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Regulation - 2920 - OHS - Electrical Installation Regulations

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Government Notice. R: 2920 23 October 1992

Electrical Installation Regulations, 1992

The Minister of Manpower has, under section 35 of the Machinery and

Occupational Safety Act, 1983 (Act 6 of 1983) and after consultation with the
Advisory Council for Occupational Safety, made the regulations in the Schedule.



1. In these regulations, “the Act” means the Machinery and Occupational Safety
Act, 1983 (Act No. 6 of 1983), and a word and expression to which a meaning
has been assigned in the Act shall have the meaning so assigned and, unless
the context otherwise indicates -
“accredited person” means a person registered in terms of regulation 9 as an
electrical tester for single phase, an installation electrician or a master installation
electrician, as the case may be;
“Annexure” means an annexure to these regulations;
“certificate of compliance” means a certificate in the form of Annexure 1 issued
by an accredited person in respect of an electrical installation or part of an
electrical installation;
“electrical contractor” means a person who undertakes to perform electrical
installation work on behalf of any other person, but excludes an employee of
such first-mentioned person;
“Electrical Contracting Board of South Africa” means the board established by
organisations involved in the electrical contracting industry with the address P.O.
Box 33367, Jeppestown, 2043;
“electrical installation” means any machinery, in or on any premises, used for the
transmission of electricity from a point of control to a point of consumption
anywhere on the premises, including any article forming part of such an
installation irrespective of whether of not it is part of the electrical circuit, but
excluding –
(a) any machinery of the supplier related to the supply of electricity on the
(b) any machinery used for the transmission of electricity of which the
voltage shall not exceed 50V where such electricity is not derived from the main
supply of a supplier;
(c) any machinery which transmits electrical energy in telecommunication,
television or radio circuits;
(d) an electrical installation on a vehicle, vessel, train or aircraft;
“electrical tester for single phase” means a person who has been registered as
an electrical tester for single phase in terms of regulation 9 and who has been
approved by the chief inspector for the verification and certification of the
construction, testing and inspection of electrical installations supplied by a single
phase electricity supply;
“installation electrician” means a person registered as an installation electrician in
terms of regulation 9 who has been approved by the chief inspector for the
verification and certification of the construction, testing and inspection of any
electrical installation excluding specialised electrical installations: Provided that
this exclusion shall come into effect only on 1 July 1994;
“installation work” means the installation, extension, modification or repair of an
electrical installation, including the connection of machinery at the supply
terminals of such machinery;
“master installation electrician’ means a person who has been registered as a
master installation electrician in terms of regulation 9 and who has been
approved by the chief inspector for the verification and certification of the
construction, testing and inspection of any electrical installation;
“point of consumption” means any point of outlet or the supply terminals of
machinery which is not connected to a point of outlet and which convert electrical
energy to another form of energy: Provided that in the case of machinery which
has been installed for any specific purpose as a complete unit, the point of
consumption shall be the supply terminals which have been provided on the unit
of machinery for that purpose;
“point of control” means the point at which the electrical installation on or in any
premises can be switched off by a user or lessor from the electricity supplied
from the point of supply;
“point of outlet” means any termination of an electrical installation which has
been provided for connecting any electrical machinery without the use of tools;
“point of supply” means the point at which electricity is supplied to any premises
by a supplier;
“regional director” means the regional director as defined in regulation 1 of the
General Administrative Regulations published under Government Notice No.
R.2206 of 5 October 1984;
“SABS 051” means the Code of practice for the prevention of explosive and
electrical hazards in hospitals, SABS 051, published by the South African Bureau
of Standards;
“SABS 086” means the Code of practice for the installation and maintenance of
electrical equipment used in explosive atmospheres, SABS 086, published by the
South African Bureau of Standards;
“SABS 089” means the Code of practice for the petroleum industry, SABS 089,
published by the South African Bureau of Standards;
“SABS 0108” means the Code of practice for the classification of hazardous
locations and the selection of electrical apparatus for use in such locations,
SABS 0108, published by the South African Bureau of Standards;
“SABS 0142” means the Code of practice for the wiring of premises, SABS 0142,
published by the South African Bureau of Standards;
“specialised electrical installations” means electrical installations in –
(a) hazardous locations as contemplated in SABS 0108;
(b) anaesthetising and similar locations as contemplated in SABS 051;
(c) explosive atmospheres as contemplated in SABS 086; or
(d) the petroleum industry as contemplated in SABS 089;
“supplier” in relation to a particular electrical installation, means any local
authority, statutory body or person who supplies or contracts or agrees to supply
electricity to that electrical installation;
“supply terminals” in relation to machinery installed as a complete unit, means
the terminals or connection clamps on such machinery where the external
conductors supplying the machinery with electricity are terminated or connected.

Responsibility for electrical installations

2. (1) The user or lessor of an electrical installation, as the case may be, shall be
responsible for the safety, safe use and maintenance of the electrical installation
he uses or leases.
(2) The user or lessor of an electrical installation, as the case may be, shall be
responsible for the safety of the conductors connecting the electrical installation
to the point of supply in the case where the point of supply is not the point of

Certificate of compliance
3. (1) Subject to the provisions of subregulation (3), every user or lessor of an
electrical installation, as the case may be, shall have a valid certificate of
compliance in respect of every such installation: Provided that where any
addition or alteration has been effected to an electrical installation for which a
certificate of compliance was previously issued, the user or lessor of such an
installation shall obtain either a certificate of compliance for such an addition or
alteration or a new certificate of compliance for the whole installation: Provided
further that such certificate shall be transferable.
(2) Every user or lessor of an electrical installation, as the case may be, shall
on request produce the certificate of compliance for that installation to an
inspector or the supplier.
(3) Subregulation (1) shall not apply to electrical installations existing prior to
the coming into force of these regulations: Provided that, if –
(a) any addition or alteration is effected to such an installation; or
(b) there is a change of ownership of the premises on which such an
installation exists after 1 January 1994, the user or lessor of the electrical
installation, as the case may be, shall obtain a certificate of compliance for the
whole installation, where after the provisions of subregulation (1) shall be
applicable to such installation.
(4) A supplier may at any reasonable time inspect or test any electrical
installation: Provided that the supplier shall not charge any fee for such
inspection or test unless the inspection or test is carried out at the request of the
user or lessor.
(5) If after an inspector or a supplier has carried out an inspection or test he
detects any fault or defect in any electrical installation, such inspector or supplier
may require the user or lessor of that installation to obtain a new certificate of
compliance: Provided that if such fault or defect in the opinion of the inspector or
the supplier constitutes an immediate danger to persons, the inspector or the
supplier shall forthwith take steps to have the supply to the circuit in which the
fault or defect was detected disconnected :
Provided further that where the fault or defect is of such a nature that it may
indicate negligence on the part of an accredited person, the Inspector or the
supplier, as the case may be, shall forthwith report those circumstances in writing
to the chief inspector.

4. (1) No person shall install or permit or require the installation of an electrical
installation, other than in accordance with a safety standard incorporated into
these regulations under section 36 of the Act: Provided that items of an electrical
installation not covered by such safety standard and the conductors between the
point of supply and the point of control shall be installed in accordance with the
by-laws or regulations of the supplier concerned.
(2) Except in the case of electrical installations supplied by a single phase
electricity supply at the point of supply, an accredited person shall exercise
general control over all electrical installation work being carried out and no
person shall allow such work without such control.
(3) No supplier shall restrict the application of a safety standard referred to in
subregulation (1) when an electrical installation is installed, except where the
distribution system of the supplier may be adversely affected by the application

Electrical contractor
5. (1) Any person, including a juristic person, who intends to do installation work
as an electrical contractor shall annually register with the Electrical Contracting
Board of South Africa.
(2) The Electrical Contracting Board of South Africa shall, free of charge,
register as an electrical contractor and enter in a register kept for that purpose
the name of any person who applies therefore in terms of subregulation (1) and
who –
(a) as a fixed address and has a telephone listed in his name; and
(b) employs an accredited person on a full-time basis, or is himself an
accredited person.

Commencement of and permission to connect installation work

6. (1) No person shall commence with installation work which would require a
new electricity supply or an increase in electricity supply capacity unless the
supplier has been notified thereof in the form of Annexure 2 (The forms are all
available in Word for Windows format. See the Forms section for more details.):
Provided that the supplier may waive this requirement in respect of such types of
work as he may specify.
(2) No supplier shall connect or give permission for the connection of an
electrical installation to the electricity supply unless a certificate of compliance for
that installation has been produced to the supplier by the user of such electrical
installation: Provided that this subregulation shall not apply in the case where the
electricity supply was disconnected for non-payment of the electricity account, or
where there has been a change of tenant but not of ownership.
(3) No person shall connect or permit the connection of any completed or
partially completed electrical installation to the electricity supply unless it has
been inspected and tested by an accredited person and a certificate of
compliance has been issued by him.

Issuing a certificate of compliance

7. (1) Only an accredited person may, after having satisfied himself by means of
an inspection and test that an electrical installation complies with the provisions
of regulation 4 (1) , or, in the case of an electrical installation existing prior to the
coming into force of these regulations, that it is reasonably safe, issue a
certificate of compliance in the form of Annexure 1.Provided that where any
addition or alteration has been effected to an electrical installation for which a
certificate of compliance was previously issued, he may issue a certificate of
compliance for such an addition or alteration only.
(2) If at any time prior to issuing a certificate of compliance any fault or defect
is detected in any part of the electrical installation, the accredited person shall
refuse to issue such certificate: Provided that if such fault or defect in the opinion
of the accredited person constitutes an immediate danger to persons in the case
where electricity is already supplied, he shall forthwith take steps to disconnect
the supply to the circuit in which the fault or defect was detected.
8. (1) Should a dispute arise over the interpretation of a safety standard referred
to in regulation 4 between the user, the accredited person or the supplier, as the
case may be, the affected person may appeal against that interpretation to the
chief inspector through the regional director.
(2) (a) The person who appeals under subregulation (1) shall serve a notice of
appeal, setting out fully the grounds of the appeal, on both the regional director
and the person against whose interpretation he is appealing, by personally
delivering the notice of appeal or sending it by registered post.
(b) The person against whose interpretation is appealed shall, within 14
days of the date on which he received the notice of appeal, forward such a notice
and the reasons for this decision to the regional director.
(c) The regional director shall, on receipt thereof, forward the notice of
appeal and the reasons of the person referred to in paragraph (b), to the chief
(3) The chief inspector shall, after he has considered the grounds of the appeal
and the cause of the dispute, confirm, set aside or vary the interpretation of the
safety standard referred to in subregulation (1) or substitute for such
interpretation any other interpretation which, in his opinion, ought to have been

Application for registration as an accredited person

9.(1) (a) Application for registration as an accredited person shall be made to the
chief inspector in the form of Annexure 3.
(b) The application shall be accompanied by the fees determined in terms
of regulation 11.
(2) Any natural person who satisfies the chief inspector that he –
(a) has gained sufficient experience in and knowledge of a trade relevant to
the qualifications for registration;
(b) has gained sufficient knowledge of the theory applicable to electrical
installations and possesses the minimum qualifications laid down by the chief
inspector; and
(c) has gained sufficient knowledge of the rules and the safety standards
applicable to electrical installations, shall at the discretion of the chief inspector
be registered as an electrical tester for single phase, an installation electrician or
a master installation electrician, as the case may be, and the chief inspector shall
furnish him with a certificate of registration subject to such conditions or
restrictions as he may deem necessary.
(3) An accredited person shall on request produce his certificate of registration
to an inspector, a supplier or any other person to whom he issues or towards
whom he contracts to issue a certificate of compliance.
(4) The chief inspector shall cancel any certificate of registration issued in
terms of subregulation (2) or referred to in regulation 13 (2) on which any erasure
or alteration has been made by someone other than by the chief inspector.
(5) If in the opinion of the chief inspector an accredited person who is the
holder of a certificate of registration issued in terms of subregulation (2) or
referred to in regulation 13 (2) has been guilty of gross negligence in the
execution of his duties or has failed to comply with any provision of these
regulations, the chief inspector may endorse, suspend or cancel such certificate
of registration.

Substitution of lost, damaged or destroyed certificate of registration

10.(1)(a) If a certificate of registration issued in terms of regulation 9(2) or
referred to in regulation 13(2) has been lost, damaged or destroyed, the
accredited person to whom the certificate was issued may apply to the chief
inspector for a duplicate certificate.
(b) The application shall be accompanied by the fees determined in terms
of regulation 11.
(2) After proof that a certificate of registration has been lost, damaged or
destroyed has been submitted to the satisfaction of the chief inspector, he shall
issue as substitution thereof a duplicate certificate on which the words 'duplicate /
duplikaat' appear.

Fees payable
11. The fees payable in respect of an application in terms of regulation 9(1) or a
duplicate certificate of registration in terms of regulation 10(1) is R75 and shall be
payable in the form of uncancelled revenue stamps affixed to the application
form. [R75 substituted by G.N.R.962 of 20 May 1994]

Offences and penalties

12. Any person who contravenes or fails to comply with a provision of regulation
2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 or 9.(3) shall be guilty of an offence and be liable on conviction to
a fine or to imprisonment for a period not exceeding six months, and, in the case
of a continuous offence, to an additional fine not exceeding R100 for each day on
which the offence continues or to additional imprisonment not exceeding one day
for each day on which the offence continues: Provided that the period of such
additional imprisonment shall in no case exceed 90 days.

Repeal of regulations and saving

13.(1) Subject to subregulation (2) the Electrical Installation Regulations, 1985,
published under Government Notice No. R. 2270 of 11 October 1985, as
amended by Government Notices Nos. R. 2497 of 13 November 1987, R. 1595
of 12 August 1988, R. 2132 of 7 September 1990 and R. 1272 of 8 May 1992
and Government Notice No. R. 2272 of 11 October 1985, are hereby repealed.
(2) A certificate of registration as installation electrician, issued under
regulations 11 or 13 (2) of the regulations repealed by subregulation (1), shall be
deemed to be a certificate issued under regulation 9 of these Regulations.

Short title

14. These regulations shall be called the Electrical Installation Regulations,


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