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Chapter 3a
Fluid Statics

Dr. Ibrahem Altarawneh

Fluid Mechanics Chapter 3: Fluid Statics Dr. Ibrahem Altarawneh

Ch3: Fluid statics.

• Determine the variation of pressure

in a fluid at rest
• Calculate pressure using various kinds
of manometers
• Calculate the forces and moments
exerted by a fluid at rest on plane or
curved submerged surfaces
• Analyze the stability of floating and
submerged bodies
• Analyze the rigid-body motion of
fluids in containers during linear
acceleration or rotation
Fluid Mechanics Chapter 3: Fluid Statics Dr. Ibrahem Altarawneh

This chapter begins mechanics of fluids in depth by introducing many

concepts related to pressure and by describing how to calculate
forces associated with distributions of pressure. This chapter is
restricted to fluids that are in hydrostatic equilibrium.
Fluid Mechanics Chapter 3: Fluid Statics Dr. Ibrahem Altarawneh

Fluid particle
• A fluid particle, is defined as a body of fluid having finite mass and
internal structure but negligible dimensions. Thus, a fluid particle is
very small, but large enough so that the continuum assumption applies.
• The hydrostatic condition means that each fluid particle is in force
equilibrium with the net force due to pressure balancing the weight of
the fluid particle.

The hydrostatic condition.

(a) A fluid particle in a body of fluid.
(b) Forces acting on the fluid particle.
Fluid Mechanics Chapter 3: Fluid Statics Dr. Ibrahem Altarawneh

• Pressure is defined as the ratio of normal force to area at a point.
• For example, the Fig. shows fluid inside an object such as air inside
a soccer ball.
• The molecules of the fluid interact with the walls to produces a
pressure distribution.
• At each point on the walls, this
pressure distribution creates a
resultant force that acts on an
infinitesimal unit of area A as shown.
Fluid Mechanics Chapter 3: Fluid Statics Dr. Ibrahem Altarawneh

• Pressure is a scalar quantity; that is, it has magnitude only.
• Pressure is not a force; rather it is a scalar that produces a
resultant force by its action on an area.
• The resultant force is normal to the area and acts in a
direction toward the surface (compressive).
• Some units for pressure give a ratio of force to area.
Newtons per square meter of area, or pascals (Pa), is the SI

• Other units for pressure give the height of a

column of liquid. For example, gas pressure in a
tank will push on a water column upward about h
• 1.0 atm = 101.3 kPa = 14.70 psi = 33.9 ft-H2O
=760 mm-Hg = 29.92 in-Hg = 2116 psf
Fluid Mechanics Chapter 3: Fluid Statics Dr. Ibrahem Altarawneh

Absolute, Gage and Vacuum Pressure

• The pressure in a perfect vacuum is called absolute zero, and the
pressure measured relative to this zero pressure is termed absolute
• When pressure is measured relative to local atmospheric pressure, the
pressure value is called gage pressure. For example, when a tire gage
gives a value of 300 kPa, this means that the absolute pressure in the
tire is 300 kPa greater than local atmospheric pressure.
• When pressure is less than atmospheric, the pressure can be described
using vacuum pressure, which is the difference between atmospheric
pressure and actual pressure
Pabs  Patm  Pgage
Pabs  Patm  Pvacuum
Pvacuum   Pgage
Fluid Mechanics Chapter 3: Fluid Statics Dr. Ibrahem Altarawneh

Absolute, Gage and Vacuum Pressure

Pvacuum   Pgage

Pabs  Patm  Pgage

Pabs  Patm  Pvacuum

Fluid Mechanics Chapter 3: Fluid Statics Dr. Ibrahem Altarawneh

Hydraulic Machines
• A hydraulic machine uses components such as pistons, pumps, and
hoses to transmit forces and energy using fluids.
• Hydraulic machines are applied, for
example, to braking systems, forklift
trucks, power steering systems, and
airplane control systems.
• Hydraulic machines provide an
example of Pascal’s law. This law
states that pressure applied to an
enclosed and continuous body of
fluid is transmitted undiminished to
every portion of that fluid and to
the walls of the containing vessel.
Fluid Mechanics Chapter 3: Fluid Statics Dr. Ibrahem Altarawneh

Fluid Mechanics Chapter 3: Fluid Statics Dr. Ibrahem Altarawneh

Fluid Mechanics Chapter 3: Fluid Statics Dr. Ibrahem Altarawneh

The Crosby gage tester shown in the
figure is used to calibrate or to test
pressure gages. When the weights and
the piston together weigh 140 N, the
gage being tested indicates 200 kPa. If
the piston diameter is 30 mm, what
percentage of error exists in the gage?
A Crosby gage tester is applied to calibrate a pressure gage. Indicated
pressure on the gage is p = 200 kPa. W = 140N, D = 0.03m.

Find: Percent error in gage reading.

1. Calculate the pressure that the gage should be indicating (true pressure).
2. Compare this true pressure with the actual pressure.
Fluid Mechanics Chapter 3: Fluid Statics Dr. Ibrahem Altarawneh

Fluid Mechanics Chapter 3: Fluid Statics Dr. Ibrahem Altarawneh

Example 2:

If a 200 N force F1 is applied to the piston with the 4 cm diameter, what

is the magnitude of the force F2 that can be resisted by the piston with
the 10 cm diameter? Neglect the weight of the pistons.
Fluid Mechanics Chapter 3: Fluid Statics Dr. Ibrahem Altarawneh

Fluid Mechanics Chapter 3: Fluid Statics Dr. Ibrahem Altarawneh

Fluid Mechanics Chapter 3: Fluid Statics Dr. Ibrahem Altarawneh

Example 2:

As shown, a mouse can use the mechanical advantage provided by a

hydraulic machine to lift up an elephant.
a) Derive an algebraic equation that gives the mechanical advantge of the
hydraulic machine shown. Assume the pistons are frictionless and
b) A mouse can have a mass of 25 g and an elephant a mass of 7500 kg.
Determine a value of D1 and D2 so that the mouse can support the
Fluid Mechanics Chapter 3: Fluid Statics Dr. Ibrahem Altarawneh


A hydraulic machine is used to provide a mechanical advantage.

m1 = 0.025 kg, m2 = 7500 kg.

(a) Derive an algebraic equation for the mechanical advantage.
(b) Calculate D1 and D2 so the mouse can support the elephant.

• Neglect the mass of the pistons.
• Neglect the friction between the piston and the cylinder wall.
• The pistons are at the same elevation; thus, the pressure acting on the
bottom of each piston is the same.
• A mouse can fit onto a piston of diameter D1 = 70 mm.
Fluid Mechanics Chapter 3: Fluid Statics Dr. Ibrahem Altarawneh


• Define ”mechanical advantage.”

• Derive an equation for the pressure acting on piston 1.
• Derive an equation for the pressure acting on piston 2.
• Derive an equation for mechanical advantage by combining steps 2 and
• Calculate D2 by using the result of step 4.
Mechanical advantage
= weight lifted by the mouse/weight of the mouse = W_Eleph/W_mouse
= W2/W1
Equilibrium (piston 1):
Fluid Mechanics Chapter 3: Fluid Statics Dr. Ibrahem Altarawneh

Equilibrium (piston 2):



Fluid Mechanics Chapter 3: Fluid Statics Dr. Ibrahem Altarawneh

Pressure Variation with Elevation

• Hydrostatic Equation
• The hydrostatic differential equation is derived by
applying force equilibrium to a static body of
fluid. dP   ;   g
• The equation means that changes in pressure
correspond to changes in elevation.
• If one travels upward in the fluid (positive z direction), the pressure
• If one goes downward (negative z), the pressure increases;
• If one moves along a horizontal plane, the pressure remains
• These pressure variations are exactly what a diver experiences when
ascending or descending in a lake or pool.
Fluid Mechanics Chapter 3: Fluid Statics Dr. Ibrahem Altarawneh

Pressure Variation with Elevation

• The hydrostatic equation is used to predict pressure variation in a fluid

with constant density. This equation is derived by assuming that specific
weight is constant and then integrating dP   ;   g
• The integration yields: P  z  Pz  const .

where z is the elevation (m), which is the height above a fixed

reference point called a datum, Pz is the piezometric pressure (Pa),
γ is the specific weight (N/m3).

• Dividing by specific weight gives:

P  z  Pz  h  const.
 
where h is the piezometric head
Fluid Mechanics Chapter 3: Fluid Statics Dr. Ibrahem Altarawneh

Pressure Variation with Elevation

• Since h is constant P1 P2
 z1   z2
 
where the subscripts 1 and 2 identify any two points in a static fluid of
constant density. Multiplying by the specific weight, gives

P1  z1  P2  z 2
P  P2  P1; z  z 2  z1  h
P  z  P   gh
where h is the distance below the free liquid surface at
which the pressure of air and vapor on the surface is arbitrarily
taken as zero
• The hydrostatic equation is valid for any constant density fluid in
hydrostatic equilibrium.
Fluid Mechanics Chapter 3: Fluid Statics Dr. Ibrahem Altarawneh

Pressure Variation with Elevation

Problem 3.11: For the closed tank with Bourdon-tube gages tapped into it,
what is the specific gravity of the oil and the pressure reading on gage C?
Fluid Mechanics Chapter 3: Fluid Statics Dr. Ibrahem Altarawneh

Fluid Mechanics Chapter 3: Fluid Statics Dr. Ibrahem Altarawneh

Fluid Mechanics Chapter 3: Fluid Statics Dr. Ibrahem Altarawneh

Pressure Variation with Elevation

• Pressures at points A, B, C, D, E, F, and G are the same since they are at the
same depth, and they are interconnected by the same static fluid.

• Pressures at points H and I are not the same since these two points cannot be
interconnected by the same fluid
Fluid Mechanics Chapter 3: Fluid Statics Dr. Ibrahem Altarawneh

Pressure Measurements
• Barometer.
• An instrument that is used to measure
atmospheric pressure is called a barometer.

• A mercury barometer is made by inverting

a mercury-filled tube in a container of
mercury as shown.

• Atmospheric pressure will push the

mercury up the tube to a height h. It is
calculated using

Patm  h Hg   Hg gh
Fluid Mechanics Chapter 3: Fluid Statics Dr. Ibrahem Altarawneh


Patm  h Hg   Hg gh
Fluid Mechanics Chapter 3: Fluid Statics Dr. Ibrahem Altarawneh


Patm  h Hg   Hg gh
Fluid Mechanics Chapter 3: Fluid Statics Dr. Ibrahem Altarawneh

Pressure Measurements
• Bourdon-tube gage
Bourdon-tube gage measures pressure by sensing the
deflection of a coiled tube. The tube has an elliptical
cross section and is bent into a circular arc. When
atmospheric pressure prevails in the gage, the tube is
undeflected, and the gage pointer is calibrated to read
zero pressure. When the pressure is applied to the
gage, the curved tube tends to straighten, thereby
actuating the pointer to read a positive gage pressure.
Bourdon-tube gage is common because it is low cost,
reliable, easy to install, and available in many different
pressure ranges. But, the dynamic pressures are
difficult to read accurately, and the gage can be
damaged by excessive pressure pulsations.
Fluid Mechanics Chapter 3: Fluid Statics Dr. Ibrahem Altarawneh

Pressure Measurements
• Bizometer

• A piezometer is a vertical transparent tube

in which a liquid rises in response to a
positive gage pressure.
• In the case of shown piezometer that is
attached to a pipe, the gage pressure at the
center of the pipe is:

P  h  gh

Piezometer advantages: simplicity, direct measurement, and accuracy.

Piezometer disadvantages: cannot be used for measuring gas pressure, and is
limited to low pressure
Fluid Mechanics Chapter 3: Fluid Statics Dr. Ibrahem Altarawneh

Pressure Measurements

• Manometer
• A manometer, often shaped like the letter “U”,
is a device for measuring pressure by raising or
lowering a column of liquid.
• The general equation for the pressure
difference measured by the manometer is:

P2  P1    i hi    i hi
down up
Fluid Mechanics Chapter 3: Fluid Statics Dr. Ibrahem Altarawneh
Fluid Mechanics Chapter 3: Fluid Statics Dr. Ibrahem Altarawneh
Fluid Mechanics Chapter 3: Fluid Statics Dr. Ibrahem Altarawneh
Fluid Mechanics Chapter 3: Fluid Statics Dr. Ibrahem Altarawneh

Pressure Measurements

• Differential Manometer
• Used to measure the pressure
difference between two points.
Consider an arrangement as shown
in the Figure. A U-tube partially
filled with a heavier liquid, mercury
in most cases, connected to a pipe
across a restriction in the pipe.
Density of the fluid in the pipe is P1  h1 L  P2  h2 L  h Hg
ρL and the density of the heavy
P1  h1 L g  P2  h2  L g  h Hg g
liquid is ρHg. Pressure at two
tapings to which the manometer   Hg 
P1  P2  h L g   1
arms are connected are P1 and P2  L 
Fluid Mechanics Chapter 3: Fluid Statics Dr. Ibrahem Altarawneh

Pressure Measurements
Fluid Mechanics Chapter 3: Fluid Statics Dr. Ibrahem Altarawneh

Pressure Measurements
• Inclined Tube Manometer
• To measure small pressure
differences the sensitivity of
the manometer has to be
increased. This is achieved by
inclining one arm of the U-

P1  h1 ρ1 g  P2  h2 ρ2 g  l sinθ ρ3 g
P1  P2  h1 ρ1  h2 ρ2 g  l sinθ ρ3 g

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