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An OpenFOAM Application for Solving the Black Oil Problem

Soledad Fioronia, b, *, Axel E. Larreteguy(, and

Gabriela B. Saviolic

Universidad Argentina de la Empresa (UADE), Instituto de Tecnología (INTEC),
Buenos Aires, Argentina
CONICET, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Universidad de Buenos Aires, Facultad de Ingeniería, Instituto del Gas y del Petróleo,
Buenos Aires, Argentina

Abstract—An OpenFOAM application to address black oil problems using the finite
volume technique and first results obtained with this new solver are presented. The black
oil formulation is well known in petroleum reservoir engineering and widely
implemented in primary and secondary recovery processes. Simulation of three-phase
flow in porous media including fluid and rock compressibility requires careful
consideration in the numerical model to guarantee a conservative calculation. Therefore,
a detailed mathematical model and its implementation, with emphasis on the numerical
treatment, are presented in this work. The solver is validated over several case studies
comparing its results against a semi-analytical solution and those obtained by both in
house and commercial simulators reported in the literature, thus proving to successfully
represent compressible and incompressible multiphase flow in porous media.

Keywords: black oil, OpenFOAM, porous media, IMPES

The simulation of multiphase fluid flow in porous media is of interest in many areas of
science and engineering, e.g., biodegradation, hydrology and groundwater flow, and oil and gas
reservoirs [1–7]. This type of problems requires solving a system of coupled nonlinear partial
differential equations. When addressing oil and gas reservoir cases the black-oil formulation is
usually implemented, which is a simplified version of the compositional model, suitable for
nonvolatile hydrocarbons. It considers three phases: gas, oil, and water. There is no mass
transfer between water and gas, and water and oil. Besides, the oil phase consists of two
components: the dissolved gas measured at standard conditions (GAS) and the residual oil
(OIL) that remains at standard conditions when this gas is liberated [10].
The black oil formulation is applied to simulate primary and secondary recovery
processes. The mathematical models are built by combining each component’s mass
conservation equation with the Darcy’s empirical law, which describes flow in porous media
for each phase. Along with these governing equations, state equations (thermodynamic model)
and a reservoir description (geological model) are included [11]. The state equations are based
on the PVT laboratory measurements, that is, the phase’s volume factors and the gas solubility
in oil [10].
To test the ability of the finite volume method to properly represent the complex process
of both compressible and incompressible multiphase flow in porous media we generalized the
toolbox porousMultiphaseFoam [3]. This toolbox was recently developed in the OpenFOAM
framework and is capable of simulating two-phase incompressible flow in porous media,
including capillary effects. Regarding flow in porous media, the main difference between the
porousMultiphaseFoam and the general OpenFOAM approach is that the later solves a
modified Navier–Stokes equation, not considering some essential aspects of reservoir
simulation, such as phase saturations, relative permeability and capillary models, and some
specific boundary conditions.
In this work, we present the first results of an extended version of the
porousMultiphaseFoam, the blackOilFoam, that includes the presence of a third phase and
considers fluids and rock compressibility, along with several time-step limitations for dealing
with the strong nonlinearities of the equations to be solved.
The paper is organized as follows. In section 2, the mathematical model of the black oil
formulation and its implementation in OpenFOAM is described. Then, in section 3 we present
the numerical model, and finally, in section 4, we validate the simulator over several case

The black oil model considers three flowing phases: water (w), oil (o), and gas (g), which
are allowed to be compressible. It also considers three components: OIL, GAS (hydrocarbon
liquid and gas at standard conditions), and WATER.
A compressible multiphase flow in porous media requires the solution of the mass
conservation equation for each component, which reads

¿ ( c ij ρ j v j ) + qi= (φ c ij ρ j S j). (1)

Here, we introduce the subscripts i for the components (i = G, O, W) and j for the phases (j = g,
o, w). The source/sink term q i represents the rate of addition/subtraction of mass of component
i per unit of total volume. Also,  ρ j is the phase j density; c ij determines the mass fraction of
component i in phase j; v j is the Darcy velocity of phase j, and φ is the rock porosity.
The c ij coefficients are determined using the hypothesis of the black oil model, i.e., there
is no mass transfer between water and the other phases and GAS can be dissolved in the oil
phase, but OIL cannot be vaporized into the gas phase. Therefore, c Ww =c¿ =1,
c Wg=cWo =c Gw =c Ow ¿ cWg =0, and c Go, c Oo are computed using PVT parameters (volume factors
B j and gas solubility in oil R s) as c Go=R s ρGs /Bo ρo , c Oo=R s ρOs /Bo ρo , where ρGs and ρOs denote
the gas and oil densities under standard conditions [10]. The Darcy phase velocities v j are
determined by the Darcy’s law:
kr j
v j=−K ( ∇ p j−ρ j g ∇ D). (2)
In Eq. (2), k r j and μ j are the relative permeability and viscosity of phase j, D is the depth,
and K is the rock absolute permeability tensor.
Combining Eqs. (1) and (2) and dividing by the corresponding component density, the
governing equations for gas, oil, and water components give
¿ K
k rg
μg B g
k R
∇ p g−ρ g ∇ D ) + K ro s ( ∇ po −ρo ∇ D ) +q SC
μ o Bo G =

∂t) S R
φ g + So s , (3a)
Bg Bo )]
¿ K
k ro
μgo B o )SC ∂ φ
( )
( ∇ p o− ρo g ∇ D ) + qO = ∂ t S o B , (3b)

¿ K
k rw
μw B w
∇ p w −ρw g ∇ D +qW )) =

∂t ( S
B )
, (3c)
where q denotes the volumetric injection or production rate per unit of total volume of each

component j. Equations (3a)–(3c) are then reformulated by replacing Eq. (3a) by the sum of
Eqs. (3a)–(3c), and this latter equation is called the pressure equation.
In order to simplify the pressure equation, we first adopt the notation from [3], defining
the phase mobility M j =K k r j /μ j B j and the gravitational contribution L j =M j ρ j , both under the
standard condition (SC).

We developed a solver based on the philosophy of the opensource platform OpenFOAM
[12]. As a collocated finite volume-based code, all variables are calculated in the cell center,
and interpolated to the faces of the cell when needed.
To simplify even further the formulation presented in section 2, we use the notation in [3]
and define three different fluxes that depend on pressure gradient, gravity, and capillary
pressure, namely
ψ p=M w + ( 1+ Rs ) M o + M g ∇ p o S f , (6a)
c →f c →f c→ f

ψ gr =Lw + ( 1+ R s ) Lo + L g g ∇ D S f , (6b)
c→ f c→ f c→ f

ψ pc =ψ pcow −ψ pcgo =¿ M w
[ ( d pcow
d Sw ) (
∇ S w −M g
d p cgo
d Sg )]
∇ S g S f . (6c)

Here, Sf is the outward normal vector of the cell face, whose magnitude is the face area.
The operator c → f implies that the cell-centered value of the variable is interpolated to obtain
the face-centered value of the variable in each face of the computational grid. Customary
interpolation schemes are upwind for relative permeabilities and harmonic for absolute

As a preliminary and almost obligated test of blackOilFoam we addressed the classical
Buckley–Leverett displacement problem: a 1D two-phase incompressible case with semi-
analytical solution, in which water is injected at one end displacing the oil originally present in
the domain [19]. Although we skip here most of the details for brevity purposes, it is important
to say that the solution is characterized by a discontinuity representing the sharp front of
saturation of the displacing fluid. In a numerical solution, however, the front is usually
somehow diffused, making this difference a suitable candidate for comparison purposes. Our
solver had no difficulties in dealing with this problem, producing results in which the front lies
within a 5% error ( -norm) from the semi-analytical solution.
After this preliminary step turned successful, we were able to approach more complex
cases involving the three phases the code should be able to deal with. We started by simulating
Example 1 in [20], a 1D saturated case with three-phase compressible flow, non-negligible
formation compressibility, and capillary effects. Then, we engaged a 2D problem discussed in
[21], considering gas oil compressible flow and the presence of a third irreducible water phase,
with negligible rock compressibility and capillary effects. Finally, we focused on the 1st SPE
comparative case, which consists in a 3D three-phase compressible problem with gas injection

1D Compressible Case
Example 1 in [20] considers a linear compressible formation of length L = 1000 m with
three-phase compressible flow. Pressure is set as constant Dirichlet conditions at both ends,
being p(0) = 19 MPa and p(L) = 16 MPa, with the initial saturation profiles Sgi, Soi, and Swi
shown in Fig. 1. Given the compressible nature of the phases, we use the PVT parameters
given in [20], modeled as Rs = 7.25 × 10–6po, Bw = 1 – 2.61 × 10–9po, Bo = 1 + 2.17 × 10–8po, and
Bg = (6 + 8.7 × 10–6po)–1, where po is in pascals, Bj is in m3 RC/m3 SC, and Rs is in m3gas SC/m3oil
SC. The phase viscosities are given in centipoises; μo = 0.35, μ g = 0.012 + (4.35 × 10–9)po, and
μw = 0.8 – (1.45 × 10–8)po, and the formation compressibility is accounted for by using a
porosity linearly dependent on pressure, i.e., φ = 0.2 + (2.9 × 10–10) po.

2D Compressible Case
In this case we compared the performance of the blackOilFoam with the Single Well
simulator developed in [21] and the public domain simulator BOAST [11]. We simulated the
radial flow of oil and gas towards a well in an initially undersaturated reservoir (So = 0.88) with
water present as a third immobile phase (Swc = 0.12). Geometric and fluid properties are as
follows: is the reservoir thickness; re = 233.87 m and rw = 0.10 m are the external
and well radii, respectively; Sor = 0.40 and Sgc = 0.01 are the residual oil and critical gas
saturations; and Pb = 27.67 MPa is the bubble point pressure. The reservoir is initially at po =
31.02 MPa.

3D Compressible Case
The 1st SPE case study gathered several oil companies to test and compare their solvers
using a three-dimensional three-phase compressible problem [22]. It consists of an initially
undersaturated three-layered anisotropic reservoir, with gas injection and oil production. Water
is also present, only as an immobile phase. We considered the case with constant bubble-point
pressure, set equal to the original value (Case 1).
Figure 4 shows the evolution of pressure in both the injector and the producer well cells.
From the seven companies that participated in [22] we chose to compare our results with only
those of Shell, Intercomp and Mobil to enhance the readability of the figures. The first two are
based on the IMPES method, while the latter is a fully implicit solver.
It is important to remember that wells are modelled as source/sink terms and that the
pressure in the well is not calculated explicitly from the flow rates. However, they do impact
on the pressure of the cell that contains the well. Given that the pressure we report is that of the
cell and not of the well itself, this difference may account for the slight deviation of our results.
In addition, the cumulative material balance error in BOAST of nearly 8.5% increase of the gas
phase volume certainly favored the early arrival of gas to the producer and hence, the pressure
to peak sooner. There is no available information about this subject for the other solvers.

The formulation of blackOilFoam, a new OpenFOAM application to address black-oil
problems, was presented and successfully tested in several cases. The solver is able to deal
with three-phase flow in porous media including fluids and rock compressibility. Aside from
the classical Buckley–Leverett testing problem, three different cases were considered, namely
(1) a three-phase compressible flow in a saturated 1D reservoir, with non-negligible
capillary effects and rock compressibility;
(2) a radial two-phase compressible flow, in the presence of a third irreducible phase, in an
initially undersaturated reservoir; and
(3) a three-phase compressible flow, with gas injection, in an initially undersaturated 3D
The comparison against semi-analytical solutions and results from other authors has proven the
solver to successfully represent both compressible and incompressible multiphase flow in
porous media.

This research was supported by Universidad Argentina de la Empresa and CONICET
through the PhD grant ACyT D16T02. G.B. Savioli thanks to ANPCyT, Argentina (PICT 2015
1909) and Universidad de Buenos Aires (UBACyT 20020190100236BA).

The authors declare that they have no conflicts of interest.
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Table 1. Fluid properties of the 2D compressible case

Bo, m3 RC/m3 SC μo , Pa s Rs, m 3gas SC/m 3oil SC Bg, m3 RC/m3 SC μ g, Pa s
0.1 1.063 0.001047 0 0.9358 0.0000081
1.83 1.151 0.000981 16.39 0.0679 0.0000096
3.55 1.208 0.000913 32.30 0.0352 0.0000113
7 1.297 0.000836 65.09 0.0179 0.0000142
14 1.440 0.000701 111.78 0.0091 0.0000192
17.67 1.507 0.000649 136.06 0.0073 0.0000212
21 1.572 0.000600 162.24 0.0061 0.0000233
27.67 1.705 0.000516 220.73 0.0046 0.0000275
35 1.682 0.000564 220.73 0.0036 0.0000315

Table 2. Stratification and reservoir properties of the 3D compressible case

φ h, ft Kx and Ky, mD Kz, mD Sw So

Layer 1 0.3 20 500 100 0.12 0.88
Layer 2 0.3 30 50 37.5 0.12 0.88
Layer 3 0.3 50 200 20 0.12 0.88

Table 3. Reservoir data and constraints of the 3D compressible case

Parameter Value
Initial pressure at cell centers of layer 3 33.09 MPa (4800 psi)
Gas injection rate 32.69 m3/s (100 MMscf)
Maximum saturation change per
Rock compressibility 4.35 × 10–10 Pa–1 (3 × 10–6 psi–1)
Bubble point pressure, pb 26.68 MPa (4014.7 psi)
Wellbore radius, r w 0.0762 m (0.25 ft)

Fig. 1. Water, oil, and gas saturations at 0, 100, 500, and 1000 days —1D compressible
Fig. 2. Evolution of the bottomhole pressure in the wellbore cell—2D compressible case.
Fig. 3. Evolution of the oil saturation in the wellbore cell—2D compressible case.
Fig. 4. Evolution of pressure at Producer and Injector—3D compressible case.
Fig. 5. Evolution of gas saturation at the producer—3D compressible case.
Fig. 6. Evolution of gas–oil ratio (GOR) at the producer—3D compressible case.


Fig. 6.

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