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Diploma in Perfor

Performing &
Production Arts
Unit 8 Project Proposal

Name Tayah gracie lewis
Pathway L3 performing arts

Project Title Buckets by adam barnard

Section 1: Review
prior to starting this course I had very few experience in the world of theatre, my main experience being
GCSE drama and a few school productions, so I had limited knowledge on the world of theatre and how
things work. I decided to come to BTA as I really wanted to develop my skills as an actor and gain a
broader knowledge on how I can make a career out of my aspirations. Ive also always been quite on
and off with how I feel about theatre for me its very much a love hate relationship, ive always said that I
wanted to go into film rather than theatre and being in front a camera is all I wanted to do, and if im
being honest id seen a couple pieces of theatre and I never watched anything and was really drawn in
and thought that’s what I want to do so I was sceptical when choosing to join bta just as I thought I
would feel out of place and not in it as much as everybody else and I thought I wouldn’t gain the skills
that w I wanted or needed to go into this industry, luckily I did give it a go because my perspective has
completely changed and ive learned so much just in these few months my fears of being out of place
went instantly as there is such a strong sence of community and it is honestly the loveliest group of
people I have ever met, ive learned how to be part of an ensemble, ive gained an appreciation for
theatre workers not just actors but all of those who do work behind the scenes and I actually find it all
extremely interesting, also I feel really lucky to get to see all the theatre that we do with this course even
if its something that I wouldn’t watch again I can be interested in the message behind it and the work
that went into it. I also lacked a lot of confidence but I now know I am able to perform infront of a live
audience and I find myself excited to start working on stage combat and dance and musical theatre
which are things I was never too interested in before. I also feel comfortable with working on looking
deeper into a script and moulding myself into a character and my ability to express my ideas with the
group has grown massively. I really look forward to continue to work on these skills next year.
Section 2: Project Concept
Our FMP is the play buckets written by adam barnard it is a very episodic play consisting of a variety of
short scenes that have no obvious connection to one another, the play has a strong sence of obscurity
which we really took advantage of to make it our own, in the very early sessions of our rehearsals our
director scott gave us a task with random characters and random places and a random genre to make a
short scene to show us that you can make things as wacky and wild as you want. We have a total of six
weeks to expand ideas and do tasks with our director and our movement director to create a fun yet
moving, chaotic and overall brilliant piece of theatre. If I were to put the theme of this play into one
sentence I would probably say its like seeing a small window into peoples lives who are coming to the
realiseation that time eventually runs out. The play could be seen almost in a dystopian manner with no
true time period or characters we can change the tone of the play with a few subtle changes while still
keeping the same theme with the idea of death always looming over our heads and making our
audience question if they’re living their lives to the fullest.

Section 3: Evaluation
so far with evaluating I have been doing weekly reflection videos where I discuss everything
that we had done during that week and to help me continue to do that I will go through each
session writing down any important information from that day, and I will make sure that I am
organized with all of the equipment that I need, I am also going to update my action plan daily
as it makes it easier for me to keep on top of everything it will also let me see how I have
progressed as the weeks have gone buy and it will be interesting to see each step slowly make
its way into becoming a play. We will also be getting feedback from our director after every
session that will help me to reflect on my work and generally we will be communicating with
each other as cast members and supporting eachother all the way through this process. Also
just to add to this there will be many photographs taken by us to document our process.
Proposed Research Sources and Bibliography (Harvard Format)
Biography. (2021). Eminem - Songs, Daughter & Age. [online] Available at:

Genius. (n.d.). Eminem. [online] Available at:

Enterprise AI. (n.d.). Modern AI evolution timeline shows a decade of rapid progress |

TechTarget. [online] Available at:

By (2013). 10 medical advances in the last 10 years - CNN. [online] CNN. Available at:

Tomlin, C.M. (2020). Facts about coronavirus. [online] Science. Available at:

Wheeler, B. and Seddon, P. (2020). Brexit: All you need to know about the UK leaving the
EU. BBC News. [online] 30 Dec. Available at:
‌Department for Digital, Culture, Media & Sport (2013). Same sex marriage becomes law.
[online] GOV.UK. Available at:
Badshah, N., Abdul, G., Fulton, A., Badshah (now), N. and Fulton (earlier), A. (2023). Russia-
Ukraine war live: two Russian jets and two helicopters reportedly shot down – as it
happened. the Guardian. [online] 13 May. Available at:
retreat-in-bakhmut-highlights-shortage-of-credible-combat-units-say-uk-officials [Accessed
13 May 2023].

Cohen, M. (2021). Chronicling Trump’s 10 worst abuses of power. CNN. [online] 24 Jan.
Available at:

Ceci, L. (2021). Topic: TikTok. [online] Available at:

ALS Therapy Development Institute. (n.d.). ALS Therapy Development Institute. [online]
Available at: [Accessed 13 May 2023].

Project Action Plan and Timetable

Week Date Week Activity / What you are intending to do - Resources / What you will need to do it -
Beginning including independent study including access to workshops

1 we met our director Scott and were given a - My script

20/02/23 brief summary of what our play is about, - Any notes made throughout the
after that we sat In a circle and read through week
the entire script a line at a time, we then
were put into groups and made short
devised pieces with a random scenario that
we were given. We showed these pieces to
the group then were told we had to change
the genre of our piece without changing any
lines. We then were put into groups again
and worked on the scene not working and
shared these to the group.

I need to begin making notes on any scenes
that I have ideas for.
2 We started to look at the first scene of the -pen
27/02/23 play doctor, we discussed as a group and - notebook
thought we needed a strong opening so we -script
were put into smaller groups and talked
about any ideas we may have on staging
the scene, we then performed the short
pieces then were told to add 5 small
moments before the script begins and
performed that.

I want to do more research into this play and
others similar to it.
3 06/03/23 we looked more at physical theatre and how - Pen
we can play with it to incorporate into our - Script
production, we did an exercise of walking - Notes
around the room at different places to play
with movement dynamics, we then were put
in threes to play with the idea of using our
bodies as an object to be manipulated this
was a very effective exercise as we had to
close our eyes and trust the others around
us. We then did a technique called flocking,
and then did an exercise of following
someone’s palm with our bodies, we then
did some lifts.

Use notes to do my weekly reflection and do
some research on physical theatre used in
4 we formed a circle in which there was props - Pen
13/03/23 and one at a time we would go in the circle - Notes
and start improvising a scene and watched - script
the scene grow as more props were given.
we then went into small groups and were
given a costume that we had to work
together to create a scene and move the
costume as a lifelike character of its own,
we then shared with the group and talked
about what worked and what didn’t. we then
looked at the scene pet project in more
detail and performed a scene once we did
that two groups merged together and
reimagined our scene.

I’m going to do further research on
improvising and the best techniques for
thinking on your feet
5 We didn’t have Scott today instead we - script
20/03/23 had Alice lamb, we started the session
with a game of splatagories, and then
read through the scene terms and
conditions, we then got into small
groups and devised a short piece on ai.
We then shared our work and discussed
what we liked. We then got into different
groups to perform an interpretation of
the scene terms and conditions. At the
end of the session I gave 3 scenes that
I wanted to be in.

INDEPENDENT: start doing work for my

6 27/03/23 This is the first session in which we knew
our casting so everyone was very excited. - annotated script
We went into groups with our scene
partners from scene 1 to 6 and began
dishing out lines and talking about how we
wanted the setting for each scene to be.we
then went around a circle discussing what
ideas we had. We then repeated this
process for scenes 7 to 24. At the end of
this session group by group we went
through each scene just reading through
how we dished out the lines. On the
Tuesday we did the same thing as the day
before until all the scenes were done, we
talked about having reoccurring characters
and then finally came up with our character
names. In the afternoon we worked with
deeps and started choreographing scene 11
and scene 1 using flocking techniques to
give the atmosphere of a concert
Learn my lines and finish work

7 17/04/23 Monday- started with a website check in to

make sure that all of our work was in the
correct place, we then met the director,set
designer, and costume designer to get a
first look at what the show is moulding into.
We then worked through scenes 1-4 and did
a full runthrough at the end of what we did
that day.

Tuesday- met with director and movement

director and started with a warm up and
meditation, we then ran through scene 11
and got notes to be more energetic. We
then went through scenes
5,7,9,10,11,12,21and 30,

Wednesday- did a warm up and

meditation again then went through stan
again to work on our movement and then
worked on other scenes that all of us as an
ensamble were envolved in including 6, 8 14
and 15

THURSDAY- worked on animal physicalities

making their movesments as accurate and
humorous as possible, then worked on
scene 10 working on making it chaotic, we
then blocked 16,18,19,20 and 22 where I
got to work on my monolgue and my justin
beiber physicality, we then did a runthrough
of everything from that day and got notes.

FRIDAY- met with tutor and had a check in

then met scott and blocked all the scenes
we hadn’t done yet
24/04/23 MONDAY-met movement directordid a
warm up and meditation then did a full
runthrough of the play so far working on
transitions, we then had a group check in
and met with stage managers and talked
about the use of props and just making sure
we know where they all need to be

TUESDAY- staged scenes28 and 17 then

did a runthrough from 1-15 then focused on
tightening transitions and then did 15-20, we
then learned that we had to cut 2 scenes to
shorten the play as it was running at an hour
and 50 minutes so my scene terms and
conditions was cut.

WEDNESDAY- me and a few others came

in early to work on our monologue and we
did a lot of vocal exercises to make our
deliveries as good as possible, we then had
all of our cosume fittings and then did
another runthrough from21 to 33 and then I
got to help work on some choreography for
the final scene

THURSDAY- we listened to the soundtrack

for the play for the first time and then did a
runthrough with sound from 1-11 we got
some feedback then put it into place and did
another runthrough.

FRIDAY- with the notes from Thursday we

did another runthrough from 1 to 10 and
then did another from 11-33 we took time to
focus on matching dialogue timings with
transitions after this we did our first full run-
through with no stopping and with sounds.
We then got together and talked about how
we can improve for the second runthrough
of the day, we then did our second one
which was filmed and shown to others who
work on the course, we got good feedback
and just a few notes for the following week

02/05/23 TUESDAY- this was the last rehearsal

session we had before tech so we started
with a warm up and meditation we tlked to
scott about what needed improving and
talked about having understudies to prepare
for the worst we then went through each
scene tightening up any loose ends

WEDNESDAY- our first tech rehearsal from

10:45- 11:45 we got into costume and made
sure everything fit we then took tike to look
at the set and make sure all props were
where they needed to be then we sgarted
teching scenes 1-8 till 1:30 where we had
lunch then we came back and did scenes 8-
12 until 4:30 then we had tinner after that
we came back and finished teching from 12-
27 and finished working at 9pm.

THURSDAY- we finished teching all of the

scenes then had lunch and were called to
the Ustinov where we had our final bit of
rehearsal and looked through every
transition of all the scenes

FRIDAY- we came in at 10:45 to work on

scene 11 and 33 as there were things that
needed to be changed but once we sorted
that we had lunch and then got into costume
and prepared for the dress rehearsal where
our peers watched, we then watched
variations dress rehearsal and then stayed
in the roper room until we were called down
to do our first show, before we went down
we did a lot of warm ups to prepare us.

SATURDAY- we came in at 4pm and

focused on the transition from 15 to 16 a
couple of times and once that was sorted
we waited in the roper room to be called
down for our final show.

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