983 1,954 734 735 726
256 4,709 4,606 4,512 1,576 1,561 1,540
512 10,518 10,434 10,276 3,542 3,515 3,395
1024 23,496 22,840 22,573 7,851 7,799 7,583

Inverse FFT Cortex-A72 (cycles) Apple M1 (cycles)

N ref split adj ref split adj
4 35 21 25 86 78 79
8 80 59 56 113 106 102
16 183 147 139 164 148 146
32 421 359 339 246 222 216
64 968 852 813 434 401 377
128 2,283 2,016 1,991 871 805 745
256 5,151 4,693 4,504 1,818 1,702 1,577
512 11,052 10,604 10,219 3,941 3,732 3,472
1024 24,867 23,456 23,141 8,526 8,201 7,681
28 Fast Falcon Signature Generation and Verification Using ARMv8 NEON Instructions

F Fused Multiply-Add Rounding differences

Table 9: Floating point FMA rounding differences in our experiment of fpr_expm_p63.

Two input, output pairs show that the bits are flipped at (9, 11, 12) position.

Input float value hex value

(ccs, x)1 0.9879566266, 0.7112028419 0x3fef9d57371f9d57, 0x3fe6c22c7656c22c
(ccs, x)2 0.7176312343, 0.5160871303 0x3fe6f6d5c736f6d6, 0x3fe083c9285083c9

Output float value hex value

(a1 , b1 ) 0.0000000015 0x3e190af590033c00, 0x3e190af590034c00
(a2 , b2 ) 0.0000000000 0x36d329d822c80400, 0x36d329d822c80e00

Differences hex value

|a1 − b1 | 0 0x1000
|a2 − b2 | 0 0x0a00

G Benchmark Keccak-f1600

Table 10: Benchmark Keccak-f1600 implementation on Apple M1, with 2 to 5-ways in a

single function call. On M1, Keccak-f1600 2-ways by [Wes21] yields the best performance.
The ratio comparison between the fastest setting versus others. Results are in cycles.

Authors Ways Settings Cycles (per hash) Ratio

[Wes21] 2× neon + sha3 485 (243) 1.00
[Ngu20] 2× neon + sha3 548 (274) 1.13
[BK22] 3× neon + sha3 + scalar 1,052 (350) 1.44
[BK22] 4× neon + sha3 + scalar 2,094 (524) 2.15
[BK22] 5× neon + sha3 + scalar 3,184 (637) 2.64

Table 11: thash-sha256 and thash-shake speed comparison between the C, sha2
Crypto instruction and 2-ways sha3 instructions by Bas Westerbaan [Wes21] on Apple
M1, measured with 64 bytes input and 32 bytes output. Results are in cycles.

C neon (per hash) ref/neon

thash-shake 882 498 (249) 3.54
thash-sha256 1,534 268 (268) 5.72

H Forward and Inverse FFT for Adjacent storage setting

Nguyen et al. 29

Algorithm 19: In-place cache-friendly Forward FFT (adj storage)

Input: Polynomial f ∈ Q[x]/(xN/2 + 1), twiddle factor table tw
Output: f = FFT(f )
1 ω ← tw[0][0]
2 for j = 0 to N/2 − 1 do
3 CT_BF(f [j], f [j + N/2], ω) ▷ exploit ωre = ωim
4 j ←j+2
5 level ← 1
6 for len = N/4 to 2 do
7 k←0 ▷ reset k at new level
8 for s = 0 to N − 1 do
9 ω ← tw[level][k] ▷ ω is shared between two loops
10 for j = s to s + len − 1 do
11 CT_BF(f [j], f [j + len], ω)
12 j ←j+2
13 s ← s + (len ≪ 1)
14 for j = s to s + len − 1 do
15 CT_BF_90(f [j], f [j + len], ω)
16 j ←j+2
17 s ← s + (len ≪ 1)
18 k ←k+1 ▷ increase by one point
19 level ← level + 1 ▷ increase level
20 len ← len ≫ 1 ▷ half distance

Algorithm 20: In-place cache-friendly Inverse FFT (adj storage)

Input: Polynomial f ∈ Q[x]/(xN/2 + 1), twiddle factor table tw
Output: f = invFFT(f )
1 level ← log2 (N ) − 2 ▷ tw index starts at 0, and N/2 re, im points
2 for len = 2 to N/4 do
3 k←0 ▷ reset k at new level
4 for s = 0 to N − 1 do
5 ω ← tw[level][k] ▷ ω is shared between two loops
6 for j = s to s + len − 1 do
7 GS_BF(f [j], f [j + len], ω)
8 j ←j+2
9 s ← s + (len ≪ 1)
10 for j = s to s + len − 1 do
11 GS_BF_270(f [j], f [j + len], ω)
12 j ←j+2
13 s ← s + (len ≪ 1)
14 k ←k+1 ▷ increase by one point
15 level ← level − 1 ▷ decrease level
16 len ← len ≪ 1 ▷ double distance
17 ω ← tw[0][0] · N2
18 for j = 0 to N/2 − 1 do
19 GS_BF(f [j], f [j + N/2], ω) ▷ exploit ωre = ωim
20 f [j] ← f [j] · N2
21 j ←j+2

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