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Writing Task 2

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Many people believe that schools should teach children to become good citizens and workers rather than
independent individuals. To what extent do you agree or disagree? Give your own opinion and relevant examples.
Educational institutions like schools and colleges have a duty to mold students into law abiding citizens and hardworking
employees. However, I don’t think that this should be at the cost of their individuality.
Individuality helps people stand out in a crowd. Independent thinking fuels their creativity and helps them become good
writers, thinkers and artists. Their creative pursuits will bring glory to the nation and give patriots even more reasons to be
proud of their country.
Children spend a great deal of time in schools. The text books, the teachers and the general atmosphere at school have a
major impact on their impressionable minds. If schools don’t encourage creativity and independent thinking, the nation
will suffer.
Just because someone thinks independently, it doesn’t mean that they can’t become good citizens or good employees. I
can’t understand how independent thinking will make a person anti-national or anti-social. Some of the greatest patriots
we have seen were highly creative people who thought independently. There are numerous examples of such men and
women in the annals of World history.
A nation needs great thinkers, writers, artists, scientists and philosophers to take its culture and legacy forward. We can’t
accomplish much by being mechanized patriots and workers.
To conclude, I don’t agree with the argument that schools should only teach students to become good citizens and
workers. Yes, these institutions should teach these values, but they should also encourage independent thinking. A person
can be an independent thinker and a patriot at the same time. If one studies world history one can find several examples of
thinkers who were also great patriots and citizens. Since students spend a great deal of their time at school, it is the right
place to learn all of these values.
Some people say that computer games are bad for children by all means, others believe that these games are
contributing to children’s development. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.
Children nowadays spend several hours playing video games; since the last few years these games have become
increasingly popular. While some experts think that these games corrupt the brain, some others also feel that computer
games may actually teach kids high-level thinking skills for their future. This essay shall consider both perspectives and
end at a personal approach.
Parents usually complain of their child being addicted to video games, like playing for 2 hours at a stretch, but practically
but the time issue is a red herring. This is a normal time for a child to play – video game or otherwise. Another issue is of
these games being too violent. Although there’s no concrete research linking violent games to violence in real life,
common sense says we should limit a child’s exposure as such games glamorize violence and are not realistic. Playing
video games can be considered to be an addiction or detrimental if it disrupts or compromises other important things in
children’s life, for instance if they can’t concentrate on their homework because of gaming or have no friendships.
When a child plays video games, it gives his brain a real workout.  In many video games, the skills required to win
involve abstract and high level thinking. In shooting games, the character may be running and shooting at the same time,
which develops hand-eye coordination, fine motor and spatial skills. In strategy games, for example, while developing a
city, an unexpected surprise like an enemy attack might emerge.  This forces the player to be flexible and quickly change
tactics enabling quick thinking and making fast analysis. Because of all these factors, video games are deemed to be more
constructive than harming.
In closing, I’d say computer games are contributing to children’s development, though in an unconventional sort of way.
We cannot deny that we are now living in a high-tech, sophisticated world so an all-out negative attitude towards
computer gaming is not reasonable. Level-headedness in such matters can help curb the damaging effects.
It is more important for schoolchildren to learn about local history than world history. To what extent do you
agree or disagree?
Teaching history for schoolchildren has been a heated topic constantly.  There is a common belief that local history is
more important to children than world history. However, I disagree with this belief.
I believe the notion that local history is more valuable than world history should be rejected. Some people may claim that
the insights into the local historical values are completely enough for one to live. Their claim could be true a few
decades ago when most interpersonal communications were between people of the same race and origin. However, this
view is now outdated, as the world has become globalised, and international business and migrant workers have made
any community a global village. In this context, an understanding of a foreign country’s history would enable future local
workers to reinforce the relationship between them and the expatriates from that country.
In addition, I am strongly convinced that children would benefit the most only when the learning of local history is placed
parallel to that of world history. To understand a local historical event, children should put the regional and sometimes
even world context in that historical era into consideration. For example, children should acknowledge that the event
that Vietnam regained its independence after defeating the Japanese troops in Indochina in 1945 only happened after a
series of relevant events in the World War II, one of which is the surrender of Japan to the Allies. In this way of
learning, children would understand history more deeply and thoroughly.
All the existing data has provided a concrete foundation that the study of local history should always be parallel to that
of world history. This practice would guarantee that children learn history more comprehensively and be able to tighten
the bond with migrant workers in their country.
It is argued that children in the age of schooling should place more emphasis on learning the history of the place where
they live than the global history. While I agree that finding the local history will help them gain more knowledge of their
origin, I believe that there are some benefits of accessing the world history.
On the one hand, it is true that teaching children understanding of the local history helps them promote a sense of
patriotism. In fact, the whole Vietnamese had suffered numerous strauma during the war against Western enemies, just
because thousands of Vietnam heroes sacrificed their live to protect the independence and freedom. Therefore, they have
to a duty to increase the nationalism in the preservation of the peace that they are enjoying. Furthermore, nowadays more
young people are reluctant to studying history compared to epochal significance. This means that the value of historical
events will be put aside to some extent and gradually sink into oblivion, hence it is vital that children should learn the past
of ancestors and predecessors.
On the other hand, studying history in the world brings numerous benefits to young learners. Firstly, obtaining knowledge
from the world enhances our horizons of the civilization and developments of humans. During the globalization, more
children are likely to access international education, so they face misunderstanding and backwardness when moving to a
new country if they fail to recognize the importance of human history. In addition, attaining cultural literacy on a world
scale is another advantage. Human beings, unlike other species, have the gift of language, that is, symbolic thinking and
communication, so communicating intelligently in any language, requires that we share a common fund of knowledge,
information, vocabulary, and conceptual tools to become global citizens.
In conclusion, I hold my firm belief that by learning history at a local and international level in educational system, future
generations will get deeper insights into the past human dignity.
Nowadays, a lot of families have working parents. Some working parents believe other family members like
grandparents can take care of their children, while others think childcare centers provide the best care. Discuss
both views and give your own opinion.
Currently, many parents tend to be busy working, and they need to rely on someone else to take care of their offspring.
While some people think childcare organisations can offer the best care, I would argue that children should be looked
after by their grandparents.
On the one hand, it is believed that youngsters should be sent to childcare centres for some reasons. The first one is that
since those centres are professional organisations, their staff are often well trained and therefore have good babysitting
skills. For example, when a child falls over and gets himself injured, the staff can react quickly and give him first aid.
Furthermore, children can have a chance to make friends with their peers when coming there, which might increase their
communication and language abilities. If they are looked after by their family at home, they might feel a bit lonely.
On the other hand, I believe it is a better idea for grandparents to take care of their grandchildren. Firstly, as grandparents
have lived for many years and have brought up their own offspring, they have much more experience in raising children.
For instance, they might know how to calm the baby down when he cries. Secondly, grandparents are family members, so
they love their grandchildren more than other people do. As a result, they tend to spend much more time and effort caring
for their grandchildren compared to a childcare staff member. Finally, youngsters looked after by their grandparents are
likely to become more family-oriented and appreciate the value of a happy family.
Nowadays, more and more people decide to have children later in their life. What are the reasons? What are the
effects on society and family life?

In modern society, there has been a major concern that many couples have delayed parenthood. Some explanations for
this social trend will be put forward before an analysis of its impacts on society and family life is given.
A few reasons can be given to justify the trend of giving birth at later stages of life. First, the labour market is increasingly
competitive, and it is a norm that young parents defer having children to devote the whole time in the first years of their
employment to lay a sound foundation for their future career. Second, it is believed that children are raised better by older
parents. This seems valid since older fathers and mothers are generally wealthier, more experienced, and more willing to
take the responsibility of bringing up a child.
The trend exerts both advantageous and disadvantageous influence on society and families. On the one hand, children
born to more prosperous and experienced parents can receive a better and more comprehensive education, and thus
contribute more to society when they grow up. In each household, the parents may also reap the benefits of this trend, as
their first working years are not interrupted by pregnancy and childcare. On the other hand, when an aged couple decides
to give birth, there are serious health risks for the woman in the prenatal and postnatal period. If any complicated maternal
health problem arises, the life whole family would be turned upside down.
To conclude, the tendency to have children at later ages is caused by a number of factors, such as the competitiveness of
the job market for young adults, and both the positive and negative impacts of it can be seen in families and society.

Certain parents give their children everything they ask for. Is it good for children? What are the consequences
when they grow up?

There is a current distressing situation that the external life has burdened the youth with a wide range of pressures. In this
essay, I would discuss several precursors to this issue, before some viable measures are drawn.
The fact that children are coerced into pressures and responsibilities stems from a number of root reasons. As far as the
academic burden is concerned, it is the escalating competitiveness of the job market accompanied by the parental over-
expectation that is to blame. The organizations’ demand for a qualified workforce pours into the parents’ mind a thought
that their children have to be successful at school, and many youths today take studying as an obligation. In addition,
some children, mostly those who have special talents or are born in famous families, may find their personal life in the
public interest. The appearance on the media at such a young age may deprive the junior citizens of an innocent and
carefree childhood. Regarding the commercial pressure children have to encounter, fast food chains or sweetshops have
made them the target customers, and they are dragged into a chaotic influx of information by both the online and offline
advertising campaigns.

It is more important for school children to learn about local history than world history. To what extent do you
agree or disagree?

History is a subject that is present in most school systems and is compulsory at many levels of education. Regarding this
matter, debate has been heated about the importance of teaching of local history, instead of world history to
schoolchildren. In my point of view, the focus of this subject should be placed on the local history rather than the
history of the world.
Firstly, local history provides a foundation for the youth to explore their own identity and that of their nation. For
example, Vietnamese school children should be educated about the Great Hunger occurred in 1945 during the war with
the Japanese in order to fully appreciate the plight that their forefathers had experienced and therefore value the life of
peace, freedom and independence today. I feel it is essential that the youth, the leaders of tomorrow, are given the
broadest, most accurate platform on which they can construct their own perceptions of life.
Opponents of this view claim that the world history should not be removed from the school programs as it is related to
local history and students will have a better understanding of the subject. I am convinced that this view is flawed. In fact,
much history teaching is concerned simply with memorizing “facts” in the world that have little to do with their own
countries and therefore students will feel overburdened if they are obligated to learn it. This, in the long run, would not
benefit children.
All things considered, for school children, the relevance of receiving knowledge about local history dwarfs that of
learning world history.

Many people believe that schools should teach children to become good citizens and workers rather than
independent individuals. To what extent do you agree or disagree? Give your own opinion and relevant examples.

Parents usually complain of their child being addicted to video games, like playing for 2 hours at a stretch, but practically
but the time issue is a red herring. This is a normal time for a child to play – video game or otherwise. Another issue is of
these games being too violent. Although there’s no concrete research linking violent games to violence in real life,
common sense says we should limit a child’s exposure as such games glamorize violence and are not realistic. Playing
video games can be considered to be an addiction or detrimental if it disrupts or compromises other important things in
children’s life, for instance if they can’t concentrate on their homework because of gaming or have no friendships.
When a child plays video games, it gives his brain a real workout.  In many video games, the skills required to win
involve abstract and high level thinking. In shooting games, the character may be running and shooting at the same time,
which develops hand-eye coordination, fine motor and spatial skills. In strategy games, for example, while developing a
city, an unexpected surprise like an enemy attack might emerge.  This forces the player to be flexible and quickly change
tactics enabling quick thinking and making fast analysis. Because of all these factors, video games are deemed to be more
constructive than harming.
In closing, I’d say computer games are contributing to children’s development, though in an unconventional sort of way.
We cannot deny that we are now living in a high-tech, sophisticated world so an all-out negative attitude towards
computer gaming is not reasonable. Level-headedness in such matters can help curb the damaging effects.

Some people say that computer games are bad for children, by all means, others believe that these games are
contributing to children’s development. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.

Parents usually complain of their child being addicted to video games, like playing for 2 hours at a stretch, but practically
but the time issue is a red herring. This is a normal time for a child to play – video game or otherwise. Another issue is of
these games being too violent. Although there’s no concrete research linking violent games to violence in real life,
common sense says we should limit a child’s exposure as such games glamorize violence and are not realistic. Playing
video games can be considered to be an addiction or detrimental if it disrupts or compromises other important things in
children’s life, for instance if they can’t concentrate on their homework because of gaming or have no friendships.
When a child plays video games, it gives his brain a real workout.  In many video games, the skills required to win
involve abstract and high level thinking. In shooting games, the character may be running and shooting at the same time,
which develops hand-eye coordination, fine motor and spatial skills. In strategy games, for example, while developing a
city, an unexpected surprise like an enemy attack might emerge.  This forces the player to be flexible and quickly change
tactics enabling quick thinking and making fast analysis. Because of all these factors, video games are deemed to be more
constructive than harming.
In closing, I’d say computer games are contributing to children’s development, though in an unconventional sort of way.
We cannot deny that we are now living in a high-tech, sophisticated world so an all-out negative attitude towards
computer gaming is not reasonable. Level-headedness in such matters can help curb the damaging effects.

New parents should attend parenting classes to learn how to bring up their children well. To what extent do you
agree or disagree with the statement? Give your opinion, supported by examples from your own experience.

Some people think that allowing children to make their own choices on everyday matters such as food, clothes and
entertainment is likely to result in a society of individuals who only think about their own wishes. Other people believe
that it is important for children to make decision about matters that affect them. Discuss both views and give your opinion.
Some people think that parents should teach children how to be good members of society. Others, however, believe that
school is the place to learn this. Discuss both views and give your opinion.
Nowadays, many families move overseas for job opportunities. Some people think this is beneficial for children of these
families while others think children will find it difficult. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.

The best way for governments to solve the problem of traffic congestion is by providing free public transport in 24
hours per day, and seven days a week. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
Traffic and accommodation problems are increasing and the government should encourage some businesses to
move from cities to rural areas. Does advantage outweigh the disadvantages?
In the past, factories were often built close to city areas as the lack of transportation forbade people to do otherwise.
However, this is not exactly the case today, when industries and businesses are moving from municipal and into
countryside areas in flocks. This essay will elaborate on both positive and negative effects of this trend.
On the positive side, firstly, this movement makes perfect environmental sense. Due to industrial activities, residents of
many cities around the world are still breathing in air and consume water dirty enough to cause numerous health diseases.
Therefore, moving businesses out of the cities will rid human and other species of pollution. A further advantage of this
trend is reducing the gap between the rich and the poor in a country, as countryside dwellers can opt to work in factories
with higher pay, rather than agricultural work. This will eventually bring about peace and harmony to society.
On the negative side, doing business in the countryside also represents some notable drawbacks. To begin with, skilled
workers are a rarity in rural areas. Most people living in small towns and villages do not receive sufficient education to
undertake intellectual jobs. What is also disadvantageous is based in regional areas, companies risk distancing themselves
further from their customers, their suppliers and other partners in their business transactions, which can weaken their
In conclusion, moving business from cities to rural areas can be a smart decision. However, there are disadvantages that
should be weighed carefully against the advantages.

Some people believe the government should spend money on building trains and subway lines to reduce traffic
congestion. Others think that building more and wider roads is a better way to reduce traffic congestion. Discuss
both views and give your opinion.
The high volume of traffic is a huge problem for many big cities. Therefore, there is a widely held view among a number
of people that governmental bodies should pour money in building such public transport systems as train and subway
lines. Others, however, argue that road expansion is the more proper way. To my mind, though widening streets benefits
us, this can not alleviate traffic congestion. It is not by chance that developing public vehicles is considered one of the
common approaches to reduce traffic jams. To day, people have indeed used too many private vehicles whose
disadvantages can be listed. The long line of cars at peak hours is a typical example, which may lead to lengthy delays.
This can also cause other serious consequences such as traffic accidents. Accordingly, it is widely believed that building
underground tunnels can solve heavy traffic jams due to empty spaces beneath the ground.
However, according to others, road extension is a better alternative because this solution does not demand more efforts.
Also, extending road does not seem as costly as developing underground transport systems. Another reason for this is that
bigger roads will create more spaces for vehicle owners, helping them to circulate easily during peak hours. By doing so,
traffic congestion can be alleviated.
In my opinion, road expansion is not a long-term measure because people tend to drive their vehicles regularly on newly
widened streets. In other words, traffic jams might continue to occur. Therefore, government should take other solutions
into consideration for safer transportation.

Many people argue that in order to improve educational quality, high school students should be encouraged to
make comments or even criticism on their teachers. Others think it will lead to loss of respect and discipline in the
classroom. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.
Finding ways to improve educational quality is often one of the top priorities in every education system. In some cultures,
high school students are encouraged to give their opinions about teachers, but I believe that this can also give rise to a lack
of respect and discipline in the classroom.
On the one hand, it is true that feedback from learners may contribute to an improvement in educational quality. In many
cases, the level of comprehension of students relies very much, not on the content of the lesson but on the way teachers
conduct it. If, for example, the class is slow, it will be ineffective for teachers to teach too fast so that most students fail to
retain the information. Without the comments of students, it would be difficult to know whether the speed of the lesson is
appropriate for the class, which may eventually impair the quality of the lesson.
However, there are several drawbacks of allowing students to make comments and criticism on their teachers. Firstly,
teachers can be vulnerable to the negative words of students. Many will feel that their efforts in delivering the lesson
deserve praise rather than criticism or any form of feedback. This idea is commonly shared by teachers in the education
systems of many Asian countries. Secondly, the classroom may be in chaos due to the massive numbers of comments.
Opinions vary from students to students, and it would be impractical for teachers to work out a way of teaching that can
satisfy all students.
In conclusion, it seems to me that encouraging high school students to comment about their teachers does not necessarily
mean an improvement in education quality.

Some people think that schools should reward students who show the best academic results, while others believe
that it is more important to reward students who show improvements. Discuss both views and give your own
Giving encouragement is a necessary practice in every education system. In some countries, a form of awards is often
given to those who achieve the highest level of academic attainment, but this is not the most desirable solution, as will
now be discussed.
Some argue that students with the best academic results should be rewarded. The core of this argument is that this may
encourage students to study hard for the best grade and that those who excel at academic performances should be praised
for their efforts. However, only some brilliant students can be able to come top in formal exams while average students
may think that they are incapable of competing with more intelligent students at all. Therefore, slow students might feel
reluctant to bury themselves in study to achieve higher IELTS Band scores.
However, I side with those who believe that schools should reward those who endeavour to study and make significant
improvements in the educational environment. For example, when I was a child, I often received a small gifts from my
parents once I scored higher than I did in the previous exam. I still remember that this did make significant contributions
to my study and helped me to progress fast in the classroom. Thus, it is suggested that schools take the same action to
encourage students to learn. For instance, teachers can pay a compliment as the recognition of the efforts that students
make during the semester.
In conclusion, it seems to me that schools should reward those who make academic improvements rather than those who
score highest in the exam.

Many people go to university for academic study. Do you think that more people should be encouraged to do
vocational training as there is a lack of qualified workers such as electricians and plumbers?
It is true that we live in a society that places a high emphasis on white-collar jobs, which leads to a shortage of competent
blue-collar workers. Therefore, I totally agree with the idea that more teenagers need to be urged to take a course in
vocational schools.
On the macro level, this policy could create the balance between the two types of workers. Obviously, manual workers
contribute to the growth of the economy as much as those working in the office do. As a result, if a country fails to have a
sufficient number of manual workers, the growth of the economy might be negatively affected. For example, when a
country does not have enough electricians, the whole electricity grid of that country might be at the risk of malfunction.
The obvious consequence of this situation is that the power supply to factories and businesses would be unstable and
interrupted, which hinders the proper operation of its economy.
On the micro level, as there is a lack of skilled worker, those who possess a trade will seek employment more easily.
Recent graduates from universities are unable to have a job due to the intense competition and oversupply in the labor
market. By contrast, most vocational schools often offer programs that are in high demand or shortage. This means that
after finishing these courses, students are guaranteed a job in local factories. Consequently, many people with a bachelor
degree in business administration or finance are still jobless whereas those with a trade of plumbing or nursing have a
good job and, therefore, ensure a successful future.
In conclusion, the society is in a severe shortage of skilled workers; hence, encouraging more youngsters to attend trade
schools is actually necessary to maintain the economy in good shape.

Some people say that humanitarian subjects such as philosophy, history and literature that people study in
universities have no value for their future career. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement?
Give your own opinion and relevant examples.

Humanitarian education teaches various social topics from a humanitarian perspective. However important our academic
careers may be for us, a certain iota of humanity is always expected from us as being the superior living beings on earth.
Whether we need to study specialized subjects for such a quality to develop in us is a debatable issue.
The people who opine that studying such subjects is a waste of time may believe so, keeping in mind that many academic
curriculum is set and rarely changes. Therefore, the history, literature or philosophy that is taught is done from a text-
bookish perspective, and does not give in-depth knowledge of the same. Also, people feel that memorizing dates and
facts, sources of the origin of a language, or brooding on lessons derived from life hardly matter when we go out in search
of work.
On the contrary, humanitarian education particularly relates to offering assistance to others in an emergency or crisis and
is also used to refer to the skills, knowledge and attitudes needed for individuals and communities to help themselves. In
the hostile environment we are living nowadays, the goal of humanitarian education of communities increasing
their resilience and individuals and groups becoming confident, able and willing to help themselves and others when faced
with a crisis, is something that can obviously not be developed on our own.
I believe we need to look beyond the established stereotyping of history, literature and philosophy as subjects and need to
broaden our mentality. Apart from the much popular career choices that rake in our desired amount of money, the
historians, literary scholars and philosophers too play an important role in our societies. The teachings and observations of
Karl Marx, Aristotle, Socrates, Robert Louis Stevenson, Mark Twain and many such other personalities are still cited
today for reference.
Summarizing this essay we can conclude that classifying humanitarian subjects as having no value for future careers is
narrow minded. These subjects are also as important as any other, when being chosen for a thorough study so as to make a
career out of them.

Nowadays university education is very expensive. Some people say that universities should reduce their fees,
especially for the less fortunate students or those coming from rural areas. To what extent do you agree or disagree
with this statement?

There has been a significant increase in the university fees in the recent years, making it difficult for people of limited
means to consider getting educated. This essay shall explain the fee rise in the universities along with offering solutions in
the advantage of poorer students.
As the requirements of the world have become dynamic, so has the education industry in terms of curriculum and
facilities. Renowned universities now provide far more diverse courses with many advanced facilities to aid students. This
encourages student migration; therefore the universities have to add the tuition fees and accommodation charges in the fee
structure. Naturally, the university fees will rise. With more and more students taking admissions every year, this hike in
fees seems unlikely to go down.
However, this is not a very beneficial situation for the less privileged students. Most students who opt for university
studies do so in hopes of getting good jobs, so as to be able to recover their study expenses. But high fees make it
incredibly expensive and burdensome for these students to pursue higher education from the start. One solution can be of
getting student loans, but in many cases it is observed that students’ parents simply don’t have the collateral to get loans.
Some alternatives in favour of reducing university fees for students can be to raise income from third party sources; this
can be comparatively easy for top universities. Getting government funding is another option. Also, instead of a  blanket
reduction in fees, if possible, a nominal hike can be made in the general fee structure, excluding the poor students, for
their better targeted support.
To conclude, I’d say the cost of a degree is an important determinant of the decision to apply to university. In order to
grow their talent pools and attract the best talent, rich or poor, universities should provide a consideration for students that
cannot take admissions due to financial constraints, but could’ve otherwise performed remarkably.

The world’s natural resources are consumed at an ever-increasing rate. What are the dangers of this situation?
What should we do?
It is true that there is growing consumption of natural resources in many parts of the world. This has potential problems,
and we need to take action to combat the issue.
The overexploitation of natural resources results in several negative effects. Chief among them is a greater level of
environmental contamination. In recent years, emissions from traffic have increased significantly due to the growing
demand for fossil fuels globally. This impairs the quality of life and decreases the life expectancy of people. In Vietnam,
for example, an increasing number of people are suffering from respiratory problems as a result of the deterioration in air
quality. Another consequence is that natural resources will be dwindling shortly in the near future. A possible scenario of
this is that countries may fall into a fuel war, which threatens mankind as a whole.
The situation calls for prompt actions. One measure would be that campaigns should be continued to raise public
awareness about saving energy. For example, we can opt for public transport whenever possible rather than relying on our
private vehicles. This will contribute to a reduction in the level of exhaust emissions released into the environment,
slowing down the progress of global warming. The second remedy is that alternative energy sources should be developed
to reduce our dependence on fossil fuels. We should invest in solar power, wind power, and nuclear energy to make them
viable for public use in the coming years.
In conclusion, an increase in the world’s demand for natural resources is posing a number of threats to society. However,
this can be handled by adopting the above mentioned suggestions.

Developments in technology have brought various environmental problems. Some believe that people need to live
simpler lives to solve environmental problems. Others, however, believe technology is the way to solve these
problems. Discuss both views and give your own opinion
The improvements in technology currently bring about harmful effects on the environment. While some people believe
having simpler lives is the only solution, I would argue that technological advances can help to tackle these environmental
On the one hand, it is believed that individuals need to live simple lives and rely less on technology. The first suggestion
is that people should walk or cycle rather than drive cars. This is because the current number of cars being manufactured
and used is increasing, which causes high levels of exhaust fumes and makes air pollution a serious issue. Additionally,
people should try to reduce their consumption of electricity so that the exploitation of natural resources such as fossil fuels
or nuclear power can be minimized. An example of this idea is the annual event called Earth Hour, where everyone is
asked to turn their lights off for sixty minutes.
On the other hand, I believe the developments of technology can greatly contribute to environmental protection. Firstly,
because of those improvements, people can come up with ways to recycle materials such as paper or glass, which reduces
the problem of waste disposal. Secondly, technology can also help to create electricity using renewable resources. For
example, many countries in the world have built plants that utilise solar energy to generate power. As a result, it is not
necessary to rely on non-renewable resources, and people can create electricity without significantly damaging the
In conclusion, while some people think that they should live simpler lives to prevent environmental issues, I would argue
that these problems can be dealt with by technological improvements.

Some people think that the age limit for driving should be increased to make driving safer, do you agree or
Young people who commit crimes should be treated in the same way as adults who commit crimes. To what extent
do you agree or disagree?
There is an opinion that young offenders should be held accountable for their actions just as adults. While I find this view
of some people justifiable to some extent, I also argue that treating both young and mature lawbreakers equally may have
adverse effects.
On the one hand, I can understand why a young age should be no deterrent to dealing with criminals. If these juvenile
delinquents were easily pardoned in place of receiving strict punishments as adults, they would not become fully aware of
the serious consequences of their crimes. Therefore imposing appropriate punishments could prevent them from
conducting illegal actions in the future. Besides, young perpetrators usually receive lighter sentences than they deserve,
which is an injustice to the victims. In Vietnam, there was a well-known case in which a teenager murdered almost every
member of a family deliberately, escaping the death sentence due to being a few months under the responsible age.
On the other hand, I am convinced that juvenile criminals should be tried in a different court from that for adults. Firstly,
children are proven not to have sufficient intellectual or moral capacity to understand the outcomes of their misdeeds, so
they lack the necessary conditions to be trial defendants as grown-up people. Secondly, when given a second chance,
these underage convicts can have an opportunity to successfully rehabilitate and learn a valuable lesson. Thirdly, children
can be negatively influenced by some bad role models, which should also be considered to give them a fair trial.
In conclusion, breakers of laws should not be spared of punishments, but I believe young offenders should be dealt with
differently from adults.

Some people who have been in prison become good citizens later. Some people think that having these people to
give a talk to school students is the best way to tell them about the dangers of committing a crime. Do you agree or
Crime education is of paramount importance in any country, but the way it can be conducted is often a subject of debate in
society. While I agree that asking those who are released from prison to have a talk to school students is a good education
method, I also believe that there are better alternatives to the problem, as I will now discussed.
On the one hand, I agree that students may become aware of the consequences of engaging in criminal activities when
attending a talk given by ex-prisoners. Their life stories are often vivid and persuasive, and this can attract the attention of
school students easily. These ex-criminals are real examples that people have to pay for their unlawful activities, which
can raise awareness about law-abiding citizens among young people. The success of a series of educational programs on
Vietnamese Television channels about the price that offenders have to pay proves that the narrative forms of crime
education can work. It is hoped that a speech of used-to-be wrongdoers is promoted at all school levels in future.
However, I believe that a combination of different education methods would produce a more desirable result compared to
a former prisoner holding a talk. Primarily, parents should act as pioneers to educate children at an early age about social
evils and how to avoid them. It has long been acknowledged that the home environment has a profound effect on the
development of a child, and a significant percentage of juvenile crime stems from insufficient education criminals receive
in their childhood. Teachers at schools also play an important role in raising the awareness of students about crime. Moral
lessons ought not to be neglected in the classroom, and a positive education environment should be promoted,
contributing to crime prevention.
In conclusion, it is my opinion that a talk given by ex-offenders, albeit effective, is not the best education method for
crime education.

Many people are afraid to leave their homes because of the fear of crime. Some believe that more actions should be
taken to prevent crime. Others feel that little can be done. Discuss both views and give your opinion.
The popularity of crime today has made people stay indoors for self-protection. While it is a common belief that reducing
the crime rate is a nearly impossible mission, I hold the view that there are certain measures which can convert the world
into a safer place to live in.
On the one hand, many people argue that in such current era of moral decadence, any attempts to prevent crime would
turn out to be a failure. Poverty and unemployment are considered chief precursors to law violation, and only when these
two social issues are eliminated will crime disappear. However, it is true that a society can only provide a limited number
of jobs for its residents, and those who are not lucky enough to receive good education from childhood would find it
difficult to pursue a career to make ends meet. Such individuals are lack of both skills and orientation, and from their
perspective, becoming a thief might be a better way to survive compared to unstably living on governmental subsidies or
performing menial work. It seems that the root of this problem cannot be solved completely, and this is why how to halt
law-breaking may remain as an insurmountable question for the government.
On the other hand, I am of the opinion that there are still solutions to maintain criminal justice. Firstly, stricter sets of laws
are required, and the penalties should be corresponding to the severity of the wrongdoings. In a variety of countries, such
as the United Kingdom or Italy, the capital punishment has been abandoned; but I believe it should be reintroduced as the
fear of death may deter the potential offenders and stop them from committing serious crime. Secondly, the government
should encourage companies and organizations to expand and run more projects. These actions create jobs; therefore,
those who live under the poverty line not only do not have to become pickpockets or burglars for survival but also stand a
chance to earn a living with their own clean money.
In conclusion, I believe that the aforementioned measures can create more peaceful communities and ensure the safety of
the residents.

Scientists believe that by studying the behaviour of 3 years old children, we can predict if that child can become a
criminal in the future. To what extent is crime a product of human nature? Is it possible to stop children from
growing to be a criminal?
Some people say that when children under 18 are committing a crime they should be punished, while others believe
they should be educated. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement? Give your own opinion.
Over the last few years, there has been a worrying increase in the numbers of young offenders being reported, where
many of them are involved in instances of burglaries, robberies, shoplifting and even street muggings. In the hostile
environment that we live in, it becomes necessary to nip such problems in the bud, lest the youngsters become full-fledged
criminals when they grow up. Many believe that the children of today’s generation are very much aware and intelligent,
than the ones 30 years ago, to comprehend the actions around them. Many a times they aren’t even remorseful for their
actions. Therefore, they should be tried in courts as adults and punished according to the severity of the offence regardless
of them being underage.
In contrast, a lot of people also believe that such treatment of teenage offenders might not be the best solution. Knowing
the reason behind the crime committed is an essential factor in deciding the punishment to be given. The environment
during the upbringing of a child too influences his mentality to a great extent. Most of the research cases in this matter
have indicated that children who commit crimes, mostly do so because of some trauma they have themselves suffered
from in the past. It is only logical that the judgement of right and wrong of such children becomes impaired; therefore
they should be educated about the same, and not punished. Rehabilitating them and flushing all aggression from their
minds is giving them a deserved chance to live a better life, as they still have a lot of growing up to do.
To conclude, this being a sensitive and debatable issue, in my opinion, I feel the primary course of action for underage
criminals is to provide them guidance regarding the consequences of their actions. I don’t fully agree with not punishing
them at all; the extent of the punishment should be decided by the circumstances and the attitude of the offender, whether
he ispenitent or not.

There are only a few people who walk on a daily basis. What are the reasons and how to encourage them to spend
their time?
Everyone should become a Vegetarian because no one needs to eat meat to have a healthy diet. Do you agree or
Scientist agree that people are damaging their health by eating too much junk food. Some people think that the
answer to this problem is to educate people. Others think education will not work. Discuss both views and give
your opinion.
Do some people think that in order to prevent illness and disease, governments should make efforts in reducing
environmental pollution and housing problems To what extent do you agree or disagree with these statements?
In recent years, the outbreak of rare and new diseases has been preying on the minds of millions of people in the world.
Some suggest that the only way to win the battle against illness and disease is to improve the environmental conditions
and solve housing problems. As far as I am concerned, I am on the same wavelength with them on this matter.
It is no exaggeration to say that today the environmental pollution has reached its peak, and its effects on humans,
animals, and vegetation alike can be grave and irreparable. With each passing minute, hundreds of lives are claimed in the
world, and their reasons for death are from people’s daily activities – those related to the degradation of the environment.
For instance, today’s farmers are no stranger to the practice of overdosing the farmlands with pesticides and insecticides.
Besides, countless factories are poisoning the water with toxic refuse and environmentally unfriendly chemicals. If efforts
are made in stopping these activities, many people would be saved from unnecessary diseases.
In addition to this, I feel that in order to combat disease, housing problems should be properly addressed, especially in
metropolitan areas where accommodation is scarce, and people are plentiful. Homeless people who are forced to live in
the gutter or in small sewage-ridden, iron sheds on the streets are carrying diseases that are highly infectious. For this
reason, they should be provided with sanitary places where they can live so as not to affect the lives of other people.
Though some people contend that government needn’t spend a lot on environmental pollutants as industrial proliferation
are bound to have hazardous byproducts, however, it shall be very unpragmatic to let the harmful agents deplete the
immunity of people today.
To conclude, it is my belief that most modern plagues can be prevented if the governments are willing to take the bull by
the horns to introduce and enforce appropriate measures in handling this situation. I hope that future generations enjoy
lives with no disease.

Advertising discourages people from being different individuals by making us want to be and to look the same. To
what extent do you agree or disagree?

An often debated topic is whether advertising has a major influence on the growing similarity of people’s lifestyles in the
modern world. I partly agree with this opinion for a number of reasons.
On the one hand, the power of advertising is undeniable. The growth of the advertising industry has resulted in many
people buying products of the same manufacturer, which can be seen in the case of consumer goods. Today, the
advertising campaigns of multinational companies such as Unilever have been so successful that their products almost
dominate the market. Smaller enterprises tend not to be able to compete with these giant market leaders due to their
disadvantages of capital poured into advertising programs. Thus, customers are often swayed to buy products of famous
brands rather than those made by less well-known companies.
On the other hand, it is also true that people tend to copy others’ lifestyles without being affected by advertising. For
example, it is valid to argue that many young people are trying to emulate their idols’ fashion styles. Many manage to
purchase the same clothes, dye their hair, and wear the same perfume as their stars do. People can also turn to their social
relations for advice when they need to buy something. For instance, junior citizens usually ask their friends before they
come to a final decision on buying a smartphone.
In conclusion, advertising has indeed the gap between each individual’s lifestyle in modern society. However, I believe
that it is not the sole factor that contributes to the trend.

Research has shown that overeating is as harmful as smoking. Therefore, the advertising of certain food products
should be banned in the same way as the advertising of cigarettes in some countries. To what extent do you agree
or disagree?
The main aim of the advertising campaign is to increase sales of a certain product, but people don’t really need it.
To what extent you agree or disagree? Give your own opinion and relevant examples.
Advertisements are becoming more and more common in everyday life. Is it a positive or negative development?
Some people think that there is a great influence of news media on people’s lives and this is a negative development. Do
you agree or disagree with this statement? Give your opinion and relevant examples.
The influence of media is growing stronger and stronger as time passes. The speed at which news travels around the world
has become faster with the advancement in technology. A lot of people believe this influence to have more drawbacks
than the merits. This essay shall discuss both views and offer a reasonable conclusion.
Gaining information on current events has become quicker and easier as people have a host of resources on which they
can depend on for news about the world, like TV news channels, radio broadcasts, newspapers, internet, smartphone
applications and so on. Sharing and exchanging of views on the same has also become quite popular. Apart from
panel discussions on news channels, public forums on the internet also let us know the various reactions people have to a
certain piece of news – like the comments on Facebook under any news article – that shape our opinions. However the
pressing question is whether these determinants are for the better or worse.
Too much dependence on anything is never good, which exactly sums the scenario of people’s growing dependence on
news media. For instance, many news channels nowadays keep on looping the same (maybe insignificant) news piece all
day long, hammering it in the minds of unsuspecting people. The many small media houses that are cropping up are
deemed to be corporate sell-outs that publish news relating to the interests of the party that funds it, and cater to the
masses by putting out the most sensational news stories.
The freedom of sharing opinions about any issue also can be feared to seed stereotypical judgments into people’s thinking.
This is bad especially for developing and under-developed nations, where a majority of the people are not rational enough
to be exposed to the press. For example, news about a plane crash focusing on the casualties and the dangers of the crash,
instead of the relevant things like structural stability, changes the attitudes of such kind of people towards that risk
regardless of its real probability.
Weighing all the arguments presented above, I can conclude that the growing influence of news media is definitely a bad
development on people’s lives. Unless the news informants take a firm hold of their responsibilities towards journalism,
over-reliance on such news sources can be detrimental.
International travel can sometimes make people more prejudiced rather than broad-minded. Why do people fail to
benefit when they travel? What we can do to improve their understanding of the countries they visit?
People who live in foreign countries should follow their traditions and customs. To what extent do you agree or
Many people argue that foreigners should adapt to the local customs and traditions when they come to reside in a new
country. I completely agree with this view.
Newcomers will certainly face difficulties if they do not conform to the norms of social behavior in the host country.
Firstly, it will become almost impossible for them to blend into their new environment. For example, an entrepreneur who
comes to live in a new country and starts up a business must be aware of the business practices of that country. There are
bound to be many pitfalls, not only legal ones but also simply in terms of winning and keeping customers. Secondly,
recent immigrants might fall foul of the law if they do not respect the behavior and customs of locals. In Singapore, for
instance, residents will consider newcomers dirty and ill-mannered if they litter the street or spit gum in public places.
There are also many benefits for foreigners when they do adopt the customs and traditions of their new country of
residence. One advantage is that local people will be more welcoming when they feel that the newcomers are showing
respect for the local way of life. The establishment of closer links with the host community might lead to greater
integration and mutual understanding. Another benefit is the richness of the experience which newcomers will gain from
enjoying aspects of local customs and traditions, enabling them to participate in community life and avoid social isolation.
During festivals and national holidays, especially, they will feel like they ‘belong’ in their new country.
In conclusion, I would argue that it is essential for new residents to follow the traditions and habits of locals in the host
community in order to integrate fully into society.

Whether or not someone achieves their aims is mostly by a question of luck. To what extent do you agree or
The debate whether luck is the primary determinant of success in achieving targets has been heated constantly. My
position is that hard work and determination are far more important than luck, while we must not consider  luck as the
main precursor of the attainment of one’s goals.
I advocate the notion that the role of being diligent and determined is more significant than luck. Thomas Edison, one of
the greatest inventors in the 20th century, is an excellent example of such a notion. He conducted numerous experiments
with the filament until the finest light bulb was produced; and his hard work, rather than luck, was acknowledged by all
the human race. Another clear evidence of this notion is the case of Nguyen Ngoc Ky. This disabled man could not write
by hand, but he was determined enough to teach himself to write with his foot. The fact that he would then became one of
the greatest teachers in the history of education in Vietnam provides a concrete foundation that even with bad luck,
determination could result in goal achievement.
By contrast, I believe the saying that fortune has a major part to play is just a fallacy. One clear reason is that although
there may have been a number of people reaching their goals with good luck, such good luck in most cases only comes to
people who have worked hard. Take Mendeleev as an example. As a research chemist, he worked tirelessly for a few
decades, until one day in his dream, the complete arrangement of the elements appeared. we could ascribe the appearance
of this arrangement to luck, but no one could deny the extreme effort that Mendeleev had exerted. Another clear reason
for my belief is that luck could only lead people to short-term achievements, and there is nothing to ascertain that it would
continue to exist in the long run. The over-reliance on good fortune, as a result, would prevent people from achieving their
long-term or life-long aims.
In brief, I think the importance of luck in determining goal attainment is overstated, while there are much more significant
factors to consider, namely hard work and determination.

As well as making money, businesses also have social responsibilities. Do you agree or disagree?
People have different views about what kinds of obligations a company should have. While I accept that the top priority of
companies is to generate profits, I believe they should also have social responsibilities.
On the one hand, I believe businesses already contribute to society by merely focusing on making money. The first reason
is that when companies earn a good profit, they can expand their businesses, which creates more job opportunities for
people. Some big multinational corporations such as Apple or Microsoft can be a great illustration. They have been
employing hundreds of thousands of individuals around the world, which helps to reduce unemployment rates in many
countries. Additionally, when companies make higher profits, they will pay more taxes to the government. This money
can be used to invest in essential fields such as education or health care, which will benefit society as a whole.
On the other hand, I would argue that apart from making money, companies also need to have social responsibilities.
Firstly, since the rising number of factories these days has led to severe environmental damage, companies need to take
immediate actions to help protect the natural environment. For example, they could try new technologies to recycle their
wastes instead of disposing of them right away. Secondly, corporations should also consider helping those who are less
fortunate such as homeless or disabled citizens. This will contribute to a better society and also help to enhance the image
of the company or the brand.
In conclusion, although companies should prioritise the need to make profits, I believe they should also have social

The use of the mobile phone is as antisocial as smoking. Smoking is banned in certain places, mobile phones should
be banned like smoking. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

It has been claimed that, like smoking, mobile phones should be banned in some places due to their harmful effects. While
I accept that the use of mobile phones is antisocial in some ways, I believe it has more benefits and therefore, should not
be prohibited.
On the one hand, I agree that the use of mobile phones can sometimes be antisocial. Firstly, these devices might disturb
people’s work or study in some cases. For example, the sound of a mobile phone can interrupt a lecture, which affects the
concentration of students. Secondly, the use of mobile phones also adversely impacts communication between people.
Since individuals currently tend to spend too much time using mobile phones, they seem to have less time to interact with
On the other hand, I disagree that mobile phones should be banned because of certain reasons. The first one is that since
they allow people who live far away from each other to speak or send messages, they help people keep in touch more
easily. For instance, students who study abroad can use mobile phones to make phone calls or even video calls with their
families. The second reason is that mobile phones often provide users with many useful applications such as maps and
weather forecasts, which can make people’s lives become easier. Additionally, using mobile phones is not as bad as
smoking as some people think. While smoking directly affects people’s health and leads to health problems, the negative
influences of mobile phones are less serious.

Some people believe that anyone can create art such as painting, poetry, music and so on. Others think that a
person should have special abilities to create art. Discuss both views and give your opinion.

Art is a diverse range of creative activities that express the creator’s imaginations. Naturally, one can assume, to create art,
all you need is a good imagination. However, some others believe that you need to learn special skills to become an artist.
This essay shall discuss both the views in detail.
Any person with a creative vision and ingenuity can create art forms such as writing poetry, painting or composing a song
or two. Drawing up a mental picture of your feelings and expressing them effectively on paper will make you an artist.
For example, some people are sometimes driven by longing or grief for someone, which makes them spill their feelings
out in a song or a painting. This is why people feel that creating art is not that hard and can be attempted easily.
On the contrary, there are people who firmly opine that without learning how to express creatively, imagination alone
cannot help one become an artist. It requires years of training for people to become great artists. To become a musician,
for instance, one needs to learn all the fundamentals of rhythms and melodies; to play the guitar, one needs to learn all the
right chords. It doesn’t help if your imagination is vivid; you need to know the correct technique of expressing the same to
distinguish your creation from the ordinary mediocrities.
To conclude, I’d like to say that as easy as it sounds, creating art is definitely not a piece of cake. Sure, one might be
innate in some art forms, but enhancing that skill is very important to create masterpieces.

Nowadays, young people admire media and sports stars though they often do not set a good example. Do you think
this is a positive or negative development?

The admiration young people hold for celebrities is not a new phenomenon.  Throughout history, youths have been
inspired by people with outstanding athletic abilities.  It is argued that this admiration brings with it more positive than
negative issues/ramifications.  This will be proven by looking at how sports figures both instill inspiration and teach life
lessons to young people.
Firstly, celebrities often display extremely developed skills, which can help to spur young people towards a life full of
physically active.  For instance, school children are often driven to exercise in an attempt to emulate superstars such as
Novak Djokovic, Ronaldo, and Messi.  As this additional exercise is good for their health, it is difficult to argue that the
inspiration celebrities leave upon young people is entirely a bad thing. Thus, this shows that the admiration people hold
for sports stars has positive implications/reasons.
Although the negative character traits of many sports celebrities are often called into question, it is felt the public mistakes
professional athletes make can act as good morality lessons for young people.  A good image of this occurred when
Canadian runner Ben Johnson dishonorably lost an Olympic gold medal due to steroid use.  This incident showed young
people around the world that drug use is a shameful practice.  As this example illustrates, the public errors athletes
commit can often act as good lessons for adolescents.
After looking at the above, it is felt to hold athletes in esteem does not bring with it entirely negative consequences.   It is
assumed the historical admiration people retain for sports stars is not going to change into the foreseeable future.
Some people think that famous people can help international aid organizations to draw attention to important
problems. Others believe that celebrities can make problems seem less important. Discuss both views and give your

From the perspective of some people, aid agencies can take advantage of celebrities’ fame to raise public awareness of
certain important matters. Others, however, hold the view that such a method may only bring counterproductive results. I
find the latter argument more convincing.
Those who support the idea of using famed individuals’ assistance have their own justifications. First of all, people who
are considered role models have considerable influence on the public. Emma Watson, for instance, being a prominent
actress, is currently the goodwill ambassador for the United Nations, promoting gender equality and undoubtedly drawing
a great deal of attention from her admirers. Furthermore, a wider range of population can be reached if an organisation’s
campaign is represented by a popular star. In many parts of the world, some film stars are even more well-known to the
locals than the organisation itself owing to their appearance in familiar cinematic products. Therefore the introduction of a
humanitarian campaign can be further facilitated thanks to the artists.
Nevertheless, I can understand why other people are against inviting celebrities for assistance. When relying on the fame
of some people to attract more public attention, an aid programme can also be affected by their scandals. Mass public
disapproval may arise from a representative receiving a speeding ticket, or getting caught using illegal drugs,
undervaluing the significance of the aid programme. Another foreseeable drawback is that the public might take the
presence of famous entertainers as a mere publicity stunt. Without the evidence of real actions taken to mitigate a
problem, such as participating in a voluntary team to help the people in need, famous people may fail to draw the attention
of people to the situation.
In conclusion, while some people have reasons to believe in the success of celebrities in getting people to pay attention, I
tend to think that such an approach might not prove to be effective for aid organisations as expected.

Some people think that governments should give financial support to artists, musicians and poets. Others think
that it is a waste of money. Discuss both views and give your opinion.
Public celebrations (national days, festivals) are held in many countries. Some people say that these celebrations
are a waste of money and we should spend money on more important things. Do you agree or disagree?
The government should invest more money in teaching science than in other subjects for a country’s development
and progress. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
The government and individuals are spending too much money on national celebrations like the New Year or other
festivals. Do you agree or disagree?

People have different views about whether public expenditure on national occasions such as New Year or festivals is too
much nowadays. While I agree that governments and individuals are spending a significant amount of money on those
celebrations, I would argue that this activity is necessary and therefore can be considered acceptable.
It is true that a large amount of money is currently spent on some important celebrations of a country. Firstly,
governments are spending a proportion of their budget on holding events to celebrate these occasions. For example, much
money is being paid for fireworks on New Year ’s Eve in many countries around the world. Secondly, individuals also
spend money to have celebrations and parties with their families, which is a common habit in many areas. For instance,
my parents and I often have a special dinner on the final day of every year.
However, I believe there are great benefits of public spending on national celebrations, and therefore it is completely
justifiable. The first advantage is that this is a great way to preserve the culture of a nation. To illustrate, Lunar New Year
is an important part of the Vietnamese culture, and holding celebrations for this occasion is necessary to remind younger
generations of this tradition. Additionally, since these occasions are usually the only times for family members to have
time and enjoy together, it is understandable that people would want to spend money on something that makes them
happy. Finally, as there are only a few national celebrations in a year, the amount of money spent on those days is unlikely
to be too much.
In conclusion, I disagree with the idea that people and governments are spending too much money on national occasions.

Fewer and fewer people walk on a daily basis. What are the reasons and how to encourage them to spend their
time walking?

People seem to be increasingly reluctant to have a walk regularly. As there are certain causes of such a trend, some
solutions are also available to urge people to walk more.
Among the reasons for the lack of people’s interest in the walking activity, the convenience of modern technology in
traveling, and the boredom of walking activity are the two significant ones. Firstly, some technological applications  
supporting travelling such as electric lifts and escalators are very common in public places. These devices help people to
move to the higher levels of a building more easily and quickly than using the stairs, so people would feel unnecessary to
walk. Secondly, walking for exercise can seem monotonous to many people because they have to repeat a series of actions
every day, unlike going to the gym to use different exercising machines; additionally, it is less boring to train with and
talk to other members at the gym.
In order to raise people’s interest in walking, there are some workable solutions to be adopted. Firstly, walking the stairs
can be made a more enjoyable experience by adding some attractive decorations to them. For example, some 3D painting
artists can be hired to paint their eye-catching works of art on the walls and the staircases, which may make people excited
to use the stairs the next time. In addition, companies can offer some incentives such as free gym membership to the
employees who use the stairs instead of the lift. They can also hold a company event in the form of a walking competition
with prizes to promote the benefits of walking for health.
In conclusion, people dislike walking for several reasons, and this problem of inactivity can be addressed with some
measures suggested.

Some people think that the best way to increase road safety is to increase the minimum legal age for driving cars or
riding motorbikes. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Some individuals believe raising the minimum legal age for driving cars or riding motorbikes is the most effective method
of increasing road safety. While I accept that this policy is acceptable to some extent, I believe it is not the best because
there are much better measures to reduce traffic accidents.

It might be a good idea to increase the minimum age required for driving because of some reason. Firstly, since younger
people are usually less mature and less responsible with their manners, they might not be aware of the importance of
following the rules. Therefore, it is reasonable to ban them from travelling on the street to prevent them from breaking the
law and causing accidents. Secondly, as older people are more experienced, they can know how to react quickly to handle
dangerous situations on the road, while younger ones might not be able to. To illustrate, if the brakes of a car suddenly
stop working, a young driver might panic, and accidents are more likely to occur.
However, I would argue that there are much better methods of ensuring road safety. The first one is to have stricter
punishments for driving offenders. For example, people who break traffic rules should be required to pay huge fines or be
banned permanently from commuting on the street. This makes commuters more likely to respect the law, and traffic
accidents can be limited. Another solution is to encourage people to use public transport rather than private vehicles. This
can be done by reducing the price and increasing the frequency of buses and tubes to make it more convenient for users.
In conclusion, I believe that apart from increasing the legal age for driving, there are more effective ways to make sure
that travelling on the street is safe for everyone.

Whether or not someone achieves their aims is mostly by a question of luck. To what extent do you agree or

The debate whether luck is the primary determinant of success in achieving targets has been heated constantly. My
position is that hard work and determination are far more important than luck, while we must not consider  luck as the
main precursor of the attainment of one’s goals.
I advocate the notion that the role of being diligent and determined is more significant than luck. Thomas Edison, one of
the greatest inventors in the 20th century, is an excellent example of such a notion. He conducted numerous experiments
with the filament until the finest light bulb was produced; and his hard work, rather than luck, was acknowledged by all
the human race. Another clear evidence of this notion is the case of Nguyen Ngoc Ky. This disabled man could not write
by hand, but he was determined enough to teach himself to write with his foot. The fact that he would then became one of
the greatest teachers in the history of education in Vietnam provides a concrete foundation that even with bad luck,
determination could result in goal achievement.
By contrast, I believe the saying that fortune has a major part to play is just a fallacy. One clear reason is that although
there may have been a number of people reaching their goals with good luck, such good luck in most cases only comes to
people who have worked hard. Take Mendeleev as an example. As a research chemist, he worked tirelessly for a few
decades, until one day in his dream, the complete arrangement of the elements appeared. We could ascribe the appearance
of this arrangement to luck, but no one could deny the extreme effort that Mendeleev had exerted. Another clear reason
for my belief is that luck could only lead people to short-term achievements, and there is nothing to ascertain that it would
continue to exist in the long run. The over-reliance on good fortune, as a result, would prevent people from achieving their
long-term or life-long aims.
In brief, I think the importance of luck in determining goal attainment is overstated, while there are much more significant
factors to consider, namely hard work and determination.

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