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Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements

for the Degree of Sarjana Pendidikan in English Education

Mohamad Khodim
SN. 2518012




Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements

for the Degree of Sarjana Pendidikan in English Education

Mohamad Khodim
SN. 2518012






Mohamad Khodim

Approved by:


Eros Meilina Sofa, M.Pd.

NITK. 19860509201608D2011

Assigned by:
Dean of FTIK IAIN Pekalongan, Head of English Education
Department of FTIK
IAIN Pekalongan,

Dr.H.Sugeng Sholehuddin,M.Ag. Ahmad Burhanuddin, M.A.

NIP. 19730112 200002 1 001 NIP. 19851215 201503 1 004


This undergraduate thesis titled "Investigation on Barriers Experienced

by 7th Semester Students of English Department in Mastering Grammar"

submitted by Mohamad Khodim in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the

degree of Sarjana Pendidikan in English Education has been examined and

approved by the panel of examiners, dated on Friday, Desember 31th 2021.

Examiner I Examiner II

Dewi Puspita Sari, M.Pd Muhammad Jauhari Sofi, M.A.

NIP. 19790221 2007122 001 NIP. 198612262018011001



Yang bertanda tangan dibawah ini:

Nama : Mohamad Khodim

NIM : 2518012

Fakultas : Tarbiyah dan Ilmu Keguruan

Dengan ini menyatakan bahwa skripsi yang berjudul “Investigation on

Barriers Experienced by 7th Semester Students of English Department in

Mastering Grammar” adalah benar-benar hasil karya penulis atas izin Allah,

kecuali dalam bentuk kutipan yang telah penulis sebutkan sumbernya.

Demikian surat ini saya buat dengan sebenar-benarnya.

Pekalongan, 14 Desember 2021

Yang Menyatakan,

Mohamad Khodim
NIM. 2518012

Eros Meilina Sofa, M.Pd.
Perumahan Pesona Griya Karanganyar
Karanganyar, Pekalongan


Lamp : 3 (Tiga) Eksemplar

Hal : Naskah Skripsi
Sdr. Mohamad Khodim

Yth. Dekan FTIK IAIN Pekalongan
c.q. Ketua Jurusan TBIG

Assalamu ‘alaikum Wr. Wb.

Setelah diadakan penelitian dan perbaikan, maka bersama ini saya
kirimkan naskah skripsi saudara:
Nama : Mohamad Khodim
NIM : 2518012
Jurusan : Tadris Bahasa Inggris
Judul : Investigation on Barriers Experienced by 7th Semester Students
of English Department in Mastering Grammar
Dengan ini mohon agar skripsi tersebut dapat segera dimunaqosahkan.
Demikian nota pembimbing ini dibuat untuk digunakan sebagaimana
mestinya. Atas perhatian Bapak/Ibu, saya sampaikan terimakasih.
Wassalamu’alaikumWr. Wb.

Pekalongan, 25 Desember 2021


Eros Meilina Sofa, M.Pd.

NITK. 19860509201608D2011





Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menginvestigasi kesulitan mahasiswa dalam

menguasai/mempelajari grammar serta menemukan solusi untuk mengatasi
masalah tersebut. Lima mahasiswa semester 7 jurusan Bahasa Inggris dari salah
satu universitas di Pekalongan dipilih sebagai objek penelitian ini. Penelitian ini
bersifat kualitatif dengan menerapkan metode penelitian narrative inquery. Data
diperoleh melalui proses wawancara semi struktur kemudian di analisis
menggunakan teori dari Brooker. Hasil penelitian ini yakni mahasiswa Bahasa
Inggris semester 7 mengalami kesulitan dalam menguasai grammar; mereka
merasa khawatir saat belajar grammar di kelas (threatening), kurangnya motivasi
mahasiswa Bahasa Inggris semester 7 dalam mempelajari grammar (benign), dan
kecenderungan mahasiswa bahasa Inggris semester 7 yang lebih tertarik belajar
grammar dengan teman sebaya/di luar kelas (challenging). Oleh karena itu solusi
dalam mengatasi masalah tersebut yakni dosen/guru seharusnya menerapkan
metode pembelajaran grammar yang menyenangkan dan efektif untuk
meningkatkan motivasi mahasiswa dalam mempelajari grammar.

Kata Kunci: Grammar, mempelajari, kendala/kesulitan


This study aims to explore students barriers in mastering grammar also looking
for solutions to overcome the barriers. There are fives students from 7 th semester
of English department of an university in Pekalongan who became participant in
this resarch. In conducting this research, the researcher used qualitative approach
with applying narrative inquery method. Data are collected from semi-structured
interview then researcher analyzed them using theory from Brooker. The result
showed that 7th semester students of English department having barriers in
mastering gramar; they worried in learning grammar (threatening), students’ lack
motivation in learning grammar (benign), and students prefered to learn grammar
with friends/outside class (challenging). Therefore, fun and effective grammar
learning would be a solution to overcome those barriers that should be applied by
teachers/lectures inside class.

Keyword: Grammar, learning, barrier


Alhamdulillah, all praises to Allah who has permitted me to finish this

thesis. I hope this thesis will give benefits for all the readers. This thesis is

focused on 7th semester students of English department who have difficulties in

learning grammar. Phenomena of students barriers in learning grammar is often

discussed on linguistcs barriers context. As English students, researcher interested

to choose this topic because the writer found the problem inside his own self. The

researcher tried to illustrate how English students having problems in learning

grammar and how should lectures or teachers solve the problem. For All the

readers if you find mistakes in my thesis it might be from the writing

accurateness, unclear sources of quotes or others, do not be doubt to notice me.

Thank you.

Pekalongan, Desember 14th 2021

The Researcher

Mohamad Khodim


Alhamdulilah, may we always thanksgiving for everything that Allah

gives for us. Thank you Allah, you give me a health, you give me your guidence,

and you has permitted me to finish this thesis.

Alhamdulillah I was born inside muslim family, thank you Dad (Jayadi)

and Mom (Dasri). Thanks for your support, thanks for your sincereness, and

thanks for everything.

Alhamdulillah Allah gives me easiness to complete all my obligations;

Thanks Mr. Mutammam, Thanks Mom Eros, and all teachers and lectures who

always teach me in kindness. May Allah grants you all full of mercies.

For all people who always help me, I pray to Allah, may Allah makes easy

all of your affairs dunya and akheerat aamiin.


COVER .......................................................................................................... i

APPROVAL SHEET .................................................................................... ii

APPROVAL SHEET ................................................................................... iii

LEMBAR PERNYATAAN KEASLIAN SKRIPSI .....................................iv

NOTA PEMBIMBING .................................................................................. v


ABSTRAK................................................................................................... vii

ABSTRACT ............................................................................................... viii

PREFACE .....................................................................................................ix

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ............................................................................. x

TABLE OF CONTENTS ..............................................................................xi

CHAPTER I: INTRODUCTION .................................................................. 1

1.1 Background ........................................................................................ 1

1.2 Formulation of the Problems ............................................................. 3

1.3 Operational Definitions ...................................................................... 4

1.4 Aims of the Study ............................................................................... 5

1.5 Significances of the Research ............................................................. 5

CHAPTER II: THEORITICAL BACKGROUND....................................... 6

2.1 Literature Review ............................................................................... 6

2.1.1 Place of Grammar among Language Skills .............................. 6

2.1.2 English Grammar for University Students ............................... 8

2.1.3 Barriers in Learning Grammar ................................................ 9

2.1.4 Solution on Student Barriers in Learning Grammar ............. 13

2.1.5 Conceptual Framework ........................................................... 14

CHAPTER III RESEARCH PROCEDURE .............................................. 16

3.1 Research Methodology ..................................................................... 16

3.2 Research Context.............................................................................. 17

3.3 Setting and Participant .................................................................... 17

3.4 Data Collection ................................................................................. 18

3.5 Data Analysis .................................................................................... 18

3.6 Research Steps .................................................................................. 19

3.7 Research Schedule ............................................................................ 20

CHAPTER IV: RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS....................................... 22

4.1 Results ............................................................................................... 22

4.1.1 Students Feel Worries on Grammar ....................................... 22

4.1.2 Students Low Motivation in Learning Grammar .................. 24

4.1.3 Learning Grammar Outside Class; Students’ Responses ...... 25

4.1.4 How to Motivate Students in Learning Grammar ................. 27

4.2 Discussions ........................................................................................ 29

4.2.1 Threatening Barrier on Students in Learning Grammar ...... 29

4.2.2 Benign Barrier on Students in Learning Grammar ............... 30

4.2.3 Challenging Barrier on Students in Learning Grammar ....... 30

4.2.4 Solutions to Help Students in Learning Grammar ................. 33

CHAPTER V: CONCLUSION ................................................................... 35

5.1 Summary of the Findings ................................................................. 35

5.2 Recomendation ................................................................................. 36







1.1 Background

One of the factors that cause anxiety in writing for English Foreign

Language (EFL) learners is feeling worry on grammar structure. From

several reasons. Learning English is difficult enough for them which has

totally different grammatical structure compared with their own language

grammar (Albaysoni & Alhaisoni, 2017). Furthermore, students perception

on grammar state that grammar is hard, grammar is the main rule of

language, and the main key to master a language; it could become

boomerang for them selves (Mirazna & Hikmah, 2019).

In universities writing with appropriate grammar is a must for

college students because it is one of requirements for the work paper

acceptance according to academic context. Various courses are provided

for students to support them in learning grammar such as “Introduction to

Grammar, Grammar in Writing Text, and Academic Writing Course”

(Istiarto Djiwandono, 2016).

On the other hand, the implementation of teaching grammar on

EFL learner is still being debated. It is about grammar lesson existence

which should be taught or not. In fact, the important of grammar can not

be neglected. From students perspective; grammar is one of aspects for

measuring their ability in English. Grammar builds communicative


interactions, and grammar works together with language to make a sense

(Mirazna & Hikmah, 2019). From different side, the experts state;

grammar will be not appropriate when it is given to young

learner/beginner learners, but grammar is perfect applied on mature

learners include college students (Ji, 2018).

Grammar has correlation with learner cognitive skills; students will

be aeasier to master grammar when they have reached higher education

level (Uibu & Liiver, 2015). On the other hand, although students who

learn English are students of higher education even students of college

level and in line department, many of them still have difficulties in their

writing to use grammar properly; for example barriers in constructing

good sentences in their thesis (Effendi et al., 2017).

Many previous studies (Susanto, 2018; Rismasari, 2019; Albaysoni

& Alhaisoni, 2017; Muayad, 2018) investigated case related with students

anxiety in learning grammar, but the objects were not English students.

Therefore, the researcher is interested to conduct a research related to

English students who are having barriers in learning grammar. The

researcher want to discover how factors are causing barriers or difficulties

for them in mastering grammar.

The researcher prefered to explore 7th semester students of English

department barriers in mastering grammar as considered with below

observation. Researcher conducted observation in an university in

Pekalongan, Jawa Tengah, Indonesia by observing online class (WhatsApp


group) of English Education Department of students 6th semester on

Microteaching subject on May, 28 2021 ago. On that day, lecture gave

them instruction to write a short reflection about body language after

watching their friends’ video in their teaching practise. Beside the lecture

discovered students perception related to body language material, lecture

also did inspection; how is perfect students writing as planning in making

thesis proposal later. From 38 students inside class, there were only 3

students who have courage to show up their work. In the end of lesson, the

lecture gave evaluation for the three students on their writing. Lecture

found that students have barriers in applying grammar into their writing

such as mistake in using tenses and mistake of word placement on

sentences (Observation in Microteaching Subject 6th Semester Class A,

2021). From this case, the researcher believed that English students of 7th

(students current level) semester having barriers in mastering grammar.

1.2 Formulation of the Problem

Based on background of the study above, below are the research


1. What barriers are experienced by 7th semester students of English

department in learning grammar?

2. What are solutions to overcome the barriers experienced by the

students in learning grammar?


1.3 Operational Definition

To avoid misunderstanding about the terms in this study, the

researcher provides several definitions related to the study as follows:

1. Grammar: Formulas, or systems in language which is used to produce

good sentence (sentence which has appropriate context, can be

understood well by participants who receive the information inside the

sentence from textual source or oral source) (Kolln & Funk, 2009).

According to Halliday, grammar is components that have function to

create unity. Structure of paragraph must be coherence; there is good

way to link each sentence to create understandable messege inside text

(Handayani et al., 2018). Grammar is not only a discussion about

structure and sentence form. More than that, by learning grammar

students also discover how rules and cultures work inside the language

(Mohammed, 2011).

2. Barrier: Barrier is a circumstances or obstacles that prevent movement

or access (IGI Global, 2020). Barrier is similiar with word trouble,

difficulty, problem or something that makes our effort to do something

being stopped or could not succesfully completed.

3. Learn: Learn/Learning is an activity that has a goal to discover

something. By learning human can adsorp a knowledge and modify it.

Knowledge contains many things; not only focus on cognitive aspect;

it includes beliefs, attitudes, behaviors, skills, and others (Schunk,


1.4 Aims of the Study

This research has two main goals they are:

1. To know what barriers are experienced by 7th semester students of

English department in learning grammar.

2. To discover what are solutions to overcome the barriers experienced

by the students in learning grammar.

1.5 Significances of the Research

Beside this research is important enough for writer as one of

requirements to be graduated and reaching S1 degree, this research

hopefully will give good contribution for English education. Whoever read

this paper it might be teacher or student especially from English education;

they can evaluate their strategies; how should they do teaching or learning

grammar to avoid anxieties inside.




2.1 Literature Review

2.1.1 Place of Grammar among Language Skills

Studying grammar is crucial thing for language learners

according to SLA (Second Language Acquisition) theory precisely

on input processing theory; a theory which discuss students

development in learning language (Sugiharto, 2005). Normally,

when teachers having experience to teach a language for the first

time, they need to make introduction related to the language that

will be learned in class such as what are the features inside that

language including grammar; for example teacher gives lesson for

students about constructing sentence according to target language

rules. This phase must be doing because when students learning

new language they are required to be able recognizing the

characteristics of that language (Vanpatten & Cadierno, 1993).

According to Developmental Pattern Teory, learning

grammar is the last phase in learning language which is called

Acquisition Order after students passed the Silent Period; a phase

when students just listen and absorb what they have learned

without doing practise, and Propositional Simplification; a phase


when students begin to practise by talking and writing although the

grammar still messy and unorganized well (Ellis, 2003).

Grammar is really closed with writing context; to be great

in writing students need to master grammar. Grammar is not just

give formal impression on a text. More than that, with grammar a

text will be meaningful and make a sense. (Wang, 2008).

Althought grammar has important function for a language, there is

still contradiction inside; grammar is not necessery to be taught in

class; the main goal in learning language is to be natural and

communicative while using that language, so teachers should not

force their students to master grammar. This argument is refuted

according to Richards, 2002; the debate about grammar must be

stopped; the focus is not on students’ must learning grammar, but

researchers need to discuss how should teachers teaching grammar

in class to decrease students’ anxiety in learning language because

of grammar (Furaidah & Mukminatien, n.d.).

The topic about grammar among language skills are often

found in English language education researchs such as a research

that was conducted by Male, 2011 on students of FKIP-UKI

Jakarta. This research aimed to gain students perception about the

importance of grammar in language learning. The result showed

that as many 61% students agreed that grammar is crucial to learn;

they would be able to construct good sentences or pharagraphs


when they can master grammar. The other students argued

grammar cannot help them to be fluent in using language, the most

important aspect in communcation is understandable message not


2.1.2 English Grammar for University Students

Actually the question about when students should start

learn grammar is a controversial. As logic reason, when students

start learn grammar on early stage, it will be good for them;

students have more experience in learning grammar sure they will

be easier to master grammar (Sugiharto, 2005).

In college level, students must be more intelegent in

comprehending grammar. As consideration; universities require

students to have good writing ability according to academic

purpose for example journal publishing. Writing activities in

formal institution are called academic writing; writing with use

proper grammar is the main requirement for the work paper

acceptance. Many case of journal publishing which is rejected

because the lack of grammar inside (Istiarto Djiwandono, 2016).

Other facts, many universities use TOEFL (Test of English

Foreign Language) to measure students’ English competence

which become one of requirements for students in S1 degree

graduation. Inside of TOEFL, there is one section of type questions

which are students having difficulties to answer; that is type


question of structure and writen expression. This evidence shows

that EFL students grammar was poor, and grammar lesson in

university level should having more attention from lectures (Etta

Tilana et al., 2019)

Beside TOEFL, especially for English students, they are

required to make a thesis in English. As many case of EFL students

difficulties in making thesis, one of them is barriers in constracting

text according to correct grammar. Therefore, grammar can not be

neglected by students or even lectures to teach it in class (Utami,


According to research from Solikhah, 2017 there are three

parts of grammar lesson caused anxiety for students to learn, they

are problem on sentences, problem on tenses, and problem on

agreements. In addition, students competence on their first

language (mother tongue) grammar is considered on students

success in learning target language (English) grammar.

2.1.3 Barriers in Learning Grammar

Difficulties in learning might happen because of these

factor: disability, learning without parent support, unappropriate

curriculum (from student side), students capacity, lecture/teacher

quality, learning environment, learning process also the way

students using their strategies in study will give impact on learning

success (Ma’rifah, 2017).


According to Brooker, difficulty/barrier is classified into 4

aspects; Harmful, Threatening, Challenging, and Benign

(Brooker et al., 2017). Students might feel harmful; they have

stressed feeling, think someone’s expectation, or difficult to divide

a part time. This feeling may appears when students have

complicated problem at home or at school such as conflicts with

lectures, forcement/pressure from specific person, regret feels on

serious case, and discouragement (Essel & Owusu, 2017). Beside

harmful, students usually have problem with their confidence to

perform in class, it is named threatening feeling; students feel

overthinking on something, feel worrying on things which have

done (Brooker et al., 2017). There is also challenging barrier;

interest feeling to do more although someone have difficulty

inside; he/she may looking for solutions to keep moving. Students

might not fully active in class discussion but sometimes they prefer

to learn with their friends (Merriam, 2021). And the last there is

benign barrier; students are not eager to learn deep because it does

not give impact to their life (students have low motivation to learn)

(Brooker et al., 2017).

In linguistic education, the common difficulties appear such

as reading and spelling, include other general intelegence. This

kind of difficulties are categorized as barrier according to

coginitive skill (Lenhard, 2013).


Bringing deep into language education barriers which have

two gapes to focus such as syntactical (grammar), and sentential

(writer preference using certain types in making sentence

(Solikhah, 2017). Moreover, a theory from Rod Ellis states

difficulties in grammar have three classification; difficulties

associated with enviromental factors of language, with linguistic

factors, and psychological difficulties. Difficulties related with

enviromental means students problem that happen during learning

take place; do students feel hard to learn around crowded

atmosphere, students anxiety to face teacher teaching style and

others. Linguistic difficulties means nature of language; how its

structural form and compare with student’s mother tongue. For

example students anxiety when facing type of language structure

which totally different with their original language form. The Last

psychological factors is related with tudents ability in

comprehending material. This happen because students lack of

motivation to learn, family condition, and others (Effendi et al.,


The way teacher in teaching grammar using grammar

translation method (traditional) also caused difficulties to

comprehend grammar for students. Learning grammar with

translating word by word caused students feel not free to catch the

meaning of text or expressing idea. Teacher must evaluate their


teaching grammar strategies based on students problem and

necessery (Ji, 2018).

There are several researches related to student difficulties in

learning grammar such as a research which is conducted by

Susanto, 2018; the research shows that students having difficulties

in learn grammar because internal and external factors. Internal

factor is oriented on individual problem in way learning gramar

(cognitif), and external factor is refers to teacher teaching style and

unconducive classroom atmosphere. The participants of this study

were EFL students from PBI who randomly selected. Than, there

are also similiar research from Rismasari, 2019 which has result

that grammar put the high number on student success in writing

ability. According to research from Albaysoni and Alhaisoni, 2017;

grammar lesson is being difficult because it feautures which is

inconsistence and students also teachers perspective about

grammar difficulties. EFL students from Saudi University were the

participants of this research. Similiar with mentioned reseachs; a

research from Muayad, 2018 shows that teacher traditional style in

teaching grammar is not enough for students in mastering languge

especialy in writing skill. Students of University of Technology,

Department of Materials Engineering take part in this research.

In this study, researcher conducted a research that

investigate 7th semester students of English department barriers in


mastering grammar. This research is similiar with above four

previous studies, but there is difference inside; the participants are

from 7th semester students of English Department and this research

is conducted in Pekalongan, Central Java, Indonesia.

2.1.4 Solution on Student Barriers in Learning Grammar

The way grammar teaching in class which is monotonous

only focused on structure makes students feel bored. The

techniques in teaching grammar should be modified and upgraded

with purpose to motivate students in learning grammar (Apen,


There are two techniques to teach grammar for students; the

first is deductive approach. Deductive approch means lectures or

teachers teach grammar through giving grammar formulas to

students directly; students are required to create sentence based on

formulas which they have learned from teacher. This way is known

well as traditional teaching grammar. The second is teaching

grammar with appliying inductive approach. It means

lectures/teachers teach grammar to students with focused on the

grammar concept. Teacher provides English sentences (target

language) and than explain what the type of grammar used inside

the sentence, what the meaning inside the sentences or how

students should express and use the sentences. Applying inductive


approach in teaching grammar is recomended; it is more efficient

and systematic (Apen, 2016).

2.1.5 Conceptual Framework

Grammar is being most common problem appears in

language learning. This problem does not mean that grammar

should be dismissed from language learning because grammar is

one of crucial aspects in language learnig. There will be factors

caused students barriers in learning grammar and sure there will be

solutions to overcome that barriers. Researcher used theory from

Brooker, 2017 to discover type of barriers gained by the students.

After researcher knows what kind of barriers are experienced by

the students, researcher analyze students aspirations/responses also

looking for several relevant journals related with appropriate

grammar learning strategies to overcome students barriers in

learning grammar.

Based on the description, the conceptual framework could

be drawn as below:

Barriers experienced
by the students in
mastering grammar

Brooker Theory 1. Students feel

threaten or
stressed in
1. Harmful learning grammar
2. Threatening 2. Students less
3. Challenging motivated in
4. Benign learning grammar
3. Students prefer to
learn grammar
with friends


Table 1 Conceptual Framework




3.1 Research Methodology

The writer used qualittive approach to conduct the research. The

simple difference between qualitative research and quantitative research is

on the reserach goal; qualitative research is used for find a problem than

quantitative research is used for experimenting a problem (Sugiyono,

2016). In this research writer want to discover students problem in

mastering grammar which factors that are causing that problem is still

unknown yet, so qualitative approach is appropriate to be applied in this

research. Qualitative approach research requires participants to tell and

share their stories relate to a case to found problem (Shakouri, 2014) and

qualitative research is an approach to conduct a research that relate to

human behaviours experienced in social life (Bolderston et al., 2006).

This research applied narrative inquery. Narrative inquery is such a

method that use stories to investigate a case as focus data. The stories is

contained of life experience of participants (Savin-baden & Niekerk,

2007). Narrative inquery is a research method that most popular in the

world according to its benefits such as many supporting articles, book

references, a bevy of importance research award, and narrative inquery is

suitable for be used in teaching and learning research (Craig, 2014)


3.2 Research Context

This research discussed senior students of English Department

experience which have barriers in mastering grammar. Grammar becomes

the most common problem appears in EFL context. Researcher conducted

this research in Institut Agama Islam Negeri (IAIN) Pekalongan;

Pekalongan, Central Java, Indonesia.

3.3 Participants

There were five senior students of English Department who are

participated in this research. They are two males, and three females who

are around 21-22 years old which come from different district and

different character. As reason, researcher want to investigate students

experience in learning grammar from various students background and

various students perspective, so the data result can represent all

information of senior students of English department related to barriers in

learning grammar. In delivering data, the researcher kept all personal

informations of the participants according to ethic code in research.

No. Name Gender Age Description

1. Anton Male 22 He lives near from
town which has good
access to connect
with internet and
other facilities.
2. Jaka Male 21 He lives in mountain
area, the culture and
condition might be
totally different with

the urban.
3. Mutiara Female 21 She is one of active
students in class
4. Kirana Female 21 She is one of
students who seems
not intersted to join
discussion in class.
5. Citra Female 21 She is one of
students that having
final project (writing
thesis) now.
Table 2 List of Participant

3.4 Data Collection

The researcher conducted a semi-structured interview to collect the

data. This research instrument is choosen relate to topic discussed;

interview is appropriate to gather information especially digging

participants’ experience stories on a case. Semi-structured interview can

be useful and easy to conduct because researcher can modify the questions

as best as they need to collect the important data from participants

(Dejonckheere & Vaughn, 2019). The interview is conducted using

Bahasa Indonesia to avoid miss understanding and deep analyzing

participants’ pure messege.

3.5 Data Analysis

The researcher used thematic analysis to find the common pattern

that will appear. Thematic analysis has six phase to do; they are

familiarising, generating initial codes, searching for themes, reviewing


potential themes, defining and naming themes, and producing the report.

This approach is appropriate based on its accessbility and flexibility; and

suitable for new researcher (Braun & Clarke, n.d.)

To investigate students barriers in mastering grammar, the

researcher used theory from Brooker. Brooker or Abi Brooker is senior

lecturer of Melbourne School of Psychological Sciences at the University

of Melbourne. She is qualified Mental Health First Aid trainer, offering

training to tutors of the MSPS undergraduate subjects. Her research

interest include experiences of well being and distress at university and

during times of transition (The University of Melbourne, 2021)

According to Brooker (2017), barrier is classified into 4 aspects;

Harmful (stressed feeling, think someone’s expectation, difficult to divide

a part time), Threatening (overthinking on something, feel worrying on

things which have done), Challenging (difficult to solve problem alone,

need to share with friend), Benign (students are not eager to learn deep

because it does not give impact to their life) (Brooker et al., 2017). Then,

the researcher gained students rensponses also looking for relevant

journals related with proper grammar learning strategies that would be

applied in class as a solution to overcome the barriers.

3.6 Research Steps

Researcher arranged research steps to make sure this research is

completed systemically; heare are the research steps:

a. Exploring the problem and developing detailed phenomena


In this step, researcher explored the problem that would be discussed in

this research, and than developed it to be more detailed phenomenon.

b. Conducting literature review

Conducting literature review was purposed to investigate and to know the

method that would be used to analyze the data.

c. Stating the aim and research question

The research question was stated after conducting a literature review.

After that, the researcher stated the aim of this research.

d. Collecting the data

In this step, the researcher collected the data from participants by using a

semi-structured interview

e. Analyzing the data

After collecting the data, the researcher analyzed and interpreted the data

using theory from Brooker about classifying students barriers in learning.

f. Writing the research

While analyzing the data, researcher also wrote the research to hasten the


3.7 Research Schedule


2021 2021 2021 2021 2021 2021
1. Submission of
the research
2. Research topic

3. Writing
4. Proposal
5. Seminar
6. Conducting
and writing the
7. Estimation of
Table 3 Research Schedule



4.1 Results

Researcher gained data from interview process related with the

topic students barriers in mastering grammar and analyzed it become

these three main points; Students Feel Worries on Grammar, Students

Have Low Motivation in Learning Grammar, Learning Grammar

Outside Class; Students’ Responses, and How to Motivate Students in

Learning Grammar.

4.1.1 Students Feel Worries on Grammar

This sub topic is contained 7th semester students of English

department worries while learning grammar; this worries is refered

to why do English senior students having barriers in mastering

grammar; this can be seen from the data that:

“I think my grammar is reaaly bad, grammar is difficult to

learn. I have problem with the grammar since I was on elementary
school; I was so panic when lecture ask me to write text with good
grammar spontaneosly”

(Anton, WhatsApp interview, October 28th 2021)

The underlined sentence I think my grammar is really bad,

grammar is difficult to learn and I was so panic when lecture ask me

to write text with good graamar spontaneosly; these statement


showed that Anton felt worry in applying grammar because lack of


“I feel worry and panic when lecture ask me to write text

with proper grammar. After I finished the given task I told to my
self, is my grammar correct? I’m afraid to submit this task to my
lecture; grammar is hard to learn!, I realized that grammar is hard
lesson since I was on junior high school.”

(Jaka, WhatsApp interview, October 29th 2021)

Similiar with Anton, Jaka also felt worry in learning

grammar. According to the underlined text, Jaka said that grammar

is difficult to learn; he afraid to show up his grammar skill to the


Below are the next interview about students worries on

grammar with female students;

“I think I’m not sure If I have mastered grammar, so I will

be really confuse and panic when lecture ask me to write a text in
line with grammar rule.”

(Mutiara, WhatsApp interview, October 28th 2021)

“I realized that grammar is such a hard lesson. For the

question do I feel panic when lecture ask me to write a text with
appliying grammar; the answer is yes exactly!; I think I can’t write
with proper grammar without dictionary and internet hepls.”

(Kirana, WhatsApp interview, October 29th 2021)


“In English education department, writing activity becomes

routine activity for the students, sure we are habit to try writing
texts with good grammar. On the other side I cannot deny that I am
person who is easy to get panic. When lecture ask me to wite using
best grammar; I feel worry and confused.”

(Citra, WhatsApp interview, October 30th 2021)

According Mutiara; she argued that she can not master

grammar yet; feeling worries appears when lecture ask her about

grammar. Kirana’s answer is more specific bacause she explained “I

can’t write with good grammar without dictionary and internet

helps”. Then, the answer from Citra showed that Citra also has

problem with her confident. The answer from female students

actually is almost same with male students which showed that

students felt worry about grammar; with the reason grammar is

difficult to learn, so they doubt even panic to show it up (grammar)

infront of lecture.

4.1.2 Students Low Motivation in Learning Grammar

This part explored students motivation in learning grammar.

most of students believe that grammar is crucial to learn; despite

grammar is difficult to learn; they think, grammar is a key to master

language. On the other hand there were 2 students who have low

motivation in learning grammar. this can be seen from the data that:

“English examination force me to learn grammar. I can’t

enjoy grammar lesson in class. I know that grammar is important,
but so far I never try to learn grammar continually at home or ask
my friends to help me in learning grammar.”

(Anton, WhatsApp interview, October 28th 2021)

According to Anton, he was not eager to learn grammar;

Anton push his self to learn grammar because one factor; it was just

for English examination. Finally, Anton could not enjoy grammar

lesson; this showed that Anton has low motivation in learning


“Honestly, I feel not eager to learn grammar since I

learned lots of various tenses in English grammar and I realized
that grammar is such a hard lesson. This reason caused my
laziness to learn grammar appear.”

(Kirana, WhatsApp interview, October 29th 2021)

Litle bit different with Anton’s reply, Kirana was lazy to

studying grammar which has lots of rules inside. This evidence

showed that Kirana has low motivation in learning grammar.

4.1.3 Learning Grammar Outside Class; Students’ Rensponses

This section expressed students experience in learning

grammar. Most of students explained that grammar lesson being

more fun when they learn grammar together outside class. This can

be seen from the data that:


“I think learn grammar with friends is more comfortable

for me. I feel free to ask on how my grammar works in text.”

(Jaka, WhatsApp interview, October 29th 2021)

“I can enjoy grammar lesson in class, but Learning

grammar with friends it is so fun! I more be able to remember the
grammar formulas using unique way from my friends ideas.”

(Mutiara, WhatsApp interview, October 28th 2021)

“I have ever learned grammar inside small group

discussion. In my opinion I prefer this one; I feel more confident to
ask with my friends than in wider class.”

(Kirana, WhatsApp interview, October 29th 2021)

“Learn grammar with friends is more enjoyble and I think I

could more understand the grammar lesson by learning with

(Citra, WhatsApp interview, October 30th 2021)

From the above evidence, learning grammar with friends will

be a solution for students to overcome their barriers in learning

grammar, because students felt free (confident) to ask anything they

wondering about grammar with friends, they also could enjoy

grammar teaching through unique way by their friends.


4.1.4 How to Motivate Students in Learning Grammar

From the above evidences we found that English Students 7 th

Semester have several kinds of barrier. Researcher tried to explore

students perception on how grammar should be thaught in class;

what are things that students need in learning grammar which can

motivated them in learning grammar. This can be seen from the data


“Like I said before; Grammar is difficult enough to learn,

but in my opinion, when teacher makes grammar become such a
fun class, sure students will enjoy the class and students being
motivated to learn grammar. Finally, students can master

(Anton, WhatsApp interview, December 30th 2021)

“Teacher should avoid grammar learning method which is

monotonous, as we know grammar usually is thaught by only focus
on memorizing formulas to construct good sentence. Teachers need
to improve the way they do teaching grammar to motivate students.
It can be like learning grammar through conversation video. I’m
sure that students won’t feel bored and finally they can get easy to
master grammar.”

(Jaka, WhatsApp interview, January 1st 2022)

According to Anton and Jaka they argued that the way

teacher/lecture teaching grammar in class gives effect on students

motivation in learning grammar. Students will be more antusiast and

enjoying grammar lesson when teacher could apply innovative


grammar learning method, so students being motivated to learn and

grammar and there is nothing impossible for students to master

grammar easily.

“I think lectures may apply new techniques in way they do

teaching grammar in class. Teachers can make discussion about
students daily sentences to compared with proper grammar, or
teacher may use other properties to support the lesson like pictures
and others. Hopefully those suggestion make students be easier to
master grammar”

(Mutiara, WhatsApp interview, December 30th 2021)

“Maybe, teachers should provide more time for students to

do practise in class. For example teacher show the students a video
conversation than teacher ask students to analyze the grammar
which is used in video together. Grammar learning will be not fun
when it’s just focus on theory and grammar formulas.”

(Kirana, WhatsApp interview, December 31th 2021)

“By practising writing continually, and students feel free to

write what they love such as quotes, caption; students will be
easier to learn grammar.”

(Citra, WhatsApp interview, December 30th 2021)

According to the above phenomenas, students need their

lecture/teacher improvement in teaching grammar. Students hope;

grammar can be learned with fun and enjoyble through strategies

that teacher/lecture may apply inside. All those students responses


can be inferred as solution to overcome students barriers in

mastering grammar that the teacher/lecture may consider it.

4.2 Discussions

Researcher gained the data related to students barriers in mastering

grammar and researcher analyzed it by using theory from Brooker, 2017.

According to Brooker, there are 4 kind of barriers; Harmful (stressed

feeling, think someone’s expectation, difficult to divide a part time),

Threatening (overthinking on something, feel worrying on things which

have done), Challenging (difficult to solve problem alone, need to share

with friend), Benign (students are not eager to learn deep because it does

not give impact to their life) (Brooker et al., 2017).

4.2.1 Threatening Barrier on Students in Learning Grammar

Five participants expressed their experience in learning

grammar; most of them have learned grammar more than 10 years;

it was started since they were on elementary school. They have

learned a lots of grammar lesson such as verb tenses, punctuation,

word kinds (adjective, noun, verb, adverb), and others. On the

other hand, they still feel worries when their lecture ask them in

writing text according to proper grammar.

According to the narrative data, Anton explained that he

was so panic when lecture ask him to write a text in line with

grammar rules. He judged that his grammar is bad. From this

evidence we could see that Anton’s overthinking on grammar


makes him afraid to show up his grammar to the lecture. The

feeling overthinking on something which will be done or have be

done is named Threatening according to Brooker (2017).

Beside Anton; Jaka, Mutiara, Kirana, and Citra also said the

same thing related with their barriers in grammar learning.

According to Jaka; Jaka felt worries when lecture ask him to show

up his writing. He felt unconfident and affraid; he imagined that

the lecture will give lots correction on his work. Kirana adjusted;

she felt not confident to write grammar without internet and

dictionary helps. Actually this phenomena is normally happen;

when anxiety feeling appears on someone, it caused someone fears

to complete tasks in a situation. Anxiety common appears on adults

or age 18 and older (Bledsoe & Baskin, 2014)

Researcher inferred that almost of students felt worry when

lecture ask them to show up their grammar; they have no

confidence to perform well in class. According to Deemer; barrier

that is related to someone unconfidently in completing or

performing task is named Threatening barrier (Deemer et al.,


4.2.2 Benign Barrier on Students in Learning Grammar

While researcher discover how English senior students feel

worries on grammar precisely, researcher against curious with


students motivation in learn grammar. Researcher found that there

were two students who have less motivation in learning grammar.

According to Anton, he felt no comfort to learn grammar;

but he know that English examination that would be held having

purposes; one of them is to measure students grammar. This reason

forced Anton to learn grammar although Anton do not interest to

learn more about grammar. In other side, Anton never try to learn

grammar seriously or try to looking for solution to help him in

learning grammar such as studying with friends.

Similiar with Anton, Kirana was not eager to learn

grammar because of its complexity. Many students experienced

grammar as hard lesson; they have problems with constructing

sentence and less using English in daily communication (Effendi et

al., 2017). Kirana said; she sometimes try to learn grammar outside

class, but she was lazy to do it continually. Grammar still such a

hard lesson to learn for her. Therefore, Anton and Kirana has low

motivation in learning grammar. Low motivation is categorized as

Benign barrier according to Brooker (2017).

4.2.3 Challenging Barrier on Students in Learning Grammar

In this part, researcher found that most of students feel

comfort with group learning such as learning outside class with

friends. According to Jaka, learning grammar with friends is more

comfortable because he did not feel shy or afraid to ask anything


about grammar lesson that he could not understand it yet. Learn in

scale group with friends can support students achieving good score

in class. By learning with friends students could be more active and

interactive; those way learning in groups may be solution to

overcome students learning barriers in class (Senior & Howard,

2014). The others students have same idea about that; Mutiara

adjusted that learning grammar with friends become more fun than

learning grammar in class with lecture, because sometime her

friends create unique way to learn grammar for example making

easy steps to remember grammar structure.

According to the above phenomena, researcher found that

students feel worries when learning grammar with lecture; they

feel threaten with grammar teaching which is just focus on correct

structural sentence. Students prefer to learn grammar with friends

because they feel comfortable and enjoyble. Therefore researcher

inferred; 7th semester students of English departments having kind

of barriers which is named Challenging barrier; difficult to solve

problem alone, need to share with friend (Brooker et al., 2017).

Challenging means interest feeling to do more although someone

have difficulty inside; he/she may looking for solutions to keep

moving (Merriam, 2021).


4.2.4 Solutions to Help Students in Learning Grammar

This research is not only focus on discovering students

barriers in mastering grammar; more than that, researcher also

provided solutions to overcome that barriers through exploring

relevant journal which is contained of strategies that would be

appropriate to be applied for the students.

As before discussion, researcher found that students have

theatening and challenging barrier; students prefer to learn

grammar with friends; they feel threaten while learn grammar with

their lecture. Those kind of barriers made some students feel not

eager to keep motivated in learning grammar which is called

benign barrier. Therefore, below researcher discussed solutions to

overcome their barriers.

According to students’ explanation; grammar taught at

class with put primary focus on structural/form. This reason why

do students feel worries on grammar. Teachers need to change this

mindset that grammar importance is not only on form/structure but

it is also on its sense (meaning) and function. Moreover, usually

teacher taught grammar in class only using textbook; it would be

not effective. Lectures or teachers must insert grammar into their

students daily activities; words/sentences that daily pronounced by

students could be arranged according to proper grammar and make

it sounds. It means students must be able to produce sentence that


is correct according to the source language grammar, than students

continue to arrange sentence according to the correct target

language (English) grammar. This is called Consciousness

Activities (Contextual Grammar Learning) from Rod Ellis

(Sugiharto, 2005).

Beside teachers or lectures should change their way in

teaching grammar, students argued lectures may consider the

properties that might help them in teaching grammar. Using

language learning platform that is many provided in mobile device,

students can increase their interest in learning grammar. With so

many features inside the platform it would make grammar learning

become such a fun class, even the easy of accessing platform

students can learn with friends at home (Yuliyanto & Fitriyati,




5.1 Summary of the Findings

Finally, researcher found that kind of barriers which are experienced

by 7th semester students of English department in mastering grammar are

Threatening, Benign, and Challenging barrier; this result is gained through

analyzing data using Brooker theory. Most of students feel worries in

learning grammar (threatening), some students have low motivation in

learning grammar (benign), and students prefer to having grammar class that

is comfortable for them like study with friends (challenging). According to

the theory from Brooker, there is one more barrier called Harmful; stressed

feeling, think someone’s expectation, difficult to divide a part time.

Researcher did not found the type of barrier on 7 th semester students of

English department. Therefore, the solutions to help students in learning

grammar must be lineared with their barriers; such as lectures should avoid

teaching grammar which is just focus on structure because this made

students feel threaten, and lectures need to prove their strategies in teaching

grammar like using language learning platforms to build students interest in

learning grammar.


5.2 Recomendation

After knowing the barriers experienced by 7th semester students of

English department, researcher hopes that teacher or lecture willing to

evaluate their teaching strategies in learning grammar and looking for the

solutions to overcome students barriers in mastering grammar such as

applying teaching grammar strategies that had been provided by the


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Transcription of the Interview

Anton’s Interview

Naskah Wawancara
Pewawancara : Sudah berapa lama kamu mempelajari grammar?

Anton : Seiujurnya saya mempelajari grammar tidak konsisten,

artinya hanya setiap ada pelajaran sekolah saja saya
mempelajari grammar, kalau untuk belajar grammar
secara mandiri dan konsisten saya belum pernah.
Pewawancara : Contoh grammar apa saja yang sudah pernah kamu
Anton : Semua jenis grammar saya pelajari waktu sekolah.

Pewawancara : Apakah anda menikmati pembelajaran grammar?

Anton : Kurang meninkmati sih kalau ini, lebih berasa terpaksa

harus belajar grammar karena merupakan pelajaran
wajib dan ada di ujian nasional.
Pewawancara : Selama pembelajaran grammar, apakah ada kendala
didalamnya? Coba jelaskan!
Anton : Kalo bicara kendala pasti ada, terutama dari diri
sendiri yang sudah memberikan stigma kalo grammar
itu bikin susah dan bikin bingung, hingga akhirnya
merasa terbebani kalu harus berurusan dengan
Pewawancara : Sejak kapan kamu merasa bahwa grammar merupakan
salah satu materi yang sulit untuk dipelajari?
Anton : Sejak saya belum mengenal grammar, denger dari
temen-temen kalo grammar itu susah.
Pewawancara : Apa motivasimu mempelajari grammar?

Anton : Ya karena saya merupakan mahasiswa B. Inggris mau

gak mau harus bisa dan belajar.
Pewawancara : Bagaimana tanggapanmu ketika mahasiswa jurusan
bahasa inggris diharuskan menguasai grammar?
Anton : Sangat setuju dan merupakan terobosan yang baik.

Pewawancara : Apakah kamu merasa cemas/bingung bahkan panik

ketika dosen menyuruhmu menulis teks dengan
grammar yang bagus?
Anton : Betul karena saya merasa grammar saya sangat buruk
Pewawancara : Pernahkah kamu mencoba mempelajari grammar
diluar kelas; misalkan dengan teman? Coba jelaskan
perbedaan yang kamu rasakan saat belajar grammar
dengan temanmu sendiri!
Anton : Untuk belajar grammar di luar kelas saya belum
pernah, kalau sama temen paling mentok belajar
Pewawancara : Kira-kira apa saja kesulitan yang akan kamu temui jika
kamu sebagai mahasiswa b. Inggris tidak bisa
menguasai grammar? Sebutkan juga dampak yang
berpengaruh dari kesulitan² tersebut!
Anton : Tentu banyak, salah satunya jika kita menjadi seorang
guru dan ada murid yang menanyakan tentang
grammar dan guru tersebut tidak menguasai grammar
itu sangat mencoreng nama baik universitas, guru B.
Inggris harus menguasai grammar agar kualitas murid
yang di didik juga menjadi baik.
Pewawancara : Menurutmu, pembelajaran grammar yg bagaimana
agar mahasiswa bisa menikmati pembelajaran
grammar tersebut dan mahasiswa bisa lebih mudah
untuk menguasai grammar?
Anton : Mapel bahasa Inggris menurut saya pribadi banyak
siswa yang kurang menyukainya/peminatnya,
mengenai pembelajaran yang bagaimana agar siswa
menikmati dan muda untuk menguasai tergantung
bagaimana penyampaian dari guru yang bersangkutan,
jika guru tersebut mampu mengajar dengan cara
menyenangkan, bukan tidak mungkin siswa akan
menikmati pembelajaran, dan sedikit demi sedikit
berminat untuk belajar grammar secara sukarela,
dengan begitu siswa mampu memahami grammar.

Jaka’s Interview

Naskah Wawancara
Pewawancara : Sudah berapa lama kamu mempelajari grammar?

Jaka : Saya mempelajari grammar sudah hampir 9 tahun

lamanya. 3 tahun ketika saya masih duduk di bangku
SMP. 3 tahunnya lagi ketika saya duduk di bangku
SMA. Dan kebetulan, saat ini, status saya adalah
mahasiswa IAIN Pekalongan jurusan tadris bahasa
Inggris. Jadi, secara tidak langsung, sampai sekarang
pun, saya masih mempelajari grammar.
Pewawancara : Contoh grammar apa saja yang sudah pernah kamu
Jaka : Grammar yang sudah saya pelajari sejauh ini adalah
sentence yang terdiri dari subjek dan predikat. Subjek
sendiri menggunakan noun dan pronoun. Sedangkan
predikat menggunakan verb dan adjective. Selain itu,
saya juga belajar tentang tenses dan to be.
Pewawancara : Apakah anda menikmati pembelajaran grammar?

Jaka : Pada saat saya masih duduk di bangku SMP, saya

mulai berfikir bahwa belajar grammar itu ternyata
susah. Singkat cerita, pada saat itu saya memutuskan
untuk memperdalam materi lagi, salah satunya adalah
materi tentang grammar (karena waktu itu sedang
persiapan Ujian Nasional) Karena ada paksaan pula
dan dorongan dari dalam hati untuk mendapatkan nilai
yang memuaskan. Ketika dalam situasi seperti itu,
maka, mau tak mau, saya harus mencari atau membuka
materi kembali tentang grammar. Jadi, dari situ, saya
merasakan bahwa belajar grammar itu ternyata
menarik. Kita akan paham jika kita fokus dalam
Pewawancara : Selama pembelajaran grammar, apakah ada kendala
didalamnya? Coba jelaskan!
Jaka : Banyak sekali kendala yang saya temukan dalam
mempelajari grammar. Sampai saya pernah berfikir
bahwa materi grammar adalah salah satu materi yang
sangat sulit untuk dipelajari. Sampai saya berdikir :
apakah saya akan bisa menguasai grammar nantinya?
Khususnya materi tentang tense yang banyak sekali
aturannya. Menurut saya, materi tense adalah materi
tersulit. Selain itu, penggunaan to be juga
membutuhkan waktu yang tidak sebentar. Harus
diulang-ulang supaya bisa paham. Awal-awal saya
belajar (to be) saya sangat bingung soal penggunaan
kata ganti orang dan benda. Selain itu juga penggunaan
kata ganti tunggal dan kata ganti jamak.
Pewawancara : Sejak kapan kamu merasa bahwa grammar merupakan
salah satu materi yang sulit untuk dipelajari?
Jaka : Saya baru menyadari jika materi grammar merupakan
salah satu materi yang sulit untuk dipelajari ketika
saya duduk di bangku SMP.
Sebenarnya saya sudah menyadari akan hal itu dari
awal, bahwa materi grammar itu sulit dan susah
Pewawancara : Apa motivasimu mempelajari grammar?

Jaka : Saya ingin bisa menulis teks bahasa Inggris dengan

penggunaan grammar yang bagus. Selain itu, saya juga
selalu mengatakan kepada diri sendiri bahwa materi
grammar adalah materi yang sangat penting untuk
dipelajari. Dan menjadi materi yang sangat krusial.
Pewawancara : Bagaimana tanggapanmu ketika mahasiswa jurusan
bahasa inggris diharuskan menguasai grammar?
Jaka : Seharusnya hal itu tidak menjadi masalah yang besar
bagi kita. Khususnya bagi mahasiswa jurusan bahasa
Inggris karena materi grammar merupakan materi yang
sangat penting untuk dipelajari.
Pewawancara : Apakah kamu merasa cemas/bingung bahkan panik
ketika dosen menyuruhmu menulis teks dengan
grammar yang bagus?
Jaka : Ya. Saya merasa hal yang demikian ketika misalnya
dosen menyuruh saya untuk menulis teks dengan
grammar yang bagus. Jadi, agak memakan waktu yang
lama pada saat proses menulis. Setelah selesai menulis
pun, akan saya ulangi dan teliti lagi dari awal. Sembari
berfikir: apakah grammar yang saya tulis itu sudah
sesuai? Apakah sudah bagus? Apakah ada
grammarical error yang terdapat di dalamnya?
Saya jadi tidak percaya diri untuk kemudian
memperlihatkan tulisan saya kepada dosen untuk
dikoreksi pada akhirnya.
Pewawancara : Pernahkah kamu mencoba mempelajari grammar
diluar kelas; misalkan dengan teman? Coba jelaskan
perbedaan yang kamu rasakan saat belajar grammar
dengan temanmu sendiri!
Jaka : Ya, pernah. Seperti yang sudah saya sebutkan dalam
jawaban saya dari pertanyaan nomor 2, ketika saya
masih duduk di bangku SMP dan pada saat itu tengah
menjelang Ujian Nasional. Saya sangat termotivasi
untuk bisa mendapatkan nilai Ujian Nasional yang
tinggi. Jadi, saya belajar lebih dari pada biasanya. Saya
jadi belajar dengan lebih giat lagi. Karena hal itu pula,
saya mau tak mau harus mendalami materi tentang
grammar kembali. Ketika saya mendapatkan kesulitan,
saya pun sering meminta bantuan kepada teman.
Sering kali kami saling membantu sama lain. Dan dari
situ, ternyata belajar grammar dengan teman lebih
mudah dipahami karena lebih intens saja. Selain itu,
dengan teman sendiri, tidak merasa sungkan untuk
bertanya dan tidak takut pula jika sampai melakukan
Pewawancara : Kira-kira apa saja kesulitan yang akan kamu temui jika
kamu sebagai mahasiswa b. Inggris tidak bisa
menguasai grammar? Sebutkan juga dampak yang
berpengaruh dari kesulitan² tersebut!
Jaka : Menurut saya, kesulitan yang akan saya temui jika
saya sebagai mahasiswa b. Inggris tidak bisa
menguasai grammar adalah tidak bisa berkomunikasi
dengan baik. Tidak bisa menguasai mata kuliah
dengan baik. Tidak bisa menulis teks bahasa Inggris
dengan grammar yang bagus. Pasalnya, masih banyak
yang menganggap jika grammar tidak terlalu penting.
Bahkan, orang yang berkomunikasi dengan terlalu
menggunakan grammar dianggap orang yang kaku. Di
lingkungan kampus itu sendiri, dalam berkomunikasi,
pasti tidak luput dari penggunaan grammar. Supaya
tidak terjadi kesalahpahaman.
Lalu, apa dampak yang berpengaruh dari kesulitan
Ketika kita dihadapkan pada situasi yang
mengharuskan kita menggunakan grammar, kita akan
menghadapi kesulitan. Dan sering kali terjadi
kesalahpahaman dalam kalimat yang kita tulis atau
yang kita ucapkan.
Pewawancara : Menurutmu, pembelajaran grammar yg bagaimana
agar mahasiswa bisa menikmati pembelajaran
grammar tersebut dan mahasiswa bisa lebih mudah
untuk menguasai grammar?
Jaka : Menurut saya, grammar harus diajarkan dengan
banyak memberikan contoh-contoh misal dari film
atau pun article yang memuat materi grammar. (Tidak
monoton ; seperti hanya menjelaskan materi saja. Hal
ini malah akan membuat mahasiswa/mahasiswi merasa
bosan). Dengan cara diatas, para mahasiswa/mahasiswi
akan dengan mudah menguasai materi grammar karena
berkaitan dengan apa yang mereka suka.
Mutiara’s Interview

Naskah Wawancara
Pewawancara : Sudah berapa lama kamu mempelajari grammar?

Mutiara : Saya sudah mempelajari grammar selama 10 tahun.

Pewawancara : Contoh grammar apa saja yang sudah pernah kamu

Mutiara : 16 tenses.

Pewawancara : Apakah anda menikmati pembelajaran grammar?

Mutiara : Saya sangat menikmatinya dalam mempelajari

Pewawancara : Selama pembelajaran grammar, apakah ada kendala
didalamnya? Coba jelaskan!
Mutiara : Terkadang ada, seperti saya suka lupa dalam
menyusun kalimat dan membedakan jenisnya.
Pewawancara : Sejak kapan kamu merasa bahwa grammar merupakan
salah satu materi yang sulit untuk dipelajari?
Mutiara : Saya merasa kesulitan dalam mempelajari grammar
semenjak kuliah, karena setelah dipelajari lebih dalam
lagi ternyata ada banyak sekali yang belum saya kuasai
sehingga saya terkadang menemukan sedikit kesulitan
dalam mempelajarinya.
Pewawancara : Apa motivasimu mempelajari grammar?

Mutiara : Supaya bisa berbicara menggunakan bahasa Inggris

dengan baik dan benar berdasarkan PUEBI.
Pewawancara : Bagaimana tanggapanmu ketika mahasiswa jurusan
bahasa inggris diharuskan menguasai grammar?
Mutiara : Menurut saya menguasai grammar adalah suatu hal
yang wajib bagi mahasiswa bahasa Inggris karena
grammar adalah tumpuan utama dalam mempelajari
bahasa Inggris baik dalam menyusun kalimat dan
dalam berbicara menggunakan bahasa Inggris sesuai
dengan PUEBI.
Pewawancara : Apakah kamu merasa cemas/bingung bahkan panik
ketika dosen menyuruhmu menulis teks dengan
grammar yang bagus?
Mutiara : Iya, terkadang saya merasa kebingungan ketika
mendapat perintah atau pertanyaan dari Dosen karena
belum terlalu menguasai grammar, sehingga terkadang
muncul rasa khawatir atau takut ketika sedang
menunggu giliran ataupun perintah/pertanyaan
Pewawancara : Pernahkah kamu mencoba mempelajari grammar
diluar kelas; misalkan dengan teman? Coba jelaskan
perbedaan yang kamu rasakan saat belajar grammar
dengan temanmu sendiri!
Mutiara : Pernah, terkadang saya belajar grammar diluar kelas
bersama dengan teman saya dan lebih asyik ketika
belajar bersama-sama, sebab saya dan teman saya bisa
menemukan cara tersendiri untuk mengingat rumus
Pewawancara : Kira-kira apa saja kesulitan yang akan kamu temui jika
kamu sebagai mahasiswa b. Inggris tidak bisa
menguasai grammar? Sebutkan juga dampak yang
berpengaruh dari kesulitan² tersebut!
Mutiara : Biasanya kesulitan yang terjadi pada diri saya yaitu
lupa dalam membedakan macam-macam grammar,
akibatnya akan berpengaruh dalam menyusun kalimat
dan berbicara sesuai dengan PUEBI.
Pewawancara : Menurutmu, pembelajaran grammar yg bagaimana
agar mahasiswa bisa menikmati pembelajaran
grammar tersebut dan mahasiswa bisa lebih mudah
untuk menguasai grammar?
Mutiara : Menurut saya dalam pembelajaran grammar,
mahasiswa dapat menggunakan beberapa teknik
supaya mudah untuk dipahami, seperti menggunakan
teknik berdialog yang digunakan dalam kehidupan
sehari-hari, atau dengan teknik gambar seperti
menggunakan gambar yang menarik lalu
dideskripsikan, ataupun bisa berupa teks atau objek
lainnya. Dengan teknik-teknik tersebut, sehingga
mahasiswa dapat dengan mudah mengerti berbagai
jenis kalimat yang ada di dalam grammar serta dapat
memahami dan menguasai grammar tersebut.

Kirana’s Interview

Naskah Wawancara
Pewawancara : Sudah berapa lama kamu mempelajari grammar?

Kirana : Kalo belajar bahasa inggris kan udah dari tk, grammar
tuh kayanya udah diajarin pas SD, tapi kalo ada
keinginan belajar grammar sendiri selain gara gara
sekolah itu pas liburan mau ke semester 6 kalau nggak
salah. Itu juga cuma sebentar abis itu nggak dilanjutin.
Pewawancara : Contoh grammar apa saja yang sudah pernah kamu
Kirana : Grammar yang diajarin di sekolah sama di kampus,
kalo yang belajar sendiri cuma tenses sama sebagian
part of speech.
Pewawancara : Apakah anda menikmati pembelajaran grammar?

Kirana : Cukup menikmati, tapi nggak lama, soalnya rada susah

juga malas.
Pewawancara : Selama pembelajaran grammar, apakah ada kendala
didalamnya? Coba jelaskan!
Kirana : Ada, karena belajar lewat internet jadi terkadang
bingung karena apa yang aku cari jawabannya kadang
suka beda beda tergantung sumbernya (nggak terlalu
sering sih). Yang paling mengganggu itu rasa malas.
Juga kadang suka nggak yakin, pengen tanya ahlinya
langsung aja, tapi nggak tau mau tanya siapa.
Pewawancara : Sejak kapan kamu merasa bahwa grammar merupakan
salah satu materi yang sulit untuk dipelajari?
Kirana : Sejak SD kalo nggak pas SMP. Gara gara ada past
perfect, past continuous, present continuous dll.
Pewawancara : Apa motivasimu mempelajari grammar?

Kirana : Agar bisa lebih pandai dalam bahasa Inggris. Karena

aku ambil jurusan bahasa inggris juga. Dan sepertinya
bakal berguna dalam dunia pekerjaan.
Pewawancara : Bagaimana tanggapanmu ketika mahasiswa jurusan
bahasa inggris diharuskan menguasai grammar?
Kirana : Sebenarnya perlu. Karena kita jurusan bahasa inggris
kan? Anak anak yg ambil jurusan ini kemungkinan
akan bekerja dengan pekerjaan yang mungkin nggak
jauh jauh dari bahasa Inggris. Dan grammar juga
penting dalam pembelajaran bahasa. Kalo kita cuma
bisa vocab tapi grammarnya salah, pasti akan sulit
dimengerti atau bisa menyebabkan kesalahpahaman.
Pewawancara : Apakah kamu merasa cemas/bingung bahkan panik
ketika dosen menyuruhmu menulis teks dengan
grammar yang bagus?
Kirana : Kalau harus nulis tanpa bantuan internet atau buku
grammar kemungkinan besar bakal panik.
Pewawancara : Pernahkah kamu mencoba mempelajari grammar
diluar kelas; misalkan dengan teman? Coba jelaskan
perbedaan yang kamu rasakan saat belajar grammar
dengan temanmu sendiri!
Kirana : Kalau diluar kelas alias dirumah sendirian pernah.
Kalau sama guru les dan sama temen pernah. Kalo
sama temen aja belum pernah.
Pewawancara : Kira-kira apa saja kesulitan yang akan kamu temui jika
kamu sebagai mahasiswa b. Inggris tidak bisa
menguasai grammar? Sebutkan juga dampak yang
berpengaruh dari kesulitan² tersebut!
Kirana : Pasti malu, karena udah ambil jurusan bahasa inggris 4
tahun tapi grammarnya masih ga bisa. Menurut saya,
orang yang ambil jurusan bahasa Inggris itu karena dia
suka atau bakal ambil pekerjaan yg masih
berhubungan dengan bahasa Inggris. Nah kalo misal
ingin ambil pekerjaan yang berhubungan dengan
bahasa Inggris namun grammarnya masih kurang
bagus pasti akan mempengaruhi dia dalam
pekerjaannya dan hasil pekerjaannya. Atau mungkin
dia tidak bisa diterima dipekerjaan yang diinginkan.
Pewawancara : Menurutmu, pembelajaran grammar yg bagaimana
agar mahasiswa bisa menikmati pembelajaran
grammar tersebut dan mahasiswa bisa lebih mudah
untuk menguasai grammar?
Kirana : Lebih banyak praktek mungkin ya, misal diberikan
video percakapan mengenai grammar yg dibahas juga
diperlihatkan jelas mengenai waktunya. Jadi mungkin
akan lebih mudah untuk dipahami daripada sekedar
mengetahui teori dan rumus saja.

Citra’s Interview

Naskah Wawancara
Pewawancara : Sudah berapa lama kamu mempelajari grammar?

Citra : Dari SD sudah mendapat pelajaran bahasa Inggris

terkait grammar meskipun itu hanya dasar
pengetahuan grammar. Itu pun saya hanya mendapat
dari bangku sekolah saja.
Pewawancara : Contoh grammar apa saja yang sudah pernah kamu
Citra : Grammar yang paling sering diajari simple present,
past, future.. karena itu yang paling sering digunakan
ketika menulis.
Pewawancara : Apakah anda menikmati pembelajaran grammar?

Citra : Menikmati ketika saya sudah paham terkait

penggunaan grammar yang sudah sesuai dengan
kalimat. Meskipun terkadang mengalami kesulitan
untuk menyesuaikan konteks.
Pewawancara : Selama pembelajaran grammar, apakah ada kendala
didalamnya? Coba jelaskan!
Citra : Tentu, terlebih untuk konteks penulisan yang lebih
berbobot seperti artikel.
Pewawancara : Sejak kapan kamu merasa bahwa grammar merupakan
salah satu materi yang sulit untuk dipelajari?
Citra : Sejak menginjak bangku perkuliahan. Karena dari
bangku sekolah saya tidak diharuskan menulis teks yg
panjang. Hanya menulis 1 atau 2 kalimat saja.
Tapiketika memasuki bangku perkuliahan dikagetkan
untuk menulis artikel yang berbahasa Inggris. Ini
menjadi tantangan saya untuk lebih mempelajari
grammar lagi.
Pewawancara : Apa motivasimu mempelajari grammar?

Citra : Bisa menulis skripsi dengan grammar yang sudah

sesuai. Tidak hanya skripsi, tapi juga bisa menulis
apapun yang sesuai dengan penggunaan grammar.
Sehingga pembaca menangkap maksud dari tulisan
Pewawancara : Bagaimana tanggapanmu ketika mahasiswa jurusan
bahasa inggris diharuskan menguasai grammar?
Citra : Itu memang diharuskan tapi menurutku tidak hanya
untuk jurusan TBIG saja. Karna B. Inggris sudah
menjadi bahasa yang mendunia, jadi sebaiknya kita
paham sedikit tentang grammar. Terkhususkan untuk
mahasiswa TBIG yang alangkah baiknya, mereka
harus lebih paham tentang grammar tersebut.
Pewawancara : Apakah kamu merasa cemas/bingung bahkan panik
ketika dosen menyuruhmu menulis teks dengan
grammar yang bagus?
Citra : Iya, terlebih saya orangnya panikan. Itu malah
membuat saya bingung malah tidak paham ketika
dijelaskan. Kecuali diajarkan dengan pelan.
Pewawancara : Pernahkah kamu mencoba mempelajari grammar
diluar kelas; misalkan dengan teman? Coba jelaskan
perbedaan yang kamu rasakan saat belajar grammar
dengan temanmu sendiri!
Citra : Pernah, saya kira lebih paham karena kita dapat
berdiskusi dan mengobrol. Meskipun ujung-ujungnya
bercanda. Tapi dari situ saya menemukan
kenyamanan untuk belajar lagi.
Pewawancara : Kira-kira apa saja kesulitan yang akan kamu temui jika
kamu sebagai mahasiswa B. Inggris tidak bisa
menguasai grammar? Sebutkan juga dampak yang
berpengaruh dari kesulitan² tersebut!
Citra : Menulis jurnal ataupun artikel. Sehingga banyak
kesalahan yang saya temui ketika menulis
Pewawancara : Menurutmu, pembelajaran grammar yang bagaimana
agar mahasiswa bisa menikmati pembelajaran
grammar tersebut dan mahasiswa bisa lebih mudah
untuk menguasai grammar?
Citra : Dengan praktek menulis.. bisa dengan menulis sastra
(puisi, cerpen, caption, quotes, dll) yg membuat
mahasiswa lebih tertarik membuatnya,.. dari hal
sederhana tersebut, mahasiswa akan dengan mudah
belajar grammar dari hal yang mereka sukai.

Name : Mohamad Khodim

Student Number : 2518012

Place and Date of Birth : Pekalongan, April 6th 2000

Gender : Male

Address : Desa Pecakaran RT 04 RW 02, Kecamatan

Wonokerto, Kabupaten Pekalongan

Education Background :

1. SDN 01 Pecakaran (2012)

2. SMP Islam FQ Wonokerto (2015)

3. MA Fatkhul Qowim Wonokerto (2018)

4. IAIN Pekalongan (2021)

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