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FEDGL05030000410 GPC

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Date : 10-May-2023

DIGITAL CUSTOMER COPY Branch Contact No: null

BRANCH Hastal Village - Delhi

LOCATION 57-B Ground floor, Hastal Village Uttam Nagar New





(in Grams) WEIGHT

1 NECKLACE - without stones 1 19.9 15.817 No

Total 1 19.9 15.817


(Including of 18% GST) DUPLICATE GPC (If applicable): NIL

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Lock In Interest Rate

ROI RMRB 19% 22% 22% 24% 24% 24% 24% 24% 24% 24% 24% 24% 7Days 24%

1. To know your interest/Principal Due & Pay Onlin

2.Please note, non-service of interest on the res
3. Month1, Month2...represents 30 Days Cycle
4. Penal interest @36% pa will be charged from mat

Irrespective of due date of interest payment and f

I confirm that:
1.I have been explained about all the loan schemes and applicable rate of interests in complete detail.
2.The rate of interest will be as per the rate card on increasing basis. However in case of regular servicing of interest on monthly/quarterly basis then the rate of interest of immediate last period will be
applicable for next period.
3.In certain schemes interest for the first month will be deducted from the loan amount irrespective of the date of closure.
4.In certain schemes processing fee @ applicable rate will be collected at time of disbursement.
5.I confirm that I have read and have been explained in detail the terms and conditions mentioned overleaf and having understood these, have agreed to the same.
6.I acknowledge receipt of a copy of this Gold Pledge Card with terms and conditions printed overleaf.
7.I am the Iawful owner of the ornament(s) mentioned herein above. I do hereby confirm that these Ornaments were INHERITED by me. I also confirm that I am authorized to raise a loan against the

*This is a computer generated GPC and does not require signature.

Terms & Conditions

1.The loan shall carry interest rate specified in the Demand Promissory Note executed by the borrower or such other rates as may be specified by the Company from time to time. For this purpose
365 days constitute a year. Interest shall be charged on simple interest basis/ compounded on monthly rest or such other method as may be communicated by the Company at the time of sanction
and through display at its branch/ website.
2.In case of any delay in repayment of interest/principal/other charges after the due date, the Company reserves the right to charge a penal interest @36% per annum on the dues outstanding.
3.If borrower wants to repay the loan before the maturity of tenure then borrower has to serve minimum interest applicable as per scheme or till foreclosure date, whichever is higher. Further any
amount paid by the borrower will be adjusted first, towards the charges, penalty and interest and balance left out amount will be adjusted towards loan principal.
4.If full repayment of the loan together with interest and other accumulated charges is not made within the loan tenure/if interest is not serviced on a monthly/Quarterly/half-yearly or within such period
as may be demanded by the Company from time to time, the Company reserves the right to sell off the pledged gold ornaments through auction by giving a notice of 21 days and apply the proceeds
towards the outstanding liability under the loan account and /or any other liability that the borrower either himself or jointly with others may owe to the Company including incidental charges on any
account whatsoever at any of its offices. Auctions shall be conducted in the same town or taluka in which the branch had extended the loan. In any event, auction fails at the town or taluka of the
branch, the Company shall have an option to pool gold jewellery from different branches in the district and auction it at any location within the district. The Company reserves the right to change the
auction date and venue. If auction does not get completed at the district for whatsoever reason, the Company shall conduct auction at a suitable location with prior intimation to the borrower. In case
the proceeds are not sufficient to discharge the liability in full, the borrower will be personally liable for the deficit.
5.In case of fall in gold prices, the Company reserves right to recall the loan along with interest and charges applicable for the said loan even before completion of tenure in the event of fall in gold
price, can add the differential value of ornaments to the existing loan or by payment of cash as and when Company demands. If differential value is not added by borrower and Company is convinced
that the realizable amount through sale of the pledged ornaments is inadequate to cover the total amount receivable from the borrower, after serving due notice through registered post/speed post /
courier, the Company reserves the right to sell off the ornaments through auction at any point of time even before expiry of the loan tenure.
6.Borrower shall be liable to repay the loan as per demand notice. Notice in respect of the loan shall be deemed to have been duly served if the letter containing the notice of demand is posted to the
address given in the loan application unless any subsequent change of the address is intimated to the Company in writing under acknowledgement from the Company.
7.The Company has the right to retain the pledged security to set off against any other liability that the borrower may either himself or jointly with others owe to the Company or any of it's group
Companies, irrespective of whether such a liability has been demanded or not.
8.The Company has the right to transfer / assign the loan accounts to any other branch of the Company for further servicing to the Borrower by giving adequate notice to the borrower before such
transfer or assignment. Borrower will not raise any issues in this respect.
9.The Company has the right to restructure/rebook the loan, assign, sell, charge or transfer the rights under this agreement and all other documents executed by the borrowers in the favour of the
Company and to obtain necessary advances from any bank/ financial institution etc. at any time and in any manner without notice to the borrower.
10.The employees/auditors/empaneled valuators of the Company have right to verify the pledged ornaments from time to time with regard to purity and deductions
11.The Company shall verify the Gold at the time of pledge by the borrower internally or through external valuators. The purity of the Gold as certified in the Pledge Card after translating the same to
22 carat is based on the preliminary verification done by the Company. Company reserves right to verify purity after pledge is complete. If Company finds-out in sub-sequent verification that the
ornaments pledged as security are of spurious/inferior nature and/or of less-purity as specified in the loan application and/or pledge card, then in such an event Company at its own discretion may
initiate civil and/or criminal proceedings against the borrower and the borrower shall be responsible for all the losses suffered by the Company in this regard including the costs pertaining to recovery
12.The borrower shall bear, pay and reimburse all charges relating to administration charges, interest , duties (including stamp duty), and other applicable taxes (of any description as may be levied
from time to time by government or other Authority) and all other costs and expenses whether in connection with (a) application for and the grant of loan; (b) recovery and realization of loan together
with interest; (c) enforcement of security; (d) clearance of arrears of all taxes and any other charges and levies of the government in respect of security and insuring the security.
13.In the event of loss due to theft, burglary or otherwise, the liability of the Company is limited to compensate the borrower by payment of market value of the ornament pledged basis net weight and
purity assessed at the time of loan sanction subject to subsequent audit findings, if any, or any other fair method as may be decided by the Company, post adjustment of outstanding dues.
14.Only the borrower who has pledged the ornaments will get back the ornaments given as security once the loan is repaid fully. The Company may at its sole discretion consider requests for 3rd
party release, provided necessary indemnity bond with sureties as required by the Company is given.
15.If the branch of the Company is closed due to fire, explosion, flood, act of God, act of terrorism, war, rebellion, riot, sabotage or strike or lock-out or events or circumstances which are wholly
outside the control of the Company, then any amount due under this loan shall be payable and the ornaments will be released, if any, on the following day when the branch is opened without any
consequent liability on the Company.
16.The Gold Pledge Card must be returned to the Company at the time of redeeming the loan and getting back the gold ornaments. The Company shall not be responsible in case of Gold Pledge
Card being misplaced/damaged/misused. The Company may at its discretion consider requests for release without GPC, provided necessary indemnity bond with sureties as required by the
Company is given.
17.The Company reserves the right to use/share the information acquired through this application for the purpose of marketing research etc. Also to report details to regulators, under provision of law,
other credit bureaus as also to publicize for internal consumption or interest of the Company or public at large.
18.The borrower and all relevant persons irrevocably submit themselves to the Jurisdiction of Courts and Tribunals of Mumbai with regard to any litigation in relation to the subject Gold Loan. The
Company however reserves the right to constitute any legal action or proceeding before appropriate courts and forums at its discretion. In case a particular provision/ term does not apply/ is
unenforceable in a particular jurisdiction, barring that terms/ provision in that jurisdiction, the other terms/ provisions shall continue the remain in force.
19.In the event of any dispute, difference or question arising out of or in respect of this loan or commission of any breach of terms thereof or in any manner whatsoever in connection with it either
during the continuance of the loan or after termination or purported termination hereof shall be referred to the sole Arbitrator to be appointed by the lender, according to the provisions of Arbitration
and Conciliation Act,1996 and rules there under and any amendment thereof from time to time shall apply. The award of the arbitrator shall be final, conclusive and binding on the parties, and the
venue of the arbitration shall be decided by the lender.
20.The Loan (or any part thereof) shall not be used for any purpose other than the Purpose specified in the Application Form, Nor for any speculative, improper or illegal or unlawful
21.The repayment/ payment of Borrower's Dues shall not be affected, impaired or discharged by insolvency or death or otherwise of the Borrower.
22.The Decision of the Company as to whether or not an Event of Default has occurred shall be final and binding upon the Borrower.
23.The Company may at its sole discretion, make/allow disbursements/ withdrawals under the Loan by any of the following modes-cash/account transfer etc.
24.The ornaments embedded with Diamonds and precious stones will not be accepted. The Company will not take into account the claims with regard to such ornaments with diamonds and precious

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