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Diagnosis of Breast Tumours and Evaluation of Prognostic Risk by Using Machine Learning Approaches

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Diagnosis of Breast Tumours and Evaluation of Prognostic Risk by Using Machine Learning Approaches

Qianfei Yuan, Congzhong Cai, Hanguang Xiao, Xinghua Liu, and Yufeng Wen
Department of Applied Physics, Chongqing University, Chongqing 400044, China

Abstract. Machine learning approaches were employed for malignant breast tumour diagnosis and evaluation of the prognostic risk of recrudescence and metastasis by using age and ten cellular attributes of Fine Needle Aspirate of Breast (FNAB) and gene microarrays data of the breast cancer patient respectively. Feature ranking method was introduced to explore the salient elements for cancer identication and simultaneous improve the classication accuracy. In this paper, Support Vector Machine (SVM), K-Nearest Neighbor (K-NN) and Probabilistic Neural Network (PNN) combined with Signal-to-Noise Ratio (SNR) for feature ranking and ltering were applied to distinguish between the benign and malignant tumours of breast and evaluate the prognostic risk of recrudescence and metastasis. The results reveal that feature ranking method SNR can eectively pick out the informative and important features, which had signicance for clinical assistant diagnosis and is useful for improving the performance of evaluation. The best overall accuracy for breast cancer diagnosis and evaluating the prognostic risk of recrudescence and metastasis achieved 96.24% and 88.81% respectively, by using SVM-Sigmoid and SVM-RBF combined with SNR under 5-fold cross validation. This study suggests that SVM may be further developed to be a practical methodology for clinical assistant dierentiating between benign and malignant tumours and possible to help the inexperienced physicians avoid misdiagnosis. It also has benet to the cured patients who are predicted as recrudescence and metastasis pay more attention to their diseases, and then reduce the mortality rate of breast cancer.


Cancer begins with uncontrolled division of one cell, which results in a visible mass named tumour. Tumour can be benign or malignant. Malignant tumour grows rapidly and invades its surrounding tissues causing their damage. Breast cancer is a malignant tissue beginning to grow in the breast. The symptoms of breast cancer include breast mass, change in shape and dimension of breast, dierences in the color of breast skin, breast aches and gene changes etc. At present, breast cancer is one of the most prevalent cancers, ranking second only
D.-S. Huang, L. Heutte, and M. Loog (Eds.): ICIC 2007, CCIS 2, pp. 12501260, 2007. c Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2007

Diagnosis of Breast Tumours and Evaluation of Prognostic Risk


to lung cancer and is the most prevalent form of cancer among worldwide women [1]. According to the report of the World Health Organization (WHO), about 1,000,000 women would be newly diagnosed with breast cancer and over 500,000 women died from breast cancer every year. It is estimated that the incidence of this disease will increase getting along with the damaging of environment in the future. The traditional approaches to diagnose breast cancer include physical examination, X-ray mammography, Ultrasonic diagnosis, CT scan, Fine Needle Aspirate of Breast (FNAB) etc. Some of them are complex and expensive; especially the X-ray mammography method may be injurious to the patients exposed to X-ray. At the same time, traditional ultimate diagnosis method is cytological examination which requires cytopathologists to make their diagnoses and the diagnostic accuracies appear not satisfying. Up to now, there is no eective tools to evaluate the prognostic risk of recrudescence and metastasis. In order to improve the accuracy of diagnosis and evaluate the prognostic risk, a number of computer-aided approaches have been proposed for breast cancer diagnosis and prognostic risk evaluation. For instance, Butler et al. applied Bayes classiers combined with feature selection to diagnose breast cancer, which reached 90% accuracy by using X-Ray scatter images [2]. Palmer et al. employed SVM with Principal Component Analysis (PCA) method, and obtained 70% sensitivity and 92% specicity by utilizing multiexcitation uorescence and diuse reectance spectroscopy [3]. Song et al. adopted articial neural network by using ultrasound image of breast to predict breast cancer and got 95% sensitivity and 76.5% specicity [4]. Cosar et al. obtained satisfying result by using Breast Imaging Reporting and Data System (the fourth edition) (BI-RADS) to classify breast cancer [5]. Li et al. used multivariate logistic regression to recognize breast cancer, the sensitivity and specicity achieved 93% and 91% respectively by using serum biomarkers [6]. Quinlan obtained 94.74% accuracy by using 10fold cross validation with C4.5 decision tree [7]. Abonyi and Szeifert applied Supervised Fuzzy Clustering (SFC) technique, and obtained 95.57% accuracy [8]. Setiono got 98.1% overall accuracy by using neuro-rule method [9]. Huang et al. employed SVM and multilayer perception neural networks (MLPs) to dierentiate between the benign and malignant of breast tumour by using ultrasonic images of solid breast nodules, and found that the sensitivity is 100%, specicity is 92.05%, and the overall accuracy is 95% [10]. Delen et al. adopted the machine learning approaches to predict breast cancer survivability and obtained 93.6% accuracy [11]. vant Veer et al. applied gene expression proling to predict clinical outcome of breast cancer [12]. Choudhary et al. employed genetic test bed to select feature and predict breast cancer [13]. All above studies demonstrate that CAD is capable of improving the radiologists performance [14]. The SVM, K-NN and PNN have been extensively employed in many elds [4-7, 9-11, 15-25] and shown excellent generalization, learning and classication ability for the binary and multi-class classication of real problems. In this study, several machine learning approaches, such as SVM, K-NN and PNN, combined with Signal-to-Noise Ratio (SNR), are employed to discriminate


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between benign tumour group and breast cancer patients by using ne needle aspirate of breast lesions dataset, evaluate the prognostic risk of recrudescence and metastasis by using gene microarrays dataset.


Material and Methods


The dataset of ne needle aspirate of breast lesions (dataset I) was posted on the website by Dr. Cross ( This dataset was collected by Department of Pathology, Royal Hallamshire hospital, Sheeld, during 1992-1993. It contains 692 specimens of ne needle aspirates of breast lumps (FNAB), the number of positive samples (malignancy) is 235 and negative samples (benign) is 457. All of the specimens were conrmed by open biopsy. Each sample includes eleven features which consist of patient age and ten attributes of cell (Table 1). All observations of the cellular attributes were made by a consultant pathologist with 10 years experience of reporting FNAB. The ten features were assigned a value of -1 for their absent or +1 for their present. The dataset of gene microarrays (dataset II) comes from Refs [12] and [13]. It contains 295 microarrays, 115 belong to the good-prognosis class (labeled 1) and the remaining 180 belong to the poor-prognosis class (labeled -1). Each sample contains 70-gene prognosis prole, a prognosis signature based on geneexpression is proposed in Ref [12] that correlates well with patient survival data and other existing clinical measures. 2.2 Signal-to-Noise Ratio

Feature saliency measures provide a way to measure the relative usefulness of features and a means to rank the features. Signal-to-Noise Ratio is a value that uses the signal to compare with other background noise. Usually, it is simple and capable of fast ranking and ltering features for classiers [26]. The denition of SNR for two classes is formulated as: SN Ri = |P (i) N (i)| P (i) + N (i) (1)

where SN Ri is the value of saliency metric for the i-th feature; N (i) and P (i) are the averages of the i-th feature in class N and class P respectively; N (i) and P (i) are the standard deviations of the i-th feature in class N and class P respectively. 2.3 Classiers

Support Vector Machine. SVM was proposed by Vapnik and co-workers [27] based on the statistical learning theory and structural risk minimization, which was extensively used as an eective algorithm to deal with classication and

Diagnosis of Breast Tumours and Evaluation of Prognostic Risk


Table 1. The denition of the ten attributes of cell and age used as input features for dataset I Feature No. Observed Feature Denition 1 Age 2 Cellular dyshesion True if the majority of epithelial cells are dyshesive, false if the majority of epithelial cells are in cohesive group. 3 Intracytoplasmic True if intracytoplasmic lumina are present in some lumina epithelial cells, false if absent. 4 3-dimensionality True if some clusters of epithelial cells are not at of epithelial cells (more than teo nuclei thick) and this is not due to clusters artefactual folding, false if all clusters of epithelial cells are at. 5 Bipolar naked True if bipolar naked nuclei are present, false if nuclei absent. 6 Foamy True if foamy macrophages are present, false if macrophages absent. 7 Nucleoli True if more than three easily-visible nucleoli are present in some epithelial cells, false if three or fewer easily-visible nucleoli in all epithelial cells. 8 Nuclear True if some epithelial cells have nuclear diameters pleiomorphism twice that of other epithelial cell nuclei, false if no epithelial cell nuclei have diameters twice that of other epithelial cell nuclei. 9 Nuclear size True if some epithelial cell nuclei have diameters twice that of red blood cell diameters, false if all epithelial cell nuclei have diameters less than twice that of red blood cell diameters. 10 Necrotic True if necrotic epithelial cells are present, false epithelial cells if absent. 11 Apocrine change True if the majority of epithelial cell nuclei show apocrine change, false if apocrine change is not present in the majority of epithelial cells.

regression problems. The basic idea of applying SVM for solving classication problems can be stated briey in three steps. In the rst step, SVM transforms the original features in the input space to the feature vectors in a higher dimension feature space through a kernel function (e.g. linear kernel, polynomial kernel, RBF kernel and sigmoid kernel, etc.). And then, it constructs the optimal separating hyperplane (OSH) with maximum distance between the closest points of positives and negatives within the training set. For the last step, the class of a query sample for test is determined by the sign of the projection result of the test vector to the normal direction on OSH [28]. K-Nearest Neighbor. K-NN classier is one of the simplest and oldest methods for performing general, nonparametric classication. First, complete the computation of distances between the test sample and all samples in the training


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set. And then, the class of test sample is assigned according to a simple majority vote over the labels of its K nearest neighbors. Probabilistic Neural Network. PNN was proposed by Specht in 1988 [29]. It is designed to improve the performance of conventional neural networks in which long computation times are required. PNN replaces the sigmoid activation function often used in neural networks with a statistically derived exponential function. The PNN is an extension of what is probably the simplest possible classier - nd the training sample closest to the test sample and assign it the same class. The PNN weight wi is the contribution of i-th training sample which is according to its distance to the test sample. The weight for a given training sample is proportional to the Gaussian kernel: wi = e(d/)


where is the coecient of the proportion; d is the Euclidean distance and is a constant called the kernel width (other kernels and distance metrics are possible but less common). The weights of each class are summed respectively, the class of the test sample is assigned based on that of the largest summation value.


Results and Discussion

Feature Ranking

The eleven features numbered as in Table 1 were ranked by using SNR index. The ranking result is shown in Table 2. It can be seen that No.9, No.7 and No.8 features are ranked as the top three by using SNR criterion, corresponding to Necrotic epithelial cells, Nuclear pleiomorphism and Nuclear size, respectively. This is consistent with the result of other researcher that Nuclear size has great signicance to distinguish the benign from malignant breast tumour [30]. The ranking results indicated that the above three features contain more informative and important information than other features for distinguishing between benign tumour and breast cancer. It supplies a valuable clue for cytopathologist to pay more attention to these factors in their clinical breast tumour diagnoses.
Table 2. Feature ranking result of dataset I by using SNR criterion Feature ranking method SNR Feature rank 5 6 7 1 3 2

1 9

2 7

3 8

4 4

8 10

9 11

10 5

11 6


Classication Results and Discussions

Three evaluation terms, sensitivity (Sen), specicity (Spe) and overall accuracy (Q) [11] are introduced to estimate the performance of classiers. They are dened as follow: Sen = T P/(T P + F N ) (3)

Diagnosis of Breast Tumours and Evaluation of Prognostic Risk


Spe = T N/(T N + F P ) Q = (T P + T N )/(T P + F N + T N + F P )

(4) (5)

Where T P and T N are the number of samples which are right identied as positives or negatives by the classier in the test set, respectively; F N and F P are the numbers of samples corresponding to those cases as they are mistakenly tested as benign or malignant, respectively. Considering imbalanced positive and negative samples in the data set, another quantity suitable for evaluating the classication accuracy of imbalanced positive and negative samples is the Matthews Correlation Coecient M CC, which is given by: M CC = TP TN FN FP (T P + F N )(T P + F P )(T N + F N )(T N + F P ) (6)

Obviously, the scope of the M CC is within the range of [-1, 1]. The larger the M CC value, the better the classier performance. In this study, machine learning approaches including SVM, K-NN and PNN were applied to diagnose breast cancer via dataset I and evaluate the prognostic risk of recrudescence and metastasis via dataset II, by using 5-fold cross validation. For SVM, three types of kernel functions, such as polynomial kernel, RBF kernel and sigmoid kernel, were implemented in the classication. The overall accuracies for 5-fold cross validation by using dataset I are shown in Table 3. The results illustrated, the overall accuracies of SVM-Polynomial, SVM-RBF, SVM-Sigmoid, K-NN and PNN achieved 96.09%, 95.80%, 96.24%, 95.37% and 95.08% respectively. All of the overall accuracies of SVM with three kernel functions are superior to those of K-NN and PNN. Surpassing all of other remaining classiers, SVM-RBF obtained the highest accuracy (96.24%). It also demonstrates that classier and kernel function optimization are necessary to obtain the best accuracy. Values of M CCs were roughly similar and ranged from 0.8898 to 0.9127.
Table 3. 5-fold cross validation results of dataset I for 3 classiers (SVM, K-NN, PNN) by using the original features classiers SVM-Poly SVM-RBF SVM-Sig K-NN PNN Sen (%) 93.19 93.19 94.04 91.06 91.06 Spe (%) 97.59 97.15 97.37 97.59 97.15 Q(%) 96.09 95.80 96.24 95.37 95.08 M CC 0.9127 0.9063 0.9161 0.8963 0.8898

In order to further improve the prediction accuracy and save the computing time, SNR is introduced to nd out the predominant features and lter the irrelevant features for classication. According to the feature ranking result in Table 2, we implemented sequential backward feature selection algorithm, and


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the accuracies using dierent classiers with 5-fold cross validation are shown in Table 4. It can be seen from Table 3 and Table 4, after ranking and ltering features, only the recognition rate of K-NN was improved from 95.37% to 96.09% when the No.6 feature was eliminated. The performances of SVM-Polynormial, SVM-RBF and SVM-Sigmoid were not improved while as the accuracy for PNN kept unchangeable (95.08%) by using either eleven original features or the selected top seven features. Values of M CCs for these classiers were also large and ranged from 0.8833 to 0.9127 respectively.
Table 4. 5-fold cross validation results of dataset I by using the classiers (KNN, SVM, PNN) after feature ltering based on the ranking result of SNR
Test set Spe(%) Q(%) 97.37 95.95 97.37 95.80 97.37 95.52 96.71 95.23 97.15 95.23 97.81 95.52 96.72 95.08 97.37 95.08 96.72 95.80 97.37 95.80 96.72 95.23 96.71 95.23 98.68 96.09 97.81 95.66 99.12 95.66 98.90 95.52 97.37 95.08 96.93 94.79 96.71 94.94 96.71 95.08

Classier SVM-Poly

Input features No. 9, 7, 8, 4, 1, 3, 2, 10, 11, 5 9, 7, 8, 4, 1, 3, 2, 10, 11 9, 7, 8, 4, 1, 3, 2, 10 9, 7, 8, 4, 1, 3, 2 SVM-RBF 9, 7, 8, 4, 1, 3, 2, 10, 11, 5 9, 7, 8, 4, 1, 3, 2, 10, 11 9, 7, 8, 4, 1, 3, 2, 10 9, 7, 8, 4, 1, 3, 2 SVM-Sig 9, 7, 8, 4, 1, 3, 2, 10, 11, 5 9, 7, 8, 4, 1, 3, 2, 10, 11 9, 7, 8, 4, 1, 3, 2, 10 9, 7, 8, 4, 1, 3, 2 K-NN 9, 7, 8, 4, 1, 3, 2, 10, 11, 5 9, 7, 8, 4, 1, 3, 2, 10, 11 9, 7, 8, 4, 1, 3, 2, 10 9, 7, 8, 4, 1, 3, 2 PNN 9, 7, 8, 4, 1, 3, 2, 10, 11, 5 9, 7, 8, 4, 1, 3, 2, 10, 11 9, 7, 8, 4, 1, 3, 2, 10 9, 7, 8, 4, 1, 3, 2

Sen(%) 93.19 92.76 91.91 92.34 91.48 91.06 91.91 90.63 94.04 92.76 92.34 92.34 91.06 91.49 88.93 88.93 90.63 90.63 91.49 91.91

M CC 0.9095 0.9062 0.8996 0.8934 0.8931 0.8996 0.8901 0.8898 0.9067 0.9062 0.8934 0.8934 0.9127 0.9028 0.9034 0.9 0.8897 0.8833 0.8867 0.8901

As a whole, the best overall accuracy (96.24%) was obtained by using SVMSigmoid with the original eleven features. Although the feature ranking and ltering did not improve the best overall accuracy, it explored the informative and important features to distinguish the benign from malignant breast tumour. The dataset II was normalized ([-1, 1]) ahead. The overall accuracies for 5fold cross validation are shown in Table 5. It can be seen from Table 5, the overall accuracies of SVM-RBF achieved 87.80%, which is superior to SVMPolynomial (86.44%), SVM-Sigmoid (86.44%), K-NN (78.98%), PNN (78.98%). Value of M CC for SVM-RBF achieved 0.7427 and is superior to those of other classiers. It is illustrated, SVM-RBF has excellent performance to distinguish the cured patients who are easy recrudescence and metastasis.

Diagnosis of Breast Tumours and Evaluation of Prognostic Risk


Table 5. 5-fold cross validation results of dataset II for 3 classiers (SVM, K-NN, PNN) by using the original features classiers SVM-Poly SVM-RBF SVM-Sig K-NN PNN Sen (%) 83.48 83.48 83.48 86.09 92.17 Spe (%) 88.33 90.56 88.33 74.44 70.56 Q(%) 86.44 87.80 86.44 78.98 78.98 M CC 0.7159 0.7427 0.7159 0.5905 0.6137

Fig. 1. The accuracy of those classiers by using the SNR criterion feature ranking and lter under 5-fold cross validation in the computational process. (Fig.1(a), Fig.1(b), Fig.1(c), Fig.1(d) and Fig.1(e) are the results of K-NN, PNN, SVM-Polynomial, SVMRBF and SVM-Sigmoid respectively.)

Considering each sample of dataset II contains 70 features, SNR was employed to identify the predominant features and lter the irrelevant features to further improve the prediction accuracy and save computational time. In this study, the last ve features were ltered each time in the computational process. The results are depicted in Fig.1. It can be found from Fig.1, there exist some local optimal feature sets in the computational process. In order to nd out the global optimal set, it is indispensable to searching in the global space. The number of optimal feature set and the best overall accuracies of evaluating the prognostic risk of recrudescence and metastasis are shown in Table 6. It is illustrated, the best overall recognition result achieved 88.81% by SVM-RBF and its value of M CC also reached 0.7696 and excelled to other classiers, although the number of optimal features attained 50 (compared the original data, it decreases 10), which is more than other classiers. Compared Table 5 and Table 6, the accuracies of SVM-Polynomial, SVMRBF, SVM-Sigmoid, K-NN and PNN are improved from 86.44% to 88.14%, 87.80% to 88.81%, 86.44% to 87.46%, 78.98% to 83.39% and 78.98% to 86.10%


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Table 6. 5-fold cross validation results of dataset II by using the classiers (KNN, SVM, PNN) after feature ltering based on the ranking result of SNR Number of Classier optimal features SVM-Poly 35 SVM-RBF 50 SVM-Sig 50 K-NN 10 PNN 10 Test set Spe(%) Q(%) 91.67 88.14 88.33 88.81 88.89 87.46 84.44 83.39 81.11 86.10

Sen(%) 82.61 89.57 85.22 81.74 93.91

M CC 0.7491 0.7697 0.7378 0.6554 0.7323

respectively by using the SNR feature ranking and ltering. It is encouraging that, the PNN performance markedly increases 7.12% rising from the lowest level 78.98% to 86.10% compared to other classiers, and the number of optimal feature set is only 10, which markedly decreases 60 compared to the original feature set. The best overall accuracy for dataset II reached 88.81% by using SVM-RBF combined with SNR feature ranking and ltering. SNR not only improved the classication performance, but also decreased the dimensions of the feature set.


In this paper, we have investigated the issues of breast cancer diagnosis and prognostic risk evaluation of recrudescence and metastasis by using three classiers (SVM, KNN, PNN) combined with feature ranking method (SNR), based on FNAB dataset I and gene microarrays dataset II, respectively. Feature ranking and ltering supplied the informative and important features to classify breast tumour. It provides the physicians a valuable clue to pay more attention to these relevant features in their clinical breast tumour diagnosis. Feature ranking and ltering also improved the evaluation performance to the prognostic risk of recrudescence and metastasis, and reduced the dimensions of the feature set. Thus, it also can reduce the computational cost and predigest the process of data collection. The best overall accuracies for breast cancer diagnosis and prognostic risk of recrudescence and metastasis evaluation achieved 96.24% and 88.81% by using SVM-Sigmoid and SVM-RBF respectively. It revealed that classier and kernel function selection are necessary to get the best results. The study suggests that SVM may be further developed to be a potential practical methodology for clinical assistant breast cancer diagnosis by providing the physicians with the immediate second opinion and is also possible to help the inexperienced physicians avoid misdiagnosis. At the same time, the study also indicates that SVM has the benets to breast cancer patients as a tool for evaluating the prognostic risk of recrudescence and metastasis. It can make the cured patients who are recognized as easy recrudescence and metastasis pay more attention to their diseases, and then reduce the mortality rate of breast cancer.

Diagnosis of Breast Tumours and Evaluation of Prognostic Risk


Acknowledgements. This work is partly supported by the Natural Science Foundation of Chongqing Science and Technology Committee under Grant No. CSTC, 2006BB5240.

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