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English exam level A2 (Units 1-4)

1- Make questions with these words using present simple. Then, match each question with the correct
1) Where / you / work ?
2) What time / Maggie / arrive ?
3) Where / Sally / live?
4) How many books / you / have ?
5) Why / you / get / home so late?
a- Thirty-four.
b- Because I leave work at half past eight.
c- In London.
d- Usually at five o’clock.
e- In Burger King.

2- Put the word / phrase in brackets in the correct place in the sentence.
a- She plays chess. (twice a week)
b- He goes cycling. (sometimes)
c- I go to the theatre. (never)
d- I’m very tired after school. (usually)
e- Luke does yoga. (once every two weeks)

3- Underline the correct word.

a- Do you work for yourself / an office ?
b- Mary works in a newspaper / a restaurant.
c- Milly works with a multinational company / old people.
d- Lillian works in a school / a receptionist.
e- Louis works as a lawyer / a charity.
4- Write ways to agree and disagree with these sentences.
a- I´m worried about the test results.



b- I can´t play the piano.



c- I really liked the play!



d- I don’t do sport very often.



e- I´ve got a cat.



5- Complete with the past simple form of the verbs in brackets.

Yesterday I 1.______ (stay) in Emma’s house all evening. We 2.______ (watch) a movie there. The name
of the movie was Titanic. Her mother 3._______ (buy) us some snacks. After that, she 4.______ (give) us
some fresh juices.

Emma’s brother 5._______ (come) home that evening. We 6.______ (play) chess together. Then we
7.______ (listen) to music.

Suddenly it 8._______ (start) to rain in the evening. I 9._______ (go) back home. Mom 10._______ (be)
angry at me for being late.
6- Fill in the gaps with the correct verb from the box: break – fall – get – go – ask

a- ______ in love with someone.

b- ______ up with someone.

c- ______ someone out.

d- ______ married to someone.

e- ______ on a date.

7- Read this direct message on social media and do the exercise.

Hi Lucia

How are you? It was so nice to meet you last week in Sydney at the sales meeting. How was the rest of
your trip? Did you see any kangaroos? I hope you got home to Mexico City OK.

Anyway, I have the documents about the new Berlin offices. We're going to be open in three months. I
moved here from London just last week. They are very nice offices, and the location is perfect. There are
lots of restaurants, cafés and banks in the area. There's also public transport; we are next to an U-Bahn
(that is the name for the metro here). Maybe you can come and see them one day? I would love to show
you Berlin, especially in the winter. You said you have never seen snow – you will see lots here!

Here's a photo of you and me at the restaurant in Sydney. That was a very fun night! Remember the
singing Englishman? Crazy! Please send me any other photos you have of that night. Good memories.

Please give me your email address and I will send you the documents.

Bye for now


- Choose whether these statements are true or false and correct the false ones.

1. Mikel and Lucia were friends from school.

2. The new offices are in a very good location.

3. There is a metro next to the offices.

4. Mikel has never seen snow before.

5. Mikel doesn't have Lucia's email address.

8- Complete the text with the past simple or past continuous form of the verbs in brackets.

I 1.________ (hear) a terrible explosion while I 2.________ (walk) into my office on the 24th floor of the
north tower, so I 3._______ (look) out of the window. Lots of paper 4.________ (fall) from the sky.
There was an announcement to evacuate the building. While we 5._______ (go) down, we 6.________
(see) some fire-fighters who 7._______ (run) up the stairs. When we 8._______ (get) to the ground
floor, we 9._______ (run) as fast as we could, and after ten minutes we 10._______ (stop) to rest in a
small park.

9- Fill in the gaps with the correct word from the box: so – because – while – when – until

a-I was watching TV ______ my sister was playing video games.

b- I wasn’t sure about my decision ______ my mom encouraged me.

c- I was walking home ______ I saw Steve.

d- Mary was sick last week, ______ she saw a doctor.

e- I´m tired ______ I didn’t sleep well last night.

10- Choose the correct words to complete the sentences.

a- Last month / In the last month I bought 3 pairs of socks.

b- I started school 6 months ago / before.

c- Jazz music became popular in a hundred years ago / the twentieth century.

d- I had my English exam the day before today / yesterday.

e- I met John last / next winter.

11- Fill in the gaps with the correct form of (not) have to in the present simple or past simple tense.

a- You ______ wear a uniform; it isn’t necessary.

b- I ______ leave early because I had an appointment.

c- You ______ do something to solve this problem.

d- We had an accident, but it was OK, we ______ go to the hospital.

e- The doctor put her on a strict diet. She ______ eat more fruit and vegetables and do more exercise.
12- Match each verb with the correct suffix in order to make nouns.

a- collect 1. -er

b- advertise 2. -ant

c- act 3. -or

d- cook 4. -ion

e- assist 5. -ment

13- Listen and choose the correct answer.

1- Where did the woman go on holiday this year?

a- Portugal b- Scotland c- Spain

2- What was the weather like in Italy?

a- It rained b- It was hot c- It was sunny

3- Where did the photographer take the photo of the actor?

a- On the stairs b- In reception c- In the street

4- What was the model doing when he took the photo?

a- Talking b- Reading c- Working on the “catwalk”

5- What year did the pop group make their last album?

a- 2001 b- 2002 c-2003

14- Fill in the gaps with the correct word from the box: write – apply – fill – find – go

a- ______ in an application form.

b- ______ for a job.

c- ______ for an interview.

d- ______ a CV.

e- ______ a job.
15- Think about film and write a short paragraph describing it. Include the answers to these questions.

 What’s its name?

 What kind of film is it?
 Who’s in it?
 What’s it about?
 What’s it like?

16- Complete the sentences with the present perfect form of the verbs in brackets.

a- My family ______ (visit) Brazil a few times.

b- I ______ (not/watch) that film before.

c- I ______ (meet) Anna once.

d- You ______ (buy) 4 cars so far.

e- She ______ (be) sick since Sunday.

17- Write down these questions using the present perfect tense and the short answers.

a- you / ever be / in Spain? No, I ________ .

b- Tim / do / his homework? Yes, ________ .

c- he / ever read / a book from Shakespeare? Yes, _______ .

d- you / ever play / the piano? No, _______ .

e- you / see / the cat? No, _______ .

18- Choose the correct option to complete the sentences.

a- You look very tired / tiring. Why don’t you go to bed?

b- Can I call you? I’ve got some very excited / exciting news for you!

c- My neighbors are always playing loud music. It’s very annoyed / annoying.

d- I was so bored / boring in that lesson, I almost fell asleep.

e- The instructions for my new coffee machine are really confused / confusing.

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