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Strength of Materials 2 Stage (2021-2022) Civil Engineering Department Dr. Ali Hassan Ali

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Strength of Materials

2nd Stage (2021-2022)

Civil Engineering Department
Dr. Ali Hassan Ali
Chapter Topic
0 Primary Introduction
1 Stress
2 Strain
3 Mechanical Properties of Materials
4 Axial Deformation
5 Shear Forces and Bending Moments diagrams
6 Torsion
7 Bending Stresses in Beams
8 Shear Stresses in Beams
9 Combined Loads
10 Stress Transformations
11 Beam Deflections

• Philpot, T.A. (2017). Mechanics of

Materials: An Integrated Learning System.
4th Ed. John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

• Hibbeler, R.C. (2011). Mechanics of

Materials. 8th Ed. Pearson Prentice Hall.
• To understand the concept of stress and strain.
• To be familiar with the numerical equations of stress and
strain and the background theory.
• To know how to draw a free body diagram for the
structural members.
• To analyse different types and directions of loadings.
• To assess the mechanical properties of materials.
Outcomes of
• To be familiar with the behaviour of beams in bending and
courses torsion.
• To analyse the behaviour of beams in shear and deflection.
• To understand the classifications of beams, e.g.,
determinate, indeterminate…etc.
• To be familiar with the stress transformation by using
Mohr’s circle.
• To analyse axially compressed members, i.e., columns.
Chapter 11 Beam Deflections
11.1 Introduction

11.2 The Elastic Curve

Chapter 11 Beam Deflections
The relationship between the internal bending moment and the curvature of the elastic curve summarized
the moment–curvature relationship:

This equation relates the radius of curvature  of the neutral surface of the beam to the internal bending
moment M (about the z axis), the elastic modulus of the material E, and the moment of inertia of the
cross-sectional area, Iz. Since E and Iz are always positive, the sign of  is consistent with the sign of the
bending moment. As shown in Figure 11.1, a positive bending moment M creates a radius of curvature 
that extends above the beam that is, in the positive v direction. When M is negative,  extends below the
beam in a negative v direction. Figures 11.2-11.4 show the elastic curves of beams with various supports.

Chapter 11 Beam Deflections



Chapter 11 Beam Deflections
11.3 Evaluating Slope and Deflection Methods
Double Integration Method: In this method, for each segment, we integrate the differential equation of the bending
moment twice to obtain a slope equation, a deflection equation , and two constants of integration.

Differential Equations of the Deflection Curve: consider a cantilever beam with a concentrated load acting upward
at the free end. The axis of the beam deforms into a curve, as shown in the figure. The reference axes have their origin
at the fixed end of the beam, with the x axis directed to the right and the y axis directed upward.

Chapter 11 Beam Deflections
The changes in the structures are so small as to be unnoticed by a casual observer. Consequently, the deflection curves of
most beams and columns have very small angles of rotation, very small deflections, and very small curvatures. Under these
conditions we can make some mathematical approximations that greatly simplify beam analysis.

If the material of a beam is linearly elastic and follows Hooke’s law, the curvature is:

Thus, the basic differential equation of the deflection curve of a beam is:

Sign Conventions:
The signs of the bending moment and the second derivative must be consistent. The beam slope
changes from positive to negative in the segment from A to B; therefore, the second derivative is
negative. For segment BC, both d2v/dx2 and M are seen to be positive.

Chapter 11 Beam Deflections
Relationship of Derivatives:
The successive derivatives of the elastic curve deflection v with the physical quantities that they represent in beam action are
as follows:

Slope and Deflection by Integration:

Chapter 11 Beam Deflections
Boundary Conditions:
Boundary conditions are known slopes and deflections at the limits of the bending moment equation M(x). The term
“boundary” refers to the bounds of M(x), not necessarily the bounds of the beam. Although boundary conditions are
found at beam supports, only those supports within the bounds of the bending-moment equation should be considered.

Chapter 11 Beam Deflections

Chapter 11 Beam Deflections

Chapter 11 Beam Deflections
In simply supported beam subjected to concentrated load at x=L/2, the
max. deflection occurs at x = L/2 where dv/dx =0.


Chapter 11 Beam Deflections
Example 11.1: The beam is loaded and supported as shown in Fig. Assume EI constant of the beam, determine:
a- the equation of the elastic curve in term of x, E and I.
b- the rotation (slope) at points A, B and C.
c- the deflection at point B.
d- the max deflection.
Find the support reactions:
600 * 4 – Cy * 6 = 0 , Cy = 400 kN
Ʃ Fy = 0
400 - 600 + Ay = 0, Ay = 200 kN
200 * x – 600 * (x - 4) – M(x) = 0 o
M (x) = 200 x – 600 (x - 4)

Chapter 11 Beam Deflections
Boundary Conditions:
At x = 0, v = 0, sub in Eq. 3
EI * 0 = (100/3) * (03) – 100 * (0 – 4)3 + C1 * 0 + C2, C2 = 0
At x = 6 m, v = 0, sub in Eq. 3
EI * 0 = (100/3) * (63) – 100 * (6 – 4)3 + C1 * 6, C1 = -1066.66
a- equation of the elastic curve:
100 3
EI 𝑣 = deflection = x – 100 (x – 4)3 – 1066.66x

b- the rotation (slope) at points A, B and C.

EI = Rotation = 100 x2 – 300 (x – 4)2 – 1066.66
Rotation at A, x = 0
EI = 100 (0)2 – 300 (0 – 4)2 – 1066.66
A = -1066.66/EI
Rotation at B, x = 4 m
EI = 100 (4)2 – 300 (4 – 4)2 – 1066.66
B = 533.34/EI

Chapter 11 Beam Deflections
Rotation at C, x = 6 m
EI = 100 (6)2 – 300 (6 – 4)2 – 1066.66

C = 1333.34/EI
c- deflection at B, x = 4 m
EI 𝑣 = (4)3 – 100 (4 – 4)3 – 1066.66(4)

vB = -2133.31/EI
d- Maximum deflection
At the max. deflection, the slope ( = 0), so EI =0
EI = 0 = 100 x2 – 300 (x – 4)2 – 1066.66

Assume Vmax at 0  x  4
0 = 100 x2 – 300 (x – 4)2 – 1066.66, x = 3.26 ok. Sub in Eq.3
EI 𝑣max = (3.26)3 – 100 (3.26 – 4)3 – 1066.66(3.26)

vmax = -2322.45/EI

Chapter 11 Beam Deflections
Basic Load Represented by Discontinuity Function:
The integration procedures used to derive the elastic curve equations are relatively straightforward if the
beam loading can be expressed as single continuous function acting over the entire length of the beam.
However, the integration procedures can become quite complicated and tedious for beams that carry
multiple concentrated loads or segmented distributed loads.

1- Concentrated moment
M(x) = M (x-a)0

2- Concentrated load
M(x) = P (x-a)1

3- Uniform distributed load

𝑤 𝑤
M(x) = (x – b)2 – (x – a)2
2 2

Chapter 11 Beam Deflections
Example 11.2: for the beam and loading shown in the figure compute:
a- the slope of the beam at (C).
b- the deflection of the beam at (B).
Assume a constant value of EI =5*1013 N.mm2 for the beam.
1- Find the support reactions:
100 * 7 + 200 + 50 * 4 * 3 – Cy * 5 = 0 , Cy = 300 kN
Ʃ Fy = 0
300 – 50 * 4 - 100 + Ay = 0, Ay = 0 kN

2- Equilibrium: a = 1 m , b = 5 m ‫للحمل المنتشر‬

𝑤 𝑤
M(x) = M0 (x – a)0 + (x – b)2 – (x – a)2
2 2
50 50
M(x) = 200 (x – 1)0 + (x – 5)2 – (x – 1)2 + 300 (x – 5)
2 2

𝑑𝑣 50 50
EI = 200 (x – 1) + (x – 5)3 – (x – 1)3 + 150 (x – 5)2 + C1
𝑑𝑥 6 6

50 50
EI 𝑣 = 100 (x – 1)2 + (x – 5)4 – (x – 1)4 + 50 (x – 5)3 + C1x + C2
24 24

Chapter 11 Beam Deflections
3- Boundary conditions:
At xA = 0, vA = 0
50 50
EI 𝑣 = 100 (x – 1)2 + (x – 5)4 – (x – 1)4 + 50 (x – 5)3 + C1x + C2
24 24
200 50 50
0= (0 – 1)2 + (0 – 5)4 – (0 – 1)4 + 50 (0 – 5)3 + C1*0 + C2, C2 = 0
2 24 24
At xC = 5 m , vC = 0
50 50
0 = 100 (5 – 1)2 + (5 – 5)4 – (5 – 1)4 + 50 (5 – 5)3 + C1*5, C1 = - 213.33
24 24

a- Slope at C:
𝑑𝑣 50 50
EI = 200 (x – 1) + (x – 5)3 – (x – 1)3 + 150 (x – 5)2 – 213.33
𝑑𝑥 6 6

At xC = 5 m
50 50
EI c = 200 (5 – 1) + (5 – 5)3 – (5 – 1)3 + 150 (5 – 5)2 – 213.33
6 6
c = 50000 = 0.00107 rad
b- Deflection at B:
50 50
EI 𝑣 = 100 (x – 1)2 + (x – 5)4 – (x – 1)4 + 50 (x – 5)3 – 213.33x
24 24

50 50
At xB = 1 m, EI 𝑣B = 100 (1 – 1)2 + (1 – 5)4 – (1 – 1)4 + 50 (1 – 5)3 – 213.33*1, vB = -213.33/50000 = 0.0043 m = 4.3 mm
24 24

Chapter 11 Beam Deflections
Example 11.3: A beam is loaded and supported as shown in the Figure. Assume EI is constant for the
maximum deflection.
M(x) = - P * x
EI = M(x) = - Px

𝑑𝑣 𝑃
EI = - x2 + C1
𝑑𝑥 2

EI 𝑣 = - x3 + C1x + C2

At x = L, = 0, v = 0

𝑑𝑣 𝑃 𝑃
EI = 0 = - L2 + C1, C1 = L2
𝑑𝑥 2 2

At x = L, 𝑣 = 0
EI 𝑣 = 0 = - L3 + L3 + C2, C2 = - L3
6 2 3
At xfree = 0, 𝑣 = vmax
EI 𝑣 = - x3 + L2 x - L3
6 2 3
vmax = - L3

Chapter 11 Beam Deflections
Example 11.4: A beam is loaded and supported as shown in the Figure. Assume EI is constant for the
maximum deflection.
𝑤 2
M(x) = - x

𝑑2𝑣 𝑤 2
EI = M(x) = - x
𝑑𝑥2 2

𝑑𝑣 𝑤 3
EI =- x + C1
𝑑𝑥 6
EI 𝑣 = - x4 + C1x + C2

At x = L, =0

𝑑𝑣 𝑤 𝑤
EI =0=- L3 + C1, C1 = L3
𝑑𝑥 6 6

At x = L, 𝑣 = 0
𝑤 𝑤 𝑤
EI 𝑣 = 0 = - L4 + L4 + C2, C2 = - L4
24 6 8
At free end x = 0, 𝑣 = vmax
𝑤 𝑤
EI 𝑣 = - x4 + C1x - L4
24 8
vmax = - L4

Chapter 11 Beam Deflections
Example 11.5: find the maximum deflection for the simply supported beam. Assume EI is constant.
𝑑2𝑦 𝑤𝐿𝑥 𝑤 2
EI 2 = M(x) = - x
𝑑𝑥 2 2
Integrate both sides of the above equation, yields:
𝑑𝑦 𝑤𝐿 2 𝑤 3
EI = x - x + C1
𝑑𝑥 4 6

Apply the boundary conditions (B.C.):

At x = 𝐿, 𝑦B = 0, C1 = - L3

𝑑𝑦 𝑤 𝑤 3 𝑤
EI = Lx2 - x - L3 (Rotation equation)
𝑑𝑥 4 6 24
At x = 0 or L, 𝑣max = max = - L3

Integrate both sides of the above equation, yields:

𝑤 𝑤 𝑤
EI 𝑦 = Lx3 - x4 - L3x + C2
12 24 24
At xA = 0, 𝑦A = 0, C2 = 0
𝑤 𝑤 𝑤
EI 𝑦 = Lx3 - x4 - L3x (Deflection equation)
12 24 24

𝐿 5𝑤
At x = , 𝑦max = max = - L4
2 384𝐸𝐼

Chapter 11 Beam Deflections
Example 11.6: for the beam shown in Figure, compute:
a- the slope of the beam at A.
b- the deflection of the beam at B.
Assume a constant value of EI = 125000 kN.m2 for the beam.
1- Find the support reactions:
60 * 4 * 2 + 40 * 6 * 12 – Dy * 12 = 0 , Dy = 280 kN
Ʃ Fy = 0
-60 * 4 – 40 * 6 + 280 + Ay = 0, Ay = 200 kN

2- Equilibrium:
60 60 40
M(x) = 200 (x) + (x – 4)2 – (x)2 + 280 (x – 12) - (x - 9)2
2 2 2

𝑑𝑣 20
EI = 100 (x)2 + 10 (x – 4)3 – 10 (x)3 + 140 (x – 12)2 - (x - 9)3 + C1
𝑑𝑥 3

100 10 10 140 20
EI 𝑣 = (x)3 + (x – 4)4 – (x)4 + (x – 12)3 - (x - 9)4 + C1x + C2
3 4 4 3 12

3- Boundary conditions:
At xA = 0, vA = 0
100 10 10 140 20
0= (0)3 + (0 – 4)4 – (0)4 + (0 – 12)3 - (0 - 9)4 + C1*0 + C2 , C2 = 0
3 4 4 3 12

Chapter 11 Beam Deflections

At xD = 12, vD = 0
100 10 10 140 20
0= (12)3 + (12 – 4)4 – (12)4 + (12 – 12)3 - (12 - 9)4 + C1*12, C1 = - 1322.08
3 4 4 3 12

a- the slope of the beam at A:

At xA = 0
𝑑𝑣 20
EI = 100 (0)2 + 10 (0 – 4)3 – 10 (0)3 + 140 (0 – 12)2 - (0 - 9)3 - 1322.08
𝑑𝑥 3
A = - 125000
= - 0.01058 rad

b- the deflection of the beam at B:

At xB = 4 m
100 10 10 140 20
EI 𝑣B = (4)3 + (4 – 4)4 – (4)4 + (4 – 12)3 - (4 - 9)4 – 1322.08 * 4
3 4 4 3 12

vB = - = - 0.03036 m = 30.4 mm

Chapter 11 Beam Deflections


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