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Manual GNF11510W

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Please read this user manual first!
Dear Customer,
Thank you for preferring a Grundig product. We hope that you get the best results
from your product which has been manufactured with high quality and state-of-the-art
technology. Therefore, please read this entire user manual and all other accompanying
documents carefully before using the product and keep it as a reference for future use.
If you handover the product to someone else, give the user manual as well. Follow all
warnings and information in the user manual.
Remember that this user manual is also applicable for several other models. Differences
between models will be identified in the manual.

Explanation of symbols
Throughout this User Manual the following symbols are used:

C Important information or useful

hints about usage.

A Warning for hazardous situations

with regard to life and property.

B Warning for electric shock.

Packaging materials of the

product are manufactured
from recyclable materials in
accordance with our National
Environment Regulations.

Do not dispose of the packaging materials together with the domestic or other wastes.
Take them to the packaging material collection points designated by the local authorities.

1 INSTRUCTIONS FOR SAFETY Upper basket height adjustable rack..........22

AND ENVIRONMENT 4 Cutlery basket ..............................................22
General safety................................................ 4 Collapsible lower basket tines.....................23
Intended use.................................................... 4 Upper basket multi-function service rack....23
Children’s safety............................................. 5
Disposing of packaging material.................. 5
Transportation of the product........................ 5 CLEANING 24
Compliance with WEEE Directive and Cleaning the outer surface of the product.24
Disposing of the Waste Product.................... 6 Cleaning the interior of the machine..........24
Compliance with RoHS Directive.................. 6 Cleaning the filters........................................24
Package information....................................... 6 Cleaning the hose filter................................25
Cleaning the impellers.................................26
2 DISHWASHER 7 Lower impeller...............................................26
Overview......................................................... 7 Upper impeller . ...........................................26
Fan drying system........................................... 8
Technical specifications.................................. 8 6 TROUBLESHOOTING 27

Appropriate installation location................... 9
Connecting water supply............................... 9
Connection to the drain................................. 9
WaterProtect+ . ............................................10
Adjusting the feet..........................................10
Electrical connection....................................10
This appliance must be earthed.................. 11
Fitting a different plug.................................. 11
Initial use........................................................ 11

Tips for energy saving.................................. 12
Water softening system................................ 12
Adjusting the water softening system.......... 12
Adding salt.................................................... 14
Detergent....................................................... 15
Tablet detergents.......................................... 16
Rinse aid........................................................ 17
Adjusting the amount of rinse aid............... 17
Items not suitable for washing in the
dishwasher.................................................... 18
Placing the dishes into the dishwasher....... 18
Adjusting the height of the upper basket....20
Adjusting the height of the upper basket.... 21
Collapsible upper basket wires...................22
This section contains safety • Never touch the plug with
instructions that will help to give wet hands! Never unplug by
protection from risk of personal pulling on the cable, always
injury or property damage. Failure pull out by grabbing the plug.
to follow these instructions shall • The product must be
void all warranties. unplugged during installation,
maintenance, cleaning and
General safety repairing procedures.
• Never place the product • Always have the repair
on a carpet-covered floor; procedures carried out by the
otherwise, lack of airflow Authorised Service Agent.
beneath the product will cause Manufacturer shall not be held
electrical parts to overheat. liable for damages that may
This will cause problems with arise from procedures carried
your product. out by unauthorised persons.
• Do not operate the product • Never use chemical solvents in
if the power cable / plug is the product. They bring forth
damaged! Call the Authorised the risk of explosion.
Service Agent. • When you pull the upper and
• Connect the product to a lower baskets out completely,
grounded outlet protected the door of the product will
by a fuse complying with bear all the weight of the
the values in the “Technical baskets. Do not put other
specifications” table. Do loads on the door; otherwise,
not neglect to have the the product may tilt.
grounding installation made • Never leave the door of the
by a qualified electrician. product open apart from
Our company shall not be loading and unloading
liable for any damages that procedures.
will arise when the product • Do not to open the door of
is used without grounding in the product when it is running
accordance with the local unless necessary. Be careful
regulations. for the rush of hot steam when
• The water supply and you need to open the door.
draining hoses must be Intended use
securely fastened and remain
undamaged. • This product has been
• Unplug the product when not designed for domestic use.
in use. • It must be used to do the
• Never wash the product by domestic type dishes only.
spreading or pouring water • This appliance is intended
onto it! There is the risk of to be used in household and
electric shock! similar applications such as:


Instructions for safety and envIronment

- Staff kitchen areas in shops, Disposing of packaging

offices and other working material
environments. Packaging materials are
• Only dishwasher safe
detergents, rinse aids and dangerous to children. Keep
additives must be used. packaging materials in a safe
• The manufacturer waives place away from reach of the
any responsibility arisen children.
from incorrect usage or Packaging materials of the product
transportation. are manufactured from recyclable
• This appliance can be used materials. Dispose of them
by children aged from 8 years properly and sort in accordance
and above and persons with with recycled waste instructions.
reduced physical,sensory Do not dispose of them with
or mental capabilities or normal domestic waste.
lack of experience and
knowledge if they have Transportation of the
been given supervision or product
instruction concerning use

of the appliance in a safe If you need to move the
way and understand the product, do it in upright
hazards involved. Children position and hold from
shall not play with the the rear side. Tilting the
appliance. Cleaning and product onto its front side
user maintenance shall not may cause the electronic
be made by children without parts in it get wet and
supervision. damaged.
Children’s safety 1. Unplug the product before
• Electrical products are transporting it.
dangerous for the children. 2. Remove water drainage and
Keep children away from the water supply connections.
product when it is in use. Do 3. Drain the remaining water in
not let them to tamper with the the product completely.
• Do not forget to close the door
of the product when leaving
the room where it is located.
• Store all detergents and
additives in a safe place away
from the reach of the children.


Instructions for safety and envIronment

Compliance with WEEE

Directive and Disposing of
the Waste Product
This product complies with
EU WEEE Directive
(2012/19/EU). This product
bears a classification symbol
for waste electrical and electronic
equipment (WEEE).This product
has been manufactured with high
quality parts and materials which
can be reused and are suitable for
recycling. Do not dispose of the
waste product with normal
domestic and other wastes at the
end of its service life. Take it to the
collection center for the recycling
of electrical and electronic
equipment. Please consult your
local authorities to learn about
these collection centers.
Compliance with RoHS
The product you have purchased
complies with EU RoHS Directive
(2011/65/EU). It does not
contain harmful and prohibited
materials specified in the Directive.
Package information
Packaging materials of the product
are manufactured from recyclable
materials in accordance with our
National Environment Regulations.
Do not dispose of the packaging
materials together with the
domestic or other wastes. Take
them to the packaging material
collection points designated by the
local authorities.




1. Upper basket
2. Upper impeller
3. Lower impeller
4. Silverware basket (depends on model)
5. Door
15 6. Rating Label
7. Control panel
8. Detergent dispenser
9. Lower basket
10. Filters
11. Salt reservoir lid
12. Upper basket rail
13. Upper cutlery basket (depends on
14. Tabletop (depends on model)
15. Fan drying system (depends on model)
15. TurboDrying (depends on model)

Technical specifications
Compliance to standards and test data / EC declaration of conformity
This product complies with the following EU directives;
Development, production and sales stages of this product comply with the safety
rules included in all pertaining European Community regulations.
2014/35/EU, 2014/30/EU, 93/68/EC, IEC 60436/DIN 44990, EN 50242
Power input 220-240 V, 50 Hz (see rating label)
Total power consumption 1800-2100 W (see rating label)
Heater power consumption 1800 W (see rating label)
Total current (depends on the model) 10 A (see rating label)
Drain pump power consumption 30 W (see rating label)
Water pressure 0.3 –10 bar (= 3 – 100 N/cm² = 0.03-1.0

C Technical specifications may be changed without prior notice to improve the

quality of the product.

C Figures in this manual are schematic and may not match the product exactly.

Values stated on the markings of the product or in the printed documents
accompanying the product are obtained in the laboratory on basis of the relevant
standards. Depending on operational and environmental conditions of the
product, these values may vary.

Fan drying system

(depends on model)
Fan drying system ensures efficient drying of your dishes.
It is normal to hear a different sound than that of washing cycle during fan operation.
Note for test institutions:
Data required for performance tests shall be provided upon request. Requests can be
e-mailed to the following address:
Do not forget to provide the code, stock and serial numbers of the product to be tested in your
request e-mail along with your contact information. Code, stock and serial numbers of the
product may be found on the type label attached to the side wall of the door.


To make the product ready for use, make • Place the product on a rigid floor. Do
sure that the electricity, tap water supply and not place it on a long pile rug or similar
water drainage systems are appropriate surfaces.

before calling the Authorised Service Agent.
Ensure the power cable does not
If they are not, call a qualified technician
get trapped under the product.
and plumber to have any necessary
arrangements carried out.
• Make sure that you select a location

Preparation of the location and that will allow you to load and unload
electrical, tap water and waste the dishes in a fast and comfortable
water installations at the place manner.
of installation is under customer's • Install the product in a place close
responsibility. to the tap and the drain. Select the
installation location by considering

Manufacturer shall not be held
that it will not be changed after the
responsible for damages arising
connections are made.
from processes carried out by
unauthorised persons. Connecting water supply

Prior to installation, visually • Do not use old or used water inlet hose
check if the product has any on the new product. Use the new water
defects on it. If so, do not have inlet hose supplied with the product.
it installed. Damaged products • Connect the water inlet hose directly
cause risks for your safety. to the cold water tap. Permitted water
temperature up to 25°C. Pressure

Make sure that the water inlet coming from the tap should be minimum
and discharge hoses are not 0.3 and maximum 10 bars. If the water
folded, pinched or crushed pressure exceeds 10 bars, a pressure
while pushing the product into relief valve should be installed in
its place after installation or between.
cleaning procedures. • Open the tap completely after making
the connections to check for water
When placing the product, pay attention not leaks.
to damage the floor, walls, piping, etc. Do

For your safety, close the water
not hold the product from its door or panel
inlet tap completely after the
to move it.
washing programme is over.
Appropriate installation
location Connection to the drain
• Place the product on a solid and flat Water discharge hose can directly be
floor that has sufficient load carrying connected to the drain hole or sink’s
capacity! The product must be installed drainage. The length of this connection
on a flat surface in order for the door to must be min. 50 cm and max. 100 cm from
be closed comfortably and securely. the floor. A discharge hose longer than 4
• Do not install the product at places meters will cause washing performance to
where temperature may fall below 0ºC. be affected.Attach the water discharge hose



to the drainpipe without bending it. Tightly WaterProtect+

fix the water discharge hose to the drainpipe (depends on model)
in order to prevent any dislocation of the The WaterProtect+ system protects against
water discharge hose during operation of water leaks that may occur at the hose inlet.
the product. Water contact with the valve box of the
system must be avoided to prevent damage
to the electrical system. If the WaterProtect+
system is damaged, unplug the product and
call the Authorised Service Agent.

As the hose set contains
electrical connections and
assemblies, never shorten or
lengthen the hose with extension
max 1000
min 500


Drainpipe must be connected
to the foul water system and it
should not be connected to any
surface water drain.

Adjusting the feet Electrical connection

If the door of the product cannot be closed Before you insert the plug into the wall
properly or if the product wobbles when socket make sure that the voltage and
you push it slightly, then you need to adjust the frequency shown in the rating label
the feet of the product. Adjust the feet of the corresponds to your electricity supply.
product as illustrated in the relevant section.
We recommend that this appliance be

Diswashers door must be
connected to the mains supply via a suitable
aligned properly otherwise hot
switched and fused socket in a readily
steam can escape! Danger of
accessible position.
serious burns, other injury or
may damage furniture.
If the supply cord or the mains lead is
damaged please do not replace it yourself.
The supply cord or the mains lead must be
replaced by a Authorised Service Agent or a
similarly qualified person.



This appliance must be 3. Connect the brown (live) wire to the
terminal in the plug marked ‘L’ or
earthed coloured red.
If the fitted moulded plug is not
suitable for your socket, then the 
plug should be cut off and an 
appropriate plug fitted.
Destroy the old plug, which is cut
off as a plug with a bared cord
could cause a shock hazard if
inserted into a socket elsewhere
in the house.
The moulded plug on this
appliance incorporates a 13A
fuse. Should the fuse need to
be replaced an ASTA approved
BS1362 fuse of the same rating
must be used. Do not forget to

refit the fuse cover. In the event  
of losing the fuse cover, the
plug must not be used until a With the alternative plugs a 13A fuse must
replacement fuse cover has been be fitted either in the plug or adaptor or
fitted. Colour of the replacement in the main fuse box. If in doubt contact a
fuse cover must be the same qualified electrician.
colour as that visible on the pin
face of the plug. Fuse covers Initial use
are available from any good Before starting to use the product, make
electrical store. sure that all preparations are made
in accordance with the instructions in
Fitting a different plug sections “Important safety instructions” and
As the colours of the wires in the mains “Installation”.
• Before using the product, fill the salt
lead of this appliance may not correspond
reservoir with 1 litre of water, add salt
with the coloured markings identifying the
(see next page) and stir to dissolve.
terminals on your plug, proceed as follows:
Run the Dishwasher without dishes on a
1. Connect the green - yellow or green short programme with a small amount
(earth) wire to the terminal in the plug of detergent.
marked ‘E’ or with the symbol or

There might be a small amount
coloured green and yellow or green.
of water left in the product after
2. Connect the blue (neutral) wire to the
factory quality control tests. This
terminal in the plug marked ‘N’ or
causes no harm to the product.
coloured black.


Tips for energy saving
Following information will help you use the
product in an ecological and energy-efficient
Wipe away any coarse food remnants on
the dishes before putting them in the product.
Operate the product after filling it
When selecting a programme, consider the
table of “Programme data and average
consumption values”.
Do not put more detergent than suggested
on the detergent package.
Water softening system
The product is equipped with a water
softening system which reduces the hardness
of incoming water. This system softens
the supply water to a level that will allow
washing the dishes with the required quality.

The mains water hardness must
be softened if it is over 7°dH.
Otherwise, hardness ions will
accumulate on the dishes that
are washed and may affect the
washing, rinsing and drying
performances of the machine.

Adjusting the water softening

Washing performance will increase when
water softening system is adjusted properly.


Water Hardness & Regeneration Settings
Softening the water
Dishwashers require fairly soft water. If the hardness exceeds 6°dH lime scale will form on crockery. To
avoid this an automatic system adds a special salt to soften the water so that you obtain the best possible
cleaning and drying performance.
To find out the hardness level of your water contact your local water company, or use the enclosed test
strip to measure the water hardness:
a b 1 min. c d e f
1 Second

1 Minute

Remove the test Turn on the tap and Hold the test strip in Remove the test strip Wait for 1 minute. The test strip shows
strip from the packet. let the water run for the water for about a from the water and you the hardness
about a minute. second. shake it. level.

1. When your machine is off, turn it on by pressing and holding the On / Off and Programme Selection key
for 5 seconds.
2. The stored water hardness level will be displayed on delay and programme follow-up indicators.
3. Use the Programme Selection key to adjust the water hardness according to a suitable level for your
mains water. See "Water hardness level adjustment table" for correct setting. While setting, the selected
regeneration value remains on and the end indicator flashes.
4. Save the setting by pressing the Start / Pause / Cancel key. The end indicator will remain on when the
setting is saved.
5. Press and hold the On / Off key for 1 second to turn the machine off.

Water Hardness Level Adjustment Table

Position of
English German French regen-
Hardness Water Water Water eration
Level Hardness Hardness Hardness Water Hardness Level Indicator
°dE °dH °dF*
adjustment Regeneration Adjustment
1st Level
0-5 0-4 0-8 Press the Programme Selection
button to set the water hardness
2nd Level
6-9 5-7 9-13 level to position 1..
3rd Level Press the Programme Selection
10-15 8-12 14-22 button to set the water hardness
level to position 2.
4th Level Press the Programme Selection
16-19 13-15 23-27 button to set the water hardness
level to position 3.
Perform the same hardness level
5th Level Press the Programme Selection adjustment that you have set on the control
panel also with the regeneration adjustment
20-24 16-19 28-34 button to set the water hardness switch.
level to position 4. For example, if you have adjusted to “3” in
the control panel, also set the regeneration
6th Level Press the Programme Selection adjustment switch to 3.
25-62 20-50 35-90 button to set the water hardness
level to position 5.

If the hardness level of the water that you use is above 90 °dF (French standard for water hardness) or if
you are using well water, than it is recommended to use filter and water purification devices.
* If the hardness level of the water that you use is below 8°dF (French standard for water hardness), there
is no need to use salt in your dishwasher. If this is the case, “No Salt Warning Indicator” (if any) illuminates
continuously on the panel of your machine.
If the water hardness adjustment is set to level 1, the “No salt warning indicator” will illuminate continu-
ously although it is not necessary to use salt. If you use salt under this condition, salt will not be consumed
and the lamp will not illuminate.
If you move your house, it is very important to make the water hardness level adjustment of your machine
according to the new location you move in order to preserve the washing efficiency.
If the water hardness level of your machine is adjusted previously, your machine will display the last water
hardness level adjustment. Adjust the new water hardness level of your machine on basis of the water
hardness level of your tap water.




Adding salt 3. Add 1 litre of water to salt reservoir of

Water softening system needs to be your machine only in initial use.
regenerated in order for the product 4. Fill the salt reservoir with salt by
operates with the same performance using the salt funnel (D). To speed up
continuously. Dishwasher salt is used for this dissolution rate of salt in water, stir it with
purpose. a spoon.

Use only special softening salts
produced particularly for the
dishwashers in your machine.

It is recommended to use
granule- or powder-formed
softening salts in the water
softening system. Do not use
salts that do not completely

dissolve in water such as table You can put about 2 kg of
salt or rock salt. Otherwise the softening salt into the salt
performance of the system may reservoir.
deteriorate in time. 5. Replace the lid and tighten it when the

Salt reservoir will be filled reservoir is full.

with water when you start You need to add salt right before
the product. For this reason, starting the machine. Thus, the
add salt before operating the overflowing salty water will be
machine. flushed immediately, preventing
1. Firstly, take the lower basket out to add the risk of corrosion in machine.
softening salt. In cases where you would not
start washing immediately, run
2. Turn the salt reservoir lid counter-
your machine empty in the
clockwise to open it (A).
shortest program.

Since different salt brands in the
market have different particle
sizes and since the water
hardness may vary, dissolution
of the salt in water may take
a couple of hours. Therefore,
Salt Indicator remains on for a
while after adding salt into the



Detergent Inside the detergent dispenser
You can use powder, liquid/gel or tablet there are level markings that help
detergents in the machine. you use appropriate amount

Only use in the machine the of powder detergent. When
detergents produced particularly brimful, detergent dispenser will
for use with dishwashers. contain 45 cm³ of detergent. Fill
We recommend you not use detergent up to 15 cm³ or 25
detergents that contain chlorine cm³ level marks in the detergent
and phosphate as they are dispenser according to fullness
harmful for the environment. of the machine and/or soiling
degree of the dishes. One
Adding detergent tablet is enough if you are using

Pay attention to the warnings detergent tablets.
on the detergent packaging to
get better washing and drying
results. Contact the manufacturer
of the detergent for further

Do not put solvents into the
detergent dispenser. There is the
risk of explosion!
Put the detergent into the detergent dispenser
just before operating the machine as
illustrated below.
1. Push the latch to right to open the
detergent dispenser lid (A).

2. Put suggested amount of powder, liquid/

gel or tablet detergent in the reservoir.


3. Push the lid of the detergent dispenser to rinse aid must also be used together with the
close it. A “click” will be heard when the detergent if the water hardness level is above
lid is closed. the mentioned level.

The best washing performance in
1 dishwashers is obtained by using
detergent, rinse aid and water
softening salt individually.

Observe the instructions of the
detergent manufacturer on the
package when using tablet

Contact the detergent
manufacturer if your dishes

Use powder or liquid/gel are wet and/or if you notice
detergent in short programmes limescale spots particularly on
without prewash since the your glasses after the washing
solubility of the tablet detergent programme is over when using a
changes depending on the tablet detergent.
temperature and time. When you switch to powder
detergent from tablet detergent:
Tablet detergents 1. Make sure that salt and rinse aid
In addition to the conventional tablet reservoirs are full.
detergents, there are also commercially 2. Set the water hardness to the highest
available detergent tablets that show water level and perform an empty run.
softening salt and/or rinse aid effect. Some 3. After the empty washing cycle, review
types of these detergents contain special- the user manual and readjust the water
purpose components such as glass and hardness level so as to suit the water
stainless steel protectors. These tablets show supply.
their effects up to a certain water hardness
4. Make the appropriate rinse aid settings.
level (21°dH). Water softening salt and



Rinse aid 4. If there are stains on tableware items

after washing, level must be increased

The rinse aid used in dishwashers and if there is a blue trace after wiping
is a special combination them by hand, it must be decreased. This
that aims to increase drying is set to position 3 as factory default.
efficiency and prevent water

or lime stains on the washed The rinse aid adjustment is
items. For this reason, care must described under "Adjusting
be paid to have rinse aid in the the amount of rinse aid" in
rinse aid reservoir and to use the section for operating the
rinse aids produced specially for machine.

dishwashers only. Wipe clean any spilled rinse
1. Open the lid of the rinse aid reservoir aid outside the reservoir. Rinse
with the help of the latch. aid that spilled accidentally
will cause foaming and it will
eventually decrease washing

Adjusting the amount of rinse

1. When the product is off, press Time
Delay and On/Off keys simultaneously.
2. Fill the reservoir until “MAX” level. 2. Press and hold it until the End indicator
starts flashing.
3. Set to the appropriate level with the
Time Delay key.
4. Press Programme Start/Pause/Cancel
key to store.
5. Press the On/Off key to exit the setting.
If the 9-hour time delay indicator is on,
no rinse air is dispensed in the washing
3. Slightly press the point (B) of the programme.
reservoir lid to close it. If the 6-hour time delay indicator is on, 1
dose of rinse aid is dispensed.
If the 3-hour time delay indicator is on, 2
doses of rinse aid is dispensed.
If the washing indicator is on, 3 doses of
rinse aid is dispensed.
If the drying indicator is on, 4 doses of rinse
aid is dispensed.



Items not suitable for washing To prevent possible injuries,
in the dishwasher always place the sharp and
• Never wash dishes soiled by cigarette pointed dishes such as service
ash, candle remnants, polish, dyestuff, fork, bread knife, etc. upside
chemicals, etc. in your dishwasher. down so as their pointed ends
• Do not wash silverware and cutlery will face down or they will lie
with wooden or bone stems, glued horizontally in the dish basket.
pieces, or pieces that are not resistant
Unload dishes in the lower basket first and
to heat, as well as copper and tin-
plated containers in the dishwasher. then the dishes in the upper basket.

Decorative prints of chinaware
as well as aluminium and silver
items may get discoloured or
tarnished after washing in the
dishwasher just as it happens
in handwashing as well. Some
delicate glass types and crystals
may become dull in time. We
strongly recommend you to
check if the tableware you are
going to purchase is suitable
for washing especially in the

Placing the dishes into the

You can use your dishwasher in the optimum
way with respect to energy consumption and
washing and drying performance only if you
place the dishes in an orderly way.
• Wipe away any coarse food remnants
(bones, seeds, etc.) on the dishes
before placing them in the dishwasher.
• Place thin, narrow pieces in the middle
sections of baskets if possible.
• Place the heavily soiled and bigger
items in the lower basket and smaller,
delicate and light items in the upper
• Place the hollowed dishes such as
bowls, glasses and pans upside down
in the dishwasher. Thus, accumulation
of water in deep hollows is prevented.


Suggestions for loading the dishwasher Improper Loading Of Dishware

Lower basket

Upper basket

Improper Loading Of Dishware


Preparation 1
Adjusting the height of the to the lower one.
upper basket 3. Release the basket after it has reached
(depends on model) one
3 level down.
The upper basket height adjustment Repeat the process if the height is not
mechanism has been designed for you to sufficient.
create large spaces in the lower or upper
sections of your machine depending on your
needs by adjusting the height in the upper or
lower direction while your basket is empty or

Thanks to this mechanism, you can use your

basket in three different positions, namely
lower, middle and upper positions (1, 2, 3).
1. To raise your basket, hold the upper
basket wires with both hands while the
basket is in the lowermost position and

The movement mechanism may
pull them up (A).
not function properly if the
2. You will hear a "Click" from the right upper basket is overloaded or
and left mechanisms, indicating that if the weight distribution is not
the basket has reached the next level. balanced. In heavier conditions,
Release the basket. there is the risk of falling one
Repeat the process if the height is not level down.

Make sure that the adjustment
mechanism has the same
positions on the right and left
sides of the upper basket.

To lower the basket, while it is in the

uppermost position;
1. Hold the upper basket wires with both
hands, slightly lift up the basket and
simultaneously push and release the
latches shown in the figure (B).
2. Lower the basket from its current position


Adjusting the height of the 2. Release the basket when it catches on to
upper basket the next upper position with a “Click”
that may be heard from the right and left
(depends on the model) mechanisms.
Upper basket height adjustment mechanism
is designed so that you can create wide Repeat the same operation if the height is not
spaces on the upper or lower compartment adequate.
of the machine by adjusting the basket
upwards or downwards either while it is
empty or full.
Thanks to this mechanism, you may use your
basket in three different positions, namely 1
lower, center or upper positions.
To lower the basket, perform the following 2
while the basket is at uppermost position;
1. Hold the wires of the upper basket and 3
raise the handle of the mechanism
upwards as shown in the figure (A).
2. Lower the basket to the next lower The movement mechanism may not work
position. properly when the upper basket is
3. Release the basket when it catches on to overloaded or when the load is
the next lower position. unbalanced. And it may fall to the next
Repeat the same operation if the height is not lower position in heavier conditions.
adequate. Ensure that the adjustment mechanisms
on the right and left of the upper basket
are aligned.

1. To raise the basket, hold the wires of the

basket and pull the basket upwards with
both hands while the basket is at the
lowermost position (B)


Collapsible upper basket wires Cutlery basket
(depends on model) (depends on model)
You can use collapsible wires when you Cutlery basket is designed to wash your
need a larger space for your dishes in the dishes such as knife, fork, spoon, etc. in an
upper basket of your machine. efficient manner.
To bring the collapsible wires into horizontal Since the cutlery basket can be moved (A,
position, grab the wire from the middle B), you can create more space while placing
position and push them in the direction of your dishes in the lower basket and free up
arrow in the figure. Place your larger dishes space for your dishes of different sizes.
into the area created. To bring the wires
back to vertical position, just lift them up.

Bringing the wires to the
horizontal position by holding
them from the tips may cause
them to bend. Therefore, hold
the wires from their stems while
bringing them to the horizontal
or vertical positions.
Upper basket height
adjustable rack
(depends on model)
Use the lower and upper parts of the height
adjustable racks in the upper basket of
the machine by sliding them down or up
according to the heights of the glasses, cups
or etc. (A, B, C).



Collapsible lower basket tines Upper basket multi-function

(depends on model) service rack
There are foldable tines (A) located at the (depends on model)
lower basket of the machine are designed Thanks to the upper basket multi-function service
for an easier placement of large pieces such rack on the upper basket of your appliance,
as pans, bowls, etc. You can create larger you may load and wash long service-ware and
spaces by folding each tines individually or kitchen-ware easily. Also, the wineglass securing
all of them at once. compartments available on the front side of this
accessory allows easier placing of the stemware
with proper sizes on the upper basket.

To bring the collapsible tines into horizontal

position, grab the tines from mid position and You may remove the upper basket multi-function
push them in the directions of arrows (B). To service rack by lifting it upwards when you do
bring the tines back to vertical position, just not want to use it.
lift them up. Collapsible tines will click into
the latch again (C).

You may reinstall the upper basket multi-function

service rack on the side of your upper basket
easily to use it again.

Bringing the tines to the
horizontal position by holding
them from the tips may cause
them to bend. Therefore, it will
be appropriate to bring the tines
in the middle to horizontal or
vertical position by holding them
from their stems and pushing in
the direction of arrow.
Service life of the product extends and Cleaning the filters
frequently faced problems decrease if it is Clean the filters at least once a week in
cleaned at regular intervals. order for the machine operates efficiently.

Unplug the product and turn off Check if food residues are left on the filters.
the tap before attempting any If there are food residues on filters, take them
cleaning procedures. out and clean well under running water.

1. Turn the micro filter (1) and coarse filter
Do not use abrasive substances (2) assembly counter clockwise and pull
for cleaning. it out from its seating.

Clean the filter and impellers at
least once a week in order for
the machine operates efficiently.

Cleaning the outer surface of

the product
Wipe the outer surface and door gaskets
of the product gently with a mild cleaning
material and damp cloth. Wipe the "Control
panel" only with a slightly damp cloth.
Cleaning the interior of the 2. Pull out the metal/plastic filter (3) from
machine the seating.
• Clean the interior of the machine and
the tank by running a programme with
or without detergent based on the
degree of soil.
• If water has remained in the machine,
drain the water by performing the
procedures under the topic "Canceling
a programme". If the water cannot
be discharged, remove the filters as
specified in the "Cleaning the filters"
section and check if there are any
leftover deposits that have accumulated
at the bottom of the machine, blocking 3. Press the two pawls on the coarse filter
the water path. Clean if necessary. inwards and separate the coarse filter
from the assembly.


Maintenance and cleaning

Cleaning the hose filter

Damages on the machine that may be
caused by impurities coming from the urban
supply water or your own water installation
(such as sand, dirt, rust, etc.) can be
prevented by means of the filter attached to
the water inlet hose. Check the filter and the
hose regularly and clean them if necessary.
1. Turn off the tap and remove the hose.
4. Clean all three filters under tap water by
means of a brush. 2. After taking out the filter, clean it under
running tap water.
5. Place the metal/plastic filter.
3. Place the cleaned filter back to its seat in
6. Place the coarse filter into the micro the hose.
filter. Make sure that it is properly
seated. Turn the coarse filter clockwise 4. Install the hose to tap.
until a "click" sound is heard. (depends on model)

C Do not use the dishwasher

without filter.

C Incorrect placement of the filters

will reduce washing efficiency.


Maintenance and cleaning
Cleaning the impellers Upper impeller
Clean the impellers at least once a week in Check if the holes on the upper impeller (1)
order for the machine operates efficiently. are clogged. If they are clogged, remove
and clean the impeller. Turn its nut to left to
Lower impeller remove the upper impeller.
Check if the holes on the lower impeller (1) Make sure that the nut is tightened well when
are clogged. If they are clogged, remove installing the upper impeller.
and clean the impeller. You can pull the
lower impeller up to remove it.


Machine does not start.
• Power cable is unplugged. >>> Check if the power cable is plugged in.
• Fuse is blown. >>> Check the fuses in your house.
• Water is cut. >>> Make sure that the water inlet tap is open.
• Door of the machine is open. >>> Make sure that you have closed the door of the
• On / Off button is not pressed. >>> Make sure that you have turned on the machine by
pressing the On / Off button.
Dishes are not washed clean
• Dishes are not placed orderly in the machine. >>> Load the dishes as described in the
user manual.
• Selected programme is unsuitable. >>> Select a programme with a higher temperature
and cycle time.
• Impellers are stuck. >>> Prior to starting the programme, turn the lower and upper
impellers by hand to make sure that they rotate freely.
• Impeller holes are clogged. >>> Lower and upper impeller holes might be clogged with
food remnants such as lemon pips. Clean the impellers regularly as illustrated in section
“Cleaning and Care”.
• Filters are clogged. >>> Check if the filter system is clean. Clean the filter system regularly
as illustrated in section “Cleaning and Care”.
• Filters are installed incorrectly. >>> Check the filter system and make sure that it is
installed correctly.
• Baskets are overloaded. >>> Do not overload the baskets in excess of their capacity.
• Detergent is stored under unsuitable conditions. >>> If you are using powder detergent,
do not store the detergent package in humid places. Keep it in a closed container if
possible. For ease-of-storing, we recommend you to use tablet detergents.
• Detergent is not sufficient. >>> If you are using powder detergent, adjust the amount of
detergent according to the soiling degree of your dishes and/or programme definitions.
We recommend you to use tablet detergents for optimum results.
• Rinse aid is not sufficient. >>> Check the rinse aid indicator and add rinse aid if
necessary. Increase the rinse aid setting if there is enough amount of rinse aid in the
• Detergent dispenser lid is left open. >>> Make sure that the detergent dispenser lid is
closed tightly after adding detergent.



Dishes are not dry at the end of cycle

• Dishes are not placed orderly in the machine. >>> Place your dishes in a way that no
water will accumulate in them.
• Rinse aid is not sufficient. >>> Check the rinse aid indicator and add rinse aid if
necessary. Increase the rinse aid setting if there is enough amount of rinse aid in the
• Machine is unloaded right after the programme is over. >>> Do not unload your machine
right after washing process is completed. Slightly open the door and wait for evacuation
of the steam inside for a while. Unload the dishes after the pieces cool down to a
touchable level. Start unloading process from the lower basket. Thus, dropping of water
remained on a piece at upper basket onto the pieces at lower basket is prevented.
• Selected programme is unsuitable. >>> Since rinsing temperature is low at programmes
with short duration, drying performance will also be low. Select programmes with longer
duration for a higher drying performance.
• Surface quality of the kitchen utensils is deteriorated. >>> Desired washing performance
can not be obtained on kitchen utensils with deteriorated surfaces and it is not suitable
to use such utensils in terms of hygiene as well. Also, water can not flow easily on
deteriorated surfaces. It is not recommended to wash such kitchen utensils in dishwasher.

It is normal that drying complaints can be experienced with Teflon kitchen
utensils. It is associated with the structure of Teflon. Since the surface tensions of
Teflon and water are different, water droplets will remain as beads on the Teflon
Tea, coffee or lipstick stains remain on dishes.
• Selected programme is unsuitable. >>> Select a programme with a higher temperature
and cycle time.
• Surface quality of the kitchen utensils is deteriorated. >>> Tea and coffee stains or other
dye spots may not be cleaned in dishwasher when they have penetrated in deteriorated
surfaces. Desired washing performance can not be obtained on kitchen utensils with
deteriorated surfaces and it is not suitable to use such utensils in terms of hygiene as well.
It is not recommended to wash such kitchen utensils in dishwasher.
• Detergent is stored under unsuitable conditions. >>> If you are using powder detergent,
do not store the detergent package in humid places. Keep it in a closed container if
possible. For ease-of-storing, we recommend you to use tablet detergents.
Lime traces remain on dishes and glassware gains a misty appearance
• Rinse aid is not sufficient. >>> Check the rinse aid indicator and add rinse aid if
necessary. Increase the rinse aid setting if there is enough amount of rinse aid in the
• Water hardness setting is low or salt level is insufficient >>> Measure the hardness of the
supply water appropriately and check the water hardness setting.



• Salt leakage exists. >>> Pay attention not to spill salt around the salt filling hole while
adding salt. Make sure that the salt reservoir lid is tightly closed after finishing the filling
process. Run the prewash programme to remove the salt that spilled inside the machine.
Since the salt granules that will remain under the lid will dissolve during prewash, causing
the lid loosen, check the lid once again at the end of the programme.
There is a different odour in the machine

C A new machine has a peculiar odour. It will fade out after a couple of washes.

• Filters are clogged. >>> Check if the filter system is clean. Clean the filter system regularly
as illustrated in section “Cleaning and Care”.
• Dirty dishes are kept in dishwasher for 2-3 days. >>> If you are not going to start the
machine right after you have put the dishes into it, remove the remnants on the dishes and
run the Prewash programme without detergent every 2 days. In such cases, do not close
the door of the machine completely in order to avoid odour build up in machine. You can
also use commercially available odour removers or machine cleaners.
Rust, discoloration or surface deterioration occurs on dishes
• Salt leakage exists. >>> Salt may cause deterioration and oxidation on metal surfaces.
Pay attention not to spill salt around the salt filling hole while adding salt. Make sure that
the salt reservoir lid is tightly closed after finishing the filling process. Run the prewash
programme to remove the salt that spilled inside the machine. Since the salt granules that
will remain under the lid will dissolve during prewash, causing the lid loosen, check the
lid once again at the end of the programme.
• Salty food remnants have remained on dishes for a long time. >>> If cutlery soiled with
such foods will be kept waiting in machine, dirt must be removed by prewash or dishes
must be washed without being kept waiting.
• Electric installation is not grounded. >>>Check if your machine is connected to the actual
grounding line. Otherwise, the static electric created in the product causes arcs on the
surfaces of metal items creating pores, removing the protective cover on the surface and
causing discoloration.
• Intensive cleansers such as bleaches are used. >>> Protective cover on metal surfaces
gets damaged and looses its efficiency in time when it gets in contact with cleansers such
as bleach. Do not wash your dishes with bleach.
• Metal items particularly knives are used for purposes other then their intended uses.
>>> Protective cover on the edges of knives may get damaged when they are used for
purposes such as opening cans. Do not use metal kitchen utensils out of their intended
• Cutlery are made of low quality stainless steel. >>> Corrosion on such items is inevitable;
they should not be washed in dishwashers.



• Kitchen utensils that are already corroded are washed in dishwasher. >>> Rust on a
corroded item can migrate to other stainless steel surfaces and cause corrosion on those
surfaces as well. Such items should not be washed in dishwashers.
Detergent remains in detergent dispenser.
• Detergent dispenser was damp when adding detergent. >>> Make sure that the
detergent dispenser is dried well prior to filling it with detergent.
• Detergent is added long before the washing process. >>> Pay attention to add detergent
shortly before start-up of the washing.
• Opening of the detergent dispenser lid is prevented during washing. >>> Place the dishes
in a way that will not prevent the detergent dispenser lid from opening and the water
going into the machine from impellers.
• Detergent is stored under unsuitable conditions. >>> If you are using powder detergent,
do not store the detergent package in humid places. Keep it in a closed container if
possible. For ease-of-storing, we recommend you to use tablet detergents.
• Impeller holes are clogged. >>> Lower and upper impeller holes might be clogged with
food remnants such as lemon pips. Clean the impellers regularly as illustrated in section
“Cleaning and Care”.
Decorations and ornaments on kitchen utensils are being erased.

Decorated glasses and decorated lustre porcelains are not suitable for washing in
the dishwasher. Manufacturers of some glassware and porcelain tableware items
do not recommend washing such kitchen utensils in the dishwashers either.
Dishes are scratched.

C Kitchen utensils that contains or are made of aluminium should not be washed in
• Salt leakage exists. >>> Pay attention not to spill salt around the salt filling hole while
adding salt. Spilled salt can cause scratches. Make sure that the salt reservoir lid is tightly
closed after finishing the filling process. Run the prewash programme to remove the salt
that spilled inside the machine. Since the salt granules that will remain under the lid will
dissolve during prewash, causing the lid loosen, check the lid once again at the end of
the programme.
• Water hardness setting is low or salt level is insufficient >>> Measure the hardness of the
supply water appropriately and check the water hardness setting.
• Dishes are not placed orderly in the machine. >>> When placing the glasses and other
glassware into the basket lean them not against other dishes but the edges or racks of
the basket or the glass support tines. Striking of the glasses to each other or to other
dishes due to the impact of water during washing can cause breaks, or scratches on their



A smear remains on glasses that resembles milk stain which can not be
removed when wiped by hand. A bluish / rainbow appearance occurs when
the glass is pointed to light.
• Excessive rinse aid is used. >>>Lower rinse aid setting. Clean the spilled rinse aid when
adding rinse aid.
• Corrosion has occurred on glass due to soft water. >>> Measure the hardness of the
supply water appropriately and check the water hardness setting. If your supply water is
soft (<5 dH), do not use salt. Choose programmes that wash in higher temperatures (e.g.
60-65°C). You can also use glass protective detergents that are commercially available.
Foam forms in the machine.
• Dishes are washed with hand-wash detergent by hand but not rinsed before placing them
into the machine. >>> Hand-wash detergents do not contain antifoam. There is no need to
hand-wash the dishes before placing them into the machine. Removing the coarse soil on
the dishes under tap water, with a tissue paper or fork will be sufficient.
• Rinse aid has spilled into the machine when adding rinse aid. >>> Take care that rinse
aid is not spilled in the machine when you are filling it. Clean any spilled rinse ait with the
help of a tissue paper/towel.
• Lid of the rinse aid reservoir is left open. >>> Make sure that the lid of the rinse aid
reservoir is closed after adding rinse aid.
Kitchen utensils are broken.
• Dishes are not placed orderly in the machine. >>> Load the dishes as described in the
user manual.
• Baskets are overloaded. >>> Do not overload the baskets in excess of their capacity.
Water remains in the dishwasher at the end of the programme.
• Filters are clogged. >>> Check if the filter system is clean. Clean the filter system regularly
as illustrated in section “Cleaning and Care”.
• Discharge hose is clogged/blocked. >>> Check the discharge hose. If necessary, remove
the discharge hose, clear the blockage and insert is as illustrated in the user manual.

If you cannot eliminate the problem although you follow the instructions in this
section, consult your dealer or the Authorised Service Agent. Never try to repair
a nonfunctional product yourself.


Your new Grundig product is guaranteed against faulty materials, defective components or
manufacturing defects.
The standard guarantee starts from the date of original purchase of the
product, and lasts for a period of thirty six (36) months unless Beko plc (the
“Manufacturer”) agrees to extend the guarantee for the product in writing.

If you have registered the product within 90 days of purchase by

completing the online registration form, then the standard 36 month
guarantee will be extended to 60 months, under the same terms and
conditions as detailed below
If you have any questions about the guarantee on your product (including how long it is
valid), please contact your retailer or our contact centre on 0333 207 9920 (UK and
Northern Ireland) or 01 691 0203 (Republic of Ireland)
This guarantee does not in any way diminish or affect your statutory rights in connection with
the product. This guarantee is in addition to your statutory rights as a consumer. If you have
any questions about these rights, please contact the retailer from which you purchased the
product. In certain circumstances, it is possible that your statutory rights may offer additional
or higher levels of protection than those offered under the terms of this guarantee.
What is covered by this guarantee?
• Repairs to the product required as a result of faulty materials, defective components or
manufacturing defects.
• Functional replacement parts to repair a product.
• The costs of a Grundig Approved Engineer to carry out the repair.
What is not covered?
• Transit and delivery damage.
• Cabinet or appearance parts, including but not limited to control knobs, flaps and
• Accessories and/or consumable items including but not limited to ice trays, scrapers,
cutlery baskets, filters and light bulbs.
• Repairs necessary as a direct or indirect result of:
­ Accidental damage, misuse or abuse of a product.
­ An attempted repair of a product by anyone other than a Grundig Approved Engineer
(the “Engineer”).
­ Installation or use of a product where such installation or use fails to meet the
requirements contained in this guarantee or the User Instructions Booklet.
• Repairs to a product operated at any time on commercial or non-residential household
premises (unless we have previously agreed to the installation environment).



This guarantee is limited to the cost of 6. This guarantee is given in respect of

repairing the product. To the extent permitted products purchased and used within the
by law, the Manufacturer does not accept United Kingdom and the Republic of
and will not be held liable for any financial Ireland.
loss incurred in connection with the failure of 7. This guarantee is effective from the initial
any product to operate in accordance with date of purchase of a new product from
the expected standards. Such financial loss an authorised retailer and will be void if
includes but is not limited to loss arising from: the product is resold.
• Time taken off work.
8. This guarantee does not apply to
• Damaged food, clothing or other items. graded sales (where the product is
• Meals taken at restaurants or from purchased as a “second”).
takeaways. 9. Possession of a copy of these terms and
• General compensation for conditions does not necessarily mean
inconvenience. that a product has the benefit of this
Important Notes guarantee. If you have any questions,
1. Your product is designed and built for please call our Call Centre on the
domestic household use only. number set out above.
2. The guarantee will automatically be void 10. The Manufacturer reserves the right to
if the product is installed or is used in terminate the guarantee if its staff or
commercial or non-residential domestic representatives are subjected to physical
household premises, unless we have or verbal abuse in the course of carrying
previously agreed to the installation out their duties.
environment. 11. Optional extras, where available (i.e.
3. The product must be correctly installed, extendable feet) are supplied on a
located and operated in accordance chargeable basis only.
with the instructions contained in the Does Grundig offer replacements?
User Instructions Booklet provided with This is a repair-only guarantee. On occasion,
your product. the Manufacturer may at its sole discretion,
4. Professional installation by a qualified replace your product with a new product
Electrical Domestic Appliance Installer instead of carrying out a repair. Where a
is recommended for all Washing replacement is offered, this would normally
Machines, Dishwashers and Electric be an identical model but when this is not
Cookers (as incorrect installation may possible, a model of similar specification will
result in you having to pay for the cost of be provided. The Manufacturer will cover
repairing the product). the costs and arrange for the delivery of the
new product and for the return of the old
5. Gas Cookers must be professionally
product. Any costs related to disconnecting
installed by a Gas Safe (or Gas
the faulty product and installing the
Networks Ireland for Republic of
replacement product will not be borne by the
Ireland) registered gas installer.



Manufacturer unless previously agreed to in to terminate the guarantee if you fail to

writing. The original guarantee will continue pay the costs for the service call in a timely
to apply to the replacement product; the new manner.
product will not come with a new guarantee. If you are a resident of the United Kingdom,
When will the repair take place? this guarantee will be governed by English
Our Engineers work Monday to Friday law and subject to the English Courts, save
9.00am to 5.00pm. Appointments outside where you live in another part of the United
these hours may be possible at the sole Kingdom, in which case the law and courts
discretion of the Manufacturer but cannot of that location will apply.
be guaranteed. Whilst our Engineers will If you are resident in the Republic of Ireland,
endeavour to minimize inconvenience this guarantee will be governed by Irish law
and to meet requests for specific timed and the Irish courts will have jurisdiction.
appointments, this cannot be guaranteed. This guarantee is provided by Beko plc.
We will not be liable for delays or if it is Beko House, 1 Greenhill Crescent, Watford,
unable to carry out a repair because a Hertfordshire. WD18 8QU.
convenient appointment cannot be arranged. Beko plc is registered in England and
Will there be any charge for the Wales with company registration number
repairs? 02415578.
It is your responsibility to provide evidence to
the Engineer that your product is covered by
this guarantee with a proof of purchase. The
Manufacturer reserves the right to charge for
the reasonable cost of any service call if:
• You cannot provide evidence that your
product is covered by this guarantee.
• Where a service call has been made
and the engineer finds that there is no
fault with your product.
• That your product has not been installed
or operated in accordance with the User
Instructions Booklet.
• That the fault was caused by something
other than faulty materials, defective
components or manufacturing defects.
• For missed appointments.
Payment of these costs are due immediately
upon the Engineer providing you with an
invoice. The Manufacturer reserves the right



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