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Company Supervisor: Engineer Aychilum

Period of Internship; Three months

Addis Ababa,
Ethiopia February ,

From the beginning of the internship period, We have been actively following the job training in the site.
we attempted to ask the labors and the Forman about the work in the site. we honestly announce that it is
our unique work and all source of material used in this internship report have properly approved.

Student name: ID NO.

1. Arsema Kassahun 1067/11
2. Fisseha G/Egziabher 1253/10
3. Keno Bedasa 1681/11
4. Tilahun Gedamu 2189/11
5. Etsegenet Tibebu 1367/11
6. Usman Siraj 2215/11
7. Wondesen Tsegaye 2229/11

Advisors name: Mr. Chernet F.

Mr. Belete
Mr . Birhanu
A. Mr. Ephrem

Approval of
supervisor: Approval
of mentor:

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First and for most, we thank Almighty God to keeping peace of the environment in which we have
accomplished our internship duration, keeping us safe from beginning to thistime and for his extreme gift.
Secondly, we would like to thank Wollo University (KIOT) for offering this glorious internship
opportunity for us to observe, learn and practice the real life works and challenges in the civil engineering
profession. We would also like to thank our academic advisors for requesting this report and checking in on
his students. We would like to express our sincere appreciation to our internship advisor assign by hosting
company , Engineer Aychilum , for his valuable suggestions, comment and patience during on site work
and to prepare the final internship report document. Wewould like to express our deepest gratitude to the
people who helped us by giving the information. we also would like to express our thanks and appreciation
touniversity industry linkage for approving a hosting company for last 3 months.
Finally, we would like to thank our mentors and everybody in the company for sharing their experience
and answering every single question we ask during our internship period.

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It is mandatory for civil engineering students to take part in an internship program. The purpose of the
internship is to introduce students to the actual working environment. Upon the finalization of the practice,
they will be required to submit adraft report to the university. This report to be prepared and presented by
the studentscovers all aspects of the works they have been engaged in through the internship.
Accordingly, this report covers our practice time at ECWC for three months and it gives information on
the activities carried out on the building site. The internship report has four main parts.
Introduction is the first part of our report; we briefly described the background of our internship hosting
company, including the history and objective of the company, its main products and services, the overall
organization etc. The second part of the report briefly explains the overall internship experience we have
gained in our practicalperiods. We started by telling how we got into the company, in which section of the
company we have been working in, the workplace. We also clearly explained the generalworkflow in our
site. We tried to explain work procedures. Next to this, we briefly described the preparation of formwork,
rebar and about concrete casting, including placing of concrete. The challenges we have faced during our
internship period both site challenges and personal challenges are included in this report. The third part of
our report briefly explains about the overall benefits we gained from our internship interms of improving
our practical skills, interpersonal communication skills, team playing skills, leadership skills, upgrading
our theoretical knowledge and work ethics. Finally, the fourth part discusses conclusions and

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Table of Contents
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY............................................................................................................................III
Table of Contents...........................................................................................................................................IV
List of Figures..............................................................................................................................................VI
List of Tables..............................................................................................................................................VII
CHAPTER ONE..............................................................................................................................................1
1.1. GENERAL INTRODUCTION...........................................................................................................1
1.2. Background of hosting company........................................................................................................1
1.3. Location, vision, mission, and values.................................................................................................2
1.4. Purpose of Establishment....................................................................................................................2
1.5. Organizational structure of the company............................................................................................4
1.6. Product and service.............................................................................................................................5
1.7. Main customer and end users..............................................................................................................6
CHAPTER TWO.............................................................................................................................................7
2. Internship experience and specific work......................................................................................................7
2.1 General and specific objective of the internship......................................................................................7
2.2 Why we selected this company...............................................................................................................7
2.3 Section of the company we have been working in..................................................................................7
2.4 Introduction to the site.............................................................................................................................8
2.5 project workflow......................................................................................................................................9
2.6 Material and methodology used.............................................................................................................11
2.7 Components of a structure.....................................................................................................................12
2.8 The work task We have been executed in my internship period...........................................................13
2.9 Challenges Faced And Measures Taken................................................................................................34
CHAPTER THREE........................................................................................................................................35
3 OVERALL INTERNSHIP BENEFITS......................................................................................................35
3.1. Knowledge gained in improving practical skills...............................................................................35
3.2. Knowledge gained in upgrading theoretical skills............................................................................36
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3.3. Improvement of Interpersonal communication skills.......................................................................37
3.4. Improvement of team playing skills.................................................................................................38
3.5. Improvement of leadership skills......................................................................................................39
3.6. Understanding about work ethics related ethics...............................................................................40
3.7. Improvement of Entrepreneurship skills...........................................................................................41
CHAPTER FOUR..........................................................................................................................................43
4 Challenges faced on the construction site...................................................................................................43
4.1 Project delay...........................................................................................................................................43
4.1.1 What causes project delays?............................................................................................................43
4.1.2 Ways to avoid project delays..........................................................................................................44
4.2 Working on a schedule...........................................................................................................................47
CHAPTER FIVE............................................................................................................................................48
5. Conclusion and Recommendation.............................................................................................................48
5.1 Conclusion.............................................................................................................................................48
5.2 Recommendation...................................................................................................................................49

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List of Figures

Fig 1.1 organization structure..........................................................................................................4

Fig 2.1 3D plan of the project..........................................................................................................8
Fig 2.2 Overall Workflow in the site...............................................................................................9
Fig 2.3 tower crane........................................................................................................................12
Fig 2.4 Scaffolding........................................................................................................................14
Fig 2.5 plywood and Steel panel....................................................................................................16
Fig 2.6 shear wall...........................................................................................................................17
Fig 2.7 column...............................................................................................................................19
Fig 2.8 beam................................................................................................................................20
Fig 2.9formwork release agent, top and bottom slab formwork....................................................21
Fig 2.10 ramp.................................................................................................................................22
Fig 2.11 process of reinforcement work........................................................................................24
Fig 2.12 Lap length........................................................................................................................25
Fig 2.13 Stirrup (Staffa).................................................................................................................27
Fig 2.14 spacers’ size 50mm, 30mm, 25mm.................................................................................28
Fig 2.15 Electrical installation.......................................................................................................29
Fig 2.16 membrane for retaining wall...........................................................................................28

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List of Tables

Table 2.1 removal period of formwork.........................................................................................23

Table 2.2 The bar used in the site for different structure of the building.....................................26
Table 2.3 sample of take-off sheet.................................................................................................33
Table 2.4 bar schedule...................................................................................................................34

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An internship program offered 4th year Civil Engineering students is planned by Wollo
University Kombolcha Institute Of Technology, which forms foundation for the development of
capacity building and competitiveness of industries in the field of engineering and technology.
Moreover, it can give student to develop their 3 years theoretical background to practical one.
This program takes one semester long time starting from March 20/2014 - June 21/2014 E.C

On the regard we were able to take this internship program after we had successfully completed
three years academic study. After this, we applied for our hosting company Ethiopian
construction work corporation (ECWC) which is found in Addis Ababa, and we have been
accepted as they promised by the confirmation paper. The project building consists of 4
basements and G+21administrative building.

1.2. Background of hosting company

1.2.1. Brief history of the company

The Ethiopian Construction Works Corporation is public enterprise established on 18 Dec2015.

Based on council minister of regulation No.365/2015 with an authorized capital of birr
20,313,608,143.90 out of which birr 15,598,806,251.43 paid up in cash and in-kind council of
minister of regulation No.390/2016 has amended the establishment of the corporation on 28
The corporation is a result of amalgamation of three formerly independent public enterprises,
namely the Ethiopian road corporation, the Ethiopian water work construction enterprises, and
Ethiopian prefabricated building part production enterprise. While the establishment of
corporation recent phenomenon, 18 Dec 2015, the history of above-mentioned former enterprises
traced back to the late 1940s and early 1950s.

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1.3. Location, vision, mission, and values


The head office is located in Addis Ababa.


To be one of the best ten East and central Africa construction and manufacturing Companies by
the year 2030G.c


By using skilled manpower and modern technology, the corporation has the mission to Deliver quality
engineering, construction, and investment work domestically and overseas; to assemble construction
assemble construction equipment and vehicles; as well as to manufacture spare; deliver maintenance
service and to rent construction equipment, machineries warehouse andbuildings.

• Team sprit
• Quality first
• Continuous improvement
• Responsiveness
• Cost effectiveness
• Commitment and accountability
• Workplace and ecological safety
1.4. Purpose of Establishment

The Purpose for the establishment of the corporation Are:

• To engage in domestic and overseas construction work as a contractor in Construction,
upgrading, and maintenance of road, bridges, Work related to Dams, Irrigation,
hydropower generations, water supply system, sewerage system, deep water wells,
reclamation, river diversions, buildings, Airfield, railway, Ports, and other civil works.
To engage in the assembling of construction equipment and machinery, and manufacturingspare part;
to provide maintenance service for construction service for construction.

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• equipment and machinery, and produce construction material and different kinds of pipes
necessary for its activities, and to sell them as may be appropriate.

• To acquire own administration irrigation dams, deep water wells, and as may be
necessary water supply canals constructed and to be constructed by the federal
government budget and collect charges from the beneficiaries of such dams.

• To engage in the rental business of construction equipment, machinery, warehouses, and

To produce qualified human resource with required discipline, number, and quality for thecorporation by
using its own training facilities or work in co-ordination with relevant domestic or international
research, education and training institution.

• To sell and pledge bond and to negotiate and sing loan agreements with local and
international financial sources in line with the directive issued by the ministry of finance
and economic co-operation and in accordance with policy direction given by ministry of
public enterprises.

• To make studies and forward proposals in line with direction given by the ministry of
public enterprises to get financial, technological, and modern administration inputs
(including attractive investment or to engage in investment) to be competitive in domestic
and overseas works.

• To render design and construction, engineering procurement and contracts, design

building operation and management or transfer of construction project and other services.

• To undertake any other related activities necessary for the attainment of its purpose
• To engage in deep foundation and excavation for specialized electromechanical work,
tunneling ready mix concrete production and pouring, demolishing services, rendering a
concrete and steel structure-based building technology and construction solution related
to prefabricated building and conventional system.

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1.5. Organizational structure of the company

Fig 1.1 organizational structure

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1.6. Product and service

Ethiopian Construction Work Corporation is governmental construction company committed to

high and excelling quality of construction work. Mainly focused on 3 sectors:

A. water infrastructure sector: The sector undertakes the construction of dam,

hydropower,irrigation infrastructure, river diversions, reclamation, and
other related works.
I. Project completed in water infrastructure sector
 tandaho dam and irrigation
 Rib dam and irrigation project
 gidabo dam construction

B. Transportation sector: The sector undertakes the construction and

maintenance of highway bridges, tunnels, railway, runway, and sport, and
other civil engineering works
 Project completed in this sector:

 Dima-rad Road construction project

 Awash-mille contract-3 construction project
 Shire airport construction project
 Awash-milecontract-1asphalt over lay construction projects
 Denbi dolo airport project
C. Building sector: The sector is engaged in:
 Deep excavation and foundation for specialized electromechanical work,
 Cave digging, tunneling, ready mix concrete production and pouring,
 Render a concrete and metal structured based building technology,
 Feasibility studies and design work for building factory that
produces PVCProject completed in building sector:
i. Addis Zoo Park peacock
ii. Ministry of labor and social affairs elder care center and office
iii. Kotebe metropolitan university building

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iv. National bank of Ethiopia

v. Office of prime minister office building
vi. ICT park building

1.7. Main customer and end users

Owners, sectors, government and non- governmental institution are the end users of the company
product; as we see in the above least in the above least used by private sectors and high institution
like different governmental and private residential are the end product used by those sectors. The
reason behind many customers in the company is its clear and unbiased work, their excellent
work; quality time takes for the work

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2. Internship experience and specific work
2.1 General and specific objective of the internship

General objective - Upgrading theoretical knowledge improve practical skills

Specific objective

• Gain hands-on experience while working directly with construction professionals.

• Learn technical skill
• Contact potential employers and network with construction professionals.
• Improve communication skill, improve team playing skill, improve leadership skills

2.2 Why we selected this company

We have selected the company because

• It has a good working environment.

• It is a big structure.

• The company works throughout the country.

When we arrived there, the 4 basements ,vertical structure work like shear wall, core wall,
column and also formwork for vertical structure part of the first floor of the building of FDRE
document authentication and registration head office project(4B+G+M+21) was completed.
2.3 Section of the company we have been working in
At the intern time when we arrived to the site it was not difficult to communicate with site
engineers because they were very friendly. Therefore, we tried to ask the site engineer to get our
own specific task, but instead of giving us our own specific task, they told us to participate in
every work task. Therefore, we tried to participate at the site work. In addition to participating on
site work, we also tried to know what the office work looks like. Site work was good for us
because it enables :

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• To know more about construction

• To improve our communication skill

• To have confidence on construction for future

• To upgrade our theoretical knowledge and others

2.4 Introduction to the site

• Project title- FDRE document authentication and registration head office building
project (4B+G+M+21)

• Project location- Addis Ababa around Mexico square in front of National alcohol
and liquor factory

• Design and consultant- Yohannes Abay consulting architects and engineers

• Contractor-ECWC (Ethiopian Construction Work Corporation)
• Owner-federal government building construction project office
• Total investment cost-1,649,471,613.86(one billion six hundred forty-nine million
four hundred thirteen-point eighty-nine birr and eighty six cents)

• Total area the building rest on 2758 m2

Fig 2.1 3D plan of the site

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2.5 project workflow

Workflow is very important for the project management of any site project. A good
project management will maximize efficient resource utilization, development of effective
communication and mechanization for resolving problem.

Our hosting company has simple structure that facilitates the progress of the project ensuring
clear line of communication among the different level of employees. The type of work we have
witnessed on the site has the following form:

Fig 2.2 Overall Workflow in the site.

 Project manager

The project manager, in the broadest sense of the term, is the most important
person for the failure and success of the project. The project manager is
responsible for planning, organizing and controlling the project. In turn, the
project manager receives authority from the management of the organizational to
mobilize the necessary resources to complete the project. The project manager
must be able to exert interpersonal influence in order to lead the project team. He
must possess leadership quality and the ability to handle intricate interpersonal
relationships effective within an organization.
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 Office engineer
The main responsibilities of the office engineers are: -
1. Prepare material lists for the project and ensuring deployment

2. Preparing payment certificates for subcontract works based on actual

3. quantity executed.

i. Keeps records of payments certificates related to

the subcontractworks.

4. documentation

a. keeping contract documents and drawing

b. keeping proper documents of corresponding variables order

5. Undertaking other responsibilities assigned by the project manager.

Working under the office engineer, the quantity surveyor has similar duties. However, the
office engineer approves the quantity surveyor’s work. The data collectors assemble different
reports and compile them into weekly and monthly reports.
 Site engineer
The site engineer has the foreman under him and has details of the work. In addition, he
advises the foreman on the course of action. The site engineer also makes sure that the work is
done according to the design. During the course of construction, foreman and site engineer will
make decisions about work to be undertaken at particular times of the day based up on the
availability of the necessary resource of laborers, materials and equipment’s. Without
coordination among these necessary inputs, the construction process will be inefficient.
 Forman
The main aims of the Forman are managing and supervise manual works. In this particular
site there are different foramens having their own skills. Each foreman has responsibility to do
any work according to the site engineer order. Their work always checked by the site engineer.
 The above chart workflow based on department ion (hierarchical flow of activity).

 The above every group of jobs in the chart is done by their procedures.

 The project manager doesn’t affect the activities done by either the engineers or
workers, but he gives ideas and controls the activities.

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 Into the organization chart flow, the resources of the company are systematically
arranged in such a way that activities contribute to the organizations goal as we see
from the above chart each person.
 In an organization to separate or distinct task and to ensure these tasks are coordinated
in the way that the company accomplishes its goal, but sometimes we see the
companies’ professions can’t follow the chart.
 In other way, as much as we know no one can interfere the others activity.

 In addition, the site work can have three main building construction sections. These are

 The steel workers (Ferrayo)

 The carpenters (Anatsi)
 The concrete workers (Genbegna)

2.6 Material and methodology used

Material used
• Tower and mobile crane are a machine used for moving material like reinforcement bar,
formwork etc. into and from the site.

• vibrator
• mobile mixer
• survey instruments
• generator

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Fig 2.3 Tower crane


This section discusses the methods used in the collection and analysis of data. It presents and
explain the methodological approach of the report and method of data collection technique of the
study were represented. Some of the followings are

• By asking our supervisor

• By taking a photo and video
• By doing some task
• Through different source
2.7 Components of a structure

A structure is classified into two broad classes on its loading effect and load transferring
mechanisms as well as its location:
a. Sub structures
b. Super structure
Because of our internship duration time and by chance our site project we are working on super
structure. Because when we started our practice, the project was in the super structure 1 st floor
column, shear wall, and core wall form work was erected, and it has 4 basements below the
ground level. Therefore, the whole internship report is depend on what we have seen.

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2.8 The work task We have been executed in my internship period

During our internship practice, the main task was observing the overall building activity on the
site and some office works.
Site work
•Checking the number of reinforcement bar space
•Checking the alignment of the column
•Checking level of form work
Office work
•preparing takeoff sheet
•Explanation of construction material

• Scaffolding is the temporary support system provide for construction

and maintenance purpose

• It is the temporary structure to provide a platform at different level of a

building for workers and materials. It consists of support and a working
platform for worker and material.
• Types of Scaffolding
• Cup lock
• Ring type
• Clamp type
• Components of Scaffolding
 Head jack
 Standard
 Ledger
 Base jack

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Fig 2.4 Scaffoldin

Formwork is a mound including all supporting structures, used to shape and support the concrete
until it attains sufficient strength to carry its own weight. It should be capable of carrying all
imposed dead and live load apart from its own weight.

 Qualities of formwork
 It should be water tight.
 It should be strong.
 It should be reusable.
 The surface contact with concrete should be uniform/ smooth and free from
 It should be according to the size of the member.

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 Requirements of formworks to be achieve

 Strength
 Resistance to linkage
 Accuracy
 Ease of handling

 Finish and reuse potential

 Access for concrete
 Economy
 Major objectives considered in formwork:
Quality: -formworks must be designed and built with sufficient stiffness and accuracy so that
the size,shape, position, and finish of the cast concrete are maintained.

Safety: -formworks must be built sufficient strength and factor of safety so they have the capable
of allsupporting load

Economy: -formworks must be built efficiently, minimizing time and cost

Some of the advantages of metal formworks are as follows: -
 it can be used repeatedly than wooden formworks

 it is easy for dismantling

 it ensures an even and smooth concrete surface

 it possesses great rigidity

 it is not liable to shrinkage or distortion

Types of form works
In our site formworks are used in both the metal and wooden forms. They are: -

Ensures quality surface finish and is especially recommended in works where large, exposed
areas of the concrete are to be constructed such as floor slab, faces of retaining, parapet and shear
walls, etc. Releasing agent is used on plywood surface to facilitate the removal of the formwork
and prevent the concrete adhering to the face of the formwork.

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Steel panel:
Although steel formwork costs more, it may work out to be economical in the long run due to itslarge
number of reuses

The advantage of steel formwork

- It is stronger, more durable and has longer life.
- It can be reused many times.
-It can be installed and dismantled with greater ease and speed
-The quality and shape of concrete surface obtained by use of steel formwork is excellent.

Fig 2.5 plywood and Steel panel

Formwork for shear wall and core wall

The formwork or shuttering is at temporary ancillary construction used as a mold for the
structure in which concrete is placed and in which it hardens and matures. The construction of
formwork involves considerable expenditure of time and material. When the concrete has
reached a certain required strength, the formwork is no longer needed so it is removed. The
operation of removing the formwork is known as stripping. When stripping takes place, the
component of formwork is removed and then reused for the forms of another part of the
structure. Such forms, whose components can be reused several times, are known as panel forms.
Shear wall are vertical element of the horizontal force resisting system. There are solid
walls, which extend over the full length of the building.

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In other word for slender walls where the bending deformation is more shear wall resist the
loads due to cantilever action. This means shear walls are vertical elements of horizontal force
resisting system. Generally lateral force is caused by

• Wind

• Earthquake

• Uneven settlement of load

• Torsional forces (powerful twisting)

Plywood is conventional material used in shear walls but sometimes they use panels.
Frequently building have interior concrete core wall around elevator, staircase and service wells
such walls may be considered as shear walls. The shear walls are also placed as exterior walls
and interior walls of the building. The step of the construction of the shear walls are the same as
column Form works are classified as:

• Wooden

• steel

In the case of shear wall form, working the type of formwork material we used is wooden type
because of large area covering and reused for another part of the structure (reused several

Fig 2.6 Shear wall

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Column form work

One of the structural members that were being casted on the site was column. Column is
primarily constructed to support beams and columns. It transfers loads from beams and columns
to column and finally to the foundation. There are staircase column and the elevation column.

Construction of a column starts by setting out the alignment for the corner columns using rope,
plumb bob and water bubble.
The column formwork is arranged to make sure that the column is perfectly straight, to make
sure of this they use what they call a “Tumby” which is showed in the picture below.
Procedures to construct the column
 Reinforcement bars
are placed

 Spacers are tied with longitudinal bars

 Formwork surrounding bars are constructed

 Alignment of the column is kept

Types of columns based on its shape

A. circular column
B. Rectangular Column
C. Square Column
Circular Column

The resistance to bending or deflection of a circular cross section is higher than a rectangular
cross section with the same area. In addition, the load required to buckle a column with circular
cross section it is the same around its perimeter. However, a beam with a rectangular may bend
first in either of two axes.
Rectangular column

There are very common and easy for construction work the stirrups have small spacing at the
bottom and top of the column because at the top and bottom of the column there is high amount of
interaction of load pressure. Therefore, to prevent structural failures and to increase the resisting

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capacity of the column (building) the number of stirrups were provide within high amount with
small spacing.

Fig 2.7 Column

Beam form work

A beam is a horizontal structural element that is capable of withstanding load primarily by

resisting bending. The bending force induced into the material of the beam because of the
external loads, own weight, span and external reactions to these loads is called a bending

Beams are constructed primarily to carry the slab and transfer loads from slab to column. Beams
generally carry vertical gravitational forces but can also be used to carry

Horizontal loads (i.e., loads due to an earthquake or wind). The loads carried by a beam are
transferred to supporting columns.

General steps to beam formwork

• first the Chris – T work will be done
• then the beam bottom form work will be done by checking the horizontality by level
• spacers will be provided below the reinforcement and negative bar will be placed

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• then it will be casted

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In our site the beam bottom formwork is done by using RHS, CHS and play wood form
work materials.

Fig 2.8 Beam formworks


Form work for slab

Slabs are horizontal structure members to support live load and dead loads. The slab is simply
supported on structural walls and beams which in turn supported on columns. Slabs can be one
way or two depending on the ratio of the long span to the short span if the ration of long span to
the short span greater than two, the slab said to be one way; but if this ratio is less than two the
slab is said to be two ways. When a slab is one way, the bending is one directional and when it is
two ways, the bending is two directional. Slabs can be categorized in to two; solid, flat, or
ribbed. Solid slab is made of reinforced concrete. In our site the solid types of slabs
preferable. Slab construction needs to be done very carefully and in skilled manner. In order to
fulfill all this criteria slab formwork should be prepared carefully. In the slab formwork, the
wood used to support the formwork we call “cristie”. The minimum spacing of cristie is not
more than 60-70 cm. Slab formwork should be aligned horizontally, it should also be strong

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enough to support concrete and

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service load.
Procedures to construct beam and slab
• Alignment of the beam and slab is kept

• Formwork is constructed and paint with sika form oil

• Reinforcement bars are placed

• Conduits are placed for electrical installation

• Spacers are tied with rebar

• Concrete is poured.

Fig 2.9 formwork release agent, top and bottom slab formwork


Although we did not seen how it is constructed our site assistant described as how ramp is
constructed and even shown us a photo of the ramp during construction. Ramp is a sloped
pathway used to provide access to between two vertical levels. It facilitates the movement of
wheelchairs, bicycles, and another wheeled vehicle. Ramps are constructed when several people
vehicle have to be moved from one level to another. They are widely used in public building,
railroad stations, and stadium, hospital, and exhibition halls.

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Fig 2.10 ramp


Stairs are set of steps to allow easy pedestrian access from one floor level to another in safety.
Steps arranged in series and placed in an enclosure are called Staircase. Stairs must be strong
enough to carry weight of people, furniture and equipment.

Design of stairs requires a very careful consideration, mainly as they are exposed to high load
congestion. Stairs have a difficult configuration than other structural elements of a building.
However, in design of stairs are considered as a straight frame.
Stairs should be designed properly to provide proper:

• Natural Light

• Ventilation

• Location: Near Main Entrance for Public Buildings and Centrally

for easy access and privacy in Residential Buildings.
Some terminologies are:

• Step: is a portion of stair, which permits ascent or descent. It is

comprised of a tread and a riser. A stair is composed of a set of

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• Tread: is the horizontal member of stair. The tread of public buildings

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must be wide enough to provide safe footing.

• Riser: is the vertical member of a stair.

• Nosing: it is the projecting part of the tread beyond the face of the
• Flight: is a continuous set of steps b/n floors and/or landing.

• Landing: is a platform b/n two flights

Removing formwork

The process of removing formworks from around the concrete is called striping. The workers
must not strip the forms until the concrete has properly set and reaches strength of at least twice
the stress to which the concrete may be subjected at the time of striking. Removing of the forms
must be done carefully so that they do not damage or break the parts. The stripping time differs
for different structural parts

Formworks can be reused, and this reduces or lowers the cost of construction. After the
formworks are removed, the workers clean and store them for future use; Cleaning consists of
pulling nails, scraping or knocking off concrete particles.
Table 2.1 removal period of formwork

Position of formwork period of removal

Vertical formwork to columns, Shear Walls, 16 hr-24hr

ramp beam and Core wall
Soffit formwork for ramp slabs 21 days

Soffit formwork to ramp beams 21 days

• Distribution bar- it is a type of bar which is used to anchor the placed bar on
its position. specially this type of bar is used on slab

• Z bar (kobellite bar)- the bar used to fix the bar on its position mainly used
on slab to separate bottom bar to top bar

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Fig 2.11 process of reinforcement work

Terminologies in reinforcement works
Lap length

It is one of the important terms in the reinforcement. During the placement of steel reinforced
concrete structure, if the required length of single bar may fall short.

To get the desired design length, lapping of two bars side by side is done. Usually, the stock
length of steel bars is limited to 12mm. this is for easy transportation of steel bars to the
construction site. Then, the tension forces are required to be transferred from one bar to other
bar at the location of discontinuity of the bar, so the second bar is kept closely to the first bar
and overlapping is done.

This amount of over lapping between two bars is called lap length. Lapping is usually done
where minimum bending stress is encountered. In my specific project a lap length of 5D for
columns and 4D for shear wall and retaining wall, where D is the diameter of bar were used.

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Fig 2.13 Lap length

Bar bending schedule

It is the schedule of reinforcement bars prepared in advance before cutting and bending of rebar.
This schedule contains all details of size, shape and dimension (diameter) of bars to be cut.
 Chiseling work
The other activity conducted following the removal of formwork is chiseling work.
It is the process of making the concrete surface rough which is suitable for plastering work.
Chiselers use a hand tool to chisel the surface of structural members such as slab ceilings, beams,
columns, shear walls, and others.

It also includes removing unnecessary (wrong casted) thickness from the structural member.
 Stirrup
It is closed loop of reinforcement bar, which has a main function of holding the main
reinforcement bars together in a reinforcement concrete element. Stirrups can come in multiple
shapes according to the design and shape of elements.

The stirrups used are typically made out of steel piece, which is wrapped around top and bottom
bars of the beams (rectangular shape) or columns (rectangular or circular shapes).

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Reinforcement bar work

Reinforcement work- including cutting, bending, placing in position, tie and spacers.
 Reinforcement shall be measured by the net weight of the bars. The length of one full
bar is 12m the so called “Berga”.
 It shall be stored in clean condition and is of specified quality. It shall be stored in an off
the ground position to prevent rust by contact with soil, dampness and other
objectionable materials.
 Cutting of reinforcement bar is done using saw and hydraulic machinery. The cut
section shall be painted to avoid rust during concrete casting.
 The bars shall be accurately placed, and their positions maintained during all operations.
 The dimension, length and shape of the reinforcement of bar is according to drawing
and specification.
 Bending of reinforcement is done with adequate bending tools. The bending tool that is
using in my site is called” berga” and it is made from reinforcing steel bar.
The size of the bar used in the site with their placement location:

Table: 2.2 The bar used in the site for different structure of the building

No Diameter of bar For what purpose to be used

1 Ф8 For the Stirrups of sun break
2 Ф10 Stirrups of columns, shear wall and core wall
3 Ф12 For ramp main bar
4 Ф14 For ramp negative bar or top bar
5 Ф16 Column
6 Ф20 Beam and column
7 Ф24 Beam
8 Ф28 Column
9 Ф30 Columns
10 Ф32 Mat Foundation

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Terms in bar

• Positive bar/ reinforcement- tension reinforcement designed for

maximum positive moment on the middle if the span and placed at the

• Negative bar/ reinforcement- tension reinforcement designed to resist maximum

negative moment. They are placed on 1/3 of the span length from the center of the
column at the top were bending moment is maximum.

It also needed to prevent the columns and beams from buckling and assist resisting lateral loads
(e.g., earthquake load).
Purpose of stirrups

 It increases the compressive strength of concrete.

 It can improve the ductility of concrete.

 It prevents the buckling of main reinforcement in a column.

 It provides resistance against shear and torsion.

 It holds the longitudinal reinforcement in position during construction.

Fig 2.14 Stirrup (Staffa)

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 Spacers or concrete clear cover

Spacers are used to maintain uniform thickness of cover to reinforcement in sub structure and
super structures. Another advantage is it helps to protect tearing of concrete by formwork during
removing. They were premade at the site by using plain concrete with its required dimension of
cover to reinforcement. I.e., different size spacers were used for different part of the structure
• Column 50 mm

• Beam, shear wall, core wall 30 mm

• For ramp and slab 25 mm

Spacers were placed between the formwork and reinforcement bars by using metal ties, which related
to the spacer while preparing them. They are remained as the part of structure after the formwork was
removed and gave the cover for the reinforcement.
Advantage of spacer for reinforced concrete structure as per [EBCS 2-1995-7.1.3]

• The safe transmission of bond force

• The spoliation (separation of fragments from the surface of a rock) will not occur

• An adequate fire resistance

• The protection of the steel against corrosion.

Fig 2.15 spacers’ size 50mm, 30mm, 25mm

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Electrical installation

Electrical installation means the construction or installation of electrical wiring and the permanent
attachment or installation of electrical product in or on any structure that is not itself an electrical

Fig 2.16 Electrical installation

Concrete work

Concrete is a composite material made up of inert materials of varying sizes, which are bound
together by a binding medium. Concrete contains coarse aggregate in addition to cement, water,
air and fine aggregate. The cement, water, and air combine to form a paste that binds the
aggregates together. Thus, the strength of concrete is dependent on the strength of the aggregate
matrix bond.

Advantage of concrete

• It doesn’t require complex equipment and special skill. I.e., it is mould able in to
any desired shape.

• It does not deteriorate with time. I.e., it is fire, weather and corrosion resistant.

• It is good in compression resistance and used as complex material with steel.

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Disadvantage of concrete
• It is difficult to dismantle.
• It has required formwork.
• It is difficult to supervise after pouring.

• Due to crack, large portion of section not efficiently used.

• Low tensile strength and ductility
Reinforced concrete

Reinforced concrete, also known as RCC (reinforced cement concrete), which incorporates steel
bars in sections of the concrete which are in tension (to supplement the low tensile strengthof
mass concrete and control thermal and shrinkage cracking), for floor slabs, beams, columns and
stairways all these were cast in situ. The high strength to weight ratio of steel, coupled with the
fortunate coincidence of its coefficient of thermal expansion being about the same as concrete,
make it the ideal material for reinforcement.

Grade of concrete
The grade of concrete tat used for our internship company is C50 and C30. A grade C50 concrete
is used for column when placing concrete in harsh condition where aggressive chemicals or high
level of abrasion are present. In addition, grade C30 concrete is used for slab and beam.
It is important for prevent formation of surface cracks due to rapid loss of water
while the concrete is fresh and weak.

In addition, used to keep the concrete moist and warm enough so that the hydration of cement can

In our site, we used water-curing mean spreading the water on the structure.

Method of concrete curing

 For columns and ramp, plastic sheets were used this method is very
advantageous because once formwork is removed from column the column
is wrapped by a plastic sheet and there is no need to water it manually by

 For shear walls and core walls, curing is done manually twice a day for 7

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Water proofing material

It is water proofing material that used to protect retaining wall from ground water and other
water that for that building for their quality and also design life.

This material move to ground. In building that have basement or underground

membrane has several applications applicable for several things for example for
retaining wall, roof and so on.In our site we see that how membrane plastered
When we work with membrane used oxygen gas to melt the membrane for plastering purpose.
And when we plastered membrane, we must work properly to avoid voids between membrane and
retaining wall

Fig 2.19 membrane for retaining wall

 Office Works

Under the office work, it covers all the managing, monitoring, directing and revealing process of
the project work. The application of knowledge, skills, tools and techniques were required to
insure the correct implementation of the work according to the technical specifications and
standards of the company.
The office work consists of-

• handling the daily, weekly, and monthly work activities

• verifying the collection of data and confirming the quantity of each work

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• checking the real work as per specification and standards

• preparing the weekly progress report

• making sure and revealing take-off sheet or payment

• finally evaluate and approve the work done

Column1: used for stating the number of times an item occurs and is called the timising column.

Column 2: is called dimension column as it is used to enter the dimensions of the items of
works. The dimensions are entered in the order indicated below: Length, Width, Height or

Column 3: is called squaring column. The stated dimensions in column 2 are multiplied to
determine the quantity of the work either in ml, m2, m3 or in Pcs. or No.

Column 4: is called description column and description of the work item is briefly stated.

A separate sheet (bar schedule) is used to prepare reinforcement quantities. Bar schedule is
used to know the amount of rebar used on the site and to tell the bar bender that the amount of
bar needed in some position of the building and its number.

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FOR SAMPLE, using the format

Table 2.4 bar schedule
∑ Length for diameter of bar

Ite Positi Dia Sha No No. of Leng Ø6 Ø8 Ø10 Ø12 Ø14 Ø16 Ø20
m on m. pe bar th
. of
(mm memb
bar (m)
) er

Total length,

Weight, kg/m 0.22 0.39 0.61 0.88 1.20 1.57 2.46

2 8 7 8 8 8 6
Total weight,kg

The dimensions entered in Column 2 are squared or cubed as the case may be, multiplied by the
timising factor, and the result entered in Column 3. This task is called squaring. Another person
should carefully check all squared dimensions before abstracting, and if correct, the item should
be ticked with red. Use two decimal places.

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The squared dimensions are transferred to abstract sheets and all similar dimensions are
collected in the same category to obtain the total quantity of dimensions are collected in the same
category to obtain the total quantity of each item. Writing the Final Bill: After the abstract sheets
have been com Tumbi: (Plumb bob)It is used for checking perpendicularity of columns placed
and checked, the final bill of quantity is written.The dimensions are copied from the abstracts
and as each item is transferred, it copied from the abstracts, and as each item is transferred, a
vertical line from the abstract sheets should tick it. Thedescription of each item in the final BOQ
should be short, precise and descriptive as per the specification.

2.9 Challenges Faced And Measures Taken

Challenges Encounterd
 Understanding of site language for some materials.
 Understanding of rebar arrangement for some special structural elements such as stair, ramp
and shear wall.

 Communication with site staff members because they are so busy at their daily task.
 Minor physical injury while observing site activities.
 Understand about quantity survey in office work.
 Measures taken to overcome challenges encountered
• To understand site language, we tried to ask repeatedly daily laborers

• We tried to formalize our wearing style specially we changed our shoes

• To get skilled workers and engineers move to another site with them

• Since there were many sites, many workers move from site to sites w/c minimize the
chance to work together with engineer. To solve this, we tried to contact them
• To see other substructure works move into other sites.

• To know about quantity survey in office work we tried to ask office workers repeatedly

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Talking about the benefits of the Internship program we have gained many benefits concerning
withwhether communication with people’s skills or adapting to the work environment. First, we
have expected that nothing will be new for us , and everything is obvious since we had seen
many things in construction in uncountable projects given for me. However, the fact on the
ground is different and we have gained the benefits more than we could mentioned here.
Therefore, we found that the internship program is extremely important.
Generally, the benefits of the internship can be deal with different perspectives.
These are -
• Improving practical skills

• Upgrading theoretical knowledge

• Improving interpersonal communication skills

• Improving team playing skills

• Improving leadership skills

• Understanding work ethics related issues and

• Developing Entrepreneurship skills

3.1. Knowledge gained in improving practical skills

Considering practical skills, it was necessary for us to get ourself through the different site
operations and activities on the site. Moreover, this was achieved through participating on
activities on the site, by observing and asking question.
Throughout all this, it was necessary to understand the practicalities of working on site and to
know the actual construction process. As a result, we have obtained the following practical skills.
• Allocation of different equipment’s and office in the site for example...Choosing where the
store should be, where the fine aggregates must be placed, how to keep a rebar from rust,
how cement should be stored.
• How to keep the alignment of a column using plumb bob

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• How to keep the center of the elevation column

• How the form work for column, slab, beam is fixed

• How to keep the elevation of a floor slab using an instrument leveling

• How to read architectural drawings

• How to overlap bars during the construction of beams and column

• Applying Z- bar and Spacer.

• How to construct different structural elements.

• How to place of negative bars for slab and beam.

• Reinforcement overlapping.

• Measuring the space between stirrups

3.2. Knowledge gained in upgrading theoretical skills

Talking about the theoretical skills we upgraded our theoretical skills by working in cooperation
with the site engineers and staff members at the construction site. In addition, we foundthat a lot
of materials and engineering knowledge that we had gained at university was strengthened
through our two-month practical experiences. Subjects such as RCC Design, Soil mechanics,
Foundation Engineering, building construction and Construction of materials provided
invaluable preparation for what we were to learn while working on the construction site.
we gained the following theoretical skills during the internship program.
• Preparation of reinforcement bar schedule
• Preparing quarterly, monthly, and weekly report
• Preparing take off sheet
• Functions of concrete with different types of compressive strength.
• Making Re-bar summary.
• Duties of different parties in the site.
• Curing periods of different structural elements.

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3.3. Improvement of Interpersonal communication skills

This Interpersonal communication is among the most important measures in construction site. If
one did not know how to communicate with workers, it will be difficult whether to employ
workers on its firm or to be employed on others firm and to work with others. Due to this having,
good interpersonal communication is very important. Questioning is among the best alternatives
to gain knowledge. Regarding to this communicating with every staff member is allowable. we
had to ask and work with different people who had different levels of skills and expectations.

When working in a large and complex project, coming across associates that have different
duties and expectations is unavoidable. So, in order to perform any activities, one should
communicate wisely and effectively. Development of effective communications and mechanisms
for resolving conflicts among the various participants will be handy. Even within a single
profession such a civil engineering, there are quite distinct groups of specialties in planning,
design management, construction, and other sub-specialties. Good communication and
coordination among these participants are essential to accomplish the overall goals of the project.
The fundamental challenge is to enhance communications among individuals, groups and
organizations so that obstacles in the way of improving interpersonal relations may be removed.
It was challenging to be liberated enough to ask questions and observe the practical part of the
process. However, after few weeks, the environment was familiar, and we worked hard in
improvingmy communication capability. We believe that going into a new working environment
would not bedifficult after this experience.
In this internship program, we have improved the following interpersonal communication skills:

• How to communicate with staff members

• How to accept others with their identity

• How to improve relationships with others

• How to being open minded

• How to persuade people

• How to handle information

• How to specify what and for whom to ask

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• How to respect others idea and understanding others way of communication

• How to share others feeling

• How to communicate with general supervisor and daily laborers.

Shortly speaking all the staff members in my hosting company are so friendly and have respect
to each other. The way of their social interaction is so grate and anybody appreciate them.

Participants in the process of planning, designing, financing, constructing and operating physical
facilities have different perspectives on project management for construction. Specialized
knowledge can be very beneficial, particularly in large and complicated projects, since experts in

various specialties can provide valuable services. However, it is advantageous to understand how
the different parts of the process fit together.
Poor coordination and communication among specialists’ results in loss of:

• Acceptance level of the company

• Efficiency and effectiveness of the company

• Working atmosphere of the site

• Production of qualified services to the customers

• Trustfulness within different working teams

• Profitability of the company

• Finishing projects on time

3.4. Improvement of team playing skills

Every project requires that team member’s work together to achieve a common goal. Project can
involve activities like putting puzzles together or cleaning up or rebuilding a property. Projects
typical involve assigning each team member a specific task that he is responsible for completing,
which helps to develop trust within the team.
There was a great teamwork between the consultants, the company’s engineering, and the
foreman on resolving a problem.
Some of the team playing skill we came across with is put as follows.

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• When the office engineer gave us assignment in a group, we were working together sharing
ideas and knowledge
• The other is when we ask question to the office engineer or site engineer, we were moving
as a team
• Establish a good trust within the members of the team.

• Understand the duties and responsibilities of

• Prioritize the risks, based on the likelihood consequences of occurring, and develop a plan
for mitigating and reducing these risks.
• Have a sense of purpose to achieve clear and specific goals.

• Be capable of contributing to the achievements of the goals based on our level of knowledge
and experience.
• Create a cooperative spirit with the team members.

• Be able to openly communicate with our team members for project updates, questions, ideas
and general inputs.
• Give respect for each members

• Generally, having good team playing skill gives a deep spiritual pleasure and creates a
suitable condition to work hard and a good impression on everyone.

3.5. Improvement of leadership skills

Civil engineering project management is the overall planning, organizing, staffing, leading and
controlling of a project from inception to completion and at meeting client’s requirements in
order to reduce a functionally and financially viable project.
Ourselves not being engaged on any project management, we have rather learnt about it through
observations being together with the site engineers when they were checking on the workers and
making sure the project is going well. Since leadership is the process of influencing individuals
or groups to accomplish an organizational goal or mission, it is necessary to influence other for
the best achievement of the firm objectives. we have also learnt by observing the project
managers leading respective teams.
As to our observation, we have gained the following leadership skills:

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• If there is a team, there must be a leader, so some of us were taking tasks representing
out- group.
• Collecting ideas of the group and make a conclusion out of it.
• Making sound and timely decisions.

• Informing workers each situation on work.

• Develop a sense of responsibility in workers.

• Ensure that tasks are understood, supervised, and accomplished.

3.6. Understanding about work ethics related ethics

Construction industry is a firm with enormous constructive culture, which encourages members
to work to their full potential, resulting in high level of motivation, satisfaction, teamwork,
service quality and sales growth. Constructive norms are evident in environments where quality
is valued over quantity, creativity is valued over conformity, corporation is believed to lead to
better results than competition, and effectiveness is judged at the system level rather than the
component level. The type of cultural norms is consistent with the objectives behind
empowerment, total quality management, transformational leadership, continuous improvements,
re-engineering and learning organization.
The most valuable things we learned concerning ethics are:

• We have learnt to be punctual at workplace

• We have learnt how to be accountable for different property of the company

• We have identified the relation between the consultant and the contractor

Ethics is a branch of philosophy that defines morality and determines the meaning and rational
justification of the right way to live, correct values as well as correct ways of treating others. As
workers wear made to specialize in different fields, specific codes of conduct were expected
from each worker. In today’s complex world, Ethical conduct of workers is very important for
developing healthy working environment and increasing productivity. Ethical work conduct
enables workers to posses’ appropriate behaviors in their work and so as to develop proper
relationships with co-workers and it helps them to create good industrial environment. There are
two common types of ethics.

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The following are some of the common professional ethical principles, which are applied in the
construction environment:
• Confidentiality

• Punctuality

• Loyalty

• Responsibility

• Impartiality

• Transparency and openness

• Integrity

• Avoiding potential or apparent conflict of interests and Accountability.

We have been able to understand that the above-mentioned common professional ethical
principles are qualities that most employers hope their workers will possess and it is when the
above- mentioned conducts are fulfilled that an effective output can be created. Every worker,
including me, had been practicing workplace ethics. Many workers practice them more
conscientiously than they practice others. Unfortunately, some workers are unethical in their
performance of duties. Attimes, they break laws and are prosecutes, but more often they simply
fail to live up to accepted standards of doing the job well.

3.7. Improvement of Entrepreneurship skills

Considering entrepreneurship skill, we observed that there are so many ways to be an

entrepreneur on the construction industry in our country. Since most of the constructors available
are working based on experience than academic knowledge and there is a shortage of contractors
that fulfill thedemand of the present fast-growing construction, any skilled professional who has
initial capital will be successful within short period of time.
Entrepreneurship is the process of involving the creation of new enterprises and that the
entrepreneur is the founder. He or she is the person who perceives the market opportunity and
then has the motivation, drive and ability to mobilize resources to meet it.
The major characteristics of entrepreneurs that we have been observed in the construction sector

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include the following

• Self-confident multi-skilled: The person who can make the product, market it and count the
money, but above all they have the confidence that lets them move comfortably through
challenges. It creates Confidence in the face of difficulties and discouraging circumstance
• Innovative skills: Not an 'inventor' in the traditional sense but one who is able to carve out a
new niche in the marketplace, often invisible to others.
• Results-orientated: Being successful requires the drive that only comes from setting goals
and targets and getting pleasure from achieving them.
Risk-taker: To succeed means taking measured risks. Often the successful entrepreneur exhibits
an incremental approach to risk taking, at each stage exposing oneself to only a limited,
measured amount of personal risk and moving from one stage to another as each.

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4 Challenges faced on the construction site

The construction industry has been living through an exciting phase of its life, growing nonstop and facing
many challenges at the same time. Some of these challenges are relatively new; others are as old as the
industry itself.

There are several different approaches to construction issues, as well. For example, sometimes slow
technology adoption rates are treated as a single big challenge, and sometimes it is treated as a multitude of
different problems – including communication problems, scheduling problems, problems with
documentation, and so on.

Now we’re going to go over some of the problems or challenges we have seen on our site , starting with
project delay. Other issues are going to be mentioned, too.

4.1 Project delay

Unexpected delays are one of the most common problems in project management. In one survey, less than 50
percent of companies said they complete projects on schedule. Nearly half of project managers (46 percent) who
responded to another survey said that meeting project deadlines were among their biggest challenges. Project delays
seem to happen more often than not.

4.1.1 What causes project delays?

It is critical for the project manager to understand how project delays creep up while managing projects.
Only then they could prevent them from happening or deal with them when they inadvertently occur.
Here are some of the most common causes for delays on our site
• Resources become unavailable
• Project objectives and deliverables are not realistic within the project constraint
• External vendors don’t deliver on time
• Unpredictable external changes like weather changes
• Market value raising rapidly
• Weak safety management

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Impact of delays in project

Delays add to project costs. Every day you’re late is another day paying for personnel and other resources that
weren’t factored into the budget. Time is money, after all. But there are other costs to consider.

4.1.2 Ways to avoid project delays

Clearly, project delays are best avoided , but is that even possible? To a wide extent, yes. While you can’t prevent
every delay, you can certainly take steps to keep your project on track and mitigate the damage from delays that
do occur.

1. Set realistic goals for your projects

Setting realistic goals is possibly the biggest factor in determining whether you’ll complete your project on
time. Sometimes it’s tempting to set extremely ambitious goals, either to make a good impression or because the
client expects it. Check out how project management tips can help you strategize projects effectively and

Remember that it’s far better to under promise and over deliver than to overpromise and under deliver. Good
goals are realistic, clear, and measurable.

 Realistic– Can we accomplish this goal with the allotted time and resources available to us?
 Clear– Do we know exactly what is being asked of us? Does everyone understand?
 Measurable– Are there quantifiable indicators with which we can judge each goal?

2. Hold a team meeting

At the beginning of your project, gather your project team to communicate the vision for the project. Make sure
everyone understands their roles as well as the purpose of the project as a whole. Highlight the key project
milestones you’ve set in your project plan and explain the benchmarks for success.

Spend some time discussing the goals of the project and, if necessary, clarifying how they’ll be measured.

3. Gather the right resources

It’s difficult to overstate the importance of gathering the right resources. When it comes to financial resources,
you’ve almost certainly been given a limited budget; evaluate whether the amount budgeted can truly cover the
project costs and then make adjustments or secure additional funding at the outset.

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Your most important resources are the people working with you on the project. Assess the composition of your
team to see if you have enough people to get the project done on schedule and whether all those people
have the necessary project management skills.

If not, you’ll need to update your project plan to factor in how much time and money it will cost to add team
members, provide training, or outsource to cover the gaps.

Don’t neglect the material resources required for your project. Things like office space, computers, printers,
and software are vital, and you can’t take for granted that they’ll be available.

4. Schedule carefully
A project schedule is more than a timetable. It’s a comprehensive document that details the project timeline and
the organizational resources required to complete each task.

To create a project schedule, divide the project into

 individual tasks and activities,

 various phases of the project,
 determine project dependencies,
 sequence the activities, and
 estimate the required resources and duration of each task

with the help of a project scheduling tool. The schedule should be readily available to every member of the
project team.

What to do when a project gets delayed?

No matter how well the project plan and project execution are done, unexpected delays will occasionally happen.
Team members get sick, suppliers miss deadlines, and clients change project parameters. These things are beyond
control , but they can determine how to respond to delays. Here’s what to do.

1. Hold a team meeting (again)

As soon as it becomes obvious the project will be delayed, gather the team to strategize. At this point, something
has to be sacrificed. Either

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 time
 money and/or
 Project deliverables.

Establish how long it will take to complete the project with the delay and how much that will cost. Get a
breakdown of what the delay will do to their budget.

Find out what their team is able to deliver by the original due date, staying within budget. Once the team
has established what’s possible, they can update their client and present the new options.

2. Prioritize tasks
With the adjusted plan decided, they need to prioritize tasks. Re-evaluate the original project plan they made and
see what tasks have already been accomplished, which can be eliminated, and which may need to move up or
down their team’s priority list.

3. Set new deadlines

If the best option for their project is to change the due date, set new deadlines for each of the tasks and
benchmarks in the project plan As discussed above, make sure the new deadlines are realistic given the delays
they have experienced and the capacity of their team..

4. Communicate
Communicate, communicate, communicate ! Keep the team informed of every delay, change of plans, and altered
client expectations. By using task management in projects, every member of the team should be able to see when
tasks are due and what major deadlines are approaching. Don’t forget to communicate with the clients as well.

They’re surely stressed by the delay (even if they’re to blame for it), and clear, reassuring communication from
the company will help ease minds and preserve business relationships.

With effective project communication, the company can ensure that everyone stays on the same page and
minimize delays due to misunderstandings.

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4.2 Working on a schedule

While the experience does matter, it’s not uncommon for even the most knowledgeable professionals to
make mistakes when scheduling if managed manually. This is a problem that modern-day technology can
mitigate to the highest degree, with various automation systems, project management applications for
different devices, virtual task boards, and so on.

This is one of many problems that modern technology and its advantages are either partially or entirely
solvable. However, this list would not be that long if it wasn’t for another massive problem that the entire
construction industry has been dealing with for a while now.


The construction industry is quite old and has been through a lot. Some of the problems are extremely old;
others have become more prominent in recent years and were not a problem before. In this article, we’ve
tried to go over the most significant construction issues on the market, as well as some of the means of
avoiding or eliminating them.

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5. Conclusion and Recommendation

5.1 Conclusion

This internship program has been a helpful experience in participating us to the real engineering
works. We have gained a knowledge that we would not acquire if we spent the time in the
university. We could say that we have experienced a number of new things related with our
work during the internship, and it gave us a clue in what section of work should we continue
after the graduation.

We were able to acquire a high level of confidence to deal with problems that a rise in the
construction site. Thus, during these past three months we had been able to see the different
structural parts construction procedure and methodologies applied. In addition to this, we learnt
how to communicate with workers: this intern improves our interpersonal communication skills.
We also were able to understand work ethics related issues such as integrity, transparency,
accountability, diligence etc.…

The various types of tasks that we have been undertaking during these past three months on the
site and the office enhanced our theoretical knowledge, confidence, and practical skills during
the construction process. We also developed knowledge in terms of entrepreneurship that gave
us a direction on how we can create new set of ideas and different things that are helpful in the
production process not only in the construction aspects but also in any form of activities that
have certain product.

Generally, this internship program provides a bridge between the student life and professional
life. So, we conclude that the institution must continue this program in a more supervised and
advanced manner to create a successful, creative, and self-reliant professional which we can
reduce our country’s dependency on foreign skilled manpower on construction work.

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5.2 Recommendation

In this three -month internship program, we have experienced so many things about our field. In
this part of our report, we would try to suggest some ideas for our internship hosting company
and our university.
Recommendation for Hosting Company
We have seen some positive and negative sides about the internship hosting company.
Positive side
• They use safety material, such as helmet, safety shoes etc.
• Medical facilities/ first aid is given on the site . We recommend that to keep it up.
Negative side
• We recommend that the project task/ activity to be finished as by schedule
• Store the material at proper place to avoid wastage of material and time

• Organizations and companies hosting the students do not pay much attention to students
as well as the follow up of the academic supervisors. We highly recommended the
universities and concerned bodies to make strict follow up on students by working in
close relationship with hosting organizations

• The need of efficient and economical designer

For The University

Having an internship offers a list of advantages to the students, as mentioned above, our
academic and career goals, but also our social skills because it is known that we will meet a lot of
for instance it helps us to grow not only practical experience and knowledge related to people
and would deal with accordingly.

We recommend the following points for the university.

The university should:

• Allocate enough Budgets for the intern students.
Generally, we recommend the following things for improving the
• Get more in contact with the students.

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• Give adequate money for the intern students.

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• Inform the company about the benefits of the internship

Because of this and all the listed advantages above, we recommend our university to keep giving
this great chance for the next student.

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The Company profile documents which containing organizational structure and brief history.

• Building construction hand outs

• Contract document of the company (bill of quantity)
• Contract, Quantity survey/specification handout.
• Ethiopian Building Code Standard: EBCS‐ 2 Structural Use of Concrete. (1995) Ministryof Works
and Urban Development, Addis Ababa

February, 2023 Page 55


 Aggregate: Material such as sand or gravel used with cement and water to make concrete,Mortar,
or plaster
 Cast: Object part of a building such as beam, slabs, and columns formed by a mold.

 Concrete: …. (Armata)

 Fasha: Horizontal or vertical strip in either concrete or plastering to keep the levelhorizontal
as required or the concrete filled in the Riga
 Fond: ……… (Bottom soffit) Type of formworks that place side of beam or bottom panel
for beam.

 Gindilla: A large eucalyptus tied with wires protruding from the slab, which help us attain

 Kabaleto: Spacer for the slab reinforcements

 Krisit: Used to fix the Sponda in place

 Krabat: Literally means a tie. Pieces of timber tied to the column formworks, which help

 to fasten and brace the formwork during confining the column

 Scaffolding:.............................(kebeleto) Used as a support of formworks of a slab and beam at the


 Senkello: - Small bucket used to transport concrete while casting column

 Soleta....................(slab)

 Sponda.............................(Sideboard) Side support formwork

 Squadron: Instrument that makes 90º used to bring 90º

 Staffa............................(stirrup)Shear resistance steel of a column, beam and shear wall

 Stanga: -Inclined member used to keep the verticality of column

 String:...........................(sibago) Used to maintain alignment.

 Tumbi:.........................(Plumb bob)It is used for checking perpendicularity of column

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