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When a person is an observer making an

Lesson 3: assessment on the actions or behavior of someone,

it is moral judgement.

Thinking of Ethics The more complicated is that when a

person will decide between choosing one of two
This lesson is about appreciating how goods and choosing between the lesser of two
clarifications on words we use is an important step evils—this is referred as moral dilemma.
in our goal to think properly about ethics, which is
Moral theory is a systematic attempt to
ultimately a matter of finding the best reasons for
establish the validity of maintaining certain moral
making our determinations of good and bad, right
principles. As a theory is a system of thought or
or wrongs
ideas, it can also be referred to as a framework. We
According to some, the term “morals” may can use this term, “framework,” as a theory of
be used to refer a specific beliefs or attitudes that interconnected ideas, and at the same time, a
people have or to describe acts that people structure through which we can evaluate our
perform. We also have a term such as “moral reasons for valuing a certain decision or judgement.
judgements” or “moral reasoning,” which suggests
In The Apology of Socrates written by
a more rational dimension at work.
Plato, Socrates make the claim that it is the
Ethics is acknowledged as an intellectual greatest good for a person to spend time thinking
discipline belonging to philosophy. In addition, we about and discussing with others these questions
also have a term professional ethics – legal ethics on goodness and virtue, that this is indeed at the
for the proper comportment of lawyers and other heart of what it means to be truly human.
people in the legal profession, medical ethics for
doctors and nurses, and media ethics for writers
and reporters. Lesson 4: Sources
Descriptive study of ethics reports how
people, particularly groups, make their moral
of Authority
valuations. This kind of study is often the work of
social scientist: either historian—studying different In this lesson, we will explore several
moral standards over time, sociologist or an instances wherein it is supposed there is a higher
anthropologist—studying different moral standards authority of one’s religion, and the authority of one’s
across cultures. own culture.

Normative study of ethics is often done in LAW

moral philosophy or moral theology, engages the Sometimes the law is one’s guide to ethical
question: what could or should be considered as behavior. In the Philippines, Filipinos are
right way of acting? In other words, a normative
constrained to obey the laws of the land as stated
discussion prescribes what we ought to maintain as in the country’s criminal and civil codes. The term
our standards or bases for moral valuation. POSITIVE LAW refers to all the different rules and
A situation that calls for moral valuation can regulations that are posited or put forward by an
be called a moral issue. authority figure which requires one’s compliance.

When one is placed in a situation and The law is enforced by a way of a system of
confronted by the choice of what act to perform, it is sanctions that are administered through various
called for a moral decision. persons and institutions, which all help in
compelling us to obey. Taking the law to be the
basis of ethics has the benefit of providing us with
an objective standard that is obligatory and
applicable to all. So, we would not be surprised if
we were to hear someone say, “Ethics? That
simple, just follow whatever the law says”
This verse is the first line of Chapter 11 of
the book of Deuteronomy. It expresses a claim that SELF
many people of a religious sensibility find appealing
and immediately valid; the idea that one is obliged It is sometimes thought that we should not
to obey her God in all things. As a foundation for rely on any external authority to tell oneself what
ethical values, this is referred to as a DIVINE the standards of moral valuation are, but one
COMMAND THEORY. should instead turn inward. In this lesson, we will
look into these three theories about ethics that
Taking religion to be the basis of ethics has center on the self: subjectivism, psychological
the advantage of providing us with not only a set of egoism and ethical egoism. While all the focus of
commands but also a Supreme Authority that can these theories is a sense of the self, they offer
inspire and compel our obedience of a person, as radically different ways of thinking about that self
the implications of her/his actions, as good or bad. and that self’s relation to ethics. We will discuss
Thus, we may not be surprised of someone say, each of these three in turn.
“Ethics? That’s simple. Just follow whatever your
religion says.” SUBJECTIVISM

CULTURE It is the recognition that the individual

thinking person (the subject) is at the heart of all
Our exposure to different societies and their moral valuations. We are the one who is confronted
cultures makes us aware that there are ways of with the situation and is burdened with the need to
thinking and valuing that are different from our own, make radical claim that the individual is the sole
the there is in fact a wide diversity in how different determinant of what is morally good or bad, right or
people believe it is proper to act. There are wrong.
aesthetic differences (Japanese Art vs. Indian Art),
religious differences (Buddhism vs. Christianity), PSYCHOLOGICAL EGOISM
differences on etiquette (conflicting behaviors
regarding dining practices) A theory that tries to describes the
underlying dynamic behind all human actions as a
Cultural Relativism it is what is ethically matter of a pursuit to of self-interests. As a
acceptable or unacceptable is relative to, or that is descriptive theory, it points out that there is a basis
to say, dependent on one’s culture. For instance, for how one acts. The ego or self has its desires
we will not be surprised when we hear someone and interests, and all our actions are geared toward
say, “Ethics? Just follow whatever your culture satisfying these interests.

It differs from psychological egoism in that it

does not suppose that all our actions are already
inevitably self-serving. Instead, ethical egoism
prescribes that we should make our own ends, our
own interest as our single overriding concern. We
may act in a way that is beneficial to others, but we
should do that only it is ultimately benefits us.
Actions are right ones in order as they would
ultimately result in what is best for our own selves.

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