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RU, FT, LA, Flex

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Test Type Flexure

Method N C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Documents\Instron\Bluehill\Templates\flextural Test.im_flex

Sample na C:\Documents and Settings\STRUCTURE\Desktop\RU,FT,LA,S4.is_flex
Sample note 1
Sample note 2
Sample note 3
Geometry Rectangular
Specimen 1
Specimen lRU,FT,LA,S4
Width 10 mm
Thickness 1 mm
Length 100 mm
Diameter 10 mm
Inner diam 8 mm
Outer diam 10 mm
Wall thickn 1 mm
Area 0.1 cm^2
Linear dens 100 tex
Sled weigh 10 N
Loading sp 10 mm
Support sp 120 mm
Span ratio 2
Fixture typ3-point
Final width 10 mm
Final thick 1 mm
Final lengt 100 mm
Final diame 10 mm
Final Inner 8 mm
Final outer 10 mm
Final wall 1 mm
Final area 0.1 cm^2
Final linea 100 tex
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Time sec Extension Strain 1 % Load N Flexure st Cycle CounTotal CycleRepetitionsFlexure ex Flexure str
0 0 -17.19223 -0.213863 3.849537 0 0 0 0 0
0.3 -0.25205 -17.18918 -1.262908 22.73235 0 0 0 0.25205 0.010502
0.6 -0.499849 -17.18756 -6.189168 111.405 0 0 0 0.499849 0.020827
0.9 -0.75001 -17.17882 -115.2376 2074.278 0 0 0 0.75001 0.03125
1.2 -0.999934 -17.1726 -263.177 4737.187 0 0 0 0.999934 0.041664
1.5 -1.250095 -17.16315 -412.8312 7430.962 0 0 0 1.250095 0.052087
1.8 -1.499902 -17.18144 -643.0169 11574.3 0 0 0 1.499902 0.062496
2.1 -1.750062 -17.18461 -1013.411 18241.39 0 0 0 1.750062 0.072919
2.4 -1.999869 -17.1737 -1613.658 29045.84 0 0 0 1.999869 0.083328
2.7 -2.249675 -17.17512 -2122.878 38211.81 0 0 0 2.249675 0.093736
3 -2.499836 -17.1874 -2534.345 45618.21 0 0 0 2.499836 0.10416
3.3 -2.74976 -17.18137 -2881.681 51870.26 0 0 0 2.74976 0.114573
3.6 -2.999685 -17.17442 -3159.962 56879.32 0 0 0 2.999685 0.124987
3.9 -3.249964 -17.17186 -3380.777 60853.99 0 0 0 3.249964 0.135415
4.2 -3.499888 -17.18038 -3544.051 63792.91 0 0 0 3.499888 0.145829
4.5 -3.750049 -17.18784 -3626.847 65283.25 0 0 0 3.750049 0.156252
4.8 -4.000092 -17.1778 -3628.601 65314.83 0 0 0 4.000092 0.166671
5.1 -4.250016 -17.17996 -3571.144 64280.59 0 0 0 4.250016 0.177084
5.4 -4.499823 -17.17934 -3451.993 62135.88 0 0 0 4.499823 0.187493
5.7 -4.749983 -17.18243 -3254.914 58588.46 0 0 0 4.749983 0.197916
6 -5.000144 -17.18648 -2984.335 53718.03 0 0 0 5.000144 0.208339
6.3 -5.250069 -17.18419 -2650.258 47704.64 0 0 0 5.250069 0.218753
6.6 -5.499993 -17.18465 -2248.627 40475.29 0 0 0 5.499993 0.229166
6.9 -5.750272 -17.18713 -1823.549 32823.87 0 0 0 5.750272 0.239595
7.2 -6.000196 -17.17931 -1481.601 26668.82 0 0 0 6.000196 0.250008
7.5 -6.249885 -17.18811 -1194.548 21501.87 0 0 0 6.249885 0.260412
7.8 -6.500399 -17.18395 -942.7817 16970.07 0 0 0 6.500399 0.27085
8.1 -6.74997 -17.19042 -759.7539 13675.57 0 0 0 6.74997 0.281249
8.4 -6.999658 -17.18952 -619.1046 11143.88 0 0 0 6.999658 0.291652
8.7 -7.250055 -17.18597 -513.9808 9251.654 0 0 0 7.250055 0.302086
9 -7.500098 -17.19088 -428.9452 7721.014 0 0 0 7.500098 0.312504
9.3 -7.749787 -17.1847 -369.4357 6649.842 0 0 0 7.749787 0.322908
9.6 -7.999947 -17.18221 -314.3922 5659.06 0 0 0 7.999947 0.333331
9.9 -8.249989 -17.18382 -269.6593 4853.867 0 0 0 8.249989 0.34375
10.2 -8.500032 -17.18917 -221.27 3982.859 0 0 0 8.500032 0.354168
10.5 -8.749485 -17.18856 -194.6933 3504.48 0 0 0 8.749485 0.364562
10.8 -8.999999 -17.18897 -176.8093 3182.567 0 0 0 8.999999 0.375
11.1 -9.249924 -17.18879 -157.7117 2838.811 0 0 0 9.249924 0.385414
11.4 -9.499849 -17.18937 -141.1862 2541.351 0 0 0 9.499849 0.395827
11.7 -9.750128 -17.18244 -126.1571 2270.828 0 0 0 9.750128 0.406255
12 -9.999934 -17.18393 -111.3417 2004.151 0 0 0 9.999934 0.416664
12.3 -10.25033 -17.18371 -97.11029 1747.985 0 0 0 10.25033 0.427097
12.6 -10.4999 -17.1908 -90.04153 1620.748 0 0 0 10.4999 0.437496
12.9 -10.75042 -17.18118 -86.34926 1554.287 0 0 0 10.75042 0.447934
13.2 -10.99987 -17.18204 -82.75812 1489.646 0 0 0 10.99987 0.458328
13.5 -11.25015 -17.17647 -80.1378 1442.48 0 0 0 11.25015 0.468756
13.8 -11.50007 -17.1827 -77.03102 1386.558 0 0 0 11.50007 0.47917
14.1 -11.75011 -17.17941 -72.02794 1296.503 0 0 0 11.75011 0.489588
14.4 -12.00016 -17.17831 -67.69133 1218.444 0 0 0 12.00016 0.500007
14.7 -12.24996 -17.18195 -61.29093 1103.237 0 0 0 12.24996 0.510415
15 -12.50012 -17.18015 -57.66033 1037.886 0 0 0 12.50012 0.520839
15.3 -12.74981 -17.18319 -53.18271 957.2888 0 0 0 12.74981 0.531242
15.45 -12.87519 -17.18342 -50.76348 913.7427 0 0 0 12.87519 0.536466
al Test.im_flex
Flexure loaAxial Strai Corrected du du/da a
0.213863 -17.19223 0 0.001069 0
1.262908 -17.18918 -0.25205 0.006315 0
6.189168 -17.18756 -0.499849 0.030946 0
115.2376 -17.17882 -0.75001 0.576188 0
263.177 -17.1726 -0.999934 1.315885 0
412.8312 -17.16315 -1.250095 2.064156 0
643.0169 -17.18144 -1.499902 3.215085 0
1013.411 -17.18461 -1.750062 5.067055 0
1613.658 -17.1737 -1.999869 8.06829 0
2122.878 -17.17512 -2.249675 10.61439
Chart Title
2534.345 -17.1874 -2.499836 70 12.67173 0 0
2881.681 -17.18137 -2.74976 14.40841 6.395209 2.253 2.253 6.395209
3159.962 -17.17442 -2.999685 15.79981 4.202077 6.013 4.133 10.59729
3380.777 -17.17186 -3.249964 50 16.90389 3.96898 8.392 7.2025 14.56627
3544.051 -17.18038 -3.499888 17.72026 14.89723 8.392 8.392 29.4635
3626.847 -17.18784 -3.750049 18.13424 12.75263 9.814 9.103 42.21612
3628.601 -17.1778 -4.000092 30 18.14301 5.2391 12.566 11.19 47.45522
3571.144 -17.17996 -4.250016 17.85572 4.328659 15.315 13.9405 51.78388
3451.993 -17.17934 -4.499823 20 17.25997 2.587895 20.61 17.9625 54.37178
3254.914 -17.18243 -4.749983 10
16.27457 2.261771 25.158 22.884 56.63355
2984.335 -17.18648 -5.000144 14.92168 2.764809 28.281 26.7195 59.39836
2650.258 -17.18419 -5.2500690 13.25129 1.771208 34.201 31.241 61.16956
0 10 20 30 40 50 60
2248.627 -17.18465 -5.499993 11.24314 0.977749 42.74 38.4705 62.14731
1823.549 -17.18713 -5.750272 9.117745 0.813322 49.681 46.2105 62.96064
1481.601 -17.17931 -6.000196 7.408005 1.062613 53.182 51.4315 64.02325
1194.548 -17.18811 -6.249885 5.97274 1.900029 54.575 53.8785 65.92328
942.7817 -17.18395 -6.500399 4.713909 6.767995 54.575 54.575
759.7539 -17.19042 -6.74997 3.79877 #DIV/0! 54.575 54.575
619.1046 -17.18952 -6.999658 3.095523 #DIV/0! 54.575 54.575
513.9808 -17.18597 -7.250055 2.569904 #DIV/0! 54.575 54.575
428.9452 -17.19088 -7.500098 2.144726 #DIV/0! 54.575 54.575
369.4357 -17.1847 -7.749787 1.847179 1.140234 56.195 55.385
314.3922 -17.18221 -7.999947 1.571961 1.940693 56.195 56.195
269.6593 -17.18382 -8.249989 1.348297 #DIV/0! 56.195 56.195
221.27 -17.18917 -8.500032
194.6933 -17.18856 -8.749485
176.8093 -17.18897 -8.999999
157.7117 -17.18879 -9.249924
141.1862 -17.18937 -9.499849
126.1571 -17.18244 -9.750128
111.3417 -17.18393 -9.999934
97.11029 -17.18371 -10.25033
90.04153 -17.1908 -10.4999
86.34926 -17.18118 -10.75042
82.75812 -17.18204 -10.99987
80.1378 -17.17647 -11.25015
77.03102 -17.1827 -11.50007
72.02794 -17.17941 -11.75011
67.69133 -17.17831 -12.00016
61.29093 -17.18195 -12.24996
57.66033 -17.18015 -12.50012
53.18271 -17.18319 -12.74981
50.76348 -17.18342 -12.87519

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