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Environmental Compliance Form - English - 4

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Department of Environment and Natural Resources

Environmental Management Bureau

Regional Office No. IV - B MIMAROPA


(Issued under Presidential Decree No. 1586)


COOPERATIVE, is granted this Environmental Compliance Certificate (ECC) for the
Poblacion, Romblon, Romblon by the Department of Environment and Natural Resources
(DENR), through the Environmental Management Bureau (EMB), MIMAROPA Region.

This Certification is being issued for the project with the following details:


This ECC covers the Fuel Refilling Station Project having a total capacity of Twenty
Thousand (20,000) liters with a gross area of Two Thousand (2,000) square meters, covered
by Deed of Absolute Sale for TCT no. T-397 located at Brgy. Ibud, Sablayan, Occidental

The project shall operate and maintain its facilities and amenities as contained in the
submitted Initial Environmental Examination Checklist (IEEC) Report and Environmental
Management Plan (EMP).

This certification is issued in compliance to the requirements of Presidential Decree No.

1586, in accordance to Department Administrative Order No. 2003-30. The Bureau, however, is
not precluded from Devaluating, adding, removing, and correcting any deficiencies or errors
that may be found after issuance of this Certificate.

This is to certify, further, that in issuing this CERTIFICATE, it should be understood that
the same is a PLANNING TOOL and NOT A PERMIT. It is expected that the proponent will
diligently secure pertinent PERMITS/CLEARANCES from all concerned government agencies
prior to the start/implementation of the project. Furthermore, the DENR/EMB will be monitoring
the project periodically to ensure compliance with the stipulations cited in the attached
conditions and restrictions which are made as integral part of this ECC.

Issued at EMB MIMAROPA Region this

DEC 01

Recommending Approval: Approved by:


Chief , iSl^arance and Permitting Region Director
Division and OIC, EIA Section
j^nCgneurrent Capacity

6lh Floor DENR by the Bay Bldg., 1515 Roxas Blvd., Ermita Manila
Regional Director's Office 536-9786; Administrative and Finance Division Telefax No. 400-5960
Environmental Monitoring and Enforcement Division 521-8904, Clearance and Permitting Division Telefax No. 400-5960
E-mail Address: niitiinv;T- (/cmli aov.phum! emit '

N, Berberabe Gasoline Filling Station Project

Under the provisions of Presidential Decree 1586, I, JINKEELYN P. DE JOSE, do hereby

certify that the information provided to the Department of Environment and Natural Resources
(DENR) - Environmental Management Bureau (EMB), MIMAROPA Region pertaining to the
IBUD, SABLAYAN, OCCIDENTAL MINDORO, are true and correct to the best of my personal
knowledge and based on the records in my possession and I shall take full responsibility in
complying with all conditions and restrictions contained in this Environmental Compliance
Certificate (ECC).



SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN TO before me this , the above-

named affiant taking oath with Community Tax Certificate No. issued on

Signature of Administering Officer

3&VIPKA MPC Futf Refilling Station Project



The proponent shall strictly implement the following mitigating, enhancement, and rehabilitating

1. That the proponent shall ensure that the project implementation shall WOT START unless
all required/clearances from the concerned government agencies are secured. EMB shall
be advised when all the permits/clearances are secured and when will be the actual date
of project implementation;

2. That the proponent shall establish a reforestation and carbon sink program using
endemic/indigenous species to mitigate greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions of the project
in line with the DENR's thrust for GHG emissions reduction programs and National
Greening Program. The program shall be submitted to EMB-4B (MIMAROPA Region) six
(6) months prior to the project implementation;

3. That the proponent shall conduct an effective Information, Education and Communication
(IEC) Program to inform and educate all stakeholders, especially its contractors, workers,
and local residents about the mitigating measures embodied in its IEEC, the conditions
stipulated in this Certificate and the environmental and human safety features of the
project for greater awareness, understanding and sustained acceptance of the project.
The program shall be submitted to EMB-4B (MIMAROPA Region) on an annual basis;

4. That the proponent shall implement a Comprehensive Social Development Program

(SDP) and submit a separate report together with the Compliance Monitoring Report
(CMR) to the EMB-4B (MIMAROPA Region) on a semi-annual basis;

5. That the proponent shall strictly manage all external, traffic problems, excessive surface
runoff, dust, soil erosion, accidental spillage and health hazards identified in the Initial
Environmental Examination (SEE) Checklist Report and, in case of emergency episodes,
appropriate response activities shall be immediately undertaken for the protection of the
workers/ personnel, host and nearby communities and the receiving environment;

6. That preservation and easement retention of natural drainage/waterways shall be

undertaken and should conform with the provisions of the DENR Administrative Order No.
97-05 (Procedures in the Retention of Areas within certain distances along the Banks of
Rivers, Streams, and Shores of Seas, Lakes and Oceans for Environmental Protection). If
disturbed, a replacement drainage system shall be constructed within two (2) months from
the disturbance;

7. That the solid waste management scheme as provided in the Environmental Management
Plan (EMP) shall be continuously implemented from the start of the project operation.

8. The proponent shall Install adequate and properly maintain effective Water Pollution
Control Facility (Oil and Water Separator), to ensure maximum efficiency at all times in
order to conform to the prescribe DENR standards.

9. That proper Air Pollution Source and Control Installations (APSCI) shall be provided
by the proponent to avert pollutant emissions.

10. The proponent shall set up the following:

10.1 A Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) shall be entered into by the proponent
with the ECC Holders Association to become part of their MMT and in setting
up the corresponding Environmental Monitoring Fund (EMR prior to project

SAMFKA MFC Fuel Refilling Station Project
10.2A replenishable Environmental Monitoring Fund (EMF) to cover all costs
attendant to the operation of the MMT such as conduct meetings, training,
sampling and analysis, hiring of technical experts, meals, accommodations,
supplies and materials, communication, and transportation;
10.3 The amount and mechanics of the EMF and the establishment of the MMT shall
be determined by the EMB-MIMAROPA Region and the proponent in consultation
with stakeholder-communities and other concerned agencies. This MOA shall be
submitted to EMB-MIMAROPA within sixty (60) days upon receipt of this

Further administrative conditions for the grant of this Certificate shall be strictly

11. The project operations shall conform to the provisions of RA 6969 (Toxic Substances and
Hazardous and Nuclear Wastes Control Act of 1990), RA 8749 (Philippine Clean Air Act of
1999), RA 9003 (Ecological Solid Waste Management Act of 2000), and RA 9275
(Philippine Clean Water Act of 2004) and other relevant policies, rules and regulations;

12. Creation of an Environmental Unit (EU) within sixty (60) days from issuance of this
Certificate that shall competently handle the environment-related aspects of the project. In
addition to the monitoring requirements as specified in the Environmental Management
Plan/ Environmental Monitoring Plan, the EU shall have the following responsibilities:

12.1. Monitor actual project impacts vis-a-vis the predicted impacts and
management measures in the Generic IEE Checklist Report;
12.2. Recommend revisions to the EMP/EMoP, whenever necessary subject to the
approval of EMB-4B (MIMAROPA Region);
12.3. Ensure that data gathered during monitoring activities are properly
documented, assessed, evaluated and reported to EMB-4B (MIMAROPA
Region) in accordance with the standard formats;
12.4. Ensure that monitoring and submissions of reports to EMB-4B (MIMAROPA
Region) are carried out as required;
12.5. Regular submission of a semi-annual ECC Compliance Monitoring Report (on
or before January 15 and July 15 of each year the project is operational)
provided with supporting documents and in accordance with the prescribed
format stipulated in the Implementing Rules and Regulations of P.O. 1586;
12.6. Submit a quarterly monitoring report using the prescribed format of the Self-
Monitoring Report (SMR) pursuant to DAO 2003-27;
12.7. Submit an Abandonment Plan two (2) months prior to the abandonment
activities. It shall include rehabilitation measures/clean-up, costs, remediation
of areas possibly contaminated with toxic/hazardous substances and
presentation of options on proposed alternative projects in the area.;

13. That the proponent shall allocate ample budget for the implementation of the proposed
mitigating/enhancement measures during the operation and abandonment phases of the

14. That health and sanitation practices shall be observed in all phases of the project and
safety & personal protection equipment/devices shall always be provided to all
employees/workers within the premises of the project site to prevent health and
occupational hazards;

15. That a billboard containing this message: "Notice to the Public, THIS FUEL REFILLING
______ '
SAMPKA MPC Fuel Refilling Station Project
issued an Environmental Compliance Certificate (ECC-R4B-1511-0097) by the
Department of Environment and Natural Resources - Environmental Management
Bureau MIMAROPA Region on DEC 0 1 ?(ffl shall be installed at all entry and exit
points and in the perimeter of the project site facing the road to inform the general public
within thirty (30) days from receipt of the ECC;

16. That a copy of the ECC shall be posted in a conspicuous location at the field office of the
project site clearly visible to the public and shall be adequately framed or otherwise
protected against damage and at the barangay bulletin board of the host barangay(s)
within thirty (30) days from receipt of the ECC;

17. That any authorized DENR-EMB personnel, with proper identification card and
travel/mission order, shall be allowed unconditional access to conduct an on-the-spot
inspection and monitoring to the project without the need for prior notice to the proponent
to oversee compliance to the ECC.


1. That no other activities should be undertaken other than what was stipulated in the
Generic IEE Checklist Report. Should there be an expansion of the project beyond the
project description, construction of other structures beyond those stated in the Generic
IEE Checklist Report; or any change in the activity or location, shafl be made subject to a
new Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) requirements.

2. That all appropriate construction, operational and resource-use permits/clearances from

other national and local government agencies concerned (i.e. PMRB, PNP, LGUs, DPWH,
DOH, NWRB, HLURB, MGB, DA, DAR, DOLE, DTI, etc.) shall be secured pertaining to
the implementation of the project. Likewise, the proponent shall notify this Office of the
reckoning date of project operation.

3. That the proponent shall plant an equivalent area of the project with appropriate tree
species and shall coordinate with PENRO/CENRO concerned for area identification within
thirty (30) days prior to project implementation. And status of compliance shall be
included in the semi-annual submission of CMR

4. That the proponent shall plant an equivalent area of the project with appropriate tree
species and shall coordinate with PENRO/CENRO concerned for area identification.

5. That in case of transfer of ownership/management of this project, these same conditions

and restrictions shall apply and the transferee shall be required to notify this Office
concerned within fifteen (15) days as regards to the transfer of ownership/management.

6. That the proponent (SAMPKA MULTI-PURPOSE COOPERATIVE) shall be accountable

for any misrepresentation and failure to state material information in the submitted

The conditions stipulated in this Certificate shall be deemed final within fifteen (15) days from
receipt hereof and all conditions and restrictions set forth above shall be complied with by the
herein grantee. This ECC is deemed expired if not implemented within five (5) years from the
date of issuance and the proponent shall have to apply for a new ECC if it intends to pursue the

Non-compliance with any of the provisions of this certificate shall be a sufficient cause for the
cancellation or suspension of this certificate and/or imposition of a fine in an amount not to
exceed Fifty Thousand Pesos (PhP5Q,QQQ.QQ) forever/ violation thereof^ ^_____


For the assistance of the Proponent, LGUs and other concerned government agencies (GAs) in
the management of the project and for better coordination in mitigation on the impacts of the
project on its surrounding areas and to the environment.

By way of recommendation, the following have been taken notice of by this Office and are
providing these recommendations to the parties and authorities concerned for proper action and
integration into their decision making-process.

Regulatory Conditions
1 . The proponent shall comply with, but not limited to the

1.1 P.O. 856 or the Sanitation Code of the DOH

Philippines; DOLE-Bureau of Working
1.2 P.O. 442 or the Labor Code of the Philippines Condition
including occupational health and safety; Municipal Planning & Dev't.
1.3R.A. 6541 or the National Building Code of the Office/Building Official/BFP/
Philippines including adequate storm drainage LGU Concerned
system and other flood control measures and
compliance to the Fire Safety and Emergency
1.4 P.O. 705 & DAO 97-05; DENR Sector concerned

Environmental Planning Recommendations for the

2. Close monitoring of the project should be undertaken Proponent
by the proponent to maintain a high level of safety and
efficiency at all phases of the project and to
immediately address any environmental hazard that
may take place.

For dissemination and proper action of the parties concerned.

Chief, vjearance and Permitting
Regional Director
Divjsion^aod QIC, EIA Section
/in Concurrent Capacity

6th Floor DENR by the Bay Bldg., 1515 Roxas BlvcL Ermita Manila
Regional Director's Office 536-9786; Administrative and Finance Division Telefax No. 400-5960
Environmental Monitoring and Enforcement Division 521-8904, Clearance and Permitting Division Telefax No. 400-5960
E-maii Address: :~ "rrna ••'; --nib o'-v.-pn and jnin miir u (., vnhiv-.cmi

SAMPKA MFC Fuel Refilling Station Project

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