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fuiher to anend the Legal Practitioners and Bar Councils Act, 1973
WHEREN it is expedient further to amend the Legal Practitioneri and Bar Countllt
Act. 1973 for the purpoter hercinafter apPearinS:'

It i5 hereby enacted ar follows:-

I. Short title and commencement. - (1) Thir Act may be called the Legal
Practitionerr and Bar Councils (Amendment) Act,2022, .l

r- 2. Amendment of tection 5, Act XXXV of1973.- ln the Legal Practitionert ind

Bir Councik Act. (Acl xXxV )1973, hereinafter called thit Act, in Jectlon 5, ln 5ub-sectlon
(2), in paragraph(a), for the expresrion "thirty'three" appearing againJt Sindh Bar Council,
lhe expreJrion "thirty-four" rhall be tubttituted.

3. Amendment in the Schedule Act, XXXV of 1973,- ln thi, Act, in the schedule,
in Croup of Dirlriclr lll appea|ing in table relating to Sindh Bar Councils, for the expretJion
"1" appearinS a8ainrt l(hairpur, the expreriion "2" shall be rubstltuted.i

The Provincial bar coun.ils are rtatutory organizationt. rerponsible for tafeSuarding
the rightr, interc5tr and privileges of practicing lawyeri, regulating their conduct and
helpinS in the adrniniJlration of iustice, l(hairpur i5 a dirtrict with more than 27OO act!.\Je

law practitioners includin3 some well-known figurers of legal fraternity and law experts of
Pakirtan and there ir gradual increase in memberships of Khairpur Bar Arioclation.
Currently. there is only olle mcmber to represent Khairpur, at Sindh BarCouncil. Following
the principle of parlty, the right of reprc5entation of members oi Khairpur Bar Aslociation,
must be prererved.

2. The Bill intendt lo increare the number of memberr of Sindh Bar Council, from
Khairpur Dirtrict from i to 2 . i:',

3. Thi5 Bill lherefore. ieekr to achieve the aforesaid objectlver.

Dr. Naflra Shah
Member, National Assembly
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