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(2022 Article) Chris Stringer - The Development of Ideas About A Recent African Origin

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Journal of Anthropological Sciences

Review Vol. 100 (2022), pp. 1 - 14 e-pub ahead of print doi. 10.4436/jass10009

The development of ideas about a recent African origin

for Homo sapiens
Chris Stringer

Centre for Human Evolution Research, The Natural History Museum, London SW7 5BD, UK

Summary - In this contribution I will review the development of ideas about a recent African origin
for our species over the last 50 years, starting from the time of my PhD in the early 1970s. I will examine
the instructive and quite different interpretations placed on the 1979 discovery of a partial Neanderthal
skeleton associated with a Châtelperronian industry at the rock shelter of St-Césaire in France, and then
focus on the crucial years from 1987-1989, including the so-called ‘Human Revolution’ conference of 1987,
and my 1988 Science paper with Peter Andrews: ‘Genetic and Fossil Evidence for the Origin of Modern
Humans’. Following the historical review, I will assess the status of five proposed models for the evolution
of derived Homo sapiens: Recent African Origin (RAO); RAO and Hybridisation (RAOH); Assimilation
(AM); Multiregional Evolution (MRE); and Braided Stream (BS). I conclude that a recent African origin
model with hybridization (RAOH) is the best supported from the fossil and genetic evidence.

Keywords - Africa, Homo sapiens, Evolution.

Introduction course, subjective but certainly no more so than

labels like archaic, anatomically modern, and
Those of us researching in the field of palaeo- behaviourally modern. However, I can point to
anthropology during the last two decades have morphologies and phylogenies that illustrate the
been privileged to witness a period of dynamic, division, such as the contrast between Omo 2 and
even revolutionary, growth in our knowledge of Irhoud (basal) and Skhul and Qafzeh (derived) in
recent human evolution. In this review I would like endocranial shape (e.g. Neubauer et al. 2018), and
to take an even longer view of the development of phylogenetic position (e.g. Ni 2021).
ideas about an African origin for our species, start-
ing from the time of my PhD in the early 1970s,
with a focus on the crucial years from 1987-1989, Models for the evolution of derived
including the so-called ‘Human Revolution’ con- H. sapiens
ference of 1987, and my 1988 “Science” paper
with Peter Andrews: ‘Genetic and Fossil Evidence I will now summarise some of the main cur-
for the Origin of Modern Humans’, which is still rent models for the origin(s) of dHs (adapted
my most highly cited publication (Stringer and from Stringer 2014), with the addition of a fifth
Andrews 1988). In this paper I will also circum- model (the braided stream) that is currently gain-
vent one of the most troublesome problems in ing some usage. I will return to a discussion of
discussing our origins – the terminology around these models after I have reviewed earlier ideas
“archaic” and “modern” humans - by using the about the origin of our species.
alternative informal descriptive terms ”basal” and (i) the Recent African Origin model (RAO)
”derived” to delineate evolutionary change within argues that derived H. sapiens (dHs) evolved in
both the H. sapiens (bHs and dHs) and H. nean- Africa during the last ~500,000 years and spread
derthalensis (bHn and dHn) lineages (as discussed from there throughout the world. Indigenous
in Stringer and Crété 2022). These terms are, of populations in other areas of the world were

Istituto Italiano di Antropologia, founded in 1893 by Giuseppe Sergi

Recent African origin for Homo sapiens

replaced by the dispersing groups, with little, if (see also Stringer 1994, 2014) but one where
any, hybridisation between the groups. none of the five models for the origins of H. sapi-
(ii) the RAO and Hybridisation model ens summarised above had yet been articulated
(RAOH) is similar to the above, but allows for and named. In 1970 the intellectual environment
a greater extent of hybridisation between the dis- of palaeoanthropology had unilinear gradualism
persing populations and the resident indigenous at its heart, and the term H. sapiens often encom-
populations outside of Africa. passed fossils as morphologically diverse as those
(iii) the Assimilation model (AM) accepts a from Cro-Magnon, La Ferrassie, Kabwe and
predominantly African origin for dHs. However, Ngandong (Campbell 1963). Material culture
it differs from the previous models in denying and morphology as recorded in the fossil record
replacement or population dispersion as the main were often thought to have evolved in concert,
process in the appearance of dHs around the world. with innovations in behaviour directly influenc-
Instead, this model emphasises the importance of ing evolutionary changes in anatomy, for example
demic diffusion, admixture, changing selection in the brain or the dentition (Brace 1967; Brose
pressures and resulting directional morphological and Wolpoff 1971). There was a further major
change in the areas where dHs appeared. limitation that was hardly recognised at the time
(iv) the Multiregional Evolution model - there was little meaningful way to reach beyond
(MRE) differs from the previous three in deny- the direct or indirect application of conventional
ing a recent and primarily African origin for dHs. radiocarbon dating to the fossil and archaeologi-
It emphasises the role of both genetic continuity cal records of the Pleistocene, except for the rare
over time and gene flow between contempora- cases where volcanic deposits could be used for
neous populations in arguing that dHs evolved calibration. With its inevitable (but then unrec-
from their early Pleistocene forebears not only in ognised) compression of time, this limitation
Africa but in every inhabited region of the world. prevented the provision of a realistic chronology
(v) The Braided Stream model (BS) argues for the fossil human and archaeological records of
that human evolution across the Pleistocene the middle-late Pleistocene, particularly in Africa,
inhabited world can be represented as a stream Asia and Australasia.
consisting of multiple larger or smaller channels From my work on British Quaternary sites
that divide and recombine, forming a pattern in the mid-late 1970s (Stringer 2006), I was
resembling the strands of a braid. The smaller familiar with the European glacial-interglacial
streams represent evolutionary events that sepa- framework that allowed a rough ordering of
rate populations, gene pools, or lineages from the archaeological and palaeontological records
each other. In time they either go extinct or re- of the continent (Cook et al. 1982). Using that
unify into the common gene pool leading to dHs framework, Europe seemed to be the only con-
globally. For example, China has been described tinent with a reasonably stretched post-erectus
as a region that ‘represents one stream of the inter- chronology, including fossils like Mauer, Arago
twining river of evolutionary change that flows and Swanscombe, that appeared to date between
over all areas of the globe where human habitation about 500– 250 ka, and I was fairly confident
occurred’ (Rosenberg and Wu 2013). from my and William Howells’ work that Europe
contained Neanderthals and their ancestors, not
the ancestors of dHs (Howells 1974; Stringer
1970-1984 1974, 1978). However, the enigmatic early
Upper Palaeolithic Châtelperronian industry in
In writing this historical overview, it is first France seemed to have evolved out of the locally
necessary to transport us all back to the time when preceding Mousterian of Acheulian tradition
I began my PhD, one which concentrated on the about 35,000 years ago, leaving open the possi-
relationship between Neanderthals and H. sapiens bility that a parallel in situ evolutionary transition

Recent African origin for Homo sapiens

from Neanderthal-dHs had occurred (Brose and Tab. 1 - Different schema to explain the
Neanderthal-Châtelperronian association at
Wolpoff 1971), that undiscovered dHs were in St-Césaire (1981).
fact responsible (as suggested by Bordes 1968), or
that Neanderthals were actually the manufactur-
ers, which I considered possible (see below). CULTURE/ WOLPOFF BORDES STRINGER
One of the most significant finds in progress-
ing this question was the partial Neanderthal Aurignacian H. sapiens H. sapiens H. sapiens
skeleton found in Châtelperronian (early Upper
Palaeolithic) levels at St-Césaire, France, in 1979
Châtelperronian Transitional H. sapiens Neanderthal
(Lévêque and Vandermeersch 1980). This dis-
covery was noted by ApSimon, who wrote a
commentary on its significance for the journal
Mousterian Neanderthal Neanderthal Neanderthal
“Nature” the following year (ApSimon 1980). In
the 1974 summary of my thesis results (Stringer
1974), I had postulated that the Châtelperronian many took the position summarised by (White
could have been made by Neanderthals, echo- 1982): “if there is a relationship between cul-
ing the views of Richard Klein (Klein 1973a), ture and biology across the [Middle-Upper
but ApSimon’s interpretation of the find seemed Palaeolithic] boundary, cultural developments...
odd to me, since he appeared to argue that it are stimulating biological change rather than
complicated the Neanderthal-dHs transition, vice versa”. To my surprise, then, rather than
and provided support for population continu- challenging the fundamentals of biological con-
ity. In contrast, I thought the discovery clarified tinuity, the association of a Neanderthal with the
the situation in Europe by demonstrating poly- Châtelperronian seemed for a while to instead
phyletic origins for what was called the Upper reinforce the models of Brace (1967) and Brose
Palaeolithic, and a clear demarcation between late and Wolpoff (1971) that technological change
Neanderthals and the dHs who had apparently (or perhaps social change) was catalysing evolu-
produced the contemporaneous Aurignacian. tionary trajectories towards dHs. My response,
Accordingly, together with Robert Kruszynski and influenced both by an analysis I had recently
Roger Jacobi, I wrote a critical reply to ApSimon’s completed with Erik Trinkaus on the Shanidar
piece, and this was published, with a quite dif- crania (Stringer and Trinkaus 1981) and by my
ferent reply by Milford Wolpoff, and ApSimon’s frustration with the debate, was to write a polem-
response in 1981 (Wolpoff et al. 1981a). ical and cladistics-based paper in the “Journal of
This discovery catalysed the debate about Human Evolution” (Stringer 1982). This seemed
events in Europe around the Neanderthal-dHs to have little or no impact on the situation, but
transition, though initially not at all in the way I at least served to usefully focus my views on the
expected. I corresponded with a number of other Neanderthals for the next phases of my research.
researchers over its significance, exchanging The European transition from Neanderthals
views as different as Wolpoff ’s (who argued that and their associated Middle Palaeolithic tools to
the find strongly supported local technological dHs and the associated Upper Palaeolithic was
and morphological evolution from Neanderthal believed from radiocarbon dating of fauna and
to dHs populations) and Bordes’ (Bordes 1981) charcoal to have occurred about 35,000 years
who argued in a letter to me that the skeleton ago. But because of dating limitations, the nature
represented a victim of the H. sapiens manufac- and extent of evolution or overlap between these
turers of the Châtelperronian, who had consid- taxonomic and archaeological units could not
erately given him a decent burial! (see Tab. 1). be determined. Elsewhere, there seemed to be a
Reading archaeological commentaries around dearth of informative material in the appropriate
the time is both instructive and sobering as timeframe, with few realistic alternative ancestors

Recent African origin for Homo sapiens

Tab. 2 - Supposed correlations of technological dating) that plesiomorphous humans such as

‘stages’ between Europe and Africa 1975 vs 2022.
Florisbad and Jebel Irhoud dated from only 40
ka or 50 ka, and the even more plesiomorphous
EUROPE AFRICA (1975) AFRICA (2022) Kabwe cranium from only about 125 ka (Klein
Upper Palaeolithic Middle Stone Age Later Stone Age
1973b). Thus while I thought estimates for the
age of the Omo Kibish material of at least 100
Middle Palaeolithic Early Stone Age Middle Stone Age ka were plausible (Leakey et al. 1969), I placed
Lower Palaeolithic Early Stone Age Early Stone Age fossils like Kabwe and Elandsfontein at about the
same age as Omo, while Jebel Irhoud 1, as men-
tioned, seemed to be younger still.
for H. sapiens from Africa, or anywhere else for that In East and Southeast Asia, the pattern of
matter. In the Levant, a similar transition period human evolution was even more difficult to
from Neanderthals to H. sapiens was believed discern in the 1970s. Some Asian fossils such
to lie only slightly beyond this 35,000-year-old as those from Zhoukoudian Lower Cave (and
watershed. Even as late as 1985 it was believed their associated stone industries) were dated via
by most workers, including me, that the pattern correlation with European glacial-interglacial
of population change in this area followed that sequences as far back as 400 ka, but Brace’s
of Europe, or rather preceded it, by only a small influential view that fossils such as Maba and
amount of time. Thus Neanderthals at Israeli Ngandong were representatives of a Neanderthal
sites such as Tabun and Amud evolved into, stage in our evolution meant that these, too,
or gave way to, early dHs such as those known were often dated to the equivalent of the last
from Skhul and Qafzeh by about 40 ka (e.g. see glaciation, while fossils like Wajak were seen as
Trinkaus 1984). For some workers (following transitional or “Neandertaloid” (Brace 1967).
Clark Howell’s ideas: Howell 1957; Jelinek 1982) However, there was evidently a significant gap
there had been interlinked technological and bio- before the appearance of unequivocally dHs in
logical changes, leading to the evolution of dHs the Far East. Until the first radiocarbon dating of
in the region from “generalised” Neanderthals, the Mungo material in the 1970s, it was believed
and it was postulated that they then migrated into that the arrival of humans in Australia was a very
Europe, giving rise to the populations associated late event, dated at perhaps 10-15 ka (Howells
with the Upper Palaeolithic. 1967). With the possible age of Mungo moving
In Africa, the Lower Palaeolithic was gener- back towards 30 ka (Bowler and Thorne 1976),
ally believed to have continued until about 50 ka, and the Niah Cave material tentatively dated at
while the local transition from the Middle Stone about 40 ka (Harrisson 1970), the apparent gap
Age (technologically equivalent to the Middle between more plesiomorphous fossils and dHs
Palaeolithic) to the Later Stone Age (technologi- narrowed. But even accepting Omo Kibish 1 as
cally equivalent to the Upper Palaeolithic) was the oldest known dHs, I was unable to construct
generally believed to date from an even younger a credible model for the evolution of our species
time than further North, perhaps as recent as during the 1970s, because of confused inter-
12 ka (Clark 1970). Thus the African Lower continental chronologies as well as the lack of
Palaeolithic supposedly spanned the timescale plausible African ancestors for the Omo Kibish
of the Lower and Middle Palaeolithic of Europe, population in the right time frame.
while the Middle Stone Age was only temporally Even up to 1984, prevailing views on recent
equivalent to the European Upper Palaeolithic human evolution were either that there was a
(Tab. 2). Hence African cultural and physical evo- geographically widespread emergence of H. sapi-
lution was thought to have lagged considerably ens, or that origin took place in a region outside
behind that of Europe and western Asia, and this of the African continent. However, things started
was reinforced by the belief (from radiocarbon to change in that year, when two important

Recent African origin for Homo sapiens

volumes on human evolution were published. 1930, and Brace 1967). While the Swanscombe
The two publications centered on H. erectus, the and Steinheim fossils were recruited to support
putative ancestral form for H. sapiens (Andrews each of those models, the late 1970s and 1980s
and Franzen 1984), and on the origins of H. sapi- saw growing recognition that these could repre-
ens itself (Smith and Spencer 1984). The authors sent Neanderthal, not sapiens ancestors as part
included a new generation of students who were of an accretional appearance of Neanderthal
prepared to look at the evidence and the prevail- characteristics during the Middle Pleistocene
ing views in novel and sometimes challenging (e.g. Stringer 1974,1978; Hublin 1983,1988).
ways. The Andrews and Franzen volume actu- But the seemingly parallel transition from
ally ranged much more widely than discussions Neanderthal/Middle Palaeolithic samples to
of H. erectus, and contained some of the first dHs/Upper Palaeolithic could be interpreted
applications of cladistics to recent human evolu- through the lens of evolutionary continuity or
tion, but it also contained a chapter by Bräuer population replacement.
on the possible African origins of H. sapiens
(Bräuer 1984a). The Smith and Spencer volume
had chapters covering four broadly defined geo- 1985-1989
graphical regions: Europe, Africa, western Asia,
and East Asia. Europe was divided into western It may seem now that conferences make
and central areas with contrasting conclusions, little impact on the progress of science, apart
mine with Hublin and Vandermeersch present- from providing networking opportunities. This
ing a replacement scenario for western Europe is undoubtedly largely due to the long lead-in
(Stringer et al. 1984) with the possibility of an time for the planning of conferences, compared
African source for H. sapiens, while Smith (1984) with the increasingly rapid dissemination of
argued for regional continuity in eastern Europe, new data, particularly through electronic media.
something also proposed by Trinkaus (1984) for But in contrast, in the period from 1970-1990,
western Asia. For Africa, Bräuer (1984b) further conferences were often venues for the first pres-
developed his Afro-European sapiens hypothesis, entation of new data and analyses. The fossil
while Rightmire (1984) also favoured an early material itself was the subject of the “Ancestors”
emergence of sapiens morphology in Africa, but meeting and exhibition held in New York in
was more cautious about wider extrapolations. 1984, and the papers from the meeting formed
Wolpoff, Wu, and Thorne (1984) provided the the basis of an influential volume published the
first detailed presentation of multiregional evo- following year (Delson 1985). From this time
lution, focusing on the fossil material from East onwards, the appearance of modern humans
Asia and Australasia and arguing for specific ana- was increasingly recognized as a real evolution-
tomical connections between fossils from China ary event, perhaps even a speciation event, and
and Java generally assigned to H. erectus and the importance of Africa in that process was also
extant peoples in those regions today. increasingly acknowledged. However, in 1985,
Our contribution to the Smith and Spencer genetic data were still making negligible impact
volume considered the evolutionary position of on reconstructions of modern human origins,
fossils like Swanscombe and Steinheim (Stringer something that was to change dramatically in
et al. 1984). Earlier discussions of the European the next three years. Two further meetings that
hominin sequence tended to argue for either a I attended profoundly influenced the following
parallel evolution of Neanderthal-like and sapi- few years of my scientific research, and I believe
ens-like forms (the ‘presapiens model’ of work- they similarly affected other participants: the
ers like Boule and Vallois, 1952) or unilinear Santa Fe Advanced Seminar “The Origins of
gradualism leading through a Neanderthal stage Modern Human Adaptation” organised by Erik
to dHs (following researchers like Hrdlička Trinkaus in 1986, and the Cambridge Origins

Recent African origin for Homo sapiens

and Dispersal of Modern Humans meeting evolution from Neanderthals to dHs in both the
organised by the late Paul Mellars and me in Levant and Europe started to be reassessed. Some
the following year. The former meeting, with of us heightened efforts to try and identify alter-
contributed papers was eventually published in native origins for the Skhul and Qafzeh people,
1989 (Trinkaus 1989), and brought together whether from local predecessors such as Zuttiyeh,
workers such as Lew Binford, Milford Wolpoff or from further south, in Africa. As the interven-
and Ofer Bar-Yosef in a small, closed workshop, ing period between the Levantine early dHs and
with papers pre-submitted and circulated, rather Neanderthals approximated the transition from
than presented. Thus discussion time was max- “interglacial” Marine Isotope Stage (MIS) 5
imised, and it was originally intended that the to “glacial” MIS 4, this also led to a proposed
recorded and transcribed workshop proceedings scenario where Neanderthals only appeared in
would be published alongside revised versions of the Levant after the onset of glaciation further
the submitted papers – an idea that was aban- North (Bar-Yosef 1998). However, direct dating
doned because of the discursive and confronta- of the Tabun C1 specimen now suggests that this
tional nature of some of the initial exchanges. Neanderthal could date from around the MIS
Nevertheless, over three days, I got a much bet- 5-6 boundary (Grün and Stringer 2000).
ter (and overall constructive) insight into the The emergence of these important new
thinking of Palaeolithic archaeologists than I had chronologies for the Levant coincided with the
managed over many previous years. 1987 Cambridge meeting, which was on a much
A year later, in 1987, one of the first appli- larger and more public scale than the Santa Fe
cations of emerging chronometric techniques workshop of a year earlier, and also witnessed
(thermoluminescence applied to burnt flint) many of the biggest names in palaeoanthropol-
heralded several new approaches to calibrating ogy coming to grips with rapidly developing
palaeoanthropological sites beyond the range data and ideas from palaeontology, archaeology
of radiocarbon. The first result seemed to rein- and genetics. This was set against the grow-
force the expected pattern in the Levant, dating ing contest between Multiregionalism (MRE)
the recently discovered Neanderthal burial at and Recent African Origin (RAO) that was to
Kebara in the anticipated time range of about 60 dominate debate for the next fifteen years or so
ka (Valladas et al. 1987). However, shortly after- (Stringer 2002). Mellars and I described the dif-
wards, the first application was made to the site ficult gestation of what became known as the
of the Qafzeh early dHs material (Valladas et al. Human Revolution meeting in our introduction
1988), giving a surprising age estimate of about to Volume 1 of the conference papers (Mellars
90 ka, more than twice the generally expected and Stringer 1989a,b), but I think the meeting
figure, but in line with earlier suggestions made achieved its academic aims (e.g. see Lewin 1987),
by Farrand from geology (Farrand 1979), and and set a number of research agendas for the fol-
Tchernov from biochronology (Tchernov 1981), lowing decade.
and cited by Bar-Yosef and Vandermeersch From now on, many of those research agen-
(1981). Further applications of non-radiocar- das would include a consideration of genetic
bon dating methods later amplified the pat- data on the origin of H. sapiens. Although pal-
tern suggested by the age estimates for Qafzeh aeontological and archaeological discoveries had
and Kebara (e.g. see Grün and Stringer 1991). been pushing a small but growing community of
It seemed likely that the early dHs burials at researchers in the direction of a RAO or RAOH
both Qafzeh and Skhul dated to between about model for H. sapiens, there is no doubt that,
90-130 ka, while the Neanderthal burials from for better or worse, it took the “Nature” paper
Kebara and Amud dated younger than these fig- by Cann et al. (1987) to reinforce the central
ures, in the range 50-60 ka. This newly emerg- importance of Africa for the origins of H. sapi-
ing chronology meant that scenarios of unilinear ens in particular, as well as for hominin origins

Recent African origin for Homo sapiens

in general. Earlier studies had to work with As we said in the opening paragraph of
population frequencies of genetic markers, the ‘Genetic and Fossil Evidence for the Origin of
products of the genetic code (e.g. blood groups, Modern Humans’: ‘We examine two opposing
proteins) and by combining data from popula- models [MRE and RAO] proposed to explain
tions, attempts were made to reconstruct the the origin of Homo sapiens and compare their
genetic history of humans (Cavalli-Sforza and compatibility with recent reviews of genetic and
Bodmer 1971; Nei and Roychoudhury 1982). paleontological data. These two models are not
However, the advent of techniques that revealed the only ones currently under discussion, but it is
individual molecular sequence data allowed phy- likely that one or other reflects the predominant
logenetic trees or genealogies of specific genes or mode of Homo sapiens evolution. Comparison of
DNA segments to be constructed. Two pioneer- these two extreme models should allow the clear-
ing papers published in “Nature” in 1986 and est tests for the models from existing data, tests
1987 heralded the genetic revolution to come. which are not feasible for several other proposed
One was population frequency-based, while the models’ (Stringer and Andrews 1988). These
other adopted a phylogenetic approach using tests were summarized in table 1 of the paper,
DNA markers called Restriction Fragmentation reproduced below (Tab. 3), and we argued that
Length Polymorphisms. In the 1986 paper, our assessments favoured RAO over MRE for
Wainscoat et al. (1986) studied polymorphisms each aspect, while recognizing that fossil and
close to the beta-globin gene, and showed by archaeological data from Europe, Southwest Asia
genetic distance analyses that African popula- and Africa provided clearer support than did the
tions were quite distinct from non-African ones, more contentious records of eastern Asia and
which in turn shared features with each other. Australasia. In our view, the growing body of
They concluded ‘it has been argued that the evo- genetic data also predominantly supported RAO
lution of modem man took place in Africa. Our over MRE, although those data were only the tip
data are consistent with such a scheme, in which of a large iceberg that continues to emerge to this
a founder population migrated from Africa and day, and that support is now less absolute than
subsequently gave rise to all non-African popula- would have been predicted from the mtDNA
tions’. A year later, Cann et al. (1987) produced analyses alone.
a genealogy of 134 mitochondrial DNA variants Our conclusions were also tempered by a rec-
derived from restriction maps of 148 people ognition of the importance of the western Asia
from different regions. The genealogy was used record to the story: “Although we feel that an
to reconstruct increasingly ancient hypotheti- African origin for Homo sapiens is highly prob-
cal ancestors, culminating in one female, most able, the exact time, place and mode of origin of
parsimoniously located in Africa. Moreover, the species cannot yet be determined. The pres-
using a mtDNA divergence rate calculated from ence of Homo sapiens fossils in the early part of the
studies of other organisms, it was estimated that late Pleistocene at both the southern tip of Africa
this hypothetical female ancestor lived ~200 ka and in the Levant means that a southern African
ago. These conclusions were extremely contro- origin as recent as 100,000 years ago is unlikely.
versial and were accompanied by much media The origin of the species must have been more
hype, and they were soon challenged from vari- ancient, and, as we have seen, plausible precur-
ous directions, including during fierce debate at sor populations arc sampled at sites in northern,
the Cambridge conference. Because I was privi- eastern, and southern Africa. Given the recently
leged to be centrally involved in that meeting, determined age of the Qafzeh Homo sapiens fos-
its discussions provided a crucial framework for sils, even the adjacent area of the Levant cannot
the “Science” paper that Peter Andrews and I be excluded as a possible source area for Homo
started to assemble in the same year (Stringer sapiens. However, it appears that only the genetic
and Andrews 1988). divergence and diversity of sub­Saharan African

Recent African origin for Homo sapiens

Tab. 3 - Predictions from models of H. sapiens origins (from Table 1 in Stringer and Andrews 1988).


Geographic patterning of Continuity of pattern from Middle Continuity of pattern only from late Pleistocene
human evolution Pleistocene to present appearance of H. sapiens to present

Interpopulation differences are high, Interpopulation differences relatively low,

greatest between each peripheral area greatest between African and non-African

Intrapopulation variation greatest at Intrapopulation variation greatest in African

centre of human range populations

Regional continuity and Transitional fossils widespread Transitional fossils restricted to Africa,
the establishment of H. population replacement elsewhere
Modern regional characters of high Modern regional characters of low antiquity at
antiquity at peripheries peripheries (except Africa)

No consistent temporal pattern of Phased establishment of H. sapiens suite of

appearance of H. sapiens characters characters: (i) Africa, (ii) S.W. Asia, (iii) other
between areas areas

Selective and behavioural Factors varied and widespread, Factors special and localised in Africa;
factors involved in the perhaps related to technology; local behavioural discontinuities expected outside
origin of H. sapiens behavioural continuity expected Africa

populations now reflect an age appropriate for humans is “an event” and that modem humans
the species origin, presumably because areas are a new species distinct from earlier “archaic”
of northern Africa and the Levant have been populations of Homo sapiens’. We replied that ‘we
exposed to extensive subsequent gene flow from had hoped that the reaction to our article from
Eurasian populations, particularly in historic supporters of the multiregional model would be
times”. based on the presentation of further data to test
Andrews and I acknowledged that we were the models. We look forward to such a construc-
not testing all the possible models of H. sapiens tive response from those who signed the letter
origins, although Bräuer’s RAOH was cited, as by Wolpoff et al.’ Unfortunately the following
were Smith and Trinkaus’s developing views years did not witness constructive engagement
that would lead to AM (Trinkaus 1984; Smith, between the two factions in the debate, a situ-
1984). However, Smith was a signatory to a ation that persisted for more than two decades
highly critical reply to the 1988 paper (Wolpoff (Gibbons 2011).
et al. 1988), which argued ‘The recent article by
Stringer and Andrews on the origins of mod-
ern humans confounds rather than clarifies the Revisiting the models
issues…it contains contradictions, misrepresen-
tations, and omissions and is a step backward Regarding the current status of the five mod-
from the progress made during what has been els summarised at the beginning of this contribu-
anything but “a period of relative neglect.” The tion, I consider that both a strict RAO and MRE
value of their dichotomy, even as a heuristic as presented in the late 1980s and 1990s have
device, is undermined when they then assume been falsified (Stringer 2014). There are enough
the hypothesis they set out to test, through their genetic data to show that while extant popula-
initial contentions that the origin of modem tions can be described as more than 90% RAO

Recent African origin for Homo sapiens

from their genomes, the figure is not close to the Such ideas lacks proper consideration of the phy-
100% expected from the complete replacement logeny of the so-called ‘modern’ face, in which
of non-Hs lineages outside of Africa. Equally, many traits are actually plesiomorphous (Lacruz
I strongly doubt that any palaeoanthropologist et al. 2019), while others may be homoplasies
would now argue that indigenous Australians (that is, not in the common ancestor but evolved
show ‘the mark of ancient Java’ in the manner independently afterwards) between dHs and
argued by prominent multiregionalists (Wolpoff the Chinese lineage containing the fossils from
et al. 1984), and I hope that they would no Dali, Hualongdong and Harbin (Ni et al. 2021).
longer argue that the Sangiran 17 H. erectus They also lack any meaningful engagement with
cranium was actually ‘a great big hyper-robust the extensive relevant genetic literature (e.g.
Australian aborigine’ (M. Wolpoff, quoted in Bergström et al. 2021; Liu et al. 2021; Mao et al.
Shreeve 1995, p.102). 2021) that so far indicates no deep connections
However, ideas of regional continuity have between ancient Chinese populations and those
remained strong in China (Cheng 2019). For of today, except where those ancient Chinese
example Rosenberg and Wu (2013) stated ‘It populations might be related to Denisovans.
is our contention that the currently existing
human fossil record in China shows evidence of
continuity of what have been described as East Concluding remarks
Asian features in the cranium, dentition, and
occasionally in the less often represented postcra- In my view, the years from 1970-1990
nia that suggest a gradual rather than an abrupt advanced palaeoanthropological thinking on
trend toward modernity in East Asia…these fea- dHs origins more than any other two decades in
tures do not appear all at once as a “package of the last century, although it will need historians
modernity” but as an evolutionary mosaic that is of science to provide a more objective opinion on
consistent with the gradual transition of a popu- that than I can. These years saw substantial pro-
lation through time and that is not consistent gress in our ability to calibrate the most recent
with replacement by an outside population’. In stages of human evolution. Some specimens,
a more recent article Wu et al. (2021) go even such as late Neanderthals, had their estimated
further in arguing that the morphology of the ages broadly confirmed, while others such as the
Hualongdong 6 cranium indicates that China early dHs remains from Skhul and Qafzeh, were
was itself a location for the origins of dHs: ‘Both shown to be much older than generally believed.
the number of its modern facial features and In the archaeological arena it became increas-
their pronounced expressions in HLD 6 exceed ingly clear that at least some African Middle
those of all other late Middle Pleistocene homi- Stone Age sites, and in some cases their con-
nin crania currently known from China. This tained human fossils, were much more ancient
would suggest that the transition from archaic than had been believed (Tab. 2). A number of
to modern morphology in eastern Asia occurred important new fossil discoveries were made, such
earlier than current convention dictates, possibly as the partial Neanderthal skeleton from Kebara
as early as 300 ka. In addition, the HLD 6 par- (Rak et al. 1983), and the late Neanderthals from
tial cranium, with its multiple derived modern Vindija (Wolpoff et al. 1981b) and St-Césaire
facial features, suggests not only that its popu- (Lévêque and Vandermeersch 1980). The for-
lation included the earliest transitional member mer two provided important information on
linking morphologically archaic and early mod- Neanderthal variation, while the latter find
ern humans in the region but also that the initial allowed the enduring mystery of the makers of
transition to modernity happened in some iso- the Châtelperronian to be addressed with hard
lated regions of China while more archaic homi- data at last (Tab. 1). Further finds and improved
nins contemporaneously occupied other areas’. chronological control started to provide new

Recent African origin for Homo sapiens

data about dHs dispersals into Australasia, show- indicate gene flow from non-Hs populations
ing an arrival on a comparable timescale to that into dHs (as expected from RAOH), there is not
being recorded in Europe, but all such develop- (so far) the reverse demic diffusion from dHs
ments were dramatically impacted by emerging into indigenous populations outside of Africa
genetic data near the end of the time period in expected from AM (Stringer and Crété 2022).
question. Archaeological and palaeontological As Galway-Witham and Stringer (2018) put it,
science would have continued to build an African under AM ‘genes would have flowed gradually
origin scenario without “Mitochondrial Eve”, of between these regional populations, catalysing
course, but it would have taken a lot longer to genetic and anatomical changes and leading to
achieve wider acceptance for RAO/RAOH sce- the spread of modern traits. In contrast, RAOH
narios without the complementary genetic data envisages H. sapiens genes as largely entering and
to catalyse the debate. traversing Eurasia within the bodies of dispersing
Regarding the current status of models for the humans of African origin. Along the way there
origins of dHs, the growing body of genetic data were successful hybridization events with indig-
as well as new fossil and chronological evidence enous populations, but these were effectively
have modified how they fit the fossil record, and absorbing fragmented populations of indigenes
the appearance of dHs traits in Africa has moved in a relatively rapid replacement process, where
further back in time than could have been envis- they overlapped’.
aged in Stringer and Andrews (1988). There is I will end this review of more than 50 years
also the recent addition of another model to of debate about our origins by saying that if data
consider – the Braided Stream. Personally I find continue to show that the genetic and morpho-
it difficult to distinguish between the MRE and logical ancestry of H. sapiens is more than 90%
BS models, since both seem to feature regional African then in my view RAOH best describes
continuity and reticulation across much of the the overall process for the establishment of our
range of Pleistocene humans, and as with MRE, species. For those who prefer not to use the
such models applied to the Chinese fossil record model names I have employed here, then Svante
(e.g. Rosenberg and Wu 2013; Wu et al. 2021) Pääbo’s neat summation should suffice: we are
need to acknowledge the overwhelming predom- ‘Mostly Out of Africa’.
inance of Africa in the genomic and morpho-
logical origins of dHs. Certainly the Denisovan
lineage contributed small amounts of DNA to Acknowledgments
the ancestry of extant East Asians after about 60
ka, but the wider and deeper morphological and I would like to acknowledge all the authors whose
genetic connections with more ancient Asian fos- work is discussed in this paper, as well as the many
sils expected from MRE and BS have not been colleagues all over the world who have helped me in
detected so far (e.g. see Ni et al. 2021; Mao et my research, from my PhD onwards. In particular
al. 2021). If ‘a river runs through’ the Chinese I am grateful to Lucile Crété for her assistance with
record for the evolution of H. sapiens (Rosenberg this manuscript. I would also like to thank Andra
and Wu 2013) it certainly seems to be a river of Meneganzin and two other reviewers for their help-
African origin, so perhaps braided stream from ful comments on this manuscript. I am grateful
Africa (BSFA) might be more appropriate? AM to the Calleva Foundation and Human Origins
does recognise the predominance of Africa in Research Fund for supporting my current work.
the process of H. sapiens evolution, but I would
argue that the main dispersal phase of dHs seems
not to show gradual regional morphological Author contribution
change outside of Africa under the influence
of gene flow. While the associated genetic data CS wrote this contribution.

Recent African origin for Homo sapiens

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