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Tle10 Afa Poultry q4 Mod2 Trimmingbeak v4

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Technology and
Livelihood Education
Agri-Fishery Arts
Animal Production
Poultry Raising - Chicken
Quarter 4 - Module 2
Trimming Beak

Department of Education ● Republic of the Philippines

Technology and Livelihood Education Grade 10
Agri-Fishery Arts - Animal Production (Poultry Raising-Chicken)
Alternative Delivery Mode
Quarter 4 - Module 2: Trimming Beak
First Edition, 2020

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Trimming Beak
What’s New

Beak Trimming

Beak trimming is one of the most common methods utilized by the

poultry industry to control severe feather pecking. The partial removal of the tip
of the beak controls cannibalism among birds which when their beaks are left
untrimmed can result to 20 % mortality in commercial poultry production.

The Time is Right

You may wonder when the right time is to trim the beaks of the
chickens. Beak trimming is performed at various ages depending on the
preference of the
farm manager.

Beak trimming can be carried out at one week-old (7-9 days) and few
weeks-old (8-10 weeks). When chicks are beak trimmed at one-week-old, the
operation has lesser effect on chick’s body weight. Carrying out the operation
again at the second time during the rearing period is no longer necessary. For
a defined beak trimming procedure, the birds should be few weeks old (8-10

The general disadvantage of beak trimming in chickens is when it is

improperly done, the feeding activity is hampered and it takes long for the birds
to regain body weight.

Below is a photo of a week-old chick having its beak trimmed using a

debeaking machine.


Is it possible to trim the beaks of chickens when they are already old?
Yes, it is possible but the earlier it is done in the life of the chickens, the better.
Hardened beaks will be harder to trim and will cause difficulty in feeding adult
chickens. The recovery will also be longer unlike in chicks where recovery is

What Is It

Let us get to know the different methods in beak trimming. First, let us
take a look at the machines used to perform beak trimming procedures.

Infrared Beak Trimming

Infrared beak trimming technology uses a
specialized equipment at the hatchery on day-old
chicks using a high intensity energy source which
penetrates the outer layer of the beak. The beak tissue
then begins to soften and degrade away over the next
couple of weeks.
Hot Blade Method
The hot blade machine uses a heated blade of
approximately 650-750 °C to cut and cauterize the
beak tip and can be performed at a variety of ages on
Debeaking Knife
Using a normal knife, place the knife on burning
stove or coal and allow it to be red hot. Gently cut the
pointed tip of the chicken’s beak using the hot knife.
This can be done easily and faster by using a hand
held electric debeaking knife.

Automatic Beak Trimming Machine

How to Use the Debeaking Machine

The debeaking machine hastens and eases the beak trimming of

chickens. There are two kinds of debeaking machine: automatic and semi-
automatic poultry beak trimming machine.

Below are the procedures in using the automatic debeaking (beak

trimming) machine.

1. Turn the switch on, adjust the temperature of the movable blade until
it looks reddish or bright.
2. Start the motor switch and the boat-shaped switch when the movable
blade glows.
3. Considering the beak size, adjust the aperture of the micro cutter
4. Stick the beak of the chicken into the aperture by holding the
chicken’s feet with the left hand, hold the neck using the right thumb,
and pin the throat with the forefinger of the right hand.
5. After the movable blade drops, bleeding stops in 2-4 seconds.

How to Use the Debeaking Knife

A normal kitchen knife can be used to trim the beak of chickens.

Procedures in using the debeaking knife.

1. Get a partner to assist you.

2. Make the knife red hot by placing it on burning stove or coal.
3. Your partner holds the chicken’s legs and you hold the head (towards
the mouth) of the chicken with your one hand and with the other hand,
carefully cut the pointed tip of the chicken’s beak using the hot knife.
4. Return the bird to its cage right after your done trimming its beak.

A handheld electric debeaking knife will surely make this procedure

faster and easier.

Rules in Beak Trimming

Here are the things you need to consider when performing the beak
trimming operation among poultry animals.

Before Beak Trimming

 Postpone beak trimming activities if the flock is not in good health or if it is

recently vaccinated.
 Hemorrhages while doing the beak trimming can be prevented by adding
vitamin K to the drinking water before and after trimming.
 Make sure the equipment has the right temperature on the trimming blade
to avoid poorly beak-trimmed chickens.

During Beak Trimming

 The machine operator should be comfortable in his seat to have

uniformity in the beak trimming of the chickens.
 Take time in doing the operation so that there are no errors are created
during beak trimming.
 After every 5,000 chicks or birds that are trimmed, clean the blades with
sandpaper to prevent it from being blunt or dull.
 Carefully trim the beaks and avoid burning the birds tongue.

After Beak Trimming

 Increase the water level in the drinkers to make it easy for the birds to
 Make sure that the depth of the feed is adequate. Fill the feeders to a full
for a week following beak trimming.
 Give birds anti-stress or multivitamins before and after the operation to
reduce the stress effect on the birds’ performance.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Beak trimming in Chickens

Losing weight for a week or two after the beak trimming is normal for the
chicks. A decrease in the rate of growth is expected and the sexual maturity
may be delayed.

However, beak trimming improves feed efficiency and enhances the

living environment of the chicks. Cannibalism and feather picking between birds
are prevented. Pecking is reduced. Also, culling of chickens is minimized.
Restraining Birds for Beak Trimming

Chicken can easily panic and get stressed. Rapid movements, bright
lights and loud sounds are considered as stressors. When chickens are poorly
held, you can stress or injure them. You can also have some injuries caused by
the beaks and claws. When capturing chickens using a net for beak trimming,
consider the following:

 Stay calm, use slow, steady movements and avoid making any noise.
 Catch individual chickens using the net and grasping their legs, just above
the feet.
 Support the chicken’s body.
 Make sure the chicken is able to breathe, avoiding too much pressure on
the thorax.
 Carry the chicken upright whenever possible. Secure the wings over your
arms to minimize flapping.
 Remember to move the birds in a calm, quiet, slow manner. Rushing them
will only create panic and cause them to scatter.

Good Animal Husbandry Practices

Training workers in beak trimming ensures that they are competent in

the tasks that they are required to do. Their competencies, moreover, must be
reviewed on a regular basis. More importantly, to maintain good animal
husbandry practices in the farm, workers must be trained in the following

 Farm sanitation
 Personal hygiene
 Animal handling and welfare
 Breeding program
 Medicine dispensing and quarantine

The farm should be equipped with sufficient number of workers that

can perform the required work load with the help of a farm supervisor and a
veterinarian. Workers should be provided with appropriate protective clothing
and footwear at all times. Sanitize all PPEs whenever necessary. Unnecessary
accessories and personal effects that may pose hazards should not be brought
in the production area. The farm must only use approved chemicals for
cleaning and sanitation. Appropriate tools and equipment for effective and
functional hygiene and sanitation practices should always be made available in
the farm. Cleaning and disinfection procedure should also be observed in the
farm at all times.


Some people say, health is wealth. To stay healthy at work in a poultry

farm, here are important preventive measures for poultry workers:

 Remember to wash your hands thoroughly before and after leaving the
chicken house.
 Wear clean clothes at work. Always change your working clothes when
you get home or have extra clothes to change before coming home
from work.
 Disinfect boots and shoes when visiting chicken houses.
 Visiting vehicles should be clean or disinfected before entering the
 Remember to wear the PPEs at all times during work.
 Reduce heat and gases in the chicken house by applying proper
 While at work, drink plenty of water and keep always hydrated.

Isn’t it exciting to work on your own a poultry farm in the near future?
Chicken meat as well as egg consumption is in demand nowadays. Surely,
there is big profit when growing chickens.

What’s More

Activity 1

Directions: Explain how good animal husbandry practices can be achieved

in a poultry farm? Write your answers in a paragraph form using
five-ten sentences. Write your answers on your activity
notebook. Your written work will be graded based on the rubric

10 Point Rubric Scale

10 8 6 4 2
Connection Analysis Summary Incomplete Attempted
Answer shows Answers show Answers show Answers do Product
mastery of some analysis. some not show does not
content and Student’s understanding understanding address the
deeper answer shows of essential of basic assignment
analysis/ mastery and content, facts, content. or is off
understanding understanding but is lacking Answers are topic.
of the content. of content. in greater incomplete or Answers
Uses specific analysis and inaccurate. are not on
references to evidence. The general prompt or
add to content is track.
explanation. missing.

What I Have Learned

Activity 2

Directions: Fill in the blanks. Write the sentences and your answer on the
poultry production activity notebook.

1. Beak trimming is important because ____________.

2. In restraining poultry animals, it is necessary to stay calm because
3. Staying healthy while working as a poultry worker can be achieved by
using P____________ P ____________ E____________ at all times.
4. Remember to ____________ ____________ ____________ thoroughly
before and after leaving the chicken house.
5. ____________ ____________ for a week or two after the beak trimming
is normal for the chicks.

What I Can Do

Activity 3

Directions: Make a video of yourself while restraining a chick. Perform beak

trimming with the captured chick using a knife/ nail cutter.
Submit the video through email. You will be graded using the
rubric for video project.

Rubric for Video Project

Excellent Good S at i sf act or y Needs Improvement
(15 pts) (6-10 pts) (1-5 pts)
(11-14 pts)
Concept The video The video The video The video
clearly demonstrates demonstrates a does not
demonstrates key concepts. previous demonstrate a
a key concept. clear concept.
Design The quality The quality and The quality and The quality
and materials materials in the materials in the and materials
in the video video are video lacked in the video
are very well adequately some are not
organized. organized and organization organized and
somewhat and 50% clear. lack clarity.
Participa- All members The majority of Half of the Only one
tion demonstrate the members group did most person
an active role demonstrate an of the work. demonstrated
in the active role. an active role.
Final Final product Final product Final product Final product
Product looks looks decent required more looks
professional and the revisions and unrefined and
and the concepts were the concepts the concepts
concepts somewhat were not were not
were visibly demonstrated. clearly demonstrated.
demonstrated. demonstrated.


Multiple Choice

Directions: Choose the letter of the best answer. Write the chosen letter on
your poultry Production activity notebook.

1. Which of the following is the most appropriate age for chickens to undergo
beak trimming?
A. 1 week old
B. 4 months old
C. 1 month old
D. 1 year old
2. Which of the following is not an advantage in beak trimming of chickens?
A. It improves feed efficiency.
B. It helps to prevent cannibalism.
C. It enhances the living environment.
D. It tends to make chickens lose weight a week or two after beak
3. Which of the following conditions will beak trimming be likely postponed?
A. The equipment is ready.
B. The flock is in good health condition.
C. The birds are undergoing vaccine reactions.
D. Vitamin K has been added to the drinking water 48 hours prior to
4. The following should be done during beak trimming except one. Which one
is it?
A. Do not rush the process.
B. Make sure the tongue of the bird is not burned.
C. Clean the blades with sandpaper after use of 5,000 chicks or birds.
D. Increase the water level in the drinkers and the pressure in the pipes
to make it easy for the birds to drink.
5. Why is it important to add Vitamin K to the birds’ drinking water before and
after beak trimming?
A. to enhance growth
B. to improve appetite
C. to prevent hemorrhage
D. to keep the chickens strong

6. The following must be observed after beak trimming except one. What is it?
A. Give birds anti-stress or multivitamins.
B. Increase the water level in the drinkers.
C. Make sure the tongue of the bird is not burned.
D. Do not empty the feeders for a week following beak trimming.
7. Which of the following is not a long term effect of beak trimming?
A. It prevents cannibalism.
B. It reduces pecking injuries.
C. It makes chickens lose weight.
D. It minimizes the culling of chickens.
8. Which of the following should not be done when restraining a chicken?
A. Avoid making any noise.
B. Support the chicken’s body.
C. Use slow steady movements.
D. Carry the chicken upside down.
9. The following are considered as stressors to chickens except one. What is
A. bright lights
B. full feeders
C. loud sound
D. rapid movements
10. Arrange the following steps in beak trimming using a hot knife:
1. Get a partner to start with the beak trimming.
2. Put the knife on a burning stove and wait until it is red hot.
3. Return the bird to its cage after you have trimmed its beak.
4. While your partner holds the chicken’s legs, you hold the head
(toward the mouth) of the chicken with one hand and with the other
hand, gently cut the pointed tip of the chicken’s beak using the hot
A. 1-2-3-4
B. 1-3-2-4
C. 1-2-4-3
D. 1-4-3-2
11. Which of the following is not a good animal husbandry practice?
A. Workers are few to cut costs.
B. Disinfection procedures are practiced in the farm.
C. Workers are well-trained in all farm operations.
D. Sanitation and cleanliness are observed in the farm.
12. The following are competencies that a poultry worker must be equipped
with. Which competency is concerned with worker’s physical cleanliness?
A. personal hygiene B. breeding program
C. farm sanitation D. animal handling

13. Which competency for a poultry worker is concerned with welfare of
A. breeding program
B. personal hygiene
C. animal handling
D. farm sanitation
14. Which of the following is not a PPE for poultry workers?
A. gloves
B. boots
C. coveralls
D. jacket
15. Which of the following will make a poultry worker unhealthy at work?
A. washing of hands thoroughly before and after leaving the chicken
B. wearing PPE whenever working in or around the chicken house
C. using of ventilation to reduce heat and gases in the chicken house
D. using the same boots at work in going home and to other places
after work

Answer Key


Akinbola, A. How to Safely Debeak Chickens and Other Poultry Birds.

Livestocking 2020.

Animals in School.

Automatic Electric Counting Beak Cutting Machine, What are the Pros and Cons to Chicken


Center for Food Security and Public Health, Iowa State University, December
2012 rev. July 2014, Animal Behavior and Restraint Poultry

Comments on RSPCA review on beak trimming in the paper “The Welfare of

Layer Hens in Cage and Cage-Free Housing Systems” by Dr. Phil
Glatz and Geof Runge

Dawn, Melissa. How to Restrain a Chicken. January 16, 2020

High Top Poultry Equipment, When and How to Debeak Chickens-Beak

Trimming Tips

RSPCA Australia. What is beak trimming and why is it carried out? March 2,
Singh, Rajesh. Beak Trimming in Chicks of Commercial Layer Poultry by
Infrared Beak Treatment (IRBT) Method. September 10, 2019.

The Delmarva Influenza Joint Task Force. May


For inquiries or feedback, please write or call:

Department of Education - Division of Bukidnon

Office Address: Fortich Street, Sumpong, Malaybalay City, Bukidnon
Telefax: (088) 813-3634
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