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Capstone Proposal 3

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Capstone Project Proposal Draft

Name of student: Teagan Fisher

Date: February 27, 2023
Teacher: Ms. Lacroix
Capstone strand I have chosen is Entrepreneurship
Proposed title for my project: Crochet Product Online Store

What is your inquiry question that interests you for further research? It should be a question that
connects with a purpose, passion or personalized area of interest for you. This is a question that
you cannot just google an answer for. Please see examples from your Capstone booklet.

My inquiry question is:

How can I make my product more appealing and popular than other small businesses similar to

Rationale/context: Detail your reasons for choosing this inquiry question. Explain WHY you are
choosing to investigate this topic as a major area of focus. How does this area of inquiry
connect to your passion(s), purpose? Why is it of personal interest to you?

My hope for this project is to be seen and successful. Not for the reasons some people want it,
but so I can help raise money for the foundation. It means a lot to me and I want to be able to
contribute to it the best I can. It has always been a dream of mine to create and sell clothing
pieces and donate a portion to a cancer foundation.

Background: What background knowledge/connections/prior learning do you have in this

area of inquiry?
I took a marketing and entrepreneurship class in Grade 9 and I have been crocheting for almost
2 years. It’s one of my passions and I believe I have quite a talent when it comes to it. I have
always wanted to create an online website and donate the makings to a leukemia charity as it
holds a close place in my heart because of my grandpa. I learned to crochet in Grade 10 textiles
class, so I have a lot of knowledge to prepare me for this project.

Career connections: What is your intended career area at this point in time? What
connections does this inquiry question have to your life, academic and/ or career goals?

I plan to become a Child Welfare worker after schooling. I hope to continue this online store
after I complete my capstone if it all works out the way I hope. It won’t be a full time job, but
more of a past-time. I really enjoy it and I love to demonstrate the work I have made to other
people. Some of my friends have bought some of the products I have made, and seeing them
on other people than myself is a really good feeling.

Interdisciplinary and core competencies connections: What subject areas and core
competencies will be connected with your project? Outline and explain the connections.

Teagan Fisher

CLC 12

Core Competency Reflection

Personal Awareness & Responsibility


1. I can set goals, regulate my emotions and persevere in difficult situations.

I enjoy setting goals for myself because it helps give me something to work toward. With schooling for
example, I laid out what I need to do and figured out how to do it in order to achieve my future goals. At
my current job I’ve had to deal with a lot of overwhelming and hard situations on my own and that has
helped me learn to stay calm and respond in an appropriate manner to deal with the situation.

2. I am learning to take care of myself.

Last year, I went through some stuff that resulted in me realizing I had no idea who I was. Over the past
year I have discovered what kind of music I enjoy, the people I like to be around, the style I like to wear,
and I have started to take better care of myself physically and mentally. I’ve made a routine for myself
that I follow everyday while also switching it up a little to keep myself engaged and happy. I enjoy
sharing with others the things I am doing to take care of myself with the hopes that they will do the


1. I can express my needs and seek help when needed.

I really struggle with reaching out and seeking help when needed. Whether it be with an assignment at
school, an email at work or just seeking help for something I have been struggling with mentally. It’s a
very vulnerable thing to do and I feel strange asking for help when I truly need it. The last year I have
gotten better at not caring too much about how it is a vulnerable thing and just allowing myself to do
what I need to do in order to get something done.

Social Responsibility


1. I am aware of my community and environment and work independently and collaboratively for
the benefit of others.

When in certain environments and situations, I am good at matching the tone and working
independently and collaboratively with it. When a new semester starts it’s always a new environment as
there are different people and a new teacher, but I tend to get comfortable easily and can work well
with others quite quickly.

2. I value diversity, defend human rights, advocate for others, and act ethically in all my
interactions, including online.

Last year I took Social Justice and that was a very beneficial class for me. It helped me become more
aware of the events happening around me and has helped grow my love for diversity in this world. I
have a lot of diversity in my life, and I am truly grateful for it. I feel it’s helped shape who I am and the
decisions I make. I feel strongly about defending human rights and sharing my opinion when I feel
something that’s been said or done is not right.


1. I can identify and appreciate different perspectives on issues and use and evaluate strategies to
resolve problems.

I don’t like to admit it, but I do struggle with multiple perspectives on things. I find it overwhelming, and
it affects the way I put together my own ideas. I have gotten better with it, but it still is hard for me
sometimes. I like hearing others' ideas for things because it can help add and build things, but when
there are a lot of perspectives it can often be a lot for me to handle at once.

Critical Thinking

1. I can analyze and critique my work and my learning.

Overtime, I have learned to better critique my work and incorporate new learning. It’s helped assist me
when writing a paper or responding to a message. It has also helped me think over decisions and ideas I
have before sharing them with others.

2. I understand the purpose for my work and consider my audience.

When it comes to writing a paper or completing an assignment, I always try to add all the knowledge I
have and put my best foot forward. Lately, I have adopted a new technique when doing assignments
and that is doing an assignment and putting all my effort in it and not just doing it for the sake of getting
it done and handed in. It has made me feel better about the work I do and has helped me mentally.


1. I can explore and create new ways to represent my learning around a variety of problems,
events, issues, and needs.

I try to incorporate my learning in certain situations I am put in, but it is sometimes hard. When
approaching an issue or problem, I may think I know the answer or solution to fixing it, but sometimes
there is something I don’t know. At my current job, I know a lot about how things work and the
programs we have, but there is always a situation where I am put in where I try to figure out the answer
to something on my own, but when I can’t I just reach out to my coworkers to help me out.

Creative Thinking


1. I can create new and unique ideas that may provide new perspectives that influence how people
think about topics.

I like to try and come up with creative ideas or suggestions when giving my opinion on something to
someone. I consider myself unique and I like to demonstrate that with the way I talk. If I am asked to
share my opinion on certain topics, I like to try and take a different approach to explain it to people in
different ways to try and make them look at it from a different point of view.

2. I can take my ideas and evaluate, develop, and refine them and make something productive out
of them.

When I come up with an idea, I like to try and evolve it into something more. I take suggestions from
others and play around with it till I believe it is good. I always like to show that I have put effort into
something to better represent my learning and how I am productive with it.


1. I can persevere and understand that failure can be productive.

Whenever I fail at something, it always leaves me feeling bad about what I’ve done. I think I could’ve
done it better if I took a different approach. I struggle to realize that making mistakes is part of life and it
is bound to happen. The best thing I can take from these situations is to turn it into a learning
experience and learn what not to do in the future. It is still a work in progress, but I have gotten better at
handling failure.



1. I can listen, learn to contribute meaningfully to discussion and debate, consider different
perspectives, and build consensus.

When I sit by and listen to a conversation, it helps me understand better. I have gotten better at sharing
my opinion even if it’s not that valid compared to others because you never know when an opinion you
have is a good one. I like listening to conversations to help better my understanding and view things
from a different perspective.

2. I can work with other students to plan, inquire, and solve problems.

I work well when it comes to collaborating with others. I enjoy sharing my ideas in a group setting and
receiving feedback to help better build my ideas. I often work better with people than alone because it
makes it easier to come up with solutions or ideas and ways to solve problems.


1. I can engage in deep and meaningful inquiry for a variety of purposes and audiences.

I have no problem getting engaged within conversations, but sometimes I don’t fully understand things
and do not know what the best response is. Listening to conversations between others and seeing how
the flow of things are, has helped improve my understanding of this. Often, if I can't think of a good
response I'll just sit by and listen along until I have thought of a good answer and then I will throw my
cents in the pot.

Personal & Cultural Identity


1. I understand what is important to me.

Over the last few months, I have prioritized things in my life and discovered the things that are
important to me. School and family are the most important things I have right now. Finishing school on a
high note is at the top of my list because I wish to have a successful career and for me to get there, I
need to take the steps needed to finish school.

2. I know my strengths and what makes me unique.

My strengths are being reliable and good at collaborating. I enjoy sharing with others and expressing
myself and opinions. I like to stand out, whether it be with the way I do my hair or the clothes I wear, or
just simply by the way I speak and present myself in front of others.

1. I understand how to use my strengths and abilities to my advantage, and I can explain how I use
them to contribute to my community.

I know most of my strengths and abilities to do things, but I don’t really use them to my advantage as
much as I could. I used to see some of my strengths as weaknesses until lately. I do try and use my
abilities the best I can, but I struggle with some ideas.

Capstone Presentation medium: select one or more project mediums you wish to use to
present your project. Outline and give details about how you will present your project once
completed. You may use a combination of mediums.

o Electronic portfolio: Prezi or PPT

o Physical portfolio
o Website
o imovie presentation
o YouTube channel

Website and PowerPoint. I plan to have my website with the online store and then the
PowerPoint will outline all the work and struggles I experienced making the online store.

Description of my Capstone project. Specific Project Details of the Capstone Project: what
will you research, create, study, produce, solve, investigate? What product will be produced
at the end of this project for evaluation. Write a one-page description outlining your

For my capstone, I have decided to create an online website using a Weebly to sell the crochet
projects I have made. In order to make this happen, I need to do research and dig deep on Esty
to see what prices products are being sold for to help me come up with a good price for mine. I
want to keep them fairly cheap because I will be using materials I already own to help save
money and considering I will be donating the profits I make towards the BC Cancer Foundation,
I want to make sure it is affordable to everyone interested in my products and plan! By the end
of this project, I hope to have created an easy to follow pattern for others to use. My goal for
right now is whenever I make a profit of $100, I will donate it to the charity. I may lower the
number to start in order to demonstrate to others that I will be donating the money. This project
means a lot to me because it is allowing me to work towards a dream I’ve had for awhile and
letting me make it come true. Whether it is successful or not, I will be proud I gave it a shot and
put my best foot forward to work on it. My grandpa died from leukemia so that is how I decided
which foundation I wanted to donate to. At the end of this project, I hope to have donated
between 50 – 100 dollars. This project will allow me to get in touch with my creative side, as I
want to produce pieces that you can’t find anywhere else.

Resources/ Technology/Skills: Make an assessment of the resources, technology and

skills you will need to be able to complete this project. What is your plan to be able to
access/learn all of the resources necessary to achieve completion of this project? Detail
your plans.

The skills I will need are patience and the ability to not give up if things don’t work out the way I
plan for them too. I plan to come up with multiple paths and plans in order to not hit a wall if
something does not work out the way I originally planned.

Mentors/Community Connections: What types of mentor(s)/community connections will

you need to help you complete your capstone project? How will your mentor(s) help you?
What is your plan to access the mentorship/community connections necessary for this

I need a mentor who is good with technology and advertising. A mentor I have in mind is my
boss, Mike. He used to work in the video game industry so he’d be able to assist me in making
my website appealing and well accessible, as well as helping me with advertising and
marketing. He creates the apparel sold at my job so he can help me come up with a price to use
Project limitations: What are some project limitations and potential obstacles that you foresee
that might affect progress with your Capstone Project?

Setting aside time to make this happen. I currently am juggling night school, cheer and work
every week so it will definitely be an obstacle to find time in order to create my pieces. It usually
takes between 2 – 5 hours to create a single piece, so I could finish it over the span of two days
if I make it in short increments.

Other considerations: List and detail any other related information/ considerations about
your project that you feel should be included in your project proposal.

Seeing how impactive and damaging fast fashion is on our environment my hope is to create a
variety of products for people of all sizes so we can limit the amount of fast fashion pieces being
purchased every day.


Arenofsky, J. (2000). How to Run a Successful Business. Career World, 29(3), 6. https://web-s-
Bass, S. (1999). Setting Up Shop Online. PCWorld, 17(5), 181. https://web-s-ebscohost-
Bick, R., Halsey, E. & Ekenga, C.C. The global environmental injustice of fast fashion. Environ
Health 17, 92 (2018).

Finkle, T. A. (2018). Technology entrepreneurship: Creating your own online business. Journal
of Technology Research, 8, 1-13.

Lal, R., & Matutes, C. (1994). Retail Pricing and Advertising Strategies. The Journal of
Business, 67(3), 345–370.

Niinimäki, K., Peters, G., Dahlbo, H. et al. The environmental price of fast fashion. Nat Rev
Earth Environ 1, 189–200 (2020).

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