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of the
Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 34 (2013) 1519–1526

Measurements and correlations of turbulent

burning velocities over wide ranges of fuels
and elevated pressures
D. Bradley a,⇑, M. Lawes a, Kexin Liu b, M.S. Mansour c
School of Mechanical Engineering, University of Leeds, Leeds LS2 9JT, UK
Siemens Industrial Turbomachinery (SIT) Ltd., Lincoln, UK
Clean Combustion Research Center, King Abdullah University of Science and Technology, Thuwal, Saudi Arabia

Available online 29 June 2012


The implosion technique has been used to extend measurements of turbulent burning velocities over
greater ranges of fuels and pressures. Measurements have been made up to 3.5 MPa and at strain rate
Markstein numbers as low as 23. The implosion technique, with spark ignition at two opposite wall posi-
tions within a fan-stirred spherical bomb is capable of measuring turbulent burning velocities, at higher
pressures than is possible with central ignition. Pressure records and schlieren high speed photography
define the rate of burning and the smoothed area of the flame front. The first aim of the study was to extend
the previous measurements with ethanol and propane–air, with further measurements over wider ranges of
fuels and equivalence ratios with mixtures of hydrogen, methane, 10% hydrogen–90% methane, toluene,
and i-octane, with air. The second aim was to study further the low turbulence regime in which turbulent
burning co-exists with laminar flame instabilities.
Correlations are presented of turbulent burning velocity normalised by the effective rms turbulent veloc-
ity acting on the flame front, ut =u0k , with the Karlovitz stretch factor, K, for different strain rate Markstein
numbers, a decrease in which increases ut =u0k . Experimental correlations are presented for the present mea-
surements, combined with previous ones. Different burning regimes are also identified, extending from that
of mixed turbulence/laminar instability at low values of K to that at high values of K, in which ut =u0k is
gradually reduced due to increasing localised flame extinctions.
Ó 2012 The Combustion Institute. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Premixed turbulent flames; Turbulent burning velocity; High pressure; Turbulent/laminar flame instabilities;
Explosion measurements

1. Introduction measured close to the safe working pressure of

the explosion bomb. This implosion technique,
Measurements of inwardly propagating explo- with ignition at diametrically opposite spark elec-
sion flame kernels enable burning velocities to be trodes has been employed to measure both lami-
nar [1] and, in a fan-stirred bomb, turbulent [2]
burning velocities. In the latter, pressure measure-
⇑ Corresponding author. Fax: +44 113 343 2150. ments and schlieren high speed flame photogra-
E-mail address: (D. Bradley). phy define the smoothed area of the turbulent

1540-7489/$ - see front matter Ó 2012 The Combustion Institute. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
1520 D. Bradley et al. / Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 34 (2013) 1519–1526

Fig. 2. Variations of ut with p (lower scale) and T (upper

Fig. 1. Configuration of twin kernels with key scale) for stoichiometric mixtures of three fuels at
dimensions. po = 1.0 MPa, with u0 = 1 and 2 m/s.

flame front and the mass rate of burning during to study the regime of K < 0.1, in which there is
the implosions, to yield associated values of tur- strong evidence of coupling between turbulence
bulent burning velocity, ut. and laminar flame instabilities, giving increased
Over a wide range of conditions the ratio of ut, values of U [5,6]. The fuels in [2,3] were ethanol
to the effective rms turbulent velocity, ut =u0k , that and propane and in the present study, hydrogen,
allows for the development of the flame kernel, methane, toluene and i-octane, up to a maximum
can be expressed in terms of the Karlovitz stretch pressure of 3.5 MPa and 480 K.
factor, K, by [2,3]:
ut =u0k ¼ U ¼ aK b for K > 0:05: ð1Þ 2. Experimental method
a and b are constants expressed by first order Key dimensions are represented for the propa-
expressions in terms of the strain rate Markstein gating flame kernels on Fig. 1. Turbulent flame
number, Masr. K is given by [3]: surfaces are represented by smoothed spherical
K ¼ 0:25ðu0 =u‘ Þ2 R0:5
l ; ð2Þ surfaces, with the mass of unburned gas within
the surface equal to the mass of burned gas out-
where u is the measured rms turbulent velocity side it. The surface is defined in relation to the
and Rl the turbulent Reynolds number, u0 l/m, with schlieren front. The centre of the curvature of
l the integral turbulence length scale and m the the smoothed flame front, of flame radius r, is usu-
kinematic viscosity. ally outside the inner wall of the spherical bomb.
The study has two principal aims. The first is The complete analysis leading to the derivation
to measure ut with five additional and contrasting of ut, assumed to be the same for both kernels,
fuels at different pressures and equivalence ratios, is given in [2]. The mass burned, mu, is deduced
/, to ascertain whether Eq. (1) is generally appli- from the flame front geometry. This must be com-
cable. The range of Masr values is extended from patible with that deduced from the measured pres-
11 to 3 in [2] to 23 to 5. This parameter is sure, p. Values of k, which controls the position of
important, in that it expresses fuel effects arising the centre of the flame cusp radius, see Fig. 1, for
from flame stretch sensitivities. The maximum each kernel were fine-tuned to achieve this. The
laminar flame speed has been similarly used as a area of each single flame surface was found and
correlating parameter in [4]. The second aim is this together with dmu/dt, yielded [2]:

Table 1
Ranges of experimental parameters in present study, pressure in MPa and u0 in m/s.
H2 CH4 C7H8 C8H18 10% H2–90% CH4
/ 0.3,0.4,0.5,0.6,0.8 0.9 1.0,1.2 1.0,1.4 0.8, 1.0,1.2
po 0.5,0.7,1.0 0.1,0.5,0.75,1.0,1.25 0.5,0.75,1.0 0.5,1.0 0.5,0.75,1.0
u0 1,2,3,4 0.2,0.25,0.5,0.75,1,1.5,2 1,2,3,4 1,2,3 1,2
D. Bradley et al. / Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 34 (2013) 1519–1526 1521

Fig. 3. Variations of ut with u0k for CH4–air, / = 0.9, po = 0.5 and 1.25 MPa, for different u0 . Solid and broken lines are
best fit curves. Values of velocity are for u0 . Each large symbol represents a particular pressure in MPa, indicated by an
adjacent number.

Fig. 4. Variations of ut with u0k for different lean H2–air mixtures, / = 0.4, 0.6 and 0.8, po = 1.0 MPa and different u0 .
Solid and broken lines are best fit curves. Values of velocity are for u0 . Each large symbol represents a particular pressure
in MPa, indicated by an adjacent number.
1522 D. Bradley et al. / Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 34 (2013) 1519–1526

original density, and qu unburned gas density at

pressure, p. In [2] it is shown that
cos a ¼ ððk 2  1 þ ðr=RÞ2 Þ=2kðr=RÞÞ.
The spherical stainless steel bomb has an inter-
nal radius, R, of 190 mm. That of a sphere with
the same internal volume as the bomb, R0, is
192.78 mm. It has three pairs of orthogonal
windows of 150 mm diameter. Turbulence was
generated by four identical, fans, located close to
the wall, each driven by a directly coupled electric
motor with independent speed control. The fans
were in a regular tetrahedron configuration, to
create a central region of uniform, isotropic turbu-
lence, with u0 measured by laser doppler velocime-
try and the integral length scale, l = 20 mm, by
two point correlation.
In its early stages the flame is only wrinkled by
the smaller wavelengths of the turbulent spec-
trum, with an effective rms at the flame front of
u0k [3], with u0k =u0 found from integration of the
turbulent power spectral density function between
the limiting wave numbers [7]. Rapid compression
of unburned gas decreases the length scale below
the initial value and conservation of angular
momentum increases u0k [8]. Allowances were
made for these, as well as the small effect of the
changes in l and u0 , on values of K [3].
Electric heaters at the wall provided up to 6 kW
for preheating the vessel and mixture up to 358 K,
measured by a thermocouple. Gaseous mixtures
were made directly in the bomb using partial pres-
sures, whilst liquid fuels were metered and intro-
duced using a syringe. Complete evaporation was
checked from partial pressures. Pressures were
measured with a Kistler pressure transducer. Igni-
tions occurred simultaneously at two diametrically
opposite spark plugs, with spark gaps 11 mm from
the inside wall, with energies of about 23 mJ. Flame
front propagations were observed by schlieren pho-
tography, using a high speed, Phantom digital cam-
era, synchronised with the pressure measurements.
The camera had 256 Megabytes integral image
memory and framing rates of 6300 and 9000
frames/s with pixels of 480  480 and 384  384
and respective resolutions of 0.3986 and 0.4065
mm/pixel. Further details are in [2,9].

3. Experimental results

Experimental conditions are summarised in

Fig. 5. Correlations of present measurements for Table 1. Figure 2 shows variations of ut with p
positive Masr, K > 0.05. Full line curves are best fit for stoichiometric mixtures of three fuels, for
curves. Broken curves express Eqs. (1), (4), and (5), for po = 1.0 MPa, with u0 = 1 and 2 m/s. The top
K P 0.1. Cross and multiplication symbols are from
data in [2] and [3].
scale gives the unburned gas temperature for isen-
tropic compression from the GasEq Code [10].
ð4=3ÞpR3o ðqo =qu Þdp=dt These compressions result in linear increases in
ut ¼ P : ð3Þ ut with pressure, with the highest values for the
ðpe  po Þ 2pr2 ð1  cos aÞ
P hydrogen/methane mixture. Values of ut are
indicates the summation of both flame areas, po means derived from five explosions, with one typ-
original pressure, pe at the end of the explosion, qo ical spread of values indicated by vertical lines.
D. Bradley et al. / Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 34 (2013) 1519–1526 1523

Fig. 6. Correlations of present measurements for negative Masr, K > 0.05. Full line curves are best fit curves. Broken
curves express Eqs. (1), (4), and (5), for K P 0.1. Cross and multiplication symbols are from data in [2] and [3].

Variations of ut with u0k during implosions are Values of ut increase linearly with u0k in Figs. 3
given in Figs. 3 and 4. Figure 3 is for CH4–air, with and 4, up to 3.5 MPa. For the lean H2 mixtures in
initial pressures of po = 0.5 and 1.25 MPa for / Fig. 4, values of ut at a given u0k tend to increase
= 0.9, and at different u0 . Figure 4 is for hydro- with /, as Masr decreases. Space limitations
gen–air mixtures, po = 1.0 MPa, with / = 0.4, 0.6 preclude the presentation of all the experimental
and 0.8, also at different u0 . Different symbols show data, but these are available from the correspond-
the scatter in ut, while the lines represent the best fit. ing author.
1524 D. Bradley et al. / Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 34 (2013) 1519–1526

4. Discussion of results for negative values of Masr ; a

¼ 0:085ð7  Masr Þ and b
4.1. Fully turbulent regime, K > 0.1
¼ 0:0075ðMasr þ 30Þ: ð5Þ
Experimental points, from the data in Figs. 2–4
and additional data, are plotted on Fig. 5a–c for
positive values of Masr. Plots for negative Masr The broken curves on Figs. 5 and 6 express
are given in Fig. 6a–f. Sources for u‘ and Masr are Eqs. (1), (4), and (5). Despite some scatter, bearing
referenced in Table 2. For toluene and the hydro- in mind the uncertainty in values of Masr, the data
gen–methane mixtures these were obtained directly are represented satisfactorily by these three
from centrally ignited laminar flame measurements expressions.
up to 1.0 MPa and 358 K. Error bands on values of
Masr are usually about ±1. Extrapolations were 4.2. Regime of mild turbulence and laminar insta-
necessary to obtain values at the higher tempera- bilities, K < 0.1
tures and pressures of the implosions. As in
previous studies, mass burning velocities, ut, are At low values of u0 the flame remains laminar-
those associated with the smoothed flame surface, like and susceptible to laminar flame instabilities
where the mean reaction progress variable is close [5,6,15]. For K < 1 values of U are plotted against
to 0.59. K logarithmically for three values of Masr in
Full line curves in Figs. 5 and 6 are best fits to Fig. 7. Values of U peak, over quite narrow ranges
the data points, in terms of “R2” values. From of K. At very low values of K the parameter, U,
these, expressions were derived for each value of becomes less informative, as u0 ! 0, U ! 1 and
Masr, for the optimal correlation of all the exper- U might better be replaced by the unstable lami-
imental points. Based on all the present measure- nar burning velocity normalised by u‘ [1]. Peak
ments and those in [2,3], these expressions are: values of U are analysed in terms of the interplay
of the smallest wavelengths of a reacting turbulent
For positive values of Masr ; a eddy on the Gibson length scale, lG, and that of
¼ 0:023ð30  Masr Þ and b the Darrieus–Landau, thermo-diffusive laminar
instability, ls,, at the inner cut-off [1].
¼ 0:0103ðMasr  30Þ; ð4Þ Let ls be normalised by the flame thickness, d‘
= m=u‘ , to give Ks, which depends upon Masr,. For
and the three mixtures in Fig. 7 values from planar
fluorescence measurements in [16], are listed in
Table 3. It is readily shown that:
Table 2
Values of u‘ (m/s) and Masr for mixtures in present ls =l ¼ Ks ðu0 =u‘ ÞR1
l : ð6Þ
In [17,18] lG is given by:
p H2 [11]
l=lG ¼ ð2u0 =u‘ Þ3 : ð7Þ
1.0 2.0 3.0
/ u‘ Masr u‘ Masr u‘ Masr From Eqs. (6) and (7)
0.3 0.08 5.59 0.06 5.77 0.05 5.87
0.4 0.21 5.94 0.15 6.12 0.13 6.22
0.5 0.39 7.19 0.29 7.37 0.24 7.47
0.6 0.80 13.4 0.64 18.9 0.56 22.2
0.8 1.42 13.8 1.23 20.0 1.13 23.6
CH4 [12]
0.9 0.17 3.57 0.14 5.69 0.13 6.93
C7H8 [present work]
1.0 0.19 0.47 0.19 4.32 0.19 7.13
1.2 0.13 5.51 0.12 10.5 0.11 13.4
i-C8H18 [13,14]
1.0 0.25 3.13 0.23 2.22 0.22 1.68
1.4 0.11 2.35 0.1 2.04 0.1 2.06
10% H2–90% CH4 [present work]
0.8 0.23 4.06 0.17 0.71 0.14 5.48
1.0 0.23 4.61 0.18 0.75 0.16 3.12
Fig. 7. Correlation for K < 0.1, showing increased U
1.2 0.13 1.32 0.1 1.07 0.08 0.92
due to turbulent/unstable laminar flame interactions.
D. Bradley et al. / Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 34 (2013) 1519–1526 1525

Table 3
Initiation and termination of instability.
Masr Ks [16] Initiation Maximum value Termination
Ki ls/lG Km ls/lG Kt ls/lG
3 2270 0.004 4.6 0.0073 15.5 0.009 23.5
19 50 0.011 0.77 0.048 14.7 0.07 31.4
23 50 0.012 0.64 0.045 13.0 0.064 26.2

ls =lG ¼ 8Ks ðu0 =u‘ Þ4 R1

l ; ð8Þ tures. This value is close to the limits for the termi-
nation of instability effects observed in [19,20]
and from Eq. (2) and plotted in [21]. Similarly, in the present work
ls =lG ¼ 128Ks K 2 : ð9Þ these effects terminated at ut/ul > 3, as previously
observed experimentally in [22].
The wavelength ratio ls/lG indicates the relative
contributions of laminar flame instabilities and
hydrodynamic turbulence to flame wrinkling. A 5. Conclusions
small ratio indicates little wrinkling within the
smallest unstable wavelength by the reacting tur- The correlation of turbulent burning velocities
bulent eddies. A large ratio indicates extensive has been extended to cover 7 fuels at different
wrinkling, to the extent that turbulence finally equivalence ratios, Masr down to 23, and pres-
dominates. The maximum value of U of about 7 sures up to 3.5 MPa. In Fig. 8 the full line curves
occurs when the combined wrinkling is greatest represent the general correlations, Eqs. (1), (4),
for the very negative values of Masr. Values of K and (5), within their bounds of experimental valid-
at which increased flame wrinkling is initiated ity. The broken curves are extensions beyond
are indicated by Ki in Table 3. Corresponding val- those bounds, up to the dotted curve. This curve
ues of ls/lG from Eq. (9) , of approximate order identifies approximate points at which there is a
unity, are shown in the next column. The follow- probability of 0.8 of an initial flame kernel contin-
ing column shows values of K, namely Km, at uing to propagate, which is indicative of the onset
which U is a maximum, with corresponding values of flame quenching at a value of K identified by
of ls/lG, of about 15. K0.8. This limit curve is obtained from the correla-
As K increases further, U declines, as the wrin- tion for K0.8 in [23], but extends no lower than
kling from the growing turbulence wavelengths Masr = 3.0. The upper dotted curve, at lower
associated with increase in u0 , dominates the flame values of K, shows the inner limit for Eqs. (1),
wrinkling, with eradication of the influence of the (4), and (5), created by Kt when the coupling
original instability wavelength. Table 3 shows val- between turbulence and laminar instability
ues of K, namely Kt, from Fig. 7, at which the appears to have ceased at the different values of
enhancement of U terminates. The associated Masr. In zone A, at values of K lower than these,
values of ls/lG range from about 23 to 31, with the flames are subject to this coupling and U
Kt close to 0.1, for the two highly unstable mix- reaches values as high as 7, when flame wrinkling
due to both flame instabilities and turbulence is a
Zone B extends between K values of Kt and
K0.8. In the range 0.4 < K < 2, at a given Masr,
very approximately ut is proportional to u0k . The
value of ut is primarily dependent on the ampli-
tude of the flame wrinkling. The arrowed vertical
line at constant K indicates an increased rate of
burning in laminar flamelets, independent of that
due to flame wrinkling, as Masr is decreased in
the predominantly positively stretched flames.
This results in an increase in the localised laminar
burning velocity in the flamelets. An additional
factor is that a decrease in Masr appears to be
associated with an increase in the extinction
stretch rate [21].
Zone C is that in which K > K0.8. Here, as
Fig. 8. Regimes of turbulent combustion, showing
flame quenching develops, flame fronts begin to
extension of zone of unstable flamelets at increasing K lose their coherence and measurements of ut
as Masr is reduced. become progressively more difficult.
1526 D. Bradley et al. / Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 34 (2013) 1519–1526

Acknowledgement [11] D. Bradley, M. Lawes, Kexin Liu, S. Verhelst, R.

Woolley, Combust. Flame 149 (2007) 162–172.
The authors are grateful to the University of [12] X.J. Gu, M.Z. Haq, M. Lawes, R. Woolley,
Helwan for support of M.S.M. Combust. Flame 121 (2000) 41–58.
[13] M.P. Ormsby, Turbulent Flame Development in a
High-Pressure Combustion Vessel, Ph.D. Thesis,
University of Leeds, 2005.
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available at

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