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Visual Programming




Introduction to Visual Programming ............................................................................................... 6

System Requirements: Software and Hardware Requirements ....................................................... 6

Visual programming languages ....................................................................................................... 7

CHAPTER 2: VISUAL ENVIRONMENT ...................................................................................... 8

Visual programming environment ................................................................................................... 8

Integrated development environment (IDE) .................................................................................... 8

Using the Visual Basic Development Environment ........................................................................ 8

Objects and Classes.......................................................................................................................... 9

CHAPTER 3: PROGRAM STRUCTURE .................................................................................... 11

Format of a visual program ............................................................................................................ 11

Data Types, Modules and Operators .............................................................................................. 12

Modules...................................................................................................................................... 13

Data types................................................................................................................................... 13

Operators .................................................................................................................................... 14

Variable .......................................................................................................................................... 15

Variable Declaration ...................................................................................................................... 16

CHAPTER 4: PROGRAM WRITING .......................................................................................... 18

Define design time, run time, and break time. ............................................................................... 18

Steps to Develop a Program ........................................................................................................... 18

Specifying the Problem: ............................................................................................................. 18

Designing an Algorithm:............................................................................................................ 18

Coding: ....................................................................................................................................... 18

Debugging: ................................................................................................................................. 18

Testing and Validating: .............................................................................................................. 19

Documentation and Maintenance: ............................................................................................. 19

Debug, Compile and Execution Terms .......................................................................................... 19

CHAPTER 5: CONTROL STRUCTURES................................................................................... 21

Introduction to Control Structures ................................................................................................. 21

Types of Control Structures ........................................................................................................... 21

Sequence structure ..................................................................................................................... 21

Selection/Decision/Branching structure..................................................................................... 23

Decision Structures Implementation .......................................................................................... 24

Loop Structure ........................................................................................................................... 27

Loop Structure Implementation ................................................................................................. 27

CHAPTER 6: ERROR HANDLING & DEBUGGING ............................................................... 32

Introduction to Error Handling ...................................................................................................... 32

Types of Program Errors ................................................................................................................ 32

Error handling techniques .............................................................................................................. 32

Return code ................................................................................................................................ 32

Error (success) indicator parameter ........................................................................................... 33

Global variable ........................................................................................................................... 33

Exceptions .................................................................................................................................. 34

Design by Contract .................................................................................................................... 36

Debugging & Debugging tools ...................................................................................................... 37

CHAPTER 7: SUB-PROGRAMS .................................................................................................. 42

Introduction to Sub-Program and Functions/Procedures ............................................................... 42

Types of subprograms .................................................................................................................... 44

Private ........................................................................................................................................ 44

Public ......................................................................................................................................... 44

Scope of variables .......................................................................................................................... 46

CHAPTER 8: DATA STRUCTURES ........................................................................................... 48

Description of data structures ........................................................................................................ 48

Introduction to Arrays .................................................................................................................... 48

Types/Dimension of an Array data structure ................................................................................. 48

Declaring Array ......................................................................................................................... 49

Declaring one dimensional Array .............................................................................................. 49

Declaring two dimensional Array .............................................................................................. 50

Dynamic Array........................................................................................................................... 52

Searching and Sorting Arrays ........................................................................................................ 54

Searching Arrays ........................................................................................................................ 54

Sorting Arrays ............................................................................................................................ 60

CHAPTER 9: LINKING TO DATABASES ................................................................................. 70

Database controls ........................................................................................................................... 70

Data control and data-bound control.......................................................................................... 70

Using the ADO Data Control ..................................................................................................... 70

Active Data Object(ADO) Connection ...................................................................................... 71

Database Reports ........................................................................................................................... 78

CHAPTER 10: EMERGING TRENDS IN VISUAL PROGRAMMING .................................. 82

Emerging trends in visual programming........................................................................................ 82

Challenges of emerging trends in Visual programming ................................................................ 82

Coping with challenges of emerging trends in visual programming ............................................. 84

Introduction to Visual Programming
In computing, a visual programming language (VPL) is any programming language that lets users create
programs by manipulating program elements graphically rather than by specifying them textually.


Visual programming language enables the development of software programs by eliminating textual
software code with a series of visual graphics elements. VPL incorporates these graphical elements as the
primary context of the language arranged in a systematic order. The graphics or icons included within a
visual program serve as input, activities, connections and/or output of the program.

Visual language has a few types, such as icon-based languages, diagramming languages and form-based
language. Visual languages should not be confused with GUI-based programming language as they only
provide graphical program authoring services. However, their code/context is completely textual.

 (VPL) Any programming language that allows the user to specify a program in a two-(or more)-
dimensionsional way. Conventional textual languages are not considered two-dimensional since the
compiler or interpreter processes them as one-dimensional streams of characters. A VPL allows
programming with visual expressions - spatial arrangements of textual and graphical symbols.
 Visual Basic, Visual C++ and the entire Microsoft Visual family are not, despite their names, visual
programming languages. They are textual languages which use a graphical GUI builder to make
programming interfaces easier. The user interface portion of the programming environment is visual, the
languages are not. Because of the confusion caused by the multiple meanings of the term "visual
programming", Fred Lakin has proposed the term "executable graphics" as an alternative to VPL.

System Requirements: Software and Hardware Requirements

• Interoperability (getting data in and out)

All students must have regular access to a Windows PC and be comfortable with basic computer
operations (e.g. opening and saving files, viewing files, etc).

• Software and software options

- Windows PC (Windows 95, 98, Me, NT4, 2000, XP Home or Professional, or
Vista), CD ROM drive or DVD ROM drive.
- Microsoft Visual studio 6(VB6 installable is in this package)

Visual programming languages

These let users specify programs in a two-(or more)-dimensional way, instead of as one-
dimensional text strings, via graphic layouts of various types.

1) CODE (computationally oriented display environment) is a visual programming language and system
for parallel programming, which lets users compose sequential programs into parallel programs.
2) DRAKON is an algorithmic visual programming language developed within the Buran space project.
3) Scratch is a free desktop and online multimedia authoring tool that can be used by students, scholars,
teachers, and parents to easily create games and provide a stepping stone to the more advanced world
of computer programming or even be used for a range of educational and entertainment constructivist
purposes from math and science projects, including simulations and visualizations of experiments,
recording lectures with animated presentations, to social sciences animated stories, and interactive art
and music. Viewing the existing projects available on the Scratch website, or modifying and testing any
modification without saving it requires no online registration.
4) Simulink, developed by MathWorks, is a data flow graphical programming language tool for modeling,
simulating and analyzing multidomain dynamic systems. Its primary interface is a graphical block
diagramming tool and a customizable set of block libraries. It offers tight integration with the rest of
the MATLAB environment and can either drive MATLAB or be scripted from it.
5) A spreadsheet is an interactive computer application program for organization, analysis and
storage of data in tabular form. Spreadsheets developed as computerized simulations of paper
accounting worksheets. The program operates on data represented as cells of an array, organized
in rows and columns. Each cell of the array is a model–view–controller element that may
contain either numeric or text data, or the results of formulas that automatically calculate and
display a value based on the contents of other cells. Spreadsheet users may adjust any stored
value and observe the effects on calculated values. This makes the spreadsheet useful for "what-
if" analysis since many cases can be rapidly investigated without manual recalculation. Modern
spreadsheet software can have multiple interacting sheets, and can display data either as text and
numerals, or in graphical form.
6) Agilent VEE is a graphical dataflow programming software development environment from Agilent
Technologies for automated test, measurement, data analysis and reporting.
7) VisSim is a visual block diagram language for simulation of dynamical systems and model based design
of embedded systems. It is developed by Visual Solutions of Westford, Massachusetts. It uses a
graphical data flow paradigm to implement dynamic systems based on differential equations.

Visual programming environment
Software which allows the use of visual expressions (such as graphics, drawings, animation or
icons) in the process of programming. These visual expressions may be used as graphical interfaces
for textual programming languages. They may be used to form the syntax of new visual
programming languages leading to new paradigms such as programming by demonstration or they
may be used in graphical presentations of the behavior or structure of a program.

Integrated development environment (IDE)

An integrated development environment (IDE) is a programming environment that has been
packaged as an application program, typically consisting of a code editor, a compiler, a debugger,
and a graphical user interface (GUI) builder.

(Integrated Development Environment) A set of programming tools for writing applications (source code
editor, compiler, debugger, etc.), all activated from a common user interface and menus. IDEs are
necessary standard procedure for program development.

Using the Visual Basic Development Environment

In addition to the core user interface features that Visual Studio provides, the Visual Basic integrated
development environment (IDE) adds some to help with productivity and ease of use.
Note: Visual Basic makes it easy to create event-driven programs. An event-driven program is one
which responds to users' actions especially mouse clicks and mouse movement.

some user events associated with a command button

Objects and Classes
An object is a combination of code and data that can be treated as a unit. An object can be a piece of
an application, like a control or a form. An entire application can also be an object.

Each object in Visual Basic is defined by a class. A class describes the variables, properties,
procedures, and events of an object. Objects are instances of classes; you can create as many objects
you need once you have defined a class.

To understand the relationship between an object and its class, think of cookie cutters and cookies.
The cookie cutter is the class. It defines the characteristics of each cookie, for example size and
shape. The class is used to create objects. The objects are the cookies.

Two examples in Visual Basic might help illustrate the relationship between classes and objects.

 The controls on the Toolbox in Visual Basic represent classes. When you drag a control
from the Toolbox onto a form, you are creating an object — an instance of a class.
 The form you work with at design time is a class. At run time, Visual Basic creates an
instance of the form's class — that is, an object.

Note: Control objects are predefined objects that can be created using the Visual Basic toolbox,
such as text boxes, command buttons and other controls. No matter how many text boxes you create
on a form, they all have the same properties and methods. Essentially, a class is a template from
which an object is created, and specifies the properties and methods that will be common to all
objects that are created from it. Each text box is therefore an instance of the class TextBox , for
which you can set the properties or invoke the methods.

Essentially, a Visual Basic user interface consists of objects that you place on the screen and
arrange in some semblance of organization so that the screen looks pretty.

The common elements of a Visual Basic user interface appear in Figure 1 and consist of the

 The form window is your basic environment on which you place things that will be seen
by the user.
 The project explorer window shows the filenames of all of the form (.frm) and code (.bas)
modules that are contained in your current project. You can think of this window as showing
your .vbp project file's contents.
 The properties window allows you to set any property of the object which is currently
selected (i.e. highlighted) in the form window.
 The form layout window simply shows the position of the form as it would appear on the
screen to the user. I usually close the form layout window while developing a VB program.
 The toolbox usually appears along the left edge of the screen. It contains the tools that you
use to place controls on a form. You can double click a tool to cause a control to appear on
the current form. You can also pass your mouse over each tool to see its name appear in a
pop-up window.
 The main Visual Basic window holds the menu bar (at the very top), the toolbar (just under
the menu bar), and form location and size info.
 The form location and size information appears at the right end of the toolbar and can be
useful for design reasons.
 The Help menu is a very useful and often overlooked repository of information. Use the
online Help to learn about Visual Basic!


The Immediate window is a special window in which you can directly type Visual Basic
commands and view and change variables and control values during a program's execution. It‘s
used to debug and evaluate expressions, execute statements, print variable values, and so forth. It
allows you to enter expressions to be evaluated or executed by the development language during

Code window is on which you write, display, and edit Visual Basic code. You can open as many
Code windows as you have modules, so you can easily view the code in different forms or modules,
and copy and paste between them.

Steps for writing a Visual Basic project.

You must always plan a program before you actually write it to be a successful programmer. Many
students and professionals overlook this crucial necessity.

o Design the user interface: You should storyboard the program by actually drawing pictures of
the screen that the user will interact with during the program's execution. Show the forms and
controls carefully and accurately. Do NOT assume that you will be able to "figure it out" when
you sit down to type the code into the computer. It is highly recommended to name the forms
and controls that you plan to use beforehand rather than to write them into the code as you type
it as well.
o Plan the properties: Since it is possible to highly customize the look and feel of a VB program
(unlike older procedural programs), it is very important to write down your ideas and plans
before typing the code into the computer. Your program will not have a commercial and
professional appearance, otherwise.
o Plan the code: Write out pseudocode that explains the procedural tasks that must be
accomplished within your program before typing or even writing out actual Basic code.
Pseudocode is English phrases that roughly explains how you plan to do things within your
program. Do not use Basic keywords or perfect syntax during this planning phase.

Format of a visual program
1. Object: An object is a combination of code and data that can be treated as a unit. An object can be a piece
of an application, like a control or a form. An entire application can also be an object. Objects are things
that you can program with, things that make programming easier. They contain a set of methods and
properties that allow you to make the object do certain things without actually having to look at the objects

Objects let you declare variables and procedures once and then reuse them whenever needed.

Each object in Visual Basic is defined by a class. A class describes the variables, properties, procedures, and
events of an object. Objects are instances of classes; you can create as many objects you need once you
have defined a class.

To understand the relationship between an object and its class, think of cookie cutters and cookies. The
cookie cutter is the class. It defines the characteristics of each cookie, for example size and shape. The class
is used to create objects. The objects are the cookies.

Two examples in Visual Basic might help illustrate the relationship between classes and objects.
• The controls on the Toolbox in Visual Basic represent classes. When you drag a control from the Toolbox
onto a form, you are creating an object — an instance of a class.
• The form you work with at design time is a class. At run time, Visual Basic creates an instance of the
form's class — that is, an object.

2. Code: A key part of developing applications using Visual Basic is ensuring that the code is carefully
structured. This involves segmenting the code into projects, modules and procedures so that it is easy to
understand and maintain.

A complete Visual Basic application is typically contained in a single project. Within a project, code is placed
in separate code files called modules, and within each module, the Visual Basic code is further separated
into self-contained and re-usable procedures

Visual Basic procedures provide a way to break up code into logical and re-usable sections that can be
called from other sections of Visual Basic code. For example, you might have a section of Visual Basic code
that calculates the interest due on a loan. It is also possible that you need to perform this calculation from a
number of different places in your application code. Rather than duplicating the code to perform this task
at each code location where it is needed, it is more efficient to place the calculation code in a procedure,
and then call that procedure each time it is needed.
Visual Basic provides two types of procedures:

 functions - Functions are procedures which perform a task and return a value when

 subroutines - Subroutines are procedures which perform a task but return no value when

It is especially useful to be able to return values from functions. For example, the function may
need to return the result of the task it performed (perhaps the result of a calculation). A function
might also return a True or False value to indicate when the task was performed successfully. The
Visual Basic code which called the function then acts based on the returned value.

In the case of both subroutines and functions, values (known as parameters) may optionally be
passed into the procedure.

The syntax for a Visual Basic subroutine is as follows:

Scope Sub subroutineName(parameters)

End Sub

The scope value is either Private or Public depending on whether the Subroutine is to be accessible
from Visual Basic code outside of the current module. Sub is the Visual Basic keyword which
indicates this is a Subroutine rather than a Function. subroutineName is the name of the Subroutine
and is used when this specific procedure is to be called. The parameters value allows the
parameters accepted by this Subroutine to be declared

The Public keyword indicates the scope. This defines whether this subroutine is accessible from
Visual Basic code residing in other modules. Setting the scope to Private would make the
Subroutine inaccessible to Visual Basic code outside the current module.

The Sub keyword indicates that this is a Subroutine (as opposed to a Function) and as such, does
not return a value on completion. Finally, the name of the Subroutine is provided. The parentheses
are used to hold any parameters which may be passed through to the Subroutine when it is called.
The End Sub code marks the end of the Subroutine. The Visual Basic code that constitutes the
Subroutine is placed after the Subroutine declaration and the End Sub.

Data Types, Modules and Operators

Visual Basic uses building blocks such as Variables, Data Types, Procedures, Functions and
Control Structures in its programming environment. This section concentrates on the programming
fundamentals of Visual Basic with the blocks specified.

Code in Visual Basic is stored in the form of modules. The three kind of modules are Form
Modules, Standard Modules and Class Modules. A simple application may contain a single Form,
and the code resides in that Form module itself. As the application grows, additional Forms are
added and there may be a common code to be executed in several Forms. To avoid the duplication
of code, a separate module containing a procedure is created that implements the common code.
This is a standard Module.

Class module (.CLS filename extension) are the foundation of the object oriented programming in
Visual Basic. New objects can be created by writing code in class modules. Each module can

Declarations : May include constant, type, variable and DLL procedure declarations.

Procedures : A sub function, or property procedure that contain pieces of code that can be executed
as a unit.

These are the rules to follow when naming elements in VB - variables, constants, controls,
procedures, and so on:

 A name must begin with a letter.

 May be as much as 255 characters long (but don't forget that somebody has to type the
 Must not contain a space or an embedded period or type-declaration characters used to
specify a data type; these are ! # % $ & @
 Must not be a reserved word (that is part of the code, like Option, for example)
 The dash, although legal, should be avoided because it may be confused with the minus
sign. Instead of First-name use First_name or FirstName.

Data types
By default Visual Basic variables are of variant data types. The variant data type can store numeric,
date/time or string data. When a variable is declared, a data type is supplied for it that determines
the kind of data they can store. The fundamental data types in Visual Basic including variant are
integer, long, single, double, string, currency, byte and boolean. Visual Basic supports a vast array
of data types. Each data type has limits to the kind of information and the minimum and maximum
values it can hold. In addition, some types can interchange with some other types. A list of Visual
Basic's simple data types are given below.

1. Numeric

Byte Store integer values in the range of 0 - 255

Integer Store integer values in the range of (-32,768) - (+ 32,767)

Long Store integer values in the range of (- 2,147,483,468) - (+ 2,147,483,468)
Single Store floating point value in the range of (-3.4x10-38) - (+ 3.4x1038)
Double Store large floating value which exceeding the single data type value
store monetary values. It supports 4 digits to the right of decimal point
and 15 digits to the left

2. String

Use to store alphanumeric values. A variable length string can store approximately 4 billion

3. Date

Use to store date and time values. A variable declared as date type can store both date and time
values and it can store date values 01/01/0100 up to 12/31/9999

4. Boolean

Boolean data types hold either a true or false value. These are not stored as numeric values and
cannot be used as such. Values are internally stored as -1 (True) and 0 (False) and any non-zero
value is considered as true.

5. Variant

Stores any type of data and is the default Visual Basic data type. In Visual Basic if we declare a
variable without any data type by default the data type is assigned as default.


Arithmetical Operators

Operators Description Example Result

+ Add 5+5 10
- Substract 10-5 5
/ Divide 25/5 5
\ Integer Division 20\3 6
* Multiply 5*4 20
^ Exponent (power of) 3^3 27
Mod Remainder of division 20 Mod 6 2

& String concatenation "George"&" "&"Bush" "George Bush"

Relational Operators

Operators Description Example Result

> Greater than 10>8 True
< Less than 10<8 False
>= Greater than or equal to 20>=10 True
<= Less than or equal to 10<=20 True
<> Not Equal to 5<>4 True
= Equal to 5=7 False

Logical Operators

Operators Description
OR Operation will be true if either of the operands is true
AND Operation will be true only if both the operands are true


a variable is an area of computer memory you use in your program. To use a variable, you must
give it a name. There are rules you should, and usually must, follow when naming your variables.
The name of a variable:

 Must begin with a letter

 Cannot have a period (remember that we use the period to set a property; in other words the
period is an operator)
 Can have up to 255 characters. Please, just because it is allowed, don't use 255 characters.
 Must be unique inside of the procedure or the module it is used in (we will learn what a
module is)

Once a variable has a name, you can use it as you see fit. For example, you can assign it a value and
then use the variable in your program as if it represented that value.

Variable Declaration
In Visual Basic, it is a good practice to declare the variables before using them by assigning names
and data types. They are normally declared in the general section of the codes' windows using the
Dim statement. You can use any variable to hold any data , but different types of variables are
designed to work efficiently with different data types .
The syantax is as follows:

Dim VariableName As DataType

If you want to declare more variables, you can declare them in separate lines or you may also
combine more in one line , separating each variable with a comma, as follows:

Dim VariableName1 As DataType1, VariableName2 As DataType2,VariableName3 As DataType3

Dim password As String
Dim firstnum As Integer
Dim secondnum As Integer
Dim total As Integer
Dim doDate As Date
Dim password As String, yourName As String, firstnum As Integer

Unlike other programming languages, Visual Basic actually doesn't require you to specifically
declare a variable before it's used. If a variable isn't declared, VB willautomatically declare the
variable as a Variant. A variant is data type that can hold any type of data.

For string declaration, there are two possible types, one for the variable-length string and another
for the fixed-length string. For the variable-length string, just use the same format as example 5.1
above. However, for the fixed-length string, you have to use the format as shown below:

Dim VariableName as String * n, where n defines the number of characters the string can hold.


Dim yourName as String * 10

yourName can holds no more than 10 Characters.

Scope of Declaration
Other than using the Dim keyword to declare the data, you can also use other keywords to declare the data. Three other
keywords are private ,static and public. The forms are as shown below:

Private VariableName as Datatype
Static VariableName as Datatype
Public VariableName as Datatype

The above keywords indicate the scope of declaration. Private declares a local variable, or a
variable that is local to a procedure or module. However, Private is rarely used, we normally use
Dim to declare a local variable. The Static keyword declares a variable that is being used multiple
times, even after a procedure has been terminated. Most variables created inside a procedure are
discarded by Visual Basic when the procedure is finished, static keyword preserve the value of a
variable even after the procedure is terminated. Public is the keyword that declares a global
variable, which means it can be used by all the procedures and modules of the whole program.

Define design time, run time, and break time.

 Design time refers to the period of development in which you carefully plan and design the
user interface. You also write out the pseudocode and the actual code during design time.
 When you are testing and debugging your program, you are in the midst of run time.
 If you experience an error that stops your program, you experience what is called break

Steps to Develop a Program

The following steps are used in sequence for developing an efficient program:

 Specifying the problem statement

 Designing an algorithm
 Coding
 Debugging
 Testing and Validating
 Documentation and Maintenance.

Specifying the Problem:

The Problem which has to be implemented into a program must be thoroughly understood before
the program is written. Problem must be analyzed to determine the input and output requirements of
the program. A problem is created with these specifications.

Designing an Algorithm:
With the problem statement obtained in the previous step, various methods available for obtaining
the required solution are analyzed and the best suitable method is designed into algorithm.

To improve clarity and understandability of the program flow charts are drawn using the

The actual program is written in the required programming language with the help of information
depicted in flow charts and algorithms.

There is a possibility of occurrence of errors in programs. These errors must be removed to ensure
proper working of programs. Hence error check is made. This process is known as ―Debugging‖.

Types of errors that may occur in the program are:

 Syntactic Errors: These errors occur due to the usage of wrong syntax for the statements.
Syntax means rules of writing the program.

Example: x=z*/b;

There is syntax error in this statement. The rules of binary operators state that there cannot be more
than one operator between two operands.

 Runtime Errors: These Errors are determined at the execution time of the program.

Example: Divide by zero

Range out of bounds

Square root of a negative number

 Logical Errors: These Errors occur due to incorrect usage of the instruction in the program. These
errors are neither displayed during compilation or execution nor cause any obstruction to the
program execution. They only cause incorrect outputs. Logical Errors are determined by
analyzing the outputs for different possible inputs that can be applied to the program. By this way
the program is validated.

Testing and Validating:

Testing and Validation is performed to check whether the program is producing correct
results or not for different values of input.

Documentation and Maintenance:

Documentation is the process of collecting, organizing and maintaining, in written the
complete information of the program for future references. Maintenance is the process of upgrading
the program according to the changing requirements.

For writing up the instructions as a program in the way that a computer can understand, we
use programming languages.

Debug, Compile and Execution Terms

Debugging is the process of locating and fixing or bypassing bugs (errors) in computer program
code. Programs sometimes have small errors, called "bugs," in them. These bugs can be minor, such
as not recognizing user input, or more serious, such as a memory leak that crashes the program.

Compiling is the transformation from Source Code (human readable) into machine code (computer
executable). A compiler is a program. A compiler takes the recipe (source code) for a new program
(written in a high level language) and transforms this Code into a new language (Machine
Language) that can be understood by the computer itself. This "machine language" is difficult to
impossible for humans to read and understand (much less debug and maintain), thus the need for
"high level languages" such as VB.
Compiler terminology

 Compile Colloquially, to convert a source code file into an executable, but strictly speaking,
compilation is an intermediate step

 Link The act of taking compiled code and turning it into an executable

 Build A build refers to the process of creating the end executable (what is often colloquially
referred to as compilation). Tools exist to help reduce the complexity of the build process--
makefiles, for instance.

 Compiler Generally, compiler refers to both a compiler and a "linker"

 Linker The program that generates the executable by linking

 IDE Integrated Development Environment, a combination of a text editor and a compiler, such
that you can compile and run your programs directly within the IDE. IDEs usually have facilities to
help you quickly jump to compiler errors.

Execute a program is to run the program in the computer, and, by implication, to start it to run.
Process by which a computer or a virtual machine performs the instructions of a computer program

Introduction to Control Structures
Control structures allow you to control the flow of your program's execution. If left unchecked by
control-flow statements, a program's logic will flow through statements from left to right, and top to
bottom. While some very simple programs can be written with only this unidirectional flow, and
while some flow can be controlled by using operators to regulate precedence of operations, most of
the power and utility of any programming language comes from its ability to change statement
order with structures and loops.

Control structures form the basic entities of a ―Visual programming language―.

Control structures are used to alter the flow of execution of the program. Why do we need to
alter the program flow? The reason is ―decision making―! In life, we may be given with a set of
option like doing ―Electronics‖ or ―Computer science‖. We do make a decision by analyzing certain
conditions (like our personal interest, scope of job opportunities etc.). With the decision we make,
we alter the flow of our life‘s direction. This is exactly what happens in a VB program. We use
control structures to make decisions and alter the direction of program flow in one or the other
path(s) available.

Types of Control Structures

There are three types of control structures available in VB

1) Sequence structure (straight line paths)

2) Selection structure (one or many branches)

3) Loop structure (repetition of a set of activities)

All the 3 control structures and its flow of execution is represented in the flow charts given below.

Sequence structure
In a sequence structure, an action, or event, leads to the next ordered action in a predetermined
order. The sequence can contain any number of actions, but no actions can be skipped in the

Implementation of sequence structure lead to a program execution from start to end in order of
program statements

To implements Other ―control structures‖ in a VB program, the language provides ‗control
statements‘. So to implement a particular control structure in a programming language, we need to
learn how to use the relevant control statements in that particular language.

The control statements are:-

 Switch
 If
 If Else
 While
 Do While
 For

As shown in the flow charts:-

 Selection structures are implemented using If , If Else and Switch statements.

 Looping structures are implemented using While, Do While and For statements.

Selection/Decision/Branching structure
Selection structures are used to perform ‗decision making‗ and then branch the program flow
based on the outcome of decision making. Selection structures are implemented in C/C++ with If, If
Else and Switch statements. If and If Else statements are 2 way branching statements where as
Switch is a multi branching statement.

Selection structures chart

Visual Basic lets you test conditions and perform different operations depending on the results of
that test. You can test for a condition being true or false, for various values of an expression, or for
various exceptions generated when you execute a series of statements.

The following illustration shows a decision structure that tests for a condition being true and takes
different actions depending on whether it is true or false.

Taking different actions when a condition is true and when it is false

Decision Structures Implementation

A branch is a point at which your program must make a choice. With these data structures, it is now
possible to make programs that can have multiple outcomes. You may be familiar with the first type
from Algebra, an If-Then statement, or If P then Q. And they work pretty much the same. Another
type is the Select Case, this may prove to be easier at times.

Another name for this concept is conditional clauses. Conditional clauses are blocks of code that
will only execute if a particular expression (the condition) is true.

If...Then Statement
If...Then statements are some of the most basic statements in all of programming. Every language
has them, in some form or another. In Visual Basic, the syntax for an If...Then statement is as
If (condition) Then
End If

 condition - a set of test(s) that the program executes.

 reaction - the instructions that the program follows when the condition returns true. The
condition returns true if it passes the test and returns false if it fails the test.

The condition can be anything from

If X = 1 Then
MsgBox "X = 1"
End If


If InStr(1, sName, " ") > 0 Then

sName = """" & sName & """"
End If

If there is only one reaction to the condition, the statement can also be expressed without the End If:

If Y + 3 = 7 Then MsgBox "Y + 3 DOES = 7"

There are also other parts to these statements to make them more complex. Two other terms that
can be used are Else, and ElseIf.

Else will, if the condition is false, do whatever comes between the Else statement and the End If

ElseIf will, if the condition directly proceeding it is false, check for another condition and go from

If..Then..Else Statement
The If..Then..Else statement is the simplest of the conditional statements. They are also called
branches, as when the program arrives at an "If" statement during its execution, control will
"branch" off into one of two or more "directions". An If-Else statement is generally in the following
If condition Then
other statement
End If

If the original condition is met, then all the code within the first statement is executed. The optional
Else section specifies an alternative statement that will be executed if the condition is false. The If-
Else statement can be extended to the following form:

If condition Then
ElseIf condition Then
other statement
ElseIf condition Then
other statement
another statement
End If

Only one statement in the entire block will be executed. This statement will be the first one with a
condition which evaluates to be true. The concept of an If-Else-If structure is easier to understand
with the aid of an example:

Dim Temperature As Double

If Temperature >= 40.0 Then
Debug.Print "It's extremely hot"
ElseIf 30.0 <= Temperature And Temperature<=39.0 Then
Debug.Print "It's hot"
ElseIf 20.0 <= Temperature And Temperature <= 29.0 Then
Debug.Print "It's warm"
ElseIf 10.0 <= Temperature And temperature <= 19.0 Then
Debug.Print "It's cool"
ElseIf 0.0 <= Temperature And Temperature <= 9.0 Then
Debug.Print "It's cold"
Debug.Print "It's freezing"
End If

Optimizing hints
When this program executes, the computer will check all conditions in order until one of them
matches its concept of truth. As soon as this occurs, the program will execute the statement
immediately following the condition and continue on, without checking any other condition for
truth. For this reason, when you are trying to optimize a program, it is a good idea to sort your
If..Then..Else conditions in order of descending likelihood. This will ensure that in the most
common scenarios, the computer has to do less work, as it will most likely only have to check one
or two branches before it finds the statement which it should execute. However, when writing
programs for the first time, try not to think about this too much lest you find yourself undertaking
premature optimization.

In Visual Basic Classic conditional statements with more than one conditional do not use short-
circuit evaluation. In order to mimic C/C++'s short-circuit evaluation, use ElseIf as described in the
example above. In fact for complicated expressions explicit If..Then..ElseIf statements are clearer
and easier to read than the equivalent short circuit expression.

Select Case
Often it is necessary to compare one specific variable against several constant expressions. For this
kind of conditional expression the Select Case is used. The above example is such a case and could
also be written like this:
Select Case Temperature
Case Is >= 40#
Debug.Print "It's extremely hot"
Case 30# To 39#
Debug.Print "It's hot"
Case 20# To 29#
Debug.Print "It's warm"
Case 10# To 19#
Debug.Print "It's cool"
Case 0# To 9#
Debug.Print "It's cold"
Case Else
Debug.Print "It's freezing"
End Select

Loop Structure
A loop structure is used to execute a certain set of actions for a predefined number of times or until
a particular condition is satisfied. There are 3 control statements available in C/C++ to implement
loop structures. While, Do while and For statements.

Loop structures chart

Loop Structure Implementation

Loops are control structures used to repeat a given section of code a certain number of times or until
a particular condition is met.

Visual Basic has three main types of loops: loops, do loops and while loops.

Note: 'Debug' may be a reserved word in Visual Basic, and this may cause the code samples shown
here to fail for some versions of Visual Basic.

For..Next Loops
The syntax of a For..Next loop has three components: a counter, a range, and a step. A basic loop appears as follows:
For X = 1 To 100 Step 2
Debug.Print X
Next X

In this example, X is the counter, "1 to 100" is the range, and "2" is the step.

The variable reference in the Next part of the statement is optional and it is common practice to
leave this out. There is no ambiguity in doing this if code is correctly indented.

When a For..Next loop is initialized, the counter is set to the first number in the range; in this case,
X is set to 1. The program then executes any code between the for and next statements normally.
Upon reaching the next statement, the program returns to the for statement and increases the value
of the counter by the step. In this instance, X will be increased to 3 on the second iteration, 5 on the
third, etc.

To change the amount by which the counter variable increases on each iteration, simply change the
value of the step. For example, if you use a step 3, X will increase from 1 to 4, then to 7, 10, 13, and
so on. When the step is not explicitly stated, 1 is used by default. (Note that the step can be a
negative value. For instance, for X = 100 to 1 step -1 would decrease the value of X from 100
to 99 to 98, etc.)

When X reaches the end of the range in the range (100 in the example above), the loop will cease to
execute, and the program will continue to the code beyond the next statement.

It is possible to edit the value of the counter variable within a loop, although this is
generally considered bad programming practice:

For X = 1 To 100 Step 1

Debug.Print X
X = 7

While you may on rare occasions find good reasons to edit the counter in this manner, the example
above illustrates one potential pitfall:

Because X is set to 7 at the end of every iteration, this code creates an infinite loop. To avoid this
and other unexpected behavior, use extreme caution when editing the counter variable!

It is not required by the compiler that you specify the name of the loop variable in the Next
statement but it will be checked by the compiler if you do, so it is a small help in writing correct

For loop on list

Another very common situation is the need for a loop which enumerates every element of a list.
The following sample code shows you how to do this:
Dim v As Variant

For Each v In list

Debug.Print v

The list is commonly a Collection or Array, but can be any other object that implements an
enumerator. Note that the iterating variable has to be either a Variant, Object or class that matches
the type of elements in the list.

Do Loops
Do loops are a bit more flexible than For loops, but should generally only be used when necessary.
Do loops come in the following formats:

 Do while
 Do until
 Loop while
 Loop until

While loops (both do while and loop while) will continue to execute as long as a certain conditional
is true. An Until loop will loop as long as a certain condition is false, on the other hand. The only
difference between putting either While or Until in the Do section or the Loop section, is that Do
checks when the loop starts, and Loop checks when the loop ends. An example of a basic loop is as

Debug.Print "hello"
x = x + 1
Loop Until x = 10

This loop will print hello several times, depending on the initial value of x. As you may have
noticed, Do loops have no built in counters. However, they may be made manually as shown above.
In this case, I chose x as my counter variable, and every time the loop execute, x increase itself by
one. When X reaches 10, the loop will cease to execute. The advantage of Do loops is that you may
exit at any time whenever any certain conditional is met. You may have it loop as long as a certain
variable is false, or true, or as long as a variable remains in a certain range.

Endless loop: Do..Loop

The endless loop is a loop which never ends and the statements inside are repeated forever. Never is
meant as a relative term here - if the computer is switched off then even endless loops will end very

In Visual Basic you cannot label the loop but you can of course place a label just before it, inside it
or just after it if you wish.

Loop with condition at the beginning: Do While..Loop

This loop has a condition at the beginning. The statements are repeated as long as the condition is
met. If the condition is not met at the very beginning then the statements inside the loop are never
Do While X <= 5
X = X + 5

Loop with condition at the end: Do..Loop Until

This loop has a condition at the end and the statements are repeated until the condition is met. Since
the check is at the end the statements are at least executed once.
X = 5+2
Loop Until X > 5

Loop with condition in the middle:Do..Exit Do..Loop

Sometimes you need to first make a calculation and exit the loop when a certain criterion is met.
However when the criterion is not met there is something else to be done. Hence you need a loop
where the exit condition is in the middle.
X = Calculate_Something
If X > 10 then
Exit Do
End If
Do_Something (X)

In Visual Basic you can also have more than one exit statement. You cannot exit named outer loops
using Exit Do because Visual Basic does not provide named loops; you can of course use Goto
instead to jump to a label that follows the outer loop.

While Loops
While loops are similar to Do loops except that the tested condition always appears at the top of the
loop. If on the first entry into the loop block the condition is false, the contents of the loop are never
executed. The condition is retested before every loop iteration.

An example of a While loop is as follows:

price = 2

While price < 64

Debug.Print "Price = " & price
price = price ^ 2

Debug.Print "Price = " & price & ": Too much for the market to bear!"

The While loop will run until the condition tests false - or until an "Exit While" statement is

Nested Loops
A nested loop is any type of loop inside an already existing loop. They can involve any type of
loop. For this, we will use For loops. It is important to remember that the inner loop will execute its
normal amount multiplied by how many times the outer loop runs. For example:
For i = 1 To 10
For j = 1 To 2
Debug.Print "hi"

This will print the word 'hi' twenty times. Upon the first pass of the i loop, it will run the j loop
twice. Then on the second pass of the i loop, it will run the j loop another two times, and so on.

Introduction to Error Handling
Error handling refers to the anticipation, detection, and resolution of programming, application,
and communications errors. Specialized programs, called error handlers, are available for some

Types of Program Errors

A program with anything more than a trivial amount of code will almost inevitably contain errors
(or "bugs") during its development. The types of errors commonly encountered can be categorised
as follows:

 Syntax errors - these occur when a command is mis-typed or an expected argument is

omitted. Visual Basic detects such errors as they occur, and will not allow the program to be
run until they are corrected.
 Run-time errors - these are usually errors beyond the control of the programmer, such as the
input of invalid data by the user or a missing data file. Error-trapping routines can be
implemented to deal with such occurrences.
 Logic errors - this type of error is the most difficult to find, as it will not be automatically
detected by visual basic. The program will often run, but may produce unexpected results.
The Visual Basic debugger can be used to track down errors in the program's logic.

The incidence of errors can be reduced if care is taken with the design of the program. Time spent
at the design stage may save considerably more time tracking down program errors later. Use of
appropriate comments throughout the code will help you to remember what each section of code is
doing, should you need to revisit the code to track down an error. The use of a consistent and
meaningful naming convention for variables, controls and procedures will also aid clarity during the
fault-finding process.

Although the following sections describe a number of very useful debugging tools and techniques,
always look for the obvious answer before setting up some elaborate debugging procedure. If you
do not know exactly where the problem is, one approach is to set a breakpoint (see below)
somewhere in the middle of your program. If the program breaks before the error manifests itself,
you can be fairly certain its in the second half of the program code. Otherwise, its in the first half.
You can continue to narrow down the search in this way until the error is found.

Error handling techniques

This chapter describes various error handling techniques. First the technique is described, then its
use is shown with an example function and a call to that function. We use the √ function which
should report an error condition when called with a negative parameter.

Return code

function √ (X : in Float) : Float

if (X < 0) :
return -1
calculate root from x
C := √ (A2 + B2)

if C < 0 then
error handling
normal processing

Our example make use of the fact that all valid return values for √ are positive and therefore -1 can
be used as an error indicator. However this technique won't work when all possible return values
are valid and no return value is available as error indicator.

Error (success) indicator parameter

An error condition is returned via additional out parameter. Traditionally the indicator is either a
boolean with "true = success" or an enumeration with the first element being "Ok" and other
elements indicating various error conditions.
function √ (
X : in Float;
Success : out Boolean ) : Float
if (X < 0) :
Success := False
calculate root from x
Success := True
C := √ (A2 + B2, Success)

if not Success then

error handling
normal processing

This technique does not look very nice in mathematical calculations.

Global variable
An error condition is stored inside a global variable. This variable is then read directly or indirectly
via a function.
function √ (X : in Float) : Float
if (X < 0) :
Float_Error := true
calculate root from x
Float_Error := false
C := √ (A2 + B2)

if Float_Error then
error handling
normal processing

As you can see from the source the problematic part of this technique is choosing the place at which
the flag is reset. You could either have the callee or the caller do that.

Also this technique is not suitable for multithreading.

The programming language supports some form of error handling. This ranges from the classic ON
ERROR GOTO ... from early Basic dialects to the try ... catch exceptions handling from
modern object oriented languages.

The idea is always the same: you register some part of your program as error handler to be called
whenever an error happens. Modern designs allow you to define more than one handler to handle
different types of errors separately.

Once an error occurs the execution jumps to the error handler and continues there.

function √ (X : in Float) : Float

if (X < 0) :
raise Float_Error
calculate root from x
C := √ (A2 + B2)
normal processing
when Float_Error:
error handling

The great strength of exceptions handling is that it can block several operations within one
exception handler. This eases up the burden of error handling since not every function or procedure
call needs to be checked independently for successful execution.

Error handling statements

Some useful error handling statements are there in Visual Basic 6 which help you ignore, bypass or
handle errors in your program. Three such statements are helpful. They are as follows:

 On Error Resume Next statement: If any error occurs, it is ignored, and the control goes
to the next statement.
 On Error Goto label: If any error occurs, the control jumps to a label.
 On Error Goto 0: This statement cancels the effect of 'On Error Resume Next' and 'On
Error Goto label' statements.

On Error Resume Next

If Visual Basic encounters an error, it ignores the error. Then the control goes to the next statement.
More precisely, Visual Basic causes a jump to the next statement. And Visual Basic executes the
statements ignoring the statement where the error is found. Consider this example.


On Error Resume Next


Print "hello"

On Error Goto label

If Visual Basic encounters an error in a statement, the On Error Goto label statement tells Visual
Basic to jump to the named label. Thus the control jumps to the named label. Then the code
following the named label is executed. Consider the following example.


On Error GoTo A

Print "hello"
Print "Welcome"

On Error Goto 0
On Error Goto 0 statement tells Visual Basic to cancel any effect of 'On Error
Resume Next' and 'On Error Goto label' statements. So this statement cancels

the effect of error handling in your program.

The Err function

The Err function can help you handle the error using the error code. For
example, you can display a warning message to the end-user. The following
example clarifies this.


On Error Resume Next

b = 88 / 0

If Err = 11 Then
MsgBox "Error: Division by zero!"
End If


On Error GoTo Label5

b = 88 / 0

If Err = 11 Then
MsgBox "Error: Division by zero!"
End If

Design by Contract
In Design by Contract (DbC) functions must be called with the correct parameters. This is the
caller's part of the contract. If the types of actual arguments match the types of formal arguments,
and if the actual arguments have values that make the function's preconditions True, then the
subprogram gets a chance to fulfill its postcondition. Otherwise an error condition occurs. Now you
might wonder how that is going to work. Let's look at the example first:

function √ (X : in Float) : Float

pre-condition (X >= 0)
post-condition (return >= 0)
calculate root from x
C := √ (A2 + B2)

As you see the function demands a precondition of X >= 0 - that is the function can only be called
when X ≥ 0. In return the function promises as postcondition that the return value is also ≥ 0.

In a full DbC approach, the postcondition will state a relation that fully describes the value that
results when running the function, something like result ≥ 0 and X = result * result. This
postcondition is √'s part of the contract. The use of assertions, annotations, or a language's type
system for expressing the precondition X >= 0 exhibits two important aspects of Design by

1. There can be ways for the compiler, or analysis tool, to help check the contracts. (Here for
example, this is the case when X ≥ 0 follows from X's type, and √'s argument when called is
of the same type, hence also ≥ 0.)
2. The precondition can be mechanically checked before the function is called.

The 1st aspect adds to safety: No programmer is perfect. Each part of the contract that needs to be
checked by the programmers themselves has a high probability for mistakes.

The 2nd aspect is important for optimization — when the contract can be checked at compile time,

no runtime check is needed. You might not have noticed but if you think about it: is never
negative, provided the exponentiation operator and the addition operator work in the usual way.

We have made 5 nice error handling examples for a piece of code which never fails. And this is the
great opportunity for controlling some runtime aspects of DbC: You can now safely turn checks off,
and the code optimizer can omit the actual range checks.

DbC languages distinguish themselves on how they act in the face of a contract breach:

1. True DbC programming languages combine DbC with exception handling — raising an
exception when a contract breach is detected at runtime, and providing the means to restart
the failing routine or block in a known good state.
2. Static analysis tools check all contracts at analysis time and demand that the code written in
such a way that no contract can ever be breached at runtime.

Debugging & Debugging tools

Errors in a program's logic often do not prevent it from running, but may cause unexpected results.
Visual Basic provides debugging tools to help the programmer track down such errors. The
programmer's interface to the debugging tools is via three debug windows:

1. the Immediate Window

2. the Locals Window
3. the Watch Window

These windows can be accessed from the View menu or using the Debug Toolbar (accessed using
the Toolbars option in the View menu). Debugging is carried out when the application is in break
mode. Break mode is entered by setting breakpoints, pressing Ctrl+Break, or when the program
encounters an untrapped error or a Stop statement. In this mode, the debug windows and other tools
can be used to:

1. determine the value of variables

2. set breakpoints
3. set watch variables and expressions
4. manually control the application
5. determine which procedures have been called
6. change the values of variables and properties

The debugging tools available in Visual Basic include breakpoints, watch points, calls, step into,
step over, and step out.

Example 2
This example is simply a form with a single command button that will be used to demonstrate the
use of the debugging tools. The code attached to the button's Click event is a simple loop that
repeatedly calls a function.

Enter the following code in the form's code window:

Private Sub cmdClickMe_Click()

Dim X As Integer, Y As Integer
X = 0
Y = Fcn(X)
X = X + 1
Loop While X <= 20
End Sub

Function Fcn(X As Integer) As Integer

Fcn = CInt(0.1 * X ^ 2)
End Function

This program passes X, which has an initial value of 0, to the function Fcn, which then computes a
value for Y. Each iteration of the loop increases X by 1 until the value of X exceeds 20. Although
the program does not actually do a lot, it is useful for demonstrating the debugging facilities in
Visual Basic.

Using Debug.Print
The simplest debugging method is to use a Debug.Print statement to print the value of a
procedure's variables to the immediate window while an application is running. To demonstrate the
use of this technique, amend the code for the cmdClickMe_Click() procedure as shown below, and
run the application.

Private Sub cmdClickMe_Click()

Dim X As Integer, Y As Integer
X = 0
Y = Fcn(X)
Debug.Print X; Y
X = X + 1
Loop While X <= 20
End Sub

An examination of the immediate window will reveal that value of X and Y has been printed for
each iteration of the loop. This information can be used to ensure that the values of these variables
are correct. Once you have seen the Debug.Print statement in action, remove it from the code.

Using a Breakpoint
The above example allowed the procedure to run to completion before displaying the value of
variables in the immediate window. Sometimes it is useful to be able to stop a procedure during
execution, examine the value of the procedure variables, and then resume execution. This can be
done with breakpoints. A breakpoint is a line in the code that causes a break in program execution.

To set a breakpoint, position the cursor in the line of code where you want the program to break,
and either press the F9 key, or click the Breakpoint button on the Debug toolbar or select Toggle
Breakpoint from the Debug menu. The selected line will be highlighted. When the program runs,
execution will halt on lines with breakpoints to allow you to check the value of variables and
expressions in the immediate window. Program execution can be resumed by pressing the F5 key,
or clicking on the Run button on the toolbar. All breakpoints can be cleared by selecting Clear All
Breakpoints from the Debug menu. Individual breakpoints can be toggled using Toggle

To demonstrate the use of breakpoints, set a breakpoint on the X = X + 1 line in the program, and
run it. When the program stops, display the immediate window and type the following line of code:

Print X;Y

The values of these variables will appear in the debug window. Now restart the application, and
print the new variable values.
The locals window shows the value of the variables used by the current procedure. As execution
moves from one procedure to another, the contents of the locals window will change accordingly.
Repeat the breakpoint example, and this time note that the values of X and Y also appear in the
locals window.

Using Watch Expressions

The Add Watch option in the Debug menu lets you set up watch expressions for your program.
The watch expressions can be the values of variables, or logical expressions. The values of watch
expressions are displayed in the watch window. Watch expressions can be edited using the Edit
Watch option in the Debug menu.

To demonstrate the use of a watch expression, set a breakpoint on the X = X + 1 line in the
program, set a watch expression for the variable X, and run the program. You will see that X
appears in the watch window, and will have a new value each time the program is restarted.

Now, clear the breakpoint, add a watch on the expression X = Y, and set the Watch Type to Break
When Value Is True. Now run the application, and note that it goes into break mode and displays
the watch window whenever X = Y.

Using Call Stack

Selecting the Call Stack button from the toolbar (or from the View menu) will display all currently
active procedures. Call stack can be useful when dealing with situations involving nested
procedures, and can give you an indication of where you are in the program.

Do demonstrate the use of Call Stack, set a breakpoint on the Fcn = Cint() line and run the
application, which will break at this line. Press the Call Stack button. It will tell you that you are
currently in the Fcn procedure, which was called from the cmdClickMe_Click() procedure.

Using Step Into

When the program is at a breakpoint you can continue program execution one line at a time by
pressing F8 or by selecting Step Into from the Debug menu. This will allow you to watch how
variables change (in the locals window), or how the form changes as you step through the program.
You can also execute several lines at a time by clicking on a line below the current line and pressing
Ctrl+F8, or by selecting Run To Cursor from the Debug menu.

To demonstrate this technique, set a breakpoint on the Do line in the program code and run the
application. When the program breaks, use the F8 key to single step through the program. You can
also try using the Run To Cursor option described above.

Using Step Over and Step Out

When stepping through a program, you probably won't want to step through procedures that you
already know function properly. The Step Over facility executes all the steps in a procedure
together, rather than one step at a time. To step over a procedure in this manner, select Step Over
from the Debug menu, or press Shift+F8.
To demonstrate the use of Step Over, single step through the program once and note what happens.
Then single step through the program again until you are on the line that calls the Fcn function, and
press Shift+F8. Note that the program did not single step through the function as it did the first time

If you are currently stepping through a procedure and wish to execute the remainder of the
procedure immediately, select Step Out from the Debug menu, or press Ctrl+Shift+F8.

Introduction to Sub-Program and Functions/Procedures
The natural structure of a Visual Basic program is as independent sections of code delimited by
"Private Sub ObjectName_Event" and "End Sub" statements. Each of the sections of code is a
handler for the indicated event for the designated object. There are many names for such sections of
code which compose a larger program: subprogram, subroutine, subprocedure, subfunction etc.
Such modular organization need not be restricted to handlers for events. Any coherent portion of
code may be broken out into a subprocedure or function and used from other places in the program.
An event handler is an example of a subprocedure. A function differs from a subprocedure in being
able to return a value.

A subprocedure is of the form

Private Sub Procedurename()


End Sub
Private Sub Procedurename( argument AS type, …)

End Sub

A function is of the form

Private Function Procedurename(argument AS type, …) AS functiontype


Procedurename = …

End Function

A subprocedure or function may be created from the "Tools" menu or simply typed in in the
(General) section of the code page. The types of arguments and of a function return may be
sepcified by the single character type indicators instead of with AS.

Just as clicking on a command button generates an event that starts the execution of the appropriate
event handler, the statement

Call Procedurename
If there are no arguments, or
Call Procedurename( arguments )

If there are arguments starts the execution of the subprocedure. Once the subprocedure has run,
execution continues at the statement after the call. The number of arguments in the call should
match the number of arguments in the declaration, and while Basic will do some conversions
automatically, it is best if the types match as well.

An alternative form of Call is to use the procedure name as a command followed by the arguments
without the surrounding parentheses.

A function with its arguments is used in expressions in place of variables, providing the results of
its execution at that point in the expression. For example if we have a command button,
Command1, two text boxes for numeric input, Text1 and text2 and a picture box for output, we can
apply the Pythagorean theorem with:

Private Function hypotenuse(a AS Double, b AS Double) AS Double

hypotenuse = Sqr(a^2 + b^2)
End Function

Private Sub Command1_Click()

Picture1.Print hypotenuse(Val#(Text1.Text),Val#(Text2.Text))
End Sub

There are several useful built-in functions, some of which are given in the following table:

Abs(arg) Absolute value of arg

Asc(str$) ASCII numeric code for the first character of str$
Atn(arg) Arctangent of arg
Chr$(arg) One character string for which arg is the ASCII numeric code
Ctype(arg) Converts arg to the indicated type, where type is one of Bool, Byte, Cur, Date,
Dbl, Int, Lng, Sng, Str or Var
Cos(arg) Cosine of arg in radians
Exp(arg) e to the power arg
Fix(arg) Integer part of arg (by truncation)
Format (arg,str$) String derived from arg using format string str$
Hex$(arg) String representing arg as hexadecimal
InStr(str$,probe$) Position of probe$ in str$ or 0
InStr(offset, As with Instr, but starting at offset
Int(arg) Largest integer <= arg
Left$(str$,n) Leftmost n characters of str$
Len(str$) Length of str$
Log(arg) Natural logarithm of arg
Mid$(str$,offset, n) Substring of str$ of length n starting at offset. May be usede as the left hand
side of an assignment
Oct$(arg) String representing arg as octal
Right$(str$,n) Rightmost n characters of str$
Rnd Random number from 0 to 1
Sgn(arg) -1 if arg is negative, 0 is arg is zero, 1 if arg is positive
Sin(arg) Sine of arg in radians
Space$(n) String os n spaces
Sqr(arg) Square root of arg
Str$(arg) String representing the number in arg
Tan(arg) Tangent of arg in radians
Val(str$) Number represented by str$

Types of subprograms

Private Sub sets the scope so that subs in outside modules cannot call that particular
subroutine. This means that a sub in Module 1 could not use the Call method to initiate a
Private Sub in Module 2. (Note: If you start at the Application level, you can use Run to
override this rule and access a Private Sub)

Private [insert variable name] means that the variable cannot be accessed or used by
subroutines in other modules. In order to be used, these variables must be declared outside of
a subroutine (usually at the very top of your module). You can use this type of variable when
you have one subroutine generating a value and you want to pass that value on to another
subroutine in the same module.

Dim [insert variable name] is used to state the scope inside of a subroutine (you cannot use
Private in its place). Dim can be used either inside a subroutine or outside a subroutine
(using it outside a subroutine would be the same as using Private).

Public Sub means that your subroutine can be called or triggered by other subs in different
modules. Public is the default scope for all subs so you do not need to add it before the word
―sub‖. However, it does provide further clarity to others who may be reading your code. As
a personal preference I do not type Public Sub unless I am creating an intricate program that
has a bunch of subroutines with varying scopes (ie I have a mix of Public & Private subs).

Public [insert variable name] means that the variable can be accessed or used by subroutines
in outside modules. These variables must be declared outside of a subroutine (usually at the
very top of your module). You can use this type of variable when you have one subroutine
generating a value and you want to pass that value on to another subroutine stored in a
separate module.

Private and Public Examples

Let's look at an example of how Public and Private scopes interact with each other. For this
example let's presume that we insert two modules into a new workbook and place the below code in
their respective module.

In Module 1

Dim x As Integer
Public y As Integer

Sub Start_Process()

x = 15
y = 12

Call Print_Values

End Sub


Private Sub Display_Message()

MsgBox "We ran all three subroutines!"

End Sub

In Module 2

Sub Print_Values()

Debug.Print x
Debug.Print y

Call Display_Message

End Sub

Before we run any of the subprograms, note that there are two variables x and y that are
dimensioned outside of a subroutine. This means that their values can carry over into other
subprograms. The variable x has a private scope so only subroutines in the same module can access
it's value. The variable y has a public scope, meaning that subroutines inside and outside it's
module can access it's value.

Let's start by running Start_Process. All this subprograms does is give x and y a value and then
initiates the Print_Values macro to start running. We can Call Print_Values even thought it's not in
the same module because it is a Public Sub.

Now let's hop on over to Print_Values . In this subprograms we are going to debug print the values
of x and y to the immediate window (ctrl + g). Notice that when you try to print variable x it
outputs nothing. This is because x does not exist in Module 2. Therefore, a new variable x was
created in Module 2 and since we did not give this new x variable a value it's output was nothing.

Notice that when we print variable y's value the number 12 is shown in the Immediate Window.
This is because Module 2 subroutines have access to the public variables declared in Module 1.

Now the last line in Print_Values is going to give us an error. This is because we are trying to
initiate Display_Message from Module 1. Since Display_Message was declared as a private sub,
Print_Values does not have the ability to initiate it. There are a few things we can do to fix this:

1. We could remove the word "Private" from Display_Message

2. We could replace "Private" with "Public" in Display_Message
3. We can use the Application level and instead of using Call we could write Application.Run
"Display_Message " (this method serves as an override in case we wanted to keep
Display_Message private in the eyes of other outside module subroutines)

Scope of variables

A Variable’s Scope : The scope of a variable is the section of the application that can see and
manipulate the variable. If a variable is declared within a procedure, only the code in the specific
procedure has access to that variable. When the variable‘s scope is limited to a procedure it‘s called
local variable.


Private Sub Command1_Click()

Dim i as Integer

Dim Sum as Integer

For i=0 to 100 Step 2

Sum = Sum +i


MsgBox “ The Sum is “& Sum

End Sub

A variable whose value is available to all procedures within the same Form or Module are
called Form-wide or Module-wide (Global variable) and can be accessed from within all
procedures in a component. In some situations the entire application must access a
certain variable. Such variable must be declared as Public.

Lifetime of a Variable : It is the period for which they retain their value. Variables declared
as Public exist for the lifetime of the application. Local variables, declared within
procedures with the Dim or Private statement, live as long as the procedure.

You can force a local variable to preserve its value between procedure calls with the Static
keyword. The advantage of using static variables is that they help you minimize the
number of total variables in the application.

Variables declared in a Form outside any procedure take effect when the Form is loaded
and cease to exist when the Form is unloaded. If the Form is loaded again, its variables are
initialized, as if it’s being loaded for the first time.

Description of data structures
VB6 works with simple data types, like Integer and String variables. Although these data types are
useful in their own rights, more complex programs call for working with data structures; that is,
groups of data elements that are organized in a single unit, for working with, maintaining, and
manipulating lists of complex data.
Examples of common data structures:
 Arrays
 Enumerations
 Constants
 Structures

Introduction to Arrays
By definition, an array is a variable with a single name that represents many different items. When
we work with a single item, we only need to use one variable. However, if we have a list of items
which are of similar type to deal with, we need to declare an array of variables instead of using a
variable for each item

For example, if we need to enter one hundred names, it is difficult to declare 100 different names.
Besides, if we want to process those data that involves decision making, we might have to use
hundreds of if...then statements, this is a waste of time and efforts.So, instead of declaring one
hundred different variables, we need to declare only one array. We differentiate each item in the
array by using subscript, the index value of each item, for example, name(1), name(2), name(3)
.......etc. , makes declaring variables more streamline.

Types/Dimension of an Array data structure

An array can be one-dimensional or multidimensional. A one-dimensional array is like a list of
items or a table that consists of one row of items or one column of items.

A two-dimensional array is a table of items that make up of rows and columns. The format for a
one-dimensional array is ArrayName(x), the format for a two dimensional array is ArrayName(x,y)
and a three-dimensional array is ArrayName(x,y,z) . Normally it is sufficient to use a one-
dimensional and two-dimensional array, you only need to use higher dimensional arrays if you need
to deal with more complex problems. Let me illustrate the arrays with tables

Table 16.1. One dimensional Array

Student Name(1) Name(2) Name(3) Name(4)


Table 16.2 Two Dimensional Array

Name(1,1) Name(1,2) Name(1,3) Name(1,4)

Name(2,1) Name(2,2) Name(2,3) Name(2,4)
Name(3,1) Name(3,2) Name(3,3) Name(3,4)

Declaring Array
We can use Public or Dim statement to declare an array just as the way we declare a single variable.
The Public statement declares an array that can be used throughout an application while the Dim
statement declares an array that could be used only in a local procedure.

Declaring one dimensional Array

The general syntax to declare a one dimensional array is as follow:

Dim arrayName(subscript) as dataType

where subs indicates the last subscript in the array.

When you declare an array, you need to be aware of the number of elements created by the Dim
keyword. In the Dim arrayName(subscript) statement, subscript actually is a constant that defines
the maximum number of elements allowed. More importantly, subs start with 0 instead of 1.
Therefore, the Dim arrangeName(10) statement creates 11 elements numbered 0 to 11. There are
two ways to overcome this problem, the first way is by uisng the keyword Option Base 1, as shown
in Example 16.1.

Example 16.1

Option Base 1
Dim CusName(10) as String

will declare an array that consists of 10 elements if the statement Option Base 1 appear in the
declaration area, starting from CusName(1) to CusName(10). Otherwise, there will be 11 elements
in the array starting from CusName(0) through to CusName(10)

CusName(1) CusName(2) CusName(3) CusName(4) CusName(5)

CusName(6) CusName(7) CusName(8) CusName(9) CusName(10)

The second way is to specify the lower bound and the upper bound of the subscript using To
keyword. The syntax is

Dim arrayName(lowerbound To upperbound) As dataType


Dim Count(100 to 500) as Integer

declares an array that consists of the first element starting from Count(100) and ends at Count(500)


Dim studentName(1 to 10) As String

Dim num As Integer
Private Sub addName()
For num = 1 To 10
studentName(num) = InputBox("Enter the student name","Enter Name", "", 1500,
If studentName(num)<>"" Then
Form1.Print studentName(num)
End If
End Sub

**The program accepts data entry through an input box and displays the entries in the form itself.

Example 16.4

Dim studentName(1 to 10) As String

Dim num As Integer
Private Sub addName( )
For num = 1 To 10
studentName(num) = InputBox("Enter the student name")
List1.AddItem studentName(num)
End Sub
Private Sub Start_Click()
End Sub

**The program accepts data entries through an InputBox and displays the

items in a list box.

Declaring two dimensional Array

The general syntax to declare a two dimensional array is as follow:

Dim ArrayName(Sub1,Sub2) as dataType

Example 16.5
If you wish to compute a summary of students involve in games according to different year in a
high school, you need to declare a two dimensional array. In this example, let's say we have 4
games, football, basketball, tennis and hockey and the classes are from year 7 to year 12. We can
create an array as follows:

Dim StuGames(1 to 4,7 to 12 ) As Integer

Will create an array of four rows and six columns, as shown in the following table:

Year 7 8 9 10 11 12
Footba StuGames StuGames StuGames StuGames( StuGames( StuGames(
ll (1,7) (1,8) (1,9) 1,10) 1,11) 1,12)
Basket StuGames StuGames StuGames StuGames( StuGames( StuGames(
ball (2,7) (2,8) (2,9) 2,10) 2,11) 2,12)
Tennis StuGames StuGames StuGames StuGames( StuGames( StuGames(
(3,7) (3,8) (3,9) 3,10) 3,11) 3,12)
Hockey StuGames StuGames StuGames StuGames( StuGames( StuGames(
(4,7) (4,8) (4,9) 4,10) 4,11) 4,12)

Example 16.6
In this example, we want to summarize the first half-yearly sales volume for four products.
Therefore, we declare a two dimension array as follows:

Dim saleVol(1 To 4, 1 To 6) As Integer

Besides that, we want to display the output in a table form. Therefore, we use a list box. We named
the list box listVolume. AddItem is a listbox method to populate the listbox.

The code

Private Sub cmdAdd_Click()

Dim prod, mth As Integer ' prod is product and mth is month
Dim saleVol(1 To 4, 1 To 6) As Integer
Const j = 1
listVolume.AddItem vbTab & "January" & vbTab & "February" & vbTab
& "March" _
& vbTab & "Apr" & vbTab & "May" & vbTab & "June"
listVolume.AddItem vbTab &
For prod = 1 To 4
For mth = 1 To 6
saleVol(prod, mth) = InputBox("Enter the sale volume for" & " " &
"product" & " " & prod & " " & "month" & " " & mth)

Next mth
Next prod

For i = 1 To 4

listVolume.AddItem "Product" & "" & i & vbTab & saleVol(i, j) &
vbTab & saleVol(i, j + 1) & vbTab & saleVol(i, j + 2) _
& vbTab & saleVol(i, j + 3) & vbTab & saleVol(i, j + 4) & vbTab &
saleVol(i, j + 5)

Next i

End Sub

*Note: the keyword vbTab is to create a space

The output is shown in the figure below:

Figure 16.1

Dynamic Array
So far we have learned how to define the number of elements in an array during design time. This
type of array is known as static array. However, the problem is sometimes we might not know how
many data items we need to store during run time. In this case, we need to use dynamic array where
the number of elements will be decided during run time. In VB6, the dynamic array can be resized

when the program is executing. The first step in declaring a dynamic array is by using the Dim
statement without specifying the dimenson list, as follows:
Dim myArray()

Then at run time we can specify the actual array size using the ReDim statement,as follows:

ReDim myArray(1 to n) when n is decided during run time

You can also declare a two dimensional array using ReDim statement, as follows:

ReDim myArray(1 to n, 1 to m) when m and n are known during run time

Example 16.7
In this example, we want to display the elements of an array in a list box. The size of the array will
only be known during run time. It demonstrates the creation of a dynamic array using the ReDim

The Code

Private Sub cmd_display_Click()

Dim myArray() As Integer

Dim i, n As Integer
n = InputBox("Enter the upper bound of array")

For i = 1 To n
ReDim myArray(i)
myArray(i) = i ^ 2
List1.AddItem myArray(i)


End Sub

The output

Figure 16.2

Another problem related to ReDim is each time you ReDim an array, the values currently stored in
the array are lost. In order to preserve the stored values, we can use the keywords ReDim Preserve,
as follows

ReDim Preserve MyArray(n)

where n is the new upper bound of the array

Searching and Sorting Arrays

Searching Arrays
One of the most common tasks associated with arrays is searching through them to find some
desired element.

Linear Searches
Suppose we wish to write a method that takes in a one-dimensional array and some value x, and
returns either the position (i.e., "index") of x in the array, or -1 if x does not appear in the array.

One option would be to use a linear search. In a linear search, we compare x (which we call the
"key") with each element in the array list, starting at one end and progressing to the other.
Graphically, we can imagine the following comparisons being made:

Supposing that our array is an array of integers, we might use the following method to accomplish
this linear search:

Linear Search Example

Example in VB : An array of 10 exam marks is to be searched to find the one mark that was greater
than 90...The mark is then displayed in a TextBox called txtResult

First the array has to be declared and values assigned to each element of the array....

Remember the maximum subscript is 9, which means there are 10 elements in the array.

Dim Mark(9) As Integer

Mark(0) = 65
Mark(1) = 48
Mark(2) = 78
Mark(3) = 60
Mark(4) = 39
Mark(5) = 71
Mark(6) = 93
Mark(7) = 55

Mark(8) = 62
Mark(9) = 51

There are two ways of carrying out a linear search...

Method 1 : involves using an integer variable (n) that counts the element being checked. The value
of this counter needs to be incremented after each check...

Dim n As Integer



If Mark(n) > 90 Then

txtResult.Text = Mark(n)
End If


Loop Until Mark(n - 1) > 90

Method 2 : Use a For...Next Loop...

Dim n As Integer

For n = 0 To 9

If Mark(n) > 90 Then

txtResult.Text = Mark(n)
End If


n is the Control Variable for the loop. It must be declared as an integer...and basically counts from 0
to 9 for each time the loop is executed.

Binary Searches
Linear Searches work well, but when used on arrays with a large number of elements, they
potentially have to check every element to find a match. This can take a while, especially if we are
doing multiple such searches.

There is a way to speed things up substantially, however -- provided that the elements in the array
are ordered. (Let us assume for the sake of the discussion below that they are in ascending order).

A binary search works on an ordered list, and first compares the key with the element in the
middle of the array. (In the case of an even number of elements in our list, we will use the element
that ends the first half of the list as our "middle element").

 If the key is less than the middle element, we only need to search the first half of the array, so we
continue searching on this smaller list.
 If the key is greater than the middle element, we only need to search the second half of the array, so
we continue searching on this smaller list.
 If the key equals the middle element, we have a match -- end the search

The diagram below illustrates how a key value of 8 is found in an ordered list in just 3 steps:

Note how we keep track of the sublist we are actually searching by keeping track of its left-most
and right-most elements.

1. Initially, we are searching the entire list, so the left-most element is 1, while the right-most element
is 9. There is an even number of elements in our list, so as mentioned above, we use the element
that ends the first half of the list as our "middle element" (i.e., the "4").
2. Since 4 is less than the key value 8, we only need to search the second half of the list from 1 to 9.
As such, we update the left-most element of the list searched to be the "6", while we leave the right-
most element of the list searched unchanged (it's still the 9). The "middle element" of this sublist,
which again has an even number of elements, is again taken as the element that ends the first half of
this sublist from 6 to 9, which is 7.
3. Since 7 is still less than the key value 8, we again only need to search the second half of the sublist
from 6 to 9. As such, we update the left-most element of the sublist searched to be the 8, while we
leave the right-most element of the sublist searched unchanged (it's still the 9). The "middle

element" of this sublist, which again has an even number of elements, is again taken to be the
element that ends the first half of this sublist from 8 to 9, which is 8. (Note, as the sublist only has
two elements, following the aforementioned rule for finding "middles", gives us a middle for this
sublist identical to the "left-most" element of this sublist.)
4. Since 8 equals the key value, we stop the search, we have found what we were looking for!

Of course, we need to be keeping track of the indices of each of the elements, so we know what
position to return, when we are all done.

Here's an example of a binary search for 11 in the given list, that keeps track of index of the left-
most element (i.e., the "lowest index" to consider), the index of the right-most element (i.e., the
"highest index" to consider), and the index of the element in the "middle" of these two positions:

The search method in the above example should then return a value of 4, the index of the found key

Here's another example, where we are searching for a key value of 54:

Notice when we check if list[7] equals the key in the last step, and discover that 54 < 59, we must
conclude that the key value -- if present -- would be left of list[7], in an area of the main list that
was already eliminated. This, of course can't be -- so we know that key is not present in the list.

However, the position we found is still useful. We made an assumption with the binary search
method that our list was in ascending order. For this to be true, one of two things must have
happened -- either we sorted the list (which can be computationally expensive), or we never let our
list get out of order in the first place. That is to say, every time we added a value to the list, we
made sure we inserted it in just the right spot to preserve the order. Note, "just left" of list[7] is right
where we would want to insertthe key value of 54, Thus, we might have our search method not just
return a negative value (like -1), to indicate the absence of the key value in the list, but also build
into that negative value some useful information, like the index where the key value should be

Here's how this algorithm might look as code:

BinarySearch - Fast search in a sorted array

' Binary search in an array of any type

' Returns the index of the matching item, or -1 if the search fails
' The arrays *must* be sorted, in ascending or descending
' order (the routines finds out the sort direction).
' LASTEL is the index of the last item to be searched, and is
' useful if the array is only partially filled.

' Works with any kind of array, including objects if your are searching
' for their default property, and excluding UDTs and fixed-length strings.
' String are compared in case-sensitive mode.
' You can write faster procedures if you modify the first line
' to account for a specific data type, eg.
' Function BinarySearchL (arr() As Long, search As Long,
' Optional lastEl As Variant) As Long

Function BinarySearch(arr As Variant, search As Variant, _

Optional lastEl As Variant) As Long
Dim index As Long
Dim first As Long
Dim last As Long
Dim middle As Long
Dim inverseOrder As Boolean

' account for optional arguments

If IsMissing(lastEl) Then lastEl = UBound(arr)

first = LBound(arr)
last = lastEl

' deduct direction of sorting

inverseOrder = (arr(first) > arr(last))

' assume searches failed

BinarySearch = first - 1

middle = (first + last) \ 2
If arr(middle) = search Then
BinarySearch = middle
Exit Do
ElseIf ((arr(middle) < search) Xor inverseOrder) Then
first = middle + 1
last = middle - 1
End If
Loop Until first > last
End Function

Sorting Arrays
The binary search method, in both of the implementations discussed above required the array be
pre-sorted. What if that's not the case? How can we take an unsorted array and sort it?

Bubblesort is a specialized algorithm designed for sorting items that are already mostly in sorted
order. If only one or two items in your list are out of order, bubblesort is very fast. If the items in

your list are initially arranged randomly, bubblesort is extremely slow. For this reason you should
be careful when you use bubblesort.

The idea behind the algorithm is to scan through the list looking for two adjacent items that are out
of order. When you find two such items, you swap them and continue down the list. You repeat this
process until all of the items are in order.

Figure 1 shows a small list where the item 1 is out of order. During the first pass through the list,
the algorithm will find that items 4 and 1 are out of order so it swaps them. During the next pass it
finds that items 3 and 1 are out of order so it swaps them. During the third pass it swaps items 2 and
1 and the list is in its final order. The way in which the item 1 seems to bubble towards the top of
the list is what gives bubblesort its name.

2 2 2 1

3 3 1 2

4 1 3 3

1 4 4 4

Figure 1. In a bubblesort, item 1 slowly "bubbles" to the top.

You can improve the algorithm if you alternate upward and downward passes through the list.
During downward passes an item that is too far down in the list, like the item 1 in the previous
example, can move up only one position. An item that is too far up in the list might move many
positions. If you add upward passes through the list, you will be able to move items many positions
up through the list as well.

During each pass through the list, at least one new item reaches its final position. If the items in
your list begin mostly in sorted order, the algorithm will need only one or two passes through the
list to finish the ordering. If you have a list of 1,000 items with only one out of order, the algorithm
would require only 2,000 steps to put the list in its proper order.

If the items begin arranged randomly, the algorithm may need one pass per item in the list. The
algorithm would need up to 1 million steps to arrange a list of 1,000 items.

Listing 1 shows the VB code for the improved bubblesort algorithm.

' min and max are the minimum and maximum indexes
' of the items that might still be out of order.
Sub BubbleSort (List() As Long, ByVal min As Integer, _
ByVal max As Integer)

Dim last_swap As Integer
Dim i As Integer
Dim j As Integer
Dim tmp As Long

' Repeat until we are done.

Do While min < max
' Bubble up.
last_swap = min - 1
' For i = min + 1 To max
i = min + 1
Do While i <= max
' Find a bubble.
If List(i - 1) > List(i) Then
' See where to drop the bubble.
tmp = List(i - 1)
j = i
List(j - 1) = List(j)
j = j + 1
If j > max Then Exit Do
Loop While List(j) < tmp
List(j - 1) = tmp
last_swap = j - 1
i = j + 1
i = i + 1
End If
' Update max.
max = last_swap - 1

' Bubble down.

last_swap = max + 1
' For i = max - 1 To min Step -1
i = max - 1
Do While i >= min
' Find a bubble.
If List(i + 1) < List(i) Then
' See where to drop the bubble.
tmp = List(i + 1)
j = i
List(j + 1) = List(j)
j = j - 1
If j < min Then Exit Do
Loop While List(j) > tmp
List(j + 1) = tmp
last_swap = j + 1
i = j - 1
i = i - 1
End If

' Update min.
min = last_swap + 1
End Sub

Listing 1. Bubblesort.

Selectionsort is a very simple algorithm. First you search the list for the smallest item. Then you
swap that item with the item at the top of the list. Next you find the second smallest item and swap
it with the second item in the list. You continue finding the next smallest item and swapping it into
its final position in the list until you have swapped all of the items to their final positions. The VB
code for selectionsort is shown in Listing 2.
Sub Selectionsort (List() As Long, min As Integer, _
max As Integer)
Dim i As Integer
Dim j As Integer
Dim best_value As Long
Dim best_j As Integer

For i = min To max - 1

best_value = List(i)
best_j = i
For j = i + 1 To max
If List(j) < best_value Then
best_value = List(j)
best_j = j
End If
Next j
List(best_j) = List(i)
List(i) = best_value
Next i
End Sub

Listing 2. Selectionsort.

While looking for the Ith smallest item, you must examine each of the N - I items that you have not
yet placed in their final positions. Then the total number of steps the algorithm needs is:

N + (N - 1) + (N - 2) + ... + 1 = N * (N + 1) / 2

This function is on the order of N2. That means if you increase the number of items in the list by a
factor of 2, the run time of the algorithm will increase by a factor of roughly 22 = 4. There are
several other sorting algorithms that require only about N * log(N) steps (quicksort is one described
below), so selectionsort is not a very fast algorithm for large lists.

Selectionsort is fine for small lists, however. It is very simple so it is easy to program, debug, and
maintain over time. In fact it is so simple that it is actually faster than the more complicated

algorithms if the list you are sorting is very small. If your list contains only a dozen or so items,
selectionsort will probably be your best choice.

Quicksort is a recursive algorithm that uses a divide-and-conquer technique. While the list of items
to be sorted contains at least two items, quicksort divides it into two sublists and recursively calls
itself to sort the sublists.

The quicksort routine first checks to see if the list it is sorting contains fewer than two items. If so,
it simply returns.

Otherwise the subroutine picks an item from the list to use as a dividing point. It then places all of
the items that belong before this dividing point in the left part of the list. It places all of the other
items in right part of the list. The subroutine then recursively calls itself to sort two smaller sublists.

There are several ways in which the quicksort routine might pick the dividing item. One of the
easiest is to simply use the first item in the sublist being sorted. If the list is initially arranged
randomly, that item will be a reasonable choice. Chances are good that the item will belong
somewhere in the middle of the list and the two sublists the algorithm creates will be reasonably
equal in size.

If the numbers are initially sorted or almost sorted, or if they are initially sorted in reverse order,
then this method fails miserably. In that case the first item in the list will divide the list into one
sublist that contains almost every item and another that will contain almost no items. Since the
larger sublist does not shrink much, the algorithm makes little headway. In this case the algorithm
will require on the order of N2 steps. This is the same order of performance given by selectionsort,
only this algorithm is much more complicated.

A better method for selecting the dividing item is to choose one randomly. Then no matter how the
items in the list are arranged, chances are the item you select will belong near the middle of the list
and the sublists will be fairly evenly sized.

As long as the sublists are fairly equal in size, the algorithm will require on the order of N * log(N)
steps. It can be proven that this is the fastest time possible for a sorting algorithm that sorts using
comparisons. By using a little randomness, this algorithm avoids the possibility of its worst case N2
behavior and gives an expected case performance of N * log(N). Quicksort is very fast in practice
as well as theory, so it is the favorite sorting algorithm of many programmers.

Listing 2 shows the VB code for the quicksort routine.

Sub Quicksort (List() As Long, min As Integer, max As Integer)

Dim med_value As Long
Dim hi As Integer
Dim lo As Integer
Dim i As Integer

' If the list has no more than 1 element, it's sorted.
If min >= max Then Exit Sub

' Pick a dividing item.

i = Int((max - min + 1) * Rnd + min)
med_value = List(i)

' Swap it to the front so we can find it easily.

List(i) = List(min)

' Move the items smaller than this into the left
' half of the list. Move the others into the right.
lo = min
hi = max
' Look down from hi for a value < med_value.
Do While List(hi) >= med_value
hi = hi - 1
If hi <= lo Then Exit Do
If hi <= lo Then
List(lo) = med_value
Exit Do
End If

' Swap the lo and hi values.

List(lo) = List(hi)

' Look up from lo for a value >= med_value.

lo = lo + 1
Do While List(lo) < med_value
lo = lo + 1
If lo >= hi Then Exit Do
If lo >= hi Then
lo = hi
List(hi) = med_value
Exit Do
End If

' Swap the lo and hi values.

List(hi) = List(lo)

' Sort the two sublists

Quicksort List(), min, lo - 1
Quicksort List(), lo + 1, max
End Sub

Listing 3. Quicksort.


The discussion of quicksort above mentions that the fastest possible sorting algorithms that use
comparisons use on the order of N * log(N) steps. Countingsort does not use comparisons so it is
not bound by that result. In fact countingsort is so fast it seems to sort using magic rather than

On the other hand, countingsort only works under special circumstances. First, the items you are
sorting must be integers. You cannot use countingsort to sort strings. Second, the range of values
the items have must be fairly limited. If your items range from 1 to 1,000, countingsort will work
extremely well. If the items range from 1 to 30,000, countingsort will not work as well. If the items
range from 1 to 10 billion, you should go back to quicksort.

The algorithm starts by allocating a temporary array of integers with bounds that cover the range of
your items. If your items range from min_item to max_item, the algorithm creates an array like this:

Dim Counts() As Integer

ReDim Counts(min_item To max_item)

Next the algorithm looks through each of the items in the list and increments the Counts entry
corresponding to that item. When this stage is finished, Counts(I) holds a count of the number of
items that have value I. Keep in mind that the ReDim statement initializes each of these entries to 0
so you do not need to do this yourself.

For I = min To Max

Counts(List(I)) = Counts(List(I)) + 1
Next I

The program then runs through the Counts array converting the counts into offsets in the sorted list.
For example, suppose the items in the list have values between 1 and 1,000. There might be 15
items with value 1, 7 with value 2, 11 with value 3, and so forth. The items with value 1 will begin
at position 1 in the sorted list. Since there are 15 of them, the items with value 2 will start at
position 16. There are 7 of those so the items with value 3 will start at position 23, etc.

next_spot = 1
For i = min_value To max_value
this_count = counts(i)
counts(i) = next_spot
next_spot = next_spot + this_count
Next i

When this stage is complete, the entry Counts(I) indicates the position in the sorted list where the
first item with value I belongs.

Now the algorithm reads through the list again, placing each item in the correct position in the
sorted array. As the algorithm places each item, it updates the corresponding Counts entry so the
next item with the same value goes into the next position in the array.

If you are sorting data records rather than just numbers, you will need to use a temporary array.
Since you place each item directly in its final location in the sorted array, you cannot store the
sorted list in the same array as the original list. If you did, you would overwrite another item in the
list that might not yet have been moved to its correct location. If your program needs the items in
the original array, you will have to copy them back out of the temporary array when you have
finished sorting them.

To sort N numbers that have a range that spans M values, countingsort executes roughly 2 * N + M
steps. First it reads the N items to fill in the Counts array. Then it runs through the M values in the
Counts array converting them from counts into offsets. Finally it moves the N items to their correct
sorted positions.

If N is large and M is relatively small, 2 * N + M is much faster than the N * log(N) performance
given by quicksort. To sort 30,000 numbers that ranged from 1 to 10,000, for example, quicksort
might execute more than 400,000 steps. Countingsort would execute only about 70,000 steps and
take less than a fifth as long.

The VB code for countingsort is shown in Listing 4.

Sub Countingsort (List() As Long, sorted_list() As Long, _

min As Integer, max As Integer, min_value As Long, _
max_value As Long)
Dim counts() As Integer
Dim i As Integer
Dim this_count As Integer
Dim next_offset As Integer

' Create the Counts array.

ReDim counts(min_value To max_value)

' Count the items.

For i = min To max
counts(List(i)) = counts(List(i)) + 1
Next i

' Convert the counts into offsets.

next_offset = min
For i = min_value To max_value
this_count = counts(i)
counts(i) = next_offset
next_offset = next_offset + this_count
Next i

' Place the items in the sorted array.

For i = min To max
sorted_list(counts(List(i))) = List(i)
counts(List(i)) = counts(List(i)) + 1
Next i
End Sub

Listing 4. Countingsort.

Table 1 summarizes the strengths and weaknesses of the algorithms presented here. As you can see,
each performs well under some circumstances and badly under others. Here are some guidelines to
help you select the right algorithm for your situation.

 If your list is more than 99% sorted already, use bubblesort.

 If you have a very small list (under 100 items or so), use selectionsort.
 If the items in your list are integers ranging over a small number of values (up to several
thousand), use countingsort.
 Otherwise use quicksort.

Algorithm Advantages Disadvantages

Very slow sorting all other
Bubblesort Very fast for lists that are almost sorted
Very simple
Selectionsort Easy to understand Slow for large lists
Very fast for small lists
Trouble if there are lots of
Quicksort Very fast for large lists
duplicate data values
Slower when data range is
Extremely fast when the data is distributed over a
small range (e.g. all values are between 1 and 1,000) Requires extra memory
Only works with integer data
Table 1. Comparison of Sorting Algorithms.

Program SORT allows you to run each of these algorithms. You can enter the number of items to
sort and the maximum value the items should have. When you press the Go button, the program
builds a list of random numbers between 1 and the maximum you specified. The program then sorts
the numbers and displays the amount of time it took.

If you check the Start Sorted check box, the program will begin by sorting the list using Quicksort.
If you also fill in a value in the # Unsorted field, the program will then switch some items around so
the list contains the indicated number of unsorted items. The program will then sort the partially
sorted list using the algorithm you have selected. This allows you to test bubblesort on lists that are
mostly sorted.

Finally, you can fill in a value in the Repetitions field to make the program sort the list many
repeatedly. You will need to sort small lists many times to see that selectionsort is faster than
quicksort and countingsort for very small lists.

Using the program you can verify that:

 Selectionsort is fastest for small lists (use many repetitions).

 Quicksort is faster for larger lists.
 Countingsort is faster still if the number of items is larger than the largest item.
 Quicksort is faster than countingsort if the largest item is large (like 30,000) compared to the
number of items (like 1,000).
 Bubblesort is fastest if the list starts mostly sorted.

Database controls
Using Database Control, you can perform administrative tasks such as creating schema objects
(tables, views, indexes, and so on), managing user security, managing database memory and
storage, backing up and recovering your database, and importing and exporting data.

Data control and data-bound control

Data control Data-bound

Using data control is a two-step You create the controls, such as labels
process. First you place a data control and text boxes, to display the actual
on a form and set the properties to data. Each control is a bound to
link it to a database file and table particular field in the table. In this
example the label is called a data
bound control and automatically
displays the contents of bound field
when the project runs.
Data control generally links one form If you want to have data-bound
with one table. controls on second form, you must
place a data control on that form.
Prefix of data control is “dat” For data-bound control prefix
depends upon the control which you
are using.
Data control to work you need to set To display data on the data-bound
some properties to connect with control that you are using like labels
database like connect property, or textboxes. You need set it?s data
database name property, record source property and data field name
source property. which is column name form the table.

Using the ADO Data Control

The ADO Data control uses Microsoft ActiveX Data Objects (ADO) to quickly create connections
between data-bound controls and data providers. Data-bound controls are any controls that feature a
DataSource property. Data providers can be any source written to the OLE DB specification. You
can also easily create your own data provider using Visual Basic's class module.

Although you can use the ActiveX Data Objects directly in your applications, the ADO Data
control has the advantage of being a graphic control (with Back and Forward buttons) and an easy-
to-use interface that allows you to create database applications with a minimum of code.

Figure 7.4 The ADO Data Control

Several of the controls found in Visual Basic's Toolbox can be data-bound, including the
CheckBox, ComboBox, Image, Label, ListBox, PictureBox, and TextBox controls. Additionally,
Visual Basic includes several data-bound ActiveX controls such as the DataGrid, DataCombo,
Chart, and DataList controls. You can also create your own data-bound ActiveX controls, or
purchase controls from other vendors.

Previous versions of Visual Basic featured the intrinsic Data control and the Remote Data control
(RDC) for data access. Both controls are still included with Visual Basic for backward
compatibility. However, because of the flexibility of ADO, it's recommended that new database
applications be created using the ADO Data Control.

For More Information A complete list of data-bound controls can be found in "Controls That
Bind to the ADO Data Control." To find out how to use the intrinsic Data control or the Remote
Data control, see "Using the Data Control" or "Using the Remote Data Control." For details about
creating a data provider, see "Creating Data-Aware Classes."

Possible Uses

 Connect to a local or remote database.

 Open a specified database table or define a set of records based on a Structured Query
Language (SQL) query or stored procedure or view of the tables in that database.

 Pass data field values to data-bound controls, where you can display or change the values.

 Add new records or update a database based on any changes you make to data displayed in
the bound controls.

To create a client, or front-end database application, add the ADO Data control to your forms just as
you would any other Visual Basic control. You can have as many ADO Data controls on your form
as you need. Be aware, however, that the control is a comparatively "expensive" method of creating
connections, using at least two connections for the first control, and one more for each subsequent

Active Data Object(ADO) Connection

Since data control is not a very flexible tool as it only work with limited kinds of data and must
work strictly in the Visual Basic environment.

To overcome these limitations, we can use a much more powerful data control in Visual Basic,
known as ADO control. ADO stands for ActiveX data objects. As ADO is ActiveX-based, it can
work in different platforms (different computer systems) and different programming languages.
Besides, it can access many different kinds of data such as data displayed in the Internet browsers,
email text and even graphics other than the usual relational and non-relational database information.
To be able to use ADO data control, you need to insert it into the toolbox. To do this, simply press
Ctrl+T to open the components dialog box and select Microsoft ActiveX Data Control 6. After this,
you can proceed to build your ADO-based VB database applications.

The following example will illustrate how to build a relatively powerful database application using
ADO data control. First of all, name the new form as frmBookTitle and change its caption to
Book Titles- ADO Application. Secondly, insert the ADO data control and name it as adoBooks
and change its caption to book. Next, insert the necessary labels, text boxes and command buttons.
The runtime interface of this program is shown in the diagram below, it allows adding and deletion
as well as updating and browsing of data.

The property settings of all the controls are listed as follow:

Control Property Setting

Form Name frmBookTitle
Book Titles -
Form Caption
ADO Name adoBooks
Label1 Name lblApp
Label1 Caption Book Titles
Label 2 Name lblTitle
Label2 Caption Title :
Label3 Name lblYear
Label3 Caption Year Published:
Label4 Name lblISBN
Label4 Caption ISBN:
Labe5 Name lblPubID
Label5 Caption Publisher's ID:
Label6 Name lblSubject
Label6 Caption Subject :
TextBox1 Name txtitle
TextBox1 DataField Title
TextBox1 DataSource adoBooks
TextBox2 Name txtPub
TextBox2 DataField Year Published
TextBox2 DataSource adoBooks
TextBox3 Name txtISBN
TextBox3 DataField ISBN
TextBox3 DataSource adoBooks
TextBox4 Name txtPubID
TextBox4 DataField PubID
TextBox4 DataSource adoBooks
TextBox5 Name txtSubject
TextBox5 DataField Subject
TextBox5 DataSource adoBooks
Command Button1
Command Button1
Command Button2
Command Button2
Command Button3
Command Button3
Command Button4
Command Button4
Command Button5
Command Button5

Command Button6
Command Button6
Command Button7
Command Button7

To be able to access and manage a database, you need to connect the ADO data control to a
database file. We are going to use BIBLIO.MDB that comes with VB6. To connect ADO to this
database file , follow the steps below:

a) Click on the ADO control on the form and open up the properties window.

b) Click on the ConnectionString property, the following dialog box will appear.

When the dialog box appear, select the Use Connection String's Option. Next, click build and at
the Data Link dialog box, double-Click the option labeled Microsoft Jet 3.51 OLE DB provider.

After that, click the Next button to select the file BIBLO.MDB. You can click on Text Connection
to ensure proper connection of the database file. Click OK to finish the connection.

Finally, click on the RecordSource property and set the command type to adCmd Table and
Table name to Titles. Now you are ready to use the database file.

Now, you need to write code for all the command buttons. After which, you can make the ADO
control invisible.

For the Save button, the program codes are as follow:

Private Sub cmdSave_Click()

adoBooks.Recordset.Fields("Title") = txtTitle.Text
adoBooks.Recordset.Fields("Year Published") = txtPub.Text
adoBooks.Recordset.Fields("ISBN") = txtISBN.Text
adoBooks.Recordset.Fields("PubID") = txtPubID.Text
adoBooks.Recordset.Fields("Subject") = txtSubject.Text

End Sub

For the Add button, the program codes are as follow:

Private Sub cmdAdd_Click()


End Sub

For the Delete button, the program codes are as follow:

Private Sub cmdDelete_Click()

Confirm = MsgBox("Are you sure you want to delete this record?", vbYesNo, "Deletion
If Confirm = vbYes Then
MsgBox "Record Deleted!", , "Message"
MsgBox "Record Not Deleted!", , "Message"
End If

End Sub

For the Cancel button, the program codes are as follow:

Private Sub cmdCancel_Click()

txtTitle.Text = ""
txtPub.Text = ""
txtPubID.Text = ""
txtISBN.Text = ""
txtSubject.Text = ""

End Sub

For the Previous (<) button, the program codes are

Private Sub cmdPrev_Click()

If Not adoBooks.Recordset.BOF Then

If adoBooks.Recordset.BOF Then
End If
End If

End Sub

For the Next(>) button, the program codes are

Private Sub cmdNext_Click()

If Not adoBooks.Recordset.EOF Then

If adoBooks.Recordset.EOF Then
End If
End If

End Sub

Database Reports
Once the Data Environment designer has been created, you can create a data report. Because not all
of the fields in the data environment will be useful in a report, this series of topics creates a limited
report that displays only a few fields.

To create a new data report

1. On the Project menu, click Add Data Report, and Visual Basic will add it to your project.
If the designer is not on the Project menu, click Components. Click the Designers tab, and
click Data Report to add the designer to the menu.

Note The first four kinds of ActiveX designers loaded for a project are listed on the
Project menu. If more than four designers are loaded, the later ones will be available from
the More ActiveX Designers submenu on the Project menu.

2. Set the properties of the DataReport object according to the table below:

Property Setting
Name rptNwind
Caption Northwind Data Report

3. On the Properties window, click DataSource and then click deNwind. Then click
DataMember and click Customers.

Important To set the DataSource property to deNwind, the Data Environment designer
must be open. If it is closed, press CTRL+R to display the Project window, then double-
click the data environment icon.

4. Right-click the Data Report designer, and click Retrieve Structure.

You have added a new group section to the designer. Each group section has a one-to-one
correspondence to a Command object in the data environment; in this case, the new Group
section corresponds to the Customers Command object. Notice also that the Group Header
has a matching Group Footer section.

Note The Data Environment allows you to create hierarchies of Command objects wherein
a Command object has more than one child object — child Command objects parallel to
each other. The Data Report designer, however, is not as flexible, and can't display more
than one child object at a time. In such cases, when executing a Retrieve Structure
command, the Data Report will display only the first of the child commands, and none
below it. Thus you should avoid creating Command hierarchies with parallel children

5. From the Data Environment designer, drag the CompanyName field (under the Customers
command) onto the Group Header (Customers_Header) section.

The Group Header section can contain any field from the Customers command, however,
for demonstration purposes, only the Customer name is displayed at this time.

6. Delete the Label control (rptLabel) named Label1.

If you do not want a Label control to be included with the TextBox control, you can
uncheck the Drag and Drop Fields Caption option on the Field Mapping tab of the Data
Environment designer's Options dialog box.

7. From the Data Environment designer, drag the OrderDate field (under the Orders
command) onto the Details (Orders_Detail) section. Delete the Label control.

The Details section represents the innermost "repeating" section, and thus corresponds to the
lowest Command object in the Data Environment hierarchy: the Orders Command object.

8. Resize the Data Report designer's sections to resemble the figure below:

It's important to resize the height of the Details section to be as short as possible because the
height will be multiplied for every OrderDate returned for the CompanyName. Any extra
space below or above the OrderDate text box will result in unneeded space in the final

9. Save the project.

Preview the Data Report Using the Show Method

Now that the data environment and the data report objects have been created, you are almost ready
to run the project. One step remains: to write code to show the data report.

To show the data report at run time

1. On the Project Explorer window, double-click the frmShowReport icon to display the
Form designer.

2. On Toolbox, click the General tab.

When you add a Data Report designer to your project, its controls are added to the tab
named DataReport. To use the standard Visual Basic controls, you must switch to the
General tab.

3. Click the CommandButton icon and draw a CommandButton on the form.

4. Set the properties of the Command1 control according to the table below:

Property Setting
Name cmdShow
Caption Show Report

5. In the button's Click event, paste the code below.

6. Private Sub cmdShow_Click()
7. rptNwind.Show
End Sub

8. Save and run the project.

9. Click Show Report to display the report in print preview mode.

Optional—Setting the Data Report as the Startup Object

You can also display the data report with no code at all.

1. On the Project menu, click prjNwind Properties.

2. In the Startup Object box, select rptNwind.

3. Save and run the project.

Note If you use this method, you can remove the Form object from your project.

Emerging trends in visual programming
It wasn‘t many years ago that using a computer meant literally learning a new language.

Innovations like the graphical user interface exposed basic elements like the filesystem to a wider
audience, and the Internet has become increasingly democratized as user-friendly tools like
Wordpress, Youtube and Soundcloud allow anyone to create, publish and distribute content without
writing a line of code. Today an explosion of accessible prototyping kits is making it possible for
amateurs and hobbyists to sink their teeth into the growing Internet of Things by cobbling together
connected computing projects.

But when it comes to making that hardware do your bidding, most tinkerers will still encounter a
―language barrier‖. Even the most user-friendly development boards need to be programmed; and
even the simplest programming languages still look like alphabet soup to the uninitiated.

Fortunately, some developers have started to step in and provide user-friendly, visual programming
tools. These platforms abstract away the functions, variables and idiosyncratic syntax rules of the
underlying code and give users a simple drag-and-drop interface for building apps out of discrete
chunks of logic (―When this happens, do that‖) and widgets that can apply settings tailored to any
specific piece of hardware.

Here’s a roundup of visual programming platforms that have some application to the Internet
of Things—either because they’re tailor-made for programming sensors and embedded
computers, or because they’re general-purpose platforms for programming in the languages
that are compatible with those devices.

 Free / Open Source

 Commercial /Enterprise Focused
 Additional Tools and Resources

Challenges of emerging trends in Visual programming

Visual languages have a fundamental set of problems:

1. Visual Languages Aren’t Extensible

This is probably the capital sin of visual languages. They allow you to do a limited set of things
easily, but edge cases are far too difficult, or even impossible to achieve. Tools should give us more

power, instead of limiting us.

2. Visual Languages Generate Slow Code

Every developer who has faced performance problems knows how hard they are to diagnose and
overcome. Visual languages are leaky abstractions, often generating slow code which is impossible
to optimize.

3. Visual Language Tools Can Be Terrible

We live and breathe in our IDEs (Integrated Development Environments). When they are poor, they
can make our lives miserable! Visual languages and IDEs should be designed together: our love or
hate for a language is a direct measure of our love or hate for its tools.

4. Visual Languages Lock You In

Any technology decision brings a level of lock in. The fear of being locked into a dead-end is
justifiable, given that most visual languages generate unreadable lower level code, only target niche
segments, are supported by suicidal startups, or haven‘t left the research lab yet (where amazing
recent work, like Bret Victor‘s, is being done). Real success stories, of people using it in large
projects, are still rare, and these communities are still growing.

5. You Are Neurologically Programmed to Reject It

The problems in the previous sections are serious and, as visual language architects, we know it‘s
our responsibility to continue our work to address them, removing these limitations.

But there are deeper reasons why you don‘t trust visual languages:

The first is related to our love for complexity. Although we might say otherwise, we all do,
according to the father of usability, Don Norman. Take musical instruments, for instance: musicians
love them because they are hard to master. Think about legislation. Or even language: most poetry
is hidden under complex sentences and words. We love the intellectual challenge of thinking
difficult thoughts. Your mind is probably doing it right now, agreeing with these ideas, or checking
if there is anything wrong or missing in them.

We need, however, to be careful with this, as we create deep moats against the rest of the world,
and that brilliant xor swap algorithm I‘ve coded today may be somebody else‘s nightmare next

Like Steve Jobs said: ―Simple can be harder than complex. But it‘s worth it.‖

The second reason is even more primitive: it‘s fear of change. We take the time to acquire some
expertise, and suddenly it seems our old weapons are no longer needed. But we‘re seeing it wrong:
our weapons are not to be able to do a malloc, or pointer arithmetic; they are to be able to divide a
problem into smaller parts, to understand the process of iterating on its solution, to detect strange
code smells, to discuss a diagram on a whiteboard, to refactor systems into better architectures.

Those are our real weapons, the ones we‘ve been sharpening for years, weapons that, with higher
level languages, become even more deadly to any problem that might cross our path. Fear not: a
great developer will always be more valuable than any tool he works with.

Coping with challenges of emerging trends in visual programming

Let‘s face it: there‘s also social acceptance. We were here first, we bought the debut albums, we‘d
never be caught listening to the sellouts that make it easy for everyone.

1. We’ve Been Here Before

Because of these instinctive reactions, anything that aims to democratize computing is met with
skepticism. HyperCard, Delphi, Visual Basic, COBOL. We, the ―real‖ developers, are too quick to
point out their faults, and mock them with no mercy until they die, instead of helping them improve.
Even JavaScript almost had that same fate during the DHTML days.

There is, however, an analogy that might better show us the future: The shift from text operating
systems, like Unix and MS-DOS, to graphical user interfaces, like Mac or Windows, which suffered
pushback from several computer experts at the time.

That evolution, which seems so inevitable today, brought us better graphic cards – which lead to
better games, brought us the world wide web, brought us smartphones.

Can you imagine a world without these unbelievable things?

2. So, Are We Finally Ready For It?

Not sure: you may not, or you may feel we‘re not – it‘s fair either way. But try to understand your
biases, and don‘t be afraid to give visual languages a shot: there are several organizations like mine,
in different domains, challenging the way software is traditionally delivered, and pushing forward
the state of the art.

And even if, after trying them out, you still don‘t see the bright future of visual programming, that‘s
fine: consider keeping an open mind and come back later, otherwise you might just end up in the
wrong side of history.

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